
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay.

The Curl Up & Dye by Sharon Sala

A SEAL's Surrender by Tawny Weber

Ki Pha
Diane Patricia D.
RFTC Monthly Winner

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Full Measures by Rebecca Yarros

Wow this book was really good. It was such an emotional read, and I will admit that this one had me sobbing as I was trying to finish through tears. I really liked it though, and I loved the characters. Full Measures drew me in from the very first page and I couldn't put it down. After reading this book I cannot wait to read more from Rebecca Yarros. This book is so much more than just a love story, and I know it will stick with me.

Ember's life shatters when the soldiers knock on her door and deliver the news that her dad is never coming home. If that wasn't bad enough, it happens on her birthday. Not long after, she finds out that her boyfriend and her roommate have been sleeping together as well. Ember breaks up with her boyfriend and moves back to her hometown. She transfers to a local college in order to help her family out. Ember finally begins to heal with the help of her high school crush Josh. He was always the bad boy who was never wanting when it came to girls. Now he is her little brother's hockey coach and is also completely different than Ember ever expected. Ember is hesitant to start a new relationship after everything that has happened, but Josh isn't willing to let her go without a fight. Ember finally sees that Josh is worth taking a risk on and they begin seeing each other. But when a secret comes to light about Josh and his future, can Ember get past it and take a chance on love?

I really loved Josh. I thought that he was sweet and kind and also really sexy. He was in great shape from playing hockey and he could have any girl he wanted. But I loved that despite that, he was determined to have only Ember. He was patient with her and I loved how he was always there for her even when she thought that she didn't want him to be. I felt so sorry for Ember. She had been through so much, and on top of all that she gave up so much to take care of her family. She always put everyone else first and you could tell just how much she cared about those close to her. I liked that Josh got her to open up and really live life again. Ember and Josh had a lot of chemistry, and you could tell just how much they were attracted to each other. But they had such a strong connection that it was really obvious that they were perfect for each other. I knew from the start that these two had to be together, because there was no other option.

Overall, I thought that this book was really good and despite my ugly crying I really did enjoy it. The thing that kept me from giving this one a full five stars was that I felt there was a bit too much push and pull. Even though there was a lot going on and that had happened, it got a bit old after awhile and it started to annoy me. I didn't understand why it kept going on as long as it did, and I just wish there had been less of it. I also thought that there were a few times that both characters jumped to conclusions and that things would have been much simpler if they had just been honest with each other. I really did like all the characters though and I absolutely adored Ember's little brother Gus. He completely stole the show in this book, and I couldn't wait to see what he would say or do next. I also really loved how great Josh was with him, and you could tell that he really cared about him as well. This book was a really good love story, but it was also a story of loss and healing. I highly recommend this one to New Adult fans and anyone who loves an emotional and deep read. This is a must read for me and I think that pretty much anyone can find something to relate to with this book. I know that Ember and Josh will stick with me and that I will definitely be reading this book again. I look forward to reading more from Rebecca Yarros in the future as well.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase:Amazon | B&N |

The Sinful Scot Blog Tour

Meet Cara Elliott, author of Sinfully Yours.

Cara Elliott started writing Western novels at the age of five. Later she changed her genre to Regency romance after reading Pride and Prejudice. She graduated from Yale University, and she now lives and works in New York City.

Find Cara at:

Monthly Giveaway - March

Want to win some goodies?

Each month here at Ramblings From This Chick a new prize pack will be up for grabs for 1 lucky winner.

Here's a peek at this months prize.

1 lucky person will win a Box of Books!

Friday, February 28, 2014

ARC Review: Some Like It Wild by M. Leighton

Some Like It Wild is the third story in M. Leighton's The Wild Ones Series. It is the second full length story in the series and center's around Jake Theopolis, the brother of Jenna from Wild Child. I wasn't sure exactly what I was in for with this one because I have liked this series by M. Leighton, but I will admit that I haven't loved it the way I did with The Bad Boys series. I was pleasantly surprised how much I really enjoyed this story though, and it is by far my favorite of this series! Jake and Laney were so much fun to read about. These books have interconnected characters, but can be read as standalones.

