
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Stella Ex Libris
A Hero Rising by Aubrie Dionne

$5 Amazon Gift Card courtesy of Ana Hart

Bookmark + Enslaved In Shadows by Tigris Eden

Cover Flat + Enslaved In Shadows by Tigris Eden

Taboo by Jess Michaels

Three's a Crowd by Ella Jade

Mine To Hold by Shayla Black

Night Mission by Desiree Holt

Believe In Me by Rebecca Royce

Whiskey's T-Shirt courtesy of Laura Kaye

Her Forbidden Hero by Laura Kaya

The Magician of Wall Street by Minta Hall

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

The Red-Hot Cop Series by Ava Meyers

I'm going to be doing this review a bit different than normal. I will be reviewing all three books in the series as well as the series in as a whole.

Copping To It

Wow, this story was hot! Warning do not read in a highly populated Starbucks because when your face gets super red people tend to stare! Seriously, I was not expecting this story to be so hot and spicy, but I absolutely loved it. The connection between Ty and Claire is electric.

Claire and Ty had a brief relationship a few months ago. Claire was afraid to be real with Ty. Claire secretly wants to be a sexy naughty girl and do bad things, sexually. Ashamed of her desires she pushed Ty away thinking that if he ever found out he would find her repulsive. Now months later, Claire still hasn't been able to get over Ty. While out investigating a lead pertaining to the Demon Guardians, the areas notorious biker gang, she is terrified at what they just might do to her. That is until she spots Ty.

Ty and his best friend Luke have been working for the last few years attempting to infiltrate the notorious biker gang. They are almost in and are in the process of completing their initiation when the leader ushers in Claire. Claire has been the one woman that Ty hasn't been able to forget. He felt a connection with her that went deeper than just lust and when he sees her it hard for him to sit back and act like he doesn't know who she is. Every fiber of his being is itching to grab her and run for safety. When Ty is told that he must let Claire perform oral on him to prove his loyalty he doesn't really know what to think. On one hand he just wants to get Claire to safety. And on the other he just wants to be with Claire. He doesn't care if others are watching. He's wanted her for months.

What starts out as a test for the pair quickly becomes more. After the initiation is complete, both realize how hot they are for one another. Both have thought of nothing but the other since they broke up and they are bound and determined to make up for lost time.

Again, this book was hot and not only was it hot, but it was believable. I believed in their relationship and the feelings that they both felt for one another. I wish this story was a bit longer because I would have liked to have spent more time with Claire and Ty.

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Cop Appeal

I don't know if there are words to describe what I'm thinking right now. While this book was hot and the connection between Luke and Sarah is explosive, the story-line left a bit to be desired. It was a little over the top and there were some things that had me rolling my eyes. Unlike Copping To It, Cop Appeal came across a lot more pornish. I felt like I stepped into a porno and that isn't necessarily a good thing.

Sarah and Luke used to be hot and heavy. Not only that, but both are in love with one another and have been for years. Sarah made the mistake of breaking things off with Luke because she didn't think she was good enough and has spent the last four years living in regret. Soon after her break-up with Luke she jumped into a marriage with another man and that ended horribly. Sarah just wants to get past her horrible marriage and move on with her life, the only problem with that is her psycho ex-husband. He is bound and determined to make Sarah his at all costs, and if he can't have her no one else will.

Luke has always loved Sarah and it damn near broke him when she broke up with him. But in a fit of anger he threw himself into his work and didn't fight for her. Now four years later he recognizes he was wrong to just let her go. When he hears that she is newly single, he know he will do everything in his power to have her back in his life.

There are so many sparks between these two and I really enjoyed watching their scenes together. The love and passion these two feel for one another is explosive. My problem with this story is the other characters. I never really understood why Luke is so determined to bring another partner into bed with him and Sarah. It just felt like the author wanted to make things spicy and thought "hey let me add a menage scene." It didn't really go and the way it came about was straight up porno. The guy just shows up and starts removing his clothes. Um okay? I just wasn't feeling it. I thought the the chemistry between Luke and Sarah was enough and it didn't need a third party.

My other issue is the psycho ex-husband story-line. I wan't really fond of the way it was handled and I could have done without it. It just seemed like an after thought.

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Coping Attitude

Out of all of the stories in this series, this one was the most realistic and moving. I loved the connection between Jenna and  Noah. Noah is a great hero and is very compassionate. I loved that he wants to help Jenna overcome what happened in her past. Even though he wants her he is willing to wait until she is ready. 

Several years ago Jenna was a playmate and because of it, guys think that she's easy and always down for a good time. They couldn't be further from the truth. Jenna is trying to overcome a painful secret-she is a victim of rape. She wants to put her past behind her and move on, but in order to do that she first wants to get revenge. And she needs Noah for her plan to work. She needs to get over her fear of intimacy and figures Noah would be a great start. If she sleeps with him hopefully her fear will dissipate and she will be able to work on her revenge plot. She never expected to enjoy her time with Noah or to feel anything for him. But he's just so gentle and caring, so much more than she is looking for. 

Noah has had the hots for Jenna for weeks now and has been slowly working up the courage to ask her out. When she offers him a spot in her bed for the night he jumps at the chance. Little does he know the pain and suffering she experienced at the hands of another. Noah will do whatever he can to help her overcome her horrendous past and move forward. He has no problems being slow and gentle if that is what she needs. She is worth it in his eyes. 

I loved the dynamics between these two. Jenna is bound to keep Noah at bay but Noah, is such a sweetheart he continues to push, but he's not overbearing at all. He gives Jenna exactly what she needs. I wish that this story would have been a bit longer because there is so much more from these two I would have liked to have seen. I loved their connection and I found their story to be much more sweet that the previous ones in the the Red Hot-Cop series. Don't get me wrong, this book was still hot, it just felt like this story focused more on their connection rather than the sex.

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As a whole, I really enjoyed this series. I thought that the author brought something unique to each story along with strong connections between the characters. Each relationship felt real and the chemistry was there for them all. Mix in with that super hot sex scenes. This series is super hot and I hope the author has more stories to go along in this series.

Guest Post with Tory Richards and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Tory Richards. Tory is here today talking about her Ellora's Cave Quickie Talk Dirty To Me. Before I give the floor over to Tory, lets get to know her.

Tory is a multi-published, bestselling author who lives in Florida with her daughter and her family, and four crazy cats. She likes to travel, preferably by cruise ship, and doesn’t like to fly but will if she has to. She collects antiques and art. Loves chocolate, who doesn’t? And good coffee.

Tory has wanted to be a writer since she was a kid, only life got in the way of her dreams. A few years ago, with the support and encouragement of her family, she decided to get serious, and she hasn’t looked back. Her erotic romances are hot! And can be found at Whiskey Creek Press Torrid, The Wild Rose Press, Ellora’s Cave, Liquid Silver Books, Amazon, Fictionwise, All Romance eBooks, and Barnes and Noble.

Places to find Tory:

Friday, June 29, 2012

ARC Review: Hot In Handcuffs by Shayla Black, Sylvia Day and Shiloh Walker

Hot In Handcuffs is a book comprised of three different novellas.

Arresting Desire by Shayla Black

Jon has been wanting Lucia ever since he met her two years ago, but he was working undercover at the time and she was too young and inexperienced. So Jon left without ever touching her. Now Jon is back and Lucia doesn't look so young anymore and Jon is bound to prove to Lucia that he does desire and want her.

Lucia always wanted her first time to be with Jon, but when she all but threw herself at him and he denied her she got the message. Now she's about to embark on a trip with her best friend and is determined to lose her v-card no mater what. What she doesn't expect is to see Jon again and looking oh so yummy.

When she is sent a birthday gift from her father who has been dead for the past two years, Jon believes that this may be just the information he needs to help exonerate his brother.

Together they embark on a mission to solve the mystery while at the same time explore the feelings and passion they ignite in one another.

This was story was so good. I now understand what the big deal is about Shayla Black. She completely rocked my world and in such a a good way. I could not stop reading. I was hooked from the first page. She had just the right amount of suspense mixed in with the romance. I like that we were shown a bit of the characters past. I was able to get a good feel for them both. I loved the chemistry between Lucia and Jon. The chemistry between the two was hot and their sex scenes were electric. I will definitely be checking out more from Shayla.

On Fire by Sylvia Day

Wow oh wow, but this was one HOT story. There were quite a few parts that had me fanning myself because the scenes between Jared and Darcy were so scorching hot. The passion between them is intense and immediate. It didn't feel phony or rushed at all. Seriously, these two were hot together and I loved it.

There have been a series of arson attacks in Lion's Bay lately and Darcy, one of the towns fire inspectors knows they need to get help with solving the case. So they decide to call in the US Marshall's in for help with the investigation.

Deputy Marshall Jared Cameron has been sent to Lion's Bay to help investigate a series of arson attacks that have been occurring. He never expected to come across bombshell Darcy Michaels in his investigation. One look at Darcy and his blood is pumping and he know that he needs to make his move. She has a fire about her that can't be tamed and Jared just wants some of it.

What was supposed to be a one night stand is quickly turning into more, and neither Jared nor Darcy quite know what to make of it. Both feel an insane amount of passion and desire, but on top of that both are quickly realizing that their feelings of lust are becoming so much more. Will either be able to walk away when the investigation is through?

The Unwilling by Shiloh Walker

This was the first time I have read anything by this author and I have definitely been missing out. OMG, but this story was so good. There was just so much pain and emotion flowing between Mica and Colby. And let me just say I will never be able to listen to Hero by Enrique Iglesias again and not think of this story.

I loved the connection between Mica and Cobly. It just jumped off of the page and slaps you in the face. They have a complicated past both with and without the other. Once they were partners in the FBI and shared a special psychic connection. Not only were they working partners, but they were partners in the bedroom and things were pretty hot and heavy. Things were going great until all of a sudden Mica bowed out without an explanation. She never really excepted or understood her psychic gift and it along with her relationship with Colby freaked her out so she ran and has been running for the last fifteen years. Now Mica, a lieutenant in the police force is working on a case that will bring her face to face with the past she longs to forget.

Colby has spent the last fifteen years thinking about Mica. He was in love with her and has never felt the connection that they shared with anyone else. He assumed when she left that she would eventually come back, maybe not to the FBI, but at least to him and what they shared together. But when she stayed away he got the message loud and clear. Now Mica is back and she wants Colby's help solving a rash of gruesome murders. Colby doesn't want to help, he's been out of the FBI for two years after a mission went bad but can't say know to Mica. He knows that without his help something terrible could happen so he reluctantly agrees.

Both soon find that even though it's been fifteen years, the passion still ignites fires and the connection is still strong as ever. Colby is bound and determined to make Mica realize that her curse is indeed a gift and that she won't be able to just walk away for both it and Colby this time.


This book as a whole was just so freaking good! I normally don't read these authors but you better believe I will definitely be on a lookout for their books from now on. Each novella was so good that I found myself unable to stop reading once I started.

What I liked most about Hot In Handcuffs is that each story felt complete. Even though they were novellas, they didn't feel rushed or as if info was missing. To be honest, I feel so good about each story that I don't even want more. Each had a beginning, middle and end and I feel like I can walk away completely satisfied which normally isn't the case for me when I read novellas. Each story felt like a full length novel and I found myself completely engrossed with each.

My only complaint(it's a small one) is the last story felt as if it didn't mesh as well with the first two stories. The first two stories were very erotic and the last story was not as erotic and definitely more dark. But I loved it regardless. This book definitely made me fans of each author.

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Interview with Author Mia Marlowe and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Mia Marlowe to the blog. Mia is super nice and she has a bunch of books that will be releasing soon. Also, Mia is one of the fabulous authors behind the Rock*It Reads group, which is a group of published authors who got together to help readers identify quality self published stories. With everything Mia has got going on right now she took some time to answer some questions I had for her, though before we get to the interview, lets get to know a bit about Mia.

Award winning author Mia Marlowe writes historical romance for Kensington Publishing and Sourcebooks. Her debut title received acclaim from romance luminaries. #1 New York Times bestseller Victoria Alexander says Mia's Touch of a Thief has "adventure and heat and everything I want in a great story!" UK's BooksMonthly has crowned Mia Marlowe "the queen of saucy historical romance."

Mia learned much of what she knows about storytelling from singing. A classically trained soprano, she won the District Metropolitan Opera Auditions and shared a stage with Placido Domingo. As she prepared for operatic roles, she devised back stories for her characters. Since she's worn a real corset, and had to sing high C's in one, she empathizes with the trials of her fictional heroines. But in Mia's stories, they don't die in a Parisian garret. They get to live and keep the hero!

Places to find Mia:

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Interview with Author Laura Navarre and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Laura Navarre. Laura is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book By Royal Command, and has stopped by to answer some questions. Before I get to those, lets get to know about Laura some.

In her other life, Laura Navarre is a diplomat who’s lived in Russia and works on weapons of mass destruction issues. In the line of duty, she’s been trapped in an elevator in a nuclear power plant and has stalked the corridors of facilities churning out nerve agent and other apocalyptic weapons. In this capacity, she meets many of the world’s most dangerous men.

Inspired by the sinister realities of her real life, Laura writes dark medieval and Renaissance romance with a dash of political intrigue. A member of Romance Writers of America’s Published Author Network (PAN) and a 2009 Golden Heart finalist, she has won the Emily Award for Excellence, the First Coast Romance Writers Beacon Award, the Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Award, the Golden Pen, the Duel on the Delta, Hearts through History’s Romance through the Ages, and other awards.

Previously published with Samhain and Dorchester, Laura’s newest releases are her epic medieval romance By Royal Command (Harlequin/Carina, July 2012) and her sexy romantic intrigue The Russian Seduction (Affluent Press, August 2012, as Nikki Navarre). She teaches writing workshops on “Sympathy for the Devil: Dark Heroes in Popular Fiction.”

Laura holds an M.F.A. in Writing Popular Fiction from the University of Southern Maine. Living in Seattle with her screenwriter fiance and two Siberian cats, she divides her time between her writing career and other adventures for U.S. government clients.

Places to find Laura:

Feature and Giveaway: Accidental SEAL by Sharon Hamilton

Christy Nelson embarks on her new career in Real Estate by holding her first open house. Entering the wrong house, by accident, she finds the nude sleeping body of a young man.

Navy SEAL Kyle Lansdowne, on a mission to find his AWOL Team buddy, is staying at his buddy’s home while investigating the disappearance. When someone breaks in, he takes protective measures. He doesn’t expect to find that a beautiful young woman is responsible for his teammate’s abduction.

What starts out as a meeting by accident becomes a hot affair neither one is ready for. Kyle is conflicted about getting Christy involved in his mission, but his hand is forced when he learns the same San Diego gang responsible for his teammate’s abduction has kidnapped her.

Battling a cadre of dirty law enforcements hell-bent on getting military equipment, especially state-of-the-art firepower, Kyle is forced to admit that he would die to protect her.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

ARC Review: Bared To You by Sylvia Day

After finishing Bared to You I am experiencing a bevy of emotions. It's been a week since I finished this book and I still haven't stopped thinking about it. I'm feigning for more. This book is definitely not for the feint of heart. It's dark and moving with almost all of the characters moving through their lives in a tortured existence. There were some scenes that were difficult to get through, but they helped me to better understand the characters and the emotions that they were feeling.

For the first part of the book I was a little skeptical and I almost put it in the DNF pile. It just seemed to drag and I was not getting a good feel from the characters at all. Eva can't make up her mind about how she feels about Gideon propositioning her and Gideon just comes across as a crazy psycho stalker. I honestly couldn't stand him at first and thought he was an over the top domineering jerk. But once we got to know him a bit better we find out he's an extremely tortured soul who just doesn't really know how to act socially around others. He is so used to people using him for their own gain, that he's never really learned how to open up to others. He has many demons in his closet and they are currently running his life and because of this, he never lets anyone in. That is until he meets Eva.

With Eva there is something different about her, and both Gideon and Eva find it hard to stay away from one another. There is a constant push and pull between the two and to be honest, at times becomes a bit much after awhile. Both feel so strongly towards the other but they just keep pushing each other away, or rather Eva keeps running away.

I felt like Eva is constantly looking for a way out. She claims to love Gideon and wants to be with him but as something happens that she doesn't seem to like she bails. She says one thing but her actions or projecting something else completely. In fact at times I don't really know how I feel about these two. Their relationship is just so volatile at times. I understand both have extremely traumatizing pasts, but I wish they both would have opened up a bit more, or in Eva's case to stop running.

These two are seriously hot together but honestly it's so much more than the sex that kept me turning the pages. I am drawn to both characters and their story. I am rooting for these two. I want them to get the HEA they so deserve. I want them to conquer and overcome the demons of their past and move forward. I am eager to see where their relationship takes them in the next two books and I can't wait to get me hands on them.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

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