
Saturday, March 4, 2017

Feature and Giveaway: Talk Cowboy to Me

One cowboy. One cowgirl. One ranch.
Who will win the Double Deuce by the Fourth of July?

Adele O’Donnell knew that Double Deuce Ranch had to be hers the second she walked onto the property. Freshly divorced, she sees it as the perfect spot for her and the kids to start a new life. Remington Luckadeau was always a carefree playboy…until his suddenly orphaned nephews became his responsibility. The Double Deuce Ranch would be the perfect place to raise two boys. But some fiery woman is fighting him for it, and Remington is not sharing—no matter how the sparks fly when he and Adele are together.

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ARC Review: A Lady's Code of Misconduct by Meredith Duran

I really enjoy Meredith Duran and this series. I’ve read all the books in the series except one. One of the reasons that I really love Duran is that not only are her hero’s usually anti-heroes but many times so are her heroines.

The hero in this story Crispin Burke is the perfect anti-hero. He is ruthless. The second son and the least favorite, Crispin is a very skilled manipulator and he is very ambitious. He is looking to become Prime Minister and won’t let anyone or anything stand in his way. Crispin knows how to pull strings and has many of the members of Parliament eating out of his hand.

As Jane Mason’s luck would have it her guardian and also Uncle is “friends” with Crispin. Jane can’t figure out who is the worst of the two since in her eyes, they are one and the same. Jane’s father earned much of his money in a very fortunate business venture. Her uncle felt that her father cheated him out of money that he was due. When Jane is left under his guardianship when she is orphaned Jane is basically a hostage. Her uncle has plans for both Jane and her wealth. He plans to have Jane marry his son and thus have control over all her wealth. Through a series of events Crispin is attacked and almost left to die. Jane finds herself desperate and does something she never would have dreamed… she obtains a marriage certificate for her and Crispin. Jane’s luck turns when Crispin ends up living and now she has a very much alive husband.

First, I love the plot. Duran always pulls the heroine into a dilemma. Many of her heroines are always smart and crafty. Jane is definitely smart but she is burdened with guilt when Crispin loses his memory. She is ready to flee but she can’t until her funds are finally released to her. Jane keeps expecting the old power lusting Crispin to appear and regain his memory. When both their feelings turn into just a marriage Crispin is faced with his old self and his new self. Jane is also faced with the reality that her marriage although her salvation might also be the exact opposite. I loved the complexity of both these characters. The more layers that peeled off Crispin the more I empathized with him. I loved the romance between them. My one little complaint is that at times the new Crispin seemed such an opposite to the old one and also that the big moment when he regained his memory was not as dramatic as I had expected. Also, I thought that at times the chemistry between them was very neutral and they had more chemistry before he lost his memory. Nonetheless, this is another great Duran read. It was interesting and intense, although at times very weighed by historical facts and less of plot, I wanted to see how Crispin and Jane finally found themselves. I’m not sure if we get another book in this series but I’m hoping we get to see more of Charlotte.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Friday, March 3, 2017

ARC Review: Mister Wrong by Nicole Williams

I honestly don't really know what to think after reading this book. On the one hand, I couldn't put Mister Wrong down. But on the other, there were several things that just didn't work for me here. I will say that Nicole Williams is a great writer, and regardless of my feelings on this story her talent is undeniable. I think that there are a lot of readers that will enjoy this story, but I think that there are some that like me will have some problems with this one.

I was drawn in with the blurb right away...Cora Matthews grew up with Jacob and Matt Adams. Jacob became Cora's fiance, while Matt was her best friend. When Jacob fails to show up for their wedding, Matt steps in as the groom with Cora not finding out until after the wedding. On their honeymoon, Cora discovers some secrets that the Adams brothers had been keeping from her and must confront her feelings for Matt to figure out which Adams brother is the right one for her. 

I have to say that part of my problem here was the characters and how things went down. While I liked things about them and definitely had opinions on who I thought should end up together, I felt like the communication here was horrible. I found things unbelievable and that made it hard for me to really get behind the story. There was a ton of drama, which if I am honest, I expected. But at times things were just too over the top for me to fully ignore. 

Overall, this one still has me unable to decide what I really think which is the reason for my 3 star rating. As I said the writing is fantastic, but the story itself is what kept me from loving the book. I am a sucker for forbidden romance stories and those that are on the angsty side which is why this one instantly appealed to me. Unfortunately I just wasn't able to fully get behind this one, though I do think that a lot of others will really like it. This one could be just me personally having some issues, so I definitely recommend giving it a shot if it sounds like one you might like.

