
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Full Laurel Heights series by Kate Perry

Under Her Spell by Eliza Daly

Three Rivers Ranch by Roxanne Snopek

KT Amanda
DA Kenney
Swag Pack (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Karen Arrowood
Tiger Eye + Eye of Heaven by Marjorie M. Lui (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Sally Michele Shaw
Dark Prince + Dark Dreamers by Christine Feehan (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Codes and Roses by Julia Talbot + Rules of Darkness by Tia Fanning (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Wolf at the Door by Christine Warren (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Surrender the Dark by LA Banks (Spooktacular Blog Hop)

Blind to Men by Chris Lange

Just Remember to Breathe by Charles Sheehan-Miles

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Interview with Author Darynda Jones and Giveaway

Today I am uber excited to welcome one of my favorite people to RFTC, author Darynda Jones. I am a big fan of Darynda's Charley Davidson series and I am so happy she could stop by and share some info on newest release in the series, Fourth Grave Beneath My Feet. So please everyone give Darynda a very warm welcome.

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a RITA®, and a Daphne du Maurier. As a born storyteller, she grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike. Darynda lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys.

Places to find Darynda:

Friday, November 2, 2012

ARC Review: Double Time by Olivia Cunning

First let me start off by saying that Trey's book was released out of order. Trey's book was supposed to be the last in the series so when you read it there will be spoilers for the next two books in the series. Why this happened, I have no idea.

Oh my goodness. Wow, this book was hot! Definitely NSFW or public. Very steamy. I found myself blushing red quite frequently with Trey's antics. I really enjoyed this book. In fact, it's safe to say that it's my favorite of the series so far. I have always had a soft spot for Trey and I'm so happy that he finally got his HEA.

While this book had plenty of steamy sex scenes it was also filled with a lot of emotion. I enjoyed that we were able to see Trey grow. We as readers are able to see Trey go from a heartbroken man who uses sex with random people as a way of coping with his feelings. To someone that is able to open his heart again and find love.

Trey is bisexual and uses meaningless sex with strangers as a way to cope with his pain. He's never been in a real relationship before. That all changes once he meets Reagan. When Trey first encounters Reagan she is at an audition to become the new rhythm guitarist for Exodus End, his brother Dare's band. Immediately they hit it off and sparks fly. Both realize quickly that they want to be with one another and quickly jump into a relationship. Everything is great between the two, but Trey is hiding something from Reagan. She has no idea that Trey is bisexual and Trey wants to keep it that way. He has given up men, or at least he wants to.

When Trey first lays his eyes on Ethan, Reagan's best friend/roommate and also her ex boyfriend he quickly realizes that Ethan is bisexual, not gay likes Reagan believes. Not only is he not gay, he recognizes that Ethan is still in love with Reagan. And to make matters all that more complicated Ethan keeps hitting on Trey. Trey is attracted to Ethan as well but has serious feelings for Reagan and doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize their relationship. Soon Reagan learns the truth about Trey's true sexual desires and in an attempt to not hurt her any further Trey breaks things off between the two. Reagan in an attempt to keep Trey proposes the idea that Trey can have sex with Ethan as long as it's him and no one else.

This is where things start to bother me. Don't get me wrong, these three were freaking hot together. I mean, some of the scenes are dirrtay and I loved it but I just think Reagan was too quick to jump onto the menage idea. It just didn't feel true to her character. One moment she's crying over her heart being broken and then in the next breath she's proposing that they try a menage. I just don't buy it. Also, everything between the three just became so easy. There is somehow no drama at all. I'm just not sure how I feel about the three-way relationship as a whole.While I thought it was way hot I just always felt weird whenever Reagan and Ethan would do anything without Trey. I just felt a sense of betrayal on Trey's behave. I know that he's okay with everything it just felt not right to me.

As for the characters themselves, I really liked Reagan and Trey. I thought that they both brought out the best in each other and Reagan was such a good match for Trey. Both are sarcastic and witty and I really enjoyed them together. As for Ethan, there was something that I just did not like about him. I'm not really sure what, but I was never really able to warm up to him. Yes, he's hot and his sex scenes are muy caliente, there was just something missing for me.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait for the next installment in The Sinners series. I also hope that the author writes a book for Trey's brother Dare. Oh how I love him and I want to know all of his secrets. But seriously, despite some of my issues I LOVED this book and I could not put it down. Trey lived up to all of my expectations and more. Trey is one dirty boy and I loved it! Seriously, this book is H.O.T!

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC the fabulous Maggie Robinson. Maggie is celebrating the release of her newest book Lord Gray's List (which looks phenomenal) and has stopped by to chat. Please give Maggie a very warm welcome.

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

Places to find Maggie:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Guest Post with Author Juliana Stone and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to RFTC the uber awesome Juliana Stone. If you are familiar with RFTC you know that I regularly have Juliana stop by because I love her lots and her books freaking rock! Juliana is celebrating the release of her newest novella To Hell and Back and she has stopped by to chat. Please give Juliana a very warm welcome.

Juliana Stone's love of the written word and 80's rock, have inspired her in more ways than one. She writes dark paranormal romance as well as Contemporary Romance and spends her days navigating a busy life that includes, a husband, kids, a dog and a cat.

Places to find Juliana:
Site Blog Facebook Twitter | Goodreads |

Fall in Love Blog Hop

Welcome to my stop on the Fall in Love Blog Hop. This hop was organized by the Readers Confession and Author Toni Aleo and will run from November 1 - 9.

Up for grabs:
  • 2 Bags of Swag
  • Last Chance Beauty Queen by Hope Ramsay
  • The Bride Wore Scarlet by Liz Carlye
  • Twilight Hunger by Maggie Shayne

To Enter:
  • Please leave a comment answering the question: What are your favorite things about fall? 
  • Please fill out the Rafflecopter form

There are more than 40 different blogs participating, so there are plenty of chances to win something. So make sure to check out the blog hop list and hop over to some of the other blogs.

Also, if you head over to Toni Aleo's site, she is giving away a bunch of goodies including a chance to win a Kindle Fire.

Good Luck =)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

ARC Review: To Hell and Back by Juliana Stone

To Hell and Back was another great story by Juliana Stone packed with lots of action and suspense. I love that even though it's a novella it's still packed with so much. Each page is full of so much info and story. My only complaint is that it's a novella. I am really loving the characters of Logan and Kira, much more so in this installment and I just want more time with them. It just seems that once I wrap my head around everything that is happening the story is over and I'm left with a bunch of unanswered questions. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely a good thing.

I remember when I read Wrong Side of Hell I wasn't completely sure of Logan and Kira's relationship and their true feelings towards one another. Oh my goodness, that was definitely not an issue in To Hell and Back. I was blown away with how much these two love and care for another. I love that both will do everything in their powers to keep the other safe. It's definitely sigh worthy.

Logan is everything that I love in a hero. He's passionate, caring and willing to do anything to keep his woman safe and happy. What's not to love about that? As for Kira, she has come a long way in such a short time. She is pretty kickass and I love her loyalty to Logan. Both characters are such a pleasure to read about. I find myself completely engrossed with their story and rooting for them to find the happiness that they deserve and want.

I really hope we get to see more of these two in the future because I really feel like their story isn't finished.

**ARC copy provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest post with Author Calinda B and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Calinda B. Calinda is here today to chat about her Wicked Series. Please give Calinda a warm welcome.

The Fun Part: Calinda B was told early on that she should be a writer. She heard frequent praise for her writing, as well as her sense of humor. Scoffing at such admonitions and praise, she went on to pursue her life of adventure, chock full of the things that make up a well-rounded adventurous life: music (yup, she was a singer in a rock and roll band), dance (even performed hip hop in Russia), rock climbing (ever hung from a rock wall a few stories up? Yikes!), fire walking (taught high-ranking Moscow fire officials how to walk the coals), kayaking, scuba diving (she’s in love with sharks), travel, and falling in love again and again.

The Daily Grind: An award-winning web designer and certified SEO specialist, Calinda B has worked in the Internet industry as a web page designer/developer since the early 1990′s. She has also taught web site design and computer graphics at community colleges in Northern California. In addition to writing, Calinda B creates fine art and music, and enjoys scuba diving, kayaking, and bike riding. Calinda B makes her home in the Pacific Northwest with the love of her life and her two cats. She is currently working on the fourth book in The Wicked Series, tentatively entitled A Wicked Ending.

Places to find Calinda:

Feature and Giveaway: Tempting the Player by J. Lynn

Chad Gamble, all-star pitcher for the Nationals, is one of the best players on—and off—the field. And right now, the notorious bad boy wants Bridget Rodgers. But with her lush curves and snappy comebacks, the feisty redhead is the kind of woman a man wants to settle down with…and that’s the last thing Chad needs.

When the paparazzi catch them in a compromising position, Chad’s manager issues an ultimatum: clean up his act or kiss his multi-million dollar contract goodbye. To save his career, his meddling publicist says he'll have to convince everyone Bridget isn’t just his flavor of the week, but his girlfriend.

Being blackmailed into a fake relationship with Chad Gamble isn’t easy, especially when the sizzling physical attraction between them is undeniable. With a month to go on their arranged pretense, it's going to take every ounce of willpower they have not to fall into bed together...or in love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Random Acts of Kindness: October Wrap Up

R.A.K, otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness is put together by the lovely ladies from Book♥Soulmates. It's a way for fellow bloggers to get together and give eachother items on their wish lists. I love participating in R.A.K. It's so much fun and rewarding to give others items from their wish list and it's exciting to see if anyone is going to give you something too.


Sent Out:

Here's how to participate:
  • Sign up each month you would like to participate
  • Show off that you are a R.A.K. participant by grabbing the button
  • Create a wish list(on Amazon, Goodreads, on your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K. post for the month
  • If you choose to do a R.A.K. for someone, check out their wish list and contact that person for their address
  • If sending an eBook you must gift through AmazonKobo, or Barnes and Noble
  • If you receive any items during the month you participate in, please email or tweet @Bookbrunette so she can update the Google doc.
  • At the end of the month SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying "Thank you" to whomever granted one of your wishes and then share it with Book Soulmates 

Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there is always Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Simple and easy!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Interview with Author Cathy Maxwell and Giveaway

Today I am super excited to welcome author Cathy Maxwell to RFTC. I absolutely adore Cathy's books and I am beyond excited to have her here today. Cathy is celebrating the release of her newest book The Scottish Witch and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please everyone give Cathy a warm welcome.

Born in Olathe, Kansas, Cathy Maxwell’s family roots go back to the Mayflower and the Revolutionary War. She has long called Virginia home, noting she is “a Virginian by choice, but a Kansan by nature.” She worked in television news as a broadcaster before spending six years in the Navy. She attended Air Force intelligence school, worked in the Pentagon and did a tour with Naval Intelligence.

Cathy began her writing career in 1991 while her children were still small. “It wasn’t easy,” she says. “I worked full time, my husband travelled, we had three kids, I volunteered and I was writing from four until seven every morning.” Now, twenty years later, she is the author of seventeen national bestsellers and her novels appear regularly on The New York Times and USA Today bestseller lists. A rarity in the book world, Cathy has published every one of her novels with the same publisher, Harper Collins/Avon Books.

Places to find Cathy:

Interview with Author Roxanne St. Claire and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Roxanne St. Claire. Roxanne is currently on tour promoting her newest release, Barefoot in the Rain. Roxanne was kind enough to take the time our of her busy schedule to let me ask her a few questions, but first let's get to know Roxanne a bit.

Roxanne St. Claire is a bestselling author of thirty novels of romance and suspense. A five-time nominee and one-time winner of the prestigious RITA Award for outstanding romantic fiction, her books have also won the National Reader’s Choice Award for best romantic suspense for two consecutive years, as well as the Daphne du Maurier Award, the HOLT Medallion, the Maggie, Booksellers Best, Book Buyers Best, five Awards of Excellence, the Aspen Gold and many others

Prior to launching a full time career as a novelist in 2003, Roxanne spent most of her professional life as a marketing executive and public relations consultant. She is a graduate of UCLA, an active member of several national writing organizations, and a lecturer on a wide range of writing-related topics. She lives in Satellite Beach, Florida with her husband and their two teenagers, and if you know her, you call her Rocki.

Places to find Roxanne:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Guest Post with Author JoAnne Kenrick and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author JoAnne Kenrick to RFTC. JoAnne is currently on tour for her book Shamrocked and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to JoAnne, let's get to know her a bit.

Born n bred Brit, JoAnne Kenrick grew up in a wee sea-side town in North Wales and has enjoyed a variety of vocations such as holistic healer, window dresser, and ghost tour guide. Having lived in Wales, England, and Scotland with her dear family, she finally escaped the dull British summers to reside in sunny Australia. After two years, they moved to the States where she endured three harsh winters in Minnesota. She now lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and two puddy cats. When they aren't demanding her attention, or jumping on her head, she strums away on the keys of her little laptop, creating worlds and adventures she could only ever dream of.

Places to find JoAnne:

Monday, October 29, 2012

Guest Post with Author Kathy Kulig and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Kathy Kulig to RFTC. Kathy is currently on tour promoting her book Damned and Defiant and has stopped by to chat. Please give Kathy a very warm welcome.

Kathy Kulig is the award-winning author of sexy paranormal and contemporary romances. She has published over a dozen novels and novellas and her work has appeared in eBook, print and anthology. Kathy is a science geek by day and writer of erotic fiction at night. Her interest in mythology, quantum physics and the supernatural, and also her extensive background in science, provide inexhaustible material for new projects in the paranormal realms. Besides her career in writing, she’s a cytotechnologist and has worked as a research scientist, medical technologist, dive master and stringer for a newspaper. When she’s not writing or dreaming up her next steamy story, she enjoys traveling, relaxing by the beach with a book, mountain biking, movies and dinners out. She resides in eastern Pennsylvania with her husband and lives in a 100-year-old Victorian home which has a garage built of rejected tombstones.

Places to find Kathy:

Interview with Author Taryn Elliott and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Taryn Elliott to RFTC. Taryn has stopped by to answer some questions as well as chat about her book Ashes and Wine. Please give Taryn a warm welcome.

Taryn Elliott is from the great state of New York—upstate NY, thank you very much. Her family consists of a brother who takes care of keeping the snarky side of her alive and a dog that is more spoiled child than mutt. She counts her writer-friends as the glue that keeps her crazy ideas more in the sane category, and her non-writerly friends as the reason she’s not a complete hermit.

She can’t go a day without laughing, and falls in love with each and every one of her leading men as she’s writing their book. Music is life and every story has its own soundtrack.

Places to find Taryn:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Interview with Author Rachel Astor and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Rachel Astor to RFTC. Rachel is celebrating the recent release of her book Sugar Rush and has stopped by to answer some questions. Please give Rachel a warm welcome.

Rachel grew up on a little farm outside a tiny town in the middle of the wide open Canadian prairie, which is good, since when she travels, she gets a little claustrophobic when there’s too much landscape looming over her. She lived with her parents and three sisters; an older, a younger, and a twin, in a house with only one bathroom.

She still lives on the prairie, but now it’s with her husband and two stepsons (and thankfully, two bathrooms), and has constant girl stuff withdrawal.

Rachel has had a lot of jobs, but none quite as interesting as when she waitressed at a bar named after a dog.

She writes light, fun books that she hopes put smiles on reader’s faces.

Places to find Rachel:

Feature and Giveaway: The Bone Secrets Series by Kendra Elliot

Book 1

Eleven years ago, the Co-ed Slayer murdered nine female students on the Oregon State University campus. Lacey Campbell barely escaped his attack, but lost her best friend whose remains were never found. As the sole surviving victim, Lacey helped send the sadistic serial killer to prison for life.

Now a forensic odontologist examining teeth and bones for the state Medical Examiner, Lacey is devastated when she arrives at a crime scene and identifies the skeletal remains as her college friend’s.

The remains are discovered on the land of ex-cop Jack Harper. Sparks fly between him and Lacey, even as they realize that the prosecution’s witnesses from a decade ago are now being murdered one by one. All the evidence points to the Co-ed Slayer as the culprit—only, he’s long since dead. So who’s the new killer? And is Lacey next in line to die?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |