
Saturday, November 5, 2011

ARC Review: The Taming of the Rake by Kasey Michaels

This was my first book from Kasey Michaels and I thoroughly enjoyed this book even though the title is misleading. I believed that this was going to be a book where the heroine tames the Rake. It could not be more further from the truth.

Oliver 'Beau' Blackthorn, is in no way a rake as the title leads us to believe. I found him to be the complete opposite. Instead of a man who sleeps with gaggles of women and drinks profusely, we find a man that is responsible, cares about his family,  and is an all-around good guy. Yes, he's hung up on getting revenge with his rival Thomas Mills-Beckman, the future Earl of Brean, but with good reason. Seven years ago, Beau found himself in love and attempted to propose marriage to the deceitful Madelyn who is Thomas' sister. Thomas intercepted and whipped Beau repeatedly as a warning to stay away. No way would his sister be marrying a Bastard. Now seven years later, Beau has been slowly enacting his revenge on Thomas.

When Thomas attempts to force his youngest sister Lady Chelsea into a marriage she doesn't want to the odious Reverend Flotley, Chelsea decides to get help from the one man her brother hates most, Beau Blackthorn. She knows of Beau's revenge attempts and she believes that if she can get him to run away with her and elope to Gretna Green it will be the answer for both of them. Beau would be able to get the ultimate revenge by marrying Chelsea, and  Chelsea would be out from under the control of her dominating brother, and she also gets out of marrying the intolerable Reverend Flotley. Neither really cares for one another, but they decide it's worth it to get what they want.

Along their journey to Gretna Green we learn more about Beau and the type of person he is and where he comes from. We are introduced to his other brothers along with his mother and father. I really enjoyed getting to know his youngest brother Puck. He really is quite witty and always has something to say. I can't wait to read read about his HEA in his future book. He really was such a tease when it came to Beau.

 Though the book tends to drag on at times I really enjoyed watching Chelsea and Beau getting to know one another. We are able to see them both develop their feelings, and it was quite refreshing to watch them both fall in love. It wasn't instantaneous, and it didn't feel rushed. I loved watching the banter between them both. I did have some issue with a plot line that occurs towards the end of the book. I felt like it just didn't really go with the story and that it was just thrown in as a set-up for future books. It felt disconnected for me and I could have done without it.

All in all, I really enjoyed this story and the characters that we are introduced to. I can't wait to see what's in-store for the rest of the series.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


ARC Review: Lead Me On by Lauren Hawkeye

I cannot express how much I am loving these Spice Briefs books by Lauren Hawkeye. Seriously, if you have about twenty minutes to kill I seriously suggest picking up one of these books. So far I've read the first three in the Erotic Me series and they are all awesome! Lead Me One, is book three and it involves a very spicy ménage between Linda, her old college flame Eric and his friend Nick. This story was so hot that I seriously needed a cold shower afterwards. Lauren just has a way of packing so much excitement and tension in all of her shorts. I love them because they leave me satisfied, but I hate them because I just wish there was so much more! I love the common wedding theme that is running through all of the stories. I think it's very creative to see the night through so many different points of view. I am really looking forward to reading Lauren's last book in the Erotic Me series Let Me In. If it's anything like the rest of the series it's going to be one yummy read. 

**ARC copy provided by Bewitching Blog Tours**


Friday, November 4, 2011

ARC Review: Avenger's Angel by Heather Killough-Walden

I had such high hopes for this book when I picked it up. Everywhere I turned it seemed to be getting such rave reviews. I'm not sure what book they were reading but it definitely wasn't this book. Don't get me wrong, this book is not in any way horrible, it actually has a lot of potential. I just am at a point that I'm just so frustrated with how things are playing themselves out that I just can't physically pick it up right now. This book actually had me tossing my Kindle onto the table in frustration.

The premise behind this series is really good. I love the idea of four different archangels that have come to earth to find their achess(their soulmate created just for each of them). In fact I loved the first quarter of this story. It's fast paced and action packed. I start to have problems a little before midway and then they just seem to keep piling themselves on one after another. I think there is just too much happening within the book. I'm not sure if it's because this is the first in a new series, but there's just a bit much going on for my tastes.

Uriel, the Angel of Vengeance has all but given up hope of ever finding his archess. His brothers and himself have been looking for 2000 years with no success. So they've all have found ways to acclimate themselves into the new world. One is a Firefighter, another a Police Officer, and one is a Singer in a popular rock band. Uriel has taken it upon himself to become an actor. He has become Christopher Daniels one of the most famous actors in the world. While Uriel is out attending a signing at a bookstore in Texas he comes across a woman healing a small child which he immediately recognizes her as his archess.

Eleanor is "special" and she doesn't know why. For as long as she can remember she has been able to control the weather, use telekinesis and heal others. Her abilities have made her a target and because of them, she has constantly been on the move since she was a kid. So when Christopher Daniels walks in and catches her healing a young girl she doesn't quite know how to react. She isn't sure if he poses a threat or not. When Christopher Daniels decides to ask Eleanore out on a date to a Gala, she isn't sure she should accept. Yes, she is insanely attracted to him, but he's very popular and she can't risk the exposure.

I love the initial chemistry between these two but after awhile it just starts to fizzle. I stop believing in them and I honestly start to not like either of them. Uriel, in the beginning is so charming and lovable. Then certain things happens and he does a complete 180. I don't really understand at all how Eleanore could find herself attracted to him. He becomes possessive and slightly domineering. He isn't concerned with her feelings only making himself feel better. I couldn't even finish reading their love scene because it came off feeling more of a taking rather than a couple loving each other. Eleanore is a virgin and is someone who has never been kissed and to see her first love scene to be so brutal was just heartbreaking. I get that not everyone likes it gentle and slow, but does it really have to be so rough? After seeing Uriel take her with his hands around her throat I was done. I just don't believe it and the love that they both supposedly have for each other. I'm sorry but that's not love.

Again, I really enjoyed the premise of this series and I found myself really enjoying all of the other characters. I think I will definitely try another in this series and hope that it's better than this book.

**ARC copy provided by Netgalley**


Guest Post with Author Trish McCallan and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Trish McCallan. Trish is currently on tour promoting her book Forged In Fire and stopped by today to talk about when secondary heroes take over. So please give Trish a warm welcome.

In every series I’ve read, in the very first book a secondary hero steps up and grabs my attention. Sometimes this secondary hero is even more interesting than the primary one. Often this secondary character had a troubled past, and he’s an outsider to the group at the beginning of the series—like with Z in The Black Dagger Brotherhood, or Teegan in the Midnight Breed series—and part of this character’s growth arc is how he finds love and through that love reaches out to the group at large.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Follow Friday #17

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Today's Question is something new, an activity. We want to see what you look like! Take a pic with you and your current read! Too shy? Boo! Just post a fun pic you want to share.

Me and 2 of my favorite authors, Lara Adrian and Larissa Ione at this years Author's After Dark Conference

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- SkyInk.Net & The Magic Attic
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)

Behind the Blogger: Christine from Romantic Crush Junkies

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This week I would like to welcome the lovely Christine from Romantic Crush Junkies, Over the Edge Reviews, Rock’n the Muses Reviews, Saucy & Sinful Reviews. Jeez, I don't know how she finds the time. =) So please give Christine a warm welcome.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Darkness Dawns and Immortal Guardians Swag Winner

Congratulations to:

Victoria S
On winning Darkness Dawns and Immortal Guardians Swag

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated. =)

Interview with Author Maggie Robinson and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog the wonderful Maggie Robinson. Maggie was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions, and I would love to share them with you all. So please give Maggie a warm welcome.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’ll quote my official bio, since it’s so much easier writing about fictional characters than writing about myself: Maggie Robinson is a former teacher, library clerk and mother of four who woke up in the middle of the night, absolutely compelled to create the perfect man and use as many adverbs as possible doing so. A transplanted New Yorker, she lives with her not-quite perfect husband in Maine, where the cold winters are ideal for staying inside and writing hot historical romances.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Spooktacular Giveaway Hop Winners

Congratulations to:

Nicole S
On winning a bag of swag

Stacey S
On winning The Last Celtic Witch

On winning Love Bites and Bite Me

Ashley S
On winning Hell's Belle

Ashlyn W
On winning Touching Evil

Laura H
On winning Shades of Gray

Janiera E
On winning Shadows of the Night

Dani B
On winning My Immortal Assassin

On winning Devil's Bargain

Kati R
On winning The Devil's Night and Dark Angel

Mechele J
On winning the True Blood poster

On winning the Eric Northman poster

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated and helped make my first blog hop a roaring success. I can't wait to do this again. =)

Guest Post with Author Lacey Wolfe

Today I would love to welcome Debut author Lacey Wolfe. Lacey is currently on tour promoting the release of her novella Amber's Muse. I've read it and it's awesome, you can see my review for it here. So please give a warm welcome to Lacey everyone.

Thank you for having me today. I am very excited to be a guest on your blog.

Random Acts of Kindness: October Wrap Up

R.A.K, otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness is put together by the lovely ladies from Book♥Soulmates. It's a way for fellow bloggers to get together and give eachother items on their wish lists. I love participating in R.A.K. It's so much fun and rewarding to give others items from their wish list and it's exciting to see if anyone is going to give you something too.

Sent Out:


Here's how to participate:
  • Sign up each month you would like to participate
  • Show off that you are a R.A.K. participant by grabbing the button
  • Create a wish list(on Amazon, Goodreads, on your blog etc) and post it in the Google Doc located in each R.A.K. post for the month
  • If you choose to do a R.A.K. for someone, check out their wish list and contact that person for their address
  • If sending an eBook you must gift through AmazonKobo, or Barnes and Noble
  • If you receive any items during the month you participate in, please email or tweet @Bookbrunette so she can update the Google doc.
  • At the end of the month SHOW US YOUR R.A.K! Make a post saying "Thank you" to whomever granted one of your wishes and then share it with Book Soulmates
Let's keep our International bloggers in mind and in our hearts.
Remember, there is always Book Depository and they offer FREE shipping!
Simple and easy!

Sign up for November {HERE}
See who else is participating in November {HERE}

Monday, October 31, 2011

Review: Bound For Pleasure by Ann Mayburn

Bound For Pleasure is a quick and saucy short, though I'll be honest and say that I didn't really like it all that much. It's supposed to be this BDSM erotic story but it was really depressing for me to read. Both of the main characters have lost their significant others within the past few years and they just seem to reflect on it too much for my liking. Not that I am heartless or don't think that they should mourn their loss, it's just when I'm reading a smut scene I don't want to be reminded of their pain and suffering. I don't want to know the color of the heroes dead wife's eye color. It just makes me feel removed from the scene and I feel sad. I don't want to feel sad when reading smut.

My other issue with this story was the character of the photographer. I honestly don't think the story needed him and his plot line just didn't seem to flow with everything else. I don't think this short needed a "villian". It should have just focused on the main characters and their coming together. 

Overall, this was just an okay story, nothing all that special. It had the potential to be a pretty spicy read but it just fell flat for me.

**Copy provided by author**


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blood Eternal Winner

Congratulations to:

Chris B
On winning a copy of Blood Eternal by Marie Treanor

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated. =)

ARC Review: Ardeur by Danielle Gavan

I was really looking forward to reading this book. It seemed like an interesting plotline, plus it was a reunion story which are my favorite. Unfortunately I just didn't like this book. It was just so all over the place. It had a lot of promise but in the end it just fell flat for me. I actually wasn't even able to read it all the way through. It just became too much.

Ardeur Lisle, sees dead people, literally. As a child she would have conversations with them and this caused a lot of problems between her parents and her. They really never cared for her and everyone around her treated her as if she was a problem child. The only person she ever felt a connection with was Brody. Brody was a boy she went to school with and happened to be the only one ever to be nice to her. Years later, after her parents sold her to she still thinks of Brody. She desperately wants to reconnect with him but is unable to get away from the people who have bought her and are using her as a weapon.

Brody has always thought of Ardeur and what has become of her. He desperately wants to find her. When he gets out of the Army it's the first thing on his mind. He hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. When Brody is in an alley and sees a woman get it by a car he immediately tries to save her. Unbeknownst to him at the time, it's actually Ardeur. When he realizes it's her he can barely let her out of his sight.

When Ardeur wakes up from her accident at the Abbey she doesn't know what to think. She's scared and not very trusting towards others. When she meets the Angels of the Abbey and they begin to explain everything to her, and begin to treat her just like anyone else, she immediately opens up to them. This is where I started to have issues with the story. Ardeur spends her entire life not being able to trust anyone, and has pretty much been living out of a backpack for the last few years and for her to suddenly be able to trust them like they were long lost friends was just a bit much for me to believe.

Then walks in Brody. After Ardeur accident he finds the abbey and goes to try and talk to her and find out what's been going on for the last twenty years. Instantly they both connect and become inseparable. And after only a short time together they become engaged. I just did not buy this at all. They briefly knew each other as kids and for them both to instantly fall in love, I'm just not buying it. I get that Ardeur held on to the memory of the one person who was ever nice to her, but I just didn't understand Brody's reasoning. I think if we would have been able to see them grow to love each other, then maybe it would have been believable. I just didn't get that they both instantly fell in love.

There were a lot more issues that I had with this story that finally made me put the book down. I've tried to pick it back up, but I honestly just can't. There was just too much going on with this book and I just found too much of hit hard to follow or believe. It's really sad, because like I said before--this story just had so much potential to be great.

**ARC copy provided by Bewitching Blog Tours**