
Saturday, January 23, 2016

A Naughty New Year...Brazen Style Event Winners

There are many winners to announce but before we do so, we just wanted to take the time and say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to all of the authors that participated. We loved sharing your special smexy scenes with everyone. A special thanks also goes out to the super awesome people at Entangled Publishing for helping make this event such a success. Thank you so very much. =)

Now, on to the winners!

ARC Review: Dirty Sexy Saint by Carly Phillips and Erika Wilde

I’ve read a few of Carly Phillips books before and I know that she does not disappoint. One of the reasons that I enjoy her books so much is because her characters always have the best chemistry. I have to admit there have bene books where I did not love the story line but the tension between the characters made a big difference. Erika Wilde has been on my to-read list forever and just the busyness of life and a packed reviewing schedule have stopped me from reading her work, so needless to say when I saw “Dirty Sexy Saint” I jumped at the chance to review.

This story does not disappoint. I could not put it down and I loved both the hero and the heroine. Clay Kincaid was a great hero. He was intense and broken but easily very likeable. One of my huge pet peeves is when men are portrayed as bad boys and their really just immature jerks. Clay was the perfect combination of wounded but redeemable. I loved him and found him to be very sexy. Not do be outdone by Clay, Samantha Jamieson was a great heroine. I really liked her even though she was very rough around the edges. When Samantha stumbles into Clay’s bar he can’t turn his back on her. Clay is nicknamed “Saint” because he is known for always giving those in need a helping hand, and Samanth or “Cupcake” as she is nicknamed.

This book was intense and steamy and very, ultimately satisfying. I loved the creativity of the story and the very different backgrounds that brought Saint and cupcake together. This was the type of book where you can’t wait to finish it because you want to see how the story unfolds yet at the same time you can’t help but feel bummed because it’s finished and you miss the characters. The only compensation to this type of scenario is the knowledge that this sis the first in a series. Both Wilde and Phillips write a fantastic love story of triumph and perseverance. I can’t wait for “ Diry Sexy Inked” the next book!

**ARC Provided by RockStarLit PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

ARC Review: Hell on Heels by Victoria Vane

Yeehaw! Victoria Vane has another sexy cowboy thrill ride that I could not put down from start to finish! Unlike her Hot Cowboy Nights Series, however, we get a taste for the wild side, with the backdrop of Las Vegas. This is definitely a change, but if anything, it made the plotline that much more intriguing. After all, what is a cowboy doing in Sin City?

Ty Morgan, the partner of Tom Brandt, is focused on saving Hotel Rodeo, despite its years of being in the red. He has plans that will provide the hotel with a fresh side of retro in old Western that will bring the patrons full force, but needs his partner to back him personally, and financially. As the owner, Tom Brandt knows Ty Morgan can pull this off, even if he has doubts out of fear. He believes in Ty because he is smart, and his drive could pull the heaviest load to the front line, but also because Tom considers Ty as a son.

Unfortunately, an accident leaves Tom unable to fulfill his end of the agreement, forcing Ty to work with, or for, Monica Brandt (Tom’s daughter). The problem is that Monica has brass balls for such a sexy city girl, and she doesn’t trust Ty. Not one bit. She shows up to care for Tom, and to take over the dealings with his business until further notice. Ty though, is in her way, and he isn’t budging. Sparks ignite, and insults fly. Talk is cheap though, once one rises to the challenge, and Ty is not one to back down!

To say that I loved this book would be an understatement! I read it in a day, just whipped on through it! Ty is stubborn, sexy, and kind of dirty (if you know what a mean, ladies). Monica, she is such a strong female lead. Hell, she isn’t even aware that she is as tough as she is, which makes her that much more enjoyable. The circumstances that bring these two together are unfortunate, but love can heal all, and I believe the story will continue to grow on into the next installment.

I really enjoyed Ty and Monica, not only because they are both great characters, but because their chemistry is epic! The two of them battle each other with wit and cheeky comments that made me laugh out loud, and provided so much heat between the lines that I loved reading about their escapades. This is what makes a perfect couple for me; intrigue, lust, love, and a good fight. Even better, the interfering forces from both sides make for more curiosity as to how the story will play out.

Monica had me loving her from the beginning because of her display of self-worth and dignity. Despite feeling abandoned until her experience with Tom as a father later in life (once he became aware she existed), she has respect for herself. Though she has insecurities, she takes control, and I enjoy a heroine who can rely on her own instincts, and believe in herself. She has little faith in men, and is afraid of being alone, resulting in her constant difficulty with Ty, but it’s clear that Ty and her are truly meant to be.

Ty is just as disbelieving of the concept of happily-ever-after, but his misgivings of having faith in a faithful relationship (after his disturbing past with his ex-wife), won’t be able to suppress his feelings toward Monica for long. With that said, these two have a lot to figure out! Ty is trying to find a way to buy out Hotel Rodeo from under Monica, and she is on the verge of selling out from under Ty prior to his chance at securing funding. Holy smokes, talk about some serious head-shaking-don’t-do-that possibilities!

Deceit, confusion, and heartache accompany two souls who have been awaiting the chance to find their mates. Not to mention, two exes who have some shady involvement plotting in the darkness. How will they come together after loss and betrayal? One will have to read the first in the series, followed by the next installments to find out! I, for one, cannot wait! Victoria Vane always grabs me from the beginning of each read, and gives me a thrill I hardly recover from while awaiting the next!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Friday, January 22, 2016

ARC Review: The Baller by Vi Keeland

I have to admit that my feelings are a bit all over the place after finishing The Baller by Vi Keeland. I have never felt so torn after reading one of her books as I do here. On the one hand, there were parts of this book that I absolutely loved and of course there is Brody himself! But on the other, there were some things that I really struggled with in this story and those kept me from being able to love the book as a whole. 

Delilah Maddox has just landed her first job as a professional sportscaster when she interviews famed quarterback Brody Easton. He has a reputation for hating women in the locker room and she knows that he is bound to be anything but friendly. But when he drops his towel as she is interviewing him and starts talking to her in sexual innuendos, she knows that it will be worse than she first thought. But Brody makes it known the second she pushes back that not only does he want to screw with her, but that he would like to screw her as well. Delilah lets him know that she has no interest in players, and she doesn't mean that as far as athletes. Soon though Delilah and Brody strike up a friendship and things get easier between them. That is until Brody makes it his mission to get her to go out with him. Delilah refuses to give in when she knows that all he wants is the chase and not to actually catch her. But when Brody tells her that he is willing to give something between them a real shot, can she let go of her fears and let him in enough to see if they could have something together? 

The one thing that I didn't struggle with at all here was Delilah or Brody. I really liked them both. They each had things in their past that were similar and had changed them in different ways. Because of those things, they were able to understand each other more than others might be able to. Brody was sexy and confident, yet he also knew what it was like to be hurt and how devastating love could be at times. My heart really felt for him as well as for Delilah. Delilah also knew the dangers of letting someone in and allowing herself to love. These two had a clear connection and chemistry right from the start, and I enjoyed seeing them get to know one another. Their banter was fun and sexy, but it was when they were just getting to know one another that I loved the most. Their questions for one another were at times silly and completely random, of course mixed in with real ones as well, but those were where we really saw these two shine and the connection between them really showed.

This book is a dual POV story, so luckily we do get inside both of their heads. That being said however, I felt that being inside Brody's head at times was actually where I had a bit of an issue. For most of the chapters in his POV, we saw things he was currently dealing with or things from his past. While you might think that would be good (and to some extent it was), the focus for Brody's POV hardly ever actually dealt with Delilah. We saw so much more of his past with his ex Willow than we saw of his growing feelings for Delilah, and it was hard for me to see how Brody was falling for Delilah. I saw their connection and chemistry, but I feel like she should have been on his mind far more than she was if he was truly in love with her or on his way to being in love with her. I didn't find it to be 100% believable because of that. There was also something that happened at about 50% of the way through this story that changed how I felt about this book. At first I thought it was a one time thing, and that might have been okay if it had been. But it continued on throughout the story, and it really hurt my opinion of the book overall. I didn't want to see the things I did, and I had no emotional connection to what the author was giving us by doing this. Seeing these things and going through that not only was unwanted, but also had a bit of an ick factor to them for me because of what it was. (Sorry for being so vague, I do not want to spoil anything if possible while still giving my opinion here.) So while I really loved seeing Brody and Delilah together and getting to know one another as well as all the great moments they had, there were some pretty big things that stood in the way of me loving this book. As much as I love Vi Keeland, this wasn't my favorite of hers. Don't get me wrong, this was still a good story. I just think it really had the potential to be great and it wasn't what I had been hoping for, even with the parts I liked. I know this won't be the last I read from her though, and I really do think that Vi Keeland is a great writer. I think that her books are definitely worth the read, and if this sounds like one you might like I recommend giving it a shot! I think that there are a lot of readers who will probably love this one and not be bothered with some of the things I was.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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Feature: Boiling Point by Tessa Bailey

Falling for a con man is the most dangerous game of all...

Con artist Austin Shaw's been in disguise so long he's not sure where his fake identities end and he begins. Now that he's been strong-armed into working for a specialized undercover unit working with the Chicago police—criminals with unique “skills”—the last thing he needs is to risk his iron control. Especially when it comes to a certain stunningly sexy hacker who tempts him with every look of disdain.

Polly Banks will never, ever trust a con man. On the trail of a ruthless crook who destroyed the only family she's ever known, Polly is unnerved by the shadow who follows her every move. The one who makes her pulse pound and breath short with lust. Austin. He's infuriating, enigmatic, and pure sex appeal, and she's determined to resist him.

But an untrustworthy man of disguise can become anyone he wants...including a man that Polly must trust if she's to escape their dangerous game alive.

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Feature and Giveaway: Love & Decay: Revolution: Episode 4 by Rachel Higginson

L&D Revolution Ep 4 RDL Banner

Revolution Episode 4
It’s not easy being a badass Zombie killer. But somebody’s got to do it.

King Parker has been fighting Zombies and protecting his family for the majority of his life. It’s what he does. It’s what he’ll always do.

And it’s all he’s ever wanted to do.

Until he stops in Mexico City on the way back to the States and realizes there is more to life than killing Feeders and more to living than just surviving.

When a mysterious redhead crosses his path, he finds himself torn from his family for the first time since Zombies became a thing. Now his family doesn’t need his protection, but she does.

King knows better than anybody that life doesn’t always turn out like you expect it to. But what happens when you’re expecting death and destruction and life hands you something beautiful instead? What happens when you experience more than decay? What happens when you find love instead?

Love and Decay: Revolution is a Dystopian Romance Novella Series about Zombies, the end of the world and finding someone to share it with. Every episode is approximately 20,000 words long and released every two weeks. Look for Love and Decay: Revolution, Episode Five coming February 5th, 2016.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

ARC Review: Surrender My Love by Melissa Foster

Surrender My Love is the latest novel in the Love in Bloom series and The Bradens series from Melissa Foster. Each book is a complete standalone but with the characters interconnected, fans will see familiar faces with each book. I feel like every time I read a book by Melissa Foster I just can't help but smile. Her stories are always so steamy and sweet and I just can't get enough of them. Melissa Foster is the queen of contemporary romance, and I hope she never stops writing! 

When Annalise "Leesa" Avalon's life falls apart, she heads to the town of Peaceful Harbor, Maryland to regroup while helping her best friend recover from an injury. There she meets her best friend's sexy doctor, Cole Braden, and though they both feel a connection right away, Leesa knows that it isn't the right time for her to be starting a relationship. Cole is looking for someone that he can settle down with, and the more he gets to know Leesa the more he thinks it could be her. But with Leesa's past and the accusations that were made against her, she knows that she needs to stay away from him. Cole is determined to show her that he can handle anything with her by his side, and that it doesn't matter what others might think. But can Leesa take a chance on something with Cole after knowing what it feels like to lose everything?

Leesa was so strong here, and I loved her positive attitude. After everything she had been through, she didn't fully blame everything on those that had been responsible for ripping her life apart. She saw beyond what had been done and I loved her for that. While I would never have been able to handle things with the grace and strength she did, I admired her so much. She thought that she needed to stay away from Cole, but I was so glad that he didn't give up on her. He was exactly what she needed, and I absolutely loved them together. Cole was sexy and supportive, and just a genuinely good guy. He had a past as well, and though he could have let everyone know what had really happened, he chose to keep quiet and handle things with an integrity that few have. He didn't want to bad mouth someone and ruin their life, even though he would have had every right to set the record straight. I just loved both of these characters so much, and I really felt the connection they were forming. The chemistry was off the charts between them, not that I was surprised with this being a Melissa Foster novel. She has such a way with words that you can't help but fall in love with her characters and feel like their story is believable and realistic. 

Overall, I loved these two and thought that they were perfect together. These books are some of my favorites, and I know with each new story in the series that I will enjoy it. It is always great to see familiar faces, and I love that you never quite know who will make an appearance! While that is something to look forward to for fans, it isn't confusing or overdone for those that are unfamiliar with the series. Melissa Foster does a great job of balancing the steamy scenes as well as the emotional, and her books are both light and easy as well as heartwarming. If you haven't read any of her books before, you definitely should if you enjoy contemporary romance books and Surrender My Love is a great place to start! If you area already a fan, Cole's story is one that shouldn't be missed! I can't wait for more from Melissa Foster, and I will anxiously be awaiting her next book.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | iTunes

Cover Reveal: Fly With Me by Chanel Cleeton

We are so excited to bring you the cover reveal for Chanel Cleeton's Fly With Me. We hope you love the cover as much as we do!

Release date: May 3, 2016

From the author of the Capital Confessions Novels comes the first in the steamy Wild Aces Romance series.

U.S. Air Force fighter pilot Noah Miller—call sign Burn—loves nothing more than flying hard and fast. When he meets a gorgeous and sassy woman while partying in Las Vegas, he immediately locks on to her.

Jordan Callahan owns a thriving clothing boutique, but her love life is far less successful. Her luck changes when six feet, two inches of sexy swagger asks her to dance and turns her world upside down.

One scorching weekend becomes an undeniable chemistry that they can’t leave in Vegas. But the long distance relationship and their different lives threaten to ground their romance. And when the dangers of Noah’s job become all too real, Jordan learns being with a fighter pilot means risking it all for a shot at love…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | GooglePlay | iTunes | Kobo |

Check out the FIRST CHAPTER of Fly with Me HERE.

ARC Review: The Love Square by Jessica Calla

I have to admit that I don't really know where to start with this review. The Love Square is my first book my Jessica Calla and it won't be my last. I went into this one not really knowing what to expect, and yet the blurb sounded really interesting. I can tell you that this book will not be for everyone. As the title implies, this is way more than a love triangle and there are many players here. If you don't like angst, drama or complicated love triangles/squares this definitely isn't the book for you. That being said, I couldn't put it down! I love torturing myself occasionally with these types of stories, so while there were things here that didn't exactly work for me I really did enjoy this one.

