
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay.

Bound by Lorelei James

A SEAL's Surrender by Tawny Weber

Disarm: The Complete Novel by June Gray

Letting Go by Maya Banks

Texas Hold 'Em, Nothing Sweeter + Swag from Forever Romance

The Bride Says Maybe by Cathy Maxwell

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Once In a Lifetime by Jill Shalvis

It’s no secret that Jill Shalvis’s books are my contemporary romance crack. Her books are the perfect combination of humour, heart, heat, and small-town charm topped off with deliciously sexy brooding heroes with just the right amount of alpha and the delightfully quirky and genuinely likeable heroines that bring them to their knees. I’m always impressed with how she can keep each new book fresh and engaging whilst writing two similarly-themed small-town contemporary romance series. ONCE IN A LIFETIME is the ninth entry in her acclaimed Lucky Harbour series—but Shalvis newbies should not be discouraged: the series is written as a set of mini-trilogies that are essentially independent of each other. Each mini-trilogy focuses on a new trio of women and how they each find love and a sense of belonging. Though each book within the trilogies is a standalone story, readers will derive much more enjoyment from reading each book in order because Jill writes both fantastic bromances and great female friendships that develop and mature over the course of each mini-trilogy.

I’ll admit that, whilst still thoroughly enjoyable and chock-full of vintage Shalvis wit and sexytimes that had me feeling the usual Lucky Harbour warm fuzzies, the first two entries in this latest mini-trilogy had been my least favourite of the series. But ONCE IN A LIFETIME just clicked with me on every level and really brought the whole thing together. I did not want to put it down, eager to see hero Ben McDaniel and heroine Aubrey Wellington get their much-deserved HEA. I really liked what Jill did with Aubrey. We’ve caught glimpses of her in previous books and she’s come across as a snob and a bitch—not a very likeable character for readers so far, and not well-liked in her hometown of Lucky Harbour at all either. So I was keen to see how Jill would get us to empathize with and care for her, especially as we learn some of the truly mean-spirited things she did in high school. The answer: a pretty heartbreaking backstory of loneliness & abandonment and a lifelong crush on Ben manifesting as bitchiness. Aubrey has come a long way from her mean girl days and is determined to prove it and make it up to those she wronged in her youth—including Ben. Doing that takes a brass set of laydballs, especially with the town set on believing the worst of her and literally slamming doors in her face. I’m not sure I would’ve had the courage to do what Aubrey did—especially when it has the potential to ruin her burgeoning relationship with Ben, the one thing she’s always wanted—so I really, really respected her and found myself really connecting with and liking her, and wanting to punch a few people on her behalf. Well played, Jill, well played.

What is there to say about Ben? Jill has a knack for crafting brooding, sexy heroes with the right touch of angst (without being depressing) and the perfect amount of alpha that oozes testosterone but isn’t domineering and overbearing… and Ben is the embodiment of all that. Dumped by his own mother at his aunt’s doorstep as a kid, he’s grown up to be Lucky Harbour’s favourite son, so everyone is convinced Aubrey is all wrong for him. After losing his high school sweetheart wife five years ago, Ben’s tried to escape his grief by throwing himself into being the front-line man designing water systems in war-torn countries. After one too many close calls, he’s back in Lucky Harbour looking for some peace and quiet and nothing remotely resembling a committed relationship. While the “I-lost-the-love-of-my-life-and-I’ll-never-love-again” trope isn’t a new one for a hero, it works perfectly for Ben. Watching him fall for Aubrey and learn to open up again is heartwarming… even (perhaps especially) when he uses her big reveal to run away from all he feels for her. Ben may have a major moment of wankerdom, but I absolutely loved how he came to his senses and groveled. That ending scene? Be still, my heart! Ben and Aubrey are a delightful, realistic couple with a sexy push-and-pull dynamic and chemistry you can feel a mile away.

ONCE IN A LIFETIME is Jill Shalvis at her best: a lovely romance between two thoroughly enjoyable characters full of humour and sexytimes that will have you alternately laughing out loud and awww-ing. Jill’s books are my comfort reads because I’m guaranteed a swoon-worthy hero, a heroine I’d want to be friends with, hilarious shenanigans at the hands of her small town’s denizens, and a lighthearted story with just the right touch of seriousness to make an emotional impact. ONCE IN A LIFETIME delivers on all counts, and I cannot recommend the Lucky Harbour series enough to contemporary romance fans! Is it time for the next instalment yet??

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Jill Shalvis and Giveaway

Meet Jill Shalvis, author of Once In a Lifetime.

Jill Shalvis is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over four dozen romance novels, including her fun contemporary Animal Magnetism series, which promotes animal rescue dogs. Jill is a 3-time National Readers Choice winner, and lover of animals! More information about Jill and her collection of fabulous romance titles can be found at

Find Jill at:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Feature: One Week by Elisabeth Staab


Michael Hale's company is in jeopardy. In the wake of his father's death and his transition to CEO, projects are circling the drain, and that could cost him everything. Come to find out, the consultant hired to fix things is the "one who got away" many years ago. This time he's playing for keeps, and he intends to win.


Elise Jackson swore she wouldn't come near Michael Hale again. He sucker punched her professionally, and he broke her heart. Still, a job’s a job, and they can both be adults. But high emotion and late nights working lead to passion neither of them can deny.

They have one week. Can the two of them pull Michael's company out of the fire and heal their old wounds?

Purchase: | Amazon | KindleB&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Friday, February 21, 2014

Review: When You're Ready by J.L. Berg

This book was absolutely amazing. When You're Ready by J.L. Berg is probably the most emotional and heartfelt book that I have ever read. It was beautiful and absolutely captured my interest from the very start. There was not a single thing about this book that I can complain about. I honestly was shocked when I found out that this was J.L. Berg's debut novel. The writing was fantastic, and the story flowed really well. This book was just everything great that you look for in a good book that will stick with you, and I know without a doubt that I will remember this story forever.

After losing her husband, Clare is left to raise their young daughter as a single mother. She had planned to grow old with Ethan and never expected to lose him at such a young age. A few years later, Clare ends up rushing her daughter to the ER and meets a handsome doctor. They are instantly attracted to each other, and feel as though there is something more between them. When they run into each other again, Logan ends up helping Clare build a ballet barre for her daughter Maddie. Logan thinks that he is incapable of loving anyone else, and knows that the last person he should get involved with is a single mother. But he finds himself unable to stay away from Clare and Maddie. The more time that they spend together, the more they all begin to become attached. Soon they are picturing a future together as a family and it looks like nothing can stand in their way. But when the unexpected happens, Logan must make a decision about the future that he had planned to spend with Clare and Maddie. Are Clare and Logan willing to risk everything for a chance at love?

I absolutely adored Logan. He was sweet and thoughtful, patient and kind. He was a super sexy doctor that always took care of his patients, but you could tell that he was completely different with Clare and Maddie. I loved the connection that he had from the start with both of them, and I especially loved how he was with Maddie. They were so sweet together, and he really treated her as though she was special and I loved that he always called her princess. He went out of his way to take things slow and make things right for not only him and Clare but Maddie also. I just thought that his character was one of the best heroes I have ever read and he will always be one of my favorite book boyfriends ever. Clare was strong and funny and was a really likable heroine. I loved how she was able to really move on from being dealt such a horrible tragedy, and even though it broke her heart she was able to really embrace the chance at a future she never expected. I loved how open and honest she was and how she always was understanding about Logan and his past. She never judged him or used it against him, and she was secure enough about their connection to be able to see past everything. Logan and Clare had such a strong and believable connection. It really felt like they were made for each other, and that they were always meant to be. That being said, it didn't take anything away from Clare's relationship with Ethan. It just felt like she had always been meant to be with both of them at different times. Clare and Logan not only had an undeniable connection, but they were also amazingly hot together and had some of the strongest chemistry I have ever read about.

Overall, this book is by far one of the best that I have read in a very long time if ever! This book had me emotionally invested from the start, and there were many times that I was laughing out loud while others had me tearing up and trying to read through a blur. Clare and Logan were absolutely impossible not to fall in love with, as were Maddie and Clare's best friend Leah. There really was absolutely nothing that I didn't enjoy about this book. This book will be one that I know for a fact will be reread over and over for me. I just felt so connected to Clare and Logan, and even though the ending was wonderful and satisfying I found myself feeling greedy for more. I instantly wanted to start the book over from the beginning and fall in love all over again. This book is an absolute must read. I can't even begin to truly tell everything that I loved about this book, but if you haven't read it then you definitely need to. I have said that about other books, but really this book is one that I wholeheartedly believe that any romance fan should read. I cannot wait to see what J.L. Berg has in store for readers in the future with this being her debut. She has a natural gift of story telling, and I will definitely be reading more of her work whenever I can get my hands on it! I cannot wait to read Leah's story next!

**Review copy provided by AToMR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

ARC Review: Never Been Ready by J.L. Berg

Never Been Ready is the second book in J.L. Berg's Ready Series. I couldn't wait to read this story the second after I finished When You're Ready. Even though this is the second book, you could very easily read this as a standalone. I highly recommend that you read them in order though as the characters are interconnected and you get so much more insight into everyone if you have read the first book. Not to mention the fact that J.L. Berg is an amazing writer, and these stories are absolutely fantastic. I cannot believe these are the first books that she has written! They are absolutely amazing, the stories are interesting and complex, the characters deep, and they have such a natural flow that is just so easy to get lost in. I am a huge fan after reading these books, and I can tell you that I will absolutely be reading anything I can get my hands on from J.L. Berg in the future!

Leah grew up with an alcoholic father and no mother after she walked out when she was young. She grew close to her best friend Clare and her family took her in as their own. Now years later, she is a labor and delivery nurse and lives her life thinking that she will never find love after her childhood and a boyfriend who left her when she needed him the most. So when she meets Declan James, Hollywood's newest up and coming actor she figures one night with him couldn't hurt. But six months later, she can't bring herself to be with anyone else and he is all she thinks about. After being left heartbroken years ago, Declan lives his life with no commitments and the rule of only one night with a woman. But months after meeting Leah, he is still thinking about her. When his current movie takes him back to Virginia, he figures he needs to work Leah out of his system. But soon, he is falling harder than ever before for Leah. Even though they are both nervous about the feelings that are growing between them, they realize that they have a shot at a future together. However when a sudden revelation from the past is revealed, will they be able to move forward together or be torn apart?

I honestly wasn't sure that I was going to like Declan after we briefly met him in When You're Ready. I thought that he was arrogant and bit of a jerk. But he won me over so quickly in this story it wasn't even funny. He was charming and sweet, extremely thoughtful, and so much deeper than I ever expected him to be. I loved seeing how passionate he was about movies and his love for film. It was so much more to him than just a career and fame. I loved seeing him become a better man because of Leah. I think my favorite thing about him was that he didn't try to fight his feelings for Leah once he realized where things were going with them. He just accepted them and was determined to make her his. He was also really sexy, and the chemistry between him and Leah was off the charts hot! I loved Leah from the first book, but she grew on me even more in this story. She is so much fun, she is feisty, and I love how strong she is. She is one of those heroines that I would love to be friends with in real life. She has such a blunt and straight forward way of saying things and going about life that you never know what will come out of her mouth next...and I absolutely love it! She is also kind and giving, and is always taking care of others. I loved how understanding and patient she was with Declan and all the things that they were dealt. She really just kept an open mind and was always there for support or whatever he needed. These two had such an amazing connection, and I felt like they were so easy to become emotionally invested in.

Overall, this book was a fabulous follow up to When You're Ready. Sometimes with a series, the second book falls a bit flat and just doesn't live up to the expectations that can develop after such a great start. That was so not the case with Never Been Ready though. This book was as amazing as the first story, and in a completely different way. I can't say that it was better than the first, because they are both favorites of mine now and for completely different reasons. But this one was definitely more than I could have hoped for and I am so excited to read more from Berg in the future! I loved seeing more of Clare, Logan and Maddie as well as getting to know Leah and Declan better. This series is shaping up to be one of my all time favorites. I can't wait to get to know Clare's brother Garrett better in Ready For You, the next book in this series. This series is an absolute must read for romance fans, and I seriously cannot recommend it enough. There is no way to say everything I love about these books, but they are definitely worth the read. These books always go in different ways than I would expect, and I love that I never know exactly what is going to happen. J.L. Berg has definitely become a favorite author of mine, and I can't wait to read more from her in the future.

**ARC provided by AToMR**

Purchase: Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Feature and Giveaway: Never Been Ready by J.L. Berg

Leah Morgan was done with men. After barely surviving a horrendous childhood, and a boyfriend who bailed when things got rough, Leah had given up on love. Then she met him, Hollywood’s new golden boy who suddenly had eyes only for her. She tried to convince herself that one night couldn’t hurt, but after six months, the memories of his mesmerizing gaze and searing touch still invaded her every thought.

Declan James had just one rule when it came to women. Keep it simple, and never linger. That all changed the moment he met Leah. Even across a crowded bar, he could tell she was different. Sweet, with just the right amount of sass, she made him break his golden rule and now he couldn’t walk away.

When casual becomes anything but, and emotions run deep, will Leah and Declan fight their fears, or let old insecurities destroy their one chance to discover true happiness? When Declan’s past comes roaring back in a way neither of them could have expected, will they stand united or be torn apart by the challenges that lie ahead?

It was only supposed to be one night, but only forever will do.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo |

Thursday, February 20, 2014

ARC Review: Taking Something by Elizabeth Lee

In Taking Something by Elizabeth Lee we get Nick's story after everything that happened in Give Me Something (GMS). This story could be read as a standalone and you wouldn't have too many problems with what is going on during this book. However I highly recommend that you start with Give Me Something before reading Taking Something for a few reasons. One, because Give Me Something is a great book! I can't even tell you how much I loved it. Two, because you get to meet Nick for the first time as well as Lila and Tucker who are also in Taking Something (TS). I think reading the first book definitely gives the reader some much needed insight into Nick's character and how he ends up in the position he is in when we start TS. Like I said though it isn't necessary, but just what I would recommend. Taking Something was fantastic though! As much as I loved GMS I honestly didn't expect to love this one as much, but Elizabeth Lee proved me wrong. These books are must reads in my opinion, and if you haven't read them yet you are missing out!

After losing the only girl he has ever loved, Nick is determined to have a successful career in music. He has stopped being a con artist and has been working a legit job as a DJ. He really wants to become a music producer though, and when the opportunity presents itself Nick goes out of his way to convince the higher ups at a recording label to give him a shot. Only problem is, Nick will be working with Sadie Sinclair who has a reputation of being hard to work with. Nick knows women and music though and is determined to use that knowledge to his advantage. But when things turn from just business to business and pleasure really quickly, Nick is forced to change his plan. What he doesn't expect though is to be drawn to Sadie's personal assistant Gia. Gia is unlike anyone he has ever met before, and worse he can't stop thinking about her. Now Nick must decide if his career is worth sacrificing for a shot with Gia, or if he is willing to give up a shot of love in order to have the career that he has dreamed of.

I will be the first to admit that I loved Nick in Give Me Something. He really made me mad at the end of the book though because I had been rooting for him from the start. I knew towards the end though that he wasn't meant for Lila, and that he was capable of redeeming himself. He absolutely did, and it was so nice to see his evolution from that book to this one. I thought that we really got to see through his POV in this story that he was so much more than we had seen in GMS. He was still the confident and sexy charmer, but he was also a bit damaged and insecure from everything that he had been through. I really enjoyed seeing him fall hard in this one and really become the best person that he could be not only for himself but for others. I really didn't like Sadie. She was manipulative, selfish and just plain mean. I was waiting for her to get what was coming to her the whole book. She would have moments where you would think maybe there was something more to her, and then she would just turn around and show that she really was just as bad as you had originally thought. I loved Gia though. She was sweet and protective. I knew there was so much more to her story that what we were getting, and I have to admit that I never saw it coming. She had her reasons for doing everything she did and when it all came out, it just made me like her that much more. She had been through so much, and yet she was able to do what she needed to. She was definitely one of the most likable characters that I have read in a long time, and she seemed so real to me. I thought that Gia and Nick had amazing chemistry right from the start, and it was clear that they had a strong connection.

Overall, this book was fantastic. I thought that the characters were all deep and interesting. I couldn't put this one down, and I had to keep reading to see what would happen. I love how Elizabeth Lee always keeps you guessing, and you never know what twist or turn will happen next! I have loved both books in this series, and they never turn out exactly as I expect but they always end exactly how they should. This story was definitely one that will stick with me, and I loved seeing Nick become the man that Lila always knew he could be. It was great to see him finally figure things out, and I loved that he was still close with Lila but also was now close to Tucker as well! It was also so nice to see how things had turned out for Lila and Tucker, and I was so glad to get a bit more of them in Taking Something. I highly recommend this series, and I really can't go into all the reasons why I love these books without spoilers. But these books definitely shouldn't be missed and I think that they are ones that romance fans of all genres will really become invested in and enjoy. I can't wait to read more from Elizabeth Lee in the future and will be anxious to see what she comes up with next.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase:Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Full Steam Ahead by Valerie Chase

Seven days aboard a luxury cruise. The perfect getaway from it all.

At least, that’s what Georgia Cantwell was hoping for.

Georgia wishes she could run away from the nightmare that has consumed her life, but she can’t. With her inbox filling with menacing emails, all she can do is try to get through her sorority’s winter break cruise without anyone realizing how wrecked she is. So she really doesn’t need Jace McLaren seeing through her tacked-on smile when no one else seems to notice.

Growing up with a father in jail, Jace knows from experience that if you’re going through hell, there’s no way out but through. He has always steered away from girls like Georgia with her ice-queen attitude, but she’s in real trouble, and despite himself he pushes past her walls.

As much as Georgia tries to ignore it, Jace won’t let her pretend with him. But she can’t risk telling him the truth. Her past would ruin his trust, her family, her future—everything.

But out on the open ocean, there’s nowhere to hide. And when Georgia’s secrets come tumbling out, it might take more than Jace to save her.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Full Steam Ahead by Valerie Chase

Full Steam Ahead is the debut novel from Valerie Chase, and because of that I had no idea what to expect. I was really sold on this book because of the beautiful cover and the interesting blurb. This book just sounded really different than the other New Adult books out there, and it really was. I can't tell you how refreshing it was to read a New Adult book that not only had no cliffhanger, but that didn't center around a ton of angst and cheating or a love triangle. I really enjoyed this story and all the characters. I think that this was a really great first book from Valerie Chase, and I am excited to see where she goes from here.

Georgia has been having a rough time lately. She is secretly broke and hiding it from all of her friends. Her boyfriend just broke up with her after she thought that he was getting ready to propose to her. She is also getting demanding emails from a blackmailer and she has no idea what to do about it. When she originally had planned her sorority's winter travel cruise, she had planned on spending all her time with her then boyfriend Hunter. Now she is stuck staying in the cheapest room possible with Jace, while trying to avoid Hunter. Jace has a reputation for being a player, and the last thing Georgia needs is to deal with him. But when Jace turns out to be completely different than what she thought, she realizes that there is more than just attraction between them. The two start spending time together while on vacation and soon they are unable to fight the connection and chemistry between them. But Jace knows that Georgia is holding things back from him and even though she has told him some things, he feels that she should be able to open up to him the way he has with her. Can Georgia take the risk of telling him everything and seeing if they have a shot together or will there be too much standing in their way for them to get past?

I really liked Jace. He was nothing like what you expect from his reputation, and he instead was a really great guy. I liked that he was so caring and thoughtful when it came to Georgia. He was always trying to help her out and went out of his way to look out for her. I also loved that even though he was starting to develop feelings rather quickly and they took him by surprise that he didn't fight it. He was starting to see just how much she meant to him and he was trying to figure out ways for them to be together in the future. I thought that he did react a little badly when she didn't want to completely open up to him so quickly, and I thought he should have been a bit more understanding. But he came around pretty fast and saw that he had made a mistake. At first I really thought that I wasn't going to like Georgia. She came off as a bit whiny and kind of a brat. But she really grew on me and it wasn't long before I started to like her. I thought that Jace and Georgia had a ton of chemistry together, and they really seemed to fit. He got her like no one else did, and I felt like they were really great for each other. He was sweet with her, and I really enjoyed how he always went about things with her in a way that was exactly what she needed. These two were perfect for each other and I really enjoyed watching as they fell for each other.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I thought it was a quick and entertaining read that I didn't want to put down. Even though Jace and Georgia's relationship develops rather quickly, it felt completely real to me. They were believable and the whole thing just worked for me. I loved the supporting characters as well as the main characters, and I thought that they all added a lot to this story. I am looking forward to getting more about them in the future. Starting with the next book, which centers around Georgia's friend Yasmin. The only reason this book wasn't a five star read for me was the ending. There is no cliffhanger, but I felt like just as things were starting to work themselves out it was over. Even with the Epilogue, I felt like the ending was pretty abrupt and rather rushed. I wished that we had been given a bit more closure and seen a bit more of where things went from that point. This whole story takes place in such a short amount of time, that I felt like we got kind of cheated on seeing how things played out. It wasn't enough for me to dislike the book or anything, but it did take a bit away from the whole experience. I really do think that this was a great book though, and I would highly recommend this to New Adult readers. I think that this one was unique and different. Full Steam Ahead offers a new take on a genre that can sometimes seem very similar. I look forward to reading more from Valerie Chase in the future and will be waiting for the next installment in this series.

**ARC provided by Itching For Books**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Review: Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee

This book was completely unexpected! I thought I knew exactly who I was rooting for, and I thought I knew exactly how things would play out. I was absolutely wrong, and I couldn't be happier! Give Me Something by Elizabeth Lee is so good, that I cannot even begin to tell you everything I love about it. There are so many twists and turns with this book, that you will be guessing the entire way through. Just when you think you have everything figured out, think again. I would love to tell you everything that made this book so great, but you will just have to read it because I can't spoil this one! Trust me, this book is worth the read!

Having left home years ago, Lila Garrison lives her life as a con artist. She works with her best friend Nick. Lila wants to go legit though and have a real relationship with Nick. When Nick tells Lila that he has run up a large gambling debt, she agrees to pull one last job with him in order to get the money to bail him out. The promise of getting out after the job and giving them a real chance is more than enough motivation for Lila to make this work and to do it quickly. But this job is unlike any other that Lila has ever done before. Lila is used to working over older men looking for a hot trophy wife. She isn't used to the mark being young and good looking like Tucker. The closer she gets to Tucker, the more the lines start to blur between real and fake. Lila doesn't understand why she is so drawn to Tucker, but she knows that she needs to figure out a way to keep her distance because she can't afford to make a mistake when her future with Nick is on the line.

I liked Lila. I thought that she was a bit shallow and selfish at first. She was definitely out to have the best life she could, and was willing to leave her family behind as well as use others to get to the top. I didn't really connect with that because I am so different, but I did understand her wanting a better life. But as the story goes on, you see that she really was becoming a different person and she wanted to be better. She was so young and definitely a bit immature at first, but she really started to see things differently and that made me really begin to like her and admire her for wanting to not be that person anymore. I really liked that she transformed with the help of Tucker and I thought that he really opened her eyes to the important things in life. When it comes to Nick, I have mixed feelings. I was really rooting for him from the beginning. I am a fan of friends to lovers stories, and I really thought that because of their past and friendship that he and Lila belonged together. I couldn't have been more wrong. There were times that I though Nick did some really great things for Lila and in those moments, you could really tell how much he cared. But there were other times that he was flat out selfish and it was clear that he was always looking out for himself and really only cared about his own interests. I felt bad for him at the end of the book. Not because he didn't deserve what was coming to him, but it was hard to see someone suffer because of their own actions. He was getting what he deserved, but he was still that character that you know can redeem himself so it was hard to watch.You could tell that he really did love and care about Lila, but in his own way. Tucker on the other hand, was one of my favorite characters ever! I loved him so much. At first, I was really rooting for Nick so I was kind of blinded to the possibility of Tucker. But he grew on me rather quickly and before long, he had completely won me over. He was sweet and charming, and a bit dorky with his cheesy pick-up lines (which I absolutely loved!). Tucker was a really great match for Lila, and I thought that they really brought out the best in each other. They had amazing chemistry, and you could definitely feel the sexual tension between them from the start.

Overall, I thought that this book was fantastic. I wish I could really get into every reason that this story was so amazing, but it really would ruin how everything plays out and I just can't do that. I really loved these characters, flaws and all. They were so interesting and deep, and they kept me turning the pages while I devoured this book. I really enjoyed seeing how everything played out, and I never knew what to expect next. I loved seeing how each of the characters reacted when secrets and lies were revealed, and how they handled the truth. I think that this book is an absolute must read and would highly recommend this one. Fans of New Adult I think will especially love this one, but really this is just a great book filled with amazing characters that I think most people will be able to easily connect with. Tucker, Lila and Nick are worth the read, and if you haven't read this one, you definitely should. I really liked Elizabeth Lee's writing style, and I can tell you that I will be looking for more from her in the future. I especially can't wait to read the next book in this series, Taking Something.

**Review copy provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Alison Packard and Giveaway

Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Alison now lives in Southern Nevada where she’s still getting used to the blistering summers and slot machines in every grocery store.

When not working at the day job that pays the bills, keeps a roof over her head, and supports her book and chocolate habits, she spends most of her free time writing. But when she takes a break, she enjoys reading, watching movies, and spending time with her family and friends.

Find Alison at:

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

ARC Review: All For You by Jessica Scott

I’m quickly learning that Jessica Scott doesn’t play-what an intense book! There is so much raw emotion, and battle scars in this book I feel like I need therapy! Sergeant First Class Reza Iaconelli, where to start… My heart broke for him. He was pure male power wrapped up in a lot of personal demons. I seriously had to catch my breath a couple of times with him. He is full of contradictions. Physically he is all male. Big and physically strong. Emotionally he is living one day to the next trying to function as best he can. He tries to be the best Sergeant he can for his soldiers. He is sympathetic to their insecurities yet battles with how to adequately prepare them for the realities of war and military life. Reza is a recovering alcoholic, he struggles everyday with his addiction. He is also surrounded by soldiers that have the same struggles. Aside from struggling with alcoholism he is also dealing with PTSD. Reza came with his own scars before joining the military and we learn about his home life and how it shaped him.

Captain Emily Lindbergh is the opposite of Reza, although she struggles with her own personal issues, she comes from a life of privilege. Her father was in the military but she never personally experienced the life of a soldier. She is trying to bring help to soldiers such as Reza and his men, but not everyone thinks this is a good idea or is very welcoming to her. Emily was a fantastic character. She tried to show the soldiers her commitment to their mental health and was often the target of military personnel’s wrath. Emily is alarmed at the high number of suicides and tries to provide the soldiers with some psychological support.

As a couple Emily and Reza where exact opposites yet perfectly matched. Where he is physically strong and emotionally weak Emily is physically weak but emotional very strong. They had excellent chemistry and I loved that they formed a strong friendship. I loved that they each met the other where they were at. Emily never tried to “fix” Reza she accepted and gave him the support he needed although at times did not want.

These characters were so real, Scott really peels back all their emotions and gives us two very vulnerable people. When I read “Back to You” I felt the same way. The characters were both so imperfect and so real. Ms. Scott really captures the damage that soldiers experience during combat, after, and before.

Honestly, this is a tough read. I put the story down a couple of times, not because it was not well written or interesting, because it was all of those; but emotionally very challenging. The characters were worth it. It’s not a light read but it does provide a very “unromantic” look at the hardships of war and military life. Overall, I think I can say that I recommend everything and anything written by Jessica Scott. She really knows how to strip down her characters and show us who they are. After the emotional odyssey it’s beautiful to see Reza and Emily find their way together! Another fantastic journey with Ms. Scott!!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Guest Post with Author Cynthia Sax and Giveaway

Meet Cynthia Sax, author of Flashes of Me.

Cynthia Sax lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you”, they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Places to find Cynthia:

Guest Post with Author K D Grace and Giveaway

K D Grace believes Freud was right. In the end, it really IS all about sex, well sex and love. And nobody’s happier about that than she is, otherwise, what would she write about?

When she’s not writing, K D is veg gardening. When she’s not gardening, she’s walking. She walks her stories, and she’s serious about it. She and her husband have walked Coast to Coast across England, along with several other long-distance routes. For her, inspiration is directly proportionate to how quickly she wears out a pair of walking boots. She also enjoys martial arts, reading, watching the birds and anything that gets her outdoors.

K D has erotica published with SourceBooks, Xcite Books, Harper Collins Mischief Books, Mammoth, Cleis Press, Black Lace, Erotic Review, Ravenous Romance, Sweetmeats Press and others.

K D’s critically acclaimed erotic romance novels include, The Initiation of Ms Holly, The Pet Shop. Her paranormal erotic novel, Body Temperature and Rising, the first book of her Lakeland Heatwave trilogy, was listed as honorable mention on Violet Blue’s Top 12 Sex Books for 2011. Books two and three, Riding the Ether, and Elemental Fire, are now also available. She was nominated for ETO’s Best Erotic Author 2013.

K D Grace also writes hot romance as Grace Marshall. An Executive Decision, Identity Crisis, The Exhibition are all available.

Find K D at:
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Monday, February 17, 2014

ARC Review: A Matchless Romance by Christi Barth

Fantastic writing. Fantastic characters. Fantastic chemistry. All fantastic together. I devoured this book. I just absolutely loved Tabitha Bell and Drew Watson. They were so likeable as individuals and equally as a couple. First, Drew is a computer-geek/ video game programmer. He has a difficult time speaking with women even though he is very attractive. He feels awkward around them and ends of saying the wrong things practically all the time. This becomes an issue for him when it costs him a client at his job. He runs into Tabitha-literally. Tabitha is beautiful and starting up her match making company. She is also a video game geek but hides it well. They are instantly attracted to each other but they both realize that they need each other’s help professionally. Drew needs to prove to his boss that he can interact well with female clients and Tabitha needs to make a name for her business.

Watching Tabitha and Drew together was so much fun. They do get into their predicaments. Drew is so socially awkward that it is really adorable. There are also a lot of layers to Drew. He is a very agile runner and even though he is a stereotypical geek, he is also ripped. It does not go unnoticed by other female runners. The best part about Drew is that he is such a sweet guy. He is always supporting Tabitha and honestly just loves her. Tabitha has her own insecurities. She has a history that haunts her. One of the best parts about this book for me was how they really got each other. Drew was geeky enough to be endearing for Tabitha and Drew knew that Tabitha was a top –level girl! (video game reference here for game fans) The other characters in the book really added to the sweetness of the story. Tabitha and her friends are typically girlfriends hanging out and giving each other advice and support, when needed. Her friends Mira, Daphne, and Mira all had their love matches in the previous Aisle Bound series.

I thought that Drew and Tabitha were so adorable and I just wanted them to work out their insecurities. They both felt that they were not good enough for the other and would reject each other before they could get hurt. Ms. Barth is such a talented writer. I felt like this book was a conversation with a friend. Tabitha and Drew are really such sweet people, they have excellent chemistry and completely complemented each other. If you’re looking for a great romance with two very likeable characters and funny moments, A Matchless Romance is a perfect match =) I can’t wait to read the next previous books in the series, I would recommend, re-read and buy this fantastic book!

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Lisa Desrochers and Giveaway

Lisa Desrochers lives in northern California with her husband, two very busy daughters, and Shini the tarantula. If you'd told her five years ago she'd write a book, she'd have laughed in your face. As it turns out, she'd owe you an apology. Writing has become an addiction for Lisa and A Little Too Far, courtesy of HarperCollins, is her first novel for adults. She is also the author of the young adult Personal Demons trilogy from Macmillan.

When she's not writing, she's reading, and she adores stories that take her to new places, and then take her by surprise.

Places to find Lisa:

Feature and Giveaway: The Curl Up & Dye by Sharon Sala

A brand new Southern women's fiction from New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sharon Sala who has 1.5 million books sold.

Wally Lamb meets Steel Magnolias in this story of LilyAnn Bronte, the Peachy-Keen Queen, which in Blessings, Georgia, was the epitome of success. After losing her fiance in the war in Iraq, her zest for life went into decline while added weight crept on. When a new guy arrives in town, LilyAnn embarks on a quest to remake herself from start to finish only to discover that love was always just right next-door.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Sunday, February 16, 2014

ARC Review: High-Heeled Wonder by Avery Flynn

I read a lot of dark and gritty romantic suspense featuring deranged serial killers, drug & human trafficking, terrorists, etc., so I'm sometimes in the mood for something more lighthearted that still packs an action punch and keeps me guessing and turning pages. And what's more lighthearted and full of intrigue than the fashion world? So when a story about a supposedly anonymous fashion blogger receiving increasingly disturbing threats from a stalker and the security specialist tasked with keeping her safe came across my desk, it sounded like the perfect change of pace. New-to-me author Avery Flynn's HIGH-HEELED WONDER hit the spot with its witty dialogue, breezy and approachable writing style (even for someone whose idea of 'fashion' consists of trackies & trainers), fun but emotionally complex characters, and underlying suspense plot with a touch of darkness.

Plot-wise, HIGH-HEELED WONDER is fairly straightforward: when New York fashionista Sylvie Bissette—the woman (secretly) behind the must-read fashion blog, The High-Heeled Wonder—is harassed by an internet troll, her overprotective designer fathers turn to former-cop-turned-security-specialist Tony Falcon for help. Tony goes ‘undercover’ as Sylvie’s boyfriend to infiltrate the insular fashion world and uses the assignment as cover to investigate his former partner and best friend’s murder at the hands of one of Harbor City’s glitterati. Murder & mayhem, plot twists, scorching sexytimes, and hijinks ensue. But what makes this book such a great read is its delightful cast of characters. I really liked Sylvie, whose overt self-assuredness belies her fear of putting herself out there and failing. A foster kid with a learning disability and a temper, she sees herself as the reason her younger sister was passed over for adoption many times until designers Anton and Henry took a chance on them and even now fears her fathers will regret their decision if she’s not perfect and successful at everything she does. That she waited until two months after the adoption was final to unpack her suitcase says a lot about her character, so watching her decide to go for it with Tony (especially after her unwitting stint as her former long term boyfriend’s beard) was really rewarding. And hilarious (case in point: chapter 1).

What can I say about Tony, other than “can I clone him?”? Not only does he have a fantastic sense of humour—his security firm is called Maltese Security in homage to The Maltese Falcon—he is also the boy-next-door from the other side of the harbour with a protective-but-not-overbearing streak and an unshakable commitment to solving his partner’s murder. Tony blames himself for the undercover-drug-sting-gone-wrong that resulted in his partner’s death and is willing to do—and use—anyone to avenge him. Until he actually meets Sylvie and she seriously messes with his head, the rest of his anatomy, and his convictions. The two of them have scorching chemistry and engage in delightfully witty banter, and Tony’s attempts to keep Sylvie firmly in the off-limits ‘client’ camp are both incredibly cute and hilariously futile. And he can grovel like a champ to make up for his inevitable major man moment! I also thoroughly enjoyed all the secondary characters, from Sylvie’s eccentric fathers to her sister and BFF Drea to the other members of Maltese Security—even if they only make brief appearances, each is remarkably fleshed out, and I want to be friends with all of them.

Overall, HIGH-HEELED WONDER is a great start to what looks to be a witty, sexy series of whodunits set in the cutthroat world of fashion. From the droll fashion-related epigraphs that kick off each chapter to the abundant pop culture references and witty repartee, the writing is fresh and approachable and draws the reader into a story that’s fun and lighthearted but also has emotional depth and grit. I look forward to Tony’s sister Allegra’s story later in the year, and checking out Ms. Flynn’s backlist!

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |