
Saturday, November 1, 2014

Review: Like by J.A. Huss

Like by JA Huss continues Vaughn and Grace's story from where things left off in Follow. I am absolutely loving this Social Media series, and I couldn't wait to get more of Vaughn and Grace. JA Huss definitely did not disappoint with Like, and it made me love these characters even more than I already did. Things continued to heat up between these two, and they are so freaking hot together. 

After abruptly leaving St. Thomas, Grace is home in Denver and is trying to return to normal life. She has just started her new job and is trying to figure cope with life after Vaughn. The real life Vaughn was nothing like her fantasy Vaughn and as much as she would like to move forward with her life she is finding it hard to do. Especially because Vaughn isn't giving up easily. Vaughn has made it a point to show her that he wants her in his life, and isn't above harassing her on Twitter to get her to give them a chance. But Grace struggles with everything that Vaughn is asking for and wonders if she can give him so much of herself.

I love these two. There is still so much we don't know about either of them, and I love getting a little bit more each time we see these two. They are both struggling with their feelings and attraction to one another and what it means for them. But at the same time they have found something in each other that they never had with anyone else before, and I find it really interesting the different ways each of them deal with it. Vaughn and Grace are so hot, and I really love seeing all their sexy tweets and texts. These two never fail to keep me flipping the pages to see what dirty things they will come up with next. I love how well Vaughn already understands Grace, and it shows with each one of his actions. He wants to care for her, but he also knows that there are certain ways to go about getting through to her. Grace wants more from Vaughn, but she also sees that he doesn't do relationships and that the way he does things is the only way he knows how to. But they are both letting each other in more, and I found it really interesting to see more of what they were thinking and feeling in this installment.

Honestly, I am loving this Social Media series by JA Huss. I devour each installment and then can't wait for more. This is definitely a hot series that is so different and unique from anything I have read before. I love their dirty tweets, and the amount of chemistry and steam between these two is off the charts. But I also love how JA Huss has done such a great job of really showing these two getting under one another's skin, and I really can't wait to see what is in store for these two next. Their story is far from over, and I am loving every bit of it. I highly recommend this series for erotica fans and everyone looking for something super sexy and hot. I can't wait to read more from JA Huss.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

ARC Review: A Beautiful Purpose by Alicia Rae

A Beautiful Purpose is the sixth book in Alicia Rae's Beautiful Series, but can easily be read as a standalone. I would recommend starting at the beginning though as the books are fantastic and you don't want to miss a single thing about these characters! I have loved these books since the start, and the characters in this series are some of my all time favorites. I was really intrigued by this book because up until this point, Blake has only been mentioned a few times and we really didn't know much about him. I really enjoyed his story, and it was great getting to know him better.

Blake Johnson has been serving his country as a Marine for the last eight years. But after everything that he has seen and done, he is finally back home for some time off until he decides what to do next. When he meets Audrey Hampton through his brothers and their friends, he is instantly drawn to her. Audrey is closed off though and doesn't allow others in, even her longtime friends. But Blake is determined to get through her tough shell and won't give up easily. The more time they spend together, the more their feelings grow. But Audrey is convinced that she will never fall in love or get married after what her parents have put her through for so many years. But can Blake show Audrey that love is worth taking a chance on?

I really liked Blake. He was sweet and kind, loyal and genuine. He was a soldier through and through, and felt that his purpose was to help others and serve his country. I loved how dedicated he was, even when he struggled with what direction his life should take next. He was exactly what Audrey needed, and I was glad that he didn't give up easily. He fought for what he wanted, and he showed Audrey that he was always there for her. Audrey was sweet and loyal as well. She dropped everything in her life in order to help her parents, even when they didn't deserve it. She put up with so much from them and never asked for anything but love in return. I felt so bad for everything that she had been through, and I was so glad that she had Blake to lean on. It was great to see him show her how to have fun and want things for herself for once.

Blake and Audrey were really cute together, and I loved seeing these two get to know one another. They had a lot of chemistry together, and I thought that they were perfect for one another. This series is so great, and I can honestly say that I have enjoyed each story in this series. Alicia Rae always delivers a well written story filled with real and believable characters that are easy to relate to and that you enjoy rooting for. A Beautiful Purpose was no exception, and I honestly can't wait to read more from her in the future. I highly recommend the Beautiful series if you haven't already read these books, and I think they offer something for everyone.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Last Hero Standing Box Set with Cynthia Eden

Meet Cynthia Eden, author of First Taste of Darkness and one of the participating authors in the Last Hero Standing Box Set.

Award-winning author Cynthia Eden writes dark tales of paranormal romance and romantic suspense. She is a New York Times, USA Today, Digital Book World, and IndieReader best-seller. Cynthia is also a two-time finalist for the RITA® award (she was a finalist both in the romantic suspense category and in the paranormal romance category). Since she began writing full-time in 2005, Cynthia has written over thirty novels and novellas.

Cynthia is a “hybrid” author. She has published extensively with New York (her New York publishers include Kensington, Grand Central, and Harlequin), and she has also enjoyed success in her indie writing career.

Cynthia lives along the Alabama Gulf Coast. She loves romance novels, horror movies, and chocolate. Her favorite hobbies including hiking in the mountains (searching for waterfalls) and spelunking.

Find Cynthia at:

Feature and Giveaway: Scandalous Summer Nights by Anne Barton

Lady Olivia Sherbourne isn't shy about speaking her mind, except when it comes to James Averill. For ten long years he has been her brother's best friend and her heart's only desire. But when Olivia hears James will soon set sail for an expedition to Egypt, she knows the time has come to make her move. It's now or never . . .

James has always found Olivia bewitchingly attractive, but what kind of gentleman takes up with his best friend's sister? Not that he's thinking particularly gentlemanly thoughts when she appears on his exploratory trip-three hundred miles from home!-and incites a tavern fight. No matter what the devil she's doing there, it's his duty to see her safely back to her family. But how safe will she be when every starlit night brings wicked temptation . . . ?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Monthly Giveaway - November

Want to win some goodies?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick we will be giving away various prizes to followers of the blog with a there being a new prize(s) available every month.

Here's your peek at this month's prize:

2 lucky people will win a Surprise Gift!

Friday, October 31, 2014

ARC Review: Archangel's Shadow by Nalini Singh

Going into reading the seventh novel in the Guild Hunter’s Series by Nalini Singh, I had no idea what to expect. Though I hadn’t read the first six novels, I had the chance to finally enter the Guild Hunter world via providing a review. Naturally, I jumped right in! I’ll admit straightaway that I had to get through the first few chapters to grasp the setting, and I wish I had known more about the characters prior to reading, but nonetheless, I loved it! What surprised me most, perhaps, is that in this world Archangels, vampires, and hunters live amongst the human populace. I also would have never thought of vampires being Made and working under Archangels. This alone was very intriguing, and once I began to understand the universe these characters thrived in, I loved how she wove it together.

Of course, an amazing story cannot thrive without substantial, beautiful characters. This one in particular, centers upon two former enemies who in years past have become allies, partners, and potential lovers. Janvier and Ashwini are perfect for each other, and both are very protective of one another; fiercely so, which added to the depth of their connection. Such love and longing between two characters made the story much more beautiful, especially in the midst of criminal activity and recovery from war. This novel takes place after the war with the Archangel of China, Lijuan. Apparently, Lijuan can literally suck the life force from others and leave them nothing but a decrepit husk, turning to dust at the lightest touch (ick). As the city of New York (and the Archangel Raphael’s territory) begins to heal from the staggering casualties, a new enemy is hiding in the shadows.

Though the dead bodies resemble that which remains of Lijuan’s enemies, the victims appear to be connected to a sadistic vampire. At the same time, Ashwini and Janvier are trying to not give in to love (well, maybe just Ashwini is the stubborn one), while trying to find the murderer. There is a hunt formed because this monster is leaving taint in the city, and so soon after the war, tension and grief are running rampant (not to mention bloodlust). Will Ashwini and Janvier be able to bring this freak down, and find a way into each other’s arms? One will definitely spend the entirety of the book hoping for a happy ending; hoping that she beats the odds, becomes immortal, and is able to stay forever with Janvier.

Now, I can honestly say that Ashwini is a very loveable character. She is delicate and afraid because a certain genetic malformation gives her special abilities that come at a cost; her sanity. At the same time, she is ridiculously strong. In fact, this is the first character I have come across in a very long time that truly shines with endless inner strength and an iron will, while still remaining vulnerable. She grew up with much tragedy in her life, took care of herself into adulthood, and became one of the best Guild Hunters out there. With that said, she has such compassion for other’s as well, despite being brutal to those that deserve it; a fine line to walk. So, I felt for her in her moments of raw honesty and sadness, but admired her ability to take strength from the broken aspects of life around her. There could not have been a better heroine to become acquainted with.

As for Janvier, well, this man is an absolute joy. Ruggedly sexy, with a sweet demeanor, unwavering honor, and strength (both physically and intellectually); I wanted him as mine! Seriously, Janvier is an amazing character. I absolutely loved how playful he was with Ashwini, and he gave her courage when she was afraid to take the chances especially with love. Furthermore, he was able to be dominant, and also to be dominated. Hell, there is nothing better than a man that can give and receive in that area! In all ways, these two were amazing together.

On to other characters! I really thinkNalini’s way of writing is unique. Though the POV would change randomly, every part of the book moved fluidly; gracefully, and I loved it! Yes, I really liked Eleana and Raphael. Their relationship was intriguing and I had to get used to the wording they used with one another, but they were equals; partners. To me, this made their relationship great! Though I did not get to spend a lot of time with Honor, it is clear that Dmitri and her were wonderful together, and the way their love was spoken of, makes me excited to go back and read their story! There are so many characters! Aodhan was curious, and I find him mysterious and intriguing; I cannot wait to learn more about him! Then, there is Illium….oh, I liked him.

I am hoping that Illium does not go down in flames since there was unspoken and spoken concern for the darkness within him, but honestly, he is fun! A sense of humor, honorable, and very, very pretty (I enjoyed imagining him in my head). However, ultimately I found my favorite character in the entirety of the book to be Naasir. Oh my wow! I cannot get enough of his wicked playfulness and utter honesty despite what other’s think. He had the perfect devil-may-care attitude and he is raw in every way. Not to mention thinking about golden skin, liquid silver eyes, shimmering silvery hair, and a catlike grace whipping me to attention! Then, the way he talked about wanting to find a mate? Yeah, I will be racing to buy the novel that focuses on his story, without a doubt. Though there were many more characters, it would take forever to mention them all, but let’s just say that they were all great for different reasons!

Truly, this book was fantastic; I really enjoyed it. I will be picking up the prior stories to get more in tune with all the characters, and the background, as well as learn more about the world in which they live. I believe Nalini has found a new, big fan as of now, and I am happy I had the chance to finally delve into one of her stories. To clarify an earlier comment, anyone would love this story, but because of its complexity, I would recommend reading the other books in the series first. Definitely worth the time! Finally, I say thank you Nalini, for a new world to love.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Fractured Lines by Jen McLaughlin

Fractured Lines is the fourth book in the Out of Line series by Jen McLaughlin. I have been a huge fan of this series since the very first book and couldn't wait to read this when I found out there was going to be more in this series. For those of you that haven't yet read the previous books, Fractured Lines can be read as a standalone. I would highly recommend starting at the beginning though to see everything that Carrie and Finn have already been through and how their story started, but it is not necessary to enjoy this book.

Finn and Carrie thought that they had been through the worst and that they were beginning their happily ever after. But a few years into their marriage, and they are realizing that just because you love one another it doesn't make things any easier. When an accident happens, Finn has a moment of weakness and makes a terrible mistake. Carrie finds herself unable to trust Finn, and knows that she loves Finn but that she needs to be strong. While Carrie wants nothing more than to stand by Finn's side and support him through everything, she has more than just herself to think about this time around and must do what is best for her family. Can Finn and Carrie get through the latest obstacle that life has thrown their way, or will this be what breaks them apart once and for all?

Finn and Carrie have such a special place in my heart and are one of my all times favorite couples. I have loved them from the very first book, and I have always felt like they had such an uphill battle to fight when it came to their relationship. They have been tested time and time again, and they always come out strong and steady because the love that they share is so deep. But in this book they have already been through so much and they now have a daughter. Carrie and Finn had some really tough things to face in this story both as a couple and as individuals. But this time things were so different because they really had to think of more than just the two of them. It was really hard to get through part of this book, and my heart broke for these two. Their love and chemistry was never in question, but it was really a matter of if they could get past everything that had happened.

I really loved that this book gave us a look at Finn and Carrie's relationship years into their HEA. I feel like most stories end just when they are actually starting. We often see the build up and are left with a neatly wrapped package, but life isn't like that. Marriage is tough and requires a lot of work, even for the most happy and stable of couples. So seeing Finn and Carrie dealing with real problems and working through issues that came up was so refreshing. It was painful and heartbreaking at times, but that is what made it so real. I love how Jen McLaughlin gave us this extra bit of their relationship and allowed us to see how Finn and Carrie had transitioned into the future from where we last left them. These characters and their struggles are so real and believable, and I think that there is really something that everyone can relate to with this series but especially with Fractured Lines. I definitely recommend this series, but I think that Fractured Lines is a book that anyone looking for real and deep emotional romance stories will enjoy. I am really excited about the next book in this series as well, and I can't wait to get to know Riley better. I really loved his character when he was first introduced and I am excited to see what Jen McLaughlin has in store for him.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Guest Post with Author Samanthe Beck and Giveaway

Meet Samanthe Beck, author of Light Her Fire.

Wine lover, sleep fanatic, and USA Today Bestselling Author of sexy contemporary romance novels, Samanthe Beck lives in Malibu, California, with her long-suffering but extremely adorable husband and their elementary-aged turbo-son. Throw in a furry ninja named Kitty and Bebe the trash talking Chihuahua and you get the whole, chaotic picture.

When not clinging to sanity by her fingernails or dreaming up fun, fan-your-cheeks sexy ways to get her characters to happily-ever-afters, she searches for the perfect cabernet to pair with Ambien.

Find Samanthe at:

Feature and Giveaway: Archangel's Shadows by Nalini Singh

Return to New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh’s sensual and painfully beautiful Guild Hunter world in her new novel of sacrifice, loyalty, and the choices of love that can shatter the heart.

In the wake of a brutal war, the archangel Raphael and his hunter consort, Elena, are dealing with the treacherously shifting tides of archangelic politics and the people of a battered but not broken city. The last thing their city needs is more death, especially a death that bears the eerie signature of an insane enemy archangel who cannot—should not—be walking the streets.

This hunt must be undertaken with stealth and without alerting their people. It must be handled by those who can become shadows themselves…

Ash is a gifted tracker and a woman cursed with the ability to sense the secrets of anyone she touches. But there’s one man she knows all too well without a single instant of skin contact: Janvier, the dangerously sexy Cajun vampire who has fascinated and infuriated her for years. Now, as they track down a merciless killer, their cat-and-mouse game of flirtation and provocation has turned into a profound one of the heart. And this time, it is Ash’s secret, dark and terrible, that threatens to destroy them both.

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Feature and Giveaway: Unleashed by Rachel Lacey

What happens when you find the right one at the wrong time?

Cara Medlen has a serious case of animal attraction. And it's not because of all the foster dogs she's rescued. She's got it bad for her incredibly sexy neighbor. Her one rule: Don't get attached. It's served her well with the dogs she's given to good homes and the children she's nannied. Yet the temptation of Matt's sexy smile might just convince her that some rules are made to be broken.

Matt Dumont doesn't need his skills as a private investigator to detect disaster on the horizon. Cara is everything he thought he'd never find-gorgeous, funny, and caring. But there's no way he can start a relationship just as he's about to move to another state. Talk about bad timing. As their attraction sizzles too hot to deny, they'll have to make a decision: forget the consequences and let loose, or forget each other and let go...

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ARC Review: Seaside Hearts by Melissa Foster

Seaside Hearts is the second book in the Seaside Summers series by Melissa Foster which is also tied to the Love in Bloom series. These books are all tied together with interconnected characters, but each one can be read as a standalone. Melissa Foster always writes really enjoyable contemporary romance stories with different and unique characters. Her books are always a safe bet for me whenever I want a light and easy read to just sit back and enjoy. This wasn't my favorite of hers, but I did like it.

Jenna Ward has wanted Peter Lacroux for years, but whenever she gets around him she can't help how shy and quiet she gets. As much as she has wanted Peter, he has never seen her as more than a friend. But for Jenna her summers have been the best part of her year for as long as she has known him. Finally ready to move on with her life, Jenna is determined to make the most of her summer and find a guy that will notice her. But just as she starts seeing someone, Pete finally seems to see her. Pete has liked Jenna for awhile, but her shyness has kept him from making a move on her as much as his alcoholic father has. With Pete's dedication to his father, he doesn't think a relationship is possible. But Pete also isn't ready to let Jenna go, and will do whatever it takes to show her that they belong together.

I liked Pete and Jenna both. Pete was such a great guy. He was normal and kind and I loved how thoughtful he was. He had always paid attention to Jenna and knew more about her than she had ever imagined. Jenna was quirky and I loved that she dealt with her OCD issues and wasn't ashamed to be herself. She was really sweet, and she was super supportive of Pete and everything he was going through. I loved how easy these two fit together once they finally figured things out, and they were so encouraging of one another.

For me though, I felt like much of this story was about all the surrounding characters and Pete and Jenna almost seemed to get lost in the shuffle part of the time. I wanted more of those two, and all the times with their friends seemed to slow and I found myself wanting to skim to get back to those two. I also felt as though there was a bit of confusion surround Pete and Jenna's friendship before they actually got together. Pete said he didn't want to ruin their friendship as one of the reasons he never did anything about his feelings, but they didn't ever really seem to talk or interact much before. He would come over and fix things for her and they were sort of friendly when in the same place, but Jenna would barely say two words to him. I didn't see the friendship between them really start to develop until their relationship did as well. That being said, I thought that they were a great couple once they were together. They were natural and believable, and I liked them together. For me though, this one just didn't have the same emotional connection between the hero and heroine that most of Melissa Foster's other books do. I really like this series though and will definitely continue to read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Thursday, October 30, 2014

ARC Review: Black Lies by Alessandra Torre

I am a huge fan of Alessandra Torre's, and I love how different her stories are. They are always well written, unpredictable and completely fresh. When I first read the blurb for Black Lies, I wondered if this book would be similar to Sex Love Repeat. While I really loved Sex Love Repeat, I was hoping that this one wouldn't be the same but would be something completely new and it was. This book is unlike any other story I have ever read before, and honestly I thought that it was brilliant. I knew the twist going into this book. While I understand that some readers prefer to go into a story blind, I felt like I personally needed to be aware of what was happening. I am so glad that I did know, and I really think that it helped me to see this whole story for how great it really was start to finish. But I can honestly say that if I didn't know what the big twist was, I never would have guessed it. Alessandra Torre did such an excellent job of giving the reader clues all along while also keeping you guessing. It was the perfect balance of just enough clues to keep you reading and just vague enough to have no clue.

Lana has been dating Brant for three years. He is a tech billionaire devoted to his job, and he spends most of his time working. The rare instances where he isn't working he spends with Lana. Brant has asked Lana to marry him four times, and each time she has turned him down. Lana has also been pursuing Lee for two years. He is the exact opposite of Brant. He cuts grass and loves working with his hands. He is the bad boy where Brant is the good guy. Lee is rough around the edges where Brant is sweet and calm. While Lana loves Brant and sees a future married to him with kids, she also loves Lee and can't help but be drawn to him. This story is not your typical love triangle though.

I really loved the characters in this story. Lana is smart and strong. She knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it or stand up to others to get it. She was such a great heroine, and I can honestly say that I have never read a heroine like her before. I really loved her and how fiercely determined she was. She would literally do anything for those she loved, and I really loved seeing her stand by that. You might not understand everything that she does or her motives for doing certain things, but she absolutely had a purpose for everything and it all becomes so clear once you have all the facts. Brant and Lee were so different. You might think that you know who Lana should be with, but there is something in each of them that is exactly what Lana needed. They fulfilled different parts of her, and I think each one brought out a different side to her. While I loved Brant's goodness and how perfect he was for her, I also loved Lee's sexiness and how different he was from what Lana was used to.

I really wish that I could detail exactly how brilliant this book is and why you need to read it. But honestly this is one of those stories that you just have to trust me on and read it. It is absolutely a must read, and I am surprised how Alessandra Torre is able to surpass herself with each new book she releases. Alessandra Torre is absolutely a must read author for me and I would buy any book that she puts out at this point. She has a way of writing these brilliant stories that keep you interested and guessing the entire time, while also providing the reader with plenty of steam and sexiness. I think that this is one of those books that some will want to read blind and others will want to have the information before starting, but regardless of how you go into this one, this book is one that you will want to read more than once. I can't wait to go back and read this story all over again now that I have finished, and I can honestly say that this is the biggest book hangover I think I have ever had. I just can't stop thinking about this book or these characters, and I can't wait for Alessandra Torre's next book.

**ARC Provided by Patchwork Press**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Book Depository |

Audiobook Review: No In Between by Lisa Renee Jones, Narrated by Grace Grant and Jason Carpenter

I have a couple of confessions to make. First, I saw this book on Goodreads and it had such great reviews I jumped at the chance to hear it on audio. I had no idea what I was getting into. Also, I didn’t realize that the series started with three previous books, which I have not heard or read. Another confession, I could not stop listening!

When the story begins, Sarah and Mark are on a plane returning from Paris. They are obviously in love and are coming back from some dramatic event. Obviously, it makes more sense to read all the books in a series first but I think in a way it kept me more intrigued. I kept thinking, what happened? Who are they talking about? For anyone that doesn’t know the back story, Sarah finds a diary that belongs to Rebecca. In this diary she describes an erotic, pleasure clubs and dominant/submissive lifestyle. Sarah becomes intrigued with Rebecca and wants to find out what happened to her. In the process she starts to live Rebecca’s life and starts to work in an art gallery, owned by Mark and she also meets Chris-a famous artist. This apparently happened in the previous books.

A couple of things are clear. First, the mystery surrounding Rebecca’s death continues. There were not too many answers found in this book. Although there is a montage of characters from the previous book, it also becomes clear that in the mist of the storyline, this book is really just a bridge for the other books.

While I was listening to Chris and Sarah’s relationship I keep thinking it was just another 50 Shades of Grey type book. Although in some aspects it is, in other aspects it really stood out. Sarah and Chris are still working on their relationship. They are fully committed to each other but still have insecurities. I found this a little surprising since this is the fourth book in the series. Also, another aspect that stood out is that Chris’ past seems to still affect his relationship with Sarah and even though she wants to accept and love him, she still has some doubts. Sarah and Chris participate in the dominant/submissive lifestyle. Chris seems to still struggle with some aspects of his needs with his relationship.

In the mist of Chris and Sarah is Mark. He is the owner of the art gallery and he seemed to have wanted a type of relationship with Sarah. The author introduces another character that seems to be Mark’s love interest in future books. I was intrigued by Mark and I can’t wait to read more about him. Besides all these characters there is still questions surrounding Rebecca. Chris and Sarah are suspects in another girl’s death as well. There is yet another storyline with the police and detectives and also characters from previous books that want to harm Chris, Sarah and possibly even Mark.

Last confession, I was so intrigued and captivated by the characters. Hearing the book was almost addictive. I was constantly wanting to know more, understand more, and find out more. Needless to say this is a series I will be reading. I think that the author must drag out the story lines but the characters that she keeps introducing are interesting. I’m looking forward to reading about Mark and Crystal in the upcoming books!

The narrator was very good. I think at times she portrays Sarah as confident and other times as uncertain and scared, which is an accurate characterization. I will forewarn that this is a series that will grab your attention!

**Audiobook provided by Simon and Schuster**

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ARC Review: Blocked by Jennifer Lane

Blocked is the first book that I have read by Jennifer Lane, but this one had almost everything I love in the blurb so I knew I had to read it. The characters in this story are affiliated with opposite political parties as their parents run for the presidency and they are both college athletes. I really enjoy the enemies to lovers trope, so I figured this NA read would be a sure thing for me. While there were things that I really enjoyed about this story, there was a lot that I had issues with as well.

After a scandal forces her to change her college, Lucia Ramirez chooses to attend the college where Dane Monroe is a student. Lucia has had a secret crush on Dane, but with his being the son of the woman running for president against her father she has never done anything about it. When Lucia and Dane come face to face at school, he makes his hatred for her known right away. Their secret service agents force them to live together when they can't find a safe place for Lucia to stay during the election on such short notice. As Dane and Lucia adjust to college life, volleyball, and their new living arrangements they start to get to know one another beyond first impressions and assumptions. But can they get past all the obstacles that stand in their way, especially their difference in beliefs and politics?

Dane and Lucia were likable enough characters, but I honestly felt as though they didn't act their ages. They came off as immature and often acted in childish ways. Dane was self-centered and a jerk at the beginning, and threw a few too many hissy fits for my liking. He was like a child having a temper tantrum when things didn't go his way and I didn't care for it. As the story progressed I was glad to see he got over some of that and also started to see Lucia for who she was and not who he had wrongly judged her as being. Lucia was complicated and had quite a few issues. She had always done what her parents told her and believed what they believed. She had her moments where she came off as really naive and sheltered, but then other times she seemed to be more open and understanding than how she was raised. But she also was sort of weak and had a lot of anxiety issues as well as an eating disorder. She couldn't handle stress at all, and it seemed as though she crumbled over the smallest of things at times. I wanted her to buck up a bit, but she really seemed to have to lean on others in order to have any strength at all. It was hard for me to connect to her because of that.

While this book is said to be a new adult story, this one really felt like a young adult story to me. It was really clean and didn't go much beyond kissing. I was looking for more between these two, and I felt like we just weren't ever really given much when it came to the development of their relationship. This book centered far too much on everything that was going on around them for my taste, and I felt like there was so much drama thrown their way. It almost seemed unrealistic with how many obstacles and conflicts there were for these two to overcome and it really lost me along the way. I was starting to come around on the story and really enjoy these two, and then I got to the ending. I didn't care for the way that the author ended things, and it felt as though we had been lead through an entire book just to be left hanging. As far as I know this book is a standalone, so to me the ending wasn't satisfying at all. I don't need things to be perfectly wrapped with a bow, but I would like to at least be left with my questions answered and on solid ground if the book is a standalone and I just don't feel like that is what happened here. I felt like this story had a lot of promise and had some really great moments that were enjoyable, but that there were other parts that just fell flat for me. I hope that the author will give more of Dane and Lucia's story in the future to at least tie things up for these two. I would love to get some more answers and see how things turn out for them.

**ARC Provided by AToMR Tours**

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Guest Post with Author Lori Wilde and Giveaway

LORI WILDE is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over 70 works of romantic fiction. She is a two-time RITA award nominee, a four time Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice nominee and has won numerous other awards. She earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from Texas Christian University and holds a certificate in nursing forensics. An animal lover, Lori is owned by several pets, and lives in Texas with her husband, Bill.

Places to find Lori:

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fall into Romance Event Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the Fall into Romance Event.

Playing at Love, Speaking of Love + Making Waves by Ophelia London

Print Book of Choice from Robin Bielman

eBook of choice from Robin Bielman

Fiancé by Fate by Jennifer Shirk

Accidentally Married on Purpose by Rachel Harris

Just for the Summer by Jenna Rutland

$5 Gift Card + Stealing the Groom from Sonya Weiss

Bookmard from Aubrie Dionne

$10 Amazon Gift Card from Annie Seaton

Desire by Design by Paula Altenburg

$5 Gift Card Book of Choice from Susan Meier

Mom-Mom DuBois
Book of Choice from Roxanne Snopek

Falling For Her Fiance by Cindi Madsen

The Practice Proposal + Tempted in the Tropics by Tracy March

Under the Hood + Love for Beginners by Sally Clements


All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

BIG THANKS go out to the awesome people at Entangled Publishing for teaming up with me to host this awesome event. You guys are the best. And thank you to all of the authors that participated, you all rock my socks and we LOVED having you stop by and share. *hugs*

ARC Review: Only Enchanting by Mary Balogh

Book Four in Mary Balogh’s Survivor’s Club Only Enchanting wasn’t as good as the last one I’ve read, but it was still a good read. My least favorite trope jealous former love out to sabotage the new lovers, although the main story circles around Flavian and Abby’s relationship. I loved Flavian because he has a logical reason for being how he is aloof and pulled back from society, because his injuries after being shot in the head and trampled by a horse he has memory loss and a slight stutter. Abby doesn’t want passion she thinks it’s bring about bad things and even when she married she did so to a safe man she didn’t love. Her mother abandoned her and her sister making her sister miss out on her season in London in order to take care of her. Abby now a widow lives with her sister and is quite content.

Flavian was taken by the enchanting Abby when they met at a dance and Abby found herself in love with Flavian after one dance. Several months later Abby and Flavian find themselves together again and Flavian cannot let her go for she ignites something in him he cannot understand. With only knowing that Abby makes him happy he proposes and even with her fear of passion Abby agrees. Coincidentally Flavian’s mother and sister keep dropping hints that his former fiancée is over her year of mourning. Even though everyone thinks he married Abby to avoid the ex fiancée; he married Abby because he wanted to. He battles with remembering what happened all those years ago and why he feels such a strong hatred toward the woman who left him for his best friend. Flavian also does something that initially hurts Abby but in the long run she see why he did it and is glad he did, he finds her mother and helps defuses the possibilities of rumors about Abby. Overall it is a good book to read as a stand-alone or as part of the series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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