
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Book of Choice from Jennifer Labelle

Not Until You Dare by Roni Loren

Tall, Dark and Vampire by Sara Humphreys

Inspire by Heather Buchine

Kissing My Old Life Au Revoir by Eliza Watson

The Bridegroom Wore Plaid + Once Upon a Tartan by Grace Burrowes

No Turning Back + Turn On a Dime by Tiffany Snow

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: No Romance Required by Cari Quinn

No Romance Required is the third book in the Love Required Series by Cari Quinn. Never having read the previous books in the series, or a book by Cari Quinn before I wasn't quite sure what to expect with this story. This book can be read as a stand alone, and I didn't feel as though I was at a huge disadvantage having not read the other books before this one. For me though, there were parts of this book that I liked, and there were parts that I did not care for.

Cory is a workaholic used to getting his way in everything he does. When his parents give him the ultimatum of find a girlfriend or lose control of the family business, he quickly decides that he needs a woman who will easily fit into his world without expecting a huge commitment. Victoria, his interior designer and longtime frienemy, is the last woman that would ever be his choice. However after a passionate kiss between the two of them is caught on camera and winds up in their local news paper, Cory decides that maybe she is the best option. Cory presents the idea to Victoria, but quickly changes his mind mid proposal. But Victoria isn't so quick to give up, as she has harbored a crush on him for many years. As the two set out to convince family and friends the relationship is real, they begin to develop real feelings for each other. It isn't long before both of them are wondering how to turn their fake relationship into a real one without scaring the other one off.

I really wanted to like Cory. He is sexy and smart and there is just something about a man in a suit! But unfortunately for me, I just didn't like his character. He was a jerk most of the time to Victoria and I honestly couldn't figure out why she would be interested in him besides the fact that he was gorgeous. Towards the end of the book he did start to grow on me and redeem himself, but at that point it was almost too late for me. Victoria is smart and sassy. Often times being feisty and refusing to let Cory control her, and yet I couldn't get over the fact that he is constantly trying to push her away and was not nice to her at all and she just kept going back for more. Their relationship just didn't make sense to me. I didn't really feel a connection between them or the emotions until the very end of the story. The only part of their relationship that worked for me was the sex. These two were smoking hot together and those scenes were by far the highlights of this book. They were well written and the steam generated between them was clear as day.

Another problem I had with this story was that the beginning was extremely slow for me and I just felt the pacing was off. It was hard for me to get into this one. Up until about half way through the book I really thought that I wasn't going to like this book at all. Luckily things started to get better at that point and the last half of the book really started to draw me in which is why I ended up giving this book a higher rating than I had originally intended. Cory and Victoria really started to convince me of their feelings towards the end, but it would have been nice to see some of their growth and depth earlier on. I think that the believablity wasn't quite there because of that. Overall, I think this was a pretty good story. For me, it's not one that i'm going to go back and reread over and over or be thinking about for a long period after though. It was for the most part enjoyable and the sex was hot. Those scenes really turned the book around for me and were worth reading this story for. If you are looking for some steamy sex scenes, this book definitely delivers, but Cory's character and the pacing just kept this book from being a home-run for me. I think that most fans of contemporary romance will find this to be a quick enjoyable read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Interview with Author Sophie Barnes and Giveaway

Author Sophie Barnes is celebrating the upcoming release of her newest book, The Trouble With Being a Duke and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give her a warm welcome.

Born in Denmark, Sophie has spent her youth traveling with her parents to wonderful places all around the world. She’s lived in five different countries, on three different continents, and speaks Danish, English, French, Spanish and Romanian.

She has studied design in Paris and New York and has a bachelor’s degree from Parson’s School of design, but most impressive of all – she’s been married to the same man three times, in three different countries and in three different dresses.

While living in Africa, Sophie turned to her lifelong passion – writing.

When she’s not busy, dreaming up her next romance novel, Sophie enjoys spending time with her family, swimming, cooking, gardening, watching romantic comedies and, of course, reading. She currently lives on the East Coast.

