
Thursday, November 8, 2018

ARC Review: Heartbreak Warfare by Heather M. Orgeron and Kate Stewart

Heartbreak Warfare is the best book I have read in 2018! I am new to Heather M. Orgeron and Kate Stewart, but this book was absolutely fantastic and definitely won’t be the last I read from them! Days after finishing this book, I am still thinking about it and ready to go back in because I am just not ready to leave these characters behind. 

I’m not going to go into much detail here, please go in blind for this one. This story centers around 3 characters, Katy, her husband Gavin and a soldier she meets while deployed named Briggs. Katy and Briggs get off on the wrong foot when they first meet, but after experiencing some life changing events, everything changes between them. Once Katy returns home, she is no longer the person she was, and she struggles with what that means for her future. 

There was not a character here that I disliked. They were each unique and had such genuine qualities about them that it was impossible not to love each of them. Gavin was amazing. A great husband and father. He was supportive and loving, caring and would truly do anything for those he loved. Briggs was everything you would imagine a soldier to be. Sexy and strong, smart and a bit on the cocky side. He was charismatic and I loved him right off. Katy was a devoted wife, mother and soldier. She had been raised with a duty to serve and really believed in helping others. She fit with each of them, and you could see such a strong connection to both of these men for very different reasons. There really was no wrong team here, and I was just hoping that we wouldn’t end up with one of them totally heartbroken at the end of this, because none of them deserved it. I definitely had a favorite and one I hoped would be Katy’s choice in the end, but I wouldn’t necessarily call it the one I hoped would win because I felt that strongly about all of them and there weren't really any winners here with these hearts on the line. 

This book deals with some very real and hard topics, and I loved that the authors didn’t shy away from them. This book absolutely wrecked me at times, and I felt so much. I really think that this book is one that everyone should read though and I cannot get it off my mind. I will definitely be reading this one again and I highly recommend it! Hands down the best book I’ve read this year!

**ARC Provided for an honest review**

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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

ARC Review: An Affair with a Spare by Shana Galen

An Affair with a Spare is the third book in Shana Galen's Survivor Series. The Survivors are a group of men who were a part of a "suicide squad" in the war with France. Their missions were ones that they didn't expect to survive. However, some of them did make it through the war. This book showcases Rafe Beaumont, nicknamed "the Seducer" among their troupe. His expertise was to go undercover and seduce French women who were wives or close confidante's of French leaders and acquire information. While he didn't get much battle experience, he was in very risky situations.

Collette Fortier is the only daughter of an infamous French assassin. She is being blackmailed by the Royalists to attain British codes in exchange of her father's release from prison. She comes to England to spy upon military officials for the codes under the false name of Fournay. Collette finds herself without anyone to trust or turn to. She is determined to do whatever it takes to free her father, and cannot allow herself to be distracted by the handsome rake, Rafe Beaumont. Rafe has been tasked with finding out who Collette Fournay really is and what she's up to. She presents to Rafe his most challenging target of all as she seems to be completely disinterested in him.

One of the main things that bugged me in this book was how it was mentioned at least three times in just the first quarter that Collette's curvy figure wasn't the current fashion. Also, I got annoyed with Rafe because it seemed like he complained a little too much (even if it was only in his head) that he wasn't much of a fighter in his war days or that he didn't get to do more of the actual battle missions. He also seemed very unprepared for some of the dangerous situations he put himself and Collette through. The romance seemed to despairing. I felt like I was getting beat in the head about how there was no possible future for the couple together. These irritations might not seem horrible, but they were mentioned way too often for my liking.

Despite those irritating points, I still enjoyed this story. It was dangerous, and Collette wasn't just going to sit by the sidelines. She was determined to do whatever she had to do to save her father. There were some funny conversations about hedgehogs that made me laugh. It was a special type of romance where trust was a huge obstacle for them both. That challenge made a lot of this book more exciting. It was a true hurdle for this couple to jump to see whether it could work between them.

I liked this book, however I didn't feel it was at the same level as the previous two books. I still love the whole theme of the series with this brotherhood of survivors. I believe Jasper's book is next, and his has been the one I've been anxious for ever since I read book one! Excited to continue on this journey!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

ARC Review: Hate Notes by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

I honestly don’t know how they do it, but Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward just seem to get better with each new book they write! These two are hands down my favorite authors, I devour everything they writer both as a team and as individuals. They never disappoint and are always at the top of my list for authors I recommend. I absolutely loved the sound of Hate Notes when I first heard about it and it was definitely everything I expected and more. Fantastic story and I think readers are going to adore Charlotte and Reed as much as I did. 

While trying to earn some cash by selling her unworn wedding dress in a second hand store, Charlotte comes across a beautiful dress with a note on blue stationary sewn inside. Something about the note and the man who wrote it calls to her. But when she meets Reed Eastwood in real life, she quickly realizes that he is nothing like the romantic man who was capable of writing the most romantic note she had ever read and thanks to a twist of fate he also winds up being her new boss. 

I absolutely loved these two! Right from the start I couldn’t get enough and this was a book I couldn’t put down. The characters were amazing, easy to like and relate to. Things didn’t get off on the right foot for them, but it was easy to see how both of them could be the way they were. Reed was frustrating at times, but the more we learned the more it all became easy to see why he was the way he was. These two were absolutely meant for one another and clicked on every level. They were sweet and sexy with chemistry and a connection that is rare and undeniable. 

I can’t recommend Hate Notes enough and I think this is a must read! Vi and Penelope continued to impress and I can’t wait for more from them. Hate Notes is definitely a favorite now and I know I will read this one again in the future. It's impossible for me to pick just one favorite from these two though, and I recommend picking up anything with their names on it!

**ARC Provided by Authors**

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Monday, November 5, 2018

ARC Review: I Bet You by Ilsa Madden-Mills

I Bet You is the second book in the Hook Up series by Ilsa Madden-Mills, but each book is easily read as a standalone story. I really enjoyed this book and honestly it was just one of those refreshingly fun reads that I liked from start to finish. It was exactly the right book to break up the more serious books I’ve read recently and had so much fun reading it! 

Penelope has been crushing on the perfect guy for her, and football star Ryker knows just how to help her get him. All he needs is a little help from her to win him a bet. Of course he doesn’t tell her his true intentions for helping her, but as they start to spend more time together things begin to change between them. Penelope doesn’t date football players, but Ryker is determined to get her to see that while he might not look like the perfect guy for her, they belong together. 

I loved Ryker and Penelope. They were so much fun to read about and I really enjoyed seeing the cat and mouse play between them. Ryker was sexy and sweet, and I loved that he didn’t let Penelope to get away with anything. He kept her on her toes and forced her to face things she tried to avoid. Penelope was great. She was easy to like and relate to, and I felt for her. These two were perfect for one another and their banter was something I couldn’t get enough of. 

Overall, this was a great story. I loved the characters and their friends. There was just so much to love here, and I felt like it was genuine and original. It didn’t fall into the typical traps that NA books do, with the characters being mature and relatable. I think readers will love Ryker and Penelope and I honestly can’t wait for more from Ilsa Madden-Mills. I’m really hoping for a Blaze and Charisma book next!

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Feature and Giveaway: Recklessly Ever After by Heather Van Fleet

Gavin St. James

After the hell I’ve been through in the Marines—in life—there’s nothing I crave more than routine, stability, peace. Until McKenna Brewer walks into my life.

She’s impulsive, fiery, tempting as hell, and everything I dGavinon’t need. But when she offers me a night of no-strings-attached passion, I can’t resist.

When our night together has unexpected consequences, I can’t help but think this might be the perfect opportunity to show McKenna just how much I want her.

The only problem? She doesn’t do forevers. But forever is exactly what I need with her.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | Apple | Kobo |

Sunday, November 4, 2018

ARC Review: Beautiful Sinner by Sophie Jordan

When I spotted “Beautiful Sinner” on my Kindle I immediately jumped into reading the book. I really enjoyed the previous book in the series, Devil’s Rock, “Beautiful Lawman.” It was my first book by Sophie Jordan and I could not put it down. Although these are only books four and five, I did not feel lost in the storyline and could immediately pick up any events that shaped the characters in the previous books. When I read about Cruz I was immediately interested. Although the previous story was about Piper, his sister, I was intrigued by “badboy” Cruz and his time in prison! I couldn’t wait to read about him.

Cruz was sent to prison for murdering a woman who happens to be the cousin of the heroine, Gabriella. Gabby, or “Flappy Gabby” as she was called in high school always had a crush on Cruz. They didn’t interact in high school even though they had classes together. Gabby was terrorized by a bully and was often on the receiving end of the mean girls in high school and their taunts. Gabby leaves behind her home town and starts a new life as a reporter. When her grandma becomes ill she returns home to take care of her. But Gabby holds many of the same scars from her high school years and is determined not to set up roots. While attending a high school graduation for her niece she bumps into Cruz. Cruz is freed from prison and exonerated for the crime he never committed. But much like Gabby he still carries the wounds from his past with him. Although innocent many of the towns people still see him as guilty and an outsider.

I was really torn with this story. There were parts I enjoyed and parts that I felt impatient with. I was so eager for Gabby and Cruz story that my expectations fell a little short. I liked both the hero and heroine but felt that their chemistry lacked. Gabby has since learned to embrace her curves but carries many of her insecurities with her. She lets the people in her life bully her. Everyone from her boss at the coffee show where she works temporarily, to her sister, to her boss back at the Texas newspaper where she worked. I liked Cruz also but I felt there was a connection missing with him. He made a good life for himself after prison but he was very closed off. Once he realizes that him and Gabby share a connection from high school he is determined to give into his feelings for her until he gets scared and backs off. I was really looking forward to the story between these two but many times their troubles seemed overly dramatic the people overly immature and the chemistry a bit flat. I’m sure fans of Sophie Jordan will enjoy reading this installment in the series and if there are more books left, I will read them. But for now, Gabby and Cruz were just ok for me.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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