
Thursday, March 2, 2023

ARC Review: Toe the Line by Penelope Ward

I absolutely love Penelope Ward and her writing style. While I have enjoyed every single one of her books, I of course have my favorites. Toe the Line is now added to that list! This one was so good, and honestly I didn’t want to put it down. Something about these characters had me hooked from the very first page until the last. I definitely could have read this in one sitting if it wasn’t for real life getting in the way. 

Penelope Ward is always so great at character development, and I always feel like her characters are so unique and genuine. You really feel like they could be real, and that was definitely the case here with Archie and Noelle. They had such a great foundation built from years of friendship, and it was easy to see how strong their connection was. The chemistry between them was also there right from the start, and you just kept waiting for it to ignite!

This book is set over the course of several years, and I loved seeing how things progressed from start to finish. So much happens and it felt like I was right there experiencing everything along with Noelle and Archie. I loved their friendship and how they were able to really be vulnerable with one another, while also having so much more beneath the surface. I am so glad I read this book and went in completely blind. I highly recommend all of Penelope’s books, but this one is at the top of the list!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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