
Thursday, November 2, 2023

ARC Review: Because of Her by Jewel E Ann

Because of Her is the sixth and final story in the Jack & Jill series by Jewel E Ann. This story is a standalone featuring Jackson Knight/Jude Day and his new temporary neighbor Frankie. I will caution readers that this book is romantic suspense and deals with several things that could be triggering, so please make sure to check before starting this book. It was not an easy journey, but I couldn’t put this book down.

Frankie finds herself in Kansas to take care of some things after some tragic events occur leaving her lost and looking for answers. When she is given a letter that sheds some light on the situation, she finds herself on a mission for revenge against a girl who took her nephew from her. But while she sets out to destroy one person’s life, she finds herself drawn to the mysterious neighbor next door living in a garage with a piano. As a former music professor, Frankie can’t help but be drawn to Jackson. For someone who may or may not be a serial killer though, Frankie feels surprisingly safe with Jack.

You do not need to read the previous books in this series, though fans of the series will recognize characters here and have a better understanding of the back story for them. I couldn’t put this one down, despite the serious topics here. I really enjoyed Frankie and Jackson’s connection and their banter. These two had a ton of chemistry and I enjoyed seeing how that played out the more they got to know one another. This was a heavier read that what I typically go for, Jewel E Ann is a great writer and did the story justice, captivating the reader from the very first page to the last.

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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