
Saturday, November 11, 2017

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from last week.

Royal Pain by Tracy Wolff

Kim M.
Bad Reputation by Nicole Edwards

**Monthly Newsletter Giveaway Winners**

Coffee Mug + $5 Amazon Gift Card

Swag Pack

Mystery Box of Books

All winners have been notified via email and are posted on the Rafflecopter form from that giveaway post. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Ruin You by M. O'Keefe

Ruin You is the third book in Molly O'Keefe's The Debt series, but it is a standalone story. I hadn't read the previous two books, but Molly did a great job of explaining everything I could possibly need to know here and I wasn't lost at all. I have mixed feelings on this book, but overall I liked this world that Molly has created and I am interested to read more in this series. 

Simon lost everything as a result of Penny's father, and he has been looking for revenge for years. Penny has been hiding and lying to everyone, though she finally has a place to call home. But when Simon arrives at her place, The Paintbrush Inn, the attraction between them is strong and more than they can fight. Each of them have their secrets and neither of them are telling the other the truth. When everything is revealed will they have a chance to put the past behind them and move forward together, or will they both be ruined?

I liked Simon and Penny enough here, but I didn't feel any real spark with them or a connection to them. They were a bit lackluster for me, and I wanted something to draw me in and make me feel more invested in them and their story. Unfortunately that didn't happen here, so while i liked things about them I just didn't love them or their story. It was definitely more of a slow burn, and I think that was part of my problem. While I am not opposed to a slow burn, I need that tension and chemistry between the characters to keep me interested for the eventual payoff, but this one fell a bit flat. 

I also felt like this book was a bit off as far as plot and pacing. Things felt slow with not much happening, yet the ending felt forced and rushed. I didn't really feel like a lot happened after finishing, and I wanted to see more as far as the overall series arc went. Who is Bates and what is going on with him? Why is he calling in these debts now and what is he doing with what he is gaining from them? I know that this series isn't over so not all will be revealed, but I would have liked to have been given some clues or a little more about him. I really hope he gets his own story as I found him the most intriguing here besides Carissa. I definitely want to know more about both of them. While this wasn't my favorite Molly O'Keefe book, I did enjoy parts of the story and I really love the world that this is set in. I will read more in this series for sure and I am looking forward to seeing where things go from here.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | 

Feature and Giveaway: Highland Dragon Rebel by Isabel Cooper

By wing, by claw
By fire, by death
So long as dragons rule the skies, Scotland will forever be free.

After a long and bloody war, Scotland has finally won its independence. But Highland dragon Moiread MacAlasdair knows peace balances on the edge of a blade, and she will do anything to keep her homeland from falling to English control.

Even if that means escorting a powerful new ally into the otherworld itself…and defending him with her life.

Madoc of Avandos is on a critical mission to cement alliances against the British. Powerful men would kill to see him fail—but as he and his fiercely beautiful warrior fight their way through hostile lands, Madoc is faced with a difficult choice: sacrifice everything for the cause…or let himself burn for the love of a dragon.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Friday, November 10, 2017

ARC Review: The Other Brother by Meghan Quinn

I am a huge fan of forbidden romance, so I was really drawn to The Other Brother by Meghan Quinn. What could possibly be more forbidden than dating brothers? With this being my first book by Meghan Quinn though, I had no idea what to expect. I have to say that I really enjoyed this story and I am kicking myself for not having read any of Meghan's books before. I will definitely be fixing that in the future! 

When Amelia gets the news that her father isn't doing well, she uproots her life to return home and be near him. Leaving her boyfriend and job behind, she knows it is only temporary until he finds a new job and relocates to be with her. But when she arrives back home, she never expects her new neighbor to be the boy that broke her heart 3 years ago. While she has never got over being hurt by him, she finds herself drawn to him and it doesn't help that Aaron is determined to win her back for good. But what she doesn't know is that her boyfriend is Aaron's biological brother.

I really liked these two. I felt so much for Aaron. I know that he hurt Amelia, but he also hurt himself and once we learned more about his reasons I completely understood what he had done. While I didn't like it, I could see why he thought that it was necessary. He broke my heart at times and I just wanted to hug him. Amelia was easy to like as well, and I really loved her with Aaron. Her personality really came out when she let the past go and was able to just enjoy herself with Aaron. Their chemistry was strong and had never diminished, and the connection they shared was undeniable. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. I felt invested in the characters and wanted them to end up together. This book was emotional and sexy, and I enjoyed the slow burn of these two getting to know one another again while the chemistry between them continued to grow. I definitely want to go back and read the books featuring Aaron's friends and I look forward to reading more from Meghan Quinn in the future. This book was great and was so much more than just a forbidden romance. I think readers are going to love this one!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, November 9, 2017

ARC Review: Someone to Wed by Mary Balogh

Someone to Wed is the third book in Mary Balogh's Westcott Series. The overall storyline is about an aristocratic family who discovers their illegitimacy when the Earl dies. The truths that are revealed following the Earl's death put the family into disruption. His son loses the Earldom and it falls to a cousin instead. His daughter's marriage prospects get turned upside down. His wife loses any claim to her former life. And the daughter he hid from the world, is given all of his money since it wasn't tied to the estate but to his legitimate descendants.

This book features the cousin who unexpectedly inherits a Earldom but without it's accompanying finances, Alexander Westcott. Because of this new responsibility he decides he must put aside any aspirations of a love matched marriage, and instead marry an heiress so that her dowry can fund restoring the estate. But before the season and "marriage mart" begins, he decides to visit the country estate to see it's current status as well as meet his neighbors.

One of his neighbors, Wren Heyden invites him to her home. She has be a recluse for quite an enormity of her life, but she finds herself wanting to be married and have children. So she proposes to Alex that since she has quite an expanse of funds from her business, it would be a mutually beneficial arrangement for them to marry.

Wren unfortunately has a large birthmark on her face that she is embarrassed about. It also has completely wreck her self esteem and social skills. It's for the last two reasons that Alex hesitates on the offer. But he finds himself pulled to her and he constantly thinks of her. Wren on the other hand is overwhelmed with Alex's good looks. It intimidates her. Whether or not love is necessary for these two is unclear. 

Balogh proves her talent yet again with writing in this book. I found it spectacular the way she pulls different characters together through similar feelings and experiences. She really know how it would all make sense and it shows her deep thought and planning for her story lines. The romance was perfect as well in that I felt it grow and grow. Everything played out naturally and I loved it! I really think Mary Balogh is a genius in the historical romance genre.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

ARC Review: Reservations by Kindle Alexander

I'm always excited to get a new book from Kindle Alexander. This writing duo is one of my favorites, and they write such beautiful and heartfelt stories. My very first M/M novel was one of their books as well, so they will always hold a special place in my heart having introduced me to this genre that I now love. They continue to write great stories, and I have not been disappointed by them yet. I really enjoyed Reservations and it was another good read from them even if it wasn't my favorite of theirs. 

Levi Silva is a hard worker that gives everything to his dream of attending medical school. But after losing his father, he finds himself the guardian of his two younger brothers working extra to make sure he can support them. So when an opportunity to earn more comes up, Levi takes the chance though he has some reservations. His new job finds him working for Thane Walker, and neither of them are prepared for the pull between them. Though both of them have aren't looking for a relationship, they find it harder to fight what is happening between them the more they are around each other. 

I liked these two a lot. Each of them had their reasons for not wanting anything serious, and yet these two were absolutely made for each other. They were super hot together, and the chemistry between them was off the charts. I really felt their connection as well though, and that is something that the duo of Kindle Alexander really excels at. They always bring the heat and have plenty of steam, yet their couples are so much more than just a physical connection. I love that they bring such depth and emotion out of their characters and that was definitely true here with Thane and Levi. Though each of these two tried to fight what was happening, it was obvious that they belonged together. There were some frustrating moments here though if I am honest, but I believed that in the end they would figure things out. 

Overall, this was a good story. I did feel that the pacing was a bit off at times. There were some slow parts that would drag, and then other parts felt a bit rushed. I wish it had been a bit more even and flowed better, but it was still an enjoyable read. The ending wasn't entirely what I had hoped for, and while I am excited for Julian's book I felt like things were pretty abrupt. I would have liked a bit more. I felt like this story had everything that I love from Kindle Alexander, but that it wasn't quite as polished as their previous books. While it wasn't my favorite of theirs, it definitely won't be the last I read from them. I think readers should give this one a shot, especially if you are a fan of the M/M genre and Kindle Alexander. If you are new to their books, I highly recommend reading some of their previous releases as well, especially the Nice Guys series. That is one of my all time favorites and really started my love for the M/M genre.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | iTunes

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

ARC Review: Craving Midnight by A.M. Hargrove

I am a huge fan of A.M. Hargrove's. Not only is she super sweet and a great person, but she is beyond talented and I have enjoyed everything I have read from her. I always get excited when I see she has a new book coming out, but Craving Midnight was one I couldn't wait for. This book was as great as it's cover, and I honestly can't wait for more from Annie! 

Harrison is Hollywood's fixer, so when he is hired to clean up a mess for Midnight Drake he thought he had it under control. Midnight woke up from a drugged stupor and found that there were sex videos on her phone. Midnight has secrets though, and she isn't willing to talk to anyone, including Harrison. But the more Harrison is around Midnight, the more he wants her. Can he fix her mess and have a chance with her, or will he be the one needing to be fixed in the end? 

I loved these two! Midnight had been through so much, yet she was so strong. I loved that she was a fighter and never gave up. I really loved Harrison too. He is definitely one of my favorite heroes from Hargrove ever and that is saying something! He was just so sexy and charismatic, you couldn't help but be drawn to him. He was also really smart and successful at what he did, which just makes him that much sexier! These two had off the charts chemistry and I loved their interactions. Their connection was undeniable, and I couldn't get enough. 

Overall, this one was fantastic! I loved the story and the characters! There was plenty of steam and mystery to this one, and that had me not wanting to put this one down. I pretty much devoured it in one sitting, only stopping when I absolutely had to. While I have really enjoyed everything I have read from Annie, Craving Midnight just might be my new favorite. I highly recommend this one!!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: Prince Roman by CD Reiss

I was excited to read Prince Roman from CD Reiss, though I am normally not a huge fan of novellas. This was a great story though, and I found it hard to put this one down. I will admit at the beginning I was a bit lost with some of the tech speak and jargon being thrown around and I also didn't know Raven's character having not read King of Code. But this story is a standalone and you don't need it to enjoy Prince Roman. I will definitely be going back to read King of Code though after finishing this story. 

After the end of her casual office relationship, Raven is determined to start her new job off on the right foot. She knows she can't have any more office hookups, but after meeting Roman she knows that will be a challenge. Especially when he is across the hall from her and is just as attracted to her as she is him.

I liked both Raven and Roman. Raven was strong and determined, and I loved that she was herself and could admit her desires. She wasn't afraid to have something casual with no strings and I liked that she accepted things for what they were. But when she met Roman, she knew they were different. While she could have fought it harder than she did, I was grateful that she didn't. She knew the risks and had every reason to avoid Roman, yet she could also tell that he was worth taking that chance. Roman was sexy and powerful, but beneath all of that he was genuine and easy to like. He wasn't over the top cocky or arrogant, and I absolutely loved that. He was perfect for Raven, and I loved seeing these two get dirty and steamy together as well as have a connection that was believable beyond just attraction. 

Overall, this one was short and engaging. I liked the story and the characters and I can't wait to read more in this world from CD Reiss. I definitely recommend this one if you have read King of Code, but if you are like me and haven't I think that you will enjoy this one just like I did.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle

Feature and Giveaway: Sugarplum Way by Debbie Mason

Romance writer Julia Landon knows how to write a happily-ever-after. Creating one for herself is a whole different story. But after a surprising--and surprisingly passionate--kiss under the mistletoe at Harmony Harbor's holiday party last year, Julia thought she might have finally found her very own chance at true love. Until she learns her Mr. Tall, Dark, and Broodingly Handsome has sworn off relationships. Well, if she can't have him in real life, Julia knows just how to get the next best thing....

Aidan's only priority is to be the best single dad ever. And this year, he plans to make the holidays magical for his little girl, Ella Rose. But visions of stolen kisses under the mistletoe keep dancing in his head, and when he finds out Julia has written him into her latest novel, he can't help imagining the possibilities of a future together. Little does he know, though, Julia has been keeping a secret that threatens all their dreams. Luckily, 'tis the season for a little Christmas magic.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes | Kobo |

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

ARC Review: Love Me By Christmas by Jaci Burton

I have enjoyed many books by Jaci Burton over the years, and this one sounded really good. I have to admit I have a thing for romance stories that are on the forbidden side, and this one fit that a little with it being about Ellie and her brother-in-law. While there were things I liked here, this one was just okay.

After losing her husband while pregnant with their son, Ellie moves in with her brother-in-law Nick so that he can help her. Nick and Ellie grow closer over the years, raising her son Henry and coping with their grief together. But when both of them start to feel things for the other beyond friendship, each of them struggles with what that means for their lives going forward. 

I really liked Nick. He was a great guy, sweet and supportive, giving everything he had to Ellie and Henry. He loved those two so much and it was easy to see that his feelings were genuine and weren't out of some sort of obligation. Ellie was where I had problems. At first I really liked her. She had been through a lot and yet she was putting her son first. But as the story went on, she got more and more on my nerves. Her constant pushing Nick away and trying to set him up was beyond frustrating, and I just got to the point that I was sick of it. These two had chemistry and a connection, but Ellie's actions and second-guessing her and Nick's feelings was just too much for me to get over. 

I also felt that while Henry was in this story, he wasn't present. He was always out of the scene or going to someone else's house. It seemed as though he wasn't hardly around, except when it was mentioned about how great Nick was with him. I really would have liked for him to been more a part of the story at the end especially when Nick and Ellie were really starting to make progress. It would have been interesting to see his feelings as their relationship progressed. Overall, this one was okay, but between Ellie driving me nuts and Henry's absence this one wasn't what I had hoped for.

**ARC Provided by Sullivan and Partners**

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Monday, November 6, 2017

ARC Review: American King by Sierra Simone

American King is the third and final installment in Sierra Simone's New Camelot Trilogy, and to say that I have been waiting for this book for what seems like forever would be a huge understatement. Not only was this definitely my most anticipated book this year, but I have basically been waiting for it since I first read American Queen. To say this series is amazing doesn't do it justice, but Sierra Simone is a genius and honestly I would read anything by her at this point. 

American King picks up after the events of American Prince. If you haven't read American Queen and American Prince, you need to read those two books first. This isn't a standalone, and you definitely will want to start at the beginning. I'm not going to go into details of this book so as not to spoil anything, but this book centers more on Ash and I couldn't not have been more excited to get to know more about our king. 

The characters in this series are so well thought out. Each have so many layers, with a history and depth that make them impossible not to relate to or fall for. While their circumstances are not something I could relate to, I found that they each had something about them that I could. My love for Ash, Embry and Greer just continued to grow here, and I really felt like we got to see so much growth and change for all of them over the course of this series. I feel like after reading American King that I understood each of them better and Sierra Simone brought everything full circle. We knew from the first two books that these three had chemistry and a connection, but the question was always whether or not that was enough to overcome everything that stood in their way, and I felt like Sierra Simone did them justice and this series ended in a way that was true to the characters. 

Overall, I don't have the words to describe just how amazing this series is, but it is definitely one of my all time favorites. This series was sexy and super emotional, taking the reader through many highs and lows. It was so worth the ride though as Sierra Simone broke us down and put us all back together in a way that only she could. I really felt like this was a journey for not only the characters but for the reader as well. It was beautiful and heartbreaking, and so freaking hot that I couldn't put each of these books down. If you haven't read this series yet, drop everything and get these books. If you have started this series, this conclusion is a must read and you will not be disappointed. Sierra Simone is such a talented writer, and I have loved everything I have read from her. Her ability to write original stories as well as to take a well known and classic tale and make it her own in a modern setting proves just how impressive she is and I really hope that she never quits writing as it is obvious that this is what she is meant to do. If you are new to her books and like well written and steamy stories, you have got to give her books a shot.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: An Ex for Christmas by Lauren Layne

She’s making a list—and checking it twice. But is there a nice guy among all her naughty exes? The New York Times bestselling author of Blurred Lines returns with a charming friends-to-lovers rom-com.

When a psychic tells spunky, superstitious Kelly Byrne that she’s already met her true love, she becomes obsessed with the idea of tracking him down before Christmas. Kelly immediately writes up an “Ex List” and starts contacting old boyfriends to figure out which one is the one. When her college sweetheart rolls into town, Kelly convinces herself that they’re meant to be. The trouble is, sparks are flying with someone she’s never given a chance: her best friend, Mark.

Mark Blakely has watched the guys on Kelly’s list break her heart, and he’s not looking forward to watching them do it all over again. Mark’s always been there for her, but the timing’s never worked out for their relationship to be something more. Now, just as Mark is ready to move on, the sexual tension between them is suddenly off the charts. With Christmas morning around the corner, he just hopes Kelly will wake up and realize that everything she wants has been right in front of her all along.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes | Google | Kobo |

Sunday, November 5, 2017

ARC Review: Third Son's a Charm by Shana Galen

Third Son's a Charm is the beginning of a new series by Shana Galen. I believe it will highlight members of a military group of men who survived the war against Napoleon. I'm unsure as to whether it will be of all surviving 12 members, or just a select few. We will see as I am positive I will continue reading the series.

Lady Lorraine is the only daughter of a duke, and she is madly in love with a man her father does not approve of. She has attempted to elope with Francis Mostyn, but he never showed up at their meeting place. He claimed he wanted her father's blessing for her sake. She claims she doesn't need her current lifestyle and that love is all they need, but he insists. Her father believes the man only after her dowry as she is quite the heiress.

Because Lorraine refuses to give up on Francis, her father decides to hire a bodyguard. But it can't just be any man. He needs someone who will fit in at their social events so that Lorraine can find a respectable husband. So he reaches out to Ewan Mostyn, third son of an Earl. Ewan went into the military as is what is expected of third sons if they do not go into the ministry. He was in an elite group of soldiers that went through impossible missions against Napoleon. Now that the war is over, he has become, effectively, a bouncer at a gambling hell.

Ewan jumps at the prospect of being Lady Lorraine's bodyguard because it would please him immensely to thwart his cousin Francis in any way. However, his job becomes more and more difficult as he gets to know Lorraine. He begins to find her amusing instead of annoying, and finds himself coming out of his shell with her. Lorraine also finds that she is intrigued and even likes her bodyguard as she gets to know him. She begins to wonder if what she thought was love with Francis isn't really love.

This is another hit from Shana Galen. I loved everything about Ewan. His backstory, his demeanor, and his thinking wove together to make a unique character. Lorraine annoyed me a little at first, but she ended up growing on me. I enjoyed the brotherhood Galen created with Ewan's war buddies. I also liked a little rekindling love side plot Galen added to the tale. This book gave me all the feel good butterflies I need from my historical romances. Can't wait to continue this series!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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