
Friday, July 7, 2023

ARC Review: Something Unexpected by Vi Keeland


I have been a Vi Keeland fan for years, so much so that I don’t even read the blurbs for her books anymore, I just know whatever she writes I am going to read and love! Something Unexpected was no exception, though I will say that this book definitely lived up to it’s name! While I loved the book, this is not what I have come to know and love from Vi Keeland’s past books. It was so well written and something I hadn’t anticipated from her, and it had me unable to put it down!

I won’t go into details, as I truly believe this one is best gone into blind. What I will say though is that I loved the characters and the story from start to finish. Beck and Nora were total opposites in a lot of ways, yet there was so much chemistry and tension between them and I couldn’t stop flipping pages!

I highly recommend this book! Not only is the writing fantastic, but the characters are so easy to like and root for. I found them all so interesting, including the side characters! Vi Keeland never disappoints, and while this one felt different than her previous books, it was just as good if not better! Her writing just continues to draw me in every time and make me fall in love with the world and characters she has created. This one was great, and I loved the message here. Something Unexpected was a one of a kind read and I am so glad that I went on this journey with Beck and Nora. Highly recommend this one to fans of Vi’s and new readers alike!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

ARC Review: Huck by Lulu Moore


I am a huge sports romance fan and had previously read and enjoyed The Third Baseman by Lulu Moore, so I was excited to read Huck, the newest installment in her New York Players series. This book is a part of a series of interconnected standalones and can be read without having read the previous books in the series.

Huck is the newly appointed Captain and one of the star players for New York and he just so happens to be interested in the coach’s daughter Nora. But everyone knows that you don’t date the coach’s daughter, especially not when she also works for the team. Nora and Huck had a ton of chemistry and it was easy to see that these two were so into each other. 

While I liked this one, I struggled a bit to feel connected to the characters. I liked them well enough, but I just didn’t feel invested in their story. Besides Nora’s dad the coach, I felt like things were very easy and there wasn’t a lot of depth here. I found myself trying to not skim a lot because I just wasn’t as into the story as I would have liked. I will say though that Abbey stole the show! Loved her and also the relationship she had with Huck, Brogan and Carter. They were so much fun and honestly the highlights of this book for me. I think readers that have read previous books in this series will enjoy seeing familiar faces and if you are a fan of hockey romance, definitely give this one a shot. It was a quick and easy read, and I think a lot of readers will like this world that Lulu Moore has created.

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle |