
Saturday, May 27, 2017

Audiobook Review: The Highlander by Kerrigan Byrne, Narrated by Derek Perkins

Kerrigan Byrne is one of those authors that once you start reading her stories you just keep wanting more and more! I started “The Highwayman” a year ago and got distracted with other books. When the opportunity to review her audiobooks came up I ran for it! What a fantastic author. “The Highlander” is the third book in her Victorian Rebels series. I am so hooked! The only reason I was eager to finish this story is because I know I have two other books by her to hear!

I personally love audiobooks especially times like now when I’m too exhausted and busy to read. Derek Perkins is as good as they get! He is a fantastic narrator who really knows how to make the characters appear before me as he reads to me about them!

Now the fantastic writing that is this story! Colonel Liam MacKenzie is the hero or like many of Byrne’s writing, an anti-hero. He has a troubled family history and is known for his ruthlessness on the battlefield. He carries many demons from his past such as his difficult and abusive relationship with his father to the suicide of his wife. As Liam returns to his clan he is faced with the task of raising his children. Something that he cannot do alone so he needs to find a governess.

Miss Philomena can’t get far enough from London and the chance to escape to the highlands is the perfect opportunity for her. With the help of two friends, Millie and Christopher Argent-from the previous book- she finds herself Liam’s new governess.

As Liam and Mena begin to get to know each other they both have secrets that they want to keep hidden but their pasts are racing to catch up with them. Liam knows that Mena is running from her past and the wounds she carries are visible both physically and emotionally. Neither Liam nor Mena are ready to let their guard down and really believe that another can come to love them despite their wounded pasts.

So, some confessions. I have to say that I don’t like instant lust stories and most of Byrne’s stories the characters instantly fall for one another. The obstacles they face are either external or obstacles that will come to resolution with time. What always keeps me glued is that the storylines are so well plotted and the twists and turns are so unexpected. Towards the end there were some things I anticipated and others I did not! I really enjoyed Liam and Mena’s story and I am happily inserting the next cd of “The Duke” and I’m ready to jump into Cole and Imogen’s story!

**Audiobook provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Stand by A.L. Jackson

A.L. Jackson has one of the most beautiful writing styles that I have ever read. She is a truly gifted author, weaving words in a way that no one else does. I always look forward to reading something new from her, and if you haven't read anything by her you definitely need to. Stand was a book I had both been looking forward to and yet I was also kind of sad since this is the last Bleeding Stars book. This is a standalone story, but I definitely recommend the entire series. A.L. Jackson hit it out of the park again with this book, and I loved it! 

This is Zee Kennedy's story, a character I have been anxious to get to know better. When Zee's brother died, Zee stepped up to take his brother's place in his band. Besides that though, Zee remained mostly a mystery, never letting anyone in. No one knew his secrets or what kept him so focused. But when Alexis Kensington entered his life, everything changed. While she needed someone to save her, she ended up saving Zee too. But can he let go of his past in order to truly move forward? 

I loved these two. They really did need each other, and saved each other in every way. My heart broke for Zee at times, seeing all that he had kept a secret and been hiding from everyone around him. He had so much pain and hurt that he had shouldered alone, and he truly deserved so much more. Alexis brought him back to life in a way that he hadn't been for a long time. He had been surviving before her, but she helped him to actually live again. Zee and Alexis had such a strong connection and chemistry, and it felt as though they were always meant for one another.

Overall, this story was such a beautiful one. A.L. Jackson brought all the emotions here, and I loved it. This series has been fantastic from the start and I am really sad that this is the end. I thought that this one was such a great ending to the series though and I know I will read these books again. I have loved everything I have read from Jackson, but there is just something special about the Bleeding Stars series and Stand is one I think readers are going to love.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Friday, May 26, 2017

ARC Review: Sexy Stranger by Kendall Ryan

Every time I see a new book by Kendall Ryan, I immediately add it to my TBR. She is a great author and I always enjoy her stories. Sexy Stranger is no exception, and I think fans of hers are going to love this one. I had a great time reading this enemies to lovers romance story. 

On a trip across the country, Charlotte's car breaks down in a small town. While Luke knows she doesn't belong there, he can't help but want to keep her around for awhile. Luke once had his heart broken by a city girl, so he knows that when Charlotte leaves that will be the end. But when they grow closer, he can't help but wonder what would happen if she stayed. But can he let go of the past to have a chance at a future, and can she stay in a place she never imagined as long as she has Luke?

I liked these two a lot. They didn't start off the best, but I loved that! They had so much chemistry and tension between them that you knew it was going to explode at some point. Luke and Charlotte's banter had me not wanting to put this one down, and I couldn't get enough. Both Luke and Charlotte had some issues that threatened to hold them back, but I thought that they were perfect for each other. They were sweet and sexy, and seeing their relationship grow stronger was something I really enjoyed. 

Overall, another great book from Kendall Ryan. I enjoyed it a lot and it kept me interested from start to finish. It had everything I look for in an entertaining read, with both sweet and steamy scenes, and some really good banter and chemistry. This was a light and fun read, and was exactly what I was looking for to escape for a few hours. If you like contemporary romance, Kendall Ryan is an author that I highly recommend. I already can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Without Words by Delancey Stewart

Sometimes love speaks for itself…

After an accident in the line of duty, firefighter Roberto DeRosa’s life is turned upside down. His career fighting fires is over, and he’s left with an uncertain future and an injury that makes communicating difficult for him. The only time words flow easily is when they’re lyrics and he has a guitar in his hands. Talking to women is definitely out, especially if they have bright blue eyes that seem to see right into his soul.

Dani Hodge is on the brink of realizing her dream of opening a small combination wine and book store in San Diego’s funky Ocean Beach neighborhood. But before she can open the doors, there’s work to be done, more work than she can do herself.

When the tattooed guy who completely ignored her at a bar walks by and offers her a hand wrangling a tile saw, Dani can’t afford to say no—and why would she say no to Mr. Strong and Silent when his stare conveys more than words could?

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Thursday, May 25, 2017

ARC Review: Tyson by Kathy Coopmans

Tyson is the third The Saints series book by Kathy Coopmans. While they are standalones, I recommend reading Riddick and Jude first if possible. You don't have to, but I really think it adds to the experience of Tyson. 

Lynne left Tyson at the altar when they were to be married, leaving him with a broken heart. Now thirteen years later, she is back but Tyson wants nothing to do with her. Lynne has her reasons for leaving and wants to explain what happened to Tyson, but can he believe and trust her after everything that they had been through? 

I have to say that I really loved these characters. I love second chance romance stories, and these two had me invested right from the start. Lynne was strong and that was something I really admired, especially after all that she had been through. Tyson was a bit over the top at times, but I really loved it. He was protective of Lynne even after everything that had happened and it made me love him that much more. These two had a ton of chemistry and an undeniable connection that years and circumstances didn't diminish. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I loved the characters and I am really enjoying this series by Kathy Coopmans. If you are looking for a good story with a sexy alpha, Tyson is definitely one you will want to check out. While I did really like this book, there were a few times that the story felt rushed including the ending and that was what kept me from rating this one higher. I still highly recommend though and can't wait to read more from Kathy Coopmans in the future.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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ARC Review: Sexy Jerk by Kim Karr

Another fantastic book from Kim Karr! I absolutely love her books, and Sexy Jerk was no exception. If you are a fan of hers, Sexy Jerk is one you definitely won't want to miss out on. If you are new to her, Sexy Jerk is a standalone story and a great book to start with. I definitely recommend giving Sexy Jerk and all her other books a shot as she never disappoints. 

When her best friend finally decides to go on her honeymoon, Tess couldn't be more excited to babysit her godson and continue moving forward with her life after her breakup. But her best friend's husband isn't entirely convinced that she can handle Max on her own, so he arranges for his single friend Nick to help her out. But Nick and Tess haven't had the best interactions over the times that they have met previously. The more time they spend together though, the more Tess begins to realize that Nick isn't just a jerk and that there is more to him. But while she suddenly wants the sexy jerk, does he want her back? 

I really loved these two! Kim Karr knows how to write characters with depth that you can feel invested in and relate to, and that was absolutely true here. I loved Tess and Nick's interactions and the chemistry between them. They were sexy and sweet and watching them get to know each other was what made it impossible to put this book down. There was so much that they didn't know about one another, and they both had to realize that things with each other were different than what they had been through before. 

Overall, I really can't say enough good things about this book! I love Kim Karr's writing style, and she always manages to suck me in from the first page to the last. While this enemies-to-lovers has some material that might be a bit heavier, the book was light-hearted and easy to get lost in. Kim knows how to write hot stories that are filled with depth and emotion, and Sexy Jerk had everything I look for in a great story. I can't wait to read more from Kim Karr in the future.

**ARC Provided by The Next Step PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Feel Me by Cecy Robson

RT Book Reviews proclaims that the O’Brien Family series from award-winning author Cecy Robson “has the hottest brothers ever!” And in FEEL ME, Declan, the sexy, driven powerhouse meets the one woman immune to his charm . . .

Declan O’Brien was always driven to take his place among Philly’s elite, working hard for everything he’s earned, including the title of Assistant District Attorney. He’s won seemingly impossible cases, so he’s furious when he’s assigned to lead the one unit he doesn’t want.

Melissa Fenske was born hearing impaired to a neglectful mother, finding solace when she was adopted by a young attorney, now Declan’s boss. As the current Director of Victim Services, Melissa’s livid when Declan is placed in the main unit she oversees. She can’t forget their disastrous first encounter. Or shake how he makes her feel.

Declan considers the assignment another step toward his political aspirations, despite that he can’t get Melissa out of his mind. Melissa sees Declan as egotistical and self-serving, kicking herself for how fast she’s falling for him. Someone as hot, smooth, and perfect as Declan isn’t supposed to want her.

In another situation with any other woman, Declan wouldn’t hesitate to take Melissa to bed. But she is the boss’s daughter, and for once, Declan finds himself wanting more than just a one night stand.

Neither counted on each other. Both just met their match.

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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

ARC Review: Chance at Redemption by Samatha Harris

Chance at Redemption is the third book in the Madison Square series by Samatha Harris. This is the first book I have read by her, and I didn't have any problem understanding anything by not having read the previous books. I have to say I was intrigued after reading the blurb of this story and I had to read it despite the fact that I had seen some readers who had a strong dislike for the heroine. Unfortunately even just reading this book, I definitely see where they were coming from and she was what kept me from being able to really enjoy this one. 

Gwen had it all until her father cut her off. Broke and desperate, she is forced to get a job as a waitress where the new owner of the bar seems determined to make her life hell. Liam walked away from the obligation of his family to make his own way and since becoming the owner of a business he has experienced several roadblocks. So when his waitress injures herself and his sister hires Gwen, he knows that she is the last thing he needs. But when the tension between them becomes more than they can fight, they'll have to see if they can put their apparent differences aside and learn to embrace their new circumstances. 

Like I said, I had some issues with Gwen. Unfortunately I was just never able to really warm up to her. I had no preconceived notions not having read the previous books, but she just kind of rubbed me wrong from the get-go here. She was spoiled and didn't really care who got hurt or what she did as long as it got her what she wanted. I just have a hard time relating to that or finding any kind of sympathy for a person like that, even when they do try and change. Not that it is impossible, but it just didn't seem that genuine in Gwen's case. Liam was down to earth and genuine though, and I liked him a lot. I just wish that I had been able to like Gwen more since he was such a great guy and these two did have chemistry. 

Overall, Gwen made it hard to really feel invested in this story no matter how much I liked Liam. I also felt like the ending wasn't entirely what I had been hoping for. So while this one had some good moments, it just wasn't one I loved. I think that maybe I might like the previous books of the series better than this one, and I might give them a try. If this one sounds like a book you might like, I recommend giving it a shot. I think if you can get past Gwen's personality you will probably enjoy this one a lot more than I did.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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ARC Review: Clutch by Drew Elyse

This book did that thing where some books draw you in at first and then punch you in the face and kick you down the stairs in the second half. The first half (or so) of this book is a 4 star read. I was intrigued and happy I picked this one up. But then, the second half of the book rolls around and I was just like what the hell is this? I would only give the second half of the book about 2 stars. Between 2 and 4 is 3 so that's why I'm giving this a 3 star rating. If you read the whole book and walk away feeling like 'well that sucked' don't get mad at my rating because I'm telling you in advance why I'm giving this that rating.

Cami was born into the Savage Disciples MC. This is my first book about the club but it follows pretty closely the MC romance line. This is one of those MC clubs that has decided to go straight or whatever. That's not really my favorite thing but I get it. In any event, Cami left the MC fold to go out and make something of herself as a legit citizen. She is engaged to some straight arrow guy and has basically given up everything just so she can claim to be an upstanding member of society. Cami is a member of the country club wives society even though she is not yet married to her country club man. And did I mention that to survive the fake Stepford life she is living, Cami is a coke head who is staying high just to get by.

The thing I didn't really get about Cami is the why. Cami knew her fiance was cheating on her, she wasn't even sleeping with him. Cami was aware that her life sucked and aware that she was in for even more suck after she got married. So I had a difficult time understanding why Cami just sat back and watched her life be a crap show. And then Gauge comes waltzes into her fake perfect life and shakes the crap all up. Gauge is everything her blue blood fiance is not and Cami wants him, bad, right away. Gauge sees through Cami's excuses about being happy and challenges her to finally change her life. Cami, because of Gauge, finally breaks free and returns home. And from this point on, the book stops being a four star book and starts going in a totally different direction.

Cami gets annoying. She is so insistent that she will never be under anyone's control again that she makes stupid choices which put her in danger. Gauge is supposed to be a tough alpha but then he starts sort of acting like Cami is the one running things. And then Gauge has a .....situation which turns into a total hot mess that hunts the end of the book. I just, nothing about the second half of the book appealed to me. The book is well written, no problems there. Just after the 53% or so, I didn't want to read about these characters anymore.

**ARC provided by Ardent PRose**

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Feature and Giveaway: Viable Threat by Julie Rowe

Special Forces soldier and medic Walter River would give anything to snatch more than a few seconds of down time to see if he can rattle the no-nonsense and incredibly hot Dr. Lloyd he's protecting, but dodging explosions, snipers, and student radicals who've unleashed a lethal bio-engineered microorganism have made that almost impossible. Maybe he'll get a chance—if he can figure out how to keep them both alive.

CDC microbiologist Ava Lloyd races to find a cure for a bio-terrorism organism sweeping El Paso. The few stolen moments with her very hunky bodyguard River have been explosive, but no matter how alluring he is, she can't afford to get distracted. The clock is ticking, people are dying by the hundreds, and once this crisis is solved, they'll both be off on their next assignment, thousands of miles apart.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

ARC Review: Down & Dirty by Tracy Wolff

I have really loved books by Tracy Wolff in the past and I am always looking forward to seeing what she comes up with. I have to say though that Down & Dirty is not my favorite book of hers. While I did like some things about this one, I also had some issues with the story.

Emerson is already getting off to a rough start when she finds herself running late for her new job and gets sprayed with water by a driver hitting a puddle. She soon realizes that the driver is none other than star quarterback Hunter Browning. Hunter is immediately drawn to her and wants her, so he sets out to hire her as his real-estate agent to win her over and help save her job. But can he convince her to give them a shot and take her off the market?

I have to admit there were times here that I really struggled with Hunter's character. He was so arrogant and cocky at times. He thought he was God's gift to women, and couldn't understand if women weren't falling all over him with the drop of a hat. Emerson was better, being feisty and strong. These two had a lot of chemistry and were super hot together. That was definitely the one thing that I didn't have any issues with. Tracy Wolff knows how to write some steamy scenes, and Down & Dirty definitely delivered on that. I do feel like when it came to the story and the characters though that things were pretty surface deep and I would have liked more. 

Overall, this one was good but it wasn't everything I had been hoping for. While there were things I liked, it was just okay and I was left wanting more. If you are looking for something quick and sexy, you might give this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Cheater's Regret by Rachel Van Dyken

Cheater's Regret is the second book in the Curious Liaisons series by Rachel Van Dyken. Fans of the first book in the series will recognize Austin and Thatch, but if you haven't read the first book this one can easily be read as a standalone. I am a huge fan of RVD's, but I am always a bit skeptical when it comes to cheaters. If anyone could pull it off though, I knew it was RVD and I ended up really liking this one. 

Austin Rogers thought that she had found the one that she could spend her life with, but then he cheated on her and dumped her as though she was the one in the wrong. Her new mission becomes revenge on Thatch Holloway for how he broke her heart. But when she needs help with a school project for her MBA, she knows that she needs help from Thatch as he is a plastic surgeon and will draw the interest she needs. As much as Austin is hurting, she also can't help but still want Thatch even though she knows that he will just break her heart again. Thatch had his reasons for doing what he did, knowing that it was hurt Austin and push her away from him forever. As much as he wishes things were different, he knows that he made the right choice when he still has a secret that would destroy not only Austin, but any chance they might have at a future together. 

I really liked these two, even though I was worried about whether or not I would like Thatch at first. Once we got to know him more though, it was clear that there was so much more to the story. Thatch and Austin were really good together, and I really felt their connection and chemistry. My heart broke for Austin and how hurt she was by everything, especially since she had no clue what was really going on. I just wanted everything to come out and for her to finally get some answers, but I knew that Thatch was really trying to protect her in his own way. I was just hoping that everything would work out in the end and that whatever was going on wouldn't destroy their chance at something together in the future.

Overall, this was one I couldn't put down and I read it in pretty much one sitting. I felt really connected to these characters and Rachel Van Dyken has a way of telling a story that is unlike anyone else. She always has me laughing out loud and is great at delivering all the feels as well. I know that some might be scared off my the title and the fact that there was cheating involved, but trust me when I say that this is so much more than that and worth taking the chance on.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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