
Saturday, February 8, 2014

ARC Review: In the Lyrics by Nacole Stayton

In the Lyrics is the first book that I have read by Nacole Stayton, but it won't be my last. I wasn't prepared for all the emotions this book had me feeling, but I am so glad that I read it. This book really had me on an emotional roller coaster that had me smiling and laughing one minute and then wanting to rage and cry the next. This book was so good, and yet there were times that I was ready to pull my hair out in frustration. Colby and Hensley really got my attention though, and I had to keep reading to see how everything would turn out.

Hensley has always wanted to be a singer. Because of her circumstances and growing up with a mother who sacrificed a singing career to have her, Hensley has always kept herself from letting anyone in. The only exception is her gay best friend Dusty, who also wants a music career. When Dusty gets a new roommate, Hensley instantly feels an attraction and connection to him. Colby moved to Nashville in order to pursue his dream of singing, and love was the last thing on his mind. Hensley goes out of her way to be rude to Colby and try to make it appear as though she has no interest in him, but Colby can tell that it's an act. Dusty refuses to let her use that as an excuse to push Colby away though when he knows that Hensley likes him. Hensley apologizes and her and Colby end up spending time together. They grow close really quickly and fit together like they have never experienced with anyone else. Hensley begins to let her walls down, and soon Colby and Hensley are together. For the first time in her life, Hensley begins to dream of more than just a career in music. But what happens when the opportunity to have their dreams gets in the way of their relationship? Will either of them be willing to sacrifice their dream for a chance at a future together, or is there a way to have their careers and each other?

I loved Colby. Talk about a perfect book boyfriend, everyone needs to read about Colby. He is sweet and kind, patient and loving. He is an all around gentleman and treats those around him with respect. I loved everything about him, but especially how he was with Hensley. He was so understanding with her, and allowed things to move forward at her pace. I liked that he was always there for her and supported her unconditionally. I really can't say enough about how much I loved his character, and a few sentences would never do him justice. Trust me, you need to read this story if for nothing else Colby alone. Hensley on the other hand really frustrated me. I liked her and thought that she was determined and strong. She had been through a lot and was pretty single minded. A lot of her issues though came from her parents and things that were beyond her control. She really made some moves though that were selfish and awful. I couldn't believe how she treated Colby and Dusty for awhile in the story, and it absolutely broke my heart. I really wanted to hate her, and for awhile I did. But she ended up winning me over again in the end. Colby and Hensley's love for each other was clear, and I thought that they were really great together. They had amazing chemistry, but also they connected in a way that they couldn't with anyone else.

Overall, I loved this story. The reason I got so irritated with Hensley is because it was so obvious how much she cared about Colby and he cared about her. It's understandable that she made some bad decisions though considering her age as well as the fact that she had grown up with only one goal in mind. Its not an excuse for her actions, but it does explain how she made the choices that she did. I really loved Colby and I also really liked Dusty. I thought that they were both really great characters, and I love how they became such good friends also. This book had me experiencing many ups and downs, but in the end I was really happy with how things worked out. I think that this is a great story about two people who have an undeniable connection who found each other at a really young age and were not prepared for the feelings they were having. I loved reading their story and seeing how they were both thinking and feeling as they figured things out though. I love that this story was in dual POV, and I think it really helped the reader connect with both characters. This story had me so emotionally invested, and that doesn't happen very often. I really cared about what would happen with Colby and Hensley, and I knew that these two had to end up together. I highly recommend this story if you are looking for an emotional read about true love overcoming any obstacle. Colby and Hensley are worth the read, and I am really glad that I took a chance on an author that I hadn't read before. I look forward to reading more from Nacole Stayton in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Sealed With a Kiss Event - Tessa Dare

Tessa Dare is the New York Times bestselling author of nine historical romance novels and three novellas. A librarian by training and book-lover at heart, she makes her home in Southern California, where she lives with her husband, their two children, and a big brown dog.

Places to find Tessa:
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Review: Beautiful Chances by Alicia Rae

Beautiful Chances is the debut novel of Alicia Rae, and is also the first book in her Beautiful series. With this being her first book, I had no idea what to expect with this story. I am so glad that I took a chance based on the blurb and beautiful cover though. I really enjoyed this story and thought that it was a wonderful start to this series. I really liked the characters and the author's writing style flowed well and was easy to get into. I found myself becoming invested in these characters rather quickly and didn't want to put this one down until I was completely finished.

