
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Deena Remiel Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to

Terri M
On winning a copy of Ghost of a Chance by Deena Remiel

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. 

Guest Post with Author Shilpa Mudiganti and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Shilpa Mudiganti. Shilpa is currently on tour promoting the release of her upcoming debut Always You and has stopped by to chat. First lets get to know a little about Shilpa.

PictureShilpa M Mirza grew up making up stories in her head. Starting with innocent babbling, genre of her stories changed with lessons growing up teaches us all. She thought life would be all about her stories until she completed her technical degree. Security of an IT job lured her leaving her stories to continue brew up in her head. Yet soon she had to fall in step with what fate had planned for her and she penned her first romance novella, Always You to be published by Inkspell Publishing. There has been no looking back since then. Juggling her day job as an IT geek, she has penned down her pet project, an exciting fantasy story of lions and wolves which, to her utter delight, is going to see the light of the day early next year. She says you would fall in love with her wonderful hero and heroine.

When she has time to breathe, she spends time blogging, connecting with her readers and spending time with her loving husband. She lives at Ridgefield Park, New Jersey.

Places to find Shilpa:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Guest Post with Author Joan Swan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Joan Swan. Joan is currently on tour promoting the release of her debut Fever and has stopped by with some of the characters from Fever to chat. But before we speak to everyone lets get to know Joan a little bit.

Joan Swan is a triple RWA® Golden Heart finalist and writes sexy romantic suspense with a paranormal twist. Her debut novel with Kensington Brava, FEVER, releases February 28, 2012. Her second novel, BLAZE, follows in October, 2012.

In her day job, she works as a sonographer for one of the top ten medical facilities in the nation and lives on the California central coast in beautiful wine country with her husband and two daughters.

Places to find Joan:
Site | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads |

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Winners Galore

Congratulations to:

Kristina P
On winning a copy of Changeling Dawn + Swag by Dani Harper

Stella Chen
On winning a book of choice from The Book Depository

Christina Bodden
On winning a $5.00 Gift Card to Amazon or Barnes & Noble

Heather Smiddie Robbins
On winning a Bag of Swag

On winning a copy of Blood Eternal by Marie Treanor

Jessica Edwards
On winning a copy of Firelight by Sophie Jordan

Tammy Darling
On winning a copy of No Proper Lady by Isabel Cooper

Ruth Mayer Hill 
On winning a copy of The Iron King by Julie Kagawa

Guest Post with Author Stacey Kennedy and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Stacey Kennedy. Stacey is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book Supernaturally Kissed and has stopped by today to chat with us. Before we hear from Stacey lets get to know her a bit.

Stacey Kennedy’s novels are lighthearted fantasy with heart squeezing, thigh-clenching romance, and even give a good chuckle every now and again. But within the stories you’ll find fast paced action, life threatening moments and a big bad villain that needs to be destroyed. Her urban fantasy/paranormal and erotic romance series have hit Amazon Kindle and All Romance Ebooks Bestseller lists. If she isn’t plugging away at her next novel, tending to her two little ones, she’s got her nose deep in a good book. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband.

Places to find Stacey:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Epic Book Giveaway Contest

Don’t Miss the “Indulge in Our Favorite Authors” Epic Book Giveaway Contest!

If you haven’t already heard, five romance authors are holding an epic book giveaway contest of *their* five favorite romance authors’ books. But they’re not just giving away a few books—they’re giving away complete, SIGNED backlists of the following authors:

Julia Quinn (sponsored by Shana Galen)

Lisa Kleypas (sponsored by Elise Rome)

Julie Garwood (sponsored by Heather Snow)

Elizabeth Hoyt (sponsored by Lila DiPasqua)

Cynthia Eden (sponsored by Vanessa Kelly)

Yes, it’s an epic contest, and it’s being held on Facebook right now. All you have to do is visit the Facebook pages of Shana Galen, Lila DiPasqua, Vanessa Kelly, Heather Snow, and Elise Rome, and enter the favorite book (the hint is given on the contest tab) for each of these authors.

At the end of February the contest will be over—so hurry!—and five lucky winners will win a backlist of one of the amazing authors mentioned above. Elise has said that Lisa is even signing her books after the winner is chosen for her backlist, so if you win Lisa Kleypas’ books, they’ll be personally made out to you. Also, the five authors are giving away books of their own, too.

Good luck to everyone who enters, and don’t forget to tell your friends!

Interview with Author Heather Snow and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Heather Snow. Heather is currently on tour promoting the release of her debut book Sweet Enemy. Heather was kind enough to let me ask her some questions and I would love to share them with you all. First lets get to know a little bit about Heather.

