Saturday, March 29, 2014
ARC Review: 8 Weeks by Bethany Lopez
I can tell you right off that this book will not be for everyone. It deals with the very serious subject of cheating, and that can definitely affect how the reader feels going into a story. I would suggest that before reading this book that you read the blurb and a few reviews and really get a feel for what you are in for. That being said, this book was one that I thought was really good. I will do my best to avoid spoiling anything, but I think that this story is one that is worth the read even with the heavy subject matter. 8 Weeks is the first book in Bethany Lopez's Time for Love Contemporary series, and I am really looking forward to continuing on with this series. I can't wait to see what she has in store next.
Cal and Shelly have been together since they were juniors in high school and met at a pep rally. They got engaged on the night of their graduation and have been married since they were eighteen. Now six years later Cal is in Vegas for one of their friend's bachelor party. He wakes up naked having no idea what happened the night before or how he got back to the hotel. Then a blonde that is not his wife walks out of the bathroom naked. Cal knows that he can't keep this a secret and decides to tell Shelly as soon as he gets home. Shelly leaves him and tells Cal that she wants a divorce. Cal convinces her to give him eight weeks to show her why she should give him another chance. One date a week for the eight years they have been together. Cal tells her that at the end of the eight weeks if she still wants a divorce he will sign the papers and walk away. As Cal and Shelly go on their dates, they realize that their relationship wasn't as perfect as they had both thought and even if they do decide to stay together they cannot go back to the way things were before.
I felt a lot of things about Cal, and honestly I wasn't ever really decisive when it came to my feelings on his character. I both liked him and had issues when it came to him. I will admit that I was rooting for him the whole time though despite everything. He was really sweet and thoughtful and did a really great job of showing Shelly just how he felt about her. I loved the dates that he planned for them, and I liked that he was able to remind her of their past as well as show her how their future could be. Shelly was also a character that was harder for me to really make up my mind on. I understand that she was hurt by everything that had happened, but I felt that she didn't really give Cal a chance right off to explain. She also ran a bit hot and cold, and it sort of confused me. I also didn't understand why she thought that she couldn't do certain things she wanted to before with Cal and then did them after they separated. I think that she was a little bit immature as far as that kind of stuff went, and she should have been able to talk to Cal about the things she wanted. I think that part of that was her age though. They had started their relationship and marriage at such a young age, that I think they were a little afraid to really be completely open and honest and they seemed to have let things get a bit too comfortable and complacent. I liked learning about their connection though, and it was clear that they both really loved each other. They also had a lot of chemistry together.
There were a few things that didn't work as well for me and are the reason for my drop in rating. I thought that this story might play out like other similar stories in that over time we would get to see bits and pieces remembered of the lost night, and find out what happened. We are never given that. I think that this story was a bit cheated because we never actually find out if he was unfaithful or not. So the readers and the characters are left making assumptions and life altering decisions based on a what if. At least if we had known definitively, we could all sort of deal with it and either forgive and move on or just move on. I felt like even though Shelly had every right to be upset and have strong feelings about it that she was basing a lot off of what could have happened but may not have. There is the chance that Cal was faithful and she was willing to throw that all away before he talked her into the eight weeks. Not to mention that she never really seemed to stop and think of how Cal was feeling in all of this. Imagine waking up in that same situation and having to tell your spouse and love of your life that you have no idea if you actually cheated on them or if it just looks like you did. Either way Cal was going through a lot as well, and he knew that he had to be honest with her regardless of if it would drive her away forever. The other issue I had was that during the eight weeks Cal and Shelly have sex and don't use a condom. They have no idea if Cal was unfaithful and yet neither one of them suggested that he get tested first or use a condom to protect themselves? I understand the heat of the moment and testing taking time, but the least they could have done was use protection. It might sound small, but that really bugged me.
Despite my few issues though, I really did enjoy this story. I loved watching as Cal and Shelly really got to know each other for the people that they had become. They had not realized that their relationship needed work and I liked that they started to see where they could improve. I also like that they did things that took each of them out of their comfort zone and really pushed them to take a chance and open up. I also really loved their friends. I thought that they were all really great characters and I found them likable and interesting. I can't wait to get to know Scott and Gaby better! They seem absolutely perfect for each other, and I really hated Victoria like TJ and Cal did. I am also really interested in seeing what happens between Sasha and TJ. I just know that one is going to be explosive! Overall, this book was really more about the journey between Cal and Shelly and about growth and healing as well as moving on. Sometimes things aren't always perfect in a relationship, and I always find it really interesting to see how couples deal with the hard parts as well as the easy. This book was a really great story and I think that the ending was really well written. Bethany Lopez did the characters justice and was able to write an ending that was satisfying and fit not only the story but also the characters. I look forward to reading more from her in the future and getting more of this series.
**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**
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Feature and Giveaway: Storm Bound by Dani Harper
Kidnapped on his wedding day in the twelfth century and forced into a thousand years of servitude by a cold-hearted faery princess, rugged blacksmith Aidan dreams of nothing but revenge on his captor. Then the spell of a beautiful witch awakens him to the modern world—and a passionate desire. But to build a future, he must first confront his past…
Modern witch and magic-shop owner Brooke doesn’t think her life is missing anything, until a wayward enchantment lands a brooding medieval blacksmith in her spell room—and in her arms. Yet even after their passion proves to be truly magical, Aidan’s first commitment is to vengeance. Now Brooke must team up with friends and ancient warriors alike—and push her own powers to their limits—to save her love from the wrath of an evil fae.
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ARC Review: Telling Tales by Charlotte Stein
Let me start off by saying that this book was not at all what I was expecting. I went into this one after reading the blurb and thought that it was going to be a love triangle about Allie choosing between Wade and Cameron. This book had so much more to it than that though, and honestly I'm left with mixed feelings. I have never read anything by Charlotte Stein before, so maybe I just didn't know what to expect but this one was just an okay read for me.
All through college, Allie wanted Wade. He never saw her in that way though. Now years later, their former professor leaves them his mansion with the provision that they spend a month living there with their friends Kitty and Cameron and spend their time doing renovations. The four of them were in a writing group together back in college, but they have all gone their separate ways since. As the four reunite, secrets and feelings are revealed and friendships are rekindled. Allie becomes torn between the feelings she has always had for Wade and her growing feelings for Cameron. The more Allie gets to know Cameron, the more she realizes that there were so many things she didn't know. When the four start sharing stories, their passion and feelings ignite and they start to indulge in desires. What will happen to them when their month in the mansion is over?
I honestly didn't ever feel connected to or invested in these characters. They were all pretty shallow characters to me and lacked any real depth. Even though I didn't ever really come to care about the characters, I will admit that they had some seriously sexy times together. As far as Erotica goes, this book definitely has it. Their steamy scenes were the only reason that I kept reading this book. If you are looking for some sexually explicit scenes and a seriously hot read then look no further. This is the book for you. However that being said, I really thought that the connection between the characters lacked any kind of real emotion. Wade was all about himself and seemed to be pretty much incapable of loving anyone else. Allie seemed to only be able to love someone else if those feelings were returned and she knew about it. Kitty seemed to be unaware of Allie's feelings even though she was close to Allie and thought of her like a sister. (Which I kind of have trouble believing...if you are that close to someone how do you not see that they are supposedly in love with one of your other best friends??) Cameron had been in love with Allie for years and she had no clue. It was just really a muddled mess.
I also felt like this story was sort of clunky and confusing. I just had a hard time getting through this book and kept wanting to put it down. I also wasn't in a hurry to pick it back up either, and really wasn't all that interested to see how everything played out. If it wasn't for the hotness of this book, I really doubt that I would have finished it. I didn't really believe that Cameron and Allie would be able to have any kind of future with the way things were between them and everything that had happened. I also wasn't a fan of the ending, and felt like it was a bit unfinished. I guess I was just looking for more with this story, and I felt like it never delivered. I think that if you go into this story looking for a ton of heat and sex then you will enjoy it and be more than satisfied. But if you are looking for more of an in depth and emotional read with a strong connection between characters then I would probably not recommend this one.
**ARC provided by Publisher**
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2 Stars
Casey Review
Charlotte Stein
Erotica Review
Friday, March 28, 2014
ARC Review: Claimed by the Rogue by Hope Tarr
Robert Bellamy is finally returning to London after a six year absence. It was not of his choosing. His ship was attacked by pirates and their sadistic captain sold Robert into slavery. One thought has kept him alive, his love for Phoebe Trent. He holds tight to the chain with her miniature attached. His only thought is to get to her and proclaim his love. His timing couldn’t be worse. She’s preparing for her engagement to Aristide Bouchart with a masquerade ball. As Phoebe dresses for the party, she holds the necklace Robert gave her so many years ago. The man she loves and believes to be lost at sea. Dressed in his foreign attire, Robert slips into the party. Phoebe steps out on the balcony and is approached by Robert. After she recognizes him, she faints. Her parents and Aristide are furious about his reappearance. Aristide plans to marry Phoebe for her money. He needs Robert to disappear permanently. Two attempts are made on Robert’s life and a suspicious fire burns his stored cargo. After meeting Aristide, Robert believes they have met before. Robert stays with his sister and her family while trying to reacquaint himself to Phoebe. She fills her time with charity work for orphans. Robert decides to woo her back by volunteering too. She sees the man she fell in love with and begins to rekindle the fire. Aristide enlists the help of Phoebe’s maid in hatching a plan to make Phoebe leave her house alone. They take her dog hostage. Robert remembers where he’s seen Aristide before and races to tell Phoebe. Too late, she’s been abducted. Will Robert and his friends be in time to save her and her little dog too?
Robert and Phoebe make an attractive couple. True love lasts forever. Phoebe is afraid to be left again. If she doesn’t marry soon, she never will. Society dictates women need to wed by a certain age. Her mother pressures her to marry Aristide. Robert has endured horrible circumstances and lives only to see Phoebe again. Their reunion is sweet and well worth the read.
The first book in this series, A Rogue’s Pleasure, was released in 2010. Characters from that book and backstory circle through this story. It should be read first because the history between Robert and Phoebe is better defined.
**ARC provided by Publisher**
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4 Stars
Historical Review
Hope Tarr
Kathy Review
Feature: Stroke of Love by Melissa Foster
Kate Parello runs a volunteer program in Belize for Artists for International Aid, where she deals with self-centered artists who use the program as a means to repair their marred reputations. She loves the country, the people, and what AIA stands for, but too many diva volunteers have turned her off to press-seeking celebrities altogether and left her questioning the value of the volunteer program. When she meets incredibly handsome and charming Sage, he stirs emotions she hasn’t felt for ages, even though he represents the things she despises.
Laid-back artist Sage Remington escapes his wealthy lifestyle in the Big Apple for a two-week journey of self-discovery to figure out how a guy who has so much can feel so empty. When he meets ultra-organized Kate, who lives her life the way he’s always dreamed of living his, the attraction is too hot to ignore, but Sage is there to figure out what’s missing in his life, not to find a woman.
Every look, and every late-night chat in the romantic jungle brings them closer together, but Sage can barely think past stripping away Kate’s misconceptions about him. Kate fights him every step of the way—even though she finds it hard to ignore the strikingly handsome, generous-to-a-fault artist who wants to do nothing more than right the wrongs of the world—and love her to the ends of the earth.
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ARC Review: Stroke of Love by Melissa Foster
Stroke of Love is the second book in Melissa Foster's Love in Bloom the Remington's series. It is the story of Sage and Kate. I had really enjoyed the first book in the series Game of Love and was curious to get to know Sage better. These books do not have to be read in order and can be read as standalones, but I think that they are better when experienced in sequence. You really get to know the characters and family better that way and it adds a lot to the series since the family is so close. While there were plenty of things I liked about this story, I will admit that I didn't enjoy this book as much as I did the first one. I ended up having mixed feelings, and this isn't exactly what I had been expecting.
Sage is tired of the empty feeling his life has been giving him. He has everything he could want, and he appreciates what his life has provided for him. But he is looking for a way to fill the emptiness and help others that don't have as much. He decides to join AIA, a program that helps artists give back to developing nations through volunteer work. He heads to Belize with a few other celebrities and goes with the intent of helping young children with learning more about art in their school. When he arrives he meets the woman in charge Kate. He gets off on the wrong foot with her and she immediately assumes he is just like the rest of the celebrities that show up. She thinks that he is all about good publicity for himself rather than being there to really help out. Sage is determined to prove to her that she has him figured all wrong, and proceeds to offer up ways to help the community. Kate is not receptive at first, but the more time they spend working together the more she realizes that she might have pegged him wrong. She begins to see that he is sincere and is really there for the right reasons. The more they get to know each other the more their feelings and relationship grow, and soon they are both wondering what will happen at the end of the two weeks when Sage is set to return home.
I really liked Sage. He was a great guy and he had really good intentions. He was so thoughtful and caring, and was genuinely interested in doing something important and great with his life. I loved that he was always thinking about the community and the kids as well as Kate. He was smart and giving, and pretty much unlike any hero I have ever read before. I loved how he was always so honest and open even when Kate wasn't the easiest on him. Kate on the other hand was not an easy character for me to get behind. She was extremely judgmental right from the start and continued to be that way pretty much the entire story. Despite the numerous times that Sage showed her he wasn't the way she though, she continued to question his motives and was always thinking the worst of him. Even at the very end when someone would state her fears right to her, she would begin to question Sage again. I just wasn't ever able to connect with her character at all. She was a good person, and I loved her selfless nature. She was dedicated to helping others, and she really cared about the community as well as the others before them. But as far as the heroine of the story, I found her lacking. I think that she did have chemistry with Sage and their attraction was clear, but honestly due to her actions I just found it hard to get behind their relationship. I didn't really buy into the reality of them meeting and falling in love in under two weeks when she spent the majority of them constantly judging.
My other criticism with this book was the fact that the story didn't really seem to go anywhere. Besides the fact that they had a limited time to get to know one another and Kate was trying to get a well put in for the people in the community, there really wasn't a whole lot that was going on. The story tended to drag for me, and at times it was so slow that I lost interest. I would have to put the book down and walk away for awhile because I found myself wanting to skip whole pages. I think that it also didn't really help that I didn't like the heroine. It was hard to get interested in a story that I just never connected to the heroine, and I think I just wasn't really invested in the outcome despite how much I liked Sage. I really liked the first book in this series, and I am curious to get to know the other Remingtons better as well. I am sure that a lot of people will really enjoy Sage and Kate's story, especially those that are fans of the series. This one just wasn't everything that I had been hoping for and didn't end up being my cup of tea. Sage is great though, and he is worth the read. I will still continue this series and just hope that I am better able to connect with the characters in those stories.
**ARC provided by AToMR**
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3 Stars
Casey Review
Contemporary Review
Melissa Foster
Feature and Giveaway: Come Home to Me by Brenda Novak
When Presley Christensen returns to Whiskey Creek with her little boy after two years away, she has completely changed her life. She's made peace with her past and overcome the negative behavior that resulted from her difficult childhood. Now she's back in the small town that was the closest thing to "home" she ever knew—the town where she can be with the sister who's her only family.
There's just one catch. Aaron Amos still lives in Whiskey Creek, at least until he moves to Reno to open a branch of the Amos brothers' auto body shop. And no matter how hard she's tried, Presley hasn't been able to get over him. Seeing him again makes the longing so much worse. But she hopes she can get through the next few months, because she can't fall back into his arms…or his bed. She's come too far to backslide now. And there's a secret she's been guarding—a secret she'll do anything to protect.
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Guest Post with Author Nichole Chase and Giveaway
Meet Nichole Chase, author of Recklessly Royal.

Nichole lives in Georgia with her husband, energetic daughter, superhero dog, Sulcata tortoise, and two cats. When not writing, you may find her reading, painting, crafting, or chasing her daughter around the house while making monster noises.
Find Nichole at:
Author Post
Blog Tour
Inkslinger PR
New Adult
Nichole Chase
ARC Review: Deep Surrendering Episode 1 by Chelsea M. Cameron
This is the first novella is the first part of Marisol and Fin's story. I was drawn in instantly and this episode was a really quick read. While there were a lot of things that I did like, I had mixed feelings about it. I will admit that I am very curious to see where things go though, and I am absolutely clueless as to what will happen from here. This one took me by complete surprise though and I am extremely anxious to get more of Fin and Marisol.
Marisol is set up with Fin by her friend Rory. Things get off to a great start, and they really seem to be having a great time. They have a good date and decide to spend more time together. But when things start to get physical, Fin instantly rushes out the door with no explanation. Just when Marisol thinks that things between them are over before they really began, Fin turns up asking for more time together. Fin doesn't explain what is going on, but instead gives just enough information to Marisol to have her worrying about what he is hiding. Fin and Marisol are drawn to each other though and they keep ending up together. After Fin's rushing off a few times though he apologizes and tells Marisol that he can't explain everything yet but that he needs to be in control of the situation. Marisol agrees to take another chance with Fin as the chemistry between them is more than they can fight. But what will happen when Fin goes back on everything again, and does exactly what he said he wouldn't do?
I am really torn about Fin's character. It is clear that he is conflicted and that there is more to him than meets the eye. Since this episode was so brief, we as readers have really only scratched the surface with the characters. Fin did make some veiled remarks about his darker side, but for the most part he is still a mystery. I really didn't like that he was constantly running so hot and cold. He was almost bipolar, and I really didn't understand what his deal was. He would be so sweet and thoughtful one minute and then absolutely cold and distant the next. It was really confusing. Marisol was sweet and far more forgiving than I would have been. I get that she was really attracted to Fin and felt a connection to him, but I didn't understand how she could just keep letting him get away with his crazy behavior. She was a bit of a doormat in this episode and that was hard for me to get behind or relate to. I loved her friendship with Chloe though, and I also really enjoyed how she would just say what was on her mind. I loved that she was able to be so honest with Fin about what she was thinking or feeling. I am curious to see what is going on with her though, because there is clearly a lot more about her that we don't know yet. I thought that Fin and Marisol had good chemistry, but I wish that it wouldn't have been doused so quickly every time that they got even close to doing something. Their physical interactions were steamy but extremely brief before Fin would freak out and ruin everything.
Overall, I am really curious to see where this goes. I will admit that this one gave me a bit of whiplash. I really don't know what to think about Fin and Marisol. At this point I am definitely intrigued with the two of them and I am committed to seeing how things play out. But in all honesty, I wish that this wasn't a serial. I feel like for some readers the push and pull will be too much for them to get past and that it will cause some to lose interest. I am hoping that we will really start to dig deeper into both of these characters with the next episode and that things will start to become more clear. I feel like the relationship that is beginning between Marisol and Fin will be interesting and believable as long as they both start opening up a bit to each other. I really enjoy Chelsea M. Cameron's writing style though, and even though I had mixed feelings about how this story is starting I couldn't put this one down. I am anxiously awaiting the next installment to see where Fin and Marisol will go next and what will happen to them. I would recommend this story if you are a fan of serials and are able to get past cliffhangers. This one definitely leaves you hanging and wanting more.
**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**
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Thursday, March 27, 2014
Review: To Love and To Cherish by Patricia Gaffney
In To Love and To Cherish, Patricia Gaffney takes the reader to a lovely fictional town in the English Countryside called Wyckerley, where we see Vicar Christian “Christy” Morell and Anne Verlaine, Lady D’Aubrey, realize their true destinies not only as individuals, but also as a couple. These two are a man and a woman who are unsuited, dissimilar, and, for more than one reason, inappropriate for each other. It is not only their stations in life that separate them. He is kind; she is cynical. His faith is strong; she is an atheist. He is a local boy; she was raised on the continent. He is single; she is married…to his childhood best friend.
Christy and Anne must endure spiritual, physical, and emotional crisis. Christy is a vicar who is human – he doubts, he feels, he is tempted, he loves. Anne is a woman with a tough veneer. Her childhood, her father, her husband have all contributed to that. She has no dreams. She exists. They each weather their personal and joint storms, not only enduring and surviving, but finishing as stronger and better people. Christy sees who Anne can be and Anne sees the good that Christy truly does.
But Christy and Anne are not the only interesting people in Wyckerley. We also get to meet a host unassuming and amusing townspeople and parishioners. As in any town, there are a number of triumphs and tragedies intertwined in the duties of a vicar and in the responsibilities of the Lady of the manor. It is in large part these shared relationships and events that bring our vicar to the confirmation of his faith, and our Lady to the discovery of hers as well as to the mutual discovery that Wyckerley is home to both of them. Their story is charming, tender, passionate and sometimes painful. But In the bittersweet joy of seeing these two unlikely characters come together in a deep and abiding love, in the end, Wyckerley feels like home to us, too.
I loved this book. It was such a refreshing break from “the ton” and all its frivolities. No evil villains, no conniving relatives, no spies and intrigues, no Almack’s. Don’t get me wrong, there are many historical romance novels that I like very much that have all those plot elements. But this story drew me in with its pastoral simplicity and charm.
I love that the vicar, the vicar, mind you, who was handsome and flawed and human and intelligent and so, so kind who gets the girl. I loved seeing the unbelieving, sometimes scoffing, heroine gradually opening herself up and making a place for herself among the town’s population.
But mostly it was the deep, true, passionate, abiding love between Christy and Anne that awed me. What a fictional testimony to the life-changing power of love. They are the reason I read historical romance. Fiction, indeed, but also the glimmer of hope for what could be. Or what should be.
Patricia Gaffney herself says in her author’s note that she planned for To Love and To Cherish to be a singular novel. However, even she admits she just couldn’t leave the town of Wyckerley and its inhabitants. So, happily, there are two more books in the series, To Have and To Hold and Forever and Ever. I can’t wait to read them!
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Guest Post with Auhor Roxie Rivera and Giveaway
Meet Roxie Rivera, author of In Kelly's Corner.
I like to write super sexy romances and naughty erotica that make your pulse pound. You can get updates on new releases by visiting my website (, signing up for my newsletter ( or liking my author page on Facebook.
I also write erotic romances as Lolita Lopez including the red-hot GRABBED series for Ellora’s Cave and the upcoming Dragon Heat series from Forever Yours/Grand Central.
Find Roxie at:
Feature and Giveaway: Between the Devil and Ian Eversea by Julie Anne Long
She might look like an angel...
The moment orphaned American heiress Titania “Tansy” Danforth arrives on English shores she cuts a swath through Sussex, enslaving hearts and stealing beaux. She knows she's destined for a spectacular titled marriage—but the only man who fascinates her couldn't be more infamous...or less interested.
...but it takes a devil to know one...
A hardened veteran of war, inveterate rogue Ian Eversea keeps women enthralled, his heart guarded and his options open: why should he succumb to the shackles of marriage when devastating good looks and Eversea charm make seduction so easy?
...and Heaven has never been hotter.
When Ian is forced to call her on her game, he never dreams the unmasked Tansy—vulnerable, brave, achingly sensual—will tempt him beyond endurance. And fight as he will, this notorious bachelor who stood down enemies on a battlefield might finally surrender his heart...and be brought to his knees by love.
Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |
Feature and Giveaway: Better Date than Never Set by Susan Hatler
For a limited time, grab a copy of the Better Date than Normal Box Set by Susan Hatler for ONLY .99¢!
Better Date than Never Boxed Set (Books 1-6)
This book bundle includes six contemporary romance novellas from the bestselling series, Better Date than Never. Dating is so much easier when you have good friends to lean on. . . .
(Love at First Date, Book #1)
Ellen may not believe in storybook love, but it’s about to rewrite her life. . . .
(Truth or Date, Book #2)
Truth or Dare is all fun and games until a spontaneous dare has Gina falling for the office playboy.
(My Last Blind Date, Book #3)
Should Rachel risk another dating disaster by trying yet again for love?
(Save the Date, Book #4)
Kristen swears off men, but temptation swoops in when her sexy friend Ethan starts flirting with her.
(A Twist of Date, Book #5)
Will Melanie have to follow her best friend’s narrow dating rules in order to find lasting love?
(License to Date, Book #6)
Kaitlin agrees to five dates in five days only to fall for the mysterious bartender who’s there to witness them all.
Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |
Better Date than Never Boxed Set (Books 1-6)
This book bundle includes six contemporary romance novellas from the bestselling series, Better Date than Never. Dating is so much easier when you have good friends to lean on. . . .
(Love at First Date, Book #1)
Ellen may not believe in storybook love, but it’s about to rewrite her life. . . .
(Truth or Date, Book #2)
Truth or Dare is all fun and games until a spontaneous dare has Gina falling for the office playboy.
(My Last Blind Date, Book #3)
Should Rachel risk another dating disaster by trying yet again for love?
(Save the Date, Book #4)
Kristen swears off men, but temptation swoops in when her sexy friend Ethan starts flirting with her.
(A Twist of Date, Book #5)
Will Melanie have to follow her best friend’s narrow dating rules in order to find lasting love?
(License to Date, Book #6)
Kaitlin agrees to five dates in five days only to fall for the mysterious bartender who’s there to witness them all.
Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |
ARC Review: Sweet Ruin by Nazarea Andrews
I am a huge fan of Nazarea Andrews and her University of Branton series. When I heard about a new book coming in this series, I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. I have loved all the characters so far, flaws and all, and I was really excited to meet some new ones. Sweet Ruin was different than any other New Adult book I have ever read in the fact that it is a menage book. I didn't know that at first, and honestly it was pretty unexpected. I was pleasantly surprised at how well it worked though, and I thought that Andrews did a beautiful job of making it work. I will admit menage is tricky for me. I usually find them extremely hot and steamy, but I am usually left feeling as though either someone is left out or that someone has stronger feelings for one person than the other. That wasn't the case with Sweet Ruin though. I thought that Luca, Asher, and Megan worked perfectly together and I loved their story.
Needing to get out of her small town and away from the shadow of her sister Nik, Megan heads to Hollywood to work for her uncle's PR firm. Her uncle gives her the job of being Asher's PA as he is the most difficult client to work with. Despite everything that Asher has going for him, he is actually miserable and hates the notoriety that his career has brought him. Megan lasts longer than anyone ever has with Asher before and the two grow closer. Asher wants Megan and even though Megan wants Asher as well, she refuses to allow anything to happen because she is determined to have a successful career without sleeping her way to the top. Ever since Megan moved to Hollywood, she has been best friends with Luca. Luca also wants Megan, but she won't let anything happen between them since he is used to having threesomes with his other best friend Sun. Megan thinks that Luca is in love with Sun and doesn't know that Luca is actually in love with her. When Asher needs a break, Megan decides to take him to her home town in order to talk to Atticus about the new role Asher is playing since Atticus is an expert on him. When Asher and Luca plot to get with Megan on the trip though, all bets are off. As Asher and Luca pursue her, they three of them become closer than ever with all of their feelings growing. But with Asher's career and Megan's ambitions, can the three of them make a relationship work?
I really liked Asher. He was sweet and down to earth. I liked how normal he was and wanted to be despite his career. I loved how he took on Luca and Megan and was the voice of reason when they needed it. He was willing to fight for their relationship regardless of what it could do to him if the knowledge got out and he wasn't willing to let fear or insecurities get in their way. Megan was ambitious and motivated because of everything that she had been through with her viper of a sister. I loved how she stood up to Nik and didn't let her past continue to define her. Megan was really great with both Asher and Luca, and I loved how she took care of Asher through all of his issues. Luca was really great as well. He was a hot model that wanted to also be an actor. I thought that he was a really great guy and it was nice to see him be so patient and understanding when it came to Megan. I liked seeing how the three of them grew and fell in love with each other. They were great together as a triad, but I also liked watching them fall in love separately as well. It was really nice to see Luca and Asher start to feel things for each other, especially since Asher had never been with another guy before. These three were really hot together, and I could feel the chemistry and attraction between them all. They were off the charts hot, and I thought that the steamy scenes were really well done.
Overall, this book was a really great addition to this series. It was nice to get to see some of the other characters from this series, especially Atti and Avery. I will admit that it was nice to see Dane, even if he was a bit of a jerk. My one criticism though is that I felt the ending of this book was really abrupt and felt way too rushed. It seems like they have just begun to all accept their new relationship as individuals without anyone else really knowing about them and the book is over. I really wanted to see them get back to Hollywood and sort of deal with their relationship in their world. It felt a bit easy in Branton where they are fairly sheltered, and I would have liked to have seen how they dealt with all the problems and people that they encountered with their daily life. I'm really hoping that maybe the reason for this book being ended the way it was is because the fourth book will be more of their story. Regardless, this story is really good and I thought that the relationship between the three of them was very real and believable. This series is one of my favorites, and I can't wait to get more. If you haven't read this series yet, you are really missing out. These books can all be read as standalones, but I really recommend reading them in order so that you get to know all the characters. Nazarea Andrews is a great writer, and I highly recommend her books, especially to New Adult fans.
**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**
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Wednesday, March 26, 2014
ARC Review: Mad About You by Lori Wilde
License to Thrill
Charlee Champagne is a Las Vegas private investigator who is only afraid of two things: black widow spiders and gorgeous men. Her grandmother, Maybelline, has gone missing. Mason Gentry is in town searching for his grandfather, Nolan, who helped himself to company funds. The grandparents have a history and a secret to keep. Mason is the family janitor, always sent to clean up after someone else’s mess. Mason and Charlee team up to find their wayward elders. Elwood, Charlee’s dad, is also looking for his mom. Maybelline has an envelope containing evidence of a Hollywood bombshell scandal. Back in 1955, the Oscars were rigged. Nolan had been an actor and nominated for the award. He also met a scared pregnant girl, Maybelline, who threatened to commit suicide. He talked her out of it, fell in love, and married her. His family didn’t approve and Maybelline left him in hopes he’d marry up. Reunited, they are on a road trip to California to stop the same man who tampered with the Oscars from winning again. Their grandchildren avoid bad guys trailing them, win a game show, and outsmart an Elvis impersonator. Who will win the race to the Oscars?
Mason is a stickler for the rules, almost to the point of putting people in danger. He lacks imagination and ingenuity. If not for Charlee, he would have collapsed from the weight of decision making. He’s tentative and lukewarm in all his dealings. Charlee could do better. It’s hard to believe he’s in charge of major deals in his family’s business.
Charlee is used to living by her wits. She understands hesitating puts Maybelline in danger. She has a sharper eye and is able to adapt to the changing situation. She needs a man to compliment her strengths, not bog her down.
You Only Love Twice
Marlie Montague is a comic book illustrator. Angelina Avenger is her character and alter ego. She fights crime and gets involved in government conspiracy theories. Marlie’s comics are controversial and have caught some bad guys’ attention. Her father was wrongly accused by the Navy of aiding the enemy and was killed by his friend, Gus Hunter. Now, Marlie is attacked and runs to her neighbor’s house for help. She doesn’t recognize him, but he’s a friend from her childhood, now a former Navy SEAL, and Hunter’s son, Joel. He’s been sent to watch and protect her. He doesn’t expose his true identity, but knows she’s not safe. They travel to her mother’s house. They get there just in time to have it explode into flames and realize her mother is missing. Marlie’s attacker is one of the bystanders. Joel gives chase, but loses him. They are followed and go to her friend’s family’s home. Meantime, Joel ex-wife, Treeni, and Marlie’s friend, Cosmo, are getting better acquainted in Washington DC. Treeni’s father has presidential ambitions. Marlie has stumbled on a state secret her father held. The race is on the find hidden missiles. Everyone finds more than they bargained for, some are happy and others not.
Marlie and Joel make an excellent team. They play off each other’s strengths. They know much is at stake and both push forward to find the truth. Marlie is smarter than she thinks and Joel realizes he needs help. Running out of people to trust, they turn to each other. I like characters that dig deep and find the steel at their core.
**ARC provided by Publisher**
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