
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Lots of Winners

Congratulations to

Sue Sattler
On winning her book of choice by Virna DePaul

Yadira Alonzo
On winning a e-copy of The Fever and The Fury by Stephanie Draven

Mary Preston
On winning a copy of The Rake and The Recluse Redux by Jenn LeBlanc

All winners have been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Avery Flynn


Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Avery Flynn. Avery is on tour promoting the release of her book A Dry Creek Bed. Please give a warm welcome to Avery everyone.

Stealing it All

Tom Cruise as Les Grossman in Tropic Thunder.

Melissa McCarthy as Megan in Bridesmaids.

Grandma Mauzer in Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum novels.

What do they have in common? These characters steal the scene. They walk into this fictional world for only a short time, but when you put down the book or walk out of the movie theater you are still laughing (or crying) because of them. Sure the hero and heroine are the stars, but the scene stealing characters, well, I can’t help but have a soft spot for them.

As a writer I don’t set out to write a scene stealing character, but in every story of mine you’ll find them. In Up a Dry Creek, the Layton family matriarch, Glenda, almost walked away with the readers’ hearts even though she was only in a few scenes. In my latest, A Dry Creek Bed, she does it again interacting with her eldest son, Hank.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Chosen By Sin Blog Tour: Guest Post with Virna DePaul and Giveaway

Welcome to stop #12 in my blog tour For Chosen By Sin (Para-Ops #3)

Thank you to Danielle for having me here today! This tour focuses on my writing and my paranormal series, but also my Twelve Resolutions for 2012, as well as the resolutions of my hero in Chosen By Sin, werebeast Dex Hunt. Those of you who know Dex know he's a bit...difficult, so I'm curious to see what he comes up with. (Psst: Dex doesn't actually know it, but his “resolutions” are more like a Twelve-Step Program designed by me to get him to his HEA).

I'll be giving away a prize to one commenter from this blog stop, but I'm also giving away one grand prize to one blog tour follower. See the giveaway details below! :)

The Para-Ops Series: Five years after the Second Civil War ends, humans and Otherborn—humanlike creatures with superhuman DNA—still struggle for peace. To ensure the continued rights of both, the FBI forms a Para-Ops team with a unique set of skills. (Chosen By Blood (Book 1), Chosen By Fate (Book 2))

So what's Resolution #12 for me? Try to live my life so that I do more things that make me happy than don't, on a daily basis. If you read my books, you know a recurring theme in my writing is the need to balance duty with desire. I believe in making sacrifices, caring for others, helping society, and meeting obligations. But in the end, we need to be kind and loving to ourselves, because that's what will give us the energy and power to be kind and loving to others!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Behind the Blogger: Marq from Love To Read For Fun

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Marq from Love To Read For Fun. I was lucky enough to meet Marq at last years Author's After Dark convention and I think she's awesome and I just love her blog. So without further ado, here's Marq.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

ARC Review: Darker After Midnight by Lara Adrian

Darker After Midnight was a phenomenal read that I just could not put down. Sterling Chase's book was everything that I wanted plus so much more.

I had a lot of expectations for this book. I've been waiting for Chase's book for what seems like forever. From the first time he came across the page I was hooked. And with the way the things went with the last book I honestly had know idea how things were going to go with this one. Just how was Chase going to be redeemed and get his HEA. Oh.My.Goodness, but this book was AH-Mazing and I needn't have worried. There were just so many different twist and turns that happened not only with Chase but with some of the other Breed members.

Like I said previously, with the way things left off with the last book Chase had a lot to overcome and make up for. He had so many demons eating away inside and to see him attempting to fix and make up for everything was a little hard to watch. Your heart aches and you want everything to be rainbows and butterflies but that is not the way things go with this series and I wouldn't have it any other way. I feel after all the hardships Chase dealt with, he came out a stronger man.

When we were introduced to Tavia in the previous book I wasn't quite sure of her and how she would be with Chase. Oh, I shouldn't have worried because these two quickly became one of my favorite couples. I loved watching them  together and seeing their relationship grow into what it became. They both brought out the best in one another. I loved that they both were honest with their feelings and didn't play games with one another.

Tavia wasn't just some simpering female that waited around for her hero to come and save the day. She was there for Chase during his darkest times and she wasn't skittish or afraid. I honestly have a little girl crush on Tavia. I love that she is willing to kick ass to save the man that she loves and if need be sacrifice herself to help him and his cause. There aren't many people that love with that kind of fierceness and I found it refreshing.

With the way things ended in this book I can't wait to get my hands on Mira's book. Yes, that's right, Mira's book is next and I just know it's going to be awesome. Mira is another one that has fascinated me since she was introduced and I am so curious to see how she grows up.

So make sure you go out and get this book because you certainly won't be disappointed.

**ARC copy provided by author**


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Reclaimed Winner

Congratulations to

Bre A 
On winning an eBook copy of Reclaimed by Diane Alberts

Guest Post with Author Cassandra Carr

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Cassandra Carr. 

When you’re reading a book, do you notice the details? What color coat the heroine is wearing, what kind of beer the hero is drinking, or what kind of flowers are planted outside someone’s childhood home? Do these details matter to you?

If they don’t, they should. Details give readers incredible insight into characters. For instance, in the beginning of my February release, Impact, my hero, Conner, steps out of his black Ford F-150 truck. What does this tell you about Conner? He likes trucks, but what kind of trucks? Big black trucks.

Conner lives in Texas and is a professional bull rider, so his affinity for a large black truck shouldn’t be surprising, but it does build upon the sketch of his character in the reader’s mind to know exactly what type of truck he drives. Likewise, his hat is also black. He wears a long leather duster. Is a mental image of Conner forming in your mind already?

Wicked Blog Tour: Guest Post with Jenn LeBlanc and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely and amazing Jenn LeBlanc. Jenn is the author of the super awesome book The Rake and The Recluse. Jenn has gone and done something super awesome, she has revamped her story and added a lot more story along with tons more pictures. Along with the revamping, she has broken it down into six serials that are to be released every two weeks. Today is the release of her third installment Taken and Jenn's second visit to the blog for her Wicked Blog Tour. So everyone please give a very warm welcome to the super awesome Jenn LeBlanc.

Jenn is a novelist and photographer born, raised and living in the lee of the great Rocky Mountains. Her illustrated Novel THE RAKE AND THE RECLUSE was originally released in February of 2011 to rave reviews and snarky comments. She recently revised the entire novel, turning it into a six-part serial with all new material and the never before released story of Perry, The Rake.

Places to find Jenn:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |  Tumblr(NSFW) |

Monday, January 16, 2012

Interview with Author Carrie Ann Ryan

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Carrie Ann Ryan. Carrie Ann is currently on tour promoting the release of her book An Alpha's Path, and took time out of her busy schedule to let me ask her a few questions that I would love to share with you all. So without further ado, here's Carrie Ann.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Hi! Thanks for having me today! I’m 25-year-old chemistry instructor living in New England with my hubby and two kittens. An Alpha’s Path is my first trek into writing romance – though I’ve loved reading it for years.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve always written for school and science journals. I tried writing when I was younger, but never found anything I liked. Then I started reading romance…

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I’m a heavy plotter. I have outlines of series, characters, timelines, books and chapters. If I didn’t, I would totally miss something LOL.

Where do your ideas come from?
Anything and everything. I pretty much write what comes to me.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book (or series) in 140 characters or less.
What happens when a snarky chemist finds out her blind date is a werewolf – and claims she’s his mate?

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Kresley Cole 'Lothaire' Book Signing in Tampa

Last night I got to meet one of my favorite authors, Kresley Cole. Oh my goodness, she is so nice and so funny. And not only was I able to meet her, but she also brought along cover model Paul Marron who is on the cover of Lothaire. Let me just tell you just how sexy this man is. Pictures do not do him justice. He is beyond gorgeous and so nice and charming. So here are a few pictures from the signing.

Kresley Cole and Paul Marron as Lothaire. Check out the red eyes!

 Me and Kresley Cole

 Lothaire and Kresley with her youngest fan.

 The tour bus!

If you want to see more pics from the signing head over to my Facebook page. I have over 120 pics posted from the signing. 

ARC Review: Chosen by Sin by Virna DePaul

Wow! It's 6:30 AM and I stayed up all night to finish this book and it was so worth it. Oh my goodness was this story good. Full of so much love and pain. I definitely think that this is by far the best in the series. Dex was just so much more than what I was expecting. Yes, he's tortured and full of pain, but he's also a wise-ass that cares about the ones closest to him, even if he won't admit it to himself. There was just so much pain and resentment issues that he had to deal with from issues stemming from his past that you just want to give him a hug and somehow try and make it all better.

Dex was born  half vampire, half werewolf but has the dominate traits of a were. Because he was born a half-breed he's never been able to find acceptance with anyone. He was cast out of his pack when he was a child by his grandfather and sent to live in an orphanage, then a few years later Dex's mother died. Dex has always resented his grandfather and blamed him for the death of his mother. When Dex joined the Para-Ops team, his stipulation was that he would be able to seek out his grandfathers whereabouts and kill him.

When Dex and Jesmina meet, they are both instantly attracted to one another. I mean serious sparkage. After a few close encounters they finally end up having a very steamy one nightstand. After which both go their separate ways. Dex goes back to working for the Para-Ops team, and Jes goes back to her home in France. Neither thinks they will see the other again, or so they thought.

When Jes gets back home she discovers that even though she thought that she was sterile that she is pregnant with Dex's baby. She is beyond happy to be pregnant but she knows she will probably end up loosing the baby. She's been pregnant many times before and was told that she could never have a baby. She always ends up having a miscarriage. She'll do anything to protect the baby inside of her. So when she realizes that Dex is in France, she sends for him. His presence in the country as already made a difference for her baby, as if it can sense Dex and his presence.

Dex has been sent to France to work on a mission when he encounters Jes again. Immediately they both pick up right where they left off, in bed. Dex still can't get over how attracted he is to Jes. There is just something about her that pulls him in and he's never felt this kind of connection to anyone before. When Jes informs him of her pregnancy Dex flips out. He never wanted to be a father, never wanted to subject his child to the abuse he endured because he's a half-breed. But now it's too late, Jes is pregnant and there is nothing he can do about it. He could never leave her knowing that he was the cause of her loosing the baby, so he decides to stick around for awhile. In doing so, he starts to realize that he may be able to let these two in. That maybe he is capable of loving someone else.

I cannot get over how much I loved this book. I loved the pairing of Jes and Dex. Dex is such a alpha male, but there is so much more to him. He really is one of the most caring and loving characters in this series, it just takes him awhile to get there and he might not even want to admit it himself. I loved being able to see the growth of his character as the chapters went on. There were a few times, especially towards the end that I found myself tearing up. Especially when he was in bed with Jes. I really loved these two together and I hope that we get to see more of them as the series progresses. These two had such chemistry together that it felt as if it jumped off the page.

I found that Jes was such a perfect fit for Dex. She is strong, smart, independent and completely in love with Dex and isn't afraid to let him know. I loved this about this book. Once someone felt something for another they let them know. Not only does Jes care about Dex, but she cares about her Draci family. Jes like Dex, has had a very hard life. She has had to watch the ones she's loved die over and over. I don't even know how she has the strength to keep going. I love that she's a fighter and I love that she is willing to fight for Dex.

I can honestly go on and on about why I love this book so much and how it's so good. Seriously people, this book is amazing and you definitely need to read it. In my opinion the best in the series. I can't wait to read the next installment in this series. It just keeps getting better and better.

**ARC copy provided by Author**