Having taken a job as a bookstore manager in LA, Clare begins to fear that leaving her life in Nebraska behind was a mistake. She hates California and doesn't know that leaving behind her fiance and family was her best decision. But when she meets model/actor Dylan Barnes, he offers to show her around and help her see how great California can be. The two strike up a friendship and the more time they spend together the more their feelings grow. Meanwhile in NY, Dylan's childhood friend Alex Popovich a minor league baseball player hoping to go pro meets a beautiful ballroom dancer named Jenna Stecco. The two become fast friends and while both of them want to be more, it isn't until Jenna makes her feelings known that Alex makes the mistake of telling her they can't be together. But when Dylan visits NY and meets Jenna, everything shifts as Jenna and Dylan spend the weekend together and decide to pursue a long distance relationship. Though Jenna and Dylan are together, they are both still in love with their friends. Just as it appears that everyone is figuring things out, Jenna shocks everyone with a secret that will change everything once again. 

I liked these characters a lot, though I will admit that they were frustrating. The biggest thing that drove me nuts with them was the fact that none of them communicated well at all here. I realize that was part of how everything got so messed up, but it got a bit crazy at times, especially considering how close Alex and Jenna and Dylan and Clare were supposed to be. I absolutely loved Dylan and Clare together. They were perfect for one another and had an easy friendship and connection right from the start, which was amazing considering how they first met! Same goes for Jenna and Alex. They were great for one another and the bond they shared was so obvious. I really enjoyed seeing how everything played out for all of them, and while at first it was a bit confusing who everyone was and what was going on, this story flowed well and was easy to follow after a bit of explanation. I really loved that we got to see the POVs for the four main characters, and I think that helped to really understand and feel invested here.  

The one thing I will say is that this story is a bit far fetched and unrealistic. While a bit unbelievable, this story was really good and that didn't matter to me. I took it for what it was and didn't let that bother me. There were times that I would wish characters would speak up and actually talk about things with one another, it was clear to see just how much each of them felt for one another and why they didn't make their feelings known. Each of them had their own insecurities and issues or assumptions that kept them from really being able to go in the direction that they wanted to. As much as my heart hurt for the characters throughout the mess they went through, I hoped that they would all wind up where they were meant to and I think that Jessica Calla did them justice. The ending was very satisfying and while unconventional, it felt genuine. I will look for more from Jessica Calla in the future and I recommend this one if you are open to a different and unique love story.

**ARC Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Wednesday, January 20, 2016

ARC Review: Slave to Love by Julie A. Richman

I have loved Julie A. Richman's books since I first met Schooner! I couldn't have been more excited to get a new standalone from her, and after reading the blurb I knew I was going to enjoy it. Slave to Love was really good, and Julie just proved once again how great of a writer she is. I really love her characters and books, and they are all so easy to get lost in. Fun and sexy, yet emotional enough to keep you invested from the first page, Julie A. Richman never disappoints. 

Sierra Stone and Hale Lindstrom first meet when Sierra's boss introduces Hale as their new client. Their first meeting doesn't get off to a great start though, and Hale ignores Sierra. But the worst is when he gets inappropriate with her after a business meeting. Sierra might be successful, but everything she has is a reflection of her dignity rather than the success those around her have received for sleeping their way to the top. But when her boss loans her out to Hale for a special project, Sierra knows that she will have to find a way to work with Hale. The chemistry between them is there right from the start, but it starts to get dangerous when they get to know one another and feelings become involved. Though they want to see where things between them could go, they know they need to stay away from one another personally until they are no longer professionally linked. But Hale has secrets and Sierra is afraid to fully let Hale in. Can they find a way to move forward together after their project is done, or will there be too many obstacles standing in their way? 

I liked both Hale and Sierra. Sierra was strong and driven, and I absolutely loved her integrity. Here was a successful woman who could hold her own, and yet she wasn't made out to be some cold man-eater. She was fun and sassy, and I adored her friendship with her girls. She was so easy to like and beneath her tough exterior she had such a vulnerability to her. I felt for her and she was just one of those characters that you want to hang out with in real life! Hale had his moments where he really frustrated me, and yet I couldn't help but love him. He was sexy and driven as well, and both him and Sierra shared such a passion for their work. But that was nothing compared to the connection they shared with one another. The more they got to know each other and let each other in, the more obvious it was that they were meant for one another. Their chemistry was never in question here, and the sparks were flying from their very first meeting.

I will say that my one big complaint here though was that the ending was so rushed and abrupt feeling. As I approached the end of this book and it kept showing what percent I was at, I kept wondering when we were going to get the resolution we needed and the truth is I don't feel that we fully did. While the epilogue was great and I enjoyed seeing how things ultimately turned out, I felt like the things that had got between them and kept them apart weren't ever dealt with. Things were wrapped up far too easily and while that is a nice place to stop, I feel like we just didn't see how they got there or that anything had really changed. Hale had made some poor choices and Sierra had a reason for walking away, and while he might have felt bad and still wanted her it was all just sort of swept under the rug. As much as I loved this book, that ending left me feeling a bit bittersweet about the whole book since that was the last thing I had to go on. There were a few times that this book was a bit slow and the details of the job they were working on as well as them not being together because they were working together sort of lost me, but overall I really enjoyed this story. I think had it not been for those things and the ending this one would have been a five star read for me. Julie A. Richman is still a great writer and this book is one I would recommend, especially to those who like contemporary romance or office romance stories. I know this won't be the last I read from Julie A. Richman and if you haven't read anything by her yet, you should definitely give her a shot.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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ARC Review: To the Stars by Molly McAdams

Anyone who has ever read a Molly McAdams book before knows that her books are always emotional and deal with some pretty tough subjects. To the Stars is no different, and I couldn't put this book down! Molly McAdams is a fantastic writer and while her books aren't easy journeys, each one is more than worth the read. Sharing You has held the spot as my favorite of hers since I read it, but I have to say that To the Stars runs a very close second. This book won't be for everyone, and yet it is definitely one I would recommend. To the Stars is the second book in the Thatch series, but it is a standalone story with interconnected characters.

When Knox Alexander and Harlow Evans first met, their connection was quick and undeniable. However with her being fifteen and him being eighteen, they knew that they couldn't be together until she turned eighteen and was legal. Knox vowed to wait for her, while also continuing to live his life. As the years passed, Knox and Harlow remained in contact and their feelings for one another never changed. Knox continued to wait for Harlow, knowing that she was it for him. But as Harlow turned eighteen, things changed and she no longer waited for Knox. After she told him that her heart belonged to someone else, they no longer spoke to one another. Now four years later, Harlow knows that not waiting for Knox was the biggest mistake of her life and though she wishes things had been different, she is living with the consequences of her choice. But when Knox suddenly reappears in her life and isn't willing to let her go, can she possibly get the life she should have had all along with Knox? 

I absolutely loved Knox! Not only was he sweet and caring, but he was so romantic and loyal. Despite everything that they had been through, Knox had never stopped caring for Harlow and he was willing to do anything for her. Though he had tried to move on, it was so clear that he was never able to. I couldn't have loved him more, and as the book continued my heart broke for everything these two had been through and the time they had lost, yet I was filled with hope seeing the love and connection that nothing could change for these two. Harlow was frustrating at times, and yet I completely understood her. She was young and things appeared to be one way, and she made her decisions based on those things and her age. Though it was heartbreaking and awful, I did see it and couldn't completely blame her. She was stuck living with those consequences and she did so out of her love for those around her. She was so strong and protective, willing to take whatever came her way as long as they were okay. I felt so bad for the awful situation that Knox and Harlow were in and yet I was so glad that they had found their way back to one another. Their chemistry and connection was so unique and was so genuine, even with how fast things happened and the age at which they met and fell for one another. 

Overall, I really did love this story and I enjoyed reading it even with the parts that were tough to get through. This book does deal with some very serious issues such as abuse and violence, and those with triggers might want to take that into consideration before reading this one. But this book was also filled with love and hope, and the kind of relationship that is rare and truly special. I will admit that for most of this book I really hated Knox's friends and I didn't understand why he let them treat Harlow the way they did. But as they started to change toward the end, it was clear that they were just looking out for their friend, and they believed they were doing what they had to. I didn't support their methods at all, but I was glad to see the progress they made and how they really embraced Harlow after they fully understood the situation and what Knox and Harlow shared. While this has a lot of things that some readers might shy away from (abuse, love triangle) I do think it is worth the read, and I really loved the story. Knox was impossible not to fall in love with, and I think that NA readers and especially those that are fans of Molly McAdams will really enjoy this book.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Interview with Author Cindi Madsen and Giveaway

Cindi Madsen is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romance and young adult novels. She sits at her computer every chance she gets, plotting, revising, and falling in love with her characters. Sometimes it makes her a crazy person. Without it, she’d be even crazier. She has way too many shoes, but can always find a reason to buy a pretty new pair, especially if they’re sparkly, colorful, or super tall. She loves music and dancing and wishes summer lasted all year long. She lives in Colorado (where summer is most definitely NOT all year long) with her husband and three children.

You can visit Cindi at:, where you can sign up for her newsletter to get all the up-to-date information on her books.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

ARC Review: The Lie and the Lady by Kate Noble

I wish I had read The Game and the Governess, the first book of Kate Noble’s Winner Takes All series not that you have to read it I just wish I had found this series earlier. When I first read the synopsis I thought, how could this possibly work, he lies and ultimately humiliates her how could he turn it around? I really enjoyed this book. It’s always amusing when two people who love each other and are perfect for each other try and hate one another; that always means amusing antics they put each other through. Kate Noble has a wonderful narrative; it was very easy to picture everything, from the dresses and scenery to the emotions that the characters experience.

The start of the book introduces Lady Leticia Herzog, the Countess Churzy, and how she has fallen in love for the third time to the Earl of Ashby. It explains a little about her humble beginnings as a milliner’s daughter and her first husband. Konrad Herzog, Letty’s first husband, let her penniless and falling in love with an Earl was exactly what she needed someone capable of taking care of her so she never has to worry about money again. Unfortunately, something happens and the man she fell in love with wasn’t who he said he was. Now broken hearted, betrayed and the laughing stock of the ton she flees to the continent to try and find a husband, never expecting to see John Turner the man who lied to her again. A year later in Paris, she finds her solution in Sir Barty. Letty has been living off the last pennies she has was luckily enough to meet Sir Barty a widower on his belated tour of the continent. He is a kind older gentleman a who immediately becomes taken with the beautiful Letty. Letty travels with Sir Barty to him home in Lincolnshire, the quaint town of Helmsley. She never expected that John Turner was the owner of the local mill.

John Turner made a bet with his employer to switch places, and if he won than the Earl of Ashby would pay him enough that John could rebuild his father’s mill with the updated steam powered system. John never expected to meet Letty, but everything about her made him fall hard and fast. After the truth came out John thought he lost his Letty forever until she showed up engaged to the largest land owner and potentially his biggest client for the mill. John was determined to hate her because he thought it would be easier to hate her then to love her and watch her marry another man.

The town of Helmsley turns out to be a bit more difficult to win over then either Letty or John thought. John with his new steam powered mill and Letty just trying to make friends. Letty also learns that Sir Barty has a grown daughter who is more interested in horticulture then balls and dress like other girls her age. Fortunately Letty is quite the genius and soon has the entire town as her friend and uses that to help John win them over to liking and accepting the new mill. But that’s not all they are also dealing with the unctuous rival of John’s, Palmer Blackwell is the owner of a large mill operation and is trying to keep Sir Barty and the other local farmers as his customers. There is something fishy about Blackwell; Letty is bound and determined to expose it before he can expose John and Letty’s past.

Overall, I loved this book. It has some great characters; I hope to see Margaret and Rhys in their own book. It’s a beautiful read about finding out that what you want isn’t the same as being where you need to be and finding that place, or that person who is exactly what you need.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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