Places to find Sophie:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads 

Guest Post with Author Ivy Sinclair and Giveaway

Author Ivy Sinclair is celebrating the recent release of her book, Bittersweet Junction and has stopped by to chat. Please give her a warm welcome.

Ivy Sinclair cut her romance teeth on classics like Gone With the Wind, Casablanca, An Affair to Remember, and Sabrina. She is a firm believer in true love, a happily ever after ending, and the medicinal use of chocolate to cure any ailment of the heart. Ivy's guilty pleasures include sushi, endless Starbucks lattes, and wine. Readers of Ivy's stories can expect smoldering sweet stories of romance that tug at the heartstrings.

Places to find Ivy:

Friday, August 23, 2013

ARC Review: Bad Nights by Rebecca York

BAD NIGHTS, which kicks off the new single-title Rockfort Security romantic suspense series, was my first read by prolific paranormal and Harlequin Intrigue author Rebecca York. The cover is gorgeous, and the blurb sounded right up my alley. Former Navy SEAL with a major case of survivor’s guilt? An undercover mission to infiltrate a homegrown terrorist militia? A brainiac heroine unsure of whether she can open her heart again after the loss of her husband? I’m sold! But instead of the solid romantic suspense title I was expecting, BAD NIGHTS is more a fast-paced, standard thriller with slight romantic elements.

Many thrillers tend to be much more plot-driven than character-driven and generally favour the ‘tell, not show’ style of storytelling. There is generally no big, emotional arc for the characters, and the romance—if there is any—takes a distant back seat to the action. This is definitely the case with BAD NIGHTS: the focus is clearly on the plot, and the characters feel like props so the action can happen. Hero Jack Brandt is supposed to be the sexy alpha that bears the emotional burdens of war and being the sole survivor of a suicide mission whose psyche can only be healed by the love of a good woman. I read a ton of romantic suspense/military romance/special operations romance, so I love this type of hero. And Jack is definitely all that—we get glimpses of it in between all the running for their lives—but there’s such little depth to or growth in his character that he feels very one-dimensional and makes it hard to become strongly emotionally invested in him. The same is true for heroine Morgan Rains: there’s plenty of potential for a great character arc with her reluctance to open her heart again after her husband’s murder and the impact of a former patient’s behaviour on her life & career choices, but none of it is fully realised. The transition from complete strangers to lovers to forever after happens incredibly quickly (despite the length, the story develops in a matter of days) and failed to strike a significant emotional chord with me as a reader, though the sexual chemistry between the two in the love scenes was definitely hot. This isn’t really a fault of the author but rather a feature of the genre—but with the ‘romantic suspense’ billing, I was definitely expecting the characters and romance to play a more significant role in the story.

The plot is standard thriller fare (a homegrown militia planning an attack on the US government), but it’s well written, with clear, precise language that makes it easy to envision and understand exactly what is going on. And there is plenty of action and danger to keep one entertained, though it is somewhat unrealistic. It’s a bit like watching a James Bond film: there is no way anyone can do all that, but the heart-pounding action (and sexytimes) is still great fun. The villain, Trainer, is a really interesting character that would’ve been fascinating to explore more deeply in a more character-driven book, and the friendship between Jack and his Rockfort Security partners Shane and Max nicely sets up the subsequent books in the series.

BAD NIGHTS is first and foremost a plot-driven thriller. Readers looking for an action-packed love story where the romance and danger get equal billing should look elsewhere, but those that enjoy nonstop action with a small side of romance (and characters) on the way to the HEA will find a well written and enjoyable, if not particularly original, read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Zoë Archer and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to authors Zoë Archer and Nico Rosso  Both are celebrating the release of their newest book in the Ether Chronicles seriesSkies of Gold and have stopped by to chat.

Zoë Archer is an award-winning romance author who thinks there's nothing sexier than a man in tall boots and a waistcoat. As a child, she never dreamed about being the rescued princess, but wanted to kick butt right beside the hero. She now applies her master's degrees in Literature and Fiction to creating butt-kicking heroines and heroes in tall boots. She is the author of the acclaimed BLADES OF THE ROSE series and the paranormal historical romance series, THE HELLRAISERS. She and her husband, fellow romance author Nico Rosso, created the steampunk world of THE ETHER CHRONICLES together. Her new gritty Victorian romance series, NEMESIS, UNLIMITED, launched this Spring. Zoë and Nico live in Los Angeles.

