
Saturday, July 22, 2017

ARC Review: Cocky Client by Whitney G.

Whitney G is so very very good at writing stories about completely inappropriate alphas with giant egos and dirty mouths and the women who can handle them. If you have not read any of her books, you really are missing out and doing yourself a disservice. The wit in all Whitney G books is sharp and smart. The stories are completely engrossing and entertaining. I have read almost every book by this author and I've never been disappointed. Cocky Client is one of her three short stories series. The book is only about 90 pages but it is a complete story that you can read quickly and still love.

Penelope is determined to have a one night stand and she does with Ryan. The next day Penelope is set to meet the biggest client of her career as a publicist and it's Ryan. The same Ryan who left her one of the funniest post-one night stand notes you will ever read.  Everything about Ryan and Penelope was fun for me. Ryan is totally off his rocker. He can scarcely find a PR firm in all of NY to rep him because he's rich, cocky and unfamiliar with appropriate conduct. Penelope could really use Ryan's business but she has a backbone and refuses to put up with Ryan's outrageous behavior. She manages to get hired despite the fact that Ryan tries to fire her before she starts. All sorts of shenanigans and super hot sex ensues. As I've come to love about Whitney G, she advances the plot with emails between the characters. The emails are effing hilarious. They are not just between the main characters either. The emails involve Penelope's best friend Sean and his attempts to get rid of Penelope's crazy ass roommate. It's just all in good fun and makes the story much more entertaining. 

Even though this really is a complete short story, my only regret is that I want more. I would've loved to read more about these characters. I really wanted to know how Ryan came to be such a psycho. Just in general, I wanted more time with both of these characters. Instead of being greedy though, I'm going to appreciate what Whitney gave us and suggest you do the same. Read this and then find everything else you can by this author and read that too. You will never be disappointed.

**ARC provided by Author**

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ARC Review: Bad Boss by Clarissa Wild

I have read and really enjoyed several of Clarissa Wild's books at this point, and this one was a story that I couldn't wait for. It sounded really funny and she didn't disappoint! Bad Boss had me laughing out loud and I think contemporary fans are going to love this one! 

TJ was used to having it all as the CEO of one of the biggest companies in the city. But he never expected his secret kink to crash into his business life. So when the girl he just bought a pair of panties from (he's a panty sniffer) shows up for a job interview, he ends up thinking with the wrong head and ends up hiring her as his intern.

I really liked these characters! They were sexy together and the banter was great! I couldn't get enough of them and had to see how things would turn out. While I did think that their connection wasn't as deep as I would have hoped for, I liked them a lot. They were definitely a bit over the top at times, but honestly I had a great time reading the story and it didn't bother me. 

I think if you go into this one knowing that it is a bit on the over the top side and that there will be corny jokes that this is a story you'll enjoy. If that doesn't sound like your thing though, this one might not be for you. It was funny and sexy and a great quick summer read that I lost myself in. Clarissa Wild is a great author and I can't wait for more from her.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey PR**

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Guest Post with Author Anna Schmidt and Giveaway

Award-winning author ANNA SCHMIDT delights in creating stories where her characters must wrestle with the challenges of their times. Critics have consistently praised Schmidt for her ability to seamlessly integrate actual events with her fictional characters to produce strong tales of hope and love in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. She resides in Wisconsin.

Friday, July 21, 2017

ARC Review: Free Baller by Rie Warren

This is the second book in the Carolina Crush football/romance series. You don't have to read these books in order but if you skip the first book, this one is going to open with an entire spoiler of the plot in book #1. I've also read the last book in this series and it doesn't contain as much spoilage of this one as Free Baller does of book #1. So read as a standalone if you want but if you plan to read the whole series, start with book #1. If you already read book #1 and didn't love it, the plot of this one is totally different. I like Warren's writing but I hated the direction the story went in during the first installment. You don't need to worry about similar themes in this book, it's quite different.

This is the story of Brooklyn and Delaney. Brooks is a recent divorcee who is the tight end for the crazy and completely entertaining Carolina Crush. Because of Brooks unsatisfactory history with romantic relationships, when this book begins, he's committed to nothing more than "no strings" hooking up. That changes when he meets and immediately becomes obsessed with Delaney.  Delaney is the QB of Carolina's uber hot/scantily clad female football team, the Carolina Cougars. I did some serious eye rolling regarding a bunch of super hot women tackling each other but whatevs.

Brooks really meets his match with Delaney and I think that is one of the things I like about this book so much. Delaney is not a hook up type of girl and she refuses to change that for Brooks. Brooks has to decide to take Delaney strings and all and he does. After Brooks makes that decision, Delaney doesn't just trust that he has made some miraculous change. Brooks has to do a little pursuing and we get to see how intense he can be and how Delaney can match him.

 The other thing I like about this book is the banter between the characters. All the Carolina football series are wildly entertaining and this is no exception. All of the football players make appearances in all of the books and shenanigans ensues whenever everyone is together. Oh and I did I mention that Rie Warren books are ALWAYS smoking hot when it comes to the actual hooking up. I mean, oh my damn. There is some stuff in all of these books that you really don't want to be reading out in public. 

Fun book, great characters, hot sex. I recommend this one.

**ARC provided by Author**

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Feature and Giveaway: Lucky Charmed by Sharla Lovelace

Carmen Frost hates honey. And bees. And in her hometown of Charmed, Texas, which practically invented the stuff, that’s a problem. The good news is that the summer Honey Festival is finally over. Even better, so is the annual Lucky Hart carnival, a road show that made off with her dreams years ago—including the boy she loved. Now she’s got a divorce behind her, and a successful law career in front of her, but in a tiny town, big memories die hard. Or they don’t die at all—as Carmen discovers when she runs into an all too familiar pair of eyes—older, wiser, and just as heart-melting as ever . . .

Sully Hart has had enough of the nomad lifestyle. Travelling with his father’s carnival gave him adventures, but it cost him much more. Now he’s home to stay, contracted to create an entertainment complex in Charmed. He wants roots, a house with a yard and all the mundane pleasures that go with it. But the girl he loved has become a woman who still wants freedom. Can she still want him? It seems he and Carmen are at each other’s throats one minute—and on each other’s lips the next. Someone’s gotta give . . .

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Thursday, July 20, 2017

ARC Review: Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland

I couldn't wait to read Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland! I absolutely love her books and this one sounded so good. Worth the Fight has always been my favorite of her solo novels, but I have to say that Beautiful Mistake just might have topped it! This was not only my favorite from Vi Keeland in a long time, but is definitely one of my favorites this year! 

The first time Rachel and Caine met, she told him off for taking her best friend out while he was a married man with a family at home. But she quickly discovered that he wasn't the man she thought he was, and ashamed of her mistake she left hoping to never see him again. But when she walked into class the next morning to start her position as TA for the hard ass Professor West, she came face to face with the gorgeous mistake she had made the night before. Though they got off to a rough start, both Rachel and Caine know they need to make the best of the situation but the attraction between them becomes more than they can fight.

I loved Rachel and Caine! They were sexy together and had a connection right from the start. I loved the way they met and the fact that even then the attraction between them was explosive! The heat between these two was off the charts and I just couldn't get enough of how hot they were together. I really enjoyed seeing them get to know one another though and the bond between them was one that was rare and special. These two had both had things to overcome in their lives, and seeing them find someone to share their lives with had me captivated from the start. 

Overall, this book was sexy and sweet and everything I was looking for and more. Vi Keeland knows how to write unique characters and stories that deliver on every level. While her books always have heat and chemistry, she knows how to bring the emotional side as well leaving the reader with all the feels. Beautiful Mistake was such a fantastic book, and I read it in one sitting, unable to put it down. While I recommend anything by Vi Keeland to romance readers, Beautiful Mistake is a must read and I think that readers are going to love this one just as much as I did!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Where I Need to Be by Jamie Hollins

When heroin stole James Foley’s wife and destroyed his marriage, he poured all his energy into raising his young son and running his auto garage. There’s no room in his life for anything else until Megan McKenna walks into his shop. He finds it impossible to resist the sexy school teacher.

After an ugly divorce, Megan lost her home, her job, and a big chunk of her self-respect. With her posh lifestyle now a memory, she starts over by indulging in an unexpected fling with a hard-bodied mechanic.

What begins as something casual turns into something meaningful. But how can their relationship survive when it’s built on half-truths?

James and Megan soon discover that being honest with themselves is just as important as being honest with each other. Only then will their relationship fire on all cylinders.

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Wednesday, July 19, 2017

ARC Review: Sin by Emma Hart

I love Emma Hart's books, so I was super excited to find out about a new series from her! This sexy blurb and cover was all I needed to see to know I had to read it, and I enjoyed this one so much! This was a great start to her new series, and I am already anxious for more!

Damien Fox was the definition of his name, getting what he wanted without no matter the consequences. Owning half of the strip clubs in Vegas, he next set his sights on Dahlia's bar. But Dahlia wasn't about to throw in the towel, and soon they found themselves in a dirty game where Dahlia let Damien think he was winning. But when things heat up between them, can Dahlia continue to hold all the cards or will she find herself unable to resist Damien? 

Damien and Dahlia were sexy together and I loved seeing their relationship grow and evolve over the course of this book. They were perfect for one another and I really felt like they were a great match. While they were sexy and had strong chemistry, I also felt like there was a lot of emotion and a genuine connection that made these two special. I couldn't get enough of Damien and Dahlia and had a great time reading their story. 

Overall, I definitely recommend this book and I think this series is going to be one of the best from Emma Hart yet! There was plenty of steam and emotion, as well as the fun and quirky moments that Emma Hart fans will love and recognize. Sin was everything I was looking for and I can't wait for more.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

Guest Post with Tina Gabrielle and Giveaway

Tina Gabrielle, an Amazon best-selling author, is an attorney and former mechanical engineer whose love of reading for pleasure helped her get through years of academia. She often picked up a romance and let her fantasies of knights in shining armor and lords and ladies carry her away. She is the author of adventurous Regency historical romances: A Spy Unmasked, At The Spy’s Pleasure, In The Barrister’s Bed, In The Barrister’s Chambers, Lady Of Scandal, and A Perfect Scandal from Entangled Publishing and Kensington Books. Tina’s books have been Barnes & Noble top picks, and her first book, Lady Of Scandal, was nominated as best first historical romance by Romantic Times Book Reviews. Tina loves to hear from readers. Please visit her website to join her newsletter and enter her free monthly contests and giveaways.

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Tuesday, July 18, 2017

ARC Review: Chasing Vivi by A.M. Hargrove

I am a huge fan of A.M. Hargrove's and there hasn't been a book that I've read from her and not enjoyed. I always look forward to reading her stories, but Chasing Vivi was one I couldn't wait to get my hands on. Not only was this an enemies to lovers story, but a second chance romance and that is always a favorite trope of mine! This one was sexy and funny and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Vivi and Prescott went to school together years ago, and back then she was nothing more than a brain to him. Someone he could pay to do his homework. But now years later when they cross paths again, she has turned into a gorgeous woman and unlike all the women he is used to, she wants nothing to do with him. Though he tries everything, she turns him down left and right. But Prescott is determined to get her in his bed, can he win her over? 

I loved these two! They were sexy together and I loved their banter! A.M. Hargrove never disappoints when it comes to her characters, with them always being unique and likable. That was definitely the case here. I loved that Vivi was sassy and held her own. Prescott was hot and I loved his dirty mouth! I really enjoyed getting to know these characters and seeing beneath their surface. While things always appear one way on the surface, it always fascinates me to see the reality, and Prescott was so much more than what you see at first glance. 

Overall, this book was really great. I loved the steam and heat here just as much as the hilarious moments that A.M. Hargrove does so well. She is always able to deliver such well rounded stories that have everything I look for in a great romance, and Chasing Vivi was no different. This one is just another example of why she is a go-to author for me, and one that I definitely recommend. If you are new to A.M. Hargrove you are definitely going to want to check out her books as you are missing out on a great writer. I can't wait for more from her!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | 

Guest Post with Author Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances. A two-time Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice nominee, her books have been translated into nine languages.

Monday, July 17, 2017

ARC Review: Prince Brock by Xavier Neal

While Prince Brock is the third standalone story in Xavier Neal's Price of Tease series, it is the first book that I have ever read from her. Even though I hadn't read the first two books in the series though, I didn't have any problems understanding anything. I do want to go back and read them after finishing this story though. 

French and Brock have been circling each other for years. After a terrible childhood, French helped to save Brock and the two have been closer to each other than anyone else ever since. Though there is something more than friendship between them, things remain complicated and they refuse to go there with each other for fear of destroying their relationship. French runs an exclusive strip club called The Castle where Brock performs. But as things become harder for them to fight, they both begin to wonder what their future looks like. 

I will admit that this was a hard book for me to get into at first. While the story was intriguing, the writing style was a bit hard for me to adjust to. Not only should the reader take the foul language warning seriously (the f-bomb is used frequently), but the author breaks the 4th wall and the characters actually talk to the reader. While I don't mind some bad words, it might bother some with how many were used throughout the entire story. But the part that was hard for me especially was with the characters constantly talking to the reader, with it being bold and in your face throughout the entire story. It was distracting and honestly I just wasn't a fan of it. Luckily for Xavier Neal, the story itself is interesting and kept me wanting to read despite the fact that I didn't care for the writing style. French and Brock had intense chemistry that kept me invested the whole way through. I felt like they truly belonged together and that they had a rare and special connection. They understood one another and I couldn't imagine them with anyone else. 

Overall, this was a good book that I enjoyed and didn't want to put down. The writing style was distracting and I would prefer that the characters didn't talk to the reader for the entire story in bold type in your face, but the story was good and worth the read. I liked the world that Xavier Neal has created and found it interesting. I am looking forward to reading more from Xavier Neal, especially in this series. I just have to brace myself for more of this writing style, but at least now I will be prepared for it since I know what to expect. I'd recommend this one as long as you are prepared for the language and writing style before going in.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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Guest Post with Author Jennifer Hoopes and Giveaway

Jennifer lives in a small town in Pennsylvania with her husband and two daughters. When not writing, she can usually be found elbow deep in flour or inhaling chlorine as she cheers her daughter on at a swim meet. She loves musicals, caramel and roller coasters, and lists Machu Picchu at the top of her bucket list. She is a member of RWA and is the President of her local chapter, Central Pennsylvania Romance Writers. Find out more about Jennifer and sign up for her newsletter at

Feature: Trust by Kylie Scott

Being young is all about the experiences: the first time you skip school, the first time you fall in love…the first time someone holds a gun to your head.

After being held hostage during a robbery at the local convenience store, seventeen year old Edie finds her attitude about life shattered. Unwilling to put up with the snobbery and bullying at her private school, she enrolls at the local public high school, crossing paths with John. The boy who risked his life to save hers.

While Edie’s beginning to run wild, however, John’s just starting to settle down. After years of partying and dealing drugs with his older brother, he’s going straight—getting to class on time, and thinking about the future.

An unlikely bond grows between the two as John keeps Edie out of trouble and helps her broaden her horizons. But when he helps her out with another first—losing her virginity—their friendship gets complicated.

Meanwhile, Edie and John are pulled back into the dangerous world they narrowly escaped. They were lucky to survive the first time, but this time they have more to lose—each other.

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