
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the last week.

Hollow by Ava Conway + Cracks in the Armor by Helena Hunting

Philadelphia Patriots Anthology by V.K. Sykes

NetGalley copy of Dangerous Territory by Emmy Curtis

Dangerous Territory by Emmy Curtis

Musing Reader
Signed Bookmark from Emmy Curtis

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Drops of Rain by Kathryn Andrews

Drops of Rain is the debut novel from Kathryn Andrews, and it is also the first book in her Hale Brothers series. Taking a chance on a new author is always a risk, but after reading the blurb on this book I felt like I had to read this book. I am so glad that I did, and I ending up really loving this book. It was really well written, and the characters were likable and easy to relate to. I thought that Kathryn Andrews did a fantastic job on this story, and I can't wait to continue this series and see more from her in the future.

After losing her mother, Ali Rain's dad moves them from Colorado and the only life they have ever known to Florida. Not knowing how to handle the new situation they find themselves in, Ali's father throws himself into his work and spends most of his time in a work provided condo away from the home that he and Ali share. Struggling with her new reality, Ali feels more alone than ever. But when she meets a beautiful swimmer one day she finds herself drawn to him. Drew Hale is counting the days until he can leave for college and get as far away as possible. He doesn't date or allow himself to get close to many people, but all that changes after meeting Ali. Even though he knows that he needs to stay away from her, Drew finds it harder and harder to keep Ali at arms length and quickly grows tired or hurting her by being rude and distant. Soon Drew and Ali are leaning on each other and getting to know one another, and the feelings between them continue to grow. But with Drew's secrets and reasons for keeping everyone at arm's length can he have any kind of future with Ali? And what happens when others will do anything to keep Ali and Drew apart regardless of who gets hurt in the process?

I really liked Drew and Ali. Drew was beautiful and athletic, but also sweet and caring. He was a great son and brother, and was loyal to those that he loved. He was really protective and would do anything for those that he cared about. I loved how he was always looking out for Ali, and that he wanted to not only take care of her but also protect her even if it meant staying away from her. I was glad that he quickly realized that his actions were hurting her though and that he needed to open up to her and explain things. Ali was strong and really independent. She had been through so much and had been left alone after her mother died. I hated what her father did to her and how he treated her, but I was glad that Ali was able to stay determined and work so hard to achieve her dreams and goals. Ali was really sweet, and she was one of those girls that you just couldn't help but really like. She was so kind and understanding, and I loved that she could stand on her own two feet. I think that Drew and Ali were exactly what each other needed, and they fit together perfectly. They were supportive and understanding of each other, and their love was unconditional. I loved that they took things slowly because what they were forming meant something to them.

Overall, this book was fantastic. I really enjoyed the story, and I was instantly drawn in. I didn't want to put this one down and I loved every minute of it. Not only did I love Ali and Drew, but I also really loved Drew's brothers Matt and Beau. I adored the friendship between them all but especially that between Beau and Ali. It was great to see the connection that they had as well, and I really loved that he was protective of her as well. I really loved their little bits of trivia back and forth, and found it to be so much fun! I couldn't wait to see what random facts they would come up with next. I honestly can't say enough good things about this book, and I am already anxiously awaiting the next one. I definitely recommend this book to new adult readers, and I will definitely be looking for more from Kathryn Andrews in the future.

**ARC Provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Kade's Turn by Tiffany Snow

It only takes a second, a fraction of a second, to forever change your life. That moment hap-pened to me years ago. I did something you can’t take back, and I’d do it again. It’s a secret I’ll take to my grave—which is probably sooner rather than later—and that’s okay. I live with my choices.

Three things I’ve learned—bad things happen to good people, life isn’t fair, and the bad guy doesn’t get the girl. And I’m most definitely the bad guy.

I’ve always made my own decisions. I’ve never apologized for them, and I never will. Regret is an emotion I’ve never had to face.

Until now. Until her.

She once told me that what I did, killing people for a living, wasn’t good for my soul. I told her I was beyond saving. The truth is that I’m not worth saving. Not anymore.

But when I look in her eyes, I wish I was the man she deserves, the man she loves.

My brother.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle |

Friday, August 22, 2014

ARC Review: Convicted by Dee Tenorio

Convicted is all about how you find love in the least likely places with Cade and Katy. Life is what happens to the best laid plans. Katy is deep undercover DEA agent in her hometown trying to dismantle the MC and their drug ring. Cade Evigan retired marine is suffering from PTSD and coping poorly but is willing to help his friend out and become Deputy is a small town over run by a MC. Cade fights his attraction to the woman he believes is involved in the criminal activities but she just keeps coming back and instilling herself in his life, months pass and he realizes he likes having her in his life. Katy is working both sides feeding information to her handler in the DEA and pretending to work Cade for information. Katy finally gets the break she needs to take down the MC but she needs Cade’s help. Katy and Cade help Shana escape the abusive leader of the club and turn over state evidence against him. Katy and Cade have very good dynamics, the potential they have in a relationship is obvious if only they would just admit it but with Katy being undercover she can’t tell him things and with that keeping them from being together leads to some serious sexual tension that when they finally give in, it’s explosive, hot and dirty.

I enjoyed reading it and it pulled me into the story and tied me up emotionally as Cade and Katy dealt with their issues and other complications beyond their control like Cade’s PTSD, internal corruption of the local Sheriff department, and the MC crazies being the criminals they are. The events in the book kept me at the edge of my seat and it all leads up to the explosive ending and a HEA.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: Jack by Juliana Stone

Jack is the second book in Juliana Stone's the Family Simon series. Each book in this series can easily be read as a standalone, and I hadn't read the first book when I read Jack. I had no problems getting into Jack or understanding anything. I really liked the Simons in this book though, and I will definitely be going back and reading the first book as I await the next in the series. Jack was different that what I had recently read, and I really enjoyed the story a lot.

The last thing Jack Simon needs while campaigning to become a Senator is to be around his famous singer ex-girlfriend. When she shows up at his fundraiser he is shocked and angry. Although the pull between them is still there, Jack is determined to stay away from her. But when he decides to go on vacation to clear his head, he finds out that his meddling sister has set him up yet again. His ex Donovan is also staying at the same beach house in Belize courtesy of his sister Grace. Jack and Donovan end up falling into familiar patterns of arguing and before long they are giving into the passion between them. But when Donovan runs leaving only a note like the last time they were together, Jack is not willing to let her end things so easily again. When Jack shows up and surprises Donovan, he strong arms her into going to his family's home away from the prying public. Can Jack and Donovan have a second chance together? Or will secrets from their past and new obstacles in their present keep them from having a future together?

I had my moments with Jack. I understood where he was coming from with his anger towards Donovan. He had been kept in the dark and didn't have a clue what all had happened. Donovan had never opened up to him and had ran. But I also thought at times that he was a bit harsh and rude to her, especially when she was laying her heart out on the line for him. But I liked that he was finally able to admit his feelings had never gone away no matter how hard he had tried to bury them, and I loved that he was still protective of her. You could tell that he was putting up a front and trying to convince himself as much as anyone else. Donovan had been put in a bad position by several people, and honestly I can understand why she made the choices that she did. She might not have done what was best for everyone, but she did what she thought was right. She had never quit loving Jack though, and I hated that she felt like she didn't deserve him. It was good to see her decide to go after what she wanted with him and to stop settling because of what others thought and said. I thought that Jack and Donovan had really great chemistry, and their bickering was just proof of their passion and feelings.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I thought that there was chemistry and attraction between Jack and Donovan, but the heat level on this one was pretty minor. Even thought the sex is implied, most of the physical action is behind closed doors. While I normally like more steam than that, this book was really good and I didn't end up missing it too much. I thought that Jack and Donovan's second chance at love was interesting, and I couldn't wait for everything to be out in the open so that they could finally move forward. I really loved the secondary characters in this story, and I can't wait to read more in this series and get to know them all better. I am super curious about Jack's cousin Maverick, and I really liked his friendship with Donovan. I can't wait to see what Juliana Stone has in store for him and the rest of the Simons. I definitely recommend this series if you are a fan of Contemporary romance stories, especially if you like reading books in a series with interconnected characters. I look forward to reading more from Juliana Stone and can't wait for Maverick.

**ARC Provided by Author's Taproom**

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Feature and Giveaway: Heroes Are My Weakness by Susan Elizabeth Phillips

New York Times bestselling author Susan Elizabeth Phillips is back with a delightful novel filled with her sassy wit and dazzling charm

The dead of winter.

An isolated island off the coast of Maine.

A man.

A woman.

A sinister house looming over the sea ...

He's a reclusive writer whose macabre imagination creates chilling horror novels. She's a down-on-her-luck actress reduced to staging kids' puppet shows. He knows a dozen ways to kill with his bare hands. She knows a dozen ways to kill with laughs.

But she's not laughing now. When she was a teenager, he terrified her. Now they're trapped together on a snowy island off the coast of Maine. Is he the villain she remembers or has he changed? Her head says no. Her heart says yes.

It's going to be a long, hot winter.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Review: Just You by Riley J. Ford

Just You is the second book in Riley J. Ford's Just series. This book can be read as a standalone, but it does continue Avery's story from the first book Just Us. I will admit that I was a bit apprehensive when starting this book after finishing Just Us. After the events of the first book I knew the direction that this was headed, and I honestly wasn't sure that I was going to be okay with it. But after reading Just You, I have to say that Riley J. Ford did an excellent job with this one and it was done in a tasteful and respectful manor. I was hoping that I would see the healing and growth that the characters deserved after the tragedy they experienced in Just Us, and I thought that they got all of that and more.

Bryce Humphrey has been living with the guilt from his actions that resulted in a tragedy five years ago. He has never been able to forgive himself for ruining the lives of his best friend Hayden and the girl that they both loved Avery. Hayden and Avery never knew that Bryce loved Avery, and he has had to live with the pain that he caused her all those years ago. Even though he has tried to live his life the best he can, he was never able to forget her or move past the love he felt for her or the pain he caused her. When he runs into Avery after not having seen her for five years, she is nothing like the girl that he remembered. They have both been punishing themselves, and he is determined to help her move forward. At first Avery wants nothing to do with Bryce, but soon she sees the person he is beneath the tough facade he wears. Now that she knows the real Bryce, she can't help but want to help him move forward as well. As they struggle with moving forward and getting past their guilt and pain, they realize that the connection between them is unlike anything that either of them have ever had before. But can they heal and let go of the past with the hope of a future together? Or will too much have happened between them to ever get past together?

Even though we met Bryce in Just Us, we didn't really get to know his character that well. At first he comes off as a tough guy that sleeps around and is kind of a jerk. But Hayden always said there was more to him, and you really get to see that in Just You. He is actually really sweet and caring, and was much deeper than he first lets on. He had admired Avery from afar and had never done anything about his feelings for her. But you could really see just how deep they ran, and that time and distance hadn't lessened them at all. I really liked Bryce, and I felt like he was really good for Avery. Avery had so much pain to deal with after the first book. But despite everything that had happened, she picked herself up and did what she could to fulfil her promises to Hayden. Even though she had worked hard and been successful, she was still struggling and had never moved past what had happened. Bryce helped her to see that she wasn't really living and that she needed to let go of the past once and for all. They were exactly what each other needed, and no one else understood what the two of them had been through. Their connection was so much stronger because of the pain that they had shared, and they just worked well together. They had great chemistry, and I really felt like their relationship was so real.

Overall, I really liked how things ended up for Avery and Bryce. They were able to not forget about the past but begin to move towards their future and stop punishing themselves for things that were out of their control. I liked both of their characters a lot, and I felt like you could really see the evolution of each one as an individual but also them as they transitioned to being a couple. I will say that I was glad to see Hayden's parents and their changed attitude towards Avery, but then they ruined all the progress they had made for me with their attitude towards Bryce. I understand what they were dealing with and I partially get what they were saying, but honestly it really saddened me that they continued to respond like they did. I really liked this book though, and I am glad that Avery and Bryce were finally moving towards happiness and acceptance. While Avery and Hayden had a love that was real and true, it was a childish love. You never forget your first love, but it was good to see Avery realize that it was different from what she was experiencing with Bryce. With Bryce she found an adult love. It was real and raw, and so much more than the innocent and sweet first love she had with Hayden. I would definitely recommend this series, especially if you have never read anything by Riley J. Ford before. After reading this series, I can't wait to get more from her in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by Literati Author Services**

