
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Erin F
Scandal in the Night by Elizabeth Essex

Officer Off Limits by Tessa Bailey

An Introduction to Pleasure by Jess Michaels

This Love by Nazarea Andrews

Swag Pack from Nazarea Andrews

Book of Choice from Maggie Robinson

Damaged 2 by HM Ward

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: One True Love by Lori Wilde

I have never read a book by Lori Wilde, but if this novella is anything to go by I will definitely be reading more in the future! In the past i've said that I have a love hate relationship with novellas, because even though they are a quick read, they are just so short that it is hard to do a story justice. That was absolutely not the case with One True Love! I found that this story was extremely well developed and was written so well that I just couldn't put it down. I devoured this entire novella in a single sitting!

One True Love is set in the 1920's and begins with Millie answering the door to a handsome stranger who happens to be her father's boss John Fant. Unfortunately John is there with devasting news of a cave in at his family's mine and Millie's father was one of a few men killed. Coming from a large family and being the oldest Millie is the one her mother always leaned on for help. After her father's death, John and his family offer Millie a job as a maid with a large enough salary to help support her mother and younger siblings. Millie decides that even though she will miss her family, it is time to spread her wings and get out of their small town. As Millie begins her new job, her and John begin to cross paths. Although both of them feel a strong attraction to one another, they know that nothing can come of a relationship between the wealthiest man in town and a maid. As if their social standings weren't enough of a road block, John is betrothed to another woman in which he does not love. As the wedding date approaches, Millie decides to write a letter to Cupid pleading her case for her one true love John.

I absolutely loved John. He was handsome and sweet. I loved that he was himself with Millie and even though he knew that he should be more formal with her he just couldn't help himself. It was really cute how he even gave her a nickname and often encouraged her to use is given name. John was unafraid of what others thought and I loved that even though he was of a higher class he still wanted to spend time with Millie. His character was just a genuine good guy who saw Millie for who she was rather than that she was from circumstances beneath his own.

Millie was an extremely likeable heroine, and I was rooting for her from page one. I found her to be brave and strong. I thought that her character was extremely kind and selfless. She was willing to live without her true love John because she felt that he was too good for her and above her station in life. The fact that she would sacrafice her love and happiness for him and truly wished for him to be happy with his betrothed spoke volumes of her character.

This prequel sets up the Cupid, Texas series and it could not have done a better job. I really felt the connection and emotions between Millie and John, and their story was wonderful. There were so many obstacles in the way for these two, and at times the story was absolutely heart breaking. But I loved seeing how true love really can conquer all and overcome anything. If you are looking for a truly sweet and easy to read romance this story is an absolute must read! I am really looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the Cupid, Texas series as well as many more from Lori Wilde in the future.

**ARC provide by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Cynthia Sax and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to author Cynthia Sax who has stopped by to chat about He Watches Me, book one in her Seen Trilogy.

Cynthia Sax lives in a world filled with magic and romance. Although her heroes may not always say, “I love you”, they will do anything for the women they adore. They live passionately. They play hard. They love the same women forever.

Cynthia has loved the same wonderful man forever. Her supportive hubby offers himself up to the joys and pains of research, while they travel the world together, meeting fascinating people and finding inspiration in exotic places such as Istanbul, Bali, and Chicago.

Places to find Cynthia:

Interview with Author Lisa Renee Jones and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to author Lisa Renee Jones. Lisa is back to celebrate her upcoming release of Escaping Reality and has stopped by to answer some questions.

Bestselling author Lisa Renée Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed INSIDE OUT TRILOGY which will debut internationally across many countries in 2013. Booklist says that Jones’ suspense truly sizzles with an energy similar to FBI tales with a paranormal twist by Julie Garwood or Suzanne Brockmann. Alpha, military, and paranormal romance readers will want Jones’ entire series. (About the Zodius Series — Storm that is Sterling)

In 2003, award winning author Lisa Renée Jones sold her Austin, Texas based multi-state staffing agency and has since published over thirty novels and novellas across several genres. Her staffing agency LRJ Staffing was recognized many times by The Austin Business Journal and also praised by Dallas Women Magazine. In 1998 LRJ was listed as the #7 growing women owned business in Entrepreneur Magazine.

Her debuts with Blaze and Nocturne hit Bookscan’s Top 100 list and her Blaze Hot Zone trilogy made a showing on the list in 2011 also.

Places to find Lisa Renee:

Guest Post with Author Sara Daniel and Giveaway

Please give a big welcome to author Sara Daniel. Sara is celebrating the release of her book, Love Him or Leave Him and has stopped by to chat.

I write what I love—irresistible romance, from sweet to erotic and everything in between. On the personal side, I'm a frazzled maid, chauffeur, and slave to my children. I was once a landlord of two uninvited squirrels. (The children's book The Bravest Squirrel Ever by my alter-ego Sara Shafer is the squirrel's fictionalized version of that experience!) I'm crazy about country music and the drama of NASCAR. And I have my very own happily-ever-after romance with my hero husband.

Places to find Sara:

Friday, July 12, 2013

ARC Review: Treasuring Theresa by Susana Ellis

Treasuring Theresa is a delightful, sweet Regency novella from Susana Ellis. She has taken the familiar city-mouse-country-mouse theme and created a short, lovely story of two very different characters that form a bond that neither really expected. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this charming story.

Lady Theresa has managed the estate of her ailing father for some time. She has no interest in society life in London. Her heart is with the neighbors and tenants of Granville Manor. When she realizes that her father is near death she travels to London to check out her distant cousin, Damian Ashby, who will inherit the estate. Damian is the Regency version of a party animal. He completely enjoys the London high life and disparages rusticating in the country. When he inherits Granville Manor he intends to hire a good manager and visit for only a week each year. Damian and Theresa immediately clash when they meet in London so Theresa’s future looks very grim. But things begin to change when Damian visits the manor. He has the chance to see Theresa in her element, running the estate with skill and compassion. They are both surprised to find themselves attracted to the other. Can a London guy and a country girl find common ground?

This was a very well written story. Even though it was short we had the opportunity to see both Damian and Theresa evolve. Both had to relinquish tightly held prejudices and open their minds to new possibilities. It is difficult to adjust your aspirations in mid-stream, but perhaps love can be the facilitator. Anyone that enjoys Regency romances would enjoy Treasuring Theresa.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Ruth A. Casie and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to author Ruth A. Casie to RFTC. Ruth is celebrating the recent release of her book The Guardian's Witch and has stopped by to chat.

Ruth A. Casie is a seasoned professional with over twenty-five years of writing experience but not necessarily writing romances. No, she's been writing communication and marketing documents for a large corporation. Over the past years, encouraged by her friends and family, she gave way to her inner muse, let her creative juices flow, and began writing a series of historical fantasies. She lives in Teaneck, New Jersey, with her husband. They have three grown children and two grand-children.

Discover strong men and empowered women as they face unexpected challenges. Watch their stories unfold as they encounter magic, danger, and passion. Join them as they race across the pages to places where love and time know no bounds. Ruth hopes they become your favorite adventures.

Places to find Ruth:
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Guest Post with Author Stephanie Feagan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Stephanie Feagan to RFTC. Stephanie is celebrating the release of her new book Out of Control and has stopped by to chat.

Author of the RITA winning Pink Files series, Stephanie Feagan has had a love affair with romance novels since she was eleven and discovered there are kissing scenes in Victoria Holt books. She spent a lot of time in her closet with a flashlight, reading as fast as possible to get to the end, only to start a new book and begin the whole Leave-Me-Alone-I’m-Reading cycle all over again. She still stays up until the wee hours to finish books, now courtesy of a lighted e-reader which she believes is mankind’s greatest invention ever.

Stephanie also writes Young Adult and New Adult paranormal romance as Trinity Faegen. A practicing CPA who loves travel, books, new pencils, old keys, and smart guys, she lives in the oilfields of west Texas with her engineer husband and a mean cat. She’d love to hear from you. She answers to Stephanie, Trinity, Hey Lady, and Mom, and can be reached at or

She’s aware the similarity between her pseudonym, Faegen, and her real name, Feagan, confuses pretty much everyone, herself included. Since so many mispronounce Feagan as FEEgan instead of FAYgan, she thought she’d mix it up when she took a pseudonym and make it easier on people. Now people say FayEEgen, and spell it wrong. Next time she takes a pen name, she’s totally going with Smith or Jones.

Places to find Stephanie:
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Thursday, July 11, 2013

ARC Review: For Love or Money by Cathy Perkins

When Holly Price trips over a friend’s dead body while hiking, her life suddenly takes a nosedive into a world of intrigue and danger. The verdict is murder—and Holly is the prime suspect.

Of course, the fact that the infinitely sexy—and very pissed off—cop threatening to arrest her is JC Dimitrak, who just happens to be Holly’s jilted ex-fiancé, doesn’t help matters.

To protect her future, her business...and her heart...the intrepid forensic accountant must use all her considerable investigative skills to follow the money through an intricate web of shadow companies, while staying one step ahead of her ex-fiancé. She better solve the case before the real killer decides CPA stands for Certified Pain in the Ass...and the next dead body found beside the river is Holly’s.

I have to admit I wasn't exactly sure what I was getting into with this book, but it sounded great so I knew I wanted to give it a chance. For Love or Money is the first book I have read by Cathy Perkins and if I'm completely honest, is nothing like what I was expecting. The books heroine Holly is temporarily back in her home town to help her mother run the family accounting business after her father runs off with a yoga instructor. While in town Holly begins dating Alex, and while hiking and hunting one day they stumble across the dead body of Marcy, one of Holly's friends. When the cops show up, the lead detective just so happens to be JC, Holly's ex who broke her heart. As Holly and JC both work to find Marcy's killer, they both begin to realize that maybe they still have some unfinished business with each other.

I found this book to be extremely long. There were several times throughout the book that I wanted to skip ahead, and honestly I probably wouldn't have missed much if I had. Some things were completely unnecessary and just seemed to really drag. I also thought the book had several points that just felt disjointed. It would skip around and didn't seem to flow well. Part of the problem for me was that there were just so many characters and too much stuff happening to really follow what was going on. I also just couldn't get past all the times that things or characters were brought up to just be dropped. There was no resolution between Holly's family and her father never made an appearance. It was never said if Holly would be returning home or if she had decided to stay in her home town. She had a stalker from home that was glimpsed throughout the book and he just disappeared. The same happened with Alex, the guy she was dating at the start of the book.

I also found the relationship between Holly and JC to be lacking as well. There was very little emotional connection or physical interactions between the two of them. I was wanting more romance and sadly there was very little to be found. Even towards the end when it looked as though there would finally be some, it pretty much just abruptly stopped like many of the other parts of the book. By the end of the story Holly was really starting to get on my nerves. She was constantly acting naive and running off doing things that even a teenager would know better than to do. I really felt like I was reading a young adult novel through parts of this story.

Overall, this book just didn't seem to keep my interest or attention. I finished because I really wanted to find out who had killed Marcy and what had happened. But if it hadn't been for that mystery, I wouldn't have finished this one. I will admit that I didn't completely see the end of this book coming. But part of that is because I didn't expect for the disappearance of some of the characters. This book read more as suspense than romance, and I just found myself missing that connection between the hero and heroine. If you are looking for suspense this might be one you would consider reading, but if you are looking for romance I would recommend that you pick something else.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Guest Post with Christi Barth and Giveaway

Please welcome author Christi Barth to RFTC. With the recent release of her book, Love at High Tide, Christi has stopped by to chat about the ultimate beach playlist. Please give her a warm welcome.

Christi Barth earned a Masters degree in vocal performance and embarked upon a career on the stage. A love of romance then drew her to wedding planning. Ultimately she succumbed to her lifelong love of books and now writes contemporary romance.  Christi is President of the Maryland Romance Writers and lives in Maryland with her husband.

Places to find Christi:

Guest Post with Author Naima Simone and Giveaway

Welcome author Naima Simone to RFTC. Naima is here to chat and share about her newest book, Secrets and Sins: Gabriel.

Naima Simone is a multi-published author in contemporary and erotic romance. She’s a member of RWA’s Southern Magic chapter, mother of the Dynamic Duo, lover of everything Vin Diesel and wife to the fabulous husband who tolerates this affair.

Places to find Naima:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Guest Post with Author T.A. Grey

Please welcome author TA Grey to RFTC. TA has stopped by to chat and is promoting her new book, The Loneliest Alpha.

I love to write the kind of stories that will keep you up late at night and make your heart pound. It's my goal to make each new book better, more exciting, and more action-packed to keep thrilling you. I'm always trying to push the boundaries with my imagination, and yours, to create something new and different.

Open up one of my novels and you will find hot, erotic stories that will make you laugh out loud, cry, and fly through the pages. I write addictive love stories and I hope you like them.

Places to find TA:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

ARC Review: Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones

I must admit that after having read a few books by Lisa Renee Jones before Escaping Reality that I have high expectations when I read anything by her now. That being said, her first New Adult novel definitely did not disappoint, and it even exceeded my expectations! She has once again proved why she is an auto-buy for me! This story was hot and compelling and I didn't put it down until I had devoured the entire book! The story was extremely well written and the characters were all interesting and complex. This book started off with a bang and kept me from being able to put it down as I just couldn't wait to see what came next, often times being completely surprised!

Amy has been running and hiding for 6 years. One night, she finds an envelope with her name taped to a bathroom mirror at an event for the museum where she just accepted a new job. The envelope contains a note from a guy she met only once, years before when he saved her life. With the threat of being discovered and in danger, her handler helps her get out of town to the airport where she will fly to a new town, and begin another new life. What she doesn't expect is the handsome stranger who she connects with from across the airport. Once on board the plane, Amy and the sexy stranger Liam wind up sitting next to each other and quickly realize that the attraction between them is off the charts. As Amy begins her new life and she gets to know Liam, she begins to wonder if he might be the one person she can be herself with and trust enough to tell her whole story to. Liam has his own secrets though, and as they both begin to share small details of their lives with each other, their connection becomes stronger. Even though Amy is starting to feel as though she isn't alone for the first time in years, she begins questioning everything when several of the details don't add up about the way her handler has set up her new life. The more she discovers, the more she feels as though she is being watched and she begins to think the only option she has left is to leave without a trace, so that even her handler can't follow her. It means leaving behind Liam and the first real connection she has found in years, but at least then he wont be in danger of being killed because of her like every other person she has loved. But Liam is not ready to let Amy go and he is determined to show Amy that she belongs with him.

I absolutely loved Liam. He is mysterious, charming and sexy and wants nothing more than to protect and care for Amy. What really sold me on his character was that even though he wants to demand answers and get to the bottom of what Amy is running from, he was extremely patient with her. Often times telling her that she could tell him things when she was ready. He was dominant and took control when he knew she needed it and then at other times he was extremely gentle with her. I really liked that he opened up to her knowing that if he wanted to earn her trust, he had to start by offering her the same from himself and needed to give her some of his own secrets.

Amy was independent and strong, and I found myself sympathizing with her character instantly. Knowing that she has been struggling to survive on her own for years and from such a young age really makes you admire all that she is. It would have been so easy for her to rely on Liam and the money that he has, and yet she refused to let him simply provide for her and was determined to do things her way and with her money. Even though she has had to change everything about herself including her name, it really seemed that underneath she had not let any of that change her personality and the root of who she really is.

Overall, I thought that this was a wonderful debut into the New Adult genre for Lisa Renee Jones! The connection between Liam and Amy is believable and so enthralling that the reader can't help but be drawn into this book. The scenes between them were steamy and hot, and they definitely had a ton of chemistry! My only complaint with this book is that there was the dreaded cliffhanger ending, and man was it a shocker! I sat stunned for several minutes wondering what had just happened! I need to know what happens next, and I can't imagine having to wait to find out! It just might kill me! But luckily for us readers, I hear that Jones wont be making us wait too long for the second novel in her Secret Life of Amy Bensen series! I know I will be the first in line to get Infinite Possibilities when it is released, and I cannot wait to read even more from Jones. If you love some mystery and some smoking hot chemistry with your romance, this is an absolute must read for fans of any genre. I highly recommend that if you haven't read anything by Jones yet that you give her a try, you wont be disappointed!

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon |

Guest Post with Author Annie Seaton and Giveaway

Please give a big welcome to author Annie Seaton to RFTC. Annie is celebrating the release of Italian Affair and has stopped by to chat.

Annie lives with her husband, and ‘Bob’ the dog and two white cats in a house next to the beach on the east coast of Australia. She sits in her writing chair, gazing at the ocean and writing stories. Their two children are grown and married and she loves spending time gardening, walking on the beach and spoiling her two grandchildren. She has always been fascinated by all things romantic and has found her niche in life writing romance novels, ranging from contemporary to paranormal with a foray into steampunk!

Her debut full length novel, Holiday Affair, a contemporary romance set in the South Pacific was released as part of Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line in March 2012 and has been a best seller on both Amazon and Barnes and Noble. The sequel Italian Affair will be released in June 2013, followed shortly after by Outback Affair. Annie has more books being released in 2013 with Entangled Publishing in the Bliss, Entangled Suspense and Covet imprints.

Annie has also ventured into independent publishing with her de Vargas family steampunk series: Winter of the Passion Flower and Summer of the Moon Flower. Blind Lust (Musa Publishing) a paranormal novella is a sweet romance and one of Annie’s favourites.

In appreciation of the supportive author community, Annie has written a book on promotion to share the secrets of her success: Promotional Tips and Tricks for Aspiring Authors in the Digital Landscape.

Places to find Annie:

Monday, July 8, 2013

ARC Review: Roaring Midnight by Colleen Gleason

Roaring Midnight was a definite treat to read and a great addition to her urban fantasy series the Gardella Vampire Chronicles, though this is the first book in which we meet Macey Denton a.k.a. Macey Gardella on which this book in centered. This was my first opportunity to read Gleason’s writing and I’m delighted to say that I will definitely be checking out her other novels as well as the upcoming additions to this series.

The time period is set in Capone’s era. Flappers, spiffy spats, gangsters, and vampires. Gleason did an excellent job pulling you into the world she’s created including setting descriptions, clothing, and slang-filled dialogue. It was as if I could taste the boot-legged whisky and smell the cigar smoke as I followed Macey’s story.

Macey Denton began this tale as a small town girl who’d realized her dream and moved to the big city of Chicago. Working her dream job at the University Library and spending her evenings dancing the night away with her friends. She was in love with the city she called home, and pretty happy in general where her life was concerned. Then an extremely old book managed to end up in her hands, inside of which she read of vampires and those who hunted them. A far cry from the classic Dracula story which held her interest, then in turn gave her night terrors about all those creatures who go bump in the night. A few short days later a stranger approached her at the library asking for Macey Gardella, Gardella being the family name the untitled old book had centered around, and from that point on her life was irrevocably changed.

Macey was faced with many trials in this story and you were given the opportunity to see her grow in strength and character in both her failures and successes. She’s stubborn, loyal, and strong-willed yet remains aware of her weakness and has no problem admitting to them. She’s human, and her compassion and hopes and dreams for her future work to keep her grounded in her new world full of monsters. I really liked this heroine and am truly looking forward to seeing how she’ll grow into in the next installment and what affects it will have to her life and calling.

There were several male characters in this story that caught Macey’s eye. Sebastian and Chas were both drool-worthy in my opinion but Grady was the one who ended up stealing her heart. Their romance had the perfect recipe of banter, chemistry, and steam for a successful set-up to an on-going series. Immediately after finishing this book I had to go look to see when the next book would be released as I am definitely looking forward to reading more about these two.

To sum up I found Roaring Midnight to be a refreshing take on the ‘Vampire Hunter’ theme. I’ve always had a bit of interest in the twenties and Gleason did an excellent job bringing the city ran by Capone to life in my mind. If you enjoy relatable characters, vampires, those who hunt them, a sweet yet complicated romance, and of course gangsters toting tommy-guns I highly recommend you pick this title up.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Shannyn Schroeder and Giveaway

Please welcome to RFTC author Shannyn Schroeder who is celebrating the release of her newest book, A Good Time.

Shannyn Schroeder is a former English teacher, who now works as a part-time editor while raising her three kids.

Even though she wrote from high school through college (mostly poetry), she'd never considered a career as an author. Writing fell by the wayside as she focused her energy on creating lesson plans and new and fabulous ways to torment her teen students. One group in particular dubbed her “The Torture Master,” a title she carried into motherhood.

After the birth of baby number two, Shannyn resigned from teaching and fell in love with reading romance novels. She read so many books so quickly that her husband teased, “If you're going to read so many damn books, why don't you just write one?”

So she did.

That first book is safely buried on her hard drive, but the process set Shannyn on the path to professional author. She came to reading romance later than many, but lives for the happy ending because real life can be depressing. She writes contemporary romance because she enjoys the adventure of new love.

In her spare time, she loves to bake cookies and watches far too much TV, especially cop shows. She is recovering from her Diet Coke addiction, fears putting her foot in her mouth on social media, and has a renewed appreciation for the bad girls of the world.

Places to find Shannyn:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Guest Post with Nicolette Day and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Nicolette Day to RFTC. Nicolette is celebrating the recent release of her novella, No Strings Attached and has stopped by to share a special Epilogue with us all.

A mom by day and a romance writer by night, Nicolette Day harbors a weakness for black and white mochas and books that steam up her Kindle screen. She grew up in a one stoplight town where she once upon a time she only dreamed of becoming a writer. Now she lives in a slightly larger town in North Carolina where they have at least three stoplights. If you love young adult romance, check out Nicolette’s alter ego, Tara Fuller!

Places to find Nicolette:

Sunday, July 7, 2013

ARC Review: Merger to Marriage by Addison Fox

I have been excited to read Merger to Marriage (Boardrooms & Billionaires Book #2) by Addison Fox since I first saw the cover! It definitely drew me in, and after reading the blurb I knew for sure that it was something I wanted to check out. I was a little apprehensive about it at first, because I haven't read book #1 (Tempting Acquisitions). I'm sure that if I would have read book #1 first, that I would have had more insight into some of the characters, but I had no problems navigating through this one or feeling lost. This book can be read as a stand alone.

Merger to Marriage is the story of Mayson McBride and Holt Turner. They meet at Mayson's sister's wedding and the attraction is instant. They have a one night stand, in which she gives him her middle name (Elizabeth) and leaves the next day without leaving a trace. Even though both Mayson and Holt planned on only one night, they both quickly realize that they cannot stop thinking about each other and the night they shared. A party at Mayson's sister's house offers them both the chance to reconnect and pursue the possibility of more nights together.

I really wanted to like this book, but I just couldn't seem to get into it. I kept waiting for something to change and really draw me in, but it never happened. I never felt the connection between Mayson and Holt, and I didn't feel connected to them either. It just didn't seem real to me. The whole thing seemed rushed and forced. I wanted to like Mayson, but I found her character to be extremely wishy washy. One minute she was upset that Holt was proposing marriage even though at the time he didn't love her, and the next she was upset that he was saying they had no future because he felt guilty for some troubles in his past. I felt the same way about Holt. He would say one thing and then turn around and do the complete opposite. I am usually a huge fan of the one night stand to marriage/lovers trope, but this one just didn't seem to offer anything new or fresh.

Unfortunately for me, even the secondary characters were mostly unlikeable. I found Holt's mother to be completely horrid, and Mayson's father wasn't much better. I also didn't understand how the entire book her father was so not interested in Mayson and her sisters and did everything to basically undermine them at every turn. Then suddenly towards the end of the book he is offering advice to Mayson and playing the role of supportive dad. It just seemed like an abrupt switch in personalities. Overall, I just never felt the emotions were there and I never could get invested in the hero and heroine. Sadly, this is not a book I would recommend.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |


Feature and Giveaway: Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti

His Secrets Can Destroy Her

From the moment Josie laid eyes on sexy, mysterious Shane Dean, she was in love. Their desire ignited a passionate affair, and within weeks, Shane had slipped a ring on her finger. It seemed her every fantasy was coming true . . . until her new husband disappeared without a trace. Now, two years and one broken heart later, Josie is shocked by the hospital calls: Shane has been found . . . at a crime scene with no memory of how he got there.

Her Love Can Save Him

Shane can't remember the blue-eyed angel at his bedside—or who he even is—but he knows something isn't right. His hearing is razor sharp, his physical strength incredible, and the urge to protect Josie overwhelming. For powerful enemies are hunting him, and Josie is the key to discovering why. As Shane struggles to unravel his past, dangerous new truths come to light. Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And can Josie trust a man she thought she knew—one who carries such a deadly secret?

Purchase: | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |