
Saturday, December 13, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from last week.

Cut and Run + Swag Pack from Lara Adrian and Tina Folsom

Ana D
Surprise Gift - RFTC Monthly Winner

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

A Drunken Serenade...with Samantha Grace and Giveaway

A Drunken Serenade on Christmas Eve - Samantha Grace

Historical romance author Samantha Grace discovered the appeal of a great love story when she was just a young girl, thanks to Disney’s “Robin Hood”. She didn’t care that Robin Hood and Maid Marian were cartoon animals. It was her first happily-ever-after experience and she didn’t want the warm fuzzies to end. Now that Samantha is grown, she enjoys creating her own happy-endings for characters that spring from her imagination. Publisher’s Weekly describes her stories as “fresh and romantic” with subtle humor and charm. Samantha describes romance writing as the best job ever.

Part-time hospice social worker, moonlighting author, and Pilates nut, she enjoys a happy and hectic life with her real life hero and two kids in the Midwest.

Find Samantha at:

ARC Review: Enforce by Rachel Van Dyken

I am such a fan of Rachel Van Dyken's at this point, and Eagle Elite is by far one of my most favorite series ever. So when I found out that she was writing Elite from the boys' POV, I honestly could not wait. I had no idea that I could love this series or the first book more than I already did until after I finished Enforce. Rachel Van Dyken is a genius, and I loved seeing the Elect like never before. I honestly cannot recommend this series enough, and if you aren't reading this series you are seriously missing out. This series is one of those that every book is as good as the last one and they are all must read stories.

I really loved seeing everything from the guys' POV. Yes if you have read Elite, you will know everything that happens in this book. While the base of the story might be the same though, you really get so much more with Enforce. You get to see what each of the guys were going through, and I thought it really gave this series even more depth. Enforce really showed a ton of insight into each of the men, and I loved getting inside their heads. With Chase, we really got to see his struggles. He was constantly fighting himself on his loyalty to family and his friendships, while also dealing with his growing feelings for Trace. I really had no idea just how deep his feelings went until reading this book. Yes with his book, Entice, we were given a lot more of him. But with Enforce we got to see how everything began, and just how long he felt the way he did. With Nixon, I felt like we got to know him so much better here. The thing I loved most about getting more of Nixon, was seeing more of his vulnerable side. In Elite, we mostly saw the rough side of him and didn't get to see his true feelings until things started to play out. But with Enforce you really got a sense of his feelings right away, and the love and connection he had with Trace. Their history went so far back, and I really enjoyed seeing how he cared for her all those years before and in the present as they found each other again. I had no idea just how much he felt for her and how much he had thought of her over the years.
I also really enjoyed getting to see more of Tex and the beginning of things between him and Mo. I loved his book as I have all the books in this series, but up until then we really didn't get to see much of who he truly is. I felt like with Enforce we did, even if it wasn't a lot. I liked seeing how smart he was and how he was constantly working to keep things right between all the guys. He was really the glue that seemed to hold them all together, and I found it interesting since we didn't really see much of that the first time around. I have to say the one I was kind of skeptical about was Phoenix. I didn't care much for him after everything that he had done, but starting with Entice, I started to change my mind about him. Seeing everything that he was going through in Elite though, really offered so much more to the readers in terms of what had made him do the horrible things he did. I will admit that after reading this book, I am more curious than ever to get his story. He has been through a lot, and I am really rooting for him to find some redemption.

Overall, I really have to say that this was a fantastic addition to the series! I had always wondered what was going on behind the scenes at the beginning of this series, and I thought that Rachel Van Dyken really delivered here. This book might have had the same plot and storyline, but it was definitely not the same as Elite. Enforce had a ton of things that we have never heard or seen before, and I am so glad that Rachel Van Dyken wrote this book. If you are a fan of the series, this book is an absolute must read. I honestly think that you can't go wrong with anything by Rachel Van Dyken, but the Eagle Elite series is beyond brilliant. This series is one that has something for everyone, and I know that each time I pick up one of these books that I am going to love it. Rachel Van Dyken delivers every time, and I am already dying for the next Eagle Elite book.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Friday, December 12, 2014

Audiobook Review: Dark Lover by J.R. Ward, Narrated by Jim Frangione

When I was listening to “Lover Awakened” on audiobook I was intrigued by this series! Since I had so many questions about who these The Black Dagger Brother vampires were I wanted to go to the first book in the series. Although I have heard of JR Ward I have never read anything by her because paranormal is not a genre I immediately jump to. I saw this because I became so hooked on this series I checked out all available books.

So if anyone has not read the series, I’m happy to report that they can be read as a stand-alone. I didn’t learn too much in the first book that made Lover Awakened better or worse for me. I see that Ward typically has one couple that she focuses on but still has many other subplots going on at the same time.

In this story we learn about Wrath, he is blind and he also has a calling to lead the BDB but he has been refusing it. I really loved that Ward added that to the story. Darius is a very good friend of Wrath, they are brothers and fight against the Lessers. The lesser are soulless bad guys. They look like humans but obviously are not. They basically try to kill each other throughout the entire series. Darius is an aristocrat and he asks that Wrath protect his daughter who is a half breed. Beth is a human, or at least thinks she is. She has very alluring qualities but none that would lead anyone to suspect she is anything other than a beautiful woman. When Darius is killed he feels he needs to respect his good friends request and goes to look for Beth.

As can be expected Wrath falls in love with Beth. Although he doesn’t want any type of attachments he realizes that she will soon go through a transformation and she needs his help. I really liked both these characters. Beth was a great female lead. She was strong and not really ready to relinquish control of her life to a vampire. I thought that they were well matched. When Wrath falls for Beth he makes a promise to the Scribe Virgin-basically their god- that he will do anything she wants as long as Beth is safe.

In this book we also meet Butch. Although he is not a vampire he becomes a big part of their group. Butch is a rough around the edges detective. He is attracted to Beth and when he meets Wrath he is determined to protect her from him. Butch also meets Marissa. She is feeds Wrath and is desperately in love with him but Wrath never felt anything for Marissa. Both Marissa and Butch get their own book and story but it’s easy to see their attraction to each other.

It’s easy to see why Ward has been so successful in this series. She really develops fantastic characters. They become so real and you can’t help but wish them a happily-ever-after… or in this case a please, don’t let them get killed- after. The action scenes are also fantastic! I held my breath a couple of times because I was worried about what would happen next. There are still many books I have to read in the series but so far this has been a great adventure! Now I’m looking forward to seeing what Ward does with Phury and Butch! Although I’m reading Tohrment and loving it so far!

Purchase: | Audiobook | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Caught in a Compromising Position...with Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Caught in a Compromising Position on Christmas Eve - Maggie Robinson

Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adjectives and adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances. Her books have been or will be translated into French, German, Portuguese, Turkish, Russian, Japanese, Thai, Dutch and Italian.

Places to find Maggie:
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ARC Review: The Best Kind of Love by Kerri Carpenter

The Best Kind of Love is the first book that I have ever read by Kerri Carpenter, but I was excited to read this second chance romance story. I knew from the blurb that this one was going to be emotional, and it was. But I also thought that this book was sweet and romantic and I enjoyed reading it. The characters were complex and I liked them. I loved getting to know Penelope and her sisters, and I really hope that we will get to see more of them.

After losing her job and her parents in the same day, Penelope Walker heads home after being away for twelve years. She returns to her hometown of Blue Lake, Virginia knowing that at least she won't have to see her ex as he left years ago. But when she pulls into the driveway he is waiting for her. Penelope had never expected to see Ethan again after he left her and broke her heart. She never knew what happened between them to change everything, and she thought that they would be together forever. Both Penelope and Ethan have tried to move on, but found themselves unable to over the years. Now with them back to living next door to one another, sparks fly and they find themselves unable to fight the connection between them. But what happens when Penelope finally finds out the truth of everything that happened all those years ago? Will they be able to forgive and move forward with their lives, or will the truth rip them apart once again?

I liked both Penelope and Ethan. They were so in love with one another and had been for so long. As much as they had both tried to deny it to themselves and get over one another, they had never been able to move past the connection that they shared. I thought that both of them had made some bad decisions, but I understood where they were coming from. Ethan had been forced to keep his secret for so long, and you could really tell how much it bothered him. It killed him to do what he had done, but he really did have good intentions and was in a tough spot. I liked that he was so dedicated to winning her back though, and I thought that he was a really sweet and caring guy. Penelope was so smart and had always been so organized and professional. But with Ethan she was able to loosen up and have a bit of fun. I thought that he brought out a side of her that she really needed, and I was glad that she came around to giving him another chance. Penelope and Ethan had such a history between them and I was rooting for these two to figure things out from the start. It was clear that love was never their problem, and I had hope that they would be able to find their way back to one another. 

Overall, I thought that this was a good story. I liked the characters, even if they went about things the wrong way and should have just spoken to one another. This book was really another case of poor communication and characters thinking that they knew what was better for each of them than the other did. I liked Penelope and the bond she shared with her sisters, and I really enjoyed seeing their interactions. I will say that this book was a bit slow though, and at times I found my interest starting to wane. I would find myself wanting to skim parts as I felt that it was a bit drawn out at times. I think that it was still a good story though and I would recommend it to those looking for an emotional and romantic read. I will look for more from Kerri Carpenter in the future, and hope that the other characters in this story get their own books as well.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Thursday, December 11, 2014

ARC Review: Forked by Melanie Harlow

I have been excited to read Forked since I first heard about it. I really loved Frenched and couldn't wait to get more of Melanie Harlow's writing. I thought that Forked was a great addition to this series, and everything that I had loved about the first book was present in this one too. It was funny and sexy, and thoroughly entertaining. I am becoming a huge fan of Melanie Harlow's and I honestly can't wait to see what she comes up with next!

Coco Thomas wants to get out of her parent's house and buy one for herself without anyone else's help. Unfortunately the house she wants is way out of her price range. When her best friend Mia offers to let her have all the commissions for herself while Mia is preparing to get married, Coco jumps at the chance to help plan an engagement party for a spoiled mafia princess. But when the princess orders Coco to secure the hot celebrity chef Nick Lupo, Coco starts to regret her choice to take the new client on. Nick Lupo broke her heart years ago and the last thing Coco wants is to see him again. But with her dream house on the line, Coco sets out to get his help. Nick agrees to help Coco as long as she spends the weekend with him, but he is determined to right the wrongs he made years ago. While the attraction and feelings between him and Coco are as strong as ever, Nick will have a long way to go in order to earn her trust back.

I really liked Nick and Coco together. These two were fun and flirty, and I loved the tension between them. They had a history together, and the love between them was clear. They had both made mistakes, but they were so young that it was understandable. Their main problems were communication and the fact that they both acted a bit impulsively. But I never questioned their feelings for one another. I thought that it was great to see them find their way back to one another though and I was glad to see that Coco made him work for it a bit. While the sex between them was hot and proved that things between them could be great, they both had a lot of feelings and past regrets to deal with. I will say that Coco was a bit childish at times though, and she acted immaturely several times. I wanted to smack her and tell her to act like the adult she wanted others to treat her as. But she eventually figured things out with the help of her best friends, and I was glad to see that her relationship with Nick was worth the risk.

Overall, I thought that this story was enjoyable and I had a great time reading it. Melanie Harlow is a fantastic writer and always brings out strong emotions with her great characters and story lines. I really enjoy her books and they always have me laughing while also bringing the emotions and steam. I am really loving this series, and I think that each couple is unique and impossible not to fall in love with. I honestly can't wait for more in this series, and I know that each book will be one that I enjoy. I have to say though that I am really excited to read her book Speak Easy. I don't normally read much in the historical genre, but the characters are familiar to readers of Forked and I find the concept for this book fascinating! I can't wait to get Tiny and Joey's story, and I think this one will be just as fun as Forked and Frenched were after hearing about Tiny and Joey in this book! I definitely recommend this series and you can read these as standalones, but I absolutely recommend starting at the beginning because you won't want to miss any of these books!

**ARC Provided by Truly Schmexy PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

A Forbidden Love Affair...with Shana Galen and Giveaway

A Forbidden Love Affair on Christmas Eve - Bronwen Evans

Shana Galen is the bestselling author of passionate Regency romps, including the RT Reviewers' Choice The Making of a Gentleman. Kirkus says of her books, "The road to happily-ever-after is intense, conflicted, suspenseful and fun," and RT Bookreviews calls her books “lighthearted yet poignant, humorous yet touching." She taught English at the middle and high school level off and on for eleven years. Most of those years were spent working in Houston's inner city. Now she writes full time. She's happily married and has a daughter who is most definitely a romance heroine in the making. Shana loves to hear from readers, so send her an email or see what she's up to daily on Facebook and Twitter.

Places to find Shana:

ARC Review: Fight Me by Abby McCarthy

Fight You is the second book in the Wrecked series by Abby McCarthy. This book can be read as a standalone with no problems. I hadn't read the first book in the series before reading this and although I could tell that I had missed some of the backstory for Daws, I thought that Abby McCarthy did a great job of filling the reader in enough to fully understand his story. I will say that after reading and enjoying Fight You so much that I really want to go back and read the first book now.

Aubrey is running from a past that could ruin everything that she has worked hard to get away from. She will do whatever it takes to keep her sister safe, and isn't looking for a guy in her life. Daws is the last person she expects to meet or feel drawn to, and yet she finds herself feeling safe and comfortable with him. But Aubrey knows that if her past finds her, she will run in a heartbeat if it means keeping her sister from the monster in their past. Daws has always been raised to be the bad boy, but he is tired of all the women and everything that goes along with being the son of the president of the Devil Crusaders. But as soon as he meets Aubrey, he knows that he wants a future with her and will do whatever it takes to show her that he is worthy of her trust. But when Aubrey's past starts to catch up to her will Daws be able to keep her and her sister safe?

I liked Daws a lot. He was sweet and protective, and I liked that he didn't mess around with Aubrey's feelings. He was thoughtful and he took care of her and Ari. I really liked that he took to Ari so quickly and that he had no problem with Aubrey and Ari being a package deal. He was so great with both of them, and I loved seeing him earn Aubrey's trust. Daws was exactly what Aubrey needed, just as she was what Daws needed. Aubrey had been through so much, but she was such a fighter. She was strong and determined, and the way that she looked after Ari was something I really admired. She was slow to trust because of her past, but she was able to finally open up and let Daws in and I thought that it was great to see how much progress she made because of him. Daws and Aubrey had great chemistry, and I thought that they were really perfect for one another.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I can't wait to go back and read the first story as well. I loved the characters, and I thought that the story was interesting. I was able to get right into this one and didn't want to put it down. I really liked Abby McCarthy's writing style and I look forward to reading more from her. I would recommend this story if you are looking for a NA read that is unique and different from others out there. This story was original and fresh, and I really liked that it wasn't so similar to everything else out there. I can't wait to read more in this series, and I am really hoping that we might get Ari's story in the future. She was so sweet and I loved her friendship with Gino. I can absolutely see that turning into more in the future, and I really hope that Abby McCarthy will write more about them!

**ARC Provided by Flirty Subs PR**

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Wednesday, December 10, 2014

ARC Review: Off the Record by K.A. Linde

Off the Record is the first book in K.A. Linde's Record series. I am a huge fan of Kyla's after reading her Avoiding Series, and I have loved everything I have read by her. I will warn you that her books often end with cliffhangers, and are usually filled with angsty love triangles. They are sometimes hard to get through, although I can never put them down. Off the Record was no exception, and I loved every bit of it even when I hated it. K.A. Linde is one of my favorite authors at this point and even when it seems as though things aren't going the way you want, I still have faith because she always does the characters justice.

Having just been promoted on her campus newspaper staff, Liz Dougherty had no idea that asking Senator Brady Maxwell would change her whole life. She has heard a lot about Brady and he has never been her favorite politician after he made a few choices that she didn't agree with. She thinks that he is all about himself and the power and money he gets from his position. But after her question to him, she finds herself being charmed by him with each interaction between them. Soon they decide to enter into a secret relationship in order to protect both of their careers. Brady and Liz have more obstacles than their political views though, and soon both of them discover that a relationship between them is harder than they both imagined. Liz must decide if she can handle being kept a secret and everything that dating a politician entails while also trying to figure out if her longtime crush on her editor Hayden is worth pursuing instead. Brady must decide if his feelings for Liz are enough to jeopardize everything he has worked for and how to possibly make things work when his campaign and job will always come first.

I liked Brady at times and really didn't like him at others. Brady was sexy and commanding, but he also had some really sweet moments. He was so determined and I loved that he was committed to doing right by his constituents. I did feel that he often treated Liz badly and even though he warned her it didn't excuse his actions to me. He expected a lot from her and made quite a few demands of her, and yet he really didn't offer much to her in return. Liz was smart and strong, and I loved that she went after what she wanted. She had always wanted to be a reporter, and she wasn't afraid to tackle the tough stuff. But I felt like she was pretty indecisive at times, and I didn't really understand it. She had wanted Hayden forever, but she had such a strong and instant connection with Brady. Hayden had ignored her for so long that it didn't make sense that she would struggle with who to be with as far as feelings went, especially when she said that she loved Brady. I felt like she had so much more chemistry with Brady than she did with Hayden, and it just seemed like Hayden was thrown in a bit for drama.

I will say that I didn't understand why it was such a big deal that Brady and Liz couldn't be together in public. Yes she was a student reporter and he was a senator, but they really weren't that different in age or anything that would have made it seem forbidden to me. I also didn't like that Liz continued to put up with everything that Brady put her through and then would get mad but not do anything about it. He would resort to using sex to make her change her tune and all of a sudden everything was better. While I feel like Liz and Brady were developing real feelings for one another and I did see a connection between them, I also felt like the majority of their time was spent just having sex. I wanted to see more of the emotional connection developing and how they connected beyond just physically. I am excited to see where things go from here though, and I know that I need to expect things to get worse for these two before than can get better. I think that they absolutely belong together though, so I trust that K.A. Linde will get them where they need to be in the end. I think that K.A. Linde writes fantastic books, and I am always so drawn in that I can't put them down. If you are a fan of hers, you won't want to miss this one. If you have never read anything by her before, I highly recommend that you give her a shot as you definitely missing out.

**ARC Provided by Montlake Romance**

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Sharing the First Kiss...with Bronwen Evans and Giveaway

Sharing the First Kiss on Christmas Eve - Bronwen Evans

Bronwen Evans USA Today Bestselling Author Bronwen Evans grew up loving books. She writes both historical and contemporary sexy romances for the modern woman who likes intelligent, spirited heroines, and compassionate alpha heroes.

Her debut Regency romance, Invitation to Ruin won the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Historical 2012, and was an RT Reviewers’ Choice Nominee Best First Historical 2011. Her first self-published novella, To Dare the Duke of Dangerfield, was a FINALIST in the Kindle Book Review Indie Romance Book of the Year 201,2 and a finalist in the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Historical 2013. Her first contemporary released December 2012, The Reluctant Wife, won the RomCon Readers’ Crown Best Category 2013.

Find Bronwen at:
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ARC Review: Conquer Me by Geneva Lee

I have been dying to get my hands on Conquer Me since I finished Command Me, and I absolutely could not wait for more of X and Clara. I loved these two right away, and I knew that their story was going to be interesting. Geneva Lee definitely did not disappoint with the second book in The Royals Saga and if you were a fan of the first book, I think that you will really like the second one. These absolutely need to be read in order as the story continues from one book to the next, so make sure that you start at the beginning if you haven't already read Command Me. This series is quickly becoming one of my all time favorites though, and I am already anxious for the next book!

Conquer Me picks up after the events of Command Me with Clara and X reaching a turning point in their relationship. Though Clara loves Alexander, she refuses to be kept a secret and treated as nothing more than a mistress. Though it leaves both X and Clara broken-hearted, she chooses to walk away now before it is too late. But the more time that passes, the more X and Clara realize that they can't stop what is between them no matter how much distance there is. Soon Clara finds herself back in X's arms, and unable to fight the feelings she has for him. But X has warned her of his past and the darkness within him, even if Clara has yet to experience it. As Clara and X find their way back to one another, they have new obstacles to face. Can they conquer what lies ahead for them, or will they be torn apart?

I love X so much. He is sexy and alpha, and will stop at nothing to protect those he loves. This is especially true if he thinks they need protecting from him. What I love about X though is that he is so complex. He has a past and has tortured himself with everything that happened, and he has shut himself off from truly feeling love because of it. He tried so hard to fight it with Clara, choosing to never let her in enough to be hurt by what he thinks will break her. But try as he might, he was unable to fight what was between them and I found it fascinating to watch. Clara thought that she was doing what she had to do for herself and for X, but soon realized that she couldn't live without him. She could fight it all she wanted, but just like X she saw that what was between them was far stronger than anything either of them could control. Clara continues to be great for X though. They really are starting to understand each other and see through the other as only a couple deep in love can. These two are so much stronger together, and I love seeing them come together rather than try to go it alone. These two are super hot together and have off the charts chemistry, but they also have such an undeniable connection which is what makes them truly special.

I honestly cannot wait for more. I have loved getting to see X and Clara's journey so far, and it is nowhere near over. I really enjoyed seeing Clara's friendship with X's brother, and I really love her best friend. I thought that this book was really great because of the secondary characters almost as much as the main characters. Geneva Lee is a fantastic writer, and I find myself getting lost in her stories so easily. Whenever I start her books the rest of the world seems to fall away, and I can't help but breeze through them. If you are looking for a sexy and enthralling story, this series is an absolute must read. I cannot say enough good things about it, and it is really one of those that you just have to read for yourself. I can't wait for the next book, Crown Me, and to also see what else Geneva Lee does in the future. Geneva Lee is quickly becoming a favorite author for me, and I look forward to reading more from her.

**ARC Provided by Truly Schmexy PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

ARC Review: Taken by Storm by Tamara Mataya

Taken by Storm is Tamara Mataya's newest adult romance novel, and I was really looking forward to reading this story. I had really enjoyed her previous two books, and this one sounded really interesting. Unfortunately, this one was my least favorite of all her books so far. I had a few problems with this book, and I just wasn't able to ever really get into the story.

Only her father's wedding could get Leilani to return to the hometown that she hated growing up in. She was always looked at as though she was different, so when she graduated she couldn't wait to leave. But now that she is back, she runs into the one person she didn't want to see, Ryan Benton. Leilani and Ryan were always in competition growing up, and Leilani found it easier to pretend to hate him rather than admit that she liked him. But now Ryan is a firefighter and looks better than ever. Leilani decides that while in town, she might as well spend the night with him before moving on for good. Ryan always wanted Leilani, but she was always forbidden as the younger sister of his friend. Ryan finds himself unable to fight his attraction to her this time around though and gives in to his feelings. But after a steamy night together, Leilani and Ryan end up getting stranded together in the middle of a storm. With conditions getting worse, Leilani and Ryan are forced to work together to try and ride out the storm. Will the flooding bring them together, or destroy any chance they might have had?

These characters each had their issues, but for the most part I liked Ryan. He was a good guy that genuinely loved his job. He was always looking out for others and tried to do right by his entire town. He was loyal and thoughtful, and would have done anything to help those in need. He had his moments though where he really seemed to waffle on decisions. One minute he wanted more with Leilani and the next he was assuming the worst after the way his ex treated him. It drove me a bit nuts. Leilani was the same way though, only she was even worse. I couldn't connect with her character at all. She was judgmental and childish, and endangered not only herself but others with her selfish actions. I seriously wanted to slap this girl so many times. She always thought of herself and seemed to assume that the world revolved around her. While Ryan and Leilani had some attraction between them, I honestly never saw the connection. They had never really been friends or had anything as teenagers, but years later they are suddenly talking about feelings they had that were hidden by all the insults and hate? I just didn't buy it.

For me, the hot and cold got really old with this book. In one sentence they want a future together, but in the next they are both making assumptions and don't want to try because they know it won't work. Then they are remembering their feelings for each other as kids, and the next they are talking about how much they couldn't stand the other and that it was always bad between them. It was confusing. Did they like each other, or did they hate each other? There was never really an example that the insults and "hate" from their childhood was actually masking real feelings. I just didn't see it, and I honestly couldn't figure out why Ryan would be remotely interested in Leilani based on her present actions. She never really redeemed herself for me despite helping Ryan when he needed it the most. If she wouldn't have gone off to spite him, he wouldn't have even been in the situation he was. I did however think that Tamara Mataya did an excellent job with the flooding and storm. It felt real and believable, and I was interested to see what would happen next. I actually got to the point that I wanted more of the action with the storm than with Ryan and Leilani. While I would recommend Tamara Mataya's books, this one was just okay for me. It didn't have the same feel as her other books, and I really think that was because I just never connected with this couple. I didn't believe it, and I think that really altered how I felt about the story as a whole.

**ARC Provided by Swoon Romance PR**

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Daring a Duke...with Theresa Romain and Giveaway

Daring a Duke on Christmas Eve - Theresa Romain

Historical romance author Theresa Romain pursued an impractical education that allowed her to read everything she could get her hands on. She then worked for universities and libraries, where she got to read even more. Eventually she started writing, too. She lives with her family in the Midwest, where she is working on her next book.

Find Theresa at:
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