
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Baby It's Cold Outside by Kate Hardy, Heidi Rice, Amy Andrews and Aimee Carson

Wings of Redemption by Sarah Gilman

Taming Her Forbidden Lord by Catherine Hemmerling

Kiss of the Betrayer by Boone Brux

The Billionaire's Christmas Baby by Victoria James

A Cinderella Christmas Carol by Hope Tarr

Blood Vow by Karin Tabke courtesy of Berkley Heat

Archangel of Mercy by Christina Ashcroft courtesy of Berkley Heat

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Feature and Giveaway: Rumor Series by Delilah Marvelle

Love can open your eyes...

Lady Augustine Jane Ascott longs for a man who will do more than offer on her hand in marriage. She wants a husband she can trust, someone who will shield her from the darkness of the world. Her heart was broken when her younger brother was kidnapped years earlier, and she still carries the pain of his loss.

When the handsome Duke of Wentworth makes his feelings for her known, Augustine's past demons warn her away. Besides, every woman in London knows he's devoted to the memory of his late wife. But is it possible he cares for her after all -- and that their love can bring them the peace they both crave?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Friday, January 4, 2013

Historical Christmas Eve Event Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the Historical Christmas Eve Event.

Names listed in red won over at Ramblings From This Chick and names listed in green won over at Not Another Romance Blog. 

Interview with Author Elizabeth Essex and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to the blog author, Elizabeth Essex. Elizabeth is celebrating the recent release of her newest book A Breath of Scandal and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Elizabeth a warm welcome.

When not rereading Jane Austen, mucking about in her garden and simply messing about with boats, award-winning author Elizabeth Essex can be always be found with her laptop, making up stories about heroes and heroines who live far more exciting lives than she. It wasn’t always so. Long before she ever set pen to paper, Elizabeth graduated from Hollins College with a BA in Classics, and then earned her MA in Nautical Archaeology from Texas A&M University. While she loved the life of an underwater archaeologist, she has found her true calling writing lush, lyrical historical romance full of passion, daring and adventure.

Elizabeth lives in Texas with her husband, the indispensable Mr. Essex, and her active and exuberant family in an old house filled to the brim with books.

Places to find Elizabeth:

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Interview with Author Robyn DeHart and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC, author Robyn DeHart. Robyn is celebrating the recent release of her newest book A Little Bit Wicked and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Robyn a warm welcome.

I’m one of those writers who always knew that she wanted to be a writer. It took me a while, however, to figure out precisely what I wanted to write. Reading Kathleen Woodiwiss’ ”A Rose in Winter” sealed the deal for me and I’ve been reading and writing romance ever since. I should have known I was destined for this when my Barbies insisted on hosting elaborate masquerade parties, complete with stolen kisses in the moonlight.

I’m the youngest of three children, so of course I’m the favorite. I was raised in central Texas, in the beautiful Hill Country, right smack-dab between Austin and San Antonio. My parents were high school sweethearts and married a week after my mother graduated – they both needed their parents’ permission to marry since they were so young. So I blame them and their amazing marriage for the fact that I’m a hopeless romantic.

Somewhere along the line, I graduated from college with a degree in Sociology, only after completing an internship with none other than award-winning best-selling author, Pamela Morsi. It was one of the coolest experiences of my life and I learned more about the writing business than I could have hoped.

After college I worked a myriad of jobs: Computer Software Trainer, Recruiter, Administrative Assistant. But no matter what my day job, I come home to my real job and click, click, click away on my computer and get lost in my imaginary world where justice always prevails and the girl always gets her guy! It’s the coolest job in the world.

I’m married to the most amazingly supportive man. He’s so proud of my career, and loves to tell people, “My wife is a romance novelist.” We live in the Austin area, where my husband is a university professor. He’s ridiculously smart, but remains goofy enough to make me laugh every day. We’re the parents of two beautiful and precocious little girls who keep me quite busy during the day. We also have two very spoiled cats who are of no help at all when it comes to my writing, although they sometimes nap in the same room where I sit diligently working.

Places to find Robyn:

Interview with Author Donya Lynne and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Donya Lynne to RFTC. Donya is celebrating the recent release of Rebel Obsession, book three in her All the Kings Men series and she has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Donya a warm welcome.

Donya resides in Indiana, with her husband and a small zoo of cats and dogs. In fact, her writing buddy, Lucky, might become more famous than she is, based on the feedback the ever-present feline receives on her Facebook page.

As a little girl, Donya always had a book in her hand. As she got older, the books became pens and notebooks, which she filled with stories and poetry. For as long as she remembers, she has been writing and dreaming up stories. Seems writing was her destiny.

Donya loves music and often finds inspiration for her stories in the wide range of music she listens to. Nothing like a little Korn to propel the angst in a scene, or Enya to evoke softer and more romantic storylines.

Places to find Donya:

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Feature and Giveaway: A Marriage of Inconvenience by Christine Young


When the duchess decides to wed her to a wastrel and a fop, Ravyn Grahm takes matters into her own hands and declares her engagement to another man. Instead of fessing up and telling her great aunt what she has done, she goes through with the pretense. Aric Lakeland is the bastard son of an earl and has a dangerous reputation. But Ravyn is willing to do most anything to keep the duchess from discovering the lie.


He'd bought land in America, looking to put down roots and end his life of adventure, but Aric Lakeland got more than he bargained for when he encountered a beautiful heiress who made a promise she didn't want to keep. But the promise could not be undone and standing between them were more obstacles than either ever dreamed. Aric had made plans to spend the rest of his life in America and that was at odds with Ravyn's plan of living in England and running her father's estate. Now, he'll have to choose between his dreams and the woman he loves more than life.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes and Noble |

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Feature and Giveaway: The Scoundrel Takes a Bride by Stefanie Sloane

Lady Sophie Afton wants one thing and one thing only: Revenge against the man who ruthlessly killed her mother fifteen years before. Painstakingly preparing herself for the task and awaiting just the right moment, she approaches Lord Carmichael armed with the skills required of a spy and the knowledge that the Corinthians have reached an impasse in her mother’s case despite all the progress made by her dear friend Viscount Hardwicke. The Rook was only the beginning. Another man cut her mother’s throat, but it will take a woman to bring his identity to light.

Carmichael cannot refuse her. And just at the moment Sophie believes she’s on the cusp of experiencing the defining moment of her life, Nicholas Young appears. The younger brother of her betrothed, Nicholas had disappeared years before into the wild of the East Indies, where, if rumors were to be believed, he’d made his fortune through questionable means. In truth, Sophie had given little thought to her childhood friend. Until now. There was no denying that she adored Langdon Young, Nicholas’s older brother and the man she was meant to marry. But the moment Nicholas stalks back into her life, Sophie knows she will never belong to another. His touch inspires desire, his kisses need, and his skin on hers brands Sophie for life.

Aided by her Corinthian counterparts, with Nicholas at her side, Sophie delves into the dangerous depths of the London crime world in search of what she’s longed for her entire life. Or is it? Can revenge mean more than love?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Dani's Best of 2012

As 2012 comes to a close and we move into 2013 I can't help but look back on what a year 2012 has been. It's been full of many ups and a few downs but I wouldn't change a thing. This was such a great year of books and I've read so many that it was hard coming up with my favorites. This year I've read 155 books 35 more than I pledged and I still can't believe it. I've had a blast and I can't wait to see what 2013 has in-store for us all. As 2012 comes to a close I wanted to share some of the books that top my list of favorites this year. Are any of my favorites on your lists? What were some of your favorite reads of 2012?

Monday, December 31, 2012

Interview with Author Dianne Hartsock and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author, Dianne Hartsock. Dianne is currently on tour for her book Philip's Watcher and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Dianne a warm welcome.

Dianne lives in the beautiful Willamette Valley of Oregon with her incredibly patient husband, who puts up with the endless hours she spends hunched over the keyboard letting her characters play.

She says Oregon’s raindrops are the perfect setting in which to write her tales. There’s something about being cooped up in the house while it pours rain outside and a fire crackles on the hearth inside that kindles her imagination.

Currently, Dianne works as a floral designer in a locally-owned gift shop. Which she says is the perfect job for her. When not writing, she can express herself through the rich colors and textures of flowers and foliage.

Places to find Dianne:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Interview with Author Robin Covington and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author, Robin Covington. Robin is celebrating the recent release of her book Secret Santa Baby and has stopped by to answer some questions. Please give Robin a very warm welcome.

Robin Covington, who NYT Best Selling authors, Robyn Carr and Carly Phillips, said was their new “auto-buy author”, writes sizzling hot contemporary and paranormal romance. A Night of Southern Comfort, her best-selling debut was nominated by RT Book Reviews for the 2012 Best Contemporary Romance from an Indie Press for bringing a “fresh, modern feel to the genre while still sticking to the things that get our adrenaline pumping — sex and danger”. When she's not exploring the theme of fooling around and falling in love, she’s collecting tasty man candy, indulging in a little comic book geek love, and stalking Joe Mangianello.

Robin is a member of the Romance Writers of America, the Washington Romance Writers, a faculty member at Romance University, a member of the Waterworld Mermaids, a Goddess at The Naked Hero, and a contributor to the Happy Ever After blog at USA Today.

Places to find Robin: