
Saturday, September 28, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Vampires Need Not Apply by Mimi Jean Pamfiloff

Fearless Prize Pack from Tawny Weber

Bad Nights by Rebecca York

Shadow Series by Erin Kellison

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Out of Line by Jen McLaughlin

I will admit that going into this one, I was unsure about whether or not I would like it. I really liked the sound of it though after reading the blurb, and the cover drew me in. I am glad that I gave this one a shot though, as I really ended up enjoying this story! The storyline was something that I thought was unique and original, which was nice and refreshing in a genre where a lot of the books can sometimes tend to be very similar. I will tell you upfront that there is a cliffhanger. I don't know why i'm always shocked by these, but with this book I really did think we were going to get an HEA. I was surprised that this one left the reader hanging and I genuinely had no clue that this wasn't a stand alone. I am glad however that we will be getting more of Finn and Carrie though.

Carrie is used to having her life controlled and has always had her choices dictated by her father. When she goes off to college, she is looking forward to her new found freedom. When her roommate drags her to a party, she meets Finn and there is an instant attraction. What Carrie doesn't know though is that Finn has been sent by Carrie's politician father as an undercover security agent to keep an eye on her. Carrie and Finn begin to spend more time together and their connection grows. Finn tries to see Carrie as just an assignment, but the more their feelings grow the harder that becomes. Carrie and Finn give in to their feelings and the chemistry between them, and they begin a relationship together. But with the lies in between them and the truth bound to come out eventually, can they really have a lasting relationship or are they headed for heartbreak?

I loved Finn! There were times that I just wanted to shake him and yell at him for things he would do or say. But I understood that he was trying his best to do his job and look out for Carrie all the while developing feelings for her. He thought he was doing the best that he could for Carrie and sometimes that meant trying to push her away. But even as he was trying to keep things professional he was drawn to her and I loved when he would give in to his feelings and just go for it. He was really sexy and also very sweet to her, getting her thoughtful things and cooking for her. Carrie was kind and independent. I loved that she wasn't who you would think she would be with the kind of upbringing she had. She was a genuine and nice person, who loved to do nice things for others and help out where she could. I really liked that she would call Finn out when needed and she wasn't afraid to put herself out there and risk being hurt because she believed in her and Finn. These two were so much fun to read about. They were sweet and fun, and extremely sexy. Their love scenes were smoking hot, but the best parts for me were when they were just hanging out together. These two had a connection that you couldn't help but root for. Carrie and Finn were perfect compliments to each other and they really seemed to be better together, each one allowing the other to be at their best.

Overall, this story was really enjoyable and I really liked it. Finn and Carrie are perfect for each other with a ton of chemistry and a realistic connection that really draws the reader in. I loved that they weren't instantly in love with each other and I think that their relationship was more believable because it was such a natural progression. These two are both such wonderful and deep characters that they are impossible not to root for and fall in love with. I am so glad that we are going to be getting more of Carrie and Finn because I am just not ready for their story to be finished. I cannot wait to read the next story Out Of Time and see where these two go next. The end of this book left me with questions, and I absolutely need more answers! This story is a great addition to the New Adult genre, and is one that I recommend to all fans of romance. I think that readers will find this sweet and sexy romance to be original and different from others out there. I am looking forward to reading more from Jen McLaughlin in the future and hope that we don't have to wait to long for more Finn and Carrie.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

ARC Review: One Night In The Spa by Kathy Lyons

One Night In The Spa is a contemporary romance novella by Kathy Lyons. What originally drew me in was the cover and the blurb. I was excited to read this one because of the friends to lovers trope. I am definitely a sucker for a guy who has the feelings and is determined to win over his heroine. However for me, this story just didn't work. This story was very short, almost so short that if you blink it is over. Despite the short length, I found it hard to finish as it just didn't keep my interest.

After an injury, Kim has to give up her professional racquetball career and goes to work for a gym. She is the manager of the gym and her best friend David is the manager of the spa next door. They have known each other for 3 years and he has wanted her since the beginning. Kim has no clue that he feels more than friendship for her. Recently Kim has started to feel things that she never has before. Since she hasn't been as active and constantly training to stay in shape, her body has started to go through puberty and she has begun to look and want every guy around her. After David finds this out, he is determined to be the guy to show her what being an adult is all about. When she arranges a facial and massage, he views this as the perfect way to seduce her into wanting more with him than friendship. But after their night together in the spa and some secrets are exposed, is a relationship together possible?

David was a nice enough character. He seemed to really care for Kim, and he looked out for her. I didn't really care for Kim. I felt like she was extremely immature for her age of 24. The fact that she thought she was seriously ill because she was horny all the time was just over the top for me. Most of this story just seemed far fetched and ridiculous to me. I felt like even though there was chemistry and steam between Kim and David that their relationship progressed at an alarming rate. There was no transition from friendship to love, which seemed unrealistic to me considering that Kim had no romantic feelings for him before their night together. I just didn't feel the connection between the two of them and I didn't feel as though I had connected with them at all. For some reason, these characters just didn't interest me.

The fact that David was spying and committing an illegal act by obtaining secret financial documents from Kim's computer and the entire thing was just glossed over was also something that I didn't care for. I also would have liked to have seen some of Kim's past have some resolution. Kim has some damage from things that happened at a young age and they are like the rest of the big things in this story in that they just seem to be brought up and dropped. There were just too many things going on in such a short amount of time, that I felt as though everything was crammed into a few pages. Things were either forgotten or happened instantly. I know that things typically happen rather fast in novellas, but this one was just way beyond that. This story just wasn't for me. I just couldn't get into all the silly things that bordered on ridiculous with this one. If you read for the sole purpose of being entertained, and don't care about how realistic the story is you will probably enjoy this one.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Jen McLaughlin and Giveaway

Meet Jen McLaughlin, author of Out of Line.

Jen McLaughlin is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. She writes steamy New Adult books for the young and young at heart. Her first release, Out of Line, came out September 2013. She also writes bestselling Contemporary Romance under the pen name Diane Alberts.Since receiving her first contract offer under the pen name Diane Alberts, she has yet to stop writing. She is represented by Louise Fury at The Bent Agency.

Though she lives in the mountains, she really wishes she was surrounded by a hot, sunny beach with crystal clear water. She lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her four kids, a husband, a schnauzer mutt, a cat, and a Senegal parrot. In the rare moments when she’s not writing, she can usually be found hunched over one knitting project or another. Her goal is to write so many well-crafted romance books that even a non-romance reader will know her name.

Places to find Jen:
Site Blog | Facebook Twitter |

Guest Post with Emma Jane Holloway and Giveaway

Meet Emma Jane Holloway, author of A Study in Silks.

Ever since childhood, Emma Jane Holloway refused to accept that history was nothing but facts prisoned behind the closed door of time. Why waste a perfectly good playground coloring within the timelines? Accordingly, her novels are filled with whimsical impossibilities and the occasional eye-blinking impertinence—but always in the service of grand adventure.

Struggling between the practical and the artistic—a family tradition, along with ghosts and a belief in the curative powers of shortbread—Emma Jane has a degree in literature and job in finance. She lives in the Pacific Northwest in a house crammed with books, musical instruments, and half-finished sewing projects. In the meantime, she’s published articles, essays, short stories, and enough novels to build a fort for her stuffed hedgehog.

Places to fine Emma Jane:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Friday, September 27, 2013

ARC Review: Season for Scandal by Theresa Romain

I loved this book! Season for Scandal is the first book by Theresa Romain that I have read, but it certainly will not be my last. This is a uniquely talented writer. Subtlety and control are two words that come to mind. Romain never pushes the story or the relationship forward. She carefully lets the situations evolve and lets the hero and heroine find their own way to their Happily Ever After. She makes us wait…for…it. Her dialogue is quirky, sweet and a little sarcastic at the same time (how do you do that?). Those who are looking for fast-paced action, impulsive sex and/or perfect characters should look elsewhere. But those who love two genuine people working out their issues together will love this book.

Jane Tindall just cannot seem to find a place to fit in. When she amasses a large gambling debt during her search for adventure she is offered an easy-to-accept solution – marry Edmund Ware, Baron Kirkpatrick, the man she has been secretly crushing on for years. Edmund likes Jane and sees the marriage as an opportunity for a simple solution to his life. He is hiding a major secret and believes that his life may be brief. He needs to leave an heir so that his family will be protected. Jane impulsively confesses her love long before Edmund is ready to accept it. What follows is a series of tiny, faltering steps in which Jane and Edmund figure out their relationship. Answers do not come easily, but there is real communication between them. Edmund is ever sweet and kind, with a heavy dose of self-doubt. Jane is a tough cookie with a heart of gold. Her tongue is almost caustic at times, but there is also an underlying kindness.

Season for Scandal is a perfect example proving that a tried and true trope (marriage of convenience) is as good as the writer that uses it. In this case Theresa Romain portrays this arranged marriage in a different, more realistic light. The whole story was parsed out in small doses. Conversations were realistic and meaningful. The development of the romance was slow, but distinct. The characters were far from perfect, but seemed very genuine. Romain also threw in a nice collection of historically accurate details. The result is a book that is not like every other Regency romance. I say, yes, there is definitely room for another way to approach the genre. The ending lost a little momentum, but I was sobbing through the final scene and regretted that the book was over. Wonderful book.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Season For Scandal by Theresa Romain


Jane Tindall has never had money of her own or exceptional beauty. Her gifts are more subtle: a mind like an abacus, a talent for play-acting—and a daring taste for gambling. But all the daring in the world can’t help with the cards fixed against her. And when Edmund Ware, Baron Kirkpatrick, unwittingly spoils her chance to win a fortune, her reputation is ruined too. Or so she thinks, until he suggests a surprising mode of escape: a hasty marriage. To him. On the surface, their wedding would seem to satisfy all the demands of proper society, but as the Yuletide approaches, secrets and scandals turn this proper marriage into a very improper affair.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Possession by J.R. Ward

#1 New York Times bestselling author J.R. Ward explores what really happens when good and evil toy with humanity in her new novel of the Fallen Angels, as the salvation of a doomed soul depends once again on a crossroads...

When Cait Douglass resolves to get over her broken heart, throw off her inhibitions, and start really living, she’s unprepared for the two sensual men who cross her path. Torn between them, she doesn’t know which to choose--or what kind of dire consequences could follow.

Jim Heron, fallen angel and reluctant savior, is ahead in the war, but he puts everything at risk when he seeks to make a deal with the devil--literally. As yet another soul is unwittingly caught in the battle between him and the demon Devina, his fixation on an innocent trapped in Hell threatens to sidetrack him from his sacred duty...

Can good still prevail if true love makes a savior weak? And will a woman’s future be the key, or the curse, for all of humanity? Only time, and hearts, will tell.

Pre-Order: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Thursday, September 26, 2013

ARC Review: Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen

I have read a few books by Jessica Sorensen now, and have become a fan of hers. So when I saw that she had a new series coming out, I jumped at the chance to read Breaking Nova. This book is definitely not what I was expecting at all, and after reading it there are so many things going through my mind. I will say that this book is definitely not going to be for everyone and there are a few things that everyone should know before diving in to read this one. First, this is not a happy and sweet story. This book deals with some very dark and serious issues, and is not for the faint of heart. Second, this book is not about fairy-tales or happily ever afters. If you are looking for a quick light read filled with fluff and romance, you are going to want to steer clear of this one. But although this story is dark and filled with angst and pain, I found this story to be one that was very real to me and I think that there are some very important things that can be taken away from this book.

Nova thought that she would grow up to marry the guy she loves and possibly end up being a drummer. But one day everything is taken away from her and she is left shattered. Quinton was always the nice guy. Thinking that he would marry his girlfriend, pursue a career in art and maybe one day start a family. But after a car accident kills his girlfriend and his cousin, he is no longer looking for a future, but rather looking for an escape. When Quinton and Nova meet, there is an instant attraction between them. Although both are curious about the other, they are both against any kind of relationship. But the more they spend time together and start to get to know each other, they begin to feel things that they both tried convince themselves they would never feel again. Can the both get past their tragic paths and begin a future together? Or will they continue to feel lost and alone?

