
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Yadira A
The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting by Jessica Clare

Phoenix C
Destiny United by Leia Shaw

Hunting The Shadows by Alexia Reed

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Guest Post with Author Katie Salidas and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Katie Salidas. Katie is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Soulstone and has stopped by the blog today to chat. Before I give the floor over to Katie lets get to know her a bit shall we.

Katie Salidas is a Super Woman!

Endowed with special powers and abilities, beyond those of mortal women, She can get the munchkin off to gymnastics, cheerleading, Girl Scouts, and swim lessons. She can put hot food on the table for dinner while assisting with homework, baths, and bedtime… And, She still finds the time to keep the hubby happy (nudge nudge wink wink). She can do all of this and still have time to write.

And if you can believe all of those lies, there is some beautiful swamp land in Florida for sale…

Katie Salidas resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mother, wife, and author, she does try to do it all, often causing sleep deprivation and many nights passed out at the computer. Writing books is her passion, and she hopes that her passion will bring you hours of entertainment.

Places to find Katie:
Site | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter |

Friday, May 18, 2012

Guest Post with Author K. Reed and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author K. Reed. K. is currently on tour promoting the release of her book Dark Inheritance: Fallen Empire and has stopped by the blog to chat. Before I give the floor over to K. lets get to know her a bit.

Romance author with an historical twist.

Too many post-apocalyptic stories, movies, and what-ifs crowded her head, and K Reed decided to do something about it. So she plotted one out, decided an historical post-apocalyptic romance was the way to go, and wrote that one instead.

A lover of all things historical, of strong heroes with equally strong heroines, and of sexy pirates, she’s going to explore the post-apocalyptic world of plague-ridden 1804 and the gritty criminal element of Victorian England.

Luckily she has an understanding family, supportive friends, and a day job that offers her the flexibility she needs to plot, plan, and write. Sure, one day she’d like to travel the country in search of fantastic storylines and great locale pictures, but for now she’ll stick to the east coast and the internet.

Places to find K. Reed:
| Site | Blog | Twitter |

Thursday, May 17, 2012

ARC Review: Shades of Desire by Virna DePaul

I will be honest, this was my first romantic suspense book I was actually able to get through. I normally don't read too many books in the suspense genre but I am a big fan of Virna's paranormal series so I figured I'd give this one a try. While it wasn't my cup of tea, I still really enjoyed it. In fact I finished the book pretty much in one sitting. I love the chemistry between Mac and Natalie. The sparks between them were electric and I found myself quickly turning the pages to see how everything was going to go down.

Natalie Jones was once a world famous photojournalist. She has been all over the world on assignments and she isn't afraid to take risks. At least that was true until she began loosing her sight. Natalie has an degenerative eye disease that is quickly eating away at her sight. Because of this, Natalie has become a home body and doesn't really like to go out in public anymore. But when Natalie is brutally attacked in her home and barely survives, she is terrified.

Liam "Mac" McKenzie is an agent and leader of the SIG unit. A special investigations group that works all over the state solving horrific cases. When he hears of the attack on Natalie Jones, he quickly rushes to question her. He needs Natalie's help identifying the criminal. Only Mac isn't aware that Natalie is on the verge of going blind and actually wasn't able to see the criminal a piece of information that Natalie omitted from her initial interview with local police officers.

From the first meeting both Mac and Natalie feel an instant attraction towards the other. The chemistry is there but they both seem to continuously but heads. Natalie is convinced she is fine and doesn't not need anyone else's help. While Mac is convinced that something bad is going to happen with Natalie and he doesn't want to see that happen. Neither can explain why they are so attracted to the other but neither really acts upon their attraction. Both seem to dance around it for awhile. Mac because he takes his job seriously and he doesn't want anything serious with anyone. And Natalie because she is afraid of relying on others. Both characters are flawed and working on issues in themselves.

I rather liked that Mac and Natalie didn't hop into bed with each other in the first few chapters and that there was a build up between them. I rather liked watching them both interact with one another. The heat between them was there from the beginning and I just liked watching it smolder. I also felt like the progression between them just felt for real and organic.

Like I said previously, this was my first romantic suspense and it was at times a bit much for me. It was a little too real at times, especially when we see the villains pov. The villain is quite crazy and for me it was a bit too much. I didn't not like where his thought process would venture at times. Did I like it, no but I completely understand that this is where the author need to go to make it a convincing suspense. I did like that the author was able to blend both the romantic elements with the suspenseful elements together and weave a believable story. I might not have liked all the book, but there was definitely a lot I did like. So much so that I will definitely be picking up the next book in this series.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley/Author**

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Cassandra Carr

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Cassandra Carr. Cassandra is currently on tour for her book Collision and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor to Cassandra lets get to know her a bit.

So who am I? I've been writing my whole life, but only decided to pursue writing as a career in the past couple of years. I'm lucky to have an incredibly supportive husband named Inspiration who brings home the bacon so I can stay home and fry it (and eat it all before he's able to fight through the rush hour traffic - I'm mean that way, but like I always say, don't get between a woman and her bacon).

I live in Western New York with Inspiration and our young daughter, Too Cute for Words. I'm a major hockey fan, which explains why many of my heroes are hockey players. If you haven't looked at the guys playing the sport today, search for some images. You won't be disappointed.

I'm a member of the leading professional association for romance novelists, Romance Writers of America, and also serve as President of my local chapter, newsletter editor for Passionate Ink, and am a member of ESPAN. I've met so many interesting people through these organizations and highly recommend them to any aspiring writer!

As you can see, my life is pretty busy, but I try to take as much time as I can to write. And re-write. And re-write. It's a never-ending, vicious circle, and I love it!

Places to find Cassandra:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Guest Post with Author Rebecca Lee Smith and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Rebecca Lee Smith. Rebecca is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book A Dance To Die For and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor to Rebecca let us get to know her a bit better.

Rebecca lives with her husband in the beautiful, misty mountains of East Tennessee, where the people are charming, soulful, and just a little bit crazy. She’s been everything from a tax collector to a stay-at-home-mom to a house painter to a professional actress and director. Her two grown sons live nearby, still have the power to make her laugh until she cries, and will always be the best things she’s given back to the world. It took her a lot of years to realize that writing was her true passion. When she’s not churning out sensual romantic mysteries with snappy dialogue and happy endings, she loves to travel the world, go to the Outer Banks for her ocean fix, watch old movies, hang out at the local pub, and make her day complete by correctly answering the Final Jeopardy! Question.
Places to find Rebecca:
| Site |

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Guest Post with Author Sarah Ballace

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Sarah Ballance. Sarah is currently on tour for her book Tide of Lies and has stopped by the blog to chat. Before I give the floor to Sarah lets get to know her a bit.

Sarah lives a charmed life as the mother of six incredible homeschooled children, all of whom are completely adorable when they're asleep. Her husband of many years (long, long years, he calls them) is the kind of guy who could teach those heroes from the books a thing or two about romance, not that he'd readily admit it. Completely supportive of her love for writing fiction, he's generously offered to help with any necessary research for "the good parts." She's never had to ask twice.

Although the idea of writing romance and romantic suspense initially intimidated Sarah, it has morphed into a favorite pastime since her characters, unlike her kids, actually listen to her. Er, sometimes.

Places to find Sarah:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads |

Sinful Sirens Giveaway Hop

Welcome to my stop on the Sinful Sirens Giveaway Hop. This hop was organized by the ladies from the Under The Covers and Guilty Pleasures and will run from May 15 - 21.

Up for grabs:

  • Submission by Cherie Feather
  • On These Silken Sheets by Sabrina Darby (used)
  • My Lady's Pleasure by Olivia Quincy (used)
  • Dancing In The Dark Anthology
  • Shifting Plains

There are more than 130 different blogs participating, so there are plenty of chances to win something. So make sure to check out the blog hop list and hop over to some of the other blogs.

Good Luck =)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: Captivated by Lauren Dane

Vincenz Fardelle, exiled son of the Supreme Leader of the Imperialist Universe, has spent much of the last ten years working to stop the threat his father poses. But he’s not alone in his quest. Julian Marsters has lost his best friend and countless others in the war and has made vengeance his only goal. In each other, Julian and Vincenz find not only like minds, but kindred spirits.

However unexpected their relationship, everything changes for Vincenz and Julian when Hannah Black comes into their lives. Having been captured and held in near total isolation by imperialist troops, their immediate response is to protect her.

Emotionally shattered but resilient, Hannah rebuilds herself. Because of the warm safety she finds in the arms of Julian and Vincenz she becomes someone harder, stronger and bent on preventing the Imperialists from harming anyone else.

For the two men, wrestling with their passionate feelings for Hannah is only the beginning. War is about to send all three into harm’s way and an equally dangerous secret could tear them apart.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

ARC Review: Legally Yours by Manda Collins

I really enjoyed this story, I just wish it were longer. Julie and Matt had some great sexytimes together and are hella hot together. I liked that even though this was a short story it felt complete. It didn't feel rushed or as if anything was missing. It had a nice progression that felt real and true to the characters.

Julie has spent the last six years raising her younger sister and in the process has put her own personal life on hold. When Julie gets a blast from her past in the form of her old crush from law school Matt, she realizes she hasn't really done much with her personal life. With her thirtieth birthday just two weeks away she decides that it may be time to make some changes. She decides to create a bucket list of items, most of the list being sexy items that she hopes to complete before she hits thirty.

When Matt was in law school he had a huge crush on Julie. He thought she was sexy and smart but by the time he finally found the nerve to ask her out, she was gone. He never expected to see or hear from her again, especially not at the law firm he's been sent to investigate. When he spies Julie's bucket list in the office copier, he knows this is his chance to finally get closer to Julie. He offers to help Julie complete the list.

It was only supposed to be a two week fling with no attachments, no feelings. Julie would go back to living her life and Matt would go back to Washington, D.C. But when things start to get more serious between them how can they just walk away and pretend they have no feelings for one another? Neither one expected anything to come from their fling, but could a fling really turn into a relationship?

Seriously, this was a great read. If you are looking for something hot and sexy, then look no further. Not only do Matt and Julie has some sexy chemistry in the bedroom but they are also great outside of it. I hope Manda decides to write about more of these sexy lawyers, because she's definitely got me wanting more.

**ARC copy provided by the author**


Feature: Caressed by Night by Amanda J. Greene

Dimitri Arsov, the last remaining pure vampire, was thought to be dead for the past four hundreds years. Now, he is back and has a score to settle with the traitor that had tried to kill him centuries ago. But as he waits for his prey to blindly step into his carefully laid trap, his overwhelming hunger for blood is triggered when he saves a beautiful art historian.

Kerstyn Ingmar’s life was normal and straight up boring until the night she is rescued by the dangerously sexy, powerfully mesmerizing, Dimitri. Unable to resist his diamond blue eyes and intense kisses, she is drawn into his world of darkness and closer to her impending doom.

While their desire consumes them, Dimitri is haunted by images of a bloody and deadly future. As his enemies draw near, he must find a way to save his mate from her destiny before fate destroys them both.
Places to Purchase: