
Saturday, January 26, 2019

ARC Review: The Duke That I Marry by Cathy Maxwell

The Duke That I Marry is the last (I believe) in Cathy Maxwell's Spinster Heiresses series, and it was unfortunately also my least favorite of the bunch. While still a decent novel, several parts and bits weren't to my liking.

Against her normal character, Miss Willa Reverly is taking her life into her own hands and doing something bold. The day before her wedding, she sends her betrothed a note releasing him from their engagement. She knows there will be a scandal, but seeing as how the man has been absent since their engagement party, and honestly didn't even propose to her but talked with her father, Willa believes it's the best course of action. She agreed to the marriage originally because she got a copy of romantic poems he wrote years before that made her believe he was capable of loving her, and she has always been the obedient daughter. But now with his absence and rumors of his affair with a married woman, she wants out.

The rumors are true that Matthew Addison, Duke of Camberly, was in love with a married woman. And it was because of her rejection of him as well as business in his newly acquired estate and dukedom, that he left London. Matt has quite a morning when he gets Willa's note right after he learns that his family lost their entire fortune due to blackmail. It looks like the blackmail turned into murder, and Matt now wants vengeance for his family. But first, he must get Willa back on board with marrying him for her funds.

Matt makes all haste to confront Willa and convinces her to continue their betrothal. From there the couple must jump hurdles of jealousy, and Matt's quest for vengeance. Willa struggles with the marriage, but Matt keeps working at it. Willa wants love, and Matt is nervous to fall in love again after the disaster that happened the first time.

I struggled with the entire love story. I felt Willa forgave Matt way too soon, and that he didn't express his apologies well enough. As with most relationship issues, the two mostly just need to communicate better. Otherwise, I really wasn't convinced of their romance. The vengeance/mystery side of the story was intriguing and honestly was the only part of this book that kept me going. Also, without giving away spoilers, I was disappointed with the Epilogue as it didn't really touch on things I believe it should have.

While this wasn't a grand slam in my opinion, it was still a pretty pleasant read. I still love Cathy Maxwell as a writer, and I am curious to see what she has in store for her readers next.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, January 25, 2019

ARC Review: We Shouldn't by Vi Keeland

I absolutely love Vi Keeland! I don’t even read blurbs anymore for her books, I just know whatever she writes I am going to read. We Shouldn’t was everything I’ve come to know and love from her and I enjoyed this story a lot. I was entertained from start to finish and can’t wait for whatever Vi writes next!

A business merger finds Bennett and Annalise competing for the same job. If that wasn’t bad enough, they get off on the wrong foot before they even know that they are rivals when Annalise tries to get out of a ticket and ends up vandalizing Bennett’s car. But soon they find that they have more than just the job to fight over, when the attraction between them becomes more than they imagined it would be. 

I liked Bennett and Annalise. Vi’s characters are always layered with more than meets the eye and that was true here as well. I enjoyed getting to know both of them, and seeing beneath the surface. Bennett had a few moments that he was a bit on the cocky side, but I still really liked him. I felt the attraction and chemistry between them, and felt like they were good for one another. They were sexy and entertaining, yet there was more to them as well. 

Overall, I was drawn in from the first page and had a great time reading this book just like everything I’ve read from Vi Keeland. I will admit that there were a few things that kept this one from being a 5 star for me, the biggest one being something that happened with Bennett after feelings had started to develop between him and Annalise. I don’t want to say what it was, and honestly I am still not even sure entirely what it was as we never really found out. I just wish that we had actually been given the information on exactly what happened and the biggest thing for me was just the not knowing. Definitely not enough to keep me from enjoying this book or to stop me from reading more from Vi in the future, just something that kept this from being my favorite of Vi’s. I think readers will really enjoy this one though, just like I did.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Feature and Giveaway: Beyond Risk by Connie Mann

The river runs wild

Former Fish & Wildlife Officer Charlotte "Charlee" Tanner still carries the guilt of a tragic drowning accident that occurred on her watch. She hoped moving back home to the wilds of central Florida would provide a safe haven-until she learns the death was no accident, and she's the intended target.

But no wilder than their passion

Tough and decisive, Lieutenant Hunter Boudreau loves his new job as a law enforcement officer with the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission. Charlee is his best friend, so when she comes under fire, he's not letting her out of his sight until the killer is caught. But Charlee won't sit by and let anyone else die for her.

As danger closes in and Charlee and Hunter's attraction threatens to consume them, Charlee has to decide if she can trust Hunter. And to save Charlee, Hunter will have to trust her, too.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple |

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Feature and Giveaway: Crazy Cupid Love by Amanda Heger

When a single arrow inspires romance, can you really trust happily ever after? In this magical rom-com, the descendants of Greek mythology must learn to live and love in a mundane world where Aphrodite's blessing can sure feel like a real pain in the quiver.

Eliza Herman (a.k.a. The World's Worst Cupid) has spent her entire life carefully avoiding her calling as a Descendant of Eros. After all, happily-ever-afters are nothing but a myth. But when a family crisis requires her to fill in at the local Cupid-for-hire shop, Eliza finds herself enchanting couples under the watchful eye of her assigned mentor, Jake Sanders...the one man she could never get out of her head.

Before long, Eliza is rethinking her stance on romance―until things start going terribly wrong with her enchantments. Now Eliza and Jake must fight to unravel a conspiracy that could destroy thousands of relationships, including their own...and spell the end of Love itself.

No pressure, right?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple | Kobo |

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Guest Post with Author Kat Martin and Giveaway

New York Times bestselling author Kat Martin is a graduate of the University of California at Santa Barbara where she majored in Anthropology and also studied History. Currently residing in Missoula, Montana with her Western-author husband, L. J. Martin, Kat has written sixty-five Historical and Contemporary Romantic Suspense novels. More than sixteen million copies of her books are in print and she has been published in twenty foreign countries. Her last novel, BEYOND CONTROL, hit both big lists … NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER LIST as well as the USA TODAY BEST-SELLING BOOKS LIST. Kat is currently at work on her next Romantic Suspense.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Guest Post with Author Tracy Brogan and Giveaway

Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Tracy Brogan is a three-time Romance Writers of America RITA finalist for her Bell Harbor series. She writes fun, funny stories about ordinary people finding extraordinary love, and she lives in Michigan with her two brilliant daughters and their two intellectually challenged dogs. She loves to hear from readers, so check out her website at

Sunday, January 20, 2019

ARC Review: The Mad Herringtons by Jane Myers Perrine

From what I can tell, The Mad Herringtons is a standalone book from Jane Myers Perrine. I was bored a bit at the beginning of this book, and I didn't connect well with any characters. However, as the story progressed, it got better, until by the end I discovered I really enjoyed it. Also, by the end, I was happily surprised to realize it was a relatively clean historical romance! This is a rarity, and I am excited by it.

Aphrodite Herrington comes from a very large family. She feels like an outsider to her kin, and she is very reserved and responsible while her family is each ruled by their passions. A couple years prior she let her heart start to be ruled by passion, but it failed her. So she is looking for a respectable marriage. She is pleased when Mr. Horne offers her marriage, or well a almost proposal based on a meeting with his mother. She agrees to go to a house party in the country to make Mr. Horne's mother's acquaintance.

Upon hearing of the almost engagement of Aphrodite and his cousin, Mr. Horne, Viscount Thomas Warwick thinks to save her from his outrageous Aunt. Despite his proclamations that he is only there to support his cousin, he cannot stop thinking about Aphrodite and their courtship from before. He just cannot seem to keep himself out of meddling with the potential engagement.

What I really liked about this book was the transformation in all of the characters. There were some side plots for the supporting characters like the other party guests, I like it when people show convincing growth. It makes the romance(s) also more convincing. Again I was happy to find this book didn't need the sexual encounters of so many others within this genre. If I remember correctly there were a couple of desirous imaginings or thoughts, but nothing more than that. Refreshing and a diamond in the rough for readers who have to usually skip those blush inducing scenes.

I am glad that this book got better and better as it progressed. It was a good standalone, but of course I became interested in the Herrington family. It left me wanting more. If that's not a sign of a good book, I don't know what is!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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