
Thursday, December 28, 2023

ARC Review: The Playboy by Marni Mann

The Playboy is the first book in the Spade Hotel series by Marni Mann, and this one is a standalone despite being connected to other books she has written. Fans of the Dalton Brothers series will recognize familiar faces here, but you don’t need to have read those books to understand anything in The Playboy. I highly recommend reading those books if you haven’t though as they are some of my absolute favorite books!

Marni always brings the heat and spice, and the chemistry here between Macon and Brooklyn was off the charts! These two meet when Macon spots her across a club and decides that he has to meet her. I loved how instant his attraction and need to know her was, but seeing his pursuit for her was honestly so refreshing! I love when a hero is so gone for the heroine that he has to make it happen and thinks of little else, and that was absolutely the case here. Brooklyn was super smart and hard working and honestly just a great heroine that I felt like I could relate to. Both characters were likable and it felt like you were falling along with them throughout the whole book!

I loved every bit of this book and I think that fans of Marni’s will love this one too! If you are new to Marni Mann, you can’t go wrong with anything she writes, but this one was one of her best! Romance and spice lovers will love Marni’s unique way of captivating her audience with stories full of heart, emotion, and enough heat to keep you turning pages from start to finish. I love all her books I’ve read, but there is just something about Macon in The Playboy that makes him one of her best heroes yet! The Playboy is not to be missed!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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Wednesday, December 13, 2023

ARC Review: Mafia Virgin by Mila Finelli

Mafia Virgin is the 5th book in the Kings of Italy series by Mila Finelli. While technically this is a standalone story, plots from previous books will be spoiled if you haven’t previously read those. Fans of this series will see several familiar faces here. This book had moments I enjoyed, but I will say that this was my least favorite of the series

While I liked seeing familiar faces from the previous books, I had a few things that bothered me about this story. I struggled a bit with something that happened pretty early on, Giacomo did something on their wedding night that made it hard to get over. Then later on in the book he did something else as well that related to the same person and honestly it just really bothered me. I felt like Emma just letting both go was too unrealistic and honestly made it hard to really like her. For as smart and committed to certain things as she was, I couldn’t believe that she just was fine with both things. 

I did feel like these two had chemistry and there was definitely attraction between them. I just struggled to feel a strong connection between them, and it didn’t seem like there was a whole lot of trust there. They both kept secrets, and while that made sense at first, the longer it went on, the more detrimental if felt to the believability of their relationship being real and not just forced. 

While I wanted to love this one as I have loved the rest of this series, this one was just okay for me. I think fans of the series will enjoy the continuation of the series and seeing familiar faces, but I am hopeful that if we get more in this world, it goes back to the feel of the previous books. I did really like what little I saw of Vito and Massimo here and would love to get their stories! If you are new to this series, I highly recommend starting at the beginning as those books are not to be missed!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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Wednesday, December 6, 2023

ARC Review: The Lovely Return by Carian Cole

The Lovely Return is one of the best books I've read this year. This book was truly unique and different from anything I've ever read before. I always love everything that Carian Cole writes, but this book was very special. From the very first page, I knew that this book was going to be one I'd fall in love with. 

Alex and Penny's story is one that spans years and goes beyond what we know of time. These two are drawn to one another in a way that they cannot fight or explain. Penny is thought to be an odd child, often times having unexplainable dreams and memories that no one can explain. Despite the age difference between them, Alex and Penny continue to grow closer over time, forming a friendship that feels right to both of them. 

I won't ruin the story here, but this one was such a joy to read. The Lovely Return was beautiful from start to finish, filled with words that only Carian could put together in such a heartbreaking and heartwarming manner. This story is not only beautiful, but one that is emotional and captivating. I didn't want to put this one down, anxious for these characters that I was falling in love with throughout this entire story. If you are a fan of romance and don't mind a bit of reimagining what we all think to be true of time and death, this book is an absolute must read. Trust me and go in blind with this one as this book is one that should just be experienced with no spoilers if possible. Carian Cole never disappoints and this book is one I know I'll never forget. 

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

ARC Review: Fake-Ish by Winter Renshaw

I loved Dorion so much! Him and Briar were so good together. They had such a strong connection from the very start and their chemistry was off the charts. These two had it all and my heart felt for both of them in the situation they were in. I'm so glad that they were able to figure things out in the end. They were so real and genuine and I'm glad they remained that way at the end. 

Winter Renshaw never disappoints, and this was no exception. She just knocks it out of the park each and every time! I always look forward to her stories and can't wait for what is next! Winter Renshaw is one of my favorite authors and I can't recommend her books enough. Fake-Ish is one of my new faves, this one is a must read!

**ARC Provided by Publisher/Author**

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

ARC Review: Worth the Shots by Heather M. Orgeron

Everything I’ve read from Heather M Orgeron, i’ve really enjoyed and I was excited to read this one. Unfortunately this book didn’t work for me at all, and I probably should have thrown in the towel instead of forcing myself to continue.

I really struggled to connect with either character here and they weren’t particularly likable. Aidan was too much of a manwhore but also came off as far too entitled/spoiled, which didn’t fit with his background at all. Ronnie was too meek and innocent, often turning into a stuttering mess for little to no reason. Everything was just so over the top and I couldn’t relate at all. 

I usually find the humor in Heather’s books to be fun and light, but in this case, it just rubbed me wrong from the start. It felt so forced and disingenuous, and that really distracted me from the story. It also felt like for a country star/band, the actions and happenings just didn’t fit. I don’t know why, but the whole story just didn’t seem real or believable. For me, this was a miss. I have seen a lot of very positive reviews though and would advise readers to read the blurb and a few reviews to see if this might be one that you enjoy.

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Friday, November 17, 2023

ARC Review: The Rules of Dating My One-Night Stand by Penelope Ward & Vi Keeland

The Rules of Dating My One-Night Stand is the third standalone story in the Laws of Opposites Attract series by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward. Each book features different characters from a group of friends that co-own a building together and I honestly cannot recommend this series enough! Each book is fantastic and the characters are all so easy to love.

This book features Devyn and Owen. I could not get enough of these two! They were perfect for one another and I loved how even though they did things backwards most of the time, it was exactly right for them! They had chemistry right from the start, but seeing their connection grow as they got to know one another was what kept me flipping pages! 

It was also great to see familiar faces have a role here as well. Don’t worry if you haven’t read previous books, it isn’t necessary to understand this book. I do recommend reading them though as they are great reads. You can never go wrong with anything written by Vi and Penelope, but I love this series so much. The Rule of Dating My One-Night Stand has everything I look for in a great story and I think readers are going to love this one as much as I do. The characters are genuine and likable, being so easy to relate to. This one is a must read!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Tuesday, November 14, 2023

ARC Review: Does He Know? by Kaylee Ryan


When I read the blurb of Does He Know? by Kaylee Ryan, I couldn’t wait to read it! This book has everything going for it that I love in romance books…brother’s best friend, age-gap and five best friends (her brother and MMC among them) running a tattoo shop together? SIGN ME UP! This book absolutely delivered on everything I hoped it would! It was such a great read, and I didn’t want to put it down!

Emerson and Roman have always had a pull between them, despite the circumstances against them. Not only is there the difference in ages, but Emerson’s brother and Roman’s best friend will never accept them together. But these two can only fight what is between them for so long. Each of them struggle with what it means for them going forward, but once they finally give in, they both know that their futures are forever changed. 

These two were so hot together! They had so much chemistry between them, and you could tell things would explode at some point! But I loved seeing their connection grow and strengthen. These two were so good for one another and I loved their bond. Roman was so sweet with Emerson, and it was so genuine. He felt so much for her and you could just see that he would burn the world down for her. Emerson might have been younger than Rome, but she was so strong and confident. I loved that she knew what she wanted and wasn’t some immature girl waffling on things. Both of these characters were so likable and easy to relate to!

Besides Rome and Em, the rest of the Everlasting Ink family were fantastic! This was such a great cast of characters and I honestly cannot wait for more in this series! Each character had such a distinct and unique personality and I loved them all! Reading this book made me long to be a part of their crew, and I just couldn’t get enough of them. I highly recommend this book and will be anxiously awaiting the next book of the series!

**ARC Provided by Give Me Books**

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Friday, November 10, 2023

ARC Review: Ice Bet by SJ Sylvis


Ice Bet is the second standalone story in the Bexley U series by SJ Sylvis, and I couldn’t wait to read this one after reading Weak Side. Each story features new characters, but you will see familiar faces if you read in order. I highly recommend starting with Weak Side as it was such a great read, but it isn’t necessary to read it and understand Ice Bet. This series is one I am absolutely loving though, and I already can’t wait for the next!

Ice Bet features Aasher and his college hockey team’s coach’s daughter Riley. When she transfers to his school, his coach asks him to help look out for her. She quickly becomes the target of Aasher’s rival and some of the younger players on the team, with them in a race to see who can sleep with her first. But upon learning of the bet, she decides to play them at their own game. Aasher isn’t about to let her ruin his team’s chances at winning the championship though, and soon they come up with their own bet. Soon things get complicated between them as they begin to spend more time together and realize that what is between them is next to impossible for either of them to control. 

These two were so great together. I loved their banter and chemistry and how their connection just grew stronger as they really got to know one another. There was so much heat between them, but seeing them connect and grow closer was what had me not wanting to put this one down. Riley was such a likable heroine and honestly just so easy to relate to. I couldn’t get enough of these characters and I loved seeing their group of friends as well. 

It felt so great to be back in the Bexley U world, and I cannot wait for more of these characters to get their own stories. Hockey romance is a growing genre and I am absolutely here for it, that being said, they are not all created equal. Bexley U is one of my absolute favorite series for hockey romance though and I cannot recommend it enough. I need to read more from SJ Sylvis immediately as I am loving her writing and characters! Ice Bet is a must read!

**ARC Provided by Wordsmith Publicity**

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Thursday, November 2, 2023

ARC Review: Because of Her by Jewel E Ann

Because of Her is the sixth and final story in the Jack & Jill series by Jewel E Ann. This story is a standalone featuring Jackson Knight/Jude Day and his new temporary neighbor Frankie. I will caution readers that this book is romantic suspense and deals with several things that could be triggering, so please make sure to check before starting this book. It was not an easy journey, but I couldn’t put this book down.

Frankie finds herself in Kansas to take care of some things after some tragic events occur leaving her lost and looking for answers. When she is given a letter that sheds some light on the situation, she finds herself on a mission for revenge against a girl who took her nephew from her. But while she sets out to destroy one person’s life, she finds herself drawn to the mysterious neighbor next door living in a garage with a piano. As a former music professor, Frankie can’t help but be drawn to Jackson. For someone who may or may not be a serial killer though, Frankie feels surprisingly safe with Jack.

You do not need to read the previous books in this series, though fans of the series will recognize characters here and have a better understanding of the back story for them. I couldn’t put this one down, despite the serious topics here. I really enjoyed Frankie and Jackson’s connection and their banter. These two had a ton of chemistry and I enjoyed seeing how that played out the more they got to know one another. This was a heavier read that what I typically go for, Jewel E Ann is a great writer and did the story justice, captivating the reader from the very first page to the last.

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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Thursday, October 26, 2023

ARC Review: One Dirty Night by Pepper Winters


I am a sucker for all things circus, so when I saw that Pepper Winters was releasing a new book centered around a sexy circus, I couldn’t wait to read it! It was everything I was hoping for! One Dirty Night centers around the Spectacle of Secrets and a sexy set of roommates, looking to spend one night fulfilling fantasies they’ve kept under wraps. When the circus sets up in their town for one night, the last thing they expect is to run into each other. But what starts out as a night to scratch an itch for each of them, soon turns to more when a sexy stranger helps them uncover secret desires neither of them had ever embraced.

If you are a fan of Pepper Winters, you know that she writes in several genres. This one is on the super sexy side, and what I would classify on the erotica edge. This book features high spice, with BDSM scenes, and a MFM scene (MF after). If that isn’t your thing, this one might not be for you. I absolutely loved seeing this from Pepper and couldn’t put this book down! This one started with the heat right away, and I loved seeing how Ella and Nick explored their sexuality and the connection between them. I also really loved Hunter and his role in helping these two out. 

This book was exactly what I was looking for. It contained so much heat and chemistry and was one of the spicier books I have read in quite some time! It also had a genuine connection between the characters that I loved seeing grow and change as truths and desires were discovered and embraced. I truly hope that Pepper Winters continues to write books in this world as I would love to get stories for some of the characters we met here! Giselle and Hunter would be amazing to get more of, but I also believe that this world holds so much potential and who wouldn’t fall in love with a traveling sex circus? If you like your books on the dirtier side and aren’t afraid of a little kink and heat, I highly recommend this one!

**ARC Provided by Valentine PR**

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