
Saturday, November 4, 2017

ARC Review: Ride Wild by Laura Kaye

I first heard of Laura Kaye when I read her historical fiction story “America’s First Daughter” whom she writes under the name Laura Kamoie. I personally love discovering when authors write different genres. Because I really enjoyed “America’s First Daughter” I was anxious to try her contemporary romance. A few things attracted me to the story. First, I love motorcycle club books, if anyone has not read Joanna Wylde, I definitely recommend her books! Second, I loved the idea of a lonely widower taking care of his sons and falling for the babysitter. And finally, I loved that the heroine, Cora Campbell was trying to find herself.

Cora was an interesting enough character except that really “everything” happened to her. She was kidnapped and raped, it all become a little too much. These events happened in the previous book, which I have not read, but her history helps us to understand that Cora is really just starting over and trying to figure out where she wants her life to go. I was expecting the house to fall on top of her head at one point. Slider is giving her a chance by offering her work as his babysitter. He is a widower and needs someone to watch the kids while he is at work. His kids absolutely love Cora because she always come to the rescue and knows just what to do with his sons. The obvious attraction takes place and they finally confess their real feelings for each other and give into their longing for each other. But they also promise that it will only be one time and that is it. Mind you, this is only half way through the book. 

I have to admit that I wanted to love this story more than I actually did. I was about 50% of the way through the book and I was ready for the story to be done. If this had been a novella I would have enjoyed it more but half way through the book the romance between Cora and Sam “Slider” Evans started to become flat. I felt like the author added secondary characters to help the story pick up momentum but it really just dragged the story down. It was hard for me to be interested in the secondary characters even when they became the focal point. 

The story felt forced and I struggled to keep interested. The dialogue also felt overly dramatic as did many of the scenes. Aside from my lackluster opinion about the story, I will pick up another book by the author and see if the next book in the series catches my interest better.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, November 3, 2017

ARC Review: The Hunt by Monica James

I am pretty new to Monica James, but I knew I wanted to read The Hunt after really enjoying the first book I read from her. While The Hunt is the third Hard Love Romance from her, this book is easily read as a standalone. The only book I have read from Monica James was from a different series, and I didn't have any problems understanding anything here. I do want to go back and read more from her though after finishing this story. I have enjoyed both books I have read from her now, and I can't wait for more. 

Hunter doesn't believe in love and as his friends start settling down, he takes it upon himself to become the player that they all once were. But when he meets Mary, everything changes. Hunter finds himself wanting no one else, the only problem is that Mary hates him and wants nothing to do with him. 

I really enjoyed these two. I thought that they were great and they had me laughing all the way through. Hunter was sexy and had me swooning. He was so smooth and I loved seeing him thrown for a loop with his feelings towards Mary. Mary was easy to like and I loved the interactions between these two. The banter and the way they went back and forth kept me from being able to put this one down. The tension and chemistry between them was so strong and I just loved everything about them for one another. I will admit that they were a bit frustrating at times, but I at the same time I couldn't stop reading and really believed that they were perfect for each other. 

Overall, this was a great story and I think readers are going to love it! Enemies to lovers stories are always a fine line between love and hate, and I felt like Monica James did a great job of giving these characters the perfect amount of tension and chemistry to keep the reader invested in them from start to finish. Not only could you feel the sparks between them, but she really showed that it was more than that and that what these two felt was real and believable. Monica James is an author that is becoming a favorite of mine, and I definitely recommend Hunter and Mary's story. This was a fun read and I'm already anxious for more from Monica James.

**ARC Provided by Sullivan and Partners**

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Thursday, November 2, 2017

ARC Review: Darkest Temptation by Rachel Van Dyken

I really don't read much in the paranormal genre at this point, but Rachel Van Dyken is an auto-buy author for me and I have really enjoyed this series from the start. Darkest Temptation is the fourth book in her Dark Ones Saga series, and while each book could technically standalone, I wouldn't recommend reading them out of order. This series is great, but it does build from the beginning and I think some readers might be a little lost at times without starting at the beginning. 

Darkest Temptation is Mason's story, and his is one I have been waiting for! Mason is a werewolf king, and after losing his mate he chose to walk away. He lives his life with his friends and chooses to eat berries and pine cones, though he hungers for more. When Serenity enters his life she is a mess, and as a vampire she is the last person he should want. But there is something between them and both find it impossible to ignore how the other calls to them.

I really loved these two. There was so much more to Mason than we have previously seen, and I loved getting to know him better. I really wanted to give him a hug so many times here, and peeling back his layers made me fall for him even more than I already had with the previous books. Serenity was great as well, and I just felt like these two fit so well together despite all the reasons that they shouldn't. The chemistry was there from the start, and I couldn't put this one down as I had to know how things would work out for them. 

Overall, I am really enjoying this series and while this isn't my normal genre, Rachel Van Dyken has created an intriguing and captivating world that I find fascinating. She is so talented at creating unique and interesting stories that really draw readers in regardless of the genre. This series is filled with characters that I have grown to love, and I have become so invested in them. Honestly this is just a great series, and I think that readers of all genres can find something to enjoy here. If you haven't had a chance to check this series out yet, I highly recommend it. It is one that I have really enjoyed and Rachel Van Dyken never disappoints.

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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ARC Review: A Daring Arrangement by Joanna Shupe

I discovered Joanna Shupe listening to an audiobook “The Courtesan Duchess” since that audiobook I have devoured her “Knickerbocker” series ( A must read). I was so disappointed to discover that the publisher would not be continuing with the series but so excited when I heard that she would be 1) Writing for Avon, 2) Continue writing about the Gilded Age and 3) be starting a new series. When “A Daring Arrangement” her first book in “The Four Hundred” series was available I could not wait to read it. So often times when we anticipate something it can either be exactly what we had hoped for or fall short. Well Shupe never falls short and I LOVED “ A Daring Arrangement.” I need to learn that I cannot start one of her books late at night without expecting to be up way past my bedtime!

What made this such a great story?? What didn’t? First, our heroine- Lady Honora Parker. We are first introduced to her when she is having tea in New York City with her aunt-acting as her chaperone and a would-be- but not really- suitor. Nora has been exiled from England from her father. She has committed the horrible act of falling inlove with a starving artist and her father absolutely will not accept the match. So he sends her to New York to live with his sister until she can find a suitable match. Nora is desperate to go back home and be reunited with her love- Robert. While having tea with her aunt and a man she has absolutely no interest in, their gathering is interrupted by loud noises coming from a very wild party right above their heads. This is where Nora learns about the very notorious, Julius Hatcher. Julius is very wealthy financier but of no linage whatsoever. Julius gained his wealthy through his very cleaver head for business and math. Although Julius is wealthier than many in high society, he cannot gain their acceptance. The more Nora hears about Julius the more she realizes that he is absolutely wrong for her and her father would never approve of him. So what better reason that to be seen with him? Have rumors reach her father about their upcoming engagement and more reason could her father need to call her back to England? There is only one little problem with her plot. Julius has no idea who Nora is.

Nora decides that she needs to take her fate in her hands. She excuses herself from her aunt and guest and finds Julius. She has just the perfect arrangement for him. He pretends to be courting her, she provides him with the entrance into high society that he as always wanted and ultimately she is returned to England to be reunited with Robert-her true love. What could go wrong?

Where to begin?? I absolutely loved Nora. She is bold and brazen and as also very vulnerable and seeking a deep connection to her father that she has never had. Julius has his own baggage. For years he has unsuccessful tried to find out who the men that were responsible for his father’s business failures and ultimate suicide. Thanks to Nora he can gain access to the men that knew his father and betrayed him. Both Nora and Julius have much at stake with this fake engagement. In order for people to believe they are engaged they have to spend time together and the more time Nora spends with Julius and he with her, the more they realize that affairs of the heart of more complicated than either of them imagined. Shupe writes some very touchy and steamy scenes and its impossible for a reader not to champion for both Nora and Julius. For me this had all the makings of a great love story. Great hero and heroine, fun supporting characters, great plot and a little subplot- who was responsible for Julius’ fathers downfall? What will Nora do about her feelings for Robert? All great questions! My next question is when is the next book?

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: The Highlander's Crusader Bride by Cathy and DD MacRae

Born in the Holy Lands only a few years after the Third Crusade, half-Armenian, half-Scot Arbela MacLean is a true daughter of the desert, beautiful and untamed. Trained to be a warrior to avoid her gentle mother’s fate, Arbela has honed her skills with Turkish bow and arrow, sword and throwing darts—and dreads the day her father choses a man for her to marry.

After more than thirty years in the Holy Land, Donal MacLean, Baron of Batroun, is recalled to Scotland, the last son available to take up leadership of clan MacLean. He brings with him knights, treasure, trade—and a daughter of marriageable age.

Caelen MacKern, known as the Bull of the Highlands, is cynical about women. His first marriage formed an alliance, and he did not grieve when his spoiled, immature bride passed away. He has agreed to marry again—against his better judgement—for the men, means and coin to recover from a devastating pestilence that all but wiped out his clan.

More than a little resentful at finding himself forced to remarry, Caelen’s proposal to Donal MacLean’s headstrong daughter nevertheless piques her interest. Each will receive what they want most from life—the ability to live as they please without interference from a meddling spouse. But their marriage of indifference will soon change to one of passion that neither Arbela nor Caelen could have predicted.

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Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Feature and Giveaway: Lethal Lies by Rebecca Zanettie

A deadly secret can't stay buried forever . . .

Revenge. It's the only thing that will help Anya Best sleep at night. The serial killer who murdered her sister is on the loose, and Anya will stop at nothing to put him behind bars—even use herself as bait to lure him out of hiding. But she can't do this alone.

Private investigator Heath Jones's job is to bring bastards to justice. This time it's personal. He knew the Copper Killer's latest victim so when her sister asks for his help, he's all in. But when Anya uses the media to taunt the killer, she exposes Heath's identity, putting them both in jeopardy. Now, secrets buried long ago are coming to light and the forces determined to destroy him are watching Heath's every move, waiting to exact their own revenge. And they'll use anything and anyone to get to Heath.

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Monday, October 30, 2017

ARC Review: Dark Promises by Winter Renshaw

Dark Promises is the second book in Winter Renshaw's Dark series, though it can be read as a standalone. I am pretty new to Winter Renshaw's work having just recently discovered her, but I had to read this one after I saw that cover and read the blurb. I really enjoyed this one, and if I wasn't already on my way to becoming a fan of hers, I definitely am one now.

After having her heart broken, Rowan is only looking for a good time. She wants one night with no strings and no chance at any kind of relationship forming. Keir needs to clean up his act if he wants to have a successful senate campaign, and his adviser has handpicked Rowan. But convincing her that he has changed and is no longer a playboy will be harder than he expected, especially since that is all she wants from him. Soon Rowan and Keir find themselves feeling things they never planned on and both begin to wonder if there is something there between them worth changing everything for. 

I really liked these two. At first I was a little unsure about them as both weren't being entirely honest and each had their own motives for seeking the other out. The chemistry was there right away though, and you could see that they were actually really good for one another despite how things might have started. Keir was used to being a playboy and had no interest in relationships, but when he actually needed one the girl chosen wanted nothing to do with him. Rowan wanted to forget and numb the pain, and her carefully chosen fling wanted more. It was so much fun to see them challenge one another and the dynamic between them was so interesting to me. I really enjoyed the little war of wills they had going on and it felt like these two couldn't have been more perfect for one another. 

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and can't wait to read more from Winter Renshaw. Keir actually appears in two other books according to Winter Renshaw and for a limited time if you buy Dark Promises it includes the two other stories that he is in with it. I immediately went out and bought it so that I can not only meet Keir's brother, but see the villain himself before he fell. I think that readers will really  enjoy this one like I did, especially if you like them on the sexy side. This one I definitely recommend and I can't wait for more from Winter Renshaw.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**

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ARC Review: The Right Kind of Rogue by Valerie Bowman

“The Right Kind of Rogue” is the 8th book in the Playful Brides series. I’ve read all the books in the series, so far, and Valerie Bowman never disappoints. I have been waiting-impatiently- for Meg and Harts story since I read about them in “The Legendary Lord.” I usually love the wallflower books so this book was a perfect fit.

Our heroine, Meg, is the best friend of Sarah who ends up married to Christian Forester, Viscount Berkeley. Christian appears in many of the previous books as one of Lucy’s friend. Sarah and Meg are exact opposites. Where Sarah is the belle of the season, Meg is a wilting wallflower coming from a nearly impoverished family. Her gowns are outdated and her marriage prospects don’t exist. Meg has always loved Sarah’s brother -Hart since she was sixteen. The many problems with this is that Hart’s family expect him to make a good match. Meg is not a good match. Aside from being impoverished, her father and Hart’s father are enemies and loath each other. Hart has never thought twice about Meg until his sister marries Christian and he shares a kiss with Meg. Meg has never forgotten the kiss, and although a case of mistaken identity, neither has Hart. When Sarah tells her best friend that Hart has decided to find a wife Meg realizes that time is running out and she has to take matters into her own hands. Because Meg’s situation is very dire she seeks out the help of the ever clever Lucy. Lucy has had a hand in many of the matches in the previous books.

Lucy is determined to help Hart and Meg find their way to one another, but her plans rarely go smoothly and without a doubt hearts get broken. For Harts part, he is in need of a wife, when he finds himself drawn to Meg he knows that there are more appropriate girls for him but he is still drawn to her. Even though Meg and Hart finally end of married theirs is not a happy union. There are many miscommunications between them and Hart has a long way to go before he can learn to trust.

I should know by now that when I start a Valerie Bowman story I am going to finish it in one sitting. I was completely enthralled with Meg and Harts story. I ached for them and wanted to strangle Hart at different times! One of the common threads through this series is the female friendships that always bind the heroines and give them a shoulder to lean on! Humor is never missing in her books. The good news is that there is another book in the series! The bad! We have to wait for it.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Guest Post with Author Erin Nicholas and Giveaway

Erin Nicholas is the author of sexy contemporary romances. Her stories have been described as toe-curling, enchanting, steamy and fun. She loves to write about reluctant heroes, imperfect heroines and happily ever afters. She lives in the Midwest with her husband who only wants to read the sex scenes in her books, her kids who will never read the sex scenes in her books, and family and friends who say they're shocked by the sex scenes in her books (yeah, right!).

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Feature and Giveaway Dreaming of a White Wolf Christmas by Terry Spear

May all your Christmas wolves be bright…

Romance writer Candice Mayfair never missed a deadline in her life—until the playful bite of a werewolf puppy accidentally turns her into an Arctic wolf shifter. Talk about a life-changing event! Candice is at the end of her rope with the unpredictable shifting, a strong desire to howl, and the need to vacuum constantly to keep the shedding fur under control.

Enter werewolf private investigator Owen Nottingham. Owen has a new mission: convince the pretty she-wolf she needs to join his pack in time for Christmas…and be his mate. It’s the only way he can think of to keep her safe…

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