
Saturday, May 21, 2016

ARC Review: Dirty Girl by Meghan March

Dirty Girl is the first book in the Dirty Girl Duet by Meghan March. If you have read her Dirty Billionaire Trilogy, you will recognize Greer as Creighton's sister. However if you haven't read those books yet (you absolutely should!) this one can be read without any problems. With this being the first book in the duet though, I will warn you there is a cliffhanger and I can't wait for the next book! I thought I loved Creighton and Holly (and I do!), but Greer and Cav are so hot! 

After finding her boyfriend with another woman, Greer Karas gets drunk with her best friend and posts an ad online. When she wakes up the next morning and realizes what she did, she scrambles to do damage control but the ad has gone viral and it is too late for anything to be done. So when Cavanaugh Westman, Hollywood's hottest new bad boy, shows up at her door she is shocked to see him. But Cav is also the man that left her years before without a word, breaking her heart. Cav will do whatever it takes for a second chance with Greer, but the only thing she wants are answers for why he left her before and Cav knows that he can't give her any. 

I loved these two so much! Creighton and Holly were hot, but Greer and Cav were smoking! These two had so much chemistry right away and I seriously have no idea how my Kindle is still intact and didn't burst into flames. These two had so much between them beyond just heat though, and I really thought that they were great together. I hated that Cav had left Greer years before and hurt her, but I also saw that he hadn't done it because he didn't have feelings for her. It was clear that he had always cared about her and that his reasons for leaving were because he thought that he had no choice. I kept waiting for the truth to come out and I couldn't wait to see what those reasons were. I felt like Greer deserved the truth and I was hoping that it would be something that they could work through. 

At the end, we do get some insight into his reasons for leaving her years before in the form of a huge cliffhanger! I can't wait for the second installment in this series to pick up where we left off here. Greer and Cav are still on my mind, and I cannot wait to get more of them. If you haven't read this one yet, there is still time before the second installment comes out to catch up. Meghan March is a great writer and I will be anxiously waiting for the next book. Dirty Girl had great writing, a sexy alpha male, and plenty of heat to keep me captivated right from the start and I can't recommend this one enough!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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ARC Review: Crave Me by M. Robinson

Crave Me is the fourth standalone story in the Good Ol' Boys series by M. Robinson. These can be read out of order, but for full enjoyment I would recommend reading in order if possible. I knew that Austin's story was going to be a tough one to get through from glimpses we have seen as this series has continued and it definitely was at times. But I also loved him and couldn't put this book down because I had to know what would happen. Crave Me was emotionally intense and I was invested right away.

Austin always felt like he was on the outside looking in. Though he was surrounded by friends and family, he never felt as though he fit with any of them. Until he met Briggs. She was everything that he had been looking for and more, and she became his high. But as they grew closer, Briggs and Austin found themselves going down a road that they never could expected, and soon they were both facing the fact that though they cared about each other, their relationship could also be their demise. 

I was so invested in these characters right away. Though I couldn't personally relate to what they were going through, I felt like I was so emotionally involved. My heart broke for these two for so many reasons. Briggs had a childhood that I couldn't even imagine and it changed the person she became. Austin was surrounded by people who should have supported him unconditionally, yet they had a hand in becoming the person he was. These two understood one another and connected right away. As much as they wanted to be there for one another though, they were each struggling with things that they had never dealt with. The love and chemistry between them was something that I never questioned, that was obvious right away. But these two went through so much and I just kept hoping that they would be able to find a way to be together. 

Overall, this was a really great book and I couldn't stop reading it. I devoured it and went through so many emotions here. I will be honest, this book isn't an easy one to get through. There is heartbreak and pain, and some topics that might be tough for some to handle. But to me, going through all of that is what made this one worth it in the end. To see the growth and healing that all these characters went through to get to where they were at the end was something that made the pain and suffering they did a little more bearable. After reading Crave Me, I can't wait for the spin-off for Alejandro Martinez. I won't go into detail here so as not to spoil anything, but after this book I am so curious about him and can't wait to see what is in store after the ending here! If you haven't read anything by M. Robinson before, you are seriously missing out. Her stories are emotional and intense, and I really love that they are each unique and different. They aren't for the faint of heart, but I think that is what makes them work the read every time.

**ARC Provided by Author**

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Guest Post with Author Terry Spear and Giveaway

USA Today bestselling author Terry Spear has written over fifty paranormal and medieval Highland historical romances. In 2008 Heart of the Wolf was named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry also creates award-winning teddy bears that have found homes all over the world. She lives in Crawford, Texas.

Friday, May 20, 2016

ARC Review: The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood

I knew I had to read this book when I first saw the blurb! Between the blurb and the cover, it was like this book was just calling my name. As soon as I started reading though, I knew that The Rule Book by Jennifer Blackwood was going to be more than just a pretty cover and clever blurb. I had a really great time reading this one, and it was just one of those books that you find yourself lost in while the world sort of slips away around you. 

When Lainey Taylor takes a job at Starr Media, she finds herself with a rule book filled with things that absolutely aren't allowed. Among those though are don't call your boss the Antichrist and definitely don't fall for him no matter how hot he may be. But the more Lainey gets to know Brogan Starr, the more she finds herself struggling to follow his many rules. But with Lainey needing to help support her sick mom she knows that she needs to do whatever it takes to keep her job, even if that means fighting the growing connection between her and Brogan.

I liked Brogan and Lainey a lot. They had so much chemistry right away, and I really enjoyed their banter. This story was witty and funny, and I loved the interactions between these two. Brogan had a ton of rules and at first he was sort of hard to warm up to, but as the story continued I really liked seeing how he and Lainey got to know one another and grew closer. I liked Lainey and I really admired her taking care of her mother. You could tell how close they were and I liked that family was so important to her. While I liked these two, I will say that I did wish that there had more steam. There was a lot of chemistry and tension, yet there wasn't a lot of follow through. 

The other thing that I will say is that while this one was witty and funny, there were times that it came off a bit choppy. It sort of took me out of the story and romance a bit, even though I did enjoy most of it. I think that this book is one that NA and Contemporary fans will enjoy though, and if you are enjoy rom-coms, this is definitely one worth checking out. I know I will read more from Jennifer Blackwood in the future, and I look forward to seeing what she writes next.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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ARC Review: The Spiral Down by Aly Martinez

I have been waiting for The Spiral Down by Aly Martinez since I read The Fall Up! I loved Levee's friend Henry and I was really hoping that we would get his story. This book was really good and it was so great to get to know him better! I really loved him and Evan together, and it was so nice to see more of Levee and Sam here as well. Though this book is the second in this series, it can easily be read as a standalone story. I recommend reading in order if possible though for full enjoyment. 

Henry spent years working to escape his childhood, and now a successful musician he finally has it all except for love. Though openly gay, he prefers his men to be straight and into experimenting for one night. The one thing he never expected though was pilot Evan Roth. Though immediately attracted to him, Henry has trouble figuring out Evan and sets out to pursue him. But Henry had no idea what he was getting himself into with Evan and soon the two find themselves feeling something they have never felt before. Evan has his own past and has vowed to stay away from men, but the more Henry wins him over the more he wants to take a chance on a future together. Can these two broken men find a way to heal each other and move forward, or will their relationship be one destined to crash and burn? 

I really liked Evan and Henry. I thought that these two were great together right from the start, and I loved seeing them get to know one another. Each one had been hurt and had fears and insecurities that kept them from ever fully letting anyone else in. Evan was kind and caring, and I loved that he could handle Henry's panic attacks and fear of flying by talking him through it. He was so good with him, and I really adored seeing him be there for him before they ever had a relationship. Henry was fun and at times a bit over the top personality wise, but I enjoyed seeing him be a bit more serious. He was afraid to go all in with Evan and to really show Evan how he was feeling so he took things a bit slowly. You could really see just how strong of feelings each of them were developing though and it was clear that their connection was special. They had a ton of chemistry, but the emotion between these two was what had me swooning here. 

I did feel like there were a few things that Henry did that kept me from giving this one five stars. As much as I loved these two together, I didn't like how he handled a few situations. He was so worried about Evan and what he would do, but then he turned around and did almost the same exact thing to Evan that he was worried Evan would do. It was frustrating and I felt so badly for Evan. But overall this was a really great story and I loved these two so much that I knew they had to find a way to work through everything together. I really hope that we get a Carter book as well after seeing him with Robin here. I think that there is a lot of story to be told there and I would love to explore that relationship more. I think if you liked The Fall Up and enjoy M/M stories, this is definitely one to check out. Aly Martinez is a great writer and I know I will read more from her in the future.

**ARC Provided by TRSOR Promotions**

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Feature and Giveaway: Rekindled by C.J. McKella


When I left, I never planned on looking back.
Walking away from the only boy I’d ever loved,
I thought I was making the right decision.
For me.
For us.
I was wrong.
Now I’m back, and the past is too much.
Tate Corbin is no longer the sweet boy next door,
But rather a man who hates me.


When she left, she took a piece of me.
A piece that had always belonged to her, and I knew—
I knew I’d never get over losing her, never get through the pain alone.
But I moved on—never thought I’d care again,
About her.
About us.
I was wrong.
Now, Callie Winters is back
And I can’t let go, I can’t step away.

Now only one question remains:

Will our love be rekindled? Or will it go down in flames?

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ARC Review: Fooling Around by Noelle Adams

This is a great book for lovers of contemporary romance. Interestingly, the name of the book is not fully descriptive of what you will find in the book. In other words, my number one criticism is that the book could have actually used more "fooling around." 

Julie finds her way to Eric during a time in her life when she has suffered emotional devastation. Eric offers her a financial opportunity that she can't pass up. Because Julie was at a crossroads in which she was trying to determine what to do with the remainder of her life, Eric's offer also comes at a good time for her. As for Eric, he is a complete jerk. A really cute one, but a jerk none the less. Eric is brooding and irritated by his life which has been diminished by a broken leg and a bunch of assistants who don't know how to do anything other than pander to him and get on his nerves. Eric thinks that Julie would make the perfect assistant but neither Eric nor Julie contemplates the extreme attraction between the two of them. 

There is a lot of self-exploration going on in this book which readers who enjoy a more intricate plot will really get into. Julie is on a mission to discover whether her need to care for other people is because she has a kind heart or if there is some level of hiding out from The real world there. As for Eric, he is finally getting to see what his motivations are and what he actually wants to do with his life versus what he is simply driven to do. As Eric and Julie's attraction for each other grows, their desire to know one another grows which forces them to get to know their selves. Eric is also dealing with an issue with his daughter that forces him to be vulnerable and further open up to Julie.

There are times in the book where Julie and Eric's denial of their feelings for one another can get to be a little bit irritating. The romance writing was on the wall long before Julie and Eric were ready to read it. However, there is a strong connection between the characters, plenty of chemistry and a really well thought-out story line to carry the book. For those of you out there who like your erotic romance more than contemporary romance, this is not that. You are going to get more than halfway through this book before you get any of the steamy stuff and then it's pretty mild on the scale. Read the book for a really good story about self-discovery and second chances and you will enjoy the ride.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Thursday, May 19, 2016

ARC Review: Heart Breaker by Erin McCarthy

I have read and enjoyed a lot of books by Erin McCarthy, but I am sad to say that this wasn't one of them. I knew right away that I was going to struggle a bit with these characters and that held true throughout this book. Heart Breaker had such a cute blurb and I was really looking forward to reading about these country singers/songwriters. Unfortunately though this wasn't what I had been hoping for and it just didn't work for me. 

Chance Rivers grew up Nashville royalty and Jolene Hart fought her way to Nashville. But once they became a team they had everything. Being a singing and songwriting duo as well as a couple, their careers exploded. But when a very nasty and public breakup tore them apart, Chance and Jolene couldn't even be in the same room together without fighting. So when their manager forces them to work together to finish their album, things don't get off on the right foot. But as they begin to work together again, the sparks between them are more than they can fight and they find themselves becoming a duo in every sense once again. Can they make it work this time, or will history repeat itself? 

I struggled right away with these characters and they were a lot of my problems with this book. Both Chance and Jolene felt very immature, and much younger than they should have been. They were childish and it was clear from their actions at the very beginning of this story that they acted without thinking. They had horrible communication and acted rashly. I just couldn't connect with them, and honestly I had a hard time really believing in their connection as well. The attraction between them was clear, and I do believe that they had feelings for one another. But I just couldn't ever fully get behind their relationship because I honestly didn't feel like either of them were mature enough to handle a committed relationship with anyone.

Besides the characters here, the story itself was predictable and ended up feeling like so many others out there. There was nothing new or unique to hold my interest and I found myself skimming to get through and find out how things would end. As much as I was hoping to be proved wrong, things were cliched and went exactly the way I figured they would and I was ultimately disappointed. I really enjoyed Erin's older titles, but I haven't been able to connect with her newer books and this was another that just didn't work for me. If this one sounds like something you might like, I recommend giving it a shot. This could be a case of it not working for me personally. But if you are looking for an adult contemporary story, this one felt much younger and might be one you want to avoid.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**

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Review: Sexiest Man Alive by M. Clarke

Sexiest Man Alive is the first book in the Knight Fashion series from M. Clarke. This is a spin-off of her Something Great series, but you do not need to have read those books to start this new series. I will mention though that this book is not a standalone story, and it does contain a cliffhanger. I am already anxious for the next book as I can't wait to find out what happens next! I have been a huge fan of M. Clarke's since first reading her work a few years ago, and I really love her Something Great series. Nathan is a character that I felt really connected to right away though, and I could not put this book down. 

Nathan Cross is a waiter who hopes to become an actor, but he knows as long as he has Olivia by his side he knows that he will be happy no matter what he is doing. But when Olivia gets a job offer that can make her modeling career, she leaves him behind with a broken heart. Now a year later Nathan is finally starting to move forward though he still thinks of Olivia, but with his own modeling career taking off he is ready to put himself out there again and begins dating someone new. But just as he is moving forward, Olivia accepts a job working alongside him at Knight Fashion. Can they put the past behind them and learn to become friends while working together, or will their lingering feelings for one another prove to be more than they can fight?

I really loved Nathan. At the start of this book my heart really broke for him. He was so sweet and loving, and Olivia really broke him. I wanted to hate her for hurting him so badly and for a bit I did. I didn't really see her reasoning for doing what she did and leaving him behind when it was so clear they were meant for one another. Nate was just too amazing for me to really understand. But then we got Olivia's POV and it started to make sense to me. She was doing what she thought she needed to for her mom, and I admired her for caring so much that she would hurt herself in the process to take care of her mom. Though I still didn't like what she did and wouldn't have done the same, I did feel that I got to a place that it at least made sense to me. I really believed right from the start though that Nathan and Olivia were meant for one another. It killed me to see them with other people, because there was so much love and chemistry between them and their connection was so special. I just kept hoping that they would find their way back to one another. 

Overall, this was a really great story and I honestly can't wait for more. There was a big cliffhanger here, and I need answers! I refuse to accept that these two aren't meant to wind up together, and I need to know if they can get a second chance at love together. The connection between them was clear right from the start and it was obvious that love was never a problem for them. Life has a way of going in unexpected directions, but I really believe that Nate and Olie are meant to be together and hope that they get their HEA. M. Clarke is a great writer and I know that whatever direction their story goes in will do justice to these characters. If you haven't read anything by M. Clarke yet, you are really missing out! I highly recommend anything by her, but Sexiest Man Alive is one of my favorites from her and I can't wait for the next book in this series!

**Review Copy Provided by Enticing Journey Book Promotions**

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Feature and Giveaway: The Problem with Forever by Jennifer L. Armentrout

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes a riveting new story about friendship, survival, and finding your voice.

For some people, silence is a weapon.

For Mallory “Mouse” Dodge, it’s a shield.

Growing up, she learned that the best way to survive was to say nothing. And even though it’s been four years since her nightmare ended, she’s beginning to worry that the fear that holds her back will last a lifetime.

Now, after years of homeschooling with loving adoptive parents, Mallory must face a new milestone—spending her senior year at public high school. But of all the terrifying and exhilarating scenarios she’s imagined, there’s one she never dreamed of—that she’d run into Rider Stark, the friend and protector she hasn’t seen since childhood, on her very first day.

It doesn’t take long for Mallory to realize that the connection she shared with Rider never really faded. Yet the deeper their bond grows, the more it becomes apparent that she’s not the only one grappling with lingering scars from the past. And as she watches Rider’s life spiral out of control, Mallory must make a choice between staying silent and speaking out—for the people she loves, the life she wants, and the truths that need to be heard.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

ARC Review: Clean Break by Abby Vegas

Clean Break
This book was just not for me but pay attention to a few key things because this might actually be just what you are looking for. I am a particular kind of reader and there are two things that I want to have both significant quantity and quality in my books: romance and sex. I can do without the sex if the romance and the story are good enough but I am not going to enjoy a book that I think is lacking in both things. That's what happened here, this book just didn't give me a story that was focused enough on the relationship between Lane and Viktor or on the freaky details that can sometimes feel in the gap.