Nova has suffered through a lot of pain. She not only witnesses her father's death, but then her boyfriend kills himself. Although she handled her father's death and was moving on with her life, when her boyfriend kills himself she is left completely broken and shattered. She turns to a new friend to help cope with the loss and ends up using drugs in order to calm her down and escape the constant memories of her boyfriend Landon. This book starts with her just sort of going through the motions, and is really a journey of Nova spiraling down to her lowest point and living only for her habit and the drugs. It isn't until she starts to feel things for Quinton and gets to know him that she realizes just how bad things have become for her. Quinton is filled with anger and guilt. He feels responsible for the death of his cousin and girlfriend. He makes a vow to his girlfriend Lexi to never forget her or allow himself to care about someone again. But with Nova, he finds himself unable to treat her as though she doesn't matter. Quinton has also turned to drugs in order to get through life, although he has a much bigger problem with them than Nova does. Nova and Quinton both want to let the other in at times and at other times they don't. There is a constant push and pull going on between them.

As the story progresses Nova begins to heal. Although it is not a short or easy process, it was nice to see her sort of wake up and make the decision to move on with her life. Quinton however is another story and things are left very up in the air at the end of this book on how he is. Although this story is not what I had originally thought it was going to be, I can honestly say that I did like it and I am glad that I read it. I am rooting for Nova to succeed in healing and moving forward and also for Quinton to be able to heal and get past his guilt and pain. I think that Nova and Quinton are good for each other and could really help the other out. This story ends with a sort of cliffhanger and I am anxious to find out just what will happen with not only Quinton and Nova, but also some of the other characters we are introduced to. If you are looking for a story filled with hearts and flowers and romance, this is not going to be for you. But if you are open to a story of pain and heartbreak and the healing and growth and overcoming of obstacles, this book is one you should definitely give a shot. I am hoping that as this series goes on that we will get more romance and connection from Quinton and Nova, and that hopefully they will both come out stronger and happy together. This story is filled with emotions and drama and I felt so much reading this story. I think regardless of whether or not people like this story, that they are bound to feel very strongly about it as it makes you think and evokes so many feelings and emotions. I just hope that February gets her quickly, because I absolutely need to read the next story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Jill Shalvis and Giveaway

Please welcome author Jill Shalvis to RFTC. Jill is celebrating the release of Always On My Mind, the newest book in her Lucky Harbor series and has stopped by to share the Top 5 reasons to love Lucky Harbor.

Jill Shalvis is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over four dozen romance novels, including her fun contemporary Animal Magnetism series, which promotes animal rescue dogs. Jill is a 3-time National Readers Choice winner, and lover of animals! More information about Jill and her collection of fabulous romance titles can be found at

Places to find Jill:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Guest Post with Author Tigris Eden and Giveaway

Meet Tigris Eden, author of Burned in Shadows.

There is really not much to say... I love to write, read, and listen to music. My attempt at a music career sadly ended at the Apollo one warm night in May! LOL (Side note: I was not booed just outdone by two munchkins rapping to Biggy Smalls but they were good!)

Military brat extraordinaire; have traveled to a lot of interesting places.

The very first time I put pen to paper in story fashion, was in 6th grade. It was called The Case of the Missing Pepperoni.

It was a cute mystery where all the ingredients and shop appliances came to life when the store owner closed up for the evening.

Tigris Eden is the author of The Shadow Unit Series and co-author of Romantic Tales: Bedtime Stories Season 1 and 2.

Places to find Tigris:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Feature and Giveaway: Breaking Nova by Jessica Sorensen

Nova Reed used to have dreams-of becoming a famous drummer, of marrying her true love. But all of that was taken away in an instant. Now she's getting by as best she can, though sometimes that means doing things the old Nova would never do. Things that are slowly eating away at her spirit. Every day blends into the next . . . until she meets Quinton Carter. His intense, honey brown eyes instantly draw her in, and he looks just about as broken as she feels inside.

Quinton once got a second chance at life-but he doesn't want it. The tattoos on his chest are a constant reminder of what he's done, what he's lost. He's sworn to never allow happiness into his life . . . but then beautiful, sweet Nova makes him smile. He knows he's too damaged to get close to her, yet she's the only one who can make him feel alive again. Quinton will have to decide: does he deserve to start over? Or should he pay for his past forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

ARC Review: Blue Forever by Nina Bruhns

It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of romantic suspense and military romance. Having heard good things about Nina Bruhns and her Men in Uniform series, and after one look at that cover (holy hotness!), I jumped at the chance to finally read another new-to-me author that had been on my radar for a while. BLUE FOREVER is technically the third book in the Men in Uniform military romance/RS series but can be read as a standalone—I haven’t read the first two books but had no difficulty following the plot or enjoying the characters. It’s an action-packed, fast-paced thrill ride with a dose of opposites attract written in a breezy, approachable style that’s as much fun as a big summer blockbuster movie. Hot military hero? Covert mission in a hostile territory going FUBAR? Hilariously out-of-her element heroine who finds the fortitude to keep up with a cadre of badass special ops warriors? Steamy sexytimes in a submarine? BLUE FOREVER has it all.

For anyone who reads a lot of military romance/military RS, the plot is nothing novel: a sometimes-foe of the United States (China) is developing an unmanned underwater vehicle to spy on the US, a top-secret undercover mission to steal it goes awry, and the good guys are tasked with fixing it and saving the free world. Kind of like a James Bond film in print. But what makes BLUE FOREVER such fun even in a sea of similarly-themed books is Ms. Bruhns’s voice and characters. The writing is tight and straightforward with short chapters designed to keep the fast-paced plot moving forward, the voice is a little irreverent to match the hero, there’s plenty of sharp, witty dialogue—no overwhelming verbosity or excessive floweriness—, and a good number of military acronyms and language add authenticity. The hero and heroine are delightfully mismatched to keep the romance interesting. On one hand, we have badass Marine intelligence operator Kiptyn “Kip” Llowell III, commitmentphobe extraordinaire, who avoids serious relationships and the access to the family trust fund marriage would grant him like the plague. On the other is unassuming, by-the-book Department of State officer/diplomat DeAnne Lovejoy with a deep dislike of the Marines (thanks to an absentee Marine father), a preference for words over guns, and a desire for that white picket fence. Despite being completely unsuited for each other, they desperately want in each other’s pants from the second Kip approaches DeAnne for some assistance after his mission goes FUBAR—and watching the sexual tension build as they weigh giving in to their scorching attraction against escaping from the enemy is great fun. Especially since DeAnne is completely (and hilariously) out of her element on the run but refuses to be left behind. Because the romance is intricately tied to the plot and the time frame of the operation is extremely short, the transition from earthshattering no-strings-attached sex to forever after happens unbelievably quickly… but it’s such a fun, exciting romp that it doesn’t really matter.

Overall, I really enjoyed reading BLUE FOREVER and discovering Nina Bruhns’s Men in Uniform series. I’m definitely going to catch up on the first two books in the series and look forward to the next release.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Rachel Harris and Giveaway

 Please welcome Rachel Harris. Rachel is the author of Taste the Heat and has stopped by to chat on what makes a sexy hero. Please give her a warm welcome.

Rachel Harris grew up in New Orleans, watching soap operas with her grandmother, and staying up late sneak-reading her mama's romance novels. Today, she still stays up late reading romances, only now she does so openly.

A Cajun cowgirl now living in Houston, she firmly believes life's problems can be solved with a hot, sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.

She homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches countless hours of Food Network and reality television with her amazing husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult Fun, Flirty Escapes, and LOVES talking with readers!

Places to find Rachel:

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

ARC Review: Wicked Heat by Nicola Marsh

Wicked Heat by Nicola Marsh is one of those fabulously hot reads that you just dont want to put down. It was fun and flirty while also being hot and sexy. I really enjoyed this story from start to finish. This was a quick read for me and I didn't put it down until I had read every last word. Nicola Marsh is a new to me author and after reading this story, I am definitely interested to read more from her in the future.

Allegra has just been dumped by her fiance right before the wedding, and decides to use her would be honeymoon in order to try and land a new client. She needs this pitch to go well in order to save her business. As she is walking through the airport on the way, she is unknowingly dropping lingerie out of her bag that her best friend has secretly packed for her. Jett is also out to land the same client after suffering a horrible betrayal by his former best friend and business partner. If he doesn't land this new account his career will be over. But as soon as he sees Allegra and her stray panties he can't help but try to mix a little business with pleasure. Neither one of them knows that they are actually competing for the same client. Once on the plane the two of them give in to the passion and attraction that they have felt from the beginning. They spend more time together after reaching the resort and their hook-up turns into a sexy island fling. But Allegra finds out that she is actually pitching against Jett, and begins to wonder how she can possibly tell him what is really going on. Even though both are determined to keep things casual, feelings start to develop and both begin to think about the other as more than just a fling. But is it possible for their relationship to go anywhere when the truth has yet to come out? And what happens when the secret is revealed and their trust is put to the test?

I really loved Jett. He was sexy and charming, and really who wouldn't love an Aussie? He was also funny and genuine. I loved that he could banter back and forth with Allegra and be his charming self while trying to get her and yet he never once came off as cheesy. Allegra was smart and feisty and determined. I loved that she was not only hoping to land this for herself but also because she was worried about all of her employees. She was caring and sweet. Jett and Allegra had off the charts chemistry and they were super hot together. But more than just the attraction, they had an easiness that you don't often find in a relationship that happens this quickly. They were great together and I found myself believing in them from the start. I really connected with these two, and it was so enjoyable to read as they figured everything out and fell in love with each other.

Wicked Heat was just one of those stories that you find yourself sinking into and the outside world melts away. I couldn't stop myself from reading and I enjoyed every minute of it. Jett and Allegra were both extremely likable characters, but I was also interested in the secondary characters as well. I am looking forward to reading the next story Wanton Heat which is Allegra's friend Zoe's story. I am so glad that I took a chance on a new to me author because this story was the perfect quick read that I have been looking for lately! The chemistry and attraction are enough to keep you turning the pages to find out what happens next! Romance fans of all genres should pick this one up, as I think that most will find it very enjoyable!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author Tracy March and Giveaway

I'm so happy to welcome back author, Tracy March. Tracy is celebrating the release of Tempted in the Tropics, book 2 in her Suddenly Smitten series. Tracy has stopped by to chat, please give her a warm welcome.

Award-winning author Tracy March writes romantic thrillers influenced by her career in the pharmaceutical field, and her interest in science and politics. She also writes lighthearted romances inspired by her real-life happily ever after.

Always up for travel and adventure, Tracy has flown in a stunt plane, snowmobiled on the Continental Divide, ziplined in the Swiss Alps, and been chased by a bull in the mountains of St. Lucia. She loves Nationals baseball, Saturday date nights, and Dairy Queen Blizzards—and rarely goes a day without Diet Coke and Cheez-Its.

Tracy lives in Yorktown, Virginia, with her superhero husband who works for NASA. They recently spent two years living in Washington D.C., and enjoy visiting often—especially when the Nats are in town.

Places to find Tracy: 

Guest Post with Author Maggie McGinnis and Giveaway

Meet Maggie McGinnis, author of Accidental Cowgirl.

Maggie McGinnis is the author of Driving Without a License, which was a finalist for Romance Writers of America’s Golden Heart award. A former high school English teacher, an accomplished musician, and a certified black belt, she lives in New England with her family.

Places to find Maggie:

Monday, September 23, 2013

Guest Post with Author Jackie Ashenden and Giveaway

Meet Jackie Ashenden, author of Talking Dirty with the Player.

Jackie has been writing fiction since she was eleven years old. Mild mannered fantasy/SF/pseudo-literary writer by day, obsessive romance writer by night, she used to balance her writing with the more serious job of librarianship until a chance meeting with another romance writer prompted her to throw off the shackles of her day job and devote herself to the true love of her heart – writing romance. She particularly likes to write emotional stories with alpha heroes who've just got the world to their liking only to have it blown wide apart by their kick-ass heroines.

She lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her husband, the inimitable Dr Jax, two kids, two cats and some guppies (possibly dead guppies by the time you read this). When she's not torturing alpha males and their stroppy heroines, she can be found drinking chocolate martinis, reading anything she can lay her hands on, posting random crap on her blog, or being forced to go mountain biking with her husband.

Places to find Jackie:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Sunday, September 22, 2013

ARC Review: Caught Up In You by Roni Loren

This book had me from page one! I have never read a Roni Loren book before, but I have been wanting to try one ever since I saw the amazing covers for this series! After reading this book, I have no idea what I was waiting for. Caught Up In You was a sexy hot read that had me not wanting to put the book down until it was completely finished. Who needs sleep anyways? I will definitely be reading the rest of this series as soon as time allows as I cannot wait to read about the other characters from this book. Kelsey and Wyatt's story was fantastic, and I really enjoyed seeing each of them grow and fall in love.

Kelsey has had a very tough life. After experiencing some horrible events in the past she is working two jobs while trying to pursue her true passion of baking. If she can save up enough money she dreams of going to culinary school and starting her own bakery. Everyday she goes to work at the diner, the sexy and rich businessman Wyatt Austin giving her something to look forward to every day. They both admire each other from afar, never voicing how they really feel towards the other. Kelsey thinks that someone like him could never be attracted to her, and Wyatt knows that he is older than her and believes that a relationship with her could lead him down a dangerous path with similar results to something in his past. However when someone from Kelsey's path shows up and threatens her, Wyatt cannot help his protective instincts and rushes in to take care of her. When Wyatt needs a girl to pose as his girlfriend for a business event, he thinks that this is the perfect opportunity to help Kelsey while helping himself. But things quickly change once they start spending time together and the attraction becomes more than either one can fight. Wyatt has no time for a relationship and Kelsey is opposed to anything other than a no-strings affair, but with chemistry as strong as theirs and a connection that gets stronger by the day, can the two of them get past their hang-ups and find love together?

I loved Wyatt. He was everything you could hope for in a hero. Wyatt is strong, confident, sexy and a little bit nerdy. He is socially awkward and that only makes his character that much more endearing. Wyatt is a natural dominant, but he truly cares for Kelsey and wants more than just her submission. He wants to protect her and make her happy, as well as give her the life that she deserves after all of the horrible circumstances that have happened to her. Kelsey is strong and determined, and she is an absolute survivor. I loved that even though she has fears and insecurities, and rightfully so after her past, she never let that get her down or stop her from moving forward. She is a character that I found myself connecting with instantly and I really enjoyed watching her grow as a person throughout the book. She gives up control to Wyatt and begins to submit to him, and the results are extremely hot and steamy! These two ooze sex whenever they are in the same scene together, and I loved every bit of it! It was clear from the start how perfect they were for each other in every way, and their relationship was very realistic.

Overall, I loved this book! I can tell you that it will definitely not be the last book I read by Roni Loren. I am excited to read the rest of this series, and really meet the rest of the characters. I never felt as though I couldn't understand anything because I hadn't read any of the other books in this series. This book can easily be read as a stand alone, the only thing that you really miss would be some of the back story of the secondary characters. This book centers around a D/s relationship and there are BDSM elements to it, so if that is something that you aren't interested in reading about then this book probably isn't for you. But at the heart of this story its about love and overcoming obstacles and tough times while getting past your fears and I think that because of that, fans of all genres will really enjoy this book. For me this book is a must read for romance lovers. If you enjoy hot and sexy scenes this book definitely delivers. I am looking forward to the next book in the series, Need You Tonight which is book number five and is Kelsey's friend Kade's story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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