
Saturday, March 3, 2012

Weekly Winners

Congratulations to:

Chris Bails 
On winning the Amazon Gift Card from Lois Greiman

Jennifer Haile
On winning a copy of Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas and a Lisa's Diva's Tank Top

GR Hovorka
On winning a copy of Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor by Lisa Kleypas

Jeanne Miro
On winning a Book Safe from Heather Snow

Rhiannon Tala
On winning a copy of Supernaturally Kissed by Stacey Kennedy

GR Hovorka
On winning a copy of The Rake and The Recluse Redux by Jenn LeBlanc

Yadira A.
On winning a copy of Fever by Joan Swan

Shelley Best Bagby
On winning a copy of Always You by Shilpa Mudiganti

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. 

ARC Review: Wrong Side of Hell by Juliana Stone

I'm not really sure what to think about this novella. While it kept my attention and I liked the characters, I found myself a little confused and not at all sure what was happening throughout the story. I'm not sure if it's because this is a novella and the author just didn't have enough time to flesh everything out, or if it was meant to be that way. Maybe we'll get more answers throughout the series? Either way, I did find this a quick and interesting read and I am curious to see how the rest of the series is going to play out.

Logan sure is one sexy beast, literally! He's a hellhound shifter and he has been sent on a mission to retrieve Kira from purgatory. Logan knows that he has to save Kira in order to keep the balance between the realms, but she's also linked to his past that he is trying to forget. The further along they get, the harder it is for Logan to act as if he doesn't care about Kira's well-being and the harder it is for him to not act upon his attraction.

Kira doesn't know where she is. She's woken up in a place that doesn't seem to be real and the sexiest man she's ever seen wants her to follow him to safety. What's going on? How can she be here? And where exactly is here? It was interesting watching Kira figure out everything. Even though she knows everything is unbelievable and hard to explain, she is still able to put her faith into Logan. She doesn't sit in the corner and weep, she acts quickly and does what she can to save both herself and Logan.

I really enjoyed meeting both Kira and Logan and seeing their relationship progress, but I will be honest and say I wanted more. I just felt like their relationship was a bit rushed and I didn't really feel anything between them except attraction. Hopefully we are able to see more of them in the rest of this series.

**ARC copy provided by Publisher**



Forever's Paranormal Blog Tour Giveaway

Please note that this giveaway is open to US residents only.

After her husband's tragic death, Leigh Kelly arrives on Whidbey Island determined to start over. Yet the tiny town of Chimney Rock is not as peaceful as it seems. Women have been disappearing, and Leigh can't shake the feeling that she's being watched . . . especially at night. Soon, she's experiencing visions she can't explain and fighting her attraction to a handsome stranger who seems to know her most intimate desires.

As the leader of the Team, a pack of werehounds forced to hide their very existence, former special ops soldier Niles Latimer is desperate to prove a man's heart beats beneath his predator's body. And Leigh-the mysterious beauty possessing powers she doesn't yet understand-may be the one woman who can help him. But Niles isn't the only one who recognizes Leigh's true identity. Something evil is waiting in the woods-and the hunt has begun . . .

Places to Purchase:

Friday, March 2, 2012

ARC Review: Kiss of the Vampire by Cynthia Garner

I picked up this book because it looked like it had a new and fresh spin on the paranormal world. The mythology behind everything seemed so different and unique. While this book is indeed different from others in this genre and I did love the spin the author took, I found the romance aspect of it kind of lacking.

Nix and Tobias used to date and were pretty serious when all of a sudden Tobias broke up with Nix without any rhyme or reason. Nix has never been able to get over Tobias and the way he hurt her. Since he left, Nix has found ways to control her demon and has submersed herself in her work as an investigator for the council.

Tobias has never been able to stop thinking about Nix and the love he has for her. By leaving he was actually trying to protect Nix. While they were together it seemed as if she was unable to take control of her demon half and once the demon takes over there is no going back to being a regular human. The person literally goes crazy and becomes completely evil. When Tobias is called in by the council to help investigate a string of gruesome vampire murders he comes face to face with Nix, the one person he was trying to avoid.

At first watching these two interact with each other was exciting. There was a lot of tension and chemistry mixed in with a lot of hurt. Both are still so in love with the other but in the case of Nix, she is still so deeply wounded by Tobias leaving unexpectedly that she is just full of anger.

When we get about half way into the story both characters seem to make a drastic change. All of a sudden they are both back together and everything is completely fine. Umm, hello? How did this happen? They never really even discuss what happened in the past and somehow everything is forgiven and swept under the rug. Also, both are supposed to be these tough characters but they both became so cheesy with each other. Everything became so cutesy and it embodied everything that I hate in romances. The hero constantly calls the heroine honey and the heroine becomes this drone of a woman who doesn't think for herself.

I also hate the the romance seemed to take a backseat to everything else that is going on in the book. Don't get me wrong I like action and suspense in my books, but I just hate when the romance takes a backseat to it. I like there to be an equal balance. It just seemed like chapter after chapter would pass and nothing is happening. Then all of a sudden "Bam" they are couple. I feel as if I'm missing something.

I'm not sure if I'll be picking up the next book in this series. While I did like this world and I do like the characters that are going to be in the next book, I'm not sure if I can deal with another story like this one. I read books for the romance and if the next one is anything like this one was I know I'll be very disappointed.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**



Guest Post with Author Shana Galen and Giveaway

Today I am so happy to welcome Shana Galen back to the blog. Shana is celebrating the release of her latest book A Rogue Pirate's Bride and is here today to share some snippets from the book. First lets get to know Shana a little bit.

Shana Galen is the author of numerous fast-paced adventurous Regency historical romances, including the Rita-nominated Blackthorne’s Bride. Her books have been sold worldwide, including Japan, Brazil, Russia, Spain, Turkey, and the Netherlands, and have been featured in the Rhapsody and Doubleday Book Clubs. A former English teacher in Houston’s inner city, Shana now writes full time. She’s a wife, a mother, and an expert multi-tasker. She loves to hear from readers.
Places to find Shana:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Guest Post with Author Lizbeth Selvig and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Lizbeth Selvig. Lizbeth is currently on tour promoting the release of her debut The Rancher and the Rockstar and has stopped by to chat. But before we chat lets get to know Lizbeth a little.

Growing up in Minneapolis, Minnesota with three brothers and no sisters definitely shaped my personality. Even though my girl friends were great, I was much prouder of the fact that I was the only female allowed into the neighborhood Boys Only club. Girlie stuff (with exception of the occasional Barbie play date) was simply a waste of time. Baseball, climbing trees, begging my parents for a horse, and avoiding wearing dresses at all costs were much more fun--and seemed much more fair. After all, girls simply didn't have any fun in life.

Imagine my surprise when, after years of my tolerant mother putting up with me wanting to BE a guy, like one of the Beatles or the Monkees, I looked up at a picture of Paul McCartney on my wall one day--and fell in love. Like a doggone proper girl.

Making up stories was second nature to me. As far back as I can remember I told myself tales when I went to bed. As I got older and competent enough, I started writing them down. When most girls were reading themselves to sleep, I was writing until the wee hours.

After the momentous epiphany over the poster from Tiger Beat Magazine, all my written tales were romances. At first, they were romances about Davy Jones and Bobby Sherman and Paul. Then I discovered my own characters, and writing became more than a bedtime activity, it became a passion.

It took lots of years, fantastic adventures, the raising of two children, and a real-life love affair that is still going on, to get my stories ready-for-prime time. Suffice it to say--girls, I've learned, have ALL the fun. And my love affair with romance novels has never died.

Places to find Lizbeth:

Forever's Contemporary Romance Blog Tour Giveaway

Please note that this giveaway is open to US residents only.

The sparks continue to fly in Emerald Lake…

Despite such a close friendship, Rebecca Campbell never saw fireworks with her fianc̩. Now with a broken engagement behind her and a promise she has vowed to keep, Rebecca is determined to make a new life for herself in Emerald Lake Рa quaint town in the breathtaking Adirondack Mountains.

When Sean Murphy heads home, he never expects to fall for his younger brother’s girlfriend – but that is exactly what has happened. With a smile like sunshine and a wonderful heart, Sean feels something he has never felt before…at home.

Neither Rebecca nor Sean anticipated the sparks to fly so quickly. Lingering secrets aside, Sean can't deny the obvious attraction and burning desire he has for Rachel. But how can he give his heart to a woman he can't trust – or can he? As the days pass and his resolve is tested, Sean begins to realize Emerald Lake is home sweet home and that it is the perfect place for falling in love.
Places to Purchase:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Random Acts of Kindness: February Wrap-Up

R.A.K, otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness is put together by the lovely ladies from Book♥Soulmates. It's a way for fellow bloggers to get together and give eachother items on their wish lists. I love participating in R.A.K. It's so much fun and rewarding to give others items from their wish list and it's exciting to see if anyone is going to give you something too.

Sent Out:
 Tena @ Crazy Book Slut


Guest Post with Author Hillary Seidl and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Hillary Seidl. Hillary is super awesome and she is here today to talk about her love of all things paranormal. But before I give the floor to Hillary, lets get to know a bit about her.

I'm an avid reader of romance (since I could get away with it!) and a writer of contemporary/paranormal romance. I start to freak out if I don't see a paranormal or ghost hunting show in over a week.

When I was a little girl, my parents owned a restaurant that was in a haunted building. It was so amazing to see things happen right in front of me that could not be explained! The situation flamed my love for the paranormal.

When I was a teen I wrote a series of mini books. As an adult, I worked a series of jobs, I never found anything that spoke to my soul.

I will be honest... I'm a huge fan of Supernatural! Hot guys solving paranormal mysteries? I'm there! That's when I started writing fan fiction. Fan fiction is very fun but something was missing. I missed the romance! That is when I started my writing journey.

More than anything in this world I just want to write. I am married to my wonderful husband Aaron, who is a Chef in Boulder, Colorado and we have two wonderful miniature dachshunds, Leela and Fry, who are both clever as they are long.
Places to find Hillary:

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wicked Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely and amazing Jenn LeBlanc. Jenn is the author of the super awesome book The Rake and The Recluse. Jenn has gone and done something super awesome, she has revamped her story and added a lot more story along with tons more pictures. Along with the revamping, she has broken it down into six serials that are to be released every two weeks. Today is the release of her sixth and final installment, Retribution and Jenn's last visit to the blog for her Wicked Blog Tour. So everyone please give a very warm welcome to the super awesome Jenn LeBlanc.

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |  Tumblr(NSFW) |

Monday, February 27, 2012

Feature: Heart Signs by Cari Quinn and Giveaway

Title: Heart Signs
Author: Cari Quinn
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
Length: 45,000 words
Sub-Genres: Contemporary, Erotic

The heart has a language all its own...

Rory Fowler has taken Sam Miller’s billboard orders for the last two years, but they aren’t to advertise, they’re love notes to his wife. Sam’s most recent billboard about his wife’s passing hits Rory hard. When she calls Sam to offer condolences, it sets off an unexpected chain of events that ends with Rory in Sam’s apartment...and his arms.

Reading Sam’s love letters tugs Rory into the romance between him and his estranged, now-deceased, wife. Their lives soon intertwine so completely that Rory wonders how she’ll ever forget the man who makes poetry out of emotions she’s fought to dismiss. And plays her body even more skillfully than he writes love notes.

Consumed by guilt and grief, Sam is shocked by the feelings Rory arouses in him, sexually and otherwise. Now he’s not thinking about yesterday as much as he’s looking forward to tomorrow. He’s just not sure if he’s capable of moving on...or if the woman who helped him find the will to really live again will be by his side.

Places to Purchase:

Sunday, February 26, 2012

ARC Review: The Runaway Countess by Leigh LaValle

When Mazie is captured by the Lord Lieutenant, Trent Carthwick for aiding the local highwayman, she knows that she must try whatever she can to help him stay hidden. If that means attempting to seduce the sexy Trent Carthwick, Earl of Radford she sure will try. She never suspects that when she kisses him in an attempt to escape, that she her body would want more and she finds herself constantly thinking of the kiss. 

Trent, still can't believe that his prisoner would rather face the gallows than tell him what he wants to know. What's more, he can't believe she kissed him. He too can think of nothing else and when it comes time to send her to the gallows he decides he can't. She would be ruined and the spark of innocence he senses in her will die. When Trent decides to take Mazie on an outing to gather more information from her, he finds out about her hidden past and that she is really Lady Margaret, daughter of a Duke. Mazie quickly goes from being a prisoner locked in the attic to house guest.  

I liked the sexual chemistry between the characters but for me that's all there was between them. I never really felt like they loved each other. It just didn't come across that way to me. Don't get me wrong, there were definitely sparks between Trent and Mazie but I never felt like their relationship grew into anything more. I never felt them bond with each other. I thought that the book focused more on everything else, rather than the relationship between them both.

Sometimes I just felt like shaking Mazie. I understand her loyalties to Roane, and I completely understand where she is coming from in regards to him, but I just wanted to yell out at her a few times. It became a little aggravating. I just wanted her to talk to Trent and trust him with the truth. Because of her lack of faith I found myself frustrated quite a few times. 

As for Trent, I understand that he just wants to do what is right but I found him a little hypocritical. He is constantly telling Mazie that he has to do what is right by the law, yet he never turned her over because he was attracted to her. How much sense does that make? But besides that, I really liked Trent. I liked getting to know him. He's smart and sexy and he really takes care of Mazie. I also, loved the relationship between him and his sister. They had such a strong bond. Trent really was a good man and I just wished that Mazie would have realized it a lot sooner than she did. 

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed this book. I like the chemistry between Mazie and Trent and I really liked getting to know Trent. I found that he was good and honorable and all he wanted was to make his father proud. He is kind and takes the law very serious. I also enjoyed the relationship Mazie made with Trent's sister. I know that Mazie had the best intention when it came to everything I just wish she had more faith. 

I also liked getting to know Trent's sister and I really hope she gets her own book. I found her story very interesting and I would love to learn more about her. 

All in all, this was a pretty good read. I definitely want to read more from this author and I hope that she writes stories for some of the characters that we met in this book. 

**ARC copy provide by author**

| Amazon | Barnes & Noble


Guest Post with Author Chris Karlsen and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Chris Karlson. Chris is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book Journey In Time and has stopped by today to chat. But before we chat lets get to know a little about Chris.

Chris Karlsen is a retired police detective who spent twenty-five years in law enforcement with two different agencies. Her father was a history professor and her mother an avid reader. She grew up with a love of history and books.

She has always loved traveling and has traveled extensively throughout Europe, the Near East (especially Turkey and the Greek Islands), the Caribbean, and North Africa.

Born and raised in Chicago, Chris has also lived in Paris, Los Angeles, and currently resides in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and four rescue dogs.

Places to find Chris:
| Site | Facebook