Lily lost her entire family in a horrible accident in which she was driving. She felt like she needed to leave town and be away from her aunt, uncle, and cousins in order to heal and move forward. So she got in her car and left Colorado without stopping until she settled in Florida. Three years later, she is a writer working on her second novel and enjoys photography as a hobby. She has made a few friends in her editor Brooke and a guy named Luke who is also dealing with some family issues. One day while writing on the beach, she meets a hot guy who she instantly feels a connection to. Lily finds Kyle to be hard to stay away from even though she knows that she isn't in the best place to be thinking about a relationship. Kyle is determined to get to know Lily better and refuses to let her push him away. Soon, Lily and Kyle are exploring their connection and Kyle is taking Lily on a series of dates that leaves them wanting more. Lily knows that she should get to know Kyle better and that things are moving quickly, but she finds herself beginning to move forward with Kyle's help. Kyle and Lily have developed a strong bond, but there are still the obstacles of their pasts to move past as well as a stalker that is determined to get to Lily. Can the possibly move forward together and take a chance on love, or will there be too much standing in their way?

I really liked Kyle. He was sexy and sweet, charming and funny. I loved what a great guy he was, always encouraging and supporting Lily. He really seemed to be patient with her and understood that she had to deal with things in her own time. I also thought that it was great how upfront and honest he was. It was so refreshing to read about a guy that was exactly who he said he was. There was no angst and drama when it came to these two being together, and I really enjoyed reading about a couple who dealt with things together. I also really liked the fact that Kyle was protective of Lily and would at times be alpha with her, but yet he was also so sweet and gentle with her. Lily was vulnerable and a bit broken, but she was honest and open to possibilities. Even though she would think that things were moving too fast and that she shouldn't be feeling as much for Kyle as she did, she was also willing to see where things took her. I loved that she didn't try to run from him or push him too far away. She would have moments where she needed to deal with things, but she didn't react as most heroines would by turning it into a push and pull situation. I liked that she was passionate about writing and photography, and I thought that it was great the way that the author showed exactly how much each meant to her by explaining her process and thoughts along the way. Kyle and Lily were such a great couple right from the start, and I thought they were exactly what the other needed. Kyle really brought Lily out of her misery and seemed to be so genuine in helping her heal. These two not only had a strong emotional bond and undeniable connection, but they had a ton of chemistry. Their steamy scenes were extremely hot and very well written.

Overall, I really liked this book and can't wait to get more Kyle and Lily. I can't wait to see what happens from here and how they continue to move forward. I am also really looking forward to not only getting more of Lily's growth, but also Kyle's. There is so much more beneath the surface of his character and I can't wait to see what else makes him who he is. I also really loved the introduction of Lily's cousins and I found them all really interesting. I love the connection that she has with them, and I can tell that they are going to be fun to get to know better also. The few things that I had criticism for was Luke's character for one. Besides being her friend and offering a bit of drama, he really seemed to not have much impact on this story at all. In fact, there are only a few times that he is really around and as soon as he is gone, his character is easily forgotten. I thought he acted way to ridiculously when it came to Kyle and Lily's relationship considering that he had only ever been Lily's friend and had never even told her he had feelings for her. My other criticism was that even though the sex scenes were extremely hot and well written, there were quite a few of them. At times it just seemed as though that was the majority of the story with little else going on. Because of the length of time that they had been seeing each other was so short, it just seemed to be kind of rushed and a bit much. This story is one that will stick with me though, and I thought that it was a great start to this series. This story is about love and finding your way, but also about dealing with grief and pain and moving on after tragedy. I look forward to reading more about Lily and Kyle and seeing where Alicia Rae takes them in the future.

**Review copy provided by Literati Author Services**

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Friday, February 7, 2014

ARC Review: Confessions of a Secret Admirer by Jennifer Ryan, Candis Terry, and Jennifer Seasons

Confessions of a Secret Admirer is an anthology featuring four different novellas by Avon authors.

Waiting For You - Jennifer Ryan

Waiting for You by Jennifer Ryan follows Taylor Larson back to her hometown. She sees her friend from high school, Seth Devane with his daughter. She’s glad to see him and reminds her of her true love lost, his brother Grant. She’s under the impression he doesn’t like her. She couldn’t be more wrong. He’s been waiting for her to come back to apologize for a misunderstanding. Her grandmother died and she returns to help with her store. Her time is limited so Grant gets busy: cleans her barn, tends to the horses, and makes dinner. He invites her to the town’s Valentine’s Day dance. They rekindle what they never lost. The setting is an extra character. Denver looks gorgeous and inviting in the snow. Taylor and Grant were teenagers and fell in love. Too much, too fast, but still smoldering. Sweet story and recommended.

Sweet Fortune - Candis Terry

Sweet Fortune by Candis Terry begins with Sarah Randall contemplating a fortune cookie’s advice. “If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.” She’s recently lost her dream job as an assistant to a television host. She moves from Los Angeles to Texas. She lands a job at Bud’s Nothing Finer Diner as a waitress. With the approach of Valentine’s Day a list of the town’s most eligible bachelors appears in the newspaper. Deputy Brady Bennett is listed and with good reason. He’s stunning and Sarah has noticed. Now how to get his attention and hold it. He likes sports so she signs up to play baseball, but her talent lies in playing pool. She gives him a lesson he won’t forget. She also hand delivers cookies to his home anonymously as a hat tip to her fortune. Sarah and Brady make a cute couple. She tries so hard to be nonchalant and he falls in love with her. Her plot to get his attention makes this a good read.

Major League Crush - Jennifer Seasons

Major League Crush by Jennifer Seasons is the funniest of the three. Bertie Cogswell writes a comic strip, F@#$ MY LIFE. It’s based on her real life. She’s an ordinary woman who is obsessed with her professional baseball player neighbor. Drake Paulson lives across the hall from Bertie. They finally meet when she picks up her newspaper. He asks her if she follows the comic strip. He thinks it’s hilarious. She’s thrilled, but doesn’t admit it’s her work. He invites her to a Valentine’s Day party in the building. She agrees and has too much to drink. She tips her hand and he figures it out. She’s horrified at her behavior and avoids him. To win her back, he shows her his scrapbook of the comics. He’s her biggest fan. This one has a Bridget Jones vibe to it. Bertie is awkward, but Drake sees her beauty and brilliance. Some of the things he does to win her over are worth the read.


Overall the stories follow the idea of a secret crush on someone. It’s not just for kids. Adults try to catch each other’s eye too. My favorite is Major League Crush. She’s crazy about him and when he finds out, she’s so embarrassed. She goes out of her way to avoid him and he won’t let up. Nice to see her devotion returned tenfold. The trio of stories flow well together and make an enjoyable read.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Jayne Fresina

Jayne Fresina sprouted up in England, the youngest in a family of four daughters. Entertained by her father's colorful tales of growing up in the countryside, and surrounded by opinionated sisters - all with far more exciting lives than hers - she's always had inspiration for her beleaguered heroes and unstoppable heroines.

Places to find Jayne:
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ARC Review: Prince of Blood and Steel by Nazarea Andrews and AJ Elmore

This book is one of those that leaves you absolutely reeling after you read the last word. Prince of Blood and Steel was nothing like I expected, and I feel like my thoughts and emotions are all over the place. I have read books by Nazarea Andrews before and really loved them, but never having read anything by AJ Elmore I didn't really know what to expect from her. I really enjoyed the content of this story, even though I did have a few issues with it. Seth and Emma really drew me in though, and I found that I absolutely had to keep reading to see what would happen.

After his father's death, Seth is sent by his Uncle to build the family relations in Cuba. He returns after two years and quickly finds that nothing is as he left it. He is hoping to be welcomed back as the rightful heir to the family empire and finally marry the love of his life Nicolette. Nic is the daughter of a family ally and even though their relationship was arranged, they fell in love with each other. Upon returning home though, he finds that Nic has left the family completely, and his family's empire is completely falling apart. His older brother Caleb is nothing like he had been, now he is cold and unwelcoming. When things get out of hand, Caleb ends up dead and Seth is left wondering what happened in the two years he was gone and who he can really trust. Seth begins searching for answers and surrounding himself with those that he knows he can trust. Seth turns to his favorite cousin Emma to be his right hand, and together they begin to take their rightful place of ruling their family empire. But the current leadership under their Uncle isn't so quick to give up everything that they have under their power. Will Seth be able to finally marry his fiance and rule the city he has always felt was his?

I liked Seth. I feel like as much as we get to know about him in this story, we really don't know much about him at all. He is one of those guys that always keeps his guard up and refuses to let others in. He doesn't give much away, and is very careful who he allows to see him. I will admit I didn't really understand some of his actions. He would claim that Nicolette was the love of his life, and yet he was drawn to Vera and would mess around with her with little effort on Vera's part. I loved that he was really close to his cousin Emma though and their relationship was one of my favorite parts of the whole book. Emma and Seth had a really great connection, and I loved their loyalty to each other. I didn't care for Nic from the beginning. She seemed to be cold and secretive. She was often described as icy, and I think that word fit her perfectly. I also thought it was kind of strange that we find her completely out of the family and living on her own when the story starts, and then after Seth is back all of a sudden she is back in the thick of it immediately. She never really seemed to have many feelings for anyone including Seth. I did however really like Emma. She was smart and strong, and so much more than anyone gave her credit for. She was really underestimated and I loved her standing up for herself and taking her rightful place in the family. She was unwavering in her trust and devotion to her cousin, and that just made me love her even more. I also liked Rama. At first I wasn't sure what to think of him, especially with the secrets both he and Emma were keeping from each other. But he really seemed to like her and want to protect her. He definitely grew on me as the story went on.

Overall, this book leaves me with mixed feelings. I really loved the story. It was interesting and different, and it kept me so invested in the characters and outcome that I didn't want to put it down. But I will admit that I almost DNF'd (did not finish) because of the delivery. The style it was written in was extremely hard to get into and get used to. If it wouldn't have been for how great the story was, I would have given up. Everything was so detailed and wordy. Although I enjoy details, it was too much at times. It's hard to really describe what I mean, and for me it was just a personal preference on what I like to read. I just didn't personally like the style this book was written in. It isn't necessarily a bad thing, just wasn't for me. I really am glad that I stuck with it though, as I can truly say that I enjoyed the story. I had to keep reading to see how everything played out, and I couldn't wait to see how everything would unfold. I know that I will read the next book because I have to see what happens from here. Without spoiling anything, we are left not with a cliffhanger exactly, but there are things definitely left up in the air after the events of this book. I am really excited to see what happens in the future and what is in store for the characters and their empire. I think that this story is worth giving a shot, and I think a lot of people will really enjoy this book. It leaves you wondering what will happen next and who is trustworthy. I was guessing the entire book through, and I can honestly say that I didn't see all the twists and turns. Even with the issues I had, I am anxiously awaiting the next book about the Morgan Syndicate and look forward to reading more in the future from Andrews and Elmore.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Thursday, February 6, 2014

ARC Review: A Little Too Much by Lisa Desrochers

A Little Too Much is the second book in Lisa Desrocher's A Little Too Far Series. It is Alessandro and Hilary's story. If you have read A Little Too Far, then you know just how amazing Alessandro is. I have been anxiously awaiting his story since I finished A Little Too Far. I loved his character so much in that book, but I knew that Lexie belonged with Trent. If you haven't read this series yet, you are really missing out. This series is so good, and these books stay with you. I highly recommend that you start with A Little Too Far, but these can be read as standalones.

Hilary's life hasn't been an easy one, and each time that she gets rejected from another audition it seems that she will never achieve her dream of becoming a Broadway actress. Things appear to be looking up when her boyfriend Brent lands a big roll and agrees to help her by putting in a good word for her next audition. But one night when she gets home, she finds Alessandro waiting for her. Hilary never thought that she would see Alessandro or his brother Lorenzo after they left her eight years ago. At first Hilary wants nothing to do with Alessandro, but soon she finds that she can't stay away from him. As they begin to get reacquainted with each other, they realize that not a lot has changed in the eight years they have been apart. They still have the connection and easy friendship they did before. As their feelings start to grow for each other, they both try to fight it. Hilary still has a boyfriend and she also has secrets from her past that she never wants Alessandro to find out. Alessandro carries guilt for the way that he and his brother treated many people including Hilary. What happens when the truth about the past comes out? Will Hilary and Alessandro find a way to move forward together, or will there be too many obstacles standing in their way?

I love Alessandro. I really loved him in A Little Too Far and honestly thought it wasn't possible to love him any more. But Alessandro makes it impossible for you to not root for him and fall in love along the way. He is sweet and thoughtful, caring and supportive. Alessandro has a way of taking care of those around him and putting others first. He is a really good guy and had been through so much. Alessandro was feeling so much guilt about his past and it really affected who he was. I loved watching him start to move forward with Hilary's help. Hilary was a survivor. She was strong and determined, and I thought that she was really perfect for Alessandro. Not only did they have a history, but she really was able to get through to Alessandro and help him leave the past behind. Things weren't always easy for them, but they always came back to each other and worked through whatever life threw at them. Hilary and Alessandro had an undeniable connection that time and distance couldn't erase. I loved how strong they felt for each other and their chemistry was off the charts. They had so much attraction and sexual tension that it was so clear they belonged together.

Overall, I really liked this book. I thought that it was a great follow up to book one and I really enjoyed getting to know Alessandro better and also Hilary. I wish that we would have been given a little more insight when it came to Alessandro's character though. I think it would have been nice to get Alessandro's POV though. I would have loved to really get inside his head and see what all he was going through. I think that knowing a bit more about his thoughts and feelings would have strengthened the growing relationship between Hilary and Alessandro that much more. Even without that though, Alessandro and Hilary's story was enjoyable and emotional. I thought that they were meant to be and I loved reading about their second chance. There was a twist that I will admit I didn't see coming, and I really liked how the characters dealt with it. This series is one that I think fans of the New Adult genre absolutely must read. These books are well written, emotional and filled with amazing characters that you become instantly invested in. I can't wait to read more from Lisa Desrochers and see where she takes these characters in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Sealed With a Kiss Event - Mia Marlowe

Mia Marlowe is the award winning historical romance author of the Touch of Seduction Series with more than 20 novels to her credit. Her latest release, Plaid Tidings is nominated for RTBookReviews Best Scottish Historical 2013. She lives in Boston, but will be moving to the Midwest this spring. Connie Mason is a New York Times bestselling author of more than 50 novels. She received a Career Achievement Award from RT Book Reviews in 1994 and currently lives in Florida. Mia and Connie have collaborated on Sins of the Highlander, Lord of Fire and Ice, Lord of Devil Isle and the other books in the Royal Rakes Series: Waking Up with a Rake and One Night with a Rake. For more information, please visit

Places to find Mia:
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ARC Review: Secrets for Seducing a Royal Bodyguard by Vanessa Kelly

I started this novel with so much anticipation, which was probably my downfall. A couple of pages in, I put it down hoping that I would come back to it and like it better. I have to say I struggled with this book. The writing was very engaging but the hero and heroine were so dumb at times, I kept shaking my head and thinking, what are you thinking??

OK, our heroine, Lady Vivian Shaw, when the story begins she is abducted, almost murdered. Aden St. George comes to rescue her, not because her family asked him to, but because Sir Dominic Hunter, a family friend did! OK, so it starts off interesting. He rescues her and then she goes back home… Home is where her older brother Cyrus, very politically motivated tries to marry her off to Prince Ivan. Prince Ivan is a scumbag. He is always trying to put his hands all over Lady Vivian after repeatedly getting rejected by her. The cherry on top is that her older brother Cyrus knows all this and still gives Prince Scumbag his acceptance to court her???!! Lady Vivian is disgusted by the Prince for many different reasons, one of her main concerns is that they do not speak the same language, he is Russian. What? On My Goodness!

But the “villains” are not the only characters that I found very frustrating. Lady Vivian left me with my mouth open…. She suspects that one of her brothers and/or Prince Ivan are behind her abduction. So what does she do???? She goes back home where she finds none other than Cyrus and Prince Scumbag. Ok, I take a deep breath and think ok… let’s get behind the abduction… Let’s focus on who abducted her…Enter Little Brother Kit who has a gambling problem, along with their mother… Turns out that he and his mother both have big gambling debt that needs to be paid off. I mean jeez… All this story needed was a plague… Lady Vivian decides she will “fix” the problem by selling her jewels and using whatever money she has. After some convincing from Cyrus, she accepts the prince because it will help the family with their gambling and other debts. My question is why didn’t she just take her money and run. Lady, your life is in danger, you have money, go hide! So aside from all this crazy and whacky characters, including the heroine we have St George.

St. George goes to rescue Lady Vivian. I think yay! What a great hero. He is so overcome with lust that he seemed almost juvenile. The first couple of minutes upon meeting her it’s as if his brain is paralyzed. He sets his lust aside and rescues her and takes her back home. Lady Vivian is so overcome with gratitude that she makes snippy remarks at him the entire time. He offers to help her and tries to help her. He plainly asks her to share her concerns with him but she thinks that she can handle her situation. However, she does find time in her “gratitude” to reprimand him for flirting with another women at a ball… It seems that St. George is the only person Lady Vivian can standup to. Ironically, he is also the only one on her side. It’s very difficult to feel sympathy for Lady Vivian when she behaves in such a frustrating manner. Her family walks all over her and the decisions that she makes made me doubt her sanity. Or her just plain lack of common sense. I wanted to really like this book but I found it very trying. I love a good historical romance as much as the next person but I need an incentive to keep interested.

The one character that seemed to have hear head on straight was Lady Thornberry, St. George’s mother. She is the only one that understands the danger that Lady Vivian is under and appreciates her sons help. There is a little tension behind St. George and his mother and as the story unfolds we understand why. She was the only reasonable character.

Much of the story continues in this manner. There are more nonsensical decisions and more attempted abductions. I will say this, this story definitely had me very emotionally involved. Many times I found myself talking to the characters hoping that someone would come to their senses. For me, this story was more interesting because of the secondary characters and the suspense of the whole abduction scenario then the hero and heroine.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

ARC Review: High Seduction by Vivian Arend

I wasn’t sure quite what to expect from HIGH SEDUCTION, the third book in Vivian Arend’s Adrenaline Search and Rescue started-off-as-kind-of-romantic-suspense-but-is-now-really-straight-light-erotic-contemporary series: I’d really enjoyed the first book in the series but had some issues with the second and had no real sense of where the third would go. In the end, I found it to be vintage Vivian Arend—a great character-driven erotic romance about accepting one’s sexuality and kinks, with Ms. Arend’s trademark quality writing and heat—but, like with the previous entry, think it would’ve benefitted from being a straight-up contemporary rather than trying to incorporate a very light mystery subplot that did nothing for the story and felt incongruous and forced.

HIGH SEDUCTION tells the story of Lifeline Search and Rescue’s kick-ass, take-no-shit female helicopter pilot Erin Tate, who was probably my favourite member of the Lifeline team in previous books. HIGH SEDUCTION is a standalone story, but since the Lifeline team members and their relationship dynamics are introduced and built on throughout the previous two novels, readers will get a better sense of the Lifeline world and characters from reading the series in order. Unlike its predecessors, HIGH SEDUCTION is SLOW: with the exception of a couple of pulse-pounding rescues early on, nothing much happens plotwise. But that works, because it’s first and foremost a reunion romance and the focus should be (and is) on the (re)developing relationship between the hero and heroine. Erin and SAR paramedic Tim Dextor had a serious thing going out in Newfoundland until something (which we’re kept guessing about for most of the book, though it ends up not being quite the juicy reveal I was expecting) happened seven years ago and Erin up and left and moved to Banff to work with Lifeline. Now an older and wiser Tim is looking for a job with Lifeline and determined to win Erin back. Control is the name of the game and the underlying source of the characters’ emotional conflict, especially Erin’s. On the one hand, she’s used to being in command when she’s in the cockpit or on a rescue; on the other, she enjoys being dominated in the bedroom and feels like she can’t reconcile the two sides of herself. Her biggest fear is that her need for sexual submission will spill over into all other areas of her life and she’ll (willingly) give up her free will to her partner. Ms. Arend does a great job taking Erin on a sensual journey that culminates with her realisation that she can be both strong & independent AND let someone else control her sexual pleasure.

Tim is a great hero, and I really liked him—at least in his grown-up form! He knows exactly what he wants in and out of the bedroom and is determined to have Erin back in his life and have forever after with her. I especially loved how, despite wanting nothing more than to make Erin his again (and forever this time), he’s incredibly patient with her and her new self-imposed boundaries to keep her edgier desires at bay. I loved how he gently coaxed her past all her barriers to what he knew she truly wanted and helped her fully accept her sexuality, giving her the time and space she needed. I don’t actively seek out BDSM, voyeurism, or ménage elements in my romance, but the light touches of all three in HIGH SEDUCTION work beautifully for two characters who thrive on exploring and expanding their sexual boundaries—and make for some pretty steamy love scenes! [Avid readers of any or all three of those tropes beware: this novel only dips its toes into the edgier side of romance]

HIGH SEDUCTION is a solid addition to the series and is a great read for anyone looking for something a bit more sensual and edgy than a mainstream romance but not ready to delve into hardcore erotica. I truly enjoyed the characters, the buildup and execution of the romantic relationship, and the writing. My only gripe is the mediocre suspense/mystery subplot that feels thrown in there because some editor or publisher decided to pitch this series as ‘romantic suspense’: it shows up twice throughout the novel and each time feels jarring and unnecessary. I look forward to seeing if there will be any more entries in this series, now that the principal Lifeline members have all had their stories told!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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