
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past few weeks.

Reflection by Elene Sallinger

Misunderstandings by Tiffany King

Set of eBooks from Laura London

Pure Heat by ML Buchman

Angela D.
Warrior's Curse by Alexa Egan

Breakable by Tammara Webber

Anita Y.
A Song For Us by Teresa Mummert

To Charm a Naughty Countess by Theresa Romain

Kathy P.
The Wedding Secret by Jeannie Moon

Musing Reader
A Beautiful Distraction by Kelsie Leverich

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Dirty Nights by A.M. Hargrove

Dirty Nights by A.M. Hargrove is a dark and gritty book and isn't for those that don't like their reads dirty. Dirty Nights was originally published as a novella series under Hargrove's pen name Emerson St. Clair. I am really glad that I read this as the novel though, because I am so impatient when it comes to serials and I really hate waiting. Dirty Nights had some things that I really liked, but there was also quite a bit that I had mixed feelings about.

Skylina has had a really rough life. Her parents split when she was young and she went to live with her dad. Her dad got remarried and her step-mom was horrible to her. She ended up being sent back to her drug addict mother who sold her to her pimp in order to get her next fix. She continues to work as a stripper and prostitute in order to not only survive, but continue to provide for her mother. She had dreams of becoming a dancer when she was a child, and continues to practice when she is able to. She meets Ryder at a coffee shop and is instantly drawn to him, but they leave without exchanging information only to run into him again when he saves her from being raped. Ryder and Skylina end up having sex, and from there they continue to see each other. But Skylina always leaves before he wakes up in the morning. When he hires his friend to find out about her, he never expected to find out that she is a prostitute. Even though he cares about Skylina, he can't continue to see her while she maintains her job. But Ryder is always there for her when she needs him, and does everything he can to show her that she deserves more. With both Ryder and Skylina being broken from their painful pasts, can they heal each other and find a future together?

I really liked Ryder. He was sweet and caring, and he took great care of Skylina even before he knew how much she needed his help. When he found out about her, he handled things badly at first but he quickly realized that he couldn't judge her and continued to support and help her. Besides being such a great guy though, he was sexy and a total alpha in the bedroom. He took control and was super hot with Skylina. I liked seeing the different sides to him, and his character was really complex. He had been through so much, and it was great to see him overcome so much after hitting such a low point because of what had happened to him. Skylina was strong and was a survivor, but she was also really loyal and caring. She continued to provide for her mother even after everything that her mother had forced her into. What I didn't like was the fact that while she was providing for her mother, she was also enabling her by providing her drugs. I felt like she should have tried harder to get her mother help, and that she should haven't continued that for so long. Everyone who cared about her tried to tell her, and she refused to listen. While I felt that Ryder and Skylina had a lot of chemistry and were really hot together, I thought that she continued with her job much longer than she should have. She was uncomfortable with it and knew that she was developing feelings for Ryder, and I thought that even though she had a lot of rules and didn't do everything it still felt like cheating to me. Ryder knew about her job, but to me it just didn't seem right that it continued to go on for so long.

I also felt like some of the dialogue and words that Skylina used were a bit annoying. She is a prostitute and stripper and yet instead of the F word, she repeatedly uses the word ferk. She explained at one point why she doesn't cuss, but I just found it completely unrealistic and frankly it was really distracting. Every time she would say ferk or use some other non-cuss word, it just seemed immature and out of place. I guess if she was younger and wasn't a hooker it would have been more understandable, but it really just drove me nuts. Ryder was definitely the highlight of this book though, and I was glad that he was such a likable character. He is what kept me reading this story, and I really loved watching him heal and get over his past. I think that if you like dark and raw stories with a gritty feel to them, that you might give this one a shot. It wasn't what I had been expecting or hoping for, but I think that a lot of people will enjoy this one especially if you are a fan of A.M. Hargrove.

**ARC Provided by Love N. Books Blog Tours**

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Feature and Giveaway: The Scoundrel's Seduction by Jennifer Haymore


Undercover agent Sam Hawkins has devoted his life to protecting king and country. So when he receives orders to assassinate a ruthless traitor, he doesn't question his mission. But Sam didn't know his deed had a witness--the beautiful and mysterious betrayer's wife. Now he has no choice but to take her as his prisoner-one he can neither trust . . . nor resist.

Élise, Lady Dunthorpe, will do anything to escape her powerful captor--including seducing him senseless. She didn't know of her miserable husband's crimes, but she has secrets of her own, secrets that threaten everything she holds dear. With his piercing dark eyes and gentle touch, Sam inflames Élise's deepest desires, but how could she ever trust a man who won't let her go? Caught between the crown he's sworn to serve and the woman he's come to love, Sam will risk his heart--and his very life--to keep her safe.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Tease by Sophie Jordan

What happens when a girl who always calls the shots meets a guy who's too wild for even her?

A born flirt and good-time party girl, Emerson has never had a problem finding a willing guy. She's always chosen her hookups carefully, and she's never broken her three cardinal rules:

Never let them see the real you.
Never fall in love.
Always leave them begging for more.

Then Shaw comes along. A hottie from the wrong side of the tracks, he's immune to her flirtatious banter and come-hither smile. After rescuing her from a disastrous night at a biker bar, he doesn't even try to take her to bed—he calls her a tease and sends her home instead. Unable to resist a challenge, or forget the sexy, dark-eyed, bad-boy biker, she vows to bring him to his knees.

But instead of making Shaw beg, Emerson finds herself craving him. For the first time in her life, she's throwing out her rule book. Suddenly, she's the one panting for a guy she can't control—a guy who won't settle for anything less than the real Emerson and who forces her to do things she's never imagined, including facing a past she thought she'd buried.

A guy who just might leave her wanting more. . . .

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Part One | Part Two | Part Three | B&N |

ARC Review: Finding Serenity by Eden Butler

Finding Serenity is the second book in the Seeking Serenity series by Eden Butler. These are standalones with interconnected characters, and it is not required to have read the previous book to understand this one. This book was one that I was looking forward to after reading the blurb. It had everything that I could possibly want in an interesting and different NA read, and who wouldn't want to read about a girl that's a DJ and was raised by a MC president father and ends up with a super hot Marine? But sadly, as much as I wanted to love this story I just wasn't able to.

Mollie was raised by her MC president father until he was arrested when she was thirteen. She was sent to live with her mother and sister both of which didn't want her and had nothing in common with her. Now years later she is in college and has created her own family with her friends, and she barely gets to see or talk to her dad because he is still in prison. But when her apartment gets broken into and bad things start happening around her, her father sends someone to watch over her. When Vaughn arrives at her door, she is shocked to find out that the hot guy she had previously met and had blown her off is the same protector her dad sent. Vaughn tries to fight his attraction to her and remain professional so that he can protect her properly, but he and Mollie both feel a connection between them. While they try to get to the bottom of what is going on, their attraction becomes more than they can fight and soon they give in to their feelings. But with Mollie still in danger and Vaughn's painful past, their relationship might be over before it ever has a chance to really start.

Vaughn really kind of confused me. He was sometimes a badass, and other times he vulnerable and struggled with his past. He felt like he wasn't good enough for Mollie and used that as an excuse, but other times he said that he couldn't do anything until the case was over and she was safe. He just felt kind of wishy washy to me, and honestly he didn't really live up to what I would expect from a Marine. I wanted to love him so much and he had moments that I did, but overall his character just didn't really work for me. Mollie also had her moments for me. She was strong and capable at times (and had no problem telling everyone around her that either!) but then she would easily give in and rely on others to take care of things for her. She would briefly stand up for herself at times, but then just as quickly roll over. Again, I just didn't really understand what was going on with her character. I also felt that while there was chemistry and attraction between Vaughn and Mollie, their relationship was never really developed. I was waiting for them to really start to connect more than just physically, and I felt like that just never happened. Their conversations seemed forced, and they spent more time ignoring each other or barely speaking than anything.

I also felt like this book was really slow and didn't hold my interest. There was a lot going on, and I should have been interested to see what would happen next. But for some reason, I just kept thinking how long the book was and how long everything was taking. It might have been that I just didn't click with the author's writing style and the characters. I did like the secondary characters, and would be interested to go back and read the first book to get Declan and Autumn's story as well as see what happens in the future with Layla and Donovan. For me, this book just didn't deliver on what I had been expecting or hoping for. I think that there are a lot of people out there that will enjoy this book, especially those that have read the first book in this series. I think that if you are a fan of NA books and enjoy some suspense with your romance that you might give this one a shot. I might end up reading the other books in this series, and hope that maybe those will work better for me.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Friday, May 23, 2014

ARC Review: Mercy by HelenKay Dimon

Mercy is the first book that I have ever read by HelenKay Dimon, but I was instantly drawn in when I read the blurb. This one sounded so good, and I had to read it. I ended up liking a lot of things about this story, but there were also things that didn't work as well for me. Mercy left me with some mixed feelings, but I will look for more from HelenKay Dimon in the future.

Eight months after Becca Ford helped her team take down club owner Jarrett Holt, she finds herself on the run as one of the only remaining survivors of her team. All the rest of her team has been eliminated, and there have been attempts on her life as well. Knowing that the only safe place for her is inside Jarrett's club and behind his security, she goes to him for protection while she gets to the bottom of what is happening. Jarrett has already been burned by Becca and he knows better than to let her under his skin again. But when she shows up at his club, he can't help but let her stay. He makes her the deal of protection and a place to stay, but she will be his to use as he pleases. As Becca tries to figure things out, things between Becca and Jarrett start to return to the way they were before and soon they are both starting to rediscover the feelings they shared before things went bad. Can Becca figure things out before someone tries to end her life? Can Jarrett ever trust Becca again after everything that happened?

Becca and Jarrett's relationship was really interesting to me because of everything that had happened between them. Becca's team had put Jarrett in jail for what she thought was several things, drugs being one of them. She saw things and discovered things that made her assume a lot about the person that he was. She had started to develop real feelings for him while undercover though, and the person she thought she knew was different than that of what her team was telling her. There was also a lot that Jarrett had assumed, and it would have done both of them well to just have a conversation with each other and listen. Despite everything that had happened between them though, there was still a connection and a huge amount of chemistry. These two couldn't keep their hands off each other, and both were still clearly drawn to one another. I wanted them to just lay everything out there and listen to each other, but there were still a lot of trust issues and naturally they both thought that they knew everything. I did enjoy watching them figure things out between them though, and the more that they learned about each other again and saw the truth the better their relationship got.

My main issues with this book were not the relationship between Becca and Jarrett or even the side story of Elijah and Wade. I thought that the relationships were written well and were interesting. They kept me turning the pages, and I really enjoyed seeing the depth to each of the relationships. I had problems with the suspense portion of the story as well as the beginning of the story. I thought that the beginning seemed to just almost drop us into the middle, and it felt like we had missed a huge portion of what was going on. I kept trying to figure out if this was a sequel and I had missed the first book. I understand a lot of this story was trying to figure out what had gone down with Becca's team and the operation, but it really felt as though we had missed a huge part of the story with the way this one was written. I felt like not only did we start the story in the middle, but we also missed the development of the relationship between Becca and Jarrett. I wanted a flashback or prologue or something to go back and give us the start of it all without revealing what had gone bad. I also felt like the suspense part and the investigation into the operation was slow and drawn out. It didn't really go anywhere for the first 3/4 of the book, and by the time we got any real cooperation or a start to resolution the book was pretty much over. It seemed to really be just sort of stuck and static because the entire book takes place within the walls of Jarrett's club and the floors/living quarters above the club. I just kept waiting for things to pick up, but it didn't happen for quite some time. While I enjoy a good sex scene and plenty of them, I felt like it got a bit repetitive and I was left waiting for more development and advancement. I would still say that this is not only a book that I enjoyed, but one that I think fans of romantic suspense will enjoy. I thought that the characters and relationships were interesting and the story is worth reading even if it was a bit predictable and slow moving. I will look for more from HelenKay Dimon in the future.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: See Through Me by Sera Bright

See Through Me is Sera Bright's debut novel, and it is also the first in her Lose My Senses series. Debut novels are always a bit of a gamble and add to that the fact that this book isn't standalone, I was a bit nervous going into this one. I have to say that I honestly couldn't tell this was a debut novel at all! This story was great, and I really loved it. I loved the characters and the writing style. Knowing that the ending would leave me hanging, I both wanted to get there faster to find out what happened, and delay because I knew I wouldn't want to wait for more! This book was so good though, and I would definitely recommend even with the cliffhanger ending. This one is definitely worth the read, and I cannot wait to see what happens next. 

When Katie's father asks her to return home to save their house from foreclosure, she decides that it is finally time to head back because she knows that Ash won't be there. But when she shows up, she finds out that he actually is there and has been asking about her. He isn't the same quiet nerdy best friend that she left behind though. He is sexier than before, and now he is wanting answers. When she left a year ago, she was doing what she had to do to protect him. But Ash has no idea what happened or why she up and left without a trace. As Ash and Katie get to know each other again, they realize that while they have changed their feelings haven't. Can they learn to trust each other again after everything that has happened, and what happens when their relationship is threatened by the past?

I really loved Ash and Katie. They were both young and made mistakes. They made decisions without talking to each other, and seemed to have communication issues from the start. But all those things were just age and their maturity level. Their feelings and love for each other was really clear right from the start. I loved that they would both do anything for the other, and they were really protective of each other. Ash was sweet and determined, and I loved that he never gave up on her. He was sexy and committed, and I felt so bad for everything that he had been through. Katie was strong and capable, and had to deal with things that kids shouldn't have to worry about. She was used to looking after herself, and wasn't very good at letting others in. She didn't trust easily and had a hard time opening up to anyone, even Ash. But you could tell just how much she really did love Ash, and everything she did was for him. I liked that they were friends from such a young age and that their friendship and history gave them such a great bond to start a relationship. These two brought out the best in each other, and were the perfect match for one another. I thought that they had amazing chemistry together, and you could really feel the emotional connection as well as the physical.

I was not ready for Katie and Ash's story to come to an end, even if it is temporary and we will get more of them in the next book. I loved these two, and their story is definitely one that will stick with me. I love the friends to lovers trope, but this one is one of my favorites that I have read. These two are just so sweet with each other, and I loved that it was always about the two of them. They always turned to each other and that kind of connection is rare. Sera Bright really impressed me with this book, and I loved how easy it was to become invested in this story. I didn't want to put this one down even as I kept dreading the end and the inevitable wait for the next book. I will admit that the ending was not something that I was expecting, and definitely leaves you hanging and wanting more. The second book is titled Only Your Touch and expected to be released sometime this summer. I know that I will be stalking goodreads for any information I can get on this one while I try to patiently wait for more Ash and Katie. I highly recommend this book to all NA fans, and I think that this is one that most readers will enjoy just as much as I did. These characters are easy to like and relate to, and to me their story is a definite must read. I look forward to reading Only Your Touch and more from Sera Bright in the future.

**ARC Provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Vivienne Lorret and Giveaway

I fell in love with fairy tales and the romance behind happily ever after at a very young age. Like a lot of you, I tweaked the fables bit by bit in my imagination until they suited me perfectly. By the time I was eleven, a teacher encouraged me to start writing.

Throughout the years that followed, my teachers remained my most fervent supporters, giving me the tools I needed to continue my journey as a writer.

My husband and I have two teenage boys, who are heroes in their own right. For now, we live in a small Midwestern town near Lake Michigan…until a time in the future when a new adventure calls us to other shores.

I am currently working on my next novel, but I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to email me at

Find Vivienne at:

Feature and Giveaway: Mercy by HelenKay Dimon

After she infiltrated his business and betrayed his trust, a disavowed CIA agent must seek sanctuary in the bedroom of a man who will either help her, kill her, or bring her to her knees…

Becca Ford is on her own. Eight months after she headed up a sting operation to take down millionaire club owner Jarrett Holt, the other agents in her special ops team have been eliminated under odd circumstances, and she needs a place to hide.

Jarrett is a man who prefers darkness to light. He deals in the only truly valuable currency—information—and his supper club caters to an exclusive clientele. It was an uncharacteristic moment of weakness when he let a woman into his life. But it’s not luck that the criminal charges disappeared . . . as did the evidence.

When Becca returns to the club seeking his help, Jarrett doesn’t want to hear her story. But he does want her body, and demands that she give it to him. He’ll keep her safe—for now—but it’ll be in his bed and on his terms, until he says they’re done.

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: Angel Kin by Tricia Skinner

Kate Logan is a band manager and a thief. When a vampire gang demands protection money, she does some breaking and entering. She grabs a few things and then hears the key in the lock. She hides in the closet and watches a crooked politician kill himself under a handsome giant’s orders. The giant carves a message in the dead man’s skin. Terrified, she calls her fireman brother, Jon, for help. He contacts the Bound to protect Kate. Cain is a member of the group and scares Kate. He’s could be the giant’s twin. As a matter of fact, he is his brother. Abel was thought to have died in a fire. Instead he was taken by the Renegade and trained to be an assassin. The brothers are half angel and half human. They can control thoughts. Make people hurt themselves and others. They are tracking each other now. When they have their showdown, nothing is resolved. This is a series. Intrigue and suspense are nonexistent. The secondary characters aren’t in the story enough to warrant their own story. They are named, have powers, and fade into the background.

Kate and Cain are not a believable couple. When they meet, she thinks he’s a murderer. No, his brother is a cold blooded killer. That’s fine and then they fall in love. Kate is pulled into this supernatural conflict without any qualms. She knowingly walks into traps set by the bad guys and emerges without a scratch. She also brings trouble to Jon and his co-workers. Everyone winds up in the hospital, except her.

The good angels are weak. They are unable to stay in a fight. The powers are easily zapped. They fold when one goes gets hurt. The bad angels can fight all day and night. Either they should be evenly matched or the good angels should be dead. Both sides take their orders from higher powers. None are defined or make sense. They are pulled back more than they attack. It draws out the story, but doesn’t add any action.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, May 22, 2014

ARC Review: Night After Night by Lauren Blakely

Night After Night is the first book in Lauren Blakely's new Seductive Nights series. There is a prequel novella before this one called First Night that can be read before or after this book as it is not needed to understand the story. However I highly recommend starting there so that you can see how Clay and Julia first meet. This book was absolutely fantastic, and if it is possible I now love Clay even more than I already did! Trust me when I tell you that these books are not to be missed, and Lauren Blakely never disappoints! Night After Night was so hot and steamy, and I can't wait to get more Clay!

Clay and Julia met one night at the bar that she co-owns and proceeded to have a night filled with passion. But their relationship was only supposed to be for one night. With Julia and Clay living on opposite coasts and Julia having a past that she is still dealing with, things between them are more than complicated. But neither Julie nor Clay thought that they would connect so strongly in such a short amount of time. Clay is determined to convince Julia that they are worth giving a shot and asks her to fly to NY for the weekend. Julia goes and they have an amazing weekend together before she suddenly gets called back to CA when her past interrupts her life again. Clay is confused and hurt by her abrupt and inexplicable actions when he thought that they were both feeling the same things. Clay and Julia both want to be together more than anything, but there are still a lot of things standing in their way. Can they get past the distance and the past that Julia is trying to handle on her own? Or will Clay's past keep him from taking the risk when Julia won't tell him what she is running from?

Clay is pretty much the most perfect book boyfriend ever. The more I get of him the more I want. He is so sweet and sexy, and I love how he is both commanding and gentle. This man is so complex and there is so much to him, yet what you see with him is exactly what you get. I love how he just lays it all out there and isn't afraid to be exactly who he is. He knows what he wants and he goes after it. He also has no problem giving as well as taking. I really love how he is so comfortable in his own skin and with his desires. Julia is a really easy heroine to like. She is strong and smart, and she cares so much about the people that she loves. She does everything in her power to help them when they need it and to also protect them in any way that she can. I love that she is is able to be fun and feisty one minute and then she can be so open and vulnerable the next. I really liked seeing her start to let Clay in. Even though it wasn't everything that he wanted to know, she really allowed him to see so much more than she ever intended or expected. Clay and Julia are exactly the perfect match for the other. They fit together so seamlessly and they are so right for each other. They have such a strong connection in every way, and it only makes it that much more intense because of their physical compatibility. These two are beyond hot, and I recommend that you take Lauren Blakely's warning about needing extra panties seriously! Clay has to be one of the best at dirty talk that I have ever read! 

Overall, this is another fantastic book from Lauren Blakely. I don't know how she does it, but with every book she continues to get better and better. Clay has instantly cemented himself as a permanent book boyfriend and I know that I will enjoy him...I mean reading about him over and over! This book was one that I devoured in one sitting and was left wanting more. I can't wait for the next book in the series, and I need to know how things go for Julia and Clay. We are left at the end with a bit of a cliffhanger, but luckily the next book is scheduled for release next month so there isn't too long of a wait. I am so excited to find out more about Clay and Julia and how they deal with all the obstacles in their way. These two are so perfect for each other that they absolutely have to end up together! I can't wait to get the rest of their story and see what Lauren Blakely has in store for us. Lauren Blakely is definitely a must read author, and this series is shaping up to be my favorite of hers yet! If you are a fan of Erotic Romance I highly recommend that you pick this one up for sure.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Feature and Giveaway: His Billion Dollar Baby by Lea Nolan

Burned by love and grieving over his brother’s death, sexy billionaire CEO Carter Anderson wants nothing more than to protect his family. So when beautiful and unassuming physical therapist Gwen Radley shows up at the funeral, pregnant with his brother’s baby, Carter’s certain she wants an interest in the Anderson empire—and both his suspicion and attraction grow when circumstances force Gwen to move into his family’s mansion.

An orphan, Gwen’s never wanted anything more than a family, and she finds in the Andersons a place she and her baby might belong. When Gwen’s therapy expertise leads to long hours of intense, late-night collaboration on a lucrative project, the attraction between her and Carter leads to a night of white-hot passion. But Carter’s distrust remains, leading them both to wonder if he will ever embrace his brother’s baby—or the love that’s blooming between them.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Guest Post with Author Marilyn Kelly and Giveaway

I write super-strong women, which is no surprise. Growing up with five brothers, my theme song was Anything They Can Do, I Can Do Better! I’ve traveled the world, visited over forty countries and lived in three, earned a Master’s in Microbiology, obtained a patent, and trained thousands of emergency responders internationally. My creative side constantly knocked, and I beaded, faux painted and entertained as a wedding DJ on weekends. A few years ago, I started writing sexy historical romances and my college sweetheart husband jumped in, helping me with research and grinning all the way.

My Wanton Widows series, published by Ellora's Cave, is about three accomplished women in Victorian England who are all searching for love, respect, and passion. The first in the series is Sounds of Love about a matchmaking novelist, a scholarly widow and an arrogant earl.

All the Boys I Ever Kissed (A Choose Your Ending Novel) is my first contemporary romantic women’s fiction. If you like The Bachelorette or Mamma Mia, I hope you'll love this book! There are three amazing men - a DC firefighter/paramedic, an athletic Latin millionaire, and a British baron. Which one will win Lana's heart? You choose your favorite! I follow the steamy romance with The Men Tell All Q&A.

I love lists and I’m the creator of the Eleven Senses - Who Knew? word-list book available on Amazon. If you’re looking for a way to add more sensory details to your writing, or to understand how the reading mind works, this book will come in handy.

My goal is to make thousands of readers happy and fulfilled. Please let me know if I've succeeded.

Find Marilyn at:

ARC Review: The Bad Boy Billionaire: What A Girl Wants by Maya Rodale

 The Bad Boy Billionaire: What A Girl Wants is the third installment about a modern day woman who writes historical romance novels. Maya Rodale has written not only three installments about the author Jane Sparks, but she has also written the three historical romance stories to go along with these books. I like that this series gives you both the modern and the historical, and that you have the opportunity to read Jane's books as well. I think this is a really cool series, and such a unique idea. I didn't really know what I was getting into before starting this book, and I hadn't read any of the other stories before starting this book. I didn't have a problem though, and this one was easily read as a standalone. I do think that reading these books in order would be the better way to go though, and would be a much better experience for the reader. I still really enjoyed this short and sweet story though, and after reading it I look forward to reading the others in this series.

Jane had been dumped by her high school boyfriend and fired from her job. Looking to save some face, she made a deal with Duke Austen the Bad Boy Billionaire. She would pretend to be his fiance and help clean up his reputation, and he would be her date to her high school reunion. What started out as fake, turned into something real. Now Duke really is her boyfriend, and they are actually in love. But when she is violently attacked by her ex, everything changes. The night of the attack, a storm hits and leaves Jane and Duke stranded at his apartment with no power. While Jane struggles after the attack, Duke tries his best to be there for Jane in whatever way she needs. But her reunion is fast approaching, and she fears her ex-boyfriend will be there. The reunion also happens to be the same night that Duke's company is having a part to celebrate his billion dollar IPO launching. Now, Duke and Jane must decide whether her past or his future is more important and what that choice will mean for the future of their relationship.

I really liked Duke and Jane. I thought that they were both really likable and easy to relate to. I didn't know them before this book since I hadn't read the previous stories, but I was still able to get behind their story and root for them. I thought that Duke was sweet and sexy, and he really cared about Jane. He was a bit of a tech nerd, but it was really adorable. I thought it was cute how much he was addicted to technology, and that he and Jane were able to be so playful about it. Jane was strong and fun, and I liked that even after everything that had happened to her that she was able to let Duke in. She and Duke were great together, and I loved the ease of their relationship. They worked really well as a couple, and I thought that these two really made each other better. They had a lot of chemistry together, but they also just fit together perfectly.

I liked this book, and I thought that Duke and Jane were great. I did feel like there were a few things that were a bit cheesy or over the top. But I was still able to enjoy this quick novella. I am interested to go back to the start and see the whole story of Duke and Jane, as well as read her historical books. I really do think this series is such a cool idea, and I think that romance fans will really enjoy getting such a different and unique experience with these books. I look forward to reading more from Maya Rodale, and I think that this is definitely a series worth checking out for fans of both contemporary and historical romance.

**ARC Provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

ARC Review: Searching for Perfect by Jennifer Probst

Jennifer Probst is such a great author! She really knows how to make chemistry jump off the pages! I have enjoyed all her books. Her characters are always fun to read about and fun to watch fall in love. I love Nerds! “Searching for Perfect” is a fantastic romance! Jennifer Probst has become one of my favorite contemporary authors. She is a combination of Julie James and Kristen Higgins (two of my favorite contemporary authors). Probst’s character are funny, deep, and very human.

I’m so happy that Kennedy had her chance at love! I loved the complexities of her character and the issues that she had to face. To me, these are real-life issues. Although Kennedy has it “all”, underneath she has very serious issues. I also think her relationship with her friends was a huge success of the story. It reminded me of Sex and the City, the girls all look out for each other and love each other. Kennedy is dedicated to making Kinnections, her matchmaking agency with her friends, a success. She is a great business woman and knows how to get results. When she sees Nate in all his disaster she can’t walk away, she knows that she can help him find love.

Nate was equally as interesting. The transformation was fun and hilarious, I think the main point is that he essentially stayed who he was. Although he was physically more presentable, he remained a great hearted guy, who knew what he wanted! I loved how Nate’s character evolved but he essential stayed the same. The speed dating scene at the beginning was so hilarious. But what I loved about him was his loyalty to his brother. I loved how the author really showed their bond. I also loved that Nate was not easily dissuaded by Kennedy’s insecurities and rejection, he gave her all the space she needed space but never stopped loving her. I recommend this story highly, my only gripe was all the back and forth at the end, but still, I would read this book over. That is how much I loved it!

I can’t wait to see how is the next one to make a connection at Kinnections!

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ARC Review: Tempting the Bodyguard by J. Lynn

Tempting the Bodyguard is the third book in J.Lynn's (Jennifer L. Armentrout) Gamble brothers series. These books can be read as standalones and even though I hadn't read the first two books, I had no problem understanding anything. I think that these books would be better read in order so that you get to meet all the characters ahead of time, and get to really know everything that has previously happened, but it is not necessary. I did enjoy this book, and after reading I will go back and read the others as well. I am a huge fan of J. Lynn/Jennifer L. Armentrout and this book was another winner from her. If you haven't read any of her books yet, you are seriously missing out.

Alana Gore has been getting letters from a stalker, and he has even followed her across the country. When she gets the newest letter saying that he will see her that night, she knows that she can no longer ignore the danger and that she needs to get help. In need of a bodyguard, she turns to Chandler Gamble. He is hot and has a reputation for being sexually adventurous, but he is also her former client Chad's brother. When Alana first goes to Chandler for help, he turns her down. He has a rule about not working with women that he wants to have sex with, and he has wanted her since he first met her. But when he quickly realizes that she is in real danger, he agrees to help her out. Caught between keeping their relationship professional and their growing attraction to one another, Chandler and Alana begin to realize that they can't fight what is between them. But with the past problems with Alana and Chandler's family as well as the current danger, things between them won't be easy. Can Chandler convince Alana to quit running and give a relationship a chance? Or will there be too many things in their way for a relationship to have a chance?

I liked Chandler. He was sexy and smart, and I loved that he was so confident. He was up-front and honest, and he didn't have a problem admitting his feelings. I liked that he wasn't scared by his feelings, and he was determined to convince Alana that they belonged together. I also loved that he saw who she really was and that he understood the things that she did. He was protective of her and I was glad to see that he always supported her and stood up for her even with his family. I know a lot of people had a problem with Alana's character because of her previous actions, but since I hadn't read the first two books that wasn't a problem for me. I can see how she would come across as cold and bitchy though. But I honestly thought that while her actions might not have been the best, she was just doing her job and she was trying to put her clients in a better position than they were in when she was hired by them. She was great with Chandler, even if she did run and try to keep him at arms length. It was interesting to see the woman have the commitment problem in the story rather than the man, even if it did drive me nuts a bit. But I thought that Chandler and Alana had really great chemistry together, and I thought that they were great for one another.

I really did enjoy this story, and I liked that there were steamy parts and funny parts. This book had everything that I have come to expect from J. Lynn, and it was another really good book by her. I did think that things progressed a bit slowly between Chandler and Alana, and I was so ready for things to happen between them by the time that they finally did. My other complaint with this one was that while the story was good, it was pretty predictable. I wasn't shocked by anything that happened, and I had the stalker figured out from early on. I felt like the suspense part of this book was just lacking because of the predictability, but I really enjoyed watching as Chandler and Alana figured things out between them. I would definitely recommend this book to fans of the series, and I think that readers will really love Chandler. I think that J. Lynn/Jennifer Armentrout is a must read author, and she is one of those that I would buy anything with her name on it at this point. This book is no exception, and I enjoyed this book and the characters.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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