Places to find Zoë:                     Places to find Nico:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter |       | Site | Facebook | Twitter | 

Feature and Giveaway: First Temptation by Joan Swan

Counterterrorist agent Taft Walker is up for the challenge of posing as an adult store owner with a new female undercover partner who is also a sex-toy virgin. At least until he sees the real woman beneath her tough façade.

Border Patrol Agent Zoe Brooks is ready to get off the front lines. She's willing to tolerate a swaggering partner like Taft for a new opportunity. But she's not prepared for the way he understands her deepest, sexiest desires.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

ARC Review: Blood Warrior by Lindsey Piper

I want to begin this review by stating that Piper seems to have a knack for writing some of the strongest and amiable heroines I’ve ever read. The following female Dragon Kings instantaneously stationed themselves in my list of favorites; Silence from Silent Warrior, Audrey from Caged Warrior, and now Kavya from Blood Warrior. Not to say that their male counterparts lack in their presence, but after all the titles I’ve read recently these gals are just icing on the cake.

Blood Warrior moves this series away from the Mafia run cage fights and give us some insight into the lives of the Dragon Kings living outside the interactions with humans in their world. Kavia of the Indranaan Clan, the Heartless Ones, is fighting to bring an end to the war between the two factions of her clan. Being born one of a set of triplets she enjoyed her early years spent with her sister and brother, but her siblings giving into the Curse of their clan instantly threw her life into chaos when one murdered the other to absorb that third of their Dragon gift into himself. Upon this knowledge Kavya fled her family and her life and began her calling as the one who will fight to unite the Clans and bring peace to those of her kind. Being cast as a creature of light and love she is given the title ‘the Sun’ from her numerous followers.
Tallis Pendray has long been labeled ‘the Heretic’. Driven by a beautiful spirit who haunted his dreams and promised him his dreams for his kind if he aided her in fulfilling her prophecy. She referred to herself as ‘the Sun’ and tasked him with assassinations of men and women that were proving danger to the Dragon Kings. Through temptation and loving whispers she tasked him with leading one of the most dangerous Mafia families to his niece’s doorstep on the assurance that she would go unharmed. After hearing of her treatment upon helping her escape the Hell he’d led her to he finally began to question the leadership and intent of his beautiful ‘Sun’. Then after hearing murmurs of said woman holding a rally where she would speak in front of her followers he had no choice but to attend, and prove her to be the con artist he’d learned her to be.

Just a few short chapters into this story we find our hero and heroine banded together in a fight for survival. Though both have different reasons to do so, they both realize that in order for them to reach their final goal they’d have to work together. During their journey many falsities come to light, and the smoldering embers of their instant attraction build to a steamy heart racing burn. So much world building and action keeps you engaged throughout this tale and leaves you well satiated at its end.

Blood Warrior is another great installment in the Dragon King series and I’ve said it before but I will do so again. The Dragon King’s series has been a true treat to read and has more than earned its spot on my favorites list. I can easily suggest that anyone who is a fan of a solid plot, a harsh world of beauty and fantasy, and characters you can’t help but root for should pick up these titles for themselves.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Truth or Date by Susan Hatler

Gina Hall is done with men who won’t commit. Ten years waiting for her ex to propose wasted her time. Never again. When her friend Kristen starts a game of Truth or Dare, she dares Gina to go on a date with Ethan, who’s amazing and total marriage material.

As Gina plans the going away party for office playboy Chris Bradley, she spontaneously initiates a game of Truth or Dare with him. When his turn comes around, he dares Gina to pose as his girlfriend to help get a flirty colleague off his back. Gina finds playing couple with Chris way too much fun.

Even though Gina and Chris are pretending, their relationship begins to feel painfully real. Fearing she might be falling for another fly-by man, Gina must focus on Ethan so she doesn’t make the same dating mistakes all over again.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

When Dukes Say I Do by Manda Collins

Just a Cowboy and His Baby by Carolyn Brown

Book of Choice from Cari Quinn

Suddenly Royal by Nichole Chase

In His Command by Rie Warren

Seduced by Cari Quinn + Taryn Elliott

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Cari Quinn and Giveaway

Please welcome back author Cari Quinn to RFTC. Cari is celebrating the release of her book, No Romance Required and has stopped by to chat.

USA Today bestselling author Cari Quinn wrote her first story—a bible parable—in 2nd grade, much to the delight of the nuns at her Catholic school. Once she saw the warm reception that first tale garnered, she was hooked. Now she gets to pen sexy romances for a living and routinely counts her lucky stars. When she’s not scribbling furiously, she can usually be found watching men’s college basketball, playing her music way too loud or causing trouble. Sometimes simultaneously.

Also, if you're on Facebook, I have a co-authored reader group with the fabulous Taryn Elliott called the Word Wenches where we post daily man candy, share smexy excerpts before you can get them anywhere else and hold lots of contests if you're interested in joining!

Places to find Cari:

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

ARC Review: Feel the Rush by Kelsie Leverich

Feel the Rush is the second book in Kelsie Leverich's Contemporary Hard Feelings Series. These stories center around a group of military members and their various friends and families. Although the characters in these stories are linked, these books can be read as stand alone. I hadn't read the first book in the series before reading Feel the Rush, and I had no problems at all with the story-line. I really enjoyed Feel the Rush, and after having read it I am very excited to not only go back and read the first book, but to read more of this series in the future! Kelsie Leverich really has created a great series and the characters are fabulous!

On the verge of turning thirty, Meagan, an Army brat and nurse is starting to feel the clock ticking. She has a great group of friends and enjoys her job, but she is nowhere near the husband and kids she thought she would have by now. After a string of bad boys and a few sex only relationships, she is looking for someone she can settle down with, someone safe. When her best friend Eva gets transferred to another base, she decides moving with Eva is the perfect way to start the next phase of her life. She never expects that her new neighbor will be none other than the anything but safe Reed that she had a one night stand with eight years ago. Problem is Reed doesn't remember her. After the two begin a friendship and he learns who she really is, Reed refuses to settle for friends only. Reed and Meagan grow closer together and the attraction between the two of them becomes more than either one of them can fight. But with both of them suffering from pasts filled with betrayal, pain and loss, they are both scared of truly letting someone else in. Can they risk their hearts with each other, or will they decide that its better to remain closed off in order to avoid getting their hearts broken?

Reed was sexy, charming and funny. It was easy to see how any woman would be drawn to him. He was confident and successful. One of the things I loved most about Reed, was that he was such a great leader and truly cared about the men that served underneath him. He didn't let his power and position change his personality and his ability to relate to his men. I also loved that even though he didn't think that he deserved to be happy and have Meagan that he was willing to try and give their relationship a shot and be what she was wanting. He was always very sweet with her. Meagan was stubborn and damaged from being cheated on by an ex boyfriend. Even though she tried to sabotage herself and her relationships, it was clear to see that she really loved Reed and couldn't give up on a relationship with him. There were times that I really wanted to shake her or yell at her to quit running and grow up, and luckily for the reader her best friend Eva often did just that! Eva was definitely the reality check that Meagan so often needed and I really liked the scenes between those two. I also really enjoyed Meagan's other best friend Trevor. I really wish that we would have seen more of him, and i'm hoping that we will get his story in the future.

Overall, I really liked this book. The characters were all really well written and had amazing depth. I found myself interested in all the characters and not just Meagan and Reed. I felt like Meagan and Reed were meant for each other and it was really heartwarming to read as they healed each other. These two characters started off so damaged and hurt, and their growth as individuals and a couple really seemed realistic to me. I think that fans of all genres of romance will really be able to relate to these characters and I would highly recommend that you pick this book up! Kelsie Leverich has really written a great story and wonderful characters that I can't wait to read more about. I will absolutely be keeping my eye out for more stories from her in the future.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Say Yes To The Duke by Kieran Kramer


Janice Sherwood wants to marry for love, but she’s failed to make a match after two Seasons. Her parents, the Marquess and Marchioness of Brady, arrange to send her to the Duke of Halsey’s country estate as a short-term guest of his grandmother, the dowager, in hopes that she might win the duke’s affections. What they never could have imagined is that Janice would fall for the ruggedly handsome servant Luke, who lives in the stables and carries an air of mystery and temptation.


