
Saturday, August 16, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the last week.

One Bite Per Night by Brooklyn Ann

Jumped by Colette Auclair + Knight of Love by Catherine La Roched

Virgin by Radhika Sanghani

His Every Need by Terri L. Austin

Diane Subsits Lynch
Once Upon a Darkness + A Titan for Christmas by Aria Kane

One Night: Promised by Jodi Ellen Malpas

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Elicit by Rachel Van Dyken

Elicit is the fourth book in the Eagle Elite series by Rachel Van Dyken. These books are best read in order as they continue the overall story from one book to the next. I was so excited to read Elicit, because I have been dying to get to know both Tex and Mo better. I really loved this book, and this series just keeps getting better. With each book not only do we get to know more about each of the characters, but we also get more about The Family and their world. I really love this series, and these books are not to be missed.

Tex was always the cursed Campisi but after killing his father, he is set to take over as the Cappo. He is used to craving the darkness and the violence, and only one person has ever been able to save him. Mo Abandanato is his best friend's little sister, and the princess of the Abandanato family. They are destined to be enemies, but have loved each other since they were kids. They both know that there is no way for them to be together in the future, but that doesn't stop the feelings that they both have. While they struggle with things that they have both done to hurt each other in the past, they must also face their future and the fact that that means they will be forced to leave each other. But with a war coming, will they be able to help save each other?

I really loved Tex. He was so much different than what you first think. He has always sort of been the quiet one that you never hear much from besides a few jokes, but in this book we really got to see just how smart and dedicated he is. I loved getting to see him as he struggled to balance his love for Mo as well as the fact that their families were on opposing sides. He cared about her so much he would do anything for her, even if that meant breaking his own heart. You could really tell just how deep his feelings for her went. Mo was strong and smart, and had grown up being tough because she had to be. She understood how things worked, and lived her life according. What I loved most about her though was that she loved Tex as much as he loved her, and she was so fierce when it came to him. She would do anything she could to protect him, just like he would do for her. These two absolutely belonged together, and there was no other person who would get them or loved them like they did.

Overall, this was a fantastic addition to the series. I really loved seeing what happened next with all the characters and getting to know Mo and Tex. I feel like they were so much more than what we had seen before. I really can't pick a favorite character or couple from this series because I absolutely love them all. Just when we think we know a character and what is going on, Rachel Van Dyken throws something at you that completely shocks you. I love how everything builds from one book to the next, and we never quite know what all is going on but in the end it all makes sense. I really can't say enough good things about this series, except Rachel Van Dyken is an amazing writer and this series is one I really recommend. If you aren't reading this series or Rachel Van Dyken's books you are seriously missing out! I can't wait to read more from Rachel Van Dyken.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Elicit by Rachel Van Dyken

Cursed, numb, rejected, scorned, wicked, sinister, dark, name is Tex Campisi and this is my legacy. I killed my father in cold blood and lost my soul right along with him.

I crave war more than peace, and I'm about to take my place in history as the youngest Capo dei Capi in the Cosa Nostra...that is until someone stops me, saves me from myself.

But the only person able to do my best friends sister, Mo Abandanato, and she just ripped my heart out and asked me to hold it in my hands while she put bullets through it.

Im cursed so I did it.
I'm numb so I held it.
I'm wicked so I liked it.

I used the pain Mo caused as a catalyst to turn into my biggest nightmare--the five families greatest enemy. It's my turn to take a stand, knowing full well I'm going to lose my mind to the madness that is the American Mafia. I've always been told Blood is thicker than life. I wish I would have listened. Because regardless of who you love? You will betray. You will kill.

Blood Always Wins.

The only way out is death...yours.

Welcome to the Dark Side of the Family

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Interview with author Jamie Wesley and Giveaway

Jamie Wesley has been reading romance novels since she was about 12 when her mother left a romance novel, which a friend had given her, on the nightstand. Jamie read it instead, and the rest is history.

She started her first manuscript, a contemporary romance, after she graduated from Northwestern University in 2002 and couldn't find a job. Life got in the way as it often does, i.e. she found a job, and she didn't finish the story. However, she never forgot about it and finally got serious about completing it in 2009. She’s been writing ever since.

Jamie holds a master’s degree in sport management (yes, that's a real thing :-) ) from the University of Texas at Austin, so it probably comes as no surprise that she loves sports and spends an inordinate amount of time rooting for her hometown Dallas’s pro sports teams and her alma maters.

She also adores Walt Disney World, shopping, and pop culture. Want to know if your favorite TV show is going to be canceled or what the newest Disney attraction is? Ask Jamie. She'll probably know the answer.

Find Jamie at:

ARC Review: Revenge Bound by Heidi Joy Tretheway

Revenge Bound is the third book in the Tattoo Thief series by Heidi Joy Tretheway. These books can be read as standalones as they are about interconnected characters from the band, but I would really recommend starting at the beginning. While it isn't necessary, I really think that it helps you to understand where each character is coming from so much better and really get to know what has happened with the band from the beginning. I really like this series and the characters, and I think that they are great books!

Violet has just been made the victim of revenge porn by her ex boyfriend Brady. He posted naked pictures of her along with her home address, phone number and her work information. She ends up getting fired from being a teacher due to it and is left with only her budding freelance photography career. Her friend Stella helps her by getting her the job of photographing the band Tattoo Thief to go along with Stella's article on them. When she meets Jayce from Tattoo Thief, she is instantly drawn to him and can tell that he feels the same. But not only does she now have trust issues, but she knows that the last thing she needs is to get involved with someone so famous and always in the spotlight. But when Jayce figures out what is going on with Violet, he becomes protective of her and refuses to let her deal with everything alone. But can Jayce earn Violet's trust and prove to her that he doesn't want to take over her life but have her hand over control on her own?

I have to admit that I didn't really feel one way or another about Jayce before starting this book. Although I had seen him in previous books, he didn't really make a big impression on me. I did really like him in this story though, and I was really shocked to find out how different he was than he first seemed. He was so down to earth despite his reputation, and I loved his interest in his home and cooking. He was so great with Violet as well, and I loved how patient and kind he was with her. He was really sweet and I loved that! I also liked Violet. I thought that she was strong and was a survivor. I liked that she made Jayce work for it and had him prove to her that she could trust him. I also thought it was great that she didn't take advantage of him like a lot of people would have, but that she did let him help her. I thought that they were really great together, and I thought that they had a lot of chemistry.

I will say that while this book was good and enjoyable, this one didn't have quite the same feeling for me as the others did. I really loved the other two books, and this one wasn't as good in my opinion. I did like the characters and it was great to see the others from the previous books. I felt like besides Tyler and Stella though that Jayce sort of made Gavin out to be completely different than the guy that we had got to know in Tattoo Thief. He seemed to almost dislike him for his actions and didn't seem to be all that interested in working through any issues that they had. With the events of this book, they really seemed to be fractured as a group and it just didn't have the cohesive feel that I was looking for. I also have to say that I hate Dave's girlfriend Kristina and have from the beginning. I was really not looking forward to getting his story next, but I thought that Heidi did a great job of setting up for the next book. While I wasn't initially at all interested in Dave's story, we really got to see a different side to him at the end of Revenge Bound and I am really looking forward to what happens next. I definitely recommend this series, and I really like Heidi's writing style. I know I will be looking for more from Heidi Joy Tretheway in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Friday, August 15, 2014

Review: I Stand Before You by S.R. Grey

I Stand Before You is my first S.R. Grey book, and it was fabulous! I loved the characters and the writing. I was sucked in right from the start and didn't want to put this one down at all, regardless of the many things I needed to do. I actually couldn't put it down, and kept reading until I had devoured every last word! I loved everything about this book, and I am dying to not only read the next book in this series but more from S.R. Grey in general.

Chase is known as the tattooed bad guy, and his reputation is well deserved. He was into drinking and drugs, and women before getting arrested and sent to prison. Four years later after being released, Chase gets a job at a local church as a handy man and begins to do work to the church and school. He attends mass on Sundays, but always sits in the back and pretends not to notice everyone staring at him and judging him. The pretty girl in the front draws his attention, but he knows that she is way better than he deserves. One day they literally run into each other, and they start to talk. Her name is Kay and she is a teacher at the school and has taken a job at the church for the summer. They agree to meet up the next day so she can give him a tour of the school, and their friendship begins from there. These two are broken and have painful pasts, but they find comfort in each other. As they get to know each other, they find that they are able to be open with one another and feel a connection stronger than any they have felt before. Soon they are not only friends, but have developed feelings for each other and give in to their passion. Everything is going well for Chase and Kay until their pasts threaten everything that they have built. Can they find a way to lean on each other and deal with things together, or will it be too much for them to overcome?

I really liked Chase and Kay. They were both damaged and were left all by themselves. Chase's story literally broke my heart, and I felt so bad for everything that he had been through. I don't support drug use at all, but it was not hard to see what had caused Chase to turn to them for an escape. But I liked that he was open and honest about everything that had happened, and he didn't try to make excuses. He owned up to his actions, and was committed to trying to have a better future for himself. He was so sweet and thoughtful with Kay. I also loved how great he was with his little brother Will, and that he never gave up on trying to make things better between them. Kay was strong but felt a lot of guilt for something that wasn't her fault at all. Her story was just as heartbreaking as Chase's but in a completely different way. She never gave up though, and she was determined to not forget her little sister. I thought that Chase and Kay were great together and they were perfect for each other. Their connection was so real to me, and I have to say their relationship was one of the strongest that I have ever read about. These two are absolutely made for each other, and they had everything. They were hot and steamy together with a ton of chemistry, but they also have such an undeniable emotional connection and they support each other through everything.

This book was really one of the best books I have read in a long time! I loved every second of it, and S.R. Grey's writing style is one that I just got lost in. I know these two characters still have a long road ahead of them, but I know that they have to end up together and happy because there just isn't another option. I will admit that this book being the first in the series does end leaving you wanting more, but there isn't a huge cliffhanger. I am interested to see where Grey takes these characters next, and also what she has in store for Chase's brother Will. I can't wait to read the next one and get more! I highly recommend this book to all fans of romance. These characters are younger and their age is definitely in the NA range, but I think their story is worth the read and that all readers can find something in them to relate to. This is one that I will definitely be reading again in the future, and is a must read to me.

**Copy Provided by AToMR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: Dangerous Territory by Emmy Curtis

It’s no secret that I’m a huge military romance/romantic suspense/thriller fan… what’s not to love about heroes that are wicked fit, protective, honourable, and willing to risk their lives for home and country and the freedoms it embodies? The undoubted favourites of the romance special forces world are Navy SEALs, but I have a huge soft spot for the US Air Force’s Pararescuemen (PJs), to whom I was introduced via RS author Kaylea Cross’s excellent work. Whenever a PJ hero comes across my desk, I jump at the chance to read his story... who can resist a hero whose motto is “That others may live”? It’s also not a secret that I’m not a big fan of novellas, but I just might have to rethink my opinion after reading Emmy Curtis’s debut novella, DANGEROUS TERRITORY. Ms. Curtis is an author military romance fans will want to keep an eye on: in eleven chapters, she delivers a story that is simultaneously deeply emotional, action-packed, sexy, fulfilling, and sweet, and is well written, well researched, and realistic. It’s high praise indeed that I find myself wishing I could be stuck in a cave in Afghanistan with my very own knicker-melting PJ!

Pulitzer-winning journalist Grace Grainger lives to flirt with danger: for reasons unknown, she’s devoted her career to being embedded with various military units in Afghanistan to report on the reality of war without sensationalizing or sugarcoating it. She’s also learnt the hard way to not become attached to any of the people she spends time with: in an active warzone, anyone could be gone in the blink of an eye. We first meet Grace on Christmas Eve, sitting in the hotel bar at the Four Seasons—her home when she’s stateside—trying to drown the pain of her last embedding with whiskey before she returns to Afghanistan. PJ hero Master Sergeant Josh Travers is in the same bar unwinding before he ships out again. Both just want to forget the reality of their lives for a little while—no conversation, no attachments, just straight-up sex and some good memories for the long journey ahead. Fast-forward three years and Grace is on her fourth embedding when the unit she’s on patrol with is ambushed by insurgents and a firefight ensues. Pararescuers are called in to get everyone back to base, but Grace is initially overlooked and then finds herself hiding in a cave in the middle of a Taliban hot zone with a PJ escort… who happens to be none other than her one-night stand and star of all her fantasies since, Josh. Neither had any idea about the other’s job three years ago, and Josh has an extremely negative opinion of reporters, seeing them all as scandalmongers looking to make a name for themselves vilifying the fight for freedom. Grace has sworn to never get close to anyone in a warzone again… but despite their hang-ups and issues, the chemistry between them is explosive. And, well, let’s just say: helmet light, cave, Taliban insurgents outside… so not the time, but wow. And that hut in an Afghani village—more wow.

I really liked Josh; somewhat unreasonable aversion to journalists aside (the backstory of which we sadly don’t get to explore due to novella length restrictions), he has the perfect mix of military swagger, protective alpha, and sweetness. It’s refreshing to see such a man’s man clearly be the one who wants more and not be afraid to go after it, and the man can certainly grovel once he realises what a wanker he’s been. The ending scene is absolutely swoon-worthy. Grace is a great character as well: no shrinking violet or TSTL damsel in distress, she’s deployed four times, speaks Pashto, and has a Pulitzer to her name. Her motivations for repeatedly embedding in warzones when she knows the toll locking away her emotions and not getting close to anyone takes on her are never really explored, and she resolves those issues and changes the course of her life after her time with Josh too quickly to be realistic (one of the major pitfalls of novellas), but she still kicks ass and I want to be her friend. She and Josh are a great couple, and their HEA is a well-deserved one I found myself avidly rooting for.

If DANGEROUS TERRITORY is any indication, Ms. Curtis’s Alpha Ops series is sure to be a blockbuster. Great characters (both the protagonists and the cast of secondary characters), excellent writing, a tautly-paced action-packed plot, and a remarkable level of realism made this novella a fantastic read. My only gripe is that it’s not a full-length novel—I definitely would’ve enjoyed a deeper look at Josh and Grace’s backstories. The characters for the first full-length entry, OVER THE LINE, Beth & Walker, were introduced in the novella, and I’m looking forward to reading their story—and hopefully seeing more of Grace and Josh—this autumn!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: Dangerous Territory by Emmy Curtis


Flirting with danger is reporter Grace Grainger's modus operandi. But she's learned the hard way not to grow attached to the soldiers she's embedded with in Afghanistan. To escape from her pain and loneliness, she fantasizes about the hot night she spent with a gorgeous stranger three years before in D.C. Grace never thought she'd see him again-let alone need him to rescue her . . .


Air Force Master Sergeant Josh Travers knows journalists are nothing but trouble. So when he has to risk the lives of his team to save some reporter who's been separated from her patrol, he's not happy-until he recognizes her stunning eyes and delicious curves. Josh has never wanted a woman like he wants Grace. Even in an Afghan cave with a sandstorm and enemy troops closing in, he can't deny the desire. This might be the end for both of them-or one hell of a beginning.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author Vivienne Lorret and Giveaway

I fell in love with fairy tales and the romance behind happily ever after at a very young age. Like a lot of you, I tweaked the fables bit by bit in my imagination until they suited me perfectly. By the time I was eleven, a teacher encouraged me to start writing.

Throughout the years that followed, my teachers remained my most fervent supporters, giving me the tools I needed to continue my journey as a writer.

My husband and I have two teenage boys, who are heroes in their own right. For now, we live in a small Midwestern town near Lake Michigan…until a time in the future when a new adventure calls us to other shores.

I am currently working on my next novel, but I always enjoy hearing from my readers. Feel free to email me at

Find Vivienne at:

Thursday, August 14, 2014

ARC Review: Truly by Ruthie Knox

Truly by Ruthie Knox started out as a serial that she published on Wattpad, but is now being released in its entirety. I have become a fan of Ruthie Knox and her pen-name Robin York, so I couldn't wait to read this story as well. While there were parts of this story that I really liked though, there were also things that just didn't work for me with this book. For me while mostly enjoyable, this book wasn't one that held my interest or that will be memorable. I had a tough time getting into this story, and felt myself wanting to skim through much of it.

May Fredericks has just moved to New York to live with her NFL quarterback boyfriend when he decides to propose to her in a very public place in the worst way possible. After stabbing him in the hand with a shrimp fork and getting their story plastered all over online thanks to a video or the entire thing, May decides that she can't be with Dan anymore and leaves him a break-up note and leaves his apartment while he is gone. She leaves his building just to be robbed and is left with nothing but her metro card and five dollars. She heads to a bar and ends up meeting Ben. At first Ben wants nothing to do with her and tries everything he can to show he isn't interested but before long they are talking and Ben offers to let her stay with him for the night while she tries to contact friends and family back in Wisconsin where she is from. When one problem after another happens with her trying to get home, Ben asks to show her around NY and they get closer to one another. Ben offers to drive her home to her sister's wedding and they both begin to realize that they are falling for one another even though it is really quick. But May's ex isn't willing to just accept her break-up note and Ben is dealing with his own set of issues despite his growing feelings for May.

I really liked Ben. I thought that he had some anger issues and that he also had some other things that weren't the best about him but he was a good guy. He was really great with May, and he didn't expect anything in return. He had his moments when he was really sweet and nice, and I loved that he was always trying to show May that even though she might not have been what most people consider to be ideal body type that she was still beautiful. He also was able to help her realize that she needed to live her life for her and not based on what others though or said was best for her. I loved how passionate he was about everything he did, and that he was such a great beekeeper and chef. May on the other hand I had problems with. She was cowardly for most of the book and was really insecure. Even after Ben kept telling her that he thought she was beautiful and radiant, she was constantly backsliding and would doubt herself. I wanted her to get with it sooner, and I felt like she was a real coward about how she handled the situation with her ex Dan. She needed to grow up a bit and I felt like she was pretty immature. She relied far too much on others, so I thought that it was great when Ben helped her to see that she needed to do things for herself. I also felt that while they did work well together and they had some really great moments between them, that they weren't super hot together. They had some chemistry, but I wasn't really seeing the strong connection that they were claiming and I think that it was really quick for them to be in love with each other when she had literally just broken up with someone she had been with for four years.

Overall, this wasn't a bad book and it had enjoyable moments. But for me this wasn't really great or memorable, and it wasn't one that I would go back and read again. I liked Ben a lot, but I just couldn't connect with May and I didn't really like her. I also really didn't like May's family, and I really hated her mom. Besides Ben, the characters in this story just drove me nuts for the most part. I also wasn't able to really get into this story very easily and I thought it was really slow at times. It just didn't hold my interest and I found myself wanting to put it down or skip portions of the story because I just didn't really care. As much as I love other books that Ruthie Knox has written, this just wasn't for me. If you are a fan of sweet contemporaries and don't mind a quick relationship, then you might give this one a shot. I will still read stories from Ruthie Knox in the future, and I look forward to seeing what she does next.

**ARC Provided by Random House Publishing Group-Loveswept**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Truly by Ruthie Knox

RITA finalist and New York Times bestselling author Ruthie Knox kicks off a steamy new series set in the city that never sleeps—alone, at least.

May Fredericks hates New York. Which is fair enough, since New York seems to hate her back. After relocating to Manhattan from the Midwest to be with her long-distance boyfriend, NFL quarterback Thor Einarsson, May receives the world’s worst marriage proposal, stabs the jerk with a shrimp fork, and storms off alone—only to get mugged. Now she’s got no phone, no cash, and no friends. How’s a nice girl supposed to get back to safe, sensible Wisconsin?

Frankly, Ben Hausman couldn’t care less. Sure, it’s not every day he meets a genuine, down-to-earth woman like May—especially in a dive in the Village—but he’s recovering from an ugly divorce that cost him his restaurant. He wants to be left alone to start over and become a better man. Then again, playing the white knight to May’s sexy damsel in distress would be an excellent place to start—if only he can give her one very good reason to love New York.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Audiobook Review: Until You by Penelope Douglas, Narrated by Nelson Hobbs

I loved Jared Trent in Bully, and I honestly couldn't wait to get his POV so I was so excited to start Until You by Penelope Douglas. While this book can be read as a standalone, I would highly recommend reading this one after Bully. I think that this story give so much insight into Jared and the events of Bully, and I think that it is much better having seen Tate's side first. I not only loved Jared's POV, but I also loved the narrator Nelson Hobbs. I thought that he did a fantastic job of bring Jared's story to life as well as Jared's character.

Until You gives the reader Jared's story from Bully as well as never before seen events from Jared's life. Jared had always loved Tate, and would have done anything for her. But when he is sent to visit his father for a summer before high school, everything changed. Now Jared does the one thing that he knows will keep himself from giving in to his weakness, he pushes Tate away and makes her miserable. Jared has learned to thrive on his anger, and by torturing Tate he keeps himself alive. Even though Jared hates Tate, he can't help but still love her as well. Before France, Tate never fought back. But now she is standing up for herself, and Jared is even more drawn to her than ever before.

I really loved seeing Jared's POV. I felt like it added so much to this story, and it was really interesting to see his side of things from Bully as well as stuff that we had never got to see before. Jared's thoughts and feelings were so interesting to me, and I felt like he was so much more than I had ever realized. I could not love Jared more, and though I hate what he did to Tate I was able to understand where he was coming from. I still don't agree with what he did, but I do see what caused him to act the way he did and why he felt like he should do those things. Seeing Tate through Jared's eyes really changed the whole story, and I felt like we really got to know her better as well as Jared. I loved seeing him struggle with his feelings for her and showing her that he was a different person. I think that Tate really saw through what Jared had done and was able to see that he was different than who he had been but that he was also still in part the person that she had grown up with and loved. Jared and Tate's relationship was so interesting in Bully, but I honestly felt like we didn't really get to see but a fraction of their story until Jared's POV in Until You. I also was glad to see what had really been going on with Jared and K.C. I still dislike her character and don't understand her, but it was nice to see things from another side. I really hope that she is finally able to open up to Tate and admit everything that she was thinking and going through later in this series, but it was nice to see her in a different light through her interactions with Jared.

I have to say that what really made Jared's story come to life was the narrator Nelson Hobbs. He was able to really capture Jared's personality and I thought that his voice was absolutely perfect for Jared. But Nelson Hobbs was also able to keep the characters distinguishable, and it was always easy to tell exactly who was talking throughout the story. Nelson Hobbs has a really great voice, and I found myself absolutely enthralled with this story. I was able to really sink into the story because of his telling of it, and the rest of the world just fell away as I listened. I could have sat and listened to this entire story in one sitting if it wasn't for real life getting in the way. But I never once had my attention waver and I felt like that was because of not only the story but the narration as well. This is probably the best audio book that I have listened to yet, and I think that was in large part due to Nelson Hobbs. I would love to listen to more narrated by him. I am really looking forward to more from Penelope Douglas as well, and I can't wait for the next story in this series.

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | B&N | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson

Don’t let my petite and innocent appearance fool you, because I’m one person you don’t want to cross. I’m Micah, the youngest member of Resurrection…If only they knew how young. My fake ID says I’m twenty-one.

And I will be…in four years.

What can I say? I blossomed early. Home sucked, so I left, determined to do something with my life.

Landing the gig as lead vocalist in the band was a dream come true. I’ve worked hard to make something of myself and nothing is going to ruin that for me.
Then He showed up.

He’s hot as hell and so into me. But he’s also twenty-five.

I don’t want to lie to him, but if the truth comes out I’ll lose everything, including him.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she’s a cat, a cat who thinks he’s a dog…you get the picture).

When she’s not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.

Find Missy at:

Check out what's up for grabs.

Up For Grabs:
  • 1 print copy of Wicked Innocence
  • 1 #GetWicked Necklace
  • 1 Swag Pack

To Enter: 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form.

Good Luck! 

Special thanks to Missy Johnson & IndieSage PR for sponsoring this tour-wide giveaway.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Guest Post with Elle Kennedy

Meet Elle Kennedy, author of One Night of Sin.

A RITA-award-nominated, best-selling author, Elle Kennedy grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, Ontario, and holds a BA in English from York University. From an early age, she knew she wanted to be a writer and actively began pursuing that dream when she was a teenager. She loves strong heroines and sexy alpha heroes, and just enough heat and danger to keep things interesting!

Elle loves to hear from her readers. Visit her website or sign up for her newsletter to receive updates about upcoming books and exclusive excerpts.

Find Elle at:

ARC Review: Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson

I have to admit I was really intrigued by the blurb and cover of this book. I knew that this one was going to be one that I would definitely have some strong opinions on. Wicked Innocence by Missy Johnson seemed like it was going to be all about the taboo and sexy and completely naughty which I was really excited about. This story ended up being different than I expected though, and while I enjoyed it there were some things that I had issues with.

Micah is the new lead singer of the band Resurrection. She left home at the age of 14 and has lied about her age ever since. Even though her ID says that she is 21, she is actually only 17. Joining the band she immediately meets their manager Saxon Waite. He is the ex bad boy of rock, and is 25. Growing up with posters of him on her wall, Micah is excited to be working with him. When they head out on tour, the end up bonding right away and grow close quick. The attraction between them is something that neither of them can fight no matter how hard they try. But Micah knows that everything between them as well as with the band could be ruined if the truth came out. Even though she doesn't want to lie to him and continues to feel more guilty by the day, how can she ever tell him the truth?

I really loved Saxon. He was sweet and sexy, and I loved his personality. He was great with Micah right away, and you could tell that they had a connection right from the start. He had been through so much with his fame and life at such a young age that he made some bad decisions and ended up paying the price. He was struggling with guilt and with a family that blamed him for a lot of things. I was really glad that he was able to start to heal though and move forward with his life. Micah was strong and determined, and I couldn't believe how much independence she had at such a young age. She had such a good head on her shoulders despite everything, and while I didn't agree with everything she did I understood where she was coming from. I really liked her with Saxon, and I thought that he was really good for her. She was running from her past, and it was good for her to connect with someone and have him help her move forward. I thought that they had a lot of chemistry and that they were really hot together.

While this book did have steamy moments and it was sexy, I thought that this one ended up being much sweeter than I had expected. I had been hoping for more of the taboo and naughty sexy bits, and it wasn't like that for the most part. While Micah wasn't a sweet virgin, she also wasn't totally wicked either. I guess I had just been hoping for more wicked like the name of the book implied. I also kept thinking that Micah was a weird name for a girl spelled the way it was, and I kept having to remind myself that Micah was the heroine. I think that might just be a personal thing, but it didn't work for me at all. I did think that the story was good and enjoyable, and it was definitely a quick read. I had no problems getting into the story and I thought it was definitely a good way to entertain myself for a few hours. I would love to get to know some of the other guys from the band a bit better after reading this one, and I hope that maybe we will see more of them in the future. I did really enjoy getting to know Saxon though, and he was one of the highlights of this book. If you are looking for a sweet story with some steam to it and some hot rockstars, you might give this one a shot.

**ARC Provided by IndieSage Promo**

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Audiobook Review: Behind the Plaid by Eliza Knight, Narrated by Antony Ferguson and Arika Rapson

Eliza Knight has been one of those authors that I’m always meaning to read and never get a chance. When I saw the audiobook I jumped at the chance to hear her storytelling. It was a great story!

First, Emma Gordon is in a very horrible marriage. She married very young to a very abusive husband. While they are on vacation in Scotland she has finally had enough. She realizes that if she doesn’t leave at that moment she never will. Finding strength that she doesn’t even know she has, she gets into a cab and leaves. She’s not sure to where but while she is in the cab she sees Castle Gealach. She feels a strange pull but gets out of the cab, realizing that her husband could be coming after her, and she makes her way to the door.

Emma is transported to the 16th Century where Laird Logan Grant lives. When Emma appears Logan is in the midst of a battle. He is protecting his castle from invaders. Although he does not know Emma or who she is, he instantly tries to protect her. Emma is confused about what is happening around her but quickly realizes that she is no longer in the “present.”

Logan and Emma have A-MAZING chemistry. They are instantly drawn to each other. As Logan tries to figure out who Emma is he takes her into his castle. Emma realizes that she is in a different time and tries to understand what is going on. As Logan and Emma get to know each other they have to face a lot of obstacles. Aside from the time travel issue, Emma is very badly scarred by her abusive husband and has a difficult time learning to trust herself and accept Logan’s kindness. Logan is an amazing hero. Even though he is all brawn he has a lot of heart and it’s clear from the very moment he sets his eyes on Emma that he is going to protect her and give her the love she never received.

Eliza Knight is a fantastic writer. She was able to capture the feelings of Emma so perfectly that I ached for her. She was also able to portray Logan in such a heroic manner that it was impossible not to cheer for him and want him and Emma to have a happily-ever-after. The scenes with Emma and Logan were VERY detailed but aside from this they built a good relationship where they learn trust each other.

Since the story is told from Logan and Emma’s point of view it makes it easy to understand what they are thinking and feeling. The narration is done by a male and female which was very entertaining. I highly recommend this audiobook and plan to read and hear more books by Eliza Knight.

**Audiobook provided by Tantor**

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |