
Saturday, October 31, 2015

ARC Review: Walk Through Fire by Kristen Ashley

This book left me with a massive book hangover! I have had quite a few books lately that were just okay, but Walk Through Fire woke me up and was fantastic. Kristen Ashley delivered all the feels in her newest installment to the Chaos series, and I couldn't have put this book down if you tried to force me. Millie and Logan's story was heartbreaking but beautiful and I absolutely loved it even when I they upset me. Walk Through Fire is one of those stories that will draw you in instantly and stay with you forever. 

Millie Cross and Logan Judd fell in love almost instantly and knew that they belonged together. They had their life all planned out and were working on making their dreams come true until Millie broke off the relationship and Logan made the choice to walk away. Now twenty years later, Millie has a chance encounter with Logan and is finally ready to face everything that caused her to lose the only man she has ever loved. At first Logan wants nothing to do with Millie, except to maybe get a little revenge for the hurt she caused him. But when Logan learns the truth behind Millie's decision all those years ago, he must face that all the thought was true was actually something entirely different. Can Logan and Millie have a second chance at love twenty years after they first found each other, or will there have been too much between them to ever get back what they once lost? 

I really liked Logan and Millie together, and their connection was so rare and special. These two had spent so many years apart, and even when things were rough at the beginning it was clear just how deeply they felt for one another. Logan had tried to get on with his life and was able to find happiness in his daughters, though he never got the dream life he had planned with Millie. He thought that the Millie he knew was a complete lie, and you could see just how much that had torn him up for so long. But when the truth finally came it, it was even more devastating for him to find out just how far she had gone and all that she had given up for him. Millie was strong and such a beautiful person inside and out. Yet she made a choice that she should have talked to Logan about and changed their lives forever. I understand her reasoning behind the choice, but I didn't agree with it at all. Because of it Millie was just going through the motions, and while at first it looked like she had everything it was so obvious that she was actually living such a lonely and empty life. I was so glad that these two finally got to the point where they could talk about things, and I wish that they had been able to do it so much sooner. Time and distance hadn't changed the intense connection and chemistry that they always had, and the love between them had never gone away or dimmed. 

Overall, this story was so good. I didn't want it to end, and I was so invested in these characters. Their history was so much fun to see, and I loved that their connection was so quick yet was so real and believable. I enjoyed seeing how they met and fell in love, even when it broke my heart to see how things changed and broke them both. This book brought out so many emotions for me, and I definitely shed my fair share of tears. But Kristen Ashley has such a way with words and characters that I think it would be impossible to read any book of hers and not feel it. After I finished this book I just didn't want to move on and was incapable of reading anything immediately after. I was still so attached to Millie and Logan and I wanted to just dive back in and experience it all over again. If you are a fan of the Chaos series or Kristen Ashley this book is an absolute must read. If you are new to Kristen Ashley though, I highly recommend that you start here. Logan and Millie were impossible not to connect with and I think that so many readers will fall in love with them just like I did. I honestly can't wait to read more from Kristen Ashley, and I know that this won't be the only time I read Walk Through Fire.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: The Game Plan by Kristen Callihan

I absolutely love the Game On series from Kristen Callihan. Each book is a standalone novel with interconnected characters, so don't be afraid to start here with The Game Plan if you haven't read the first two books. I have been waiting for this story since I finished The Friend Zone and saw how much chemistry was between Dex and Fiona. They definitely had a ton of heat between them and I enjoyed their story. 

Ethan Dexter has wanted Fiona Mackenzie since he first met her. But she was his best friend's younger sister-in-law and she never saw him as anything more than an acquaintance. But when they both end up staying at Gray and Ivy's house, the sparks between them explode. Dex and Fiona are both ready for more, but with them living in separate cities they know that things won't be easy. While Dex wants to try, he has his work cut out for him with convincing Fi. But Dex isn't afraid to do whatever it takes to show Fi that he is the one for her and that they belong together.

I really liked Dex and Fi together. These two were beyond hot, and anytime they were together sparks were flying. The amount of steam between these two was unreal, and they never failed to show just how much they wanted one another. Dex was sweet and caring, and I thought that he was exactly what Fi needed. He was a really good guy, and I liked that he wasn't a total manwhore. It was nice to see a guy with little experience rather than the girl, and there was something great about the fact that he never gave up on Fiona, even knowing that he had to wait awhile to pursue her. He didn't fill his time with other women to distract himself while he waited and that was really refreshing. Fi was flighty here and had a tendency to run away from her problems. I will admit that got a bit old to me, and I wished that she would have talked more to Dex. Luckily she didn't let it get too far most of the time, but I still wanted her to wise up sooner than she did.

I did think that there was a bit more drama here than I was expecting, and it seemed to be coming at these two from all sides. There were so many things standing in the way, and just when it would appear to be settling down something else would happen. Not that I expect a story to be smooth sailing the whole way, but at what point does some of that become unnecessary? The thing that bothered me the most about all of it was that they didn't talk to one another and they just instantly reacted. I really expected their communication to get better over the course of this book, but it just didn't. These two were already trying to make a long distance relationship work, and communication is very important in any relationship, but definitely when you are apart more than you are together. So the fact that they both just kept doing things without talking to one another and then they would quickly make-up before moving on to the next was something that drove me a bit nuts here. I still really love this series, and I did love Dex and Fi. I just thought that this book was a bit all over the place at times and the back and forth got to be a bit much for me. The Game Plan wasn't my favorite of the series, but I do really like this series and it's characters. Kristen Callihan is absolutely worth the read, and I would still highly recommend this series!

**ARC Provided by Bocci PR**

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A Blissfully Spooky Halloween with Sonya Weiss

Sonya Weiss is a freelance writer, ghostwriter and author. She's addicted to great books, good movies, and Italian chocolates.

She's passionate about causes that support abused animals and children. Her parents always supported her bringing stray animals home although the Great Dane rescue was a surprise.

ARC Review: Autumn Thorns by Yasmine Galenorn

Autumn Thorns is the perfect book for fall. As I was reading about Kerris Fellwater experiencing the cool and sometimes stormy fall weather of the Northwest, cool Autumn temperatures were arriving in my part of the country. The first chapter really made me want to make a cup of hot chocolate and settle on the couch with my book.

And once the author set the atmosphere, I was hooked on the story. Kerris Fellwater is a 50th generation spirit shaman. It is her job to make sure the spirits of the recently, and the not-so-recently, departed end up in their place on the other side of the Veil. She tried to avoid her duty for several years, but after her grandmother's death, the Crow Man has summoned her home to Whisper Hollow. Every resident of Whisper Hollow knows that if the Crow Man calls, it is best not to ignore him.

In Whisper Hollow, the spirits have been walking more than they typically do. Even while her grandmother was still alive, ghost activity was unusually high. The ghosts are usually kept in check by the spirit shaman and her guardian as well as the lament singer and the Veil's Gatekeeper, Penelope. Now, though, it seems the newest spirit shaman will have her work cut out for.

When Kerris returns to Whisper Hollow, she and her three cats move into her grandmother's house. Kerris starts digging through desks, trunks and other hiding places for any information she can find to help her with her spirit shaman duties. What she finds in the trunk that belonged to her mother, who disappeared when Kerris was young, has her digging into a decades old mystery. The investigation, along with her official spirit shaman duties, make sure there is never a lull in the action for Kerris.

Luckily, Kerris does not have to solve the mystery or perform her duties alone. Ellia is her lament singer, and Bryan is her guardian and neighbor. Bryan also turns out to be her mate. The road from neighbor to mate/lover was very short. Too short, as it did not even seem to be a love at first sight romance. More like suspicion turned to lust turned to love in an awkwardly short span of time. Still, as a couple, Kerris and Bryan will be a major force in the battle between dark and light in Whisper Hollow.

Another force to be reckoned with is the secret Crescent Moon Society. CMS could be helpful if they can get past the politics. The CMS is dedicated to protecting the town from the evil creatures that like to hang around. They even have a fixer to handle things the local law enforcement really can't touch.

A large part of this first book of a new series is about setting the scene in Whisper Hollow. Ms. Galenorn paints the town with charming names of places, roads and businesses. I love the name of Whisper Hollow and my favorite road is Fogwhistle Way. She also does a fine job of explaining the culture of the small town resting on the crossroads of ley lines. She does so using the many character's action and dialog, which makes it easy to take in. Unfortunately, the need to familiarize the reader with all of the background and all of the characters doesn't leave much time for the story. When the story was over, I felt like there should have been more, even though there was a satisfying resolution to the main plot line. There is much more to be resolved though. It appears a series is needed to make sure all is right in Whisper Hollow. Having done such a great job of setting the scene in book 1, Ms. Galenorn has a series with all sorts of potential!

This book releases on October 27th. The timing is perfect. Yes, it really feels like the titular season of Autumn, but the creatures of the night that Kerris deals with in the book will get you in the spirit of Halloween and things that go bump in the night. Ghosts, stormy nights and other creatures abound. I am just going to say a name and then let you read an awesome description of him. Diago. So, in addition to that cup of hot chocolate you have by your side when you are reading Autumn Thorns, I suggest you also leave all the lights on!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, October 30, 2015

ARC Review: The Wrath of Cain by Kathy Coopmans

The Wrath of Cain is my first book by Kathy Coopmans, but it definitely won't be my last! I really enjoyed this book and I was drawn in right away. Though there were a few things that I had some issues with, I thought that this was a great first installment in her new Syndicate series. Though this book is the first in the series, it can be read as a standalone. I am really looking forward to seeing where this series goes after reading this book! 

With their families being long time enemies, Cain and Calla eloped at eighteen. But what should have been the best day of their lives and the start of a life together, quickly became worse than Calla could imagine when she found Cain with another woman ton their wedding night. Heartbroken and needing to escape, Calla moved to Canada to pursue her dream of becoming a lawyer. But now six years later she returns home to finally move forward with her life, starting with getting a divorce from her husband. But the man she finds is no longer the man she married, and Cain is willing to do whatever it takes to protect Calla and keep her by his side. Cain was given minutes to wreck his marriage in order to protect his wife, and there is no way that he will sign the papers and let her go again. But when Calla finds out the truth about everything that happened, she gets more than she bargained for when she also learns that nothing in her life is as it seems. Can she forgive those that she trusted for making choices that changed her life forever, or will there be too much damage done to make their way back from?

I will admit that I struggled a bit with each of these characters a few times in this story. With Calla and Cain not seeing each other in six years, they were both with other people during their separation. Though it didn't make me happy I did understand it, especially with Cain's lifestyle being that of a MC Club president. What I didn't care for was that while he was super protective of Calla and was all alpha, he was also a real jerk at times to her. I love an alpha as much as the next girl, but I need for them to be commanding without being awful about it. I hated how he went about pushing her away too, and I think that he could have easily done it in another way without actually having sex with someone else. Calla was a bit all over the place here, and that was a problem for me. Though I liked her at times and wanted her to be with Cain despite everything they had been through, I felt like her character was almost a bit bi-polar. She would go from crying one second to raging and making threats the next. It just didn't work for me that she would go from one extreme to the other so quickly, especially after her entire world had been turned upside down. Though I did have issues with the characters, I never once questioned the connection they had. It was clear that these two loved one another and were supposed to be together, but life had a way of messing that up for them. The chemistry between them was smoking hot, and these two were so steamy together! 

Overall, I did like this book and despite my issues with the characters I couldn't put this book down. I was invested right away, even if I didn't like everything that went down. What I really loved about this book is that it was different. It was an MC story, but there were also Mafia elements as well. I was fascinated with everything that was going on, and with each piece of the puzzle revealed I couldn't wait to get even more. Though things were revealed fairly early on to Calla about the past and what was going on, I wasn't bored and I felt like Kathy Coopmans did a great job of giving us just enough to keep the reader turning pages. I liked that she had been clued in on a lot earlier on because that gave us a chance to really see how things would play out without constantly wondering when the meltdown and big reveal would happen. There was so much more to explore about the MC and the Mafia, and it just got more interesting the more that the reader and Calla found out. I would recommend this book if you are a fan of MC stories and you are looking for something different. This one had plenty of suspense and super sexy moments to keep me reading without wanting to put this one down. I am looking forward to the next book in this series and am anxious to see where Kathy Coopmans takes things from here.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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Audiobook Review: A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab

First things first, I would not shelve this book anywhere near a romance section. I have read other fantasy books that had much, much more romantic intensity than this book did. I will give it to you straight, there was one kiss, and honestly it was quick and unexpected because neither character expressed any interest in each other romantically before the kiss happened.

Having said that, I did still fairly enjoy this book. It took me a long time to listen to the whole thing. My aim with audio books is that they push me to go workout at a gym. This one didn't do that so I couldn't bring myself to give it a higher rating. The concept of there being four different "Londons" in different realms that coexist was interesting. The history of how the rules came into place was also very well thought.

The main character is Kel. He is the adopted son of the king and queen of Red London. He has a very rare ability to travel all four Londons. It is so rare, that only he and one other share this ability. The Londons were once open to one another, before Black London became dangerous, and now to prevent that magical disease from spreading, strict rules are put into place about items being transferred from one London to another. Kel finds a small bit of smuggling peaks his interest.

The smuggling leads Kel into some bad events as he is tricked into carrying something from Black London into Gray London where he is ambushed. Lila Bard is an inhabitant of Grey London (which is basically a steampunk version of our current London) where magic doesn't exist. She swipes the object from Kel believing him drunk. Once Kel finds Lila to get it back, the two oddly enough work together to figure out what is going on and fix the problem.

The story was very action packed and full of magic. I enjoyed listening to the story. The narrator did a pretty good job, except for Lila's voice. He made her come off very annoying, which may be accurate to how she is, but it drove me a little crazy. So I liked the book overall despite its lack of romance, but not all romance readers like just plain fantasy.

**Audiobook provided by Publisher**

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October Book Subscription Box Unpacking

Another month of great books and swag from my boxes, and I was really excited about the books I received. I enjoy getting these boxes and talking about them with friends and family. I really love the book community and have made some great friends because of the books, authors and boxes that I have been introduced to. I also really love that I can give back a little by purchasing a Bookworm Box, knowing that all their profits go to charities that really can put the money to good use.
The Bookworm Box was started by author Colleen Hoover, and was created with the purpose of spreading good and donating to charity. Each month a different charity is selected, and 100% of the profits from the box after overhead costs goes to that month's charity. Though the Bookworm Box has gone through a few changes since it started earlier this year, it is now available as a subscription service that renews each month. Once you sign up, you are billed on the 25th of each month for the following month's box. Each box features 2 signed paperbacks and swag. Though they do have some featured authors listed on their website, the books in each month's box are always a surprise, and there are a variety of boxes each month. So while you might get the same box as some others, you will not get the same box as every subscriber. The boxes are $39.99 a month plus shipping costs. Because they have a limited number of boxes available, new subscribers will have to wait for current subscribers to cancel their subscriptions or until the Bookworm Box opens up new spots. To get more information on when spots are available, make sure to follow their Facebook page as that is where they announce when new spots will be opened. 

October Bookworm Box 

The Bookworm Box that I received in October contained a signed copy of Pucked by Helena Hunting and a signed copy of Elements of Chemistry by Penny Reid. Swag received this month was a Bookworm Box sleeve of gum, Bookworm Box bookmark, Bookworm Box pen, Chelle Bliss Bookmark, Jennifer L. Armentrout Bookmark, Kelly Elliott Bookmark, Nancee Cain Bookmark, Joann I. Martin Sowles Bookmark, Kim Carmichael Bookmark, Signed JA Hensley Bookmark, Signed Tia Louise Postcard, Two Kim Carmichael Romance Trading Cards, My Mind's Playground Business Card, Sidonia Rose Swag Pack with a Business Card and Button, and some Halloween Candy. 

Pucked by Helena Hunting 

With a famous NHL player for a step-brother, Violet Hall is well acquainted with the playboy reputation many hockey stars come with. She’s smart enough to steer clear of those hot, well-built boys with unparalleled stamina. That is until she meets the legendary team captain—Alex Waters.

Violet isn’t interested in his pretty, beat-up face, or his rock-hard six-pack abs. But when Alex inadvertently obliterates Violet’s previous misapprehension regarding the inferior intellect of hockey players, he becomes more than just a hot body with a face to match.

In what can only be considered a complete lapse in judgment, Violet finds out just how good Alex is with the hockey stick in his pants. But what starts out as a one-night stand, quickly turns into something more. Post-night of orgasmic magic, Alex starts to call, and text, and e-mail and send extravagant—and quirky—gifts, making him difficult to ignore, and even more difficult not to like.

The problem is, the media portrays Alex as a total player, and Violet doesn’t want to be part of the game.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository | iTunes |

I have heard so many things about Helena Hunting and Pucked, that I was really excited to get this book in my box. I am a huge hockey fan, so this one is right up my alley. Though I haven't read Helena Hunting before, Pucked is said to be absolutely hilarious and is one of those books that I have been meaning to read since it came out. Now that I received this book, I feel the need to move this one up on my TBR list and I am really looking forward to giving this one a shot. Pucked is the first book in the Pucked series from Helena Hunting, and the second book Pucked Up was recently released. Each book in this series can be read as a standalone, but I am told that these are best read in order. 

Elements of Chemistry

One week. 
Private beach. 
Invisible girl. 
Jerk-faced bully. 
What’s the worst that could happen?

Kaitlyn Parker has no problem being the invisible girl, which is why she finds herself hiding in various cabinets and closets all over her college campus. Despite her best efforts, she can’t escape the notice of Martin Sandeke—bad boy, jerkface bully, and the universe’s hottest, wealthiest, and most unobtainable bachelor—who also happens to be Kaitlyn’s chemistry lab partner.

Kaitlyn might be the only girl who isn’t interested in exploiting his stunning rower’s build, chiseled features, and family's billionaire fortune. Kaitlyn wants Martin for his brain, specifically to tabulate findings of trace elements in surface water.

When Kaitlyn saves Martin from a nefarious plot, Martin uses the opportunity to push Kaitlyn out of her comfort zone: spring break, one week, house parties, bathing suits, and suntan lotion. Can she overcome her aversion to being noticed? Will he be able grow beyond his self-centered nature? Or, despite their obvious chemistry, will Martin be the one to drive Kaitlyn into the science cabinet of obscurity for good? 

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

I am already a fan of Penny Reid, but I haven't yet read Elements of Chemistry so this was another one that I was really excited to get in my box. Penny Reid has a great writing style that is really easy to get into, and she is wicked funny. If you are looking for a romance with a ton of witty banter and humor, you have got to give Penny Reid a shot! Elements of Chemistry is actually 3 separate parts that make up one book. It contains Part 1: Attraction, Part 2: Heat and Part 3: Capture. There are said to be more books coming in the Hypothesis Series at a later date.  
The Book Candy Box is a subscription box service that offers a few different options as far as which box you would like to purchase. These boxes are secured on a month by month basis, so you need to purchase one each month as it does not auto-renew. Prices vary per box selected. The Book Candy Box store is open from the 1st day of the month until the 15th day of the month for boxes shipping the next month. (IE: To purchase a November Box, you need to order between October 1st-15th.) The contents of your box will vary, depending on which box you select. The options are as follows: Option 1: One Signed Book. This box is $12.00 plus shipping. Option 2: 1 Signed Book, Swag, and a Signed Model Photo for that month's featured model. This box is $20.00 plus shipping. Option 3: 2 Signed Books and Swag for $22.00 plus shipping. Option 4: 2 Signed Books, Swag, and Signed Model Photo for $30.00 plus shipping. Though you know what items you will be getting, the titles and authors are a surprise each month. The only thing that is not a secret, is who the model featured each month is as they announce that on their facebook page. The one thing that you should be aware of though is that while each book is signed, sometimes it is a sticker or label (bookplate) rather than a signature on the page itself. The great thing about The Book Candy Box is that because they are open for a limited amount of days and order books based on signups, they do not run out of boxes and they are available to customers throughout the entire sales period. There is no waiting for spots to open up or for others to cancel. As long as you order between the 1st and 15th, you are guaranteed a box.

October Book Candy Box 

The Book Candy Box that I received in October included a signed Contrite by Kathy Coopmans (this one had a bookplate), a signed Unavoidable Chance by Annalisa Nicole (this one had a bookplate) and a signed Educate Me by Lexi Buchanan. I was lucky enough to receive one of twenty boxes that had Educate Me included as a surprise bonus. Swag in this months box was a Postcard for the Books Are Bigger In Texas Author Event, Bookmark for the RT Readers & Writers Roundup, Signed Skye Turner Bookmark, Annalisa Nicole Bookmark, JM Witt Postcard, KA Hunter/Kimi Flores Postcard, and a Nicole Edwards Compact Mirror. 

Contrite by Kathy Coopmans 

What happens when the man you’re married to isn’t the man you married anymore? Clove Calloway knows within an hour of picking up her husband Turner from the airport that something is different. Yet she can't pin point what. Together since College, they know everything about each other. So why has she spent the last few days watching everything he does, hoping for a clue? What could have happened within that week he was gone?

One way or another she's going to find out. 
When Clove invests in the help of her brother Zack, a police detective, she’s afraid her suspicions of infidelity will be confirmed. Terrified that such news will crush her heart, she sets about preparing for the worst.

Only to find it's much more than she could have imagined—there is no other woman.

Clove’s life is about to descend into a web of deceit, lies and betrayal.

Appearances can be deceiving… and only the Master Manipulator will be left standing.

“The eyes only see what the mind is prepared to comprehend.” – Henri Bergson 

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | 

Contrite is one of those books that I have heard of and have been wanting to read, but just haven't got around to for whatever reason. I think part of the reason that I haven't read it yet is because I was waiting for the sequel to come out since I knew it was the first in a duet. I have to admit that I originally wanted to read this one because I loved the cover. The black and white picture with the bold color for the title just drew me in and really grabbed my attention. This is another one of those books that I am actually really excited to read and has been bumped up on my TBR list now that I have a signed copy. Contrite is the first in the duet, with the second book in the duet being Reprisal. 

Unavoidable Chance by Annalisa Nicole 

Ava Wellington is a busy, prestigious Seattle lawyer with her sights firmly set on her goals. She’s precise and calculated to a fault and doesn’t have time in her career for relationships, especially with a man like Jax. Neither he nor what comes with him were ever part of her plan. 

Jaxon Landry is ex-military, turned chef of his own thriving restaurant and the best single dad he knows how to be. He lives and breathes for the happiness of his two little girls. For the past two years he’s lived in a dreary world of regret, loss, and disappointment. That is until he meets Ava. He never thought he’d see color again in his dreams, much less in a woman. 

Can Jax show Ava that she is more than checklists and goals? 

Can Ava keep her promise even when she’s handed the golden opportunity to her ultimate goal. Will she risk love over her career? 

Family is a feeling, not a definition. There are no words for it. It’s a feeling in your gut, in your heart, and in your soul. 

There’s nothing you can do to stop true love, it’s unavoidable. 

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository | 

Unavoidable Chance and Annalisa Nicole are both completely new to me and I didn't know anything about this series or author before receiving my box. That is one of the main reasons that I get these boxes besides the fact that I love getting goodies in the mail, but to discover books and authors that I might never have otherwise. After reading the blurb for this book I am actually really excited to read it! It sounds so good and I love a military hero! Not only does the story sound good, but the covers are absolutely gorgeous! Unavoidable Chance is the fifth book in the Running Into Love series, but each book appears to be a standalone story. 

Educate Me by Lexi Buchanan 

Bianca is a new, 24 year old teacher at the local high school who can't stop thinking about one of her pupils, 18 year old Mason. 

Bianca soon discovers that Mason wants his hands on her just as badly.

How can they have a relationship when everything is against them? 

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

Lexi Buchanan and her novella Educate Me are another completely new one to me. I didn't know anything about the story or author, but this one sounds like it is hot! I have to admit that forbidden romance stories are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me, so this teacher/student romance really intrigues me. It is short and said to have explicit content, so I am expecting this one to be super steamy and I couldn't be more excited to read it.

Tell us what you think about the monthly book box craze. Are you currently subscribed to any? Are there any that you are 'dying' to subscribe to? Leave us a not about what you think. =)

A Blissfully Spooky Halloween with Melissa West

Melissa West writes heartfelt Southern romance and teen sci-fi romance, all with lots of kissing. Because who doesn't like kissing? She lives outside of Atlanta, GA with her husband and two daughters and spends most of her time writing, reading, or fueling her coffee addiction.

ARC Review: Seized by Love by Melissa Foster

Seized by Love is the newest book in the Love in Bloom series from Melissa Foster and is also the first book in The Ryders series. Each of these books can be read as a standalone story, but the characters are all interconnected. Though this is book 29 in the series, there is no reason you can't jump in here. The one thing I will say though is that if you are a fan of contemporary romance, all of these books are worth reading! Though it isn't necessary, you really get the full enjoyment by seeing these characters as the series progresses. This series is one of my all-time favorites, and I love Melissa's writing style. 

Blue and Lizzie have both had feelings for one another since they met, but Lizzie has turned down Blue at every turn. Though she runs a successful flower shop during the day, it is the secret webcast that she does at night that pays for her sister's education. Lizzie knows that even though she wants Blue, she needs to keep him at arm's length to keep him and the rest of her friends from discovering her secret. But Blue isn't willing to give up and is determined to do whatever it takes to convince Lizzie to give him a shot. Lizzie finally says yes and gives Blue a shot, but what happens when her secret is revealed? 

I liked both Lizzie and Blue a lot. Melissa Foster always writes such interesting and different characters and I love that none of them are even close to the same. I really felt like Lizzie and Blue's personalities were so real and genuine here. They were both really great people that were so likable and easy to relate to. Blue wasn't afraid to admit his feelings and there is just something sexy about a good guy willing to wear his heart on his sleeve. He never gave up on his feelings for Lizzie and the connection that was between them. Lizzie was strong and loyal, and I loved how far she was willing to go for those that she cared about. Both of these characters had such a strong relationship with their families, and I loved that about them. These two just had such a natural fit, and I think a lot of that goes to the friendship that they had. The chemistry between them was so strong as well though that you could just see the sparks between them whenever they together.

Overall, another really great contemporary romance and a wonderful start to the Ryders portion of this series. I love that Melissa Foster's books are always sweet as well as sexy and that the ultimate message is one of love, family and friends. They are so enjoyable to read, and I just always trust that she will deliver a solid romance that I know will be easy to get lost in. Seized by Love was a great book and I really loved Blue and Lizzie. Though they did have their issues and I didn't always agree with Lizzie's choices, I did understand her reasoning and I knew that Lizzie and Blue were perfect for one another. I really recommend this series and Seized by Love for anyone that likes the romance and particularly the contemporary genre. You just can't go wrong with anything that has Melissa Foster's name on it, and I think that readers will really like Lizzie and Blue's story just as much as I did. I am already looking forward to the next book from Melissa Foster, and I know that I will continue to read anything I can get my hands on that has her name on it.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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