
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Feature and Giveaway: Paradise 21 by Aubrie Dionne

Title: Paradise 21
Author: Aubrie Dionne
Genre: Sci-Fi Romance
Length: Novel
Release Date: August 2011
ePub ISBN: 978-1-937044-02-2
Mobi ISBN: Coming soon!
Print ISBN: 978-1-937044-03-9
Entangled Publishing 

Aries has lived her entire life aboard mankind’s last hope, the New Dawn, a spaceship traveling toward a planet where humanity can begin anew—a planet that won’t be reached in Aries’ lifetime. As one of the last genetically desirable women in the universe, she must marry her designated genetic match and produce the next generation for this centuries-long voyage.
But Aries has other plans.

When her desperate escape from the New Dawn strands her on a desert planet, Aries discovers the rumors about pirates—humans who escaped Earth before its demise—are true. Handsome, genetically imperfect Striker possesses the freedom Aries envies, and the two connect on a level she never thought possible. But pursued by her match from above and hunted by the planet’s native inhabitants, Aries quickly learns her freedom will come at a hefty price.

The life of the man she loves.

Places to purchase:

Friday, November 18, 2011

ARC Review: The Temptation of a Gentleman by Jenna Petersen

After finishing this book I'm not sure exactly sure how I feel. I feel a little disappointed with how and where this story ended up, which I hate to say because I normally love Jenna's books. But with this one I'm just left with kind of a blah feeling.

Noah Jordan, Marquis of Woodbury, knows it's his duty to settle down and get married. He's not really relishing the idea of settling down and living a boring quiet life, but when his former superior asks him to take on one last case before settling down, he jumps at the chance. The case takes him home to his estate in Woodbury, where he's been asked to investigate a neighbor who is suspected of killing his late wife. While Noah is out riding, he encounters Miss Marion Hawthorn, whom he feels an instant attraction towards.

Marion Hawthorn has always had a tumultuous relationship with her father and doesn't really understand why he now feels the need to bring her along on a business trip to Mr. Lucas' estate. Though Marion tries to make the best out of the trip she's still confused. When Marion comes across Noah, she finds herself instantly attracted and a friendship is quickly formed between the two. Though she doesn't really understand why her friendship with Noah bothers both her father and Mr. Lucas so much, until Noah informs her that he believes Mr. Lucas wants her as his bride. Marion is stunned and at the same time disgusted. She cannot stand Mr. Lucas and definitely does not want to be his bride. When she overhears her father and Mr. Lucas discussing her and the plans Mr. Lucas has for the two of them, she becomes frightened and seeks Noah's help and guidance. She believes Noah is a reputed Rake and wants him to ruin her so that Mr. Lucas won't want anything to do with her.

Noah wanting to help and to be closer to Marion, decides that she can help him with his investigation towards Mr. Lucas, whom he believes is guilty, that way insuring that Marion won't have to marry him or be ruined by Noah. Though the more they work together, Noah is finding harder and harder to resist Marion and her charms. He's finding himself having feelings for her that he's never felt for anyone before and it is really spooking him. He was supposed to come to investigate a murder, not fall for someone who isn't his betrothed.

I found that I really enjoyed the character of Noah. He is caring and protective. I enjoyed watching him battle his emotions he felt towards Marion. I love that he can't stay away. I mean honestly, who doesn't love when a Rake is brought down to his knees by a woman? Anyone?

As for Marion, I have mixed feelings towards her character. I loved her in the beginning of the story. I felt like she had a lot of spunk and she knew what she wanted and wasn't going to let anyone tell her otherwise. But by the end of the book, she just felt like a completely different character to me. She lost her spunkiness, and just became so lost. She just seemed so whiny to me and couldn't figure out what she wanted. Instead of talking and listening to Noah, she would just run away. It became very aggravating.

All in all, the story was just okay for me. I really enjoyed the first half, but once I hit the middle, the book just seemed to drag on. I think for me, the issue was with Marion, because like I said, I really enjoyed Noah.

**ARC copy provided by author**


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Follow Friday #19

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q: Letter to Santa: Tell Santa what books you want for Christmas!

Dear Santa, 
I think I've been really good and I promise to be even better next year if you could please get me some Amazon Gift Cards. I want to buy so many different books with them. Here are a few that I really, really want. 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:
  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- Books & Barks & Lauren's Book Bag
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)

Behind the Blogger: Jen from That's What I'm Talking About

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Jen from That's What I'm Talking About. I was lucky enough to meet Jen at this year's Author's After Dark Conference and she is definitely one of the nicest sweetest persons that I have ever met and she's also a lot of fun to hang around with. I especially enjoyed author "stalking" with her. Though seriously, I am a big fan of her blog and have been following it for over a year now. So if you haven't stopped by That's What I'm Talking About before, make sure to take a look. You won't be sorry.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Gratitude Giveaways Blog Hop

Welcome to the Gratitude Giveaways Blog Hop. This hop was organized by I Am A Reader, Not A Writer and All-Consuming Books blogs. The Gratitude Giveaways Blog Hop will run from November 17th - November 28th.

I have lots of goodies to giveaway to lots of different winners. So make sure to fill out the Rafflecopter form for your chance to win. There are more than 300 different blogs participating so that means plenty of chances to win. So make sure to follow the hop on over to some of the other blogs spots.

Here are the goodies I'll be giving away:

Interview with Author Kieran Kramer and Giveaway

Hi Everyone! Today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely Kieran Kramer. Kieran writes awesome Historicals filled with lots of humor. If  you haven't read her books yet, you are surely missing out. Kieran was kind enough to take some time away from her busy deadline schedule to answer some questions for me and I would love to share them with you all.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
There's SO much to say! But some "unusual facts" about me can be found right here:
I think you'll find some of them highly unusual, LOL!

Did you always want to be a writer?
No, not until I was about ten or so. I was a big reader, and I loved THE MOFFATS and A LITTLE PRINCESS and the Laura Ingalls Wilder books so much, I decided I wanted to be part of that storytelling world!

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Pantser, although I try to use what I know of story structure to help me along when I come to big, black holes in the story! I refer frequently to Blake Snyder's SAVE THE CAT and everything Michael Hauge says.

Why historicals? What about this era draws you in?
I've always loved Charles Dickens and Jane Austen and am an Anglophile in general. The main reason being I adore the English sense of humor. I love how they embrace eccentric characters and delight in everyday life. In music for me, the song PENNY LANE exemplifies what I love most about the English. I also embrace everything Scottish, having lived there a year, and everything Irish, as I am second-generation Irish--we still have a farm there.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lead Me On Winner

Congratulations to

Maria D
On winning a copy of Lead Me On

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that entered. 

Interview with Author Darynda Jones

Hi everyone. Today I would like to welcome to the blog the awesome Darynda Jones. Darynda is the author of the kickass Charley Davidson series, which is about a private eye who just happens to be the Grim Reaper. It is full of awesome and you can see my review for her first book here. Anywho, Darynda was kind enough to let me ask her some questions and I would love to share them with all of you. =)

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Sure! I married a guy I fell in love with when I was 10 years old (we didn’t actually meet until I was 18) and we’ve been married for over 28 years. I have two gorgeous sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys. I live in a semi-small town in New Mexico. I’ve been writing since I was about five. The first thing I wrote was a play.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes. I didn’t actually know I wanted to be a writer for a long time. I just wrote. All the time. Then, once I figured out some people actually did that stuff for a living, I didn’t think I was smart enough. Took me a while to get over that and try to write toward publication rather than just for pleasure.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Interview with Author Diane Alberts and Giveaway

Hi guys. Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Diane Alberts. Diane is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Kill Me Tomorrow. Diane was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions and I would love to share them with all of you.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Me? Hmm…I’m pretty boring. I’m (almost) 30, been married for (almost) 10 years, and have 4 kids (2 boys and 2 girls). I live in Northeast PA, and currently have three contracted books with Decadent Publishing (with another being considered as of today). Oh, and I dye yarn.

Did you always want to be a writer?
As far back as I remember: yes. I read my first romance book when I was twelve, and have been hooked ever since! It always has been, and always will be, my favorite genre.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Panster. All the way. I don’t plot. Can’t plot. It’s annoying, sometimes. I’d like to plot it. I really would.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Guest Post with Author Nina Croft and Giveaway

Hi everyone. Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Nina Croft. Nina is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Deadly Pursuit. So if you would all please give Nina a nice warm welcome.

The Lure of the Vampire…

I love writing about anything speculative—you can let your imagination run wild and as long as you stick to the rules of your particular world, absolutely anything can happen. But while I write about all nature of supernatural beings, I have to admit that vampires are my all time favorite.