Heather Snow is a historical romance writer with a degree in Chemistry who found she much preferred creating chemistry on the page, rather than in the lab! She is forever trying to wrangle her left and right brain to work together (some days with more success than others!), but if her two sides had to duke it out, left would win every time--which can be a creative challenge. Luckily, she loves challenges...she just goes about solving them analytically.

She lives with her husband and two sons in the Midwest and truly hopes you find her stories have just the right chemistry...
Places to find Heather:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Guest Post with Author Lois Greiman and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lois Greiman. Lois is celebrating the release of her book Uncorked and has stopped by to chat, but first lets get to know a little about Lois, shall we.

Lois Greiman was born on a cattle ranch in central North Dakota where she learned to ride and spit with the best of them. After graduating from high school, she moved to Minnesota to train and show Arabian horses. But eventually she fell in love, became an aerobics instructor and gave birth to three of her best friends.

She sold her first novel in 1992 and has published more than thirty titles since then, including romantic comedy, historical romance, children’s stories, and her fun-loving Christina McMullen mysteries. A two-time Rita finalist, she has won such prestigious honors as Romantic Times Storyteller Of The Year, MFW’s Rising Star, RT’s Love and Laughter, the Toby Bromberg for most humorous mystery, and the LaVyrle Spencer Award. Her heroes have received K.I.S.S. recognition numerous times and her books have been seen regularly among the industries Top Picks!

With more than two million books printed worldwide, Ms Greiman currently lives on the Minnesota tundra with her family, some of whom are human. In her spare time she likes to ride some of her more hirsute companions in high speed events such as barrel racing and long distance endurance rides.
Places to find Lois:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sealed With a Kiss: Winners and Wrap-Up

We have lots of winners to announce but first I wanted to take the time to say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to all of the authors that participated and donated books for the Sealed With a Kiss Event. This event was a blast and you better believe that it will become a yearly fixture here at the blog. Thank you to everyone that stopped by everyday and commented and showed all the authors love. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves as much as Rita and I did. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

ARC Review: The Rogue Pirate's Bride by Shana Galen

It's not often when a book can make me cry. To be honest, it usually never happens, but I admit to weeping like a baby on more than one occasion while reading The Rogue Pirate's Bride. Oh my, this book was so good. Full of action, suspense, mystery and some pretty steamy love scenes it had me turning the pages in an attempt to keep up with everything.

I'll admit, this book started off a bit slow for me. Not that the story was slow, it's just that I'm usually not the biggest fan of books with pirates so it took me a few chapters to get into the swing of things. But once I did, I was hooked. The chemistry between Raeven and Bastien is immediate and electric. It literally jumps off the page and smacks you in the face but all in a good way. They are both so right for each other and I loved watching them both match wits with one another.

Raeven is the type of heroine that I love to read about and she captured my attention from the first page. As soon as she came on the scene with her plan to kill Bastien in an attempt to avenge the death of her fiance' I was hooked. She was just so feisty. She takes care of herself and isn't the type of heroine to sit back and let others do everything for her. She wants something, she pretty much grabs it by the balls and goes for it. I loved her tenacity and her spunk. I love that deep down she just wants to love and be loved and she doesn't do anything half way.

Bastien is everything you want to love about an Alpha hero. He's cocky, sexy, witty and intelligent. He fights for what he wants and isn't ashamed of anything. At the same time, Bastien broke my heart. He believes his entire family has died and it's heartbreaking to watch him trying to overcome the guilt he feels about their deaths. He refuses to speak about the event with anyone and when he finally does break down and talks about it, it's heartbreaking. Even though as the reader I know that his family is alive, my heart still weeps for him. It was gut wrenching to read, but it made their reunion all the more sweeter.

I'm sad to say goodbye to the Valere' family. This book just went by so quickly for me and I want more. Why can't there be more? Seriously though, this book along with the others in the Sons of the Revolution trilogy have quickly become some of my favorite reads in a long time. These are books that are definite keepers and I will be re-reading them all in the future. Shana Galen is amazing, and I bow down to her for this amazing series. It's definitely not one to be missed.

**ARC copy provided by Author**


Guest Post with Author Tamara Morgan

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Tamara Morgan. Tamara is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Love is a Battlefield and has stopped by today to share it with us. First lets get to know Tamara a little bit.

Tamara Morgan is a romance writer and unabashed lover of historical reenactments—the more elaborate and geeky the costume requirements, the better. In her quest for modern-day history and intrigue, she has taken fencing classes, forced her child into Highland dancing, and, of course, journeyed annually to the local Renaissance Fair. These feats are matched by a universal love of men in tights, of both the superhero and codpiece variety.

Places to find Tamara: