
Saturday, December 1, 2018

A Historical Christmas Event with Pamela Mingle

Pamela Mingle found her third career as a writer after many years as a teacher and reference librarian. Her love of historical romance was nurtured by Shakespeare and Jane Austen, and her novels have all been set either in the Elizabethan or Regency periods. Many long walks in England, Scotland, and Wales have given her a strong sense of place around which to build her stories. She is the author of Kissing Shakespeare, The Pursuit of Mary Bennet, A False Proposal, and A Lady’s Deception. Her latest book, Mistress Spy, released in August. 

Friday, November 30, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Decoy Date by Mira Lyn Kelly

Fake relationship. Real feelings. Big problems.

Brody O’Donnel doesn’t believe in happily-ever-afters—at least, not for himself. But he wants the best for his vivacious, beautiful friend Gwen Danes, and he’s tired of watching her pine for a clueless man. Figuring a little bit of jealousy will motivate the guy, Brody proposes a fake relationship. It’s an outrageous plan, but Gwen figures there’s no harm in it—until they share a passionate kiss she never saw coming.

Suddenly, Gwen’s fighting a growing attraction to a man she knows she can’t have. After all, he’s just faking it…isn’t he?

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Thursday, November 29, 2018

ARC Review: Never Let Me Fall by Abbie Roads

Dear friends of mine can be found in the written word known as heart, life, and passion. Triumph, even in times when a great darkness may inevitably swallow one whole. Those moments where even the most downtrodden individual can seek out words on a page, only to be soothed by the art unfolding in a book infused with imaginings that breathe life into the reader; I live for those moments. Once again, Abbie Roads has written a story so rich that I find myself in awe of her ability to develop a plot that ignites my blood, painting a canvas of feelings that range from horrified to blissfully happy. Thomas and Helena are a perfectly rendered example of strength born from tragedy and I find myself still thinking of their companionship, kindness, and unwavering love.

Thomas Brown, a man running from a hellish past filled with grievous injuries, ones that he cannot escape as they haunt his every waking moment. His world is bereft and colorless; tasteless, even as he wanders through life only surviving, incapable of living. Helena Grayse, the woman who thrives without thought through grit and willpower; defiance and grace her bedmate for the past ten years as she suffered through a sentence meant to break her. For a sin she was incapable of committing. Both characters bring with them undeniably heartbreaking pain and yet somehow form a bond that nourishes forgiveness and healing under debilitating and gruesome circumstances.

Such aspects of a story ensure my inclination to fall deeply into the setting, becoming one with the tale being told. From the very beginning, I was riveted; compulsively turning the page to find what may come next for Helena and Thomas. Their meeting brought a smile to full bloom even in its simplicity while their growing love caused my heart to tremble with unbridled joy. I ached with each moment of desperate sadness and cried during moments of raw beauty as love kindled in a contradictory slow, yet satisfyingly fast-paced burn, igniting both souls as they touched. The journey Helena and Thomas endure together will quell any need for a happily ever after, leaving you with every bit of much wanted heartwarming feels.

Even with the dark and twisty depth of psychosis embedded in the foundation of the antagonist as I was rendered speechless left me wanting. As the evil slices through skin, blood, bone, and marrow you’ll come to appreciate, know, and love the chilling delivery that Abbie Roads gives you. With each turn of the page, not only does emotion claw at your beating heart, but the sick and disturbed shocks your pulse into frenetic pump, pump, pump. Surprises greet you as the slight paranormal edge gives you goosebumps in this wonderful romantic thriller. This is one complex, fiendish, and beautiful novel that should be savored.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: Earl to the Rescue by Jane Ashford

A beloved Regency romance from Jane Ashford, now available after over 25 years!

Who needs a knight in shining armor when there’s an earl at your side…?

Gwendeline Gregory doesn’t know what to think when she encounters the dashing Alex St. Audley, Earl of Merryn. She’s in over her head in London Society, trying to fend off a scoundrel who will stop at nothing to ruin her. On the brink of a devastating scandal, the earl arrives just when she needs him most. But are his motivations trustworthy? And can he avert ruin for both of them?

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Tuesday, November 27, 2018

ARC Review: Until Cobi by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Reading Mayson family books is always a bit like coming home. Aurora Rose Reynolds has done a great job of creating this world that you feel a part of, as if they were your own family. Until Cobi was no exception and I loved it from start to finish! This book is a standalone story, but I do recommend reading at least Until Harmony for full enjoyment though it isn’t necessary. 

In true Mayson fashion, Cobi knows exactly what Hadley is to him the moment he meets her. But convincing her that they are meant to be together will take some work on his part. After everything Hadley has been through, she tries to push Cobi away. But Cobi isn’t about to let her throw away all that could be between them and the more they are around each other, Hadley finally begins to realize that Cobi could be it for her. When a new threat comes along that they never saw coming changes everything, they quickly realize that they will have to fight for their happily ever after. 

I loved Cobi and Hadley. They were sweet and sexy together. I really enjoyed seeing Cobi bring out all the hidden sides to Hadley and showing her just how great she was. I don’t blame her for feeling the way she did often times due to her upbringing, which just made me love Cobi that much more for seeing it and breaking through to her. These two were perfect together and I couldn’t get enough! 

Overall, another great ARR read! I am not much for insta-love, but Aurora Rose Reynolds with her hot alphas and the BOOM are always the exception. The feelings might develop quick with her characters, but they always feel real and genuine and the connections are so strong! That was definitely the case here with Cobi and Hadley! I loved them and getting to see some familiar faces as well as some new ones. Can’t wait for more from her and this amazing family that I never want to let go of! Highly recommend this one, especially if you are already a fan of the Mayson clan!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books Promotions**

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ARC Review: A Duke Changes Everything by Christy Carlyle

Christy Carlyle has been on my to-read list for a very long time. When “A Duke Changes Everything” became available to read I jumped at the chance to not only become introduced to her as a writer but also see the kick-off of the series Duke’s Den.

In this series we are introduced to, I believe, three friends. One of them Nicholas Lyon. Nicholas runs a gambling hall, “Lyon’s Gentleman Club.”. He is an outcast in society. Nick is the father of a Duke but he was disowned. He is seen as illegitimate in the eyes of the ton. Nick could care less. He is wealthy off the gambling of the highest members of the ton and their gambling addictions. Nick is partners with two other members and they run the gambling house in different ways through investments. Nick wants nothing to do with the ton, other than their vowels and loses, and mostly nothing to do with his family. When he gets news that he is now the new Duke Tremayne is he is shocked and determined to get rid of all that is a part of his childhood past, even the family home in Enderley estate. Enderley is where Thomasina Thorne has lived all her life. Since her fathers passing she has served as the estates steward. When Nick returns to a place that holds terrible childhood memories he is shocked to discover that his steward is a woman. Soon they are at odds when Nick is determined to sell off the estate and Mina is determined to protect it.

Mina and Nick were at the Enderley estate when they were children but Nick was quickly taken away and he never returned. Nick has many terrible memories of his father, his brother and Enderley. The only joy or excitement that Nick finds is in Mina. He finds her interesting and confusing at the same time. Although Mina loves her home she soon discovers that Nick suffered there and much of his childhood still haunts him. Mina soon sees that there are many layers to Nick and becomes intrigued with the new Duke of Enderley.

Overall, this was a good story. I liked both Nick and Mina but felt that there were many parts where the story dragged. I also felt that there were many parts where I could just skim because it felt unnecessary and also boring to read. I liked both Mina and Nick just didn’t find their romance captivating. I will however continue to read Carlyle and am looking forward to Iverson’s story which is the next one in the series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Monday, November 26, 2018

Feature and Giveaway: My Forever Home by Debbie Burns

Love comes to the rescue.

Vet school drop-out Tess Grasso dreams of having her own pet therapy business, but she meets one disastrous obstacle after another. There’s no denying she has a way with animals, so in the meantime she puts her skills to use at a local no-kill shelter. Between helping her furry companions and a budding relationship with fellow dog lover Mason Redding, Tess begins to find fresh confidence...

What Tess doesn’t know is that Mason is recovering from an accident, hoping to get back to his pro-baseball career. He’s afraid the truth will ruin everything—and he’s right. But in the midst of hurt and betrayal, a free-spirited stray Husky enters their lives, and teaches them a few things about faith, love and forgiveness.

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Sunday, November 25, 2018

An Entangled Winter Wonderland Event with Charlee James

Contemporary Romance Author Charlee James was introduced to a life-long love of reading listening to her parents recite nightly stories to her and her older sister. Inspired by the incredible imaginations of authors like Bill Peet, Charlee could often be found crafting her own tales. As a teenager, she got her hands on a romance novel and was instantly hooked by the genre. After graduating from Johnson & Wales University, her early career as a wedding planner gave her first-hand experience with couples who had gone the distance for love. Always fascinated by family dynamics, Charlee began writing heartwarming novels with happily-ever-afters.

Charlee is a New England native who lives with her husband, daughters, two rambunctious dogs, a cat, and numerous reptiles. When she’s not spending time with her tight-knit family, she enjoys curling up with a book, practicing yoga, and collecting Boston Terrier knick-knacks.

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