I sensed there was going to be an issue with his book pretty early on when I couldn't follow what was happening in the plot and I was seriously wondering if this was a romance novel. There is a lot of information provided about Lane's emotional trauma which occurred after she suffers a major loss in her life. There is a hint that she coped by spending herself into poverty and I think the author is trying to build some compelling emotional context for the main character. The problem is that for me it just didn't work. I didn't feel empathy towards Lane, I just felt really really confused. I appreciate that the author wanted to build up to revealing all the details about Lane's background but I needed more information just to relate to her. Without that information, I was just rolling my eyes through like the first 10% of the book.

I was positive I was going to have a problem with this book when Viktor is introduced. I seriously wasn't sure tht Viktor was going to be the Hero in the book because there was zero chemistry between Viktor and Lane. Even after Viktor and Lane start spending time together, I felt nothing between them. I honestly felt like Viktor spent time with Lane because Lane was lonely and needed a friend. I was actually confused when they hooked up. I was also kind of lost when they almost hooked up but then didn't because Lane had issues. And that is because I still didn't have a clear understanding of what the hell was wrong with Lane, emotionally.

Another thing that I really don't like in my romance novels is when the author ventures too much into side plots. In this book I was completely annoyed by how much of the story is spent on the family that Lane works for. There is an interesting story there about how extremely crazy Lane's employers were but two things: first, I didn't care, at all. Second, I didn't think all the pages dedicated to Lane's employment did anything to advance the story of the romance between Lane and Viktor. It was like a completely separate book within the book and I hate that.

The last thing I want to note about this book (because this review is getting too dang long) is the absolute lack of sexy sex. Indeed, panties are referred to as "underpants." If you asked me 'what is the most unsexy way that panties can be described,' my answer would easily be 'as underpants.' Just NO! The sum total of the description of the characters first sexual interaction is 'he pulled her underpants off.' That's about all the information we get before the scene fades to black. I kept going but I was so doooone after that.

Look, if you want to read a potentially interesting story about a girl trying to put her life together after a major loss who starts a relationship with a quasi criminal, this might be the book for you. If you don't need all the romance and sex stuff but you prefer well developed subplots, again, this might be the book for you. Everybody else head for the nearest exit because this isn't going to do it for you.

**ARC provided by Author**

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ARC Review: Stay With Me by Kelly Elliott

Stay With Me by Kelly Elliott was a lot of fun to read and I really enjoyed it. This book is a standalone story which I found really refreshing. I do think that Kelly could turn this one into a series very easily though, and I have to admit I would love to see Thanos's brothers get their own stories and even his best friend Gus. 

Thanos and Kilyn both have had pain and heartbreak unlike anyone should ever have to go through. They are both still struggling to deal with their pasts when they meet, but the connection between them is one unlike anything they have felt before. Fate keeps bringing them together, and soon they find themselves wanting to explore what is between them, yet torn with moving on from the past. 

I really liked these two. Each of them had been through so much and I was so glad that they had met. Thanos was sexy and sweet and he was really great with Kilyn. He understood her and was patient with her when she needed that, and I really admired that about him. I also liked that even when he messed up, he wasn't afraid to admit it or try to make it right. Kilyn was a great heroine as well. Sweet and kind, she had gone through so much and yet it hadn't stopped her from living her life. She was passionate about so many things, and it was really great to see someone who had gone through what she did and yet still really live her life. These two had really strong chemistry, but it was the emotional connection between them that was really special here. They were super cute together, and I loved that Thanos spoke to her in Greek and had a pet name for her. 

Overall, this book was adorable if a bit cheesy at times. Honestly though I really liked it and sometimes I just want a super sweet romance story, and Stay With Me was definitely it! I liked Thanos and Kilyn as well as their friends and family. Though his family was overbearing at times, it was clear just how much they loved one another and it was so great to see how they accepted Kilyn right away just because Thanos loved her. If you liked My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you will love this book! It had a very similar feel and was a ton of fun to read. It was sweet and heartwarming and full of love and hope. Kelly Elliott is a great writer and I recommend any of her books. I already can't wait for the next one from her!

**ARC Provided by Inkslinger PR**

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