Laney is the daughter of the town preacher and is used to being the good girl. She has always had a dream of getting married and having kids and devoting herself to her husband and family. When she finds her best friend and fiance in bed together, she throws herself into her work and heads to her hometown. She ends up working for the town bad boy who she once shared a passionate kiss with. Jake is everything she shouldn't want, and yet she can't stay away from him. Jake knows that Laney is the settling down type and that he could never be that for her. But Jake is determined to get her to loosen up and live life with him a little. But when her best friend and ex-fiance come back into her life as well as her meddling parents, what will she chose to do? Can she have some fun with Jake before she begins her planned out future? Or will the attraction they feel lead to more?

I really liked Jake. He was honest and up-front about what he wanted and what he could handle. He was funny and charming, and full of life. I really liked that he was such a fun-loving guy and that he was pretty much the exact opposite of Laney. He was a great balance for her and exactly what she needed in her life. Laney was nice and sweet, and she was a really caring person. I liked that even though she had been used to living her life to the expectations of her parents, that she was able to start to see that she needed to live her life for herself first and foremost. Jake helped her realize that she could stand up to them and do what she wanted. I really enjoyed watching as not only Jake helped Laney, but as Laney in turn helped Jake to get past some things that he had been through as a kid. She helped him see that he was worthy of love and that he deserved to be happy. Jake and Laney were also really hot together and had amazing chemistry from the start. These two generated a ton of steam, and I loved that they were so passionate about each other. They also had a really good time together whatever they were doing, and I really enjoyed their playful scenes together.

Overall, I think this series definitely keeps getting better. This installment was really good, and I didn't want to put it down. It was a really quick and enjoyable read, and I loved getting a bit more of Jenna as well. I was a little surprised how short it was though, and I felt the ending though satisfying was a bit abrupt. But that didn't keep this one from being a really entertaining read. If you are a fan of M. Leighton or New Adult books, this is definitely one that you will want to give a shot. M. Leighton is a great writer and her stories are always captivating. Jake and Laney's story is no different, and they will pull you in and make you fall in love with them. I can't wait to read more from Leighton and see where she takes this series as well as what she comes up with next.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Sealed With a Kiss Event Winners

There are a bunch of winners to announce but first I wanted to take the time to say a SUPER BIG THANK YOU to all of the authors that participated and donated goodies for the Sealed With a Kiss Event. You all rock my socks and I can't thank you enough for sharing your character love letters with us all. 

ARC Review: Hot Rock by Annie Seaton

Megan Miller is in London from Australia doing research for her doctoral thesis. Her topic is rock and roll, especially the career of Davy Morgan. He’s a recluse, living in the Cayman Islands. Upon her arrival, she gets a message from her brother-in-law Tony about her teaching job. She’s been suspended pending an investigation of falsifying grades, receiving money from students, and plagiarism. She rightly believes the real liar is Greg Cannon, former lover and colleague. Tony will start investigating the charges, but urges her to come home. David Morgan is Davy’s nephew. Or is he? He dresses like him, sings like him, and is him. Davy has mastered time travel and has a new neighbor. Megan has rented the cottage next door to him. She finds her cottage has no water or WiFi. The lady in town explains it’s the stones and too close to the summer solstice. In a few days, all will be well. Megan runs into Davy in town who offers to take her to another town so she can get an Internet connection. They go and she finds out things are worse with her job. Her mind is focused on David and his uncanny resemblance to his uncle. She’s had a crush on Davy since she was a teenager. Sitting on her porch, she watches Davy walk across a field with his guitar, touch a stone, and disappear. She runs over to help, thinking he’s hurt, but he’s gone. She touches the stone and is transported to a music festival in 1971. She sees Davy and his band perform and falls in love with him. He sees her in the crowd and insists on bringing her back to the future. Trying to discuss their future, Davy can’t commit. Megan takes it as rejection and leaves. How will they be able to be together when they are living forty years apart?

Davy is a rocker. His life is all about the music. Megan starts out as a distraction, then his whole world. He’s an intense guy who has a touch of tragedy in his life and afraid to be vulnerable again.

Megan has been burned in love too. She doesn’t know what to make of her neighbor, but he fascinates her. Megan matches his love of music. It draws her to Davy. They haunt each other’s dreams and make them come true.

This is a short story I didn’t want to end. Other band mates, Bear and Slim, are introduced and deserve their own stories. Hopefully, they will be written soon.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Drive Me Crazy by Tracy Wolff

Oh my wow. I freaking LOVED this book. For realz. I finished it at 5 this morning and I almost turned around and started reading it again. So freaking good.

I am really digging this series and I am loving the characters. Each character brings something new and exciting to the story. Yes, the guys are hot but there is so much more to them besides that. They are passionate, intense and funny. I found myself trying to hold back the laughs at a few points in Drive Me Crazy. I loved Elise and Quinn's relationship and how there were with one another. They we playful and serious and I just loved their banter.

Elise and Quinn go way back. They were once friendly competitors but haven't seen or talked to one another in ten years. Not since Quinn walked away from Elise after they spent one glorious night together. So Elise is more than shocked to see Quinn show up to her hospital room after she is hurt in an accident.

Quinn has always regretted walking away from Elise but in his mind he was doing it to keep her safe. After he hears about her accident he feels that this is a way that he can make things right between them once again. That hopefully they could become friends again. He doesn't expect all of the feelings that he once had for her to come rushing back. He knows that he should keep things friendly between them but the more time they spend around one another the more he finds himself falling under her spell.

I loved this two together. What I loved most is that their relationship grew from friendship. It wasn't rushed. They don't just jump into bed with each other and I really liked that. It was refreshing as it felt real to me. I liked that they had this past that connected them to one another and that they also connected through music. Elise is going through some harsh realities with her career and Quinn is there for her every step of the way. He helps her and nurtures her and her talent. I thought that these two were great together.

This was another great book from Tracy Wolff and I am seriously LOVING her Shaken Dirty series. I can't wait to see what's next for these sexy rockers.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: The Plan by Qwen Salsbury

The Plan by Qwen Salsbury is her debut novel, so as a reader you never know quite what to expect. But when I read the blurb for this one, I was instantly drawn in and had to read this book. I am so glad that I took the chance with this one, and I can't even begin to tell you how much I enjoyed this book. That being said, I will admit that this book will not be for everyone. Even though I thought that this story had everything that I look for in a really great read, the writing style is something that you will either love/tolerate, or it will drive you crazy. For me, I didn't always love it but I was so invested in the story and was enjoying myself so much that it wasn't a problem. The writing is a lot of inner-monologues and day dreams and at times it comes off as extremely choppy. There were also a lot of extremely uncommon words used in this book, and at times it almost seemed like a vocab lesson.

Emma has been working at her job for a year and is trying to balance her job while taking night classes at the same time. She and her coworkers take bets on how long each new PA (personal assistant) will last working for Alaric Canon their boss. Emma has become quite good at winning because over the last year she has been watching him and is determined to get him to notice her. When a big business deal comes up and Alaric must go out of town, Emma's boss Rebecca convinces Emma to be his personal assistant for a week and offers her incentive to try to last as long as she can. If she can last the week, she will get a raise. Make it a month and she will get a promotion in her department. As Emma and Alaric go on the trip, Emma is able to perform as his PA better than any of the others have been able to even attempt. But the attraction she feels towards him and the plan she has for him to notice her quickly begin to interfere with keeping things strictly business. Before long Alaric has more than noticed, and Emma is left trying to figure out how to proceed when there are feelings and attraction between them.

I really loved Alaric. Don't get me wrong he is an absolute jerk a lot of the time. He goes through a ton of employees and barely gives them a chance. He almost seems to root for their failure and is pretty much set in the assumption that they will all be incompetent. But when things start to change with Emma around, you get to see a whole other side to him. He tries so hard to keep his guard up and not let any emotions be read, but Emma really seems to get under his skin almost instantly. I loved that he started to let her in and really didn't have any problems with opening up to her. It was fun to watch as these two sort of circled around each other. I liked Emma. I thought that she was funny and strong, but she had a problem of way over thinking things. It was good to see her start to let go a bit though with Alaric's help. I loved when he admitted to having noticed her before and how he explained that he knew the real her despite her assumptions. I thought that these two were really perfect for each other. They made a great team, but an even better couple. They were also really hot together and had amazing chemistry.

Overall, I really enjoyed this book and I was surprised just how great it was for a debut novel. As I mentioned before, the writing style was different and that is the only reason that I didn't give this one five stars. I was able to enjoy this book, but there were times that because of the style I got a bit confused and would have to go back a bit to try and figure out what was going on. It also caused the beginning of this story to be a bit slow to get into as well, but I am so happy that I kept reading. My only other minor complaint is the ending. There is not a cliffhanger and this book is a standalone, but I wish that there would have been a bit more to the story. I felt like I would have been much more satisfied if we would have been given a bit more of their future. I liked the place they were at when the story ended, but I was curious to see things a little further down the line as far as their relationship and her career went. But I thought that this story was pretty fantastic, and I literally laughed out loud countless times. Besides romance and sex, this story was funny and engaging. I highly recommend giving this one a chance if you are looking for a funny romance read. At first glance you might think that this story sounds similar to many others out there, but it was really different and was well worth the read. I am so excited to have found out about a new author, and I can't wait to read more from Salsbury in the future.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: The Plan by Qwen Salsbury

Day of Employment: 359

11:05 a.m.

Location: Cubicles outside Canon’s office.
Co-workers: Betting on how long Canon’s new PA will last.
Me: No doubts. Ms. Gum-smacker won’t last the day. I need to place my bet.
Manolo Blahnik’s New Fall Shoes: Mine. As soon as Madeline hands over my winnings.

Emma Baker has never spoken a word to Alaric Canon, nor has he to her. But she’s studied him every day across the office tundra for almost a year. Canon is hard and fierce, terrifying and beautiful. He’s also the most stern, unforgiving person Emma has ever seen. Emma’s co-workers run a betting pool for Personal Assistant terminations. There’s a separate pot for the day one leaves without crying. Not likely…Canon made a former Navy SEAL cry.

He has high standards and low tolerance. Everyone knows it. Everyone stays away. Everyone who can, that is. Except Emma. She can’t look away. Alaric Canon is the single most attractive man she’s ever seen. Bar none.

Canon has never noticed her. Not once in almost a year. She’s not even a blip on his radar. But she will be. His radar will be blipless no more.

It is a goal. Emma has a plan.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Vampire Most Wanted by Lynsay Sands

Take a road trip with the undead . . . in this latest in the argeneau series by New York Times bestselling author Lynsay Sands

For Basha Argeneau, anything is better than facing her estranged family. Even hiding out in sweltering southern California. But when a sexy immortal in black shows up determined to bring her back to the clan, she'll do anything to keep far, far away from the past she can't outrun.

Marcus Notte isn't here to play games—especially not with someone as crazy as the infamous blonde. Asked by Lucian Argeneau to bring her back for questioning, Marcus is determined to carry out Lucian's request—no matter how the seductive little mind-reading vamp feels about it.

Basha doesn't mind fighting fire with fire, especially with a hot immortal involved. But if he wants to take her away, he'll have to catch her first . . .

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: His Hometown Girl by Karen Rock

He'd always managed to best her…

Jodi Chapman will do whatever it takes to get top care for her autistic son. If that means going home and convincing local farmers to sell their land, so be it. Even if her biggest opponent, childhood rival Daniel Gleason, is equally determined to convince farmers to buy into his co-op plan. And he's not playing fair.

Facing off against Daniel is the last thing Jodi wants. The attraction that's always fueled their competitiveness is as strong as ever and just as distracting. But with both their futures on the line, and years of distrust between them, how can they ever be on the same side?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N | Kobo | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Some Like It Wild by M. Leighton

How far will a good girl go for the bad boy she loves?

Laney Holt is a preacher’s daughter. A good girl. Her only goal was to get married, have babies and live happily ever after, just like her parents. Only that didn’t happen. With the betrayal of two people closest to her, Laney’s dreams came crashing down. Now she’s left with an empty space she doesn’t know how to fill. Until she meets Jake Theopolis, a daredevil with a death wish who has heartbreaker written all over him.

Jake has no interest in thinking beyond the here and now. All he wants out of life is the next rush, the next “feel good” thing to keep his mind off the pain of his past. His latest rush? Showing Laney there’s more to life than being a good girl—and that going bad can be so much fun. Her only concern now is how she can ever hope to satisfy the wild side of a boy like Jake. She’s looking forward to trying. So is Jake.

Purchase: Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Thursday, February 27, 2014

ARC Review: His Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones

His Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones is a very short novella (approximately 60 pages) in the Inside Out Series. This novella should only be read if you have read the previous books in this series as it centers on the progression of Chris and Sarah's relationship as well as expands on things that have happened in previous books. I have been a fan of this series from the first book on. I really enjoyed the first few books, and I really loved seeing Rebecca's journals as well as getting to know Mark better. But with this novella and the last book, I have to admit I've begun to have mixed feelings about this series. While there are still many things that I like, this series has changed from what made me fall in love with it and the characters to begin with.

Chris and Sarah are in Paris where he is determined to show her the real him. When Chris gets a call from Tristan about Amber going to Isabel's, he knows that he needs to go and try to help. Even though Chris said that he needed to show Sarah his secrets, he tries to get her to stay at his house. Sarah convinces him to take her and she goes with him. Once at the club, Sarah sees just how broken and damaged Amber has become. Chris blames himself for the way she is and is determined to get her the help she needs. Tristan and Chris try to get her to see reason, but Amber is determined to play games. Chris and Tristan set in motion a plan to force Amber to get help, but in the process will Chris lose his chance at a future with Sarah? Once she finally sees everything, will she still feel the same for him?

I felt like most of this brief novella really didn't offer a lot of new to the series. At this point, we already knew that Chris turns to the whip in times of stress and trouble when he feels he needs to be punished. We already knew that he felt guilty about the way things went down with Amber and how she has handled everything in the past. It just felt a bit repetitive and didn't really seem to further the story much. I also felt like the way it was laid out was a bit disjointed, and it just didn't flow as well as her previous stories did. As much as I loved getting Chris's POV, I feel like this one just missed the mark. It was good to catch up with Chris and Sarah, and I was glad that we got a bit of them to tide us over as we wait for the next book. But honestly this one just didn't seem to really add that much to the series as a whole. There was a lot of drama in this one, but because most of it centered around Amber it just didn't really draw my interest. I think fans of this series will enjoy getting more Chris and Sarah and will probably think that this is a good addition to the series. However I think that those that are looking for new material and more depth will find this isn't what they are expecting. I am hoping that with the upcoming novellas featuring Mark as well as the next few books that we will some resolution and answers and more of what was so great about the first books in this series.

**ARC provided by Bewitching Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

ARC Review: Worth the Chance by Vi Keeland

Worth the Chance is the second book in the MMA Series by Vi Keeland about some sexy fighters. This book is Vinny's story and takes place several years after the first book. Vinny is now grown and is given a second chance with the one girl he wanted but never allowed himself to have. I really loved Worth the Fight and wasn't sure that I would like this one as much, but I absolutely loved this book as well. This series is so good and I really love all the characters. Not only is the writing fantastic and the characters great, but these books have a way of instantly drawing you in. I was so invested in these characters right from the start, and I couldn't put this book down. Vinny and Liv's story is a must read, and this series is one of my favorites.

Liv is well on her way to her dream job of writing for the local paper and it is down to her and one other girl. She gets assigned to write an article on an up and coming MMA fighter. When she goes to the gym to interview him, she finds none other than Vinny the boy she once tutored in high school. Liv always liked Vinny, but he was two years older than her and she always felt that he was out of her league. Vinny always wanted Liv as well, but knew that she was a good girl that was meant for more than him. Now, they have a second chance and both still feel the same connection and attraction they felt years ago. At first Liv wants nothing to do with Vinny despite the chemistry they share, but Vinny isn't willing to let her run away that easily. As Vinny and Liv begin to spend time together, they both feel more for each other than they have ever felt before. When Liv's chance at her dream career threatens her relationship with Vinny, what choice will she make? Will Vinny and Liv be able to have a future together, or will there be too many things standing in their way?

I really liked Vinny. It was fun to see him all grown up after having first met him as a young troubled boy in Worth the Fight. I liked that he was so protective and possessive of Liv. He was really sexy and you could tell how much he cared about her by his actions. I also liked that he was all alpha and liked control, but that he wasn't a jerk about it. There were times that he let some of that control go and allowed his feelings for Liv to be completely obvious to her through the way he let go. I also liked that even though his mom wasn't great to him and she didn't deserve it, he was always looking out for her. He was so much more than just the troubled boy that was constantly acting out, and I loved getting to know him better and see the other sides to him. I also loved Liv. She was smart and strong, and I liked that she was always looking out for Vinny. She didn't always go about it the best way, but she was always doing her best to protect him as he protected her. I liked that might jump to conclusions about things at times, but that she always listened to what Vinny would tell her and had faith in him and his feelings for her. Vinny and Liv were a great couple that had a ton of chemistry and were extremely hot together. But they also had a really great connection, and I loved that they had a history together. I think the fact that they had known each other at a young age and had been connected even then, made their relationship that much more real and believable.

Overall, this book was an excellent addition to this series. I loved reading this book and thought that it was extremely enjoyable. I loved Vinny and Liv, and I was also really glad that we got to see more of Nico, Elle, and Preach. It was really great to see how far they had all come, and I also really liked meeting Jax as well. I am so excited that his story is next! Even though I knew he wasn't right for Liv and we only got to see a bit of him, I could tell that I am going to love his character as well! I think this series is one that I will reread over and over, and will always be a favorite of mine. These books are fantastic and they stay with you. I highly recommend this series if you haven't already read it. These books are linked by characters, but can be read as standalones. I would start at the beginning though as you won't want to miss anything about any of these characters. I am becoming a huge fan of Vi Keeland, and I can't wait to not only read the next book in this series, but also see what else she comes up with in the future.

**ARC provided by AToMR Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Worth the Chance by Vi Keeland

Meet Liv Michaels

It may have been seven years, but I’d know him anywhere. Sure, he’s grown, filled out in all the right places, but his captivating blue eyes and cocky grin are exactly the way I remember. Even though I’d much rather forget.

Liv Michaels is almost there. She’s smart, determined and weeks away from landing the job she’s dreamed about for years. Time healed old wounds, even her broken heart from the devastation of being crushed by her first love.

Meet Vince Stone

Women love a fighter, especially a good one. Lucky for me, I’m damn good. But there’s one woman that isn’t interested. Not again, anyway.

Vince ‘The Invincible’ Stone is every woman’s fantasy…strong, sexy, confident and completely in control. Growing up surrounded by chaos, he’s learned never to get too attached. Love will drag you down. He adores women, treats them well, puts their own needs before his own…for the night anyway. With the biggest fight of his life coming up, his focus should be on training.

When fate brings Vince & Liv back together again, there’s no denying the chemistry is still there. But can Vince erase the old scars their past left behind? Or will Liv hurt him instead?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Interview with Author Christy English and Giveaway

Christy English is happiest when she is dreaming. Her dreams have taken her to the royal court of Henry II in THE QUEEN’S PAWN, to medieval Paris in TO BE QUEEN, and now to Regency England in MUCH ADO ABOUT JACK, LOVE ON A MIDSUMMER NIGHT, and HOW TO TAME A WILFULL WIFE, where she loves to watch her characters find true love, often in spite of themselves.

Find Christy at:

Feature and Giveaway: His Secrets by Lisa Renee Jones

An Inside Out story, Chris's POV

In a world where my only escape has been my art, Sara has been the light in my darkness. And there is darkness, the kind of inky black that can bleed from my life to hers.

She doesn't see it. She doesn't understand what I've shown her. And my biggest fear is that soon...she will.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: The Hazards of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy

One small town boy, one girl who wants more, one roll in the hay...

Hooking up with your high school crush is a bad idea, a really bad idea. It was only supposed to be one night, one brief departure from my real life, but nothing ever works out exactly the way you plan.

Colton Waters was everything from my past that didn't fit into my present, so why did he have to show up at my college and pledge the one frat I couldn't avoid?

Because nothing is ever meant to happen just once. At least not the life changing things that mean the difference between falling apart and falling in love.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Interview with Author Megan Mulry and Giveaway

Meet Megan Mulry, author of R is For Rebel.

Megan Mulry writes sexy, stylish, romantic fiction. Her first book, A Royal Pain, was an NPR Best Book of 2012 and USA Today bestseller. Before discovering her passion for romance novels, she worked in magazine publishing and finance. After many years in New York, Boston, London, and Chicago, she now lives with her family in Florida.

Places to find Megan:

Review: The Hardest Part by Heather London

I have never read a book by Heather London before, but I thought that the blurb for this one really sounded interesting and I loved the cover. I had some mixed feelings with this story, and while there were things that I liked there were also things that just didn't work for me. I think that this story is one that a lot of people will like though, and even though there were things I didn't care for I was interested enough to stick with it. Once I had started, I really wanted to see how everything played out. The Hardest Part was a quick and easy read, and was a mostly entertaining book.

After leaving Las Vegas and her abusive boyfriend Jake, Emily heads to NYC determined to live a new and low key life. She needs to stay out of the spotlight and avoid giving any clues as to where she has run to. She gets a job at an event planning business and begins attending self defense classes. There she meets Lexi, and immediately becomes friends with her. When Emily gets chosen to plan an important event, she learns that Lexi and her brother Reed asked for her specifically. Emily and Reed are immediately attracted to each other and they feel a connection to one another. But with Reed and Lexi's past, they are extremely well known and are constantly being followed and watched. Emily knows that she needs to stay away from Reed, but the more she gets to know him the less she can fight the feelings she is developing. Just when she thinks that she may be able to have it all, her past finds her again putting those she cares about in danger. Can she figure out a way to escape from Jake once and for all and have a future with Reed?

I liked Reed's character, but I feel like we didn't get to know him that well. It was nice to get Reed's POV towards the end of the book, but I really wish that we would have seen it throughout the whole book. I would have really liked to have seen what he was thinking while Emily was trying to avoid him and turn him away. I did like that he was patient with her and he seemed to be extremely understanding. I also loved that he was so persistent with her and didn't allow her to keep pushing him away, even though frankly I didn't understand it. Emily had her moments for me. There were times that I really liked her and then she would do something that irritated me. I liked that she was trying to keep Lexi and Reed out of danger, and I understood why she didn't want to tell them about her past. But I also felt like they had every right to know and she should have been more honest with them after everything that they had been through. She knew she was putting them in danger and yet despite her initial attempts to stay away, I felt like she just continued to knowingly put them at risk. I thought that she was caring and a great friend though, and I liked that she would drop everything and help out when she was needed. I felt like Reed and Emily had a lot of chemistry and they were great together.

But I do feel like Emily and Reed's connection felt a bit rushed. I would have liked to have seen more development between them as I feel like the majority of the story was about Emily starting over. By the time that things were resolved, it was pretty much over. I thought that with the epilogue that we were going to get some closure, but it just ended. I feel like it was really abrupt and could have given the reader more. All those criticisms though didn't keep me from finishing this story or enjoying it. I thought that the characters were likable, and I even enjoyed reading about crazy Jake. It was interesting to get some of his POV, and I thought that it added a lot to the story. This book kept me guessing, and I didn't see everything coming. I was glad that it was able to surprise me, and I enjoyed the twists and turns. I think that this book had a lot of promise, and for the most part it delivered. I would recommend this story if you are looking for a quick and easy read that has some suspense, romance, and is about a heroine that is able to overcome a bad and abusive situation. If you are looking for a deep and emotional connection between the hero and heroine though, this one might not be the one for you. I will look for more from Heather London in the future though because I enjoyed her writing style and i'm interested to see what else she comes up with.

**Review copy provided by Auhor**

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