**ARC Provided by Ardent PRose**

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Guest Post with Author Jessica Lemmon and Giveaway

A former job-hopper, Jessica Lemmon resides in Ohio with her husband and rescue dog. She holds a degree in graphic design currently gathering dust in an impressive frame. When she's not writing super-sexy heroes, she can be found cooking, drawing, drinking coffee (okay, wine), and eating potato chips. She firmly believes God gifts us with talents for a purpose, and with His help, you can create the life you want.

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Thursday, March 2, 2017

ARC Review: Cross Checked by Kristen Hope Mazzola

Cross Checked is the second book in the Shots on Goal series and is the second book I have read from Kristen Hope Mazzola. I enjoyed the first in the series and I was really looking forward to Cross Checked. This is a standalone story, though I will admit that I had some troubles with it and I did read the first book. While I think that there are some readers that will enjoy this one and be fine reading it as a standalone, I would recommend reading it in order if possible. 

After a car accident changed the life of Brayden's family, Karla helped take care of his sister. Years later, they meet back up and the chemistry between them is one that they can't deny. They start dating and things are going well, but Brayden is always waiting for something to wreck his life and finds it hard to live his life without worrying. Can he let go and see where things with Karla take him or will he continue to live his life waiting for the other shoe to drop?

I have to admit that I had a tough time relating to these characters. I didn't feel connected to them, and I wasn't invested in their story. As much as I wanted to love them, I just was never able to. It always felt like things were missing from the story and things felt rushed. There was a lot that seemed to happen off page and between the scenes, and even though I had read the first book and somewhat knew things it really felt confusing at times. I did think that Karla and Brayden had chemistry, I just wasn't able to really get behind their story. 

I also found a lot of things to be unbelievable, and that added together just kept me from really into Cross Checked like I was able to with Hat Trick. I think that there are readers that will enjoy this story, but for me it was just okay and I was left wanting more. This wasn't what I was expecting and after really enjoying the first book I was a bit disappointed here. I would read more from Kristen Hope Mazzola in the future, but this one wasn't as good as the first I read from her.

**ARC Provided by L. Woods PR**

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ARC Review: The Wright Brother by K.A. Linde

The Wright Brother is the first book in a new series of standalones by K.A. Linde, centering around the Wright family. I am a huge fan of K.A. Linde, and this book was everything I have come to know and love from her. I couldn't put this book down, and I am anxious for the next one. If you are a fan of Linde's, this is a must read and if you are new to her you need to check her books out! 

After getting her heart broken, Emery swore off the Wright family and moved away to go to college. Now that she is back though, she finds herself attending a wedding with her best friend that just so happens to be a Wright family wedding. There she runs into Jensen Wright, and the attraction between them is instant. Though they find themselves drawn to one another, Jensen Wright is the brother of Emery's ex. Though they try to fight what is between them, they soon discover that some things are worth taking a chance on. But when Jensen's brother finds out, all bets are off and Emery and Jensen might be over before they ever really had a shot at something together. 

I really loved these two together! Emery and Jensen were so good for one another, and I thought that they fit together perfectly. They were sweet and sexy, with strong chemistry and a genuine connection. There was a lot of baggage between them, but I loved how easy their connection felt. Their relationship wasn't easy by any means, but these two just felt so right together. I will say that Jensen irritated me at times, even though I understood him wanting to keep some things to himself for awhile I hated that he didn't open up to Emery. I hated the way things went down when all was revealed and that was the only reason that I didn't rate this story higher. But these two were undeniable and I was rooting for them from the start. 

Even though I did think that Jensen should have been more honest with Emery, I couldn't put this book down and really liked the story. K.A. Linde always writes such amazing stories, filled with sweet and sexy times and of course the perfect amount of angst! The Wright Brother was a really great start to this series, and I honestly can't wait to get to know the rest of the family better. Linde set things up perfectly for the remaining family members and I am so excited to see what she has in store for them! I highly recommend The Wright Brother.

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Wednesday, March 1, 2017

ARC Review: Lucky by Carina Adams

I am a huge fan of Carina Adams. Ever since I first read Always Been Mine, I have been hooked on her books. So whenever I see that she has a new book coming out, I always get excited. That being said though, I couldn't wait for Lucky! This blurb sounded so good, and I really loved the story. Carina Adams has once again proved why she is such a great writer, and I think readers are going to love this book! 

Lucky and Sunny meet in a bar and share a hot night together. Though they both can't stop thinking about it, they know that is all they will ever have. But then fate steps in and Lucky soon discovers that his new teacher is none other than Sunny. But with both Sunny's job and Lucky's scholarship and spot on the team at stake, they know that if anything happens between them they could lose everything. Can they find a way to be together and keep what is important to them, or will they decide that some things aren't worth the risk? 

I loved these two! They had smoking hot chemistry from their very first meeting, and I couldn't get enough of them! They were super hot together, and I couldn't wait to see that grow into more. I loved seeing their connection form, and their banter was entertaining. I really felt that both characters were genuine and easy to relate to, with each of them holding their own. I loved Lucky, he was sexy and sweet and really great for Sunny. I really liked her though as well, and that isn't always the case for me with heroines that are a bit older than the hero. She was likable as well as sassy and fun. 

Overall, this was a great story and I recommend it to anyone looking for something sexy and sweet. I was drawn in from the first word and really enjoyed the entire book. The characters were great, and I really hope that we get to know some of them better! I would especially love to get a story for Josh Allen, Lucky's best friend. If you are new to Carina Adams, this is a great book to start with. If you are already a fan of hers, Lucky doesn't disappoint and is one you are going to want to check out!

**ARC Provided by Social Butterfly PR**

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ARC Review: Whisper of Love by Melissa Foster

I honestly don't know how she does it, but Melissa Foster just seems to get better with each book she writes. I have loved her books since the first one of hers that I read, and I genuinely look forward to each new book she releases. She is at the top of my auto-buy list, and is the queen of contemporary romance. It amazes me how unique and different each story she writes is, yet I always feel so at home with her books. Whisper of Love was no exception, and I felt like I had walked right into this beautiful world that Melissa Foster has created. I loved the characters and the story so much, and this might just be my favorite book of Melissa's to date. 

After watching most of her family find love and settle down, Tempest Braden is ready for her own HEA. She rents a room from sexy single father Nash Morgan, an artist living on the edge of town. Though she is determined to focus on building her business, Tempest soon finds Nash and Phillip becoming more important to her than she would have expected. But Nash is closed off after everything that has happened in his life and though he wants to let Tempest in, he finds himself wondering if he can risk falling for someone that could wreck his world. 

I absolutely loved these characters. Nash is a sexy single dad with a lot more going on beneath the surface than you first see. He had been through a lot, and I found that I really understood him and why he was the way he was. Even though he was closed off at times, he was so sweet and charming that I couldn't help but swoon right alone with Tempest. Tempest was the kind of heroine that I love to read about! She was beautiful on the inside as well as out, kind and caring. She was absolutely perfect for both Nash and Phillip, her love for children allowing her to be exactly what both of them needed. I just couldn't get enough of these characters and the strong connection that was forming between them. 

Overall, I loved this book and can't recommend it enough. Melissa Foster always writes such beautiful and heartfelt stories, filled with emotion and love. I really love her books, and I truly believe that you can't go wrong with anything that has her name on it. That being said, this is seriously one of my favorites of hers that I have ever read and would be at the top of my list of recommendations for readers looking for a great contemporary romance. Whisper of Love drew me right in and I never wanted this story to end.

**ARC Provided by Tasty Book Tours**

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Feature and Giveaway: Whisper of Love by Melissa Foster

Tempest Braden adores her family and her small hometown, but sometimes too much of a good thing can be confining. At almost thirty, having watched most of her siblings find true love, she’s anxious to experience her own happily ever after, and the move to Pleasant Hill, Maryland, is just the change she needs. When she rents a room from ruggedly handsome, and closed-off, artist Nash Morgan and his adorable son, Phillip, she thinks she’s found a little slice of heaven on the outskirts of town, where she can concentrate on building her business. That is, if she can ignore the undeniable heat between her and the sinfully hot single father.

When Nash bought his farmette, he had one goal in mind—to provide a loving, stable home for his son. He never imagined he’d be raising Phillip alone, or renting out a room to keep their heads above water. Then again, he never imagined losing his brother, or spending two years sailing around the world with parents who seemed to forget one son was still alive.

Sparks fly from the moment Tempest moves in, and her positive energy and inquisitive nature brings new life into Nash and Phillip’s quiet, confined world. For the first time in years, Nash wants to let a woman into his world, but while his loss made him stronger, that strength came at a price, leaving him walled off and wary of opening his heart again.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2017

ARC Review: Where Promises Die by R.C. Stephens

I am pretty new to R.C. Stephens as Where Promises Die is only the second book of hers that I have read. But that being said, I am now a huge fan of hers! Each one of her books that I have read has been impossible to put down, and I really love that she brings such depth and emotion to her stories. Where Promises Die is a beautiful story that I highly recommend. 

When a tragedy occurs leaving Grace orphaned, she goes to stay with the Duncans. Adjusting to life with the Duncans is difficult not only because of the circumstances of why she is there, but also moving from New York to a small town in Iowa. But she quickly forms a connection with Eisav, one of the twin Duncan brothers. Though both Duncan brothers are interested in her, Eisav and Grace grow closer and soon their friendship grows into more. But when a decision changes everything between Eisav and Grace, can they find a way back to each other when there are so many secrets and lies standing between them?

I really loved these two together. Grace and Eisav were so great for one another, and I loved that their connection was so strong right from the start. Both of them had so much that they were each dealing with, and yet in each other they found someone who understood them and supported them. They truly cared and loved for one another, and it was the kind of bond that is so rare and hard to find. Their relationship was so deep and genuine, and I couldn't get enough of them. 

This book was filled with so much emotion, and their journey was anything but easy. My heart broke for them and everything that happened, and I never expected for things to go the way they did here. I love that R.C. Stephens is able to write such unique and different stories that keep the reader constantly guessing and intrigued from the very first word. Where Promises Die was captivating and beautiful, and I definitely recommend picking this one up. If you are new to R.C. Stephens, she is absolutely an author worth taking a chance on. I honestly can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Southern Belle Promotions**

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Feature: Where Promises Die by R.C. Stephens

Haunted by a childhood trauma that leaves her orphaned, eleven-year-old Grace finds herself on the doorstep of the Duncans, her new adoptive family, broken and unable to speak. Catapulted from a bustling New York City life, she must find a way to call the rural town of Sade, Iowa her new home. Twins Eisav and Jacob Duncan immediately take a liking to Grace, wanting to erase the dark shadows etched on her perfect features.

As the twins vie for her affection, it becomes clear which one makes her smile.

Grace never has a choice for falling in love.

What starts as a way to coax his adopted sister to speak and smile, blossoms into the kind of love that lasts a lifetime.

In this small town it shouldn’t be a crime to fall in love . . .

Isaac Duncan warns his son to stay away from the forbidden fruit. Eisav never listens.

Now an intricate web of lies and secrets stand in the way of Eisav winning back the only woman he has ever loved.

In a place where yesterday’s promises were broken, Eisav must learn what it truly means to love and cherish . . .

But is he too late?

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Monday, February 27, 2017

ARC Review: Roman by Sawyer Bennett

I've read almost all of the books in this series and I've enjoyed all of them. I also just generally love this author.  I have to say though, of all the books in the series, this one is my least favorite. The author went in a slightly different direction in including a lot of contextual information about Lexi's family and I think it just undercut the story of Roman of Lexi.

Roman is the NHL bad boy who is being forced to make a decision between cleaning his act up or becoming a permanent resident of the bench.  And maybe Roman could've been one of the Cold Fury characters that I really love but his personality flaws just didn't work for me. Roman came across as kind of immature. He would engage in ridiculous antics. He then refused to accept valid criticism about his behavior just because he couldn't let anyone know that they had authority over him. I just found this 'rebel without a cause' act to be annoying as hell. I did appreciate that Roman grew over the course of the book but his reasons for sometimes not growing were stupid.

Roman plays for the Cold Fury and first meets Lexi when both of them are waiting on appointments in the Cold Fury offices. Lexi's reasons for visiting the offices are nothing like Roman's. As it turns out, Lexi is the daughter of the Cold Fury owner. A fact she did not learn until her Mother passed away recently and told her. Lexi is at the offices to meet her Father for the first time. For those of you who have read past books in this series, you know that this turn of events makes Lexi Gray's little sister. That was an interesting twist.

Lexi is offbeat and quirky and Roman likes her instantly. Lexi is the kind of outspoken character that I normally really like as well. Lexi actually likes herself and she isn't the type to take any crap. Roman and Lexi connect with one another pretty quickly but I have to tell you, it felt like something was missing from their story. I'm not sure exactly what it was but even the sex was a little meh. Ok, so I think what happened is that the author tried to put a whole second story into this book. The book actually alternates between the POVs of the two main characters but also includes Lexi's Father and his love interest. Gray (who I like from her book) was less than fun in this book which I also found distracting. Just overall this book was good but not as good as the others in terms of the strength of the romance.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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