
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Book of Choice from Lilly Cain

Forsaken Protector by Nana Malone

Alana's Surrender by KT Grant

Second Chances by Rita Oberlies

Too Hot to Handle by Aleah Barley

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Forever Blog Tour: Interview with Author Jill Shalvis and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Jill Shalvis. Jill is currently on tour promoting the latest releases in her Lucky Harbor series, At Last and Forever and a Day and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Before we get to the questions, lets get to know a bit about Jill.

New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis lives in a small town in the Sierras with her family and far too many assorted quirky animals. Any resemblance to the quirky animals in her books is, um, mostly coincidental. Look for Jill’s bestselling, award-winning books wherever romances are sold and visit her website at for a completely booklist and daily blog detailing her city-girl-living-in-the-mountains adventures.

Places to find Jill:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Guest Post with Author Stacey Kennedy and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to RFTC author Stacey Kennedy. Stacey is currently on tour for her book Demonically Tempted and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Stacey, lets get to know her a bit.

Stacey Kennedy’s novels are lighthearted fantasy with heart-squeezing, thigh-clenching romance, and they even give you a good chuckle every now and again. But within the stories you’ll also find fast-paced action, life-threatening moments and a big bad villain who needs to be destroyed. Her urban fantasy/paranormal and erotic romance series have hit Amazon Kindle and All Romance eBooks bestseller lists.

Places to find Stacey:

Guest Post with Author Nara Malone and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Nara Malone. Nara is currently on tour for her book Blind Heat and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Nara, lets get to know her some.

Like the heroine, Allie, in Blind Heat, Nara is face blind and lived with the condition not knowing there was a medical explanation for her inability to remember faces. It’s a rare and only recently publicized condition. She hopes Blind Heat will help get the word out about face blindness.

Nara lives on a small farm in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. When she's not writing, she loves to run, hike, bike, and kayak. Every story she tells incorporates her love of animals, nature, and adventure.

Places to find Nara:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Guest Post with Author Kristin Miller and Giveaway

Today I am happy to welcome back to the blog author Kristin Miller. Kristin is currently on tour celebrating the recent release of Forbidden By Fate and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before I get to the interview, lets get to know a bit about Kristin.

Kristin Miller has had a passion for language and literature her whole life. Born and raised in Small Town USA, she often made up stories about faraway places and edge-of-your-seat adventures.

After graduating from Humboldt State University with a degree in psychology, Kristin realized there is no scarier place than the warped human psyche. Wanting to combine her love of writing with her desire to paint twisted villains, Kristin wound up in the unlikeliest of places—the classroom. She taught high school and middle school English before giving in to the desire to create her own world, where villains can be sympathetic and heroes can be devilishly good.

She is represented by Nalini Akolekar of Spencerhill Associates Ltd. and writes dark paranormal romances and toe curling romantic suspense.

Place to find Kristin:
Site Blog Facebook Twitter |

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Guest Post with Author Sara Brookes and Giveway

Today I would like to welcome author Sara Brookes to RFTC. Sara is currently on tour promoting her book Chasing Sin and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor over to Sara lets get to know her a bit.

Sara Brookes is an award-winning author who has always been fascinated by the strange, the unusual, the twisted and the lost (tortured heroes are her personal favorite). She is an action movie junkie, addicted to coffee and has been known to stay up until the wee hours of the morning playing RPG video games. Despite all this, she is a romantic at heart and is always a sucker for an excellent love story. Born and bred in Virginia, Sara still lives there with her husband and daughter. The entire family is owned by two cats, Galahad and Loki, who graciously allow the family to cater to their every desire.
Places to find Sara:

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: Melt Into You by Roni Loren

Check out my review here

Her first love has returned, and he's brought a friend...
After running away from home and the boy who broke her heart, Evan Kennedy has kick-started the perfect new life with her celebrity fiancé. So what if said fiancé prefers guys? She knew the deal when they got engaged. And with her ticket to The Ranch, an exclusive resort where any fantasy can be satisfied, she can find someone to fulfill her less-than-traditional desires on the side.

She just never expected that man to be Jace Austin, her old heart-breaker—all grown up, hard-bodied, and holding out a collar. She knows it’s a world-class bad idea—especially since Jace has brought along his buddy Andre, who’s every bit as irresistible. But if they can stick to the no-strings rules, so can she.

Too bad Jace has never been so good with rules. Evan is convinced “forever” is a word used only in greeting cards, but Jace and Andre have one last fantasy of hers left to fulfill. It’s time to go big or go home. And neither man has ever been a fan of going home.

Monday, July 16, 2012

ARC Review: Melt Into You by Roni Loren

A book has to be really special to keep me up all night, and this book my friends is it. I was actually mad when I had to go to work(after staying up all night with no sleep) because I wanted to know what was going to happen. I loved this book but I will be honest I did have a few issues with it but the book was just so good I honestly don't care.

I really enjoyed the relationship between Jace and Evan. It was deep and emotional and at times painful. These two have been through hell and back and I enjoyed seeing them finally forget everything and everyone else and come together. These two were explosive and the love and lust between the two is electric. Now throw in Andre and it's damn near explosive. The scenes with the three of them are hot!

My issue is with the book is the love relationship between Andre, Jace and Evan. While I understand that all parties love each other and I do believe that they do, it's just hard for me to believe that everyone loves one another equally and want to be in a relationship permanently. It's just hard for me to believe that at some point someone won't feel left out. Also, the whole book flip flops between Evan and Jace's pov with the exception of one scene. Maybe if I would have been shown more from Andre's point of view I would have believed in the love and the relationship between everyone more. Instead, I'm left rooting for Evan and Jace to get the HEA that they so deserve. 

Don't get me wrong, this book was sooo good and I am definitely adding Roni Loren to my must read list. I just would have liked a different outcome. 


Interview with Author Tamaria Soana and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Tamaria Soana. Tamaria is currently on tour for her book Tropical Cougar and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we chat with Tamaria, lets get to know her a bit.

Tamaria Soana is middle aged, but just feels like her life has begun. She resides in Western New York. Cuddling up with a good book under an electric throw has always been her way to escape the cold Buffalo nights. Growing up she always loved to write, mainly short stories and poetry. She's married with two beautiful young girls and one very spoiled lab mix.

Places to find Tamaria:

Guest Post with Author KevaD and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author KevaD to the blog. KevaD is currently on tour for his book Kantu's Heart and has stopped by today to chat. Before I give the floor over to KevaD, lets get to know him a bit.

KevaD is David "DA" Kentner, prolific author of romance, suspense, horror, fantasy, and winner of American Mensa, Ltd’s Calliope magazine 18th annual fiction competition. His weekly column "The Readers' Writers" in which he interviews famous and soon-to-be-famous authors appears in newspapers across the country.

When not writing, shoveling snow, or mowing their 5 acres outside Freeport, IL, he's trying to explain to his wife the TV has more than SOAP and GAME channels, and pizza really is a necessary and required food group.

Places to find KevaD:
| Site | Blog | Facebook |

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Interview with Author Debra Kayn and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Debra Kayn. Debra is celebrating the release of her book Rodeo Rebel and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before we get to the interview, lets get to know a bit about Debra.

Multi-published Romance Author, Debra Kayn, lives with her family in the beautiful coastal mountains of Oregon on a hobby farm. During the summer, she enjoys riding motorcycles, gardening, playing tennis, and fishing. During the winter, you’ll find her outside playing in the snow. A cold weather nut, she lives for the days she’s snowbound and fighting with the woodstove to keep the house warm when the power goes out. A huge animal lover, she always has a dog under her desk when she writes and chickens standing at the front door looking for a treat. She's famous in her family for teaching a 270 lb pig named Harley to jog with her every morning.

Her love of family ties and laughter makes her a natural to write heartwarming contemporary stories to the delight of her readers. As someone who met her husband on a blind date when she was nineteen years old, she’s a believer of love at first sight and happily ever after.

Places to find Debra:

Feature and Giveaway: Freestyle Love by Marcus Lopes

When it comes to one-night stands, Malachi Bishop has “rules”. No pillow talk. No sleeping over. No planning a future hook-up. First names only. It’s just sex, not a prelude to love. But when Cole Malcolm, a smooth-talking management consultant, woos Malachi into bed, the rulebook is tossed out the window. The one-time fling leaves Cole reeling: Malachi is his first real shot at happiness, his “forever” man, and he’s determined to show Malachi just how good they could be together. But Malachi doesn’t believe in happily-ever-after, and dodges Cole’s play for his heart. After all, Malachi is still mourning the loss of Taylor Blanchard, whom he hoped to love forever. Then there’s Zach Brennan, a handsome twenty-five-year-old and student at the college where Malachi teaches. Falling for Zach could destroy everything he’s worked for, but Malachi can’t help himself.

Caught by love and in its betrayal, it’s a later affair with a beautiful stranger that changes Malachi’s life most dramatically. Now Malachi must confront his present and his past that bring into question the larger fantasies of home and his place in the world.