
Saturday, October 29, 2011

250 Follower Giveaway Winners

Congratulations to:

On winning a Bag of Swag

Barbara E
On winning a copy of Dreams of the Oasis Volume 2

Sherry S
On winning a copy of Back To Life and The Guardian 

Kathryn M
On winning the set of Leigh Michael's books

Melanie A
On winning a copy of Tainted by Temptation

Christine A
On winning a copy of The Secret Life of Bryan

On winning a copy of The Icing On The Cake

Jennifer K
On winning a copy of Surrender Becomes Her

Diane D
On winning a copy of With Extreme Pleasure

Jolene A
On winning a Bag of Swag

**Since I had such a great turn out I've decided to add on one extra winner for a Bag of Swag!**

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated. =)

Review: The Candy Box by Kojo Black

The Candy Box is a highly erotic book comprised of two different novellas consisting of several different shorts with some illustration thrown in. I actually like the book but I did have some issues with it. At the end of the first book we are given a kind of directors commentary talking about how each short is being made into a movie and I honestly could have done without it. It just detracted from the flow of the stories and I honestly didn't care about them being made into movies and how they shot what scenes. I also wasn't the biggest fan of the illustrations. Maybe if they weren't drawn pictures, or maybe it was because I was looking at them on my Kindle, I just didn't think the book needed them. My imagination did more for me than the pictures did. Plus, they looked very pornish.

Don't get me wrong, this was a very good erotic novella. Each story brought something different and like I said, very erotic. This book is definitely not safe for work. It will leave you all hot and bothered and clamoring for more.

**ARC copy provided by Lucy Felthouse**


Friday, October 28, 2011

Night Walker Swag Winner

Congratulations to:

Sebrina C.
On winning Lisa Kessler's Night Walker Swag

Winner has been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that participated. =)

ARC Review: Amber's Muse by Lacey Wolfe

Amber is a quiet librarian with a secret, she is working on an erotic novel that she hopes to get published. Her only problem is that she's not exactly thriving in the sex department. She's had boyfriends in the past, but not that wowed her. Because of this, she is struggling with some of her sex scenes in her book. She decides that maybe she could use some help and the only person that comes to mind is her extremely annoying, yet sexy neighbor Jax.

Jax has been harboring a crush on Amber for over a year now and is slowly making his move. His attempts at flirting consist of him turning up at the library at closing time to use the computers and then to chat with Amber while helping her close. He isn't completely sure on Amber's feelings, but he's almost positive she has been also checking him out. Imagine Jax' surprise when Amber propositions him and asks for his help with "research" for her book.

Immediately both Jax and Amber sense a strong bond with one another and are starting to realize that their hookups are starting to feel like so much more. But Amber isn't sure she can be in a relationship with someone who is as laid back as Jax. She wants someone that is responsible and career driven like she is.

I really liked this book. Though it was a short story there didn't feel like anything was missing and the story didn't feel rushed. I will admit that I had some issues with liking Amber and her reasoning for pushing Jax away. I just didn't think her reasoning was all that valid. All in all, I did enjoy this story and I really enjoyed watching Jax and Amber interacting with each other.

**ARC copy provided by Sizzling PR Blog Tours**


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Follow Friday #16

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q:  If you could have dinner with your favorite book character, who would you eat with and what would you serve?

Okay, so my favorite book character is Zsadist from the BDB but I'll be honest and say I don't know if I would want to have dinner with him alone. Don't get me wrong, I lurve me some Zsadist, but I tend to be on the shy side and he tends to be on the quiet side so I think it would be one really awkward dinner with us both just sitting there eating. So I'm going to go with my second favorite character which happens to be Rhage. I think Rhage would be an awesome dinner companion. He could tell me cheesy jokes. It wouldn't be awkward at all. Now for dinner, I think we would have a little of everything. Cuz I don't know if you've read his book or not, but the man can eat and that is no exaggeration. =) 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- Reading in the Corner  & In Which Em Reviews Books...
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Alison Can Read or  Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)

Kati's Bag of Swag Winner

Congratulations to:

Sebrina C.
On winning Kati's Bag of Swag!

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and participated. =)

Behind the Blogger: Ash from Smash Attack Reads!

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Ash from Smash Attack Reads! Please give Ash a warm welcome.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Feature: Darkness Dawns by Dianne Duvall and Giveaway

Once, Sarah Bingham’s biggest challenge was making her students pay attention in class. Now, after rescuing a wounded stranger, she’s landed in the middle of a battle between corrupt vampires and powerful immortals who also need blood to survive. Roland Warbrook is the most compelling man Sarah has ever laid hands on. But his desire for her is mingled with a hunger he can barely control . . .

In his nine centuries of immortal existence, no woman has tempted Roland as much as Sarah. But asking her to love him is impossible -- when it mean forfeiting the world she’s always known, and the life he would do anything
to protect. 

Review: The Darkest Surrender by Gena Showalter

I.LOVED.THIS.BOOK! Gena has gone and done it again. I totally loved this book to pieces. This one is definitely going down as one of my favorites in the Lords of the Underworld series.

I honestly wasn't sure how I would feel towards Strider. In previous books he came across as egotistical and a little douchey. I honestly wasn't really looking forward to him as a hero. He more than made up for all of that in my eyes with this book. He turned out to be so caring and affectionate towards Kaia. He put her needs before his own, even though it could possibly cause him pain. He was everything I love my heroes to be.

Then there is Kaia. Sometimes it's hard for me to warm up to some heroines. I don't always find them to be the perfect match for the hero or they just come across whiny. That was not the case with Kaia at all. She is just made of awesome. She quickly won me over with her spunkiness and quick wit. But not only is she those things, but she is also very vulnerable. She puts up this facade of not caring what anyone thinks of her but it's definitely not true. She is tired of being called 'Kaia, the Disappointment' and is willing to do whatever she can to prove that she has changed.

Kaia just wants to find love and to be loved in return. She recognizes Strider as her consort, which to Harpy's is equivalent to a soul mate and the only person besides fellow Harpy's that they can truly trust with their secrets. She just wants to be with Strider but she has a past with Paris that Strider is having issues getting past. Strider is attracted to Kaia but he knows that Kaia will continuously challenge him and his demon and he doesn't want to take a chance of her defeating him at anything.

I really enjoyed watching these two together. They were both just so right together. They both are fierce warriors who have a great sense of humor. I found myself laughing out loud a few times watching these two interact. They are just so stubborn and I loved it.

Another thing I loved about the Darkest Surrender is that we get to see a little bit of what's in store for the next book which happens to be the long awaited Paris book. I cannot wait to see what happens with his book. I am also curious to see what is going to happen with Kane and William.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Guest Post with Author Katie Salidas

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Katie Salidas. Katie is currently on tour promoting her book Halloween Fantasies. So everyone, please give a warm welcome to Katie.

What Led Me in the Direction of Vampires

We all have our niche. Our thing we really like to write on. It may be broad and encompass an entire genre. Some people like to explore the depths of high fantasy and create whole new worlds. Others may take a different approach and only focus on a specific type of creature.

Me, I like to write about vampires. In fact every story I’ve written has included those creatures of the night in one way or another.

Personally, I think vampires are Sexy, and this is why I like to write about them.

They are dark and sexy and mysterious. They promise nights filled with danger and passion—and that’s something seriously lacking in most of our lives.

As with any fiction, I think my love of vampires has a lot to do with the “escape factor.” It’s that ability to set aside the normal day-to-day existence and dare to step into a world filled with creatures and things that we can only dream about.

Sure, at times those things can scare us, but more often than not, they just send that chill of excitement up our spines.

Think about it, who doesn’t want to be the heroine of a story being scooped up by the dark and dashing vampire? C’mon admit it; you want to feel his hot breath on your skin and the sensual scrape of his fangs before he sinks his teeth into you. Oh, he won’t kill you. He just wants a taste. A prequel if you will before your night of excitement truly begins.

Writing about them and making up new stories is both fun and fulfilling. I can live the fantasy as well as shape it. It’s the best of both worlds. The biggest payoff though, is seeing others fall in love with my vampires as much as I have.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Spooktacular Giveaway Hop

Welcome to the SPOOKTACULAR Giveaway Hop. This hop was organized by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and The Diary of a Bookworm blogs. The Spooktacular Giveaway Hop will run from October 24th - October 31st.

This is my first giveaway hop and I'm super excited! I have lots of goodies to giveaway to lots of different winners. So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. There are more than 400 different blogs participating so that means plenty of chances to win. So make sure to follow the hop on over to some of the other blogs spots.


Here are the items that are up for grabs from me:

Sunday, October 23, 2011

An Unexpected Bride Winner

Congratulations to:

Melanie A
On winning an eBook copy of Shadonna Richards An Unexpected Bride

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you everyone that participated. =)

Guest Post with Author Marie Treanor and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Marie Treanor. Marie is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Blood Eternal which is part of her Awakened By Blood series. So please everyone, give Marie a big warm welcome. 

Speaking Scots by Marie Treanor

As a reader and a writer of romance, I can’t help being aware of the popularity of Scottish Highlander romances. I set a lot of my own books in Scotland – at least partly. For example, my heroine of the Awakened by Blood trilogy is Scottish, and some of the important action in each book takes place in both the Highlands and the Lowlands of Scotland. So there are Scottish characters there; in other books I have had Scottish heroes – even occasionally in kilts! – and of course they all do their fair share of talking, both in my head and on the paper.