
Saturday, December 21, 2013

ARC Review: Holiday Games by Jaci Burton

Jaci Burton has been an auto-buy for me for a really long time. I love all of the stories that I have read by her, and the Play by Play series is definitely one of my all-time favorite series. So when I found out that she was releasing a holiday novella featuring Gavin and Liz, I knew I had to read it. I figured that even though novellas can sometimes seem too short and unsatisfying that this one would be different since Liz and Gavin are already together. This one was the opposite of that for me though, and I found myself becoming distracted and wanting to skip whole paragraphs.

Gavin and Liz have been married for awhile now and having been trying to have a baby for the last year. Even though every negative test upsets and disappoints Liv, she becomes more determined than ever to make it happen. Liz is not one to easily give up and she never stops until she gets what she wants. Liz takes every opportunity to jump her husband in order to make a baby. Meanwhile, the entire Riley family is also preparing for Jenna and Ty's wedding. As they try to balance wedding plans, Liz is also preparing to host her first ever Riley family Christmas dinner. Will Gavin and Liz get the news they are hoping for in time for Christmas?

I really love the characters in the Play by Play series, and I especially love Gavin and Liz. They are absolutely perfect for each other and I have rooted from them from the very start. I love that Gavin is so head over heels for Liz and that he has always put her first. I also love Liz despite some of the things that she did when we first met her. I always knew that she was only trying to do the best she could for her clients even if it wasn't the right thing. But ever since she realized her mistake and made things right, I have thought that she was great. She is determined and smart and I really enjoyed seeing the softer side of her. At first you never would expect that she would be the mother type, but being with Gavin seems to have really brought out a different side to her. I love that the two of them are able to balance each other out and have such a great connection. They still had every bit of steam and were really sexy together.

My problem with this story is that it really didn't have much of a plot besides Liz and Gavin having a lot of sex in order to try and make a baby. I felt like everything else was just used as opportunities to bring back well known and loved characters. Even though it was great to see them, it was really sort of a jumbled mess to me. There was so much going on in order to bring everyone back, and yet really there wasn't much to keep the reader interested. Unfortunately this one just wasn't what I have come to love and expect from Jaci Burton, and I was just wishing for more to keep me interested. I think if you are a fan of the Play by Play series that you might enjoy this novella. Besides the fact that Christmas is approaching, it really doesn't have anything to do with the holidays though as the focus is Liz and Gavin's baby making and Ty and Jenna's wedding. The thing I liked about this one was that we did get to see our favorite characters and get to catch up with what is going on in their lives. It was nice to see how their HEAs were going and to see just how happy they were. But other than that, this one was a bit of a disappointment for me.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Dancing with a Rogue...with Lecia Cornwall and Giveaway

Dancing with a Rogue on Christmas Eve - Lecia Cornwall

Lecia Cornwall lives in Calgary Alberta, in the foothills of the beautiful Canadian Rockies, with two grown children, four cats, a chocolate lab and a husband who puts up with all of the above with remarkable patience. Lecia's debut novel was published by Avon in April 2011. And, she is, of course, busy working on yet another book.

Places to find Lecia:

Friday, December 20, 2013

A Kiss Between Friends...with Christina Brooke and Giveaway

A Kiss Between Friends on Christmas Eve - Christina Brooke

When Christina Brooke is not dancing with dukes, testing her marksmanship at Manton’s or driving her high-perch phaeton in the Hyde Park, she is writing the next book in her Ministry of Marriage/Westruthers series. Christina lives in Brisbane, Australia with her husband and two sons and a Great Dane cross called Monty.

Her next book, THE GREATEST LOVER EVER, is released on December 31.

Places to find Christina:
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ARC Review: The Awakening: Britton by Abby Niles

Detective Britton Townsend is a sexy lead detective for Shifter Protection and Concealment (SPAC) of the Carnal Ridge police station. He is used to having all the women surrounding him drool over him. Val Calhoun could care less for all the steamy comments made about Britton.

Although the members of the High Council do not associate with the SPAC, a situation occurs where Val and Britton are forced to work together. Val replaced Britton in Carnal Ridge. Her job was to ensure that there would be no news of shifters involved in human cases. She essentially has to keep the existence of shifters a secret. When World Shifters is breached Val is called in to help and work with Britton.

As part of the investigation to protect the shifters, Val and Britton have to spend time together in order to protect the identity of shifters. Britton was a shifter but he broke the rules to save the life of a child. His punishment will be lifted if he is able to keep the shifters secret and help Val solve the case. During the course of the investigation and Britton’s temporary reprieve they fall in love. But the author is not ready to let them have a happy- ever- after story. When Britton is given a serum to change him back to his human form he forgets the past they shared together. How can these two shifters find their way back together and do they? I won’t spoil the ending but I will say this there are a lot of twists and turns! Very emotional and a must read! ( I just might have to add other books written by this author to my list!)

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Thursday, December 19, 2013

ARC Review: Only In Dreams by Wendy Owens

Only In Dreams by Wendy Owens is the second book in her Stubborn Love series. I haven't read the first book Stubborn Love, but these book can be read as standalones and feature linked characters. I didn't really know what to expect from this story as it is the first book I have read by Wendy Owens, but I am really glad that I took a chance on this one. This book was heartbreaking and beautiful and was a roller coaster ride of emotions for me. This one definitely had me pulling out the tissues at times, but I also found myself smiling and feeling hopeful as well.

Paige Parker is a former model that is trying to make the switch to clothing designer. Her first collection is in the works and she is struggling to get it finished while planning a wedding to her fiance Henry. Henry decides that Paige should leave NYC for a few weeks and go to stay with her best friend Emmie in Texas. That way Emmie can help with the wedding planning and hopefully the girl time will help to relieve some of Paige's stress. Paige agrees and heads to Texas, but right after arriving she runs into the one person she never expected to see again, her first love Christian. Christian was not only Paige's first love, but he is also Emmie's Husband Colin's brother. Paige had always thought that Christian and her would be together forever, but when Christian was having trouble coping with a drinking problem, she knew that she couldn't continue trying to help him if he wouldn't accept it. But when they see each other four years later and Christian has turned his life around, Paige begins to realize that she might not be completely over the feelings she once had for him. Christian is determined to win Paige back, but Paige loves Henry and is committed to marrying him. But Paige also realizes that she loves Christian and wants a future with him. Soon Paige has to decide how you make a choice when you love two people, and what happens when things you never expected suddenly come up?

I really liked Christian and Henry. I thought that they were both really great for Paige in different ways, and they were both really great guys. Christian had broken Paige's heart, but he had never done it intentionally and he had never stopped caring about her. It was clear that he was torn up about everything that had happened, and I love how determined he was when it came to her. I really admired that he was able to turn his life around and better himself. He knew that Paige would never give him a chance unless he became the man she had fallen in love with again. I loved that he shared a history with Paige and that they had known each other since they were young. They had an easy connection and their relationship felt very natural. They also had a ton of sexual tension and chemistry between them. I also really liked Henry though. He was sweet and thoughtful and always putting Paige first. He was so supportive of her and went out of his way to take care of her. He would always find a way to make sure that she got whatever she needed and I loved that he really seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I could tell that he was hiding something from Paige for most of the book, and even though I had an idea of what it was, it was still heartbreaking to find out for sure. I wish that he would have been honest with Paige from the start about what was going on. Even though I understand that he was scared and trying to process it himself, I felt like he should have been able to share that with Paige since they were getting married to each other. I also felt like he was purposely trying to push her away at times but then would try to pull her back in. At times I felt like Paige and Henry had great chemistry with each other, but I feel like their connection was not as intense or as strong as the connection that she had with Christian. Henry felt sort of like the nice stable guy that you settle down with because he is safe. Even though I liked him, I just felt like she was destined to be with Christian. I really liked Paige though. I thought that she was a very easy heroine to root for. She was genuine and nice, and I loved that she was down to earth despite being a model. I felt like she really thought that her feelings for Christian were gone and that she was really taken aback when she realized that she still loved him. It was hard for her to come to terms with loving both men at the same time, and I thought that even though there were a few times that things happened with Christian, that she was always trying to keep things between them platonic out of respect for Henry despite what she felt.

Overall, I really liked this book. I read this book without putting it down for long, because I absolutely had to know what would happen. I will admit that although I liked Henry, I was team Christian from the start. I had guessed some of what was revealed in this book, but then there were other things that happened that really shocked me. I understand the choices that Paige made and I believe that they were very true to her character. I didn't always agree with the choices that she made, but I did get why she did. For me, the ending of this book was good and I was happy with the epilogue. I will say that I wish that things had happened a bit differently leading up to that though. I won't spoil the story, but I wish that her decision had been one that she actually made. I feel like the events that happened sort of forced her hand, and they really took away from the choices that she had been making. That was the reason this book wasn't a complete home run for me. I know the situation she was in was a very difficult one, and I admire the choice that she made despite knowing what it would cost her. But I still felt like ultimately she really didn't have a choice. This book was absolutely heartbreaking at times, and then there were other times that it was full of hope and really showed that no matter what happens we can survive it. I would recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of emotional romance stories. There wasn't a lot of sex or steam in this book, but I didn't miss it at all. I really felt that this story was all about connections and love and the choices that we not only make but are made for us. This story shows that even though we can experience heartbreak and pain, that there is always room to grow and heal and even someday love again.

**ARC provided by Mark My Words Book Publicity**

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A Scandalous Rumor...with Miranda Neville and Giveaway

A Scandalous Rumor on Christmas Eve - Miranda Neville

Miranda Neville grew up in England but she has lived in Vermont for many years. She is the author of seven historical romances and a novella for Avon Books, plus a novella in the anthology At The Duke's Wedding. Her cat Ernie has all the talent on the family and starred in a book trailer.

Places to find Miranda: 
Site | Facebook | Twitter Goodreads |

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

ARC Review: Wicked Little Secrets by Susanna Ives

Every now and then, after reading hundreds of historical romances, you run across a book that is truly, refreshingly different. Wicked Little Secrets is a delight of a little story, unlike any I can recall. If it were a movie it would definitely be a romantic comedy, complete with touches of slapstick. The hero and heroine were both a little silly and very flawed, but unquestionably fun. Romance readers will enjoy this Victorian romp.

Just about the time that Vivienne Taylor finally secures an engagement to wealthy John Vandergriff, who should arrive back in town but her childhood friend (and secret heart-throb), Lord Dashiell. Years before Dashiell had felt sorry for his precocious next-door neighbor and declared her his little sister. He has spent the meantime sowing his oats in archeological pursuits and wild living. Upon seeing Vivienne when he returns Dashiell realizes that his feelings for her are no longer sisterly. Vivienne realizes that she is still attracted to Dashiell, but she must marry John because her family is close to financial ruin. Our hero and heroine become embroiled in a mystery involving her aunt, his grandfather, a couple of whorehouse madams, and more. Twists and turns abound as Vivienne and Dashiell try (not very successfully) to fight their growing attraction and avoid entanglements that neither is free to enjoy. Vivienne’s impulsiveness and naiveté and Dashiell’s attempts to be a better man make for a lot of humorous adventures.

I liked many, many things about Wicked Little Secrets. It was quirky, charming and laugh-out-loud funny in places. Susanna Ives has such great comic vision that I suspect she should be comedy screenwriter. I think that most readers “see” the story in their mind’s eye when they read, playing like a movie. The book’s hilarious scenes were so accurately described that the reader could picture every movement. I cannot recall another book where a writer used visual imagery in quite the same way. The fun was not limited to action scenes; Ives injected plenty of humorous dialogue as well. Vivienne and Dashiell were both endearingly flawed characters. Far from being “large and in charge,” they were both emotional and a little goofy, making poor but well-intentioned decisions. There was a rather complicated mystery that unfolded during the story and it kept the reader’s attention. A secondary budding romance between his grandfather and her aunt was pretty close to adorable. Ives successfully managed to poke fun at religion without being irreverent. My only significant criticism of the book was that the writing was a bit choppy. It didn’t flow as nicely as I would have liked. At times the movement of the story seemed a bit erratic, but Wicked Little Secrets made up for that with fun. You don’t want to miss this book – it was a hoot.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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A Wallflower Blooming...with Susanna Ives and Giveaway

A Wallflower Blooming on Christmas Eve - Susanna Ives

Susanna Ives grew up in the rural South, where she spent most of her youth at the local theater, acting in productions, working in the lighting booth, and building sets. Eventually she left her small town for the city lights of Atlanta, where she attended college and worked in corporations as a multimedia developer. These days she chases after her two curious, energetic children, designs web pages, and writes.

Places to find Susanna:

Upcoming Event: A Naughty New Year

Get ready for another fun and exciting event here at RFTC. Join us for the A Naughty New Year event! Beginning December 26th we've invited 11 authors to come by and share hot and smexy New Years' Eve inspired scenes and giveaways.

The event will run from December 26 - January 5th.

With appearances by:

Don’t miss out on the fun! There will be fabulous giveaways and unique scenes you won’t read anywhere else. Mark your calendars and see you there!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ARC Review: Reaver by Larissa Ione

Larissa Ione has ruined me. First off, if you haven't read Larissa's books before you are seriously missing out. No one else packs as much heat, action, chemistry, humor and swoony moments into a book the way that she can. Her heroes are sexy and her heroines are pretty damn badass. When I grow up I want to be one of her heroines.

The thing I like most about the way Larissa writes her heroines, is that they aren't meek. They are independent and just all around kickass and Harvester is no exception. She brash, bitchy, fierce and at the same time she's vulnerable. She's been burned in the past for being naive and she's grown and learned from it. I really enjoyed seeing this side of her. In previous books she came across bitchy and mean but in this book you see the real side of her and what motivates her in the choices that she's made.

I really enjoyed the chemistry and the heat between Harvester and Reaver. Yes, they claimed to hate each other but there was always something between them. I loved seeing them finally come together and realize their true feelings for one another and just how deep those feelings went.

Reaver was all that I wanted him to be and more. Since the beginning I've always liked him. Yes, he was kind of an ass at times but there was just something about him. I've been waiting for his book for what seems like forever and believe me, it was well worth the wait. I loved getting inside his head and seeing what he was all about. He's fierce and loyal and I love the way he takes care of Harvester. Seriously, LOVE.HIM.

This book is intense and full of in your face action and I loved it. I adore this series and it definitely at the tops my list of favorites. Reaver blew me away.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

A Foiled Spy Mission...with Jade Lee and Giveaway

A Foiled Spy Mission on Christmas Eve - Jade Lee

A USA Today Bestseller, JADE LEE has been scripting love stories since she first picked up a set of paper dolls. Ball gowns and rakish lords caught her attention early (thank you Georgette Heyer), and her fascination with the Regency began. An author of more than 40 romance novels and winner of dozens of industry awards, she finally gets to play in the best girl-heaven place of all: a Bridal Salon! In her new series, four women find love as they dress the most beautiful brides in England. A Gentleman’s Gamble and What the Groom Wants are coming out in January and February.

And don’t forget KATHY LYONS. She’s Jade’s lighter, contemporary half. Don’t you hate it when you share erotic dreams with a stranger? It happens in her new Kathy Lyons series. Dream Nights with the CEO is available now!

Places to find Jade:

Monday, December 16, 2013

ARC Review: One Wild Night by Magan Vernon

One Wild Night is the first portion of a six part serial by Magan Vernon. I was originally drawn to this story by its beautiful cover. I absolutely loved it! But after reading the blurb, I really wanted to read this one because it sounded like a really fun read. I haven't really read many serials, because the thought of being left in the middle of something and having to wait for each installment is almost enough to kill me. But after reading this first installment, I am glad that I gave this one a shot and I am looking forward to seeing where Magan Vernon takes Wes and Valerie.

Valerie Wilder is in Vegas for her job as a PR assistant. When the girls she works with get some tickets to a contest for the best abs in Vegas, Valerie is looking forward to spending the night checking out some hot guys. But when Valerie and her friends end up judging the contest she comes face to face with the hot stripper and contestant Wild Wild Wes. Wes ends up winning the contest and everyone goes to celebrate after. Wes and Valerie end up spending some time together while drinking and the next thing they know, they are running off to get married. Valerie wakes the next morning and at first doesn't remember what happened, but after she finally does she is determined to get a quickie divorce. But since neither her nor Wes are residents of Nevada, they are forced to go to either state they are from in order to file. Valerie and Wes decide to head to Valerie's home in Illinois in order to get it taken care of. Valerie is convinced that a marriage to Wes will never work. Wes however seems to be more optimistic. What will happen when they get to Illinois and start living together? Will they end up getting the divorce, or will their quickie marriage end up becoming real?

I liked Wes a lot. Even though he is a stripper, he was really only doing it to make money after his parents kicked him out of the house. He wants to pursue a career as a musician and was just briefly stopping in Vegas on his way to LA. I liked that he was nice and sweet to not only Valerie, but to everyone he seemed to interact with. He was extremely charming and seemed like a down to earth good southern guy. I am not quite sure where I stand as far as Valerie goes yet. I liked her at times, but then at other times I had some issues with her. I think that she seems like she is a little too uptight, but then at other times she seems to just let go and have some fun. I understand that waking up married was a huge shock for her and that she was struggling with that, but at times she was a little bit mean and degrading to Wes. I didn't care for that side of her, but I do understand that part of that is just because of her situation. Wes and Valerie do have good chemistry together though. Even though there wasn't a ton of physical interaction, I enjoyed the ones there were and thought that they were steamy. I feel like we don't really get to know either Wes or Valerie very much since this part is so short, but I am excited to see more of them as their story progresses.

Overall, I thought that this was definitely a promising start to this serial. I am looking forward to reading more about Wes and Valerie and I can't wait to find out what happens with them. I hope that as we get more into this story that Valerie changes a bit and stops treating Wes the way she did in this one. One minute she is bitchy to him and about him and the next she is taking advantage of how hot he is and the fact that they are married. I also hope that she stops with her constant mentioning of the fact that no guys have ever wanted more than sex from her because she is a "thick girl". I like that she is real and that she is not model thin. I know that there are guys out there who judge things like that, but there are also plenty of guys out there who like a woman for who she is and not her body type. Wes seems to like her as she is, and I hope that she realizes that sooner rather than later. I recommend giving this serial a shot if you are looking for a fun romance read. I am looking forward to the next portion of this serial and can't wait to see what Valerie and Wes are up to next.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Fighting a Duel...with Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Fighting a Duel on Christmas Eve - Jillian Stone

Jillian Stone is author of the gaslight romantic suspense series, The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard and the steamy steampunk series Phaeton Black, Paranormal Investigator. She is currently working on several contemporary erotic romance novels, as well as the Gentlemen of Scotland Yard spin-off, CODENAME: DRAGON.

Places to find Jillian:

Sunday, December 15, 2013

ARC Review: What Not to Bare by Megan Frampton

Most romance novels are written with a certain familiar flow to the story, but every now and then we encounter a book that seems to be marching to a different drummer. Sometimes that can be because of inconsistent writing or poor pacing, but other times it is because the writer truly has a unique style. What Not to Bare is a quirky, delightful story brought to life through interesting characters. It took me just a little while to get into the unusual rhythm of the writing, but once I did, it was all fun and enjoyment. Megan Frampton places us most of the time in the mind of the heroine whose thoughts are fast, curious and somewhat jumbled. It was almost like stream-of-consciousness writing. Definitely different than the usual Regency, very quick and funny.

Lady Charlotte Jepstow is reasonably attractive with a large dowry, but she is barely tolerating her third season, hoping her parents will give up on her and allow her to live a quiet, spinster life. She dresses in outlandish clothing partly because she likes them and partly as a challenge to get others to really see who she is. She has been dubbed “The Abomination.” Lord David Marchston has recently returned from his beloved India because of a scandal. His superior (also Charlotte’s uncle) asks him to court Charlotte in an attempt to make other gentlemen interested in her. David is so attractive that he was dubbed “Mr. Gorgeous” in India, but he really wants to be valued for his usefulness, not his looks. Charlotte is quite surprised when the best looking guy in London pays attention to her and David is surprised to discover that he enjoys Charlotte’s unique personality. Complications and conflicts make it difficult for Charlotte and David to reach their very satisfying Happily Ever After.

After reading hundreds of historical romances it is a delicious pleasure to come across an occasional book that is engaging because it is different. It is such fun to be inside Charlotte’s mind. She is sharp, curious, and impulsive, often blurting out questions that others would not dare to ask. It was also great fun to see the usually cool and collected David become befuddled by Charlotte’s unusual questions and antics, causing him to say ridiculous things, like that she was “not ugly.” This is a thoroughly engaging romance with lovely steamy bits. It has some wonderful messages about not judging people by their exteriors and that real self-esteem is deeper than our surfaces. Charlotte and David would never have seemed to go together to the casual observer, but they found that they had much in common and it was enough to build a solid relationship. Charlotte clearly sees all of her faults, but David helps her appreciate her unique qualities. Charlotte helps David engage his finer aspirations. What Not to Bare was a joy to read. I highly recommend it.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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A Drunken Escapade...with Christie Kelley and Giveaway

A Drunken Escapade on Christmas Eve - Christie Kelley

Award winning author, Christie Kelley was born and raised in upstate New York. After seventeen years working for financial institutions in software development, she started writing her first book. She currently writes regency historicals for Kensington. Christie now lives in Maryland with her two sons.

Places to find Christie:
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ARC Review: Remy by Katy Evans

I have to admit that I am a huge fan of books and/or series where the author gives us not only the heroine's point of view, but also the hero's. I especially love when they give us a whole book or novella with that alternate point of view. I feel like it really allows the reader to connect with the book and also the characters on a level that is deeper than you usually get with only one point of view. So when I heard about Remy by Katy Evans, I absolutely had to read it. I was really intrigued not only because I love his character so much, but also because I thought that it would be really interesting to see his thoughts and feelings when he was black as well as when he was blue.

If you haven't read Real and Mine, you are going to want to read both of those books before starting Remy and also beware of spoilers in this review. In Remy, we get to see things from Remy's point of view that happen in Real and Mine. We also get some new things as well though. Remy starts in the present with Remy and Brooke getting ready for their wedding. This is their second wedding, not the first one that they did at city hall. We then alternate between the past and present for the rest of the story. We get to see many scenes from Real and Mine as we never saw them before. Experiencing them as Remy does. Although Remy does not give us a ton of new material, we are left with Brooke and Remy in a very satisfying spot.

I continue to love Remy. He is definitely one of my favorite book heroes that I have ever read. It was really nice to see some of his thoughts and feelings. I feel like we get to know Remy better than we did before. It was really nice to see how he experienced many of the big events in his and Brooke's relationship. You could really tell just how far he was willing to go for Brooke and how deeply he cared for her. He was totally alpha and I love how absolutely possessive he is of Brooke. He would do anything to protect her. But he is also really vulnerable and because of his past, he struggles with accepting that he deserves happiness. It really added so much to this series to see exactly how low he got and at other times how high he would go. I think the reader was able to understand so much more of why he did and said the things he did because of getting this insight into him. It was also nice to see more of all our favorite characters in this series, and begin to see where Katy Evans is taking them in the future.

I did however have a few problems that kept me from being able to rate this one higher. I felt like Remy was like Mine when it came to the problem of repetition. There was just so much that was said and done multiple times that it really took away from the story. It really made me want to skip over parts because I just didn't want to keep reading the same things over and over. I also thought that there were times that Remy's thoughts and feelings sounded the same or very similar to Brooke's from the previous books. It just seemed as though they were written the exact same way, and there wasn't much to differentiate between the two different POVs. Besides the repetition and the similar POVs though, I also felt like there really wasn't a lot of new material. I realize that this was never meant to be a complete new story, and that we were mostly getting his POV of the previous books. But I was hoping to get a bit more new and original content than we got. I think that fans of this series will enjoy seeing more of Remy and some new material. This does add to the series and despite the problems I had, I am glad that I read it. Remy absolutely makes it worth it. I am interested to read the next couple of books in this series though, and I am excited that we will be getting more of different characters. It will be nice to get some new and fresh material while hopefully still getting to see some of our favorites.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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