
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Diane S.
$5 Amazon Gift Card from Delilah Marvelle

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine

I am a New Adult junkie. I love the genre, and I will give pretty much any book a try as long as it sounds good in the blurb. That being said though, a lot of NA books tend to be really similar, and that sometimes makes for just an okay reading experience. Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine though was more than I ever expected. It was fantastic! This book was well written and interesting. It was filled with likable characters that were a little bit broken and suffering from guilt and were struggling to just make it through. I loved this book so much and I couldn't put it down. I cannot wait to read more in this series by Chelsea Fine, and if you are a NA fan at all this book is an absolute must read.

Pixie is looking to avoid going home to her mother while on break from school, so she ends up taking a job with room and board at her Aunt Ellen's Inn.The last thing she expects though is to not only run into Levi, but that he will be working and living there as well. Levi and Pixie grew up together and were once extremely close. Now they are barely on speaking terms, and even then its only because they are arguing with each other. They try to do their best to avoid each other, but it becomes more difficult everyday especially since they are sharing a bathroom. Levi likes to use all the hot water just to annoy Pixie, so she retaliates by overloading the electrical system and blowing fuses. But the more that they argue and annoy each other, the harder it becomes to keep their feelings and attraction to each other under control. Can they find their way back to each other, or will their past continue to define them and keep them from having a future together?

I really liked Levi. He was so complex and at first glance he seems to be a bit of a jerk. But because we got his POV as well in this story, you could tell that he was lost and a bit adrift. He was clearly looking for any way to get a reaction out of Pixie and find a way to keep her close without actually being with her. He was so torn up by guilt that he felt like he couldn't be with Pixie or even really be her friend anymore. Pixie also felt a ton of guilt and I thought that it was heartbreaking how these two felt so responsible for something that neither of them were to blame for. Pixie was really easy to like, and I was instantly rooting for her. I liked that she was able to dish it right back to Levi and I thought that they were really great together. I loved their witty banter and the ease of their relationship. Even when they were struggling, you could tell just how connected they were and how natural their relationship was. They might have been in a bad place, but I never once questioned their feelings for each other or how strong their bond was. I loved that Levi was Pixie's hero and that no matter what he was always caring for her and trying to protect her. Levi and Pixie had an undeniable connection, but they also had off the charts chemistry. They were always more than friends, and it was great to watch them heal and make their way back to each other.

Overall, this book was captivating and I loved everything about it. The pacing was great, and I loved that it was slow enough to be real and not seem forced, and yet it was quick enough to keep you interested and turning the pages. I really felt their pain and anguish as they dealt with their painful past, and at times this book was really heartbreaking. But I loved how they were able to find their way back and strengthen the connection that was always there and really start to forge a new future together. This book was so real and believable and I liked how there was a ton of sexual tension throughout. There wasn't a lot of sex in this book, and yet there were plenty of steamy scenes and it really worked. Chelsea Fine did a really great job of making this book really sexy as well as emotional. I loved everything about this story, and I can honestly say that I have no complaints with this book. It is really rare to find such a great read that you can just lose yourself in and become completely invested in the characters. Best Kind of Broken is one of those books and I can't wait to not only read more in the series, but to also go back and read Levi and Pixie's story again and again. These characters are some of my favorites, and they will stick with me. I highly recommend this book to romance fans of all genres, this book is definitely not to be missed!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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My Favorite Book Couple with Laurie London

Laurie London is the USA Today bestselling author of the Iron Portal and Sweetblood paranormal romance series. Her latest release is ROGUE’S PASSION, Iron Portal #2, is available now and will be included in the boxed set DARK AND DEADLY: 8 Bad Boys of Paranormal Romance coming out April 14. Publishers Weekly has called her work “sexy” and “sizzling.” A former tester/programmer for a Fortune 500 company, she lives on a small farm in the Seattle area with her husband, two children and a variety of animals.

For book news, sign up for Laurie’s new release mailing list here:

Places to find Laurie:
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ARC Review: The Billionaire’s Demands by Addison Fox

Whenever I need a break from the copious amounts of (often dark) romantic suspense I read, I like to reach for a cute and fluffy contemporary romance, and the Entangled line always delivers. Addison Fox’s final book in the Boardrooms and Billionaires trilogy, THE BILLIONAIRE’S DEMANDS (which, as I can attest, can be read as a standalone), fulfilled this need with a sweet—if unremarkable—story and two enjoyable protagonists.

Heroine Camryn McBride is the Chief Financial Officer of McBride Media, a communications company she runs with her sisters (the heroines of the other books in the series) after taking over from their wanker of a father nearly a decade ago. Having been burned by love and let down by men repeatedly, Camryn eats, breathes, and sleeps financial reports and spreadsheets—so she’s great at (and extremely committed to) her job but shies away from personal relationships beyond those she has with her sisters. And even those are changing, with both of them now married to the loves of their lives. Hero Booth Harrison has spent his life trying to step out from under the shadow of his overbearing, arrogant, and way-too-old-school father as the heir apparent to the family’s publishing empire. With both Camryn and Booth working in the same industry, their paths were bound to cross—but Booth’s half-brother Nathan is married to one of Camryn’s sisters (an additional complication from Camryn’s point of view) so Booth has fancied her for months and has finally decided to go full-out after what he wants. Being the hands-on, motivational leader that he is, Booth treats his employees to an exotic locale (Hawaii) for the company’s annual sales conference, and with their keynote speaker cancelling two weeks before the conference, Booth convinces Camryn to take the speaker’s place. Sparks fly in paradise, a business deal falls through, and some shady ethics come to light and threaten to drive a wedge between Booth and Camryn—none of it is particularly novel and the conflict could have been built up and explored more deeply for a stronger emotional punch, but the tropes are well executed and Booth and Camryn are just so darn cute.

I really enjoyed Booth; he takes that romance hero perfection a bit to the extreme and really is too unbelievably good to be true, but I thoroughly enjoyed his attempts to woo Camryn. He sees and respects her for who she is—a gorgeous, intelligent, accomplished businesswoman who needs to let go of her rigid rules and live a little—and goes out of his way to prove to her that he’s not like the other men in her life. He has some family and former-commitmentphobe issues that purport to give him some depth, but given the short length of the book it’s all very straightforward. I liked Camryn as well; the way she has it completely together in her professional life but is a total mess in the personal arena makes her very relatable and likable, even if she’s a pretty cookie-cutter romance heroine. Emotionally unavailable father? Check. Presumed love of her life who put his needs and career ahead of hers at a personally trying time? Check. List of boyfriends who always find something to change or criticize? Check. There’s nothing novel about Camryn, but I liked her smarts and her wit, and that groveling scene at the end was equal parts goofy and aww-inducing. I even liked the “villain”, Booth’s conniving wanker of a father; he’s almost an overblown caricature of the hardnosed businessman willing to do anything for success, but watching him get his comeuppance was good fun.

Overall, THE BILLIONAIRE’S DEMANDS was an enjoyable—if thoroughly predictable—quick read that was a nice change of pace from my usual darker reads. It’s contemporary romance at its most basic, with the ‘plot’ centered exclusively on the development of the relationship between the protagonists and no significant conflict. The characters are enjoyable and the writing is crisp and witty, so I’d recommend it to fans of the previous books or anyone looking for a quick shot of romance with a particular penchant for boardrooms.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Friday, April 11, 2014

ARC Review: Drowning in Fire by Hanna Martine

Keko is a Chimeran general sent by her uncle to guard a visitor. Griffin has contacted the Senatus to strike peace between the elementals and the humans. He is water and Keko is fire. Intermixing the elementals is forbidden, but impossible to stop between them. Their affair lasts a week and when they are found out, they are banished. Griffin is attacked by a Chimeran and fights back, maiming him. Keko is stripped of her home and status. Griffin is sent back without the Senatus’ approval of his plan. Three years later, Keko has nothing to lose and decides to find the fire source. Her uncle and other members of the tribe are losing the gift of fire. She threatens the status quo and is ordered to stop. The fear is she may extinguish the flame in all. Griffin volunteers to track her and bring her back. Other sources ban together to find and stop her. Keko and Griffin must heal their relationship and the balance in among the elementals. They are playing with fire, but will they get burned in the process?

Keko is a fearless leader and excellent role model for the Chimerans. She breaks the time honored rule of falling in love with the wrong man, one not chosen by her family. Her punishment far exceeds her crime. She tries to follow the new order, but sees her kind suffering. She throws herself into the dangerous course of finding a cure. Her motives are true and she deserves the honors for following through on her convictions.

Griffin is a peacemaker. All occupy a small space, why not find common ground? He’s a bit optimistic and naïve. The powers that be like the balance of power and won’t cede a speck of territory. Griffin is the first of the couple to hope for more between them. Keko is used to being more detached. She had to fight her brother for a dominant position. Griffin has siblings and makes him more concerned for everyone’s future.

I liked Keko and Griffin. They make an excellent power couple. One point: there are a lot of characters introduced and I found myself making a list of the allies of each faction.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

My Favorite Book Couple with Kimberly Kincaid

Kimberly Kincaid writes contemporary romance novels that split the difference between sexy and sweet, taking the traditional idea of boy-meets-girl and infusing it with a sassy magic all her own. She believes in fiery yet flawed characters destined for a crash-course in falling in love-- usually the hard way-- and injects her trademark humor as well as poignant touches into her writing to create her stories.

Kimberly's writing journey has led down some bumpy roads (that first manuscript is under the bed, where it is very likely to stay), but there has been some fresh pavement too (her second manuscript earned her very first contest final, and landed the fantastic Maureen Walters at the Curtis Brown Literary Agency). One thing is certain -- the wild ride of being a writer is a lot richer in both its ups and downs because of friends and readers along the path.

When Kimberly's not sitting cross-legged in an ancient desk chair known as "The Pleather Bomber", she can be found practicing obscene amounts of yoga, whipping up anything from enchiladas to eclairs in her kitchen, or curled up with her nose in a book. She resides in northern Virginia with her wildly patient husband and their three daughters.

Places to find Kimberly:
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ARC Review: Mad About You by Joan Kilby

I was really surprised with how much I liked this book. I have never before read anything by Joan Kilby and that can always be a risk. I am so glad that I took the chance though because it really paid off with Mad About You. I really liked the characters, and I loved the friends to lovers trope. This book was just one of those really great romance stories that you find so cute and adorable that you can't help but become lost in it. I think what made this one so great for me was the fact that the two main characters had known each other almost their whole lives and the fact that they were so real and normal. I was able to relate to them and I was really invested in their HEA from the start.

When Cassy's best friend Scott asks for her help, she will do just about anything she can for him. They have been best friends since they were kids, and they have always been there for each other. Cassy is an accountant still living in the small town they grew up in, and although she is bored with her job of doing taxes she is comfortable with her life except when it comes to Scott. They have always been friends, but Cassy has also been in love with him for forever. She tried to kiss him one time and he ignored her for a few weeks after, then pretended that it never happened. She would rather have him as a friend than nothing at all. After Scott asks her to drop everything and move in with him to help him get the financial support he needs, she reluctantly agrees. But the minute that she arrives, they both feel as though their relationship is changing. Suddenly Scott is also experiencing the attraction between them and is more confused than ever. In order to keep the women away from Scott while he focuses on his work, Cassy and Scott come up with a fake engagement between them. When the passion ignites between them, they both decide to give in and enjoy each other while they can. But with their feelings growing stronger than ever and the new physical aspect of their relationship, can their friendship possibly survive? What happens when both of them start to wonder about a future together for real rather than just the fake relationship that it started off as?

I will admit that it was hard for me to connect with Scott right away. He was awkward and a bit cold feeling. It seemed like he was almost indifferent to Cassy at first and as though he had truly never seen her as anything other than his best friend. But as the story went on he really grew on me. He was geeky and adorable and his awkwardness became something that I actually really liked about him. It isn't often in a hero that you find a really successful and handsome man that is so nerdy and hasn't a clue about women. I liked that we got to see how confused he was and that he really had thought of Cassy as more than a friend. He was so afraid of losing her that he had never taken a chance on anything with her. I really liked Cassy. I loved that she didn't judge him and that she accepted him as he was. She looked out for him and you could tell that she would truly do anything for him, even if she knew that it would upset him at first. She really was a great friend and she knew him better than he even knew himself. I liked that she held out for him and wouldn't settle for a relationship with him that was just about their friendship or sex. The connection and bond that Scott and Cassy had was so deep and real because they had known each other all their lives. I loved that they were best friends, and really they were all that each other had. Their bond was undeniable and I really believed it from the start. They also had great chemistry together and I loved seeing them as they navigated their way from friends to lovers. I also loved that Scott was nerdy and adorable but then he was completely different when he was in bed with her. He had a whole other side to him that was really sexy.

Overall, this was a great quick and sweet read. I loved that there was no cliffhanger and no angst. This book was just one of those ones that you can sit and relax while reading and once you finish you are left feeling happy and satisfied. Scott might have taken a bit for me to warm up to, but I really ended up liking him and Cassy. They were great together personally, and I also loved that they were such a great partnership and team. I liked seeing just how well they knew each other and were able to turn such a great friendship into more. I also really enjoyed the parts with the geek techies. They were so fun and I liked watching them interact with Cassy. This book is one I would highly recommend to those looking for something short and sweet with a great HEA. I really enjoyed this story from start to finish and I look forward to reading more from Joan Kilby in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, April 10, 2014

ARC Review: Lost In Us by Layla Hagen

This is a tough review for me to write. After really liking the prequel novella and the characters, I have been looking forward to reading this book ever since. I went into this one already knowing the characters and thinking that this one was sure to be a new favorite of mine. Unfortunately this one left me frustrated and with mixed feelings. While there were still things that I liked and I enjoyed parts of this story, there were some things that drove me absolutely crazy about this book. I was really drawn into the story after the prequel and the first half or so of the book, but after about half way things really took a turn for me and not in a way that I had wanted or expected.

This story picks up after the prequel novella in that Serena is a British girl living in California while attending Stanford. She has just been dumped by her boyfriend of six years. Her friend Jess drags her out to a bar and she ends up meeting James. The attraction between them is instant, and James asks her out for the following night. Serena views the well known and successful James as the perfect person to help her act a little recklessly for the first time in her life and takes him up on his date. Their date ends passionately and before long the two of them are seeing each other and are unable to stay away from the other. James isn't looking for commitment or love and Serena isn't looking to be one of many girls that James hooks up with. James and Serena begin to grow closer, but James and Serena both have a painful past that keeps them from moving forward fully. Can James and Serena find a way to not only be together but to heal each other? Or will they be doomed before they ever have a chance at a future with each other?

I really liked James in the novella, and I was sure that I was going to like him in this story as well. I wasn't surprised that he screwed up a few times and made some bad decisions. Anyone who had been through what he had and felt the pain and guilt he did was bound to do things wrong a time or two. I actually ended up really loving his character. He not only apologized several times, but you could tell just how much his mistakes and bad reactions really took a toll on him. He felt horrible and he really cared for Serena, even if he couldn't always show it. He never gave up on her though and he kept trying to convince her that she was all he wanted and would do anything to have a future with her. He was so determined and I loved that he really tried as hard as he did. Serena was one that I was sure I was going to love, and then she ended up driving me crazy. She had moments of greatness, and I loved that she made James work for it. She didn't allow him to just let her be another girl to him, and refused to accept that he wouldn't be with just her. But she also then took things too far and even though he was changing would continually push him away for not doing things exactly how she felt they should be done. I got really tired of her being such an emotional wreck constantly sobbing over things that were her own fault. I understand she had suffered and had been hurt in the past and had issues because of that. But I also do not get that she refused to see what was going on right in front of her and all the effort that James was making. James and Serena had really amazing chemistry though, and that was one thing about them that never changed. They were super hot from the very beginning and you could really feel the connection between them. I liked that they had more than just heat though, and they really seemed to bring out the best in each other when they weren't fighting what was between them. I loved seeing James bring Serena to life and take her out of her comfort zone.

What really lost me though and took me out of this story more than once was the constant push and pull. I don't think that I have ever read a book that had so many break-ups and reconciliations in such a short amount of time. These two could not get things figured out for longer than a few days without something going wrong, and to be honest it became really tiresome. Either James would push Serena away, or Serena would cut and run. It just was too much and happened too often. I kept waiting for things to finally turn around and each time something else would happen. The constant jealousy and outside influences also got old. These two had enough problems with everything that had going on that they really didn't need the added drama of those around them getting involved. By the time that we got around to the ending, I honestly felt like it was abrupt and not as believable as it could have been. I had hoped for an epilogue or something because after all the push and pull it was hard for me to believe that they had both finally figured things out. I will admit that I really loved Jess and Parker. They were really likable characters and I found them interesting from the start. I can't wait to read their story next and see exactly what has been going on between the two of them. I really hope that they don't do the same hot and cold thing though, because I am really not sure that I could handle that again. I did like James a lot and I liked Serena even with the issues I had with her, and I had to finish Lost In Us to see what would happen. It was a good story overall, I just was expecting so much more after having read the novella. I think that this is one that had a ton of potential and I think that a lot of people will still really enjoy this story. This is definitely one that readers who like a lot of angst will probably want to read and I think that many New Adult fans will find this one to be something that they can relate to. I look forward to reading the next installment in the series though and can't wait for more Parker and Jess!

**ARC provided by Xpresso Book Tours**

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My Favorite Book Couple with Anne Gracie

Anne Gracie spent her childhood on the move when her father's job took them around the world. The gypsy life taught her that humor and love are universal languages and that favorite books can take you home, wherever you are.

Anne's popular and award-winning Regency-era romances are published by Berkley USA. She is a nationally bestselling author, a five time RITA finalist, and her books have been translated into more than 16 languages, including Japanese manga editions.

Find Anne at:

Feature and Giveaway: Lost in Us by Layla Hagen

Serena has learned to live with her past, locking her secrets and nightmares deep inside her. But when her boyfriend of six years abruptly leaves her, she’s catapulted back into pain, nursing a broken heart. When indulging in mountains of chocolate doesn’t work, Serena decides the best way to deal with her shattered heart is to indulge in something else. A rebound . . .

The night she swaps her usual Sprite for tequila, she meets James. The encounter is breathtaking.
And best not repeated.

James is a successful entrepreneur in Silicon Valley. A man who has amassed a fortune by taking risks. A man who has shunned commitment completely, and still does. He’s the exact opposite of Serena. But sometimes opposites attract. Sometimes they give in to burning passion. Sometimes opposites are perfect for each other.

James is everything her damaged soul could want. His kisses are intoxicating, his touch out of this world. He makes her forget. He grants her peace from her pain. But as they grow closer, Serena discovers she isn’t the only one with a past. James carries the scars of a past much darker than hers. One that has left him damaged, hurt, and wary of love. A past that gives him the power to shatter her.

Now James and Serena must find a way to mend one another. Or risk losing each other forever.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ARC Review: The Dark Affair by Máire Claremont

I read a novella by Máire Claremont so I was really looking forward to “The Dark Affair”. It did not disappoint. The beginning scene was fantastic. Lord James Stanhope, Viscount Powers is in a dungeon. He is thought of as mad and his actions portray that of a madman. Lady Margaret is very frighten but she tries to be strong and stands up to him. Lord James has lost everything he once held dear to him and doesn’t care if he lives or dies.

Lady Margaret Cassidy was really a fascinating character. She was a mixture of sensitivity and vulnerability but also very strong and honest. I love that she was upfront with Lord James and that she explained their mutual benefit in marrying. There is a strong attraction to each other but she clearly understands that he is an addict. Lady Margaret has endured a lot. She fled her homeland of Ireland under political uncertainty. She is constantly afraid and worried for her brother as his life is in danger. Maggie tries to protect her brother but the people he associates see her as a traitor. It is only a matter of time before she is placed in danger. The author really portrays the tension felt with the political unrest of the Irish.

Lord James was so wounded and so broken it was heartbreaking to see how he’s lunacy unfolded. One great aspect of the author was how real she portrayed this situation. There were many elements of the story that were very dark and disturbing-she in no way romanticized Lord James addiction or the extent of his emotional wounds. James is overcome with violence and anger at just the mention of his wife and his lost child.

When Lord James and Margaret’s marriage becomes real they have to learn to get over their mutual pasts. Both bare very deep wounds. When Lord James becomes aware of Maggie’s efforts to send money to the starving people he can’t helped but be moved. My only regret is that I didn’t read the previous two books in the series. Although this novel can easily stand-alone I would have liked to know the story entirely with the previous characters. This was a fantastic story. It was gut-wrenching and heart-breaking and beautiful. I highly recommend it and will be reading more in her past books in the Mad Passions series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

My Favorite Book Couple with Rachel Harris

Rachel Harris writes humorous love stories about sassy girls-next-door and the hot guys that make them swoon. Emotion, vibrant settings, and strong families are a staple in each of her books…and kissing. Lots of kissing.

A Cajun cowgirl now living in Houston, she firmly believes life’s problems can be solved with a hot, sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations. She homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches way too much Food Network with her amazing husband. She writes young adult, new adult, and adult romances, and LOVES talking with readers!

Find Rachel at:

ARC Review: Ghost Seer by Robin D. Owens

Zach Slade is a Montana policeman forced to retire due to an on the job injury. Mistakes made during an arrest of a DUI suspect left him with a broken foot and shattered ankle. He’s leaving for Denver and has a job offer with a private investigation firm. Zach is a seer and ties his predictions to crow sightings. Four gathered mean death, five means silver is near. Clare Cermak inherited more than money and property from her great aunt. She is visited by ghosts. She must accept the gift or die. Plus she must help the ghosts or go crazy. Her first visitor from the great beyond is her late aunt’s dog, Enzo. She feels the cold before a spirit appears, similar to The Sixth Sense. Her human ghost is an infamous outlaw from the Old West, Jack Slade. No relation to the Montana policeman. He wants to crossover to be with his wife. He has some unfinished business with an old nemesis. He cut off his ears and wants to return them. He presses Clare to find the ears. One is in an antique box in a local auction house. Clare and Zach meet in a café. He hears Enzo bark, but can’t see him. He’s hired by his boss’ aunt to look for stolen jewelry. She believes it’s in the auction house. Clare and Zach join forces to search for the ears. A man at the local library thinks their interest in the outlaw’s travels revolves around the legend of a gold robbery. He follows Clare and demands the treasure. There is no fortune, only mummified ears. He’s not satisfied and threatens her. Will Zach’s gift give him the clues he needs to find Clare in time?

I love ghosts. They shed some much light on the past and future. Clare’s great aunt Sandra, who makes an appearance to her niece, made a fortune, cashing in on interacting with ghosts. Zach the outlaw is interesting. He tries to dispel parts of his myth, hopes to right a wrong, and return to the woman he loves. His choice of quest is odd and not worthy of his stature. Ears are a strange assignment for Clare. I agree with the bad guy, I would have chosen gold.

Clare and Zach have no spark. They should be intriguing or edgy because of their Gypsy and Native American roots and gifts. They speech is stilted, including the words ‘like’ and ‘nice’ to describe each other. Zach describes Clare as being “nubby with passion.” Is this a good thing? The book makes a promising start, but falls short.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ARC Review: All You Need is Love by Marie Force

Cameron Murphy is driving to Vermont to meet with a client to discuss website ideas. The weather is not cooperating, making the roads slippery. She’s about to crash into the most famous resident of the town. Fred the moose walks away unscathed. Cameron gets smacked in the face by her car’s airbag, leaving bruises and swelling. Her damaged car leaves her stranded in the little town. As she steps out, her suede boots get stuck in the mud. Her rescuer, Will Abbott, is her client’s son and gorgeous. His family owns the Green Mountain Country Store. Her father and Will’s father know each other. One went on to become a domineering billionaire, the other a loving husband and father of ten. Along with his parents, Will and nine siblings have different areas of expertise and market various products through the store. The father hired Cameron, but his children are against the idea of a store website. She asks for time and starts to build the website with their input. Her attraction to Will grows, but she resists. She has a history of falling hard and fast for guys. Plus she’ll be heading back to New York in a few weeks. But she’s falling in love with his family and dogs too. Gradually, the family accepts her website ideas and approve of the blossoming romance. Cameron leaves and picks up the life she left behind in New York. Which one of them will be able to give up the life they love for true love?

I liked the characters, especially Will’s grandfather, Elmer. A nugget of his wisdom opens every chapter. Will and Cameron make an interesting opposites attract couple. He loves the outdoors and her teeth chatter at the thought of the cold. The siblings, dogs, and townsfolk fill out the book well.

I understand wanting to preserve the uniqueness of the store, but how would a website hurt business? Why refuse more opportunities for sales, especially since the store employs such a large group of people in the same family? The Abbotts have unique products, some handmade, others may be fragile for shipping, but the Internet is filled with such things. I was surprised the parents were for the website and their children were against it.

This a first book in a series and many plot lines are hatched regarding Will’s family.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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