When Luke Callahan learns that he is the legitimate heir to a dukedom, he will stop at nothing to claim what is his. But first, he must begin a game of disguise to secure his rightful inheritance. Janice isn’t part of his plan. But by engaging her in this dance of deception, might he lose her forever?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Unscrupulous by Avery Aster

At thirty-three Warner Truman is one of the richest men on the planet, a spa mogul who buys and sells resorts at will. He holds powerful executive’s careers in his well-groomed hands. Nothing is beyond Warner’s reach…until he meets her.

Stunning, tantalizing, and perverse, Taddy Brill captivates Warner’s carnal desire like no woman he’s ever met. A self-made millionaire, Taddy is tougher than steel, more brilliant than diamonds and, at twenty-seven, she’s never depended on a man for anything…until she meets him.

The more Taddy plays with Warner’s affections, driving him to erotic heights, the more she is confronted by a dark past. But before she can love him, Taddy must meet her worst fears head-on or risk losing it all, including herself.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Feature and Giveaway: Playing With Her Heart by Lauren Blakely

When you’re acting the role of a lifetime, how can you know if love is real—or all just a part of the show?

Twenty-three year old rising theatre star Jill McCormick has built a life out of pretending. Pretending she’s happy, pretending her long-distance crushes add up to something real, pretending she’s not haunted by the dark secret that shattered her world six years ago. Cast in her first Broadway show, she desperately needs to keep her façade intact, but that’s before she comes face to face with her devastating new boss…

Hot-shot director Davis Milo knows the first rule of directing: never fall for your leading lady. Captivated by Jill’s raw talent, he fights his feelings, but watching Jill on-stage with another man is more than his jealous streak can take. Keeping things professional isn’t an option. He wants all of her.

Soon the ingénue and her director are staying late in the empty theatre, their private rehearsals spiraling into new, forbidden territory. Caught up between fiction and reality, Jill struggles to find the truth in all their staged kisses. But how can she be sure that what she feels is real, and not a part of the play? And when two people spend their lives pretending, what happens after the final curtain falls?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Spare Hearts by Dorothy F. Shaw and T.D. Hoffman

Stuck in this dead-beat town for too long, Candy Jameson is itching for some action. And the magnetically sexy, Sterling Dey might just be her chance to get back in the game . . . at least for a night. Soon the sparks flying between Candy and Sterling ignite into a fiery encounter that scorches the lanes. But when Sterling wants more than just one night with Candy, she's not sure she's ready to bet her heart on a one-night stand.

Former professional bowling champion Sterling Dey wants to reclaim his title. This sleepy alley in a small Texas town with no distractions is the perfect place to practice-until Sterling lays his eyes-and more-on the joint's sultry night manager.

As attraction becomes more than desire and the pins start stacking up against them, Candy and Sterling's future may just come down to the roll of the ball.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Monday, August 19, 2013

ARC Review: Once Upon a Wallflower by Wendy Lyn Watson

Once Upon a Wallflower is a Regency mystery romance with a tender edge. This is the first book I have read by Wendy Lyn Watson. Her specialty is mysteries and that is evident in this story. It is also evident that she is a skilled and effective writer. I enjoyed both the romance and the mystery.

Lord Ellerby wins a bride for his son in a card game. It is announced that Nicholas, Lord Ashfield will marry Mirabelle Fitzhenry. But there are two cousins named Mirabelle Fitzhenry. Ellerby thinks he is getting Bella, the beautiful blonde daughter of his card opponent. Instead, they substitute Mira, the plainer, red-haired cousin. Fortunately, Nicholas is attracted to Mira and uninterested in Bella. Mira like Nicholas, but is wary of the stories that he murdered three women. As the families gather at the Ellerby estate to organize the wedding Mira becomes convinced of Nicholas’ innocence and vows to prove it. Danger lurks as she tries to find the real killer and become sure of Nicholas’ love.

Once Upon a Wallflower was an enjoyable, all-round story. Both Mira and Nicholas had some deep insecurities, but were decent and sincere. I think the writer could have developed their characters a little more. We know that Nicholas was an artist, but saw only a little of how art was part of him. Why did he live in the tower alone? His relationship with his father was also a little confusing. We saw things that happened to Mira, but didn’t fully know what made her tick. Nevertheless, I was sympathetic with both of them and was happy that they found each other. The mystery was intriguing, but not too difficult to figure out. The ending didn’t thoroughly tie up all of the loose ends (What happened to Beatrix? Did Bella and Jeremy truly love each other? How did Nicholas reconsider his relationship with his father?), but generally I liked the book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Cover Reveal and Giveaway: All Fired Up by Kate Meader

Her sweetest mistake . . .

Cool as a Chicago winter, private events planner Cara DeLuca is a model of self-control . . . until she meets the one temptation she can’t resist: Shane Doyle. The sexy, Irish pastry chef is too hot, too sure, too young, and after a crazy night in Vegas—her new husband. While at first Cara wants nothing more than a way out of her sham marriage to Shane, she soon finds that beneath his farm boy demeanor lies a man who can match her drive, both in and out of the bedroom. How can the wrong guy feel so deliciously right?

. . . Tastes so, so good

Shane has carefully structured his career and life around one goal: connecting with the family that doesn’t know he exists. Marrying a woman with more issues than a magazine stand wasn’t part of the plan, but melting Cara’s icy exterior is so worth the detour. Now as the annulment date nears and long-buried secrets are revealed, Shane will have to fight for the one thing guaranteeing the perfect life he craves . . . the current Mrs. Shane Doyle.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Seduction in Silver by Natalie Anderson

"A limited engagement…

For two weeks Nina Breslin had passed an enticing stranger when catching the Baker Street Tube to go to work. So utterly sexy, and enticingly foreign, she figures he's eons out of her league—until the day he makes an outrageous proposal.

Dr. Eduardo Ruiz needs a break from the heart-breaking reality of his job. So when he finally introduces himself to the vivacious woman he's been admiring, he quickly realizes they could help each other with their sticky situations…and have great fun in the process.

They agree to an outrageous plan. For one night only, she'll masquerade as his girlfriend to appease his overzealous family members, and he'll accompany her to meet with her ex-fiance's friends, pretending to be her attentive lover. Can they play by their own rules, or will they succumb to the pull of seduction?"

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Sunday, August 18, 2013

ARC Review: The Law of Attraction by N.M. Silber

Wow I really loved this book! This book is hands down the best romantic comedy that I have read not only this year, but in a very long time! I was constantly laughing and this one kept me up until the wee hours of the morning because I couldn't stop reading it. Besides all the laughing, this book had me fanning myself and reaching for a glass of water! Very sexy read and N.M. Silber is an excellent writer! Every scene was extremely well written, and I will be reading more from her in the future.

Braden is an Assistant District Attorney and Gabrielle is a Public Defender. They frequently face off against each other in the court room, and both of them are attracted to the other. However it takes the encouragement of their friends to finally do something about it. Braden is known for being a player, but when it comes to Gabrielle her begins to feel like she could be worth settling down with. As any good lawyer would do, Gabrielle negotiates a series of dates with Braden instead of his normal hook-ups and the two begin a relationship. They quickly realize that not only are they extremely attracted to each other with insane chemistry, but they are also really compatible in the rest of their relationship. Things are going well until Gabrielle receives an anonymous letter telling her that if she doesn't want to get hurt she needs to end the relationship. As she and her friends set out to try and figure out who mailed it, hilarity ensues. Despite Gabrielle's crazy family as well as her own crazy tendencies, Braden can't help but fall for her.

I loved Braden and Gabby! They were perfect for each other. Their witty banter and sexy scenes together were the absolute high points of this book. I absolutely could not get enough of the two of them together and I will admit I was not ready for the book to be over when it was. Braden is sexy, confident and playful. Gabrielle is smart, quick-witted and independent. I loved how the two of them interacted with each other from page one. The way that they start their relationship was one of my favorite parts of the entire book! Without spoiling too much, they negotiate it with the help of their friends and it is really hilarious! Besides the constant banter between the two of them, which was done so well, the sex was off the charts hot! Those scenes couldn't have been steamier and they were some of the best that I have ever read. What really connected me to these two though, was that besides the steam and wit, they were so sweet with each other. For a player, Braden really didn't have any problems giving that up for Gabby because of how he felt about her. I really enjoyed that once Gabby and Braden were together, there wasn't a lot of angst and drama with their relationship together, that was reserved for things outside of their relationship.

Overall, I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed this story! The characters are wonderful, even the secondary characters. They were all interesting and well developed. I am really looking forward to reading more about all of them in the next book. I will definitely be first in line to read the sequel, The Home Court Advantage when it comes out later this year. I am recommending this book to anyone and everyone, especially those who love a humorous romance filled with wit and steam! Give this one a try, I think romance fans of any genre will absolutely love this one! N.M. Silber is definitely an author to keep an eye on and if all her stories are like The Law of Attraction, she will absolutely be an auto-buy for me!

**ARC provided by Literati Author Services**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Kobo |

Feature and Giveaway: The Law of Attraction by N.M. Silber

Once upon a time two lawyers fell in love across a courtroom …

Gabrielle Ginsberg was a public defender with plenty of nerve and Braden Pierce was an assistant district attorney with a whole lot of swagger. Gabrielle wanted Braden and Braden wanted Gabrielle.

And Cameron wanted Gabrielle.
And Marla wanted Braden.
And Cole wanted Gabrielle.
And Mrs. Mason wanted Braden.
And an anonymous letter writer wanted to keep Gabrielle and Braden apart.

Together Gabrielle and Braden discovered many important things, like which doors at the courthouse actually locked, and that desks could be useful for more than writing. They also found out that the path of love was not always smooth, and it was sometimes trod upon by some really wacky people, like a confused fanny grabber, an eighty-two year old pothead and a gentleman who threw a wine and cheese party in his pants. Could true love overcome a lack of privacy, interference by jealous rivals and the insanity of the criminal court system?

NOTICE: This book contains explicit descriptions of sexual situations and mature language. It is intended for readers over the age of eighteen.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords | Kobo |

Once upon a time ... N.M. Silber was a criminal defense attorney who got up each morning, donned her power suit and sensible pumps, downed a gallon of coffee and set out to "fight the good fight" while trying to not go insane. Having a dark sense of humor and a sarcastic wit helped -- a lot. Another thing that helped was reading. As escapism was the goal, she liked to read romance novels, especially really funny ones and really sexy ones. Then one day something beautiful happened -- she read one that was both funny and sexy at the same time. She hung up her power suit, put away her sensible pumps and moved her coffee mug to her computer. Now she writes funny and smutty romance novels herself and she lives happily ever after.

Places to find NM:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 lucky person will win a Kindle Paperwhite
  • 1 lucky person will win a signed copy of The Law of Attraction

To Enter: 
  • International Shipping Available.
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to NM Silber and Literati Author Services for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guest Post with Author Lilliana Anderson and Giveaway

Please welcome author Lilliana Anderson who is celebrating the release of her book, Too Close.

Bestselling Author of the A Beautiful Series, Alter and the Confidante Trilogy, Lilliana has always loved to read and write, considering it the best form of escapism that the world has to offer.

Australian born and bred, she writes New Adult Romance revolving around her authentically Aussie characters as well as a biographical trilogy based on an ex-Sydney sex worker, named Angelien.

Lilliana feels that the world should see Australia for more than just it's outback and tries to show characters in more of a city setting.

When she isn't writing, she wears the hat of 'wife and mother' to her husband and four children.

Before Lilliana turned to writing, she worked in a variety of industries and studied humanities and communications before transferring to commerce/law at university.

Originally from Sydney's Western suburbs, she currently lives a fairly quiet life in suburban Melbourne.

Places to find Lilliana:
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