
Tuesday, March 7, 2023

ARC Review: Hockey With Benefits by Tijan

I absolutely loved Hockey With Benefits! I have always been a fan of sports romance, and Tijan is one of the best when it comes to them! I have to say that Hockey With Benefits is maybe my favorite Tijan book ever! This is the best book that I’ve read this year and I honestly wanted to immediately re-read it after finishing! Hockey With Benefits is a standalone story, but if you are familiar with Tijan’s books, there are some familiar faces here that just made this one even better. 

Mara and Cruz’s no strings attached relationship quickly becomes more complicated than both of them wanted or expected. They had a great thing going and had so much chemistry right from the start. I enjoyed getting to know each of them better and seeing how they dealt with things both in the present and unresolved issues from their past. I felt like they were perfect for one another, and I really liked each of them alone as well as together. 

The other thing I loved about this book was the side characters! Each one added something to this story and I really loved how it all came together. I won’t go into details, but this book was great and I didn’t want to put it down! Real life fell away as I read this one, and I was so consumed with the story that I ended up finishing it in almost one sitting! Such a great story and I highly recommend it. Serious book hangover after finishing Hockey With Benefits, and I might just have to read it again as I’m not ready to leave this world yet.

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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