
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Guest Post with Author KT Grant and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog KT Grant. KT is currently on tour promoting her book A Bid For Love which is part of Decadent's 1Nightstand series. KT has stopped by today to chat but before I give the floor to KT let's get to know shall we.

KT Grant is a self-proclaimed eccentric redhead who not only loves to read a wide variety of romances, but also loves writing it. Under her alter-ego, she is a well-known book reviewer and blogger who doesn't shy away from voicing her opinion. A proud native of New Jersey, KT is multi-published and known for writing "out of the box" romances. KT has been mentioned in the Guardian.UK, Publisher's Weekly's Beyond the Book and at KT is a top ten best-selling author at Amazon, as well as being a multiple All Romance Ebooks best seller and a Night Owl Reviews Top Author Pick.
Places to find KT:

Guest Post with Author Dianne Hartsock and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Dianne Hartsock. Dianne is currently on tour and has stopped by RFTC to chat about her book Nathaniel. Before I give the floor to Dianne lets get to know her a bit.

Dianne lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play.

She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write her tales. There’s something about being cooped up in the house while it pours rain outside and a fire crackles on the hearth inside that kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which she says is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Places to find Dianne:

Friday, March 23, 2012

Guest Post with Author Annie Nicholas and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Annie Nicholas. Annie is currently on tour promoting the release of her newest book in her Vanguard series, Omegas in Love. Annie has stopped by today to share with us who she would cast in the roles of her Vanguard heroes and heroines but first lets get to know Annie a bit.

Annie Nicholas hibernates in the rural, green mountains of Vermont, where she dreams of different worlds, heroes, and heroines. When spring arrives the stories pour from her, in hopes to share them with the masses one day.

Mother, daughter, wife are some of the hats she happily wears while trudging after her cubs through the hills and dales. The four seasons an inspiration and muse.

Places to find Annie:

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Guest Post with Author Darcy Abriel and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Darcy Abriel. Darcy is here today to talk about her Humanotica series, but before I give the floor to Darcy lets get to know her a bit shall we.

Darcy Abriel delights in the stories that flirt with the dark side of emotion and passion. Going back to the days of Saturday Night Chiller Theaters, series such as Twilight Zone and the Outer Limits, toss in a dash of Alfred Hitchcock and these are the stories that have always fascinated Darcy. That edgy sense of danger that leaves one tingling. Be it a roller coaster ride, a Dracula movie, or a good erotic horror read at the darkest slice of night. Visit the dark side with mystery and passion, eroticism and tingling fantasy. Explore what makes your heart pump faster, your blood run hotter, and the adrenaline surge.

Places to find Darcy:

18+ Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my stop on the 18 and Over Book Blogger Giveaway Hop. This giveaway hop was put together by Bitten By Paranormal Romance and Getting Naughty Between the Stacks and will run from March 22 - March 25. For my stop I'd thought that along with the goodies you have a chance to win, that I would share with you some of my favorite Man Candy pics. So enjoy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Interview with Author Diane Alberts and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Diane Alberts. Diane is currently on tour and has stopped by the blog to chat, but before we chat let's get to know Diane a bit more.

Best-selling author of all things romance. Diane believes strongly in a happily-ever-after for everyone. She especially loves tortured heroes and heroines, as can be seen in her stories. She is repped by the fabulous Lauren Hammond of ADA Management. In addition to being a writer, Diane also reads slush for Entangled Publishing as an intern.

Diane Alberts lives in Northeast Pennsylvania with her husband, four kids, and a bird. She lives in the mountains-but wishes it were the beach. She has been writing since she was in elementary school, but only recently fulfilled her dreams of being published in 2011. Enjoys dyeing yarn and knitting in her “spare” time.
Places to find Diane:

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Forever's Romantic Suspense Tour: Interview and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome both Dee Davis and Jami Alden to RFTC. Both ladies are part of the Forever Suspense Blog Tour and have taken the time out of their busy schedules to let me ask them a few questions. So lets get to know them a bit shall we.

Dee Davis has a BA in Political Science and History, and a Masters Degree in Public Administration. During a ten-year career in public relations, she spent three years on the public speaking circuit, edited two newsletters, wrote three award winning public service announcements, did television and radio commercials, starred in the Seven Year Itch, taught college classes, lobbied both the Texas State Legislature and the US Congress, and served as the director of two associations.

Her highly acclaimed first novel, Everything In Its Time, was published in July 2000. Since then, among others, she’s won the Booksellers Best, Golden Leaf, Texas Gold and Prism awards, and been nominated for the National Readers Choice Award, the Holt and two RT Reviewers Choice Awards. To date, she has sold twenty-one books and four novellas, including the A-Tac Series and Set-Up in SoHo.

She’s lived in Austria and traveled in Europe extensively. And although she now lives in Manhattan she still calls Texas home.

Places to find Dee:

Monday, March 19, 2012

Tempted by Blood Winner

Congratulations to:

Yadira A
on winning a copy of Tempted by Blood by Laurie London. 

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Feature and Giveaway: One Night to Remember by Kristin Miller

Check out my review for One Night to Remember here.

First class clothing designer Elizabeth Scott isn’t all that she appears. She may be elegant and poised on the outside, dining with the richest on the ship, but she’s hiding a dark secret within.

Thieves boarded the Titanic, too…

Officer Thomas McGuire is as honest as they come. Working to make a decent living on the ship of dreams, he can’t believe his eyes when the most striking lady he’s ever seen steals from another first class passenger. As the night goes on, Thomas must decide whether he plans to arrest or seduce Elizabeth and she’s not making it easy on him—the heat sparking between them is unlike anything they’ve ever known.

Time is running out…

The Titanic is sinking fast. Elizabeth has finally met a true gentleman—one who gazes upon her with total adoration yet fulfills her deepest fantasies. But being a gentleman means more than playing the stuffy part. Thomas insists on helping other passengers until the very end, even if that means going down with the ship.

In the fight for their lives, they just might find a love worth dying for.

ARC Review: One Night to Remember by Kristin Miller

I am a huge fan of all things Titanic and when I saw this novella I was excited but skeptical at the same time. I wasn't sure if the author would be able to convey a convincing story and make it believable. I thought the author did a great job and I did enjoy this quick read.

While I have a little bit of a problem believing that Elizabeth would be so quick to jump into bed with Thomas I did enjoy watching them together. I especially love the cat and mouse chase scene in the beginning of the book.

Elizabeth Scott is a clothing designer traveling first class on the Titanic. She seems nice and innocent but she isn't all that she appears. Elizabeth is actually stealing from the first class passengers and giving it to families in need down in third class.

Thomas, an officer for the White Star Line can hardly believe the beautiful woman he's been watching all through dinner just stole another ladies purse. He follows her out of the dining room to confront her for stealing when the chase between them ensues. When Thomas finally does capture Elizabeth he has to decide to follow his honor or his heart.

I appreciated that the author was accurate with the history of the Titanic, I just had a problem with the ending. I won't go into specifics because I don't want to ruin it, but I was slightly disappointed. I just feel like some things could have been handled a bit differently.

All in all I did enjoy this novella but I honestly wish that it was longer. What little bit I saw of both Elizabeth and Thomas I enjoyed and I would have loved for the author to explore their characters a bit more.

**ARC copy provided by Goddess Fish Promotions**

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