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Review: Just Us by Riley J. Ford

Just Us is the first book in Riley J. Ford's Just Series, but can be read as a standalone. While Avery's story does continue in the second book Just You, the reader is not left with a huge cliffhanger at the end of this book and can easily be read separately. I had never read anything by Riley J. Ford before this book, but I really liked this story a lot! I thought that Ford's writing style was engaging and I didn't want to put this one down. It was well written, and the characters were great. I can't wait to read more from Ford in the future, starting with Just You.

Avery Hill and Hayden Stuart work together and go to the same school. They have been best friends for a long time but when there is a dance at school they find their relationship changing. Soon they are dating one another, and falling in love for the first time. Hayden and Avery might be their first loves and high school sweethearts, but they begin to make plans for their future. When Hayden gets accepted to college in Los Angeles, they agree that Avery will follow as soon as she can and begin their life together. They plan to finish school, get married and start a family together. But when tragedy strikes them, their plans are forever ruined. Now Avery must figure out how to move forward with her life knowing that things will never be the same.

I loved Avery and Hayden. They were both so sweet and loving. They truly cared about one another, and you could tell that their feelings for each other were so real. They saw the best in one another and were truly committed to each other. Hayden was smart and loyal, and I loved that he was such a good friend and boyfriend. Avery was easy to like and relate to, and I thought that she was great. She always wanted what was best for Hayden, and was really supportive of him. I loved how patient they were with each other. They took things slow and let their relationship evolve naturally. I liked that they didn't rush to sleep together, and that what they shared meant something to them. Their relationship was exactly what a true first love should be, and I couldn't help but fall in love right along with them.

This book definitely brought out all the feels though, and I would definitely recommend having some tissues on hand when reading this one. While this story did have me crying, it was heart breaking but beautiful. My heart aches for the characters in this book, and I hope that they find some happiness and peace in the next book. I won't spoil what happens, but after reading this book trust me you will want to pick up the next one immediately. This one was short and easy to get into and I couldn't put it down. I really liked this story, and it is one that will stick with me. I can't wait to read the next one and see what the future has in store for these characters. I will absolutely be looking for more from Riley J. Ford in the future and would recommend this book to anyone looking for a story about a first love and the kind of love that lasts forever.

**Review Copy Provided by Literati Author Services**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Marie Harte and Giveaway

Marie Harte is an avid reader who loves all things paranormal and futuristic. Reading romances since she was twelve, she fell in love with romance and happy endings and knew writing was her calling. Years later after the Marine Corps, Information Technology, and 60 hour work weeks, her dream has finally come true.

Marie lives in Oregon with her family and is constantly reading and writing.

Find Marie at:

Feature and Giveaway: Operation Paris by Misty Evans

CIA operative Zara Morgan—codename Tango—has a reputation in Conrad Flynn’s secret army as a renegade. Once held at gunpoint by terrorist Alexandrov Dmitri, she was seconds from saving herself and arresting Dmitri when Lt. Commander Lawson Vaughn, the sexy leader of a covert ops team, intervened. She’s never lived down the fact that everyone—including her boss—believes Lawson is her knight in shining armor.

Former Navy man Lawson Vaughn doesn’t consider himself anyone’s savior. He lives and breathes protocol and hates the fact that his latest assignment is to babysit Zara while she hunts down Dmitri and stops the terrorist from releasing a biological weapon on the world.

But from the time they touch down in Paris, Lawson can’t resist Zara’s sassy attitude and dauntless bravery in the face of danger. When Dmitri kidnaps Zara and injects her with the contagious and deadly virus, Lawson is once again forced to come to her rescue, whether she likes it or not.

With unflinching determination and steadfast courage, Lawson must break all the rules to save Zara, even if it means becoming the one thing he can’t stand…a renegade.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review: Strong Enough by Cardeno C.

Strong Enough is Cardeno C.'s second installment in the Family series, but each of these books can be read as standalone novels. This book really intrigued me because of the large age difference, and I was really interested in how that would play out. While I did like the characters, I thought that this one had some other things that just didn't work for me. While I have been enjoying this series and like to see how each of these books and the characters interconnect, I have also found that there are just some things that in my opinion keep these from being five star reads.

Emilio is a twenty-two year old construction worker that works with and is really close to his family. When he sees the hot professor walking by his construction site at the university, he admires him from afar. After two weeks of watching, he finally decides to introduce himself and ask him out. Spencer can't believe that the handsome young man could be interested in a thirty-eight year old professor, but decides to be spontaneous for once. Spencer takes Emilio to his home and they begin to get to know each other. Soon they are making a deal that Emilio and his family will help to fix up Spencer's house, and in exchange Emilio will stay with Spencer and see where things take them. But Spencer has things from his past that still haunt him, and even though he wants to trust Emilio they weigh heavily on him. Can he learn to let go and trust that the connection between him and Emilio is worth being vulnerable for?

I liked Emilio. He was young and determined, but yet he was mature beyond his years. He went after what he wanted and was able to admit that while most would question his actions that it didn't bother him. He was exactly who he said he was, and I liked that what you saw was what you got with him. I loved how reassuring he was with Spencer and how he showed Spencer that he was worth more than how he had been treated by his family and his ex. Spencer was timid and insecure, but he knew that things with Emilio were different. He started to let go and embrace life with Emilio's help, and it was nice to see him start to think differently about himself. I was glad that Spencer was able to be open with Emilio and tell him his fears and why he was the way he was. I think it really helped him to move forward and allowed Emilio to be patient and understanding. I thought that Emilio and Spencer were really sweet together, and they had their steamy moments too. But their relationship was way too fast for me. It was literally like going from nothing to all in in a matter of days, and I just didn't buy it at all.

I have noticed that the insta-love/insta-connection seems to be a trend with the Cardeno C. books I have read. While that doesn't work for me as far as buying a long term and lasting commitment goes, if you are able to get past that Cardeno's books are really good and easy to read. They are entertaining, and I love how her characters are different and unique. I thought that Strong Enough was sweet and the guys were really cute together. But I just think that it would have worked better for me personally had they not just jumped straight into the deep end. I would have liked to have seen a bit more of the build up, and I think that we miss out on some of the best parts of a relationship by skipping all that. I would say that if you are looking for a sweet male/male read though, you should definitely look into this series. The books have a great balance of cute and hot, and the books are enjoyable. I will look for more from Cardeno C. in the future.

**Review Copy Provided by We Love Kink Book Promotions**

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ARC Review: Burning Through Gravity by Addison Moore

I have to admit that what originally drew me to Burning Through Gravity was the blurb. It had just enough info to intrigue me, but at the same time was completely vague. I knew I had to read it, and I figured that this one would really be different from what I had read recently. While I will say that this one was different and not like anything I had read before, it left me with a lot of mixed feelings. I will say that I was interested the whole time and had to see how things would play out. But honestly, this one was really confusing and I had some major issues with the story.

When Stevie and Ford meet each other, both have secrets that they keep hidden from one another. What starts as a single night together ends up turning into a few great weeks. Stevie and Ford end up agreeing to continue to stay in touch but with her about to go back to school and begin her internship, and Ford's job they will be much busier. Stevie finds out that she has been reassigned from her father's company Merlin to his top competitor Jinx. But when Stevie shows up for her new job at Jinx, she quickly learns that the owner Crawford Cannon is actually Ford. With both of them now working together as well as the secrets they both still are keeping, is it possible for them to continue with anything between them or will they both end up heartbroken and in ruin?

Stevie and Ford had their moments for me. I really believe that almost every single problem in this book was due to their lies and miscommunication. They would have been able to solve so much with a few honest conversations. Ford was great with Stevie for the most part, but he did have a few moments that made me question his feelings. I don't care if the person you are wanting to be with says you need to date your ex to prove that you are over them, I would have put my foot down and refused. The fact that he went along with it initially and continued to do so for the majority of the book just made me dislike him at times. And then he turned it around to try and make her jealous which took it even further. I didn't like it, and it got old really quickly. Not to mention said ex was a total psycho. He never should have done it. Then Stevie gets jealous and doesn't like how he is acting. She starts believing that he is getting back with his ex. Honestly she had no one to blame but herself, and I didn't have much sympathy for her. I did think that Stevie and Ford had chemistry and seemed to have a connection, which is why it was so bizarre how they were handling things. 

My main issue with this book was that it was so over the top all the time. There was so much going on, and it got really confusing. It was like the author just decided to through every possible storyline at the wall to see which would stick. I won't even begin to go into everything as it would spoil the entire book, but honestly it was too much. I think that this could have been a really great story if only Addison Moore had focused on a few of these things and forgot the rest. I was interested enough from the blurb and the beginning of the story without adding in all the extra drama and bs. It just didn't work for me and was distracting and disappointing. I felt like we really lost sight of the relationship developing between Stevie and Ford because of it all, and it really ruined things for me. If it wasn't for the fact that I had to know how things played out and that it was well written, I would have given up and stopped reading. But I really was curious with everything going on how everything would shake out. I honestly don't know if I would read the next book or even recommend this story. To me it was really confusing and unless you are wanting a story with every possible twist or obstacle thrown in then this one probably isn't for you. I will say that I was curious about Ford's brother Carter and Stevie's sister Aspen and what had happened between them. For that reason alone I might end up reading the next book in the series since it is about them. Maybe this book just wasn't for me or I just didn't get it, but I was disappointed.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Kiss Me, Captain

French billionaire Marcel Mercier loves women. And there's a string of broken hearts across two continents to prove it. But as CEO of Mercier Shipping, he's got more important things to worry about . . . like why the charter company he just purchased in the United States is suddenly the center of an international media firestorm.

Now that big, bad Mercier Shipping owns Captain Dani Lloyd's ship, she's sure her job is at stake. But she won't go down without a fight—even if it means chaining herself to the mast of the Esther Reed and refusing to set foot on shore.

The delectable captain and her newsworthy dramatics are a PR nightmare, but Marcel is happy to let Dani prove her skills on a weeklong sail to Boston. He knows no woman can resist him for that long . . . in fact, he's counting on it.

But Marcel's plan to seduce Dani backfires as sparks fly between the billionaire playboy and the passionate captain. Which leaves Marcel realizing that winning her heart is a challenge he can't afford to lose.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Mean Streak by Sandra Brown

Dr. Emory Charbonneau, a pediatrician and marathon runner, disappears on a mountain road in North Carolina. By the time her husband Jeff, miffed over a recent argument, reports her missing, the trail has grown cold. Literally. Fog and ice encapsulate the mountainous wilderness and paralyze the search for her.

While police suspect Jeff of “instant divorce,” Emory, suffering from an unexplained head injury, regains consciousness and finds herself the captive of a man whose violent past is so dark that he won’t even tell her his name. She’s determined to escape him, and willing to take any risks necessary to survive.

Unexpectedly, however, the two have a dangerous encounter with people who adhere to a code of justice all their own. At the center of the dispute is a desperate young woman whom Emory can’t turn her back on, even if it means breaking the law.

As her husband’s deception is revealed, and the FBI closes in on her captor, Emory begins to wonder if the man with no name is, in fact, her rescuer.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

ARC Review: How the Scoundrel Seduces by Sabrina Jeffries

Dear Sabrina Jeffries, I love you! Such an amazing story, writer and plot. First, there is no denying the talent of Ms. Jeffries! She is hands down fantastic. But her storylines!!! Where does she come up with all these fantastic ideas? How the Scoundrel Seduces is the third book in “The Duke’s Men” series. I’m so annoyed that I did not read What the Duke Desires (The Duke's Men, #1) first. But I loved “When the Rogue Returns” and I could not wait to read Lady Zoe Keane and Tristan Bonnaud’s story! I could tell in “When the Rogue Returns” that they were going to be a fun and interesting couple and I was right!

Lady Zoe is my type of heroine! She is a do-what-I-want type of heroine. She is brave, warm-hearted and a risk taker. She is not one to sit back and see what happens. She has decided to take her destiny in her hands when she finds out from her aunt that her parents might not really be her parents… This raises a number of difficulties form Lady Zoe since, although she is in a unique position and she will inherit her father’s lands and title, her American cousin could fight the inheritance. Her father refuses to discuss her lineage with her so she decides that she will consult The Duke’s Men and call in a favor they owe her.

Lady Zoe is not the only one with inheritance problems. Tristan also has had difficulties since his half- brother George count him and his brother Dom off. Although Tristan and Dom’s father left them both in the will George took matters into his own hands. Tristan is driven by revenge and also the remorse of how he handled his family’s situation when his father died. Because both Tristan and Dom were illegitimate they encounter some obstacles. When Lady Zoe approaches them about her “true” family Tristan is the natural choice for the case because of his shared history with the gypsies. (Lady Zoe believes that her mother was Drina a gypsy abandoned by her family).

Without giving too much away (which is hard because I want to discuss every aspect of this fantastic story!) I will say I loved all the characters in the story! George was so despicable… He was a true villain! Dom is such a great character! I cannot wait to read about him and Lady Jane. Even the Earl of Olivier was a great character. There were so many twist and turns! This story was Sabrina Jeffries-Fabulous!!! I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for Dom’s story!

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

ARC Review: Within These Walls by J.L. Berg

I am a huge fan of J.L. Berg's at this point, and I have loved every single book of hers that I have read. I was super excited to see that she had a new standalone book coming out, and was really curious about new characters that weren't in her Ready series. I can honestly say that I loved this book just as much as I loved the Ready series, and this book was just as captivating and well written as everything else I have read by her. I really cannot say enough good things about J.L. Berg and her stories, but if you aren't reading her books then you are seriously missing out. J.L. Berg is an author worthy of auto-buy, and I am already waiting for her next book.

Lailah Buchanan was born with a heart defect and has lived her life within the walls of a hospital. She has brief moments where she has been allowed to return home, but for the most part she is forced to live in hospitals where she can be monitored constantly. Her father left her mother before she was born, and they have only had the two of them to rely on. But she has grown up being close to Dr. Marcus who has been like a father figure to her. When she ends up meeting the new Nurse's Assistant in the Cardiology department, things between them quickly grow to be more than just friends. But Lailah soon discovers that Jude has secrets of his own. Jude has been trying to survive ever since he lost everything three years ago, and spends as much time as he can within the walls of Memorial Hospital. But after meeting Lailah, he finally begins to heal and soon is wanting to really live again. But with so much uncertain about Lailah's health and with Jude's secrets, can they find a way to be together?

I really loved Jude. You could see how torn up he was from his past, and he was struggling with his feelings for Lailah. He never expected to fall for her and didn't think that he was good enough for her. But he was determined to give her everything she had been dreaming of, and he was so sweet with her. I loved his late night pudding deliveries and how he did everything he could to help her cross out items on her Someday List. He was absolutely perfect for her and by helping her, he was able to begin to heal himself. Lailah was strong. She had been through a lot and had been dealt a crappy hand. But she made the most of it and wasn't a whiner. She didn't complain and she wasn't overly negative. I really admired her, and she was such an easy character to like and root for. She had a way of brightening the lives of everyone around her and it was easy to see how Jude was so easily drawn to her. I thought that they had great chemistry and you could see the attraction between them. But they also just fit together, and had such a strong connection.

What made Jude and Lailah's relationship so special though was that they just seemed to fit so well together. They were perfect for one another, and their feelings were so real and believable. You could tell just how much they meant to each other, and they wanted what was best for each other. They really seemed to put the other first, and were will to sacrifice themselves in order to do anything for the other. I love how J.L. Berg is always able to draw such emotions from her readers. Every single one of her books has you laughing and smiling even through the tears. Within These Walls was no different, and I definitely had my moments when I was reaching for the tissues. I loved every bit of this story though, and I really enjoyed reading this book. I highly recommend that you check out any of J.L. Berg's books if you haven't read them, but Within These Walls is one that will stick with me forever. I know I will be reading this one again in the future, and I can't wait to get more from J.L. Berg.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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