
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Secret Santa Baby by Robin Covington

A Little Bit Wicked by Robyn DeHart

by Donya Lynne

Almost a Scandal by Elizabeth Essex

Breath of Scandal by Elizabeth Essex

Forever a Lord by Delilah Marvelle

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Feature and Giveaway: Give In To Me by Lacey Alexander

The H.O.T. Cops: Trained to impose the law, but naturally skilled at enforcing pleasure

Rogan Wolfe is a bad-boy cop - the lone wolf on the force and in need of something new to excite him. Now he's transferred to sexy South Beach in Miami, working undercover and looking for a fresh start.

April Pediston is the epitome of responsible - over worked and under pressure as a high-powered attorney. Then, one night, called by a former client to a run-down oceanside club she's never been to before, she's rescued from a bar brawl by a stranger.

Rogan and April don't seem a natural match. She's a total professional. He's rough around the edges and ready for anything - which makes April feel totally out of control. And, to her surprise, exhilarated. But stripped of her starched suit, can she really succumb to his every demand? They're headed to a place of desire and reawakening that's about to change both their lives.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Gemma K. Murray and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC, author Gemma K. Murray. Gemma has stopped by to chat and share some info on her book Natural Born Enemies. Please give Gemma a warm welcome.

I was born and raised in a small town in lower Michigan. A farmer's daughter, my greatest ambitions were to become a large animal vet and to read every book ever written. The veterinarian dream fell by the wayside, but I'm still working on reading every book I can get my hot little hands on.But I'm a dreamer...I love to sit and look out the windows, daydreaming about what could be. I love getting tangled in my dreams when I fall asleep at night. That is how Keeper of the Golden Dragon's Heart came to be. It started with a dream and spun into something beautiful.Keeper of the Golden Dragon's Heart is my first published book. Creating a paranormal world was such an incredible feeling that I decided this book would be the start of a series.

Places to find Gemma: 
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Friday, January 11, 2013

Guest Post with Author Susan DiPlacido and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Susan DiPlacido to RFTC. Susan is currently on tour for her book Shuffle Up and Deal and has stopped by to chat. Please give Susan a warm welcome.

Susan DiPlacido is the author of 24/7, Trattoria, Mutual Holdings, House Money, Lady Luck, Shuffle Up and Deal, and American Cool. Trattoria was nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewers' Choice Award for Best Small Press Romance 2005, and her short story, "I, Candy," won the Spirit Award at the 2005 Moondance International Film Festival. American Cool won the bronze medal in the 2008 IPPY awards and was a finalist in the 2008 Indie Book Awards. Shuffle Up and Deal was nominated for the Romantic Times Reviewer's Choice Award for Best Small Press Erotic Fiction 2010. Her fiction has appeared in Susie Bright's Best American Erotica 2007, Maxim Jakubowski's Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica vol. 6 and 7, Zane's Caramel Flava, and Rebellion: New Voices of Fiction.

Places to find Susan:

Thursday, January 10, 2013

ARC Review: Crazy Thing Called Love by Molly O'Keefe

This was the first book that I've read from Miz O'Keefe and it definitely won't be my last. It was very good and brimming with heat and romance. Not only was I a fan of the romance between Billy and Maddy, but these two were hot together and I loved watching them both work through the problems of their past and get their long deserved HEA.

For as long as Maddy can remember she's loved Billy but love doesn't always work the way you want it to. Fourteen years ago Billy and her were married for two years and their relationship was anything but perfect. Yes there was love, but love isn't always enough. Their relationship was tumultuous to say the least and Maddy felt like everything was about Billy. She had no voice and no identity. After a fight between the two Maddy decides to walk away.

Billy has always regretted the way things worked out between himself and Maddy. He thought he was over their split and his feeling for her until he runs into her at an event. Neither has seen one another in fourteen years and as soon as Billy lays eyes on Maddy all of his feelings come rushing back to the surface. Maddy was the love of his life and he is determined to make things right between them both.

Billy is a hockey star with a bad temper, attitude and manners and if he doesn't change his bad boy ways he may loose his position on his team. When his agent comes to him with the idea of an image makeover on live television his immediate response is "no". Then he realizes that the show behind the makeover idea is none other than Dallas AM, the show that Maddy just happens to host he quickly changes his mind. This could be his chance to finally be able to talk to Maddy and he could apologize for his past behavior.

Maddy is not happy. She doesn't want to see Billy and she definitely doesn't want to reminisce over the past and the mistakes they both made. No, Maddy is now Madelyn Cornish celebrated morning show anchor. She is tough, polished and cares only about her career. She lost herself once before and she is determined to never let that happen again. But when Billy shows up and starts telling her things she always wanted to hear and he's just so sexy, how can she resist?

Pretty quickly these two realize that the attraction is still there, though Maddy is doing everything she can to push it away. When she does finally let Billy in a little it's by her rules and her rules only. After a few intense and heated encounters Maddy is beginning to realize that things may not be all that simple.

I really enjoyed the relationship between these two. It was steamy, yet I got a complete sense of how much these two truly loved one another. I love that we were shown bits from their pasts because it helped me realize just how much they cared. I was rooting for these two from the beginning and I'm so happy they finally got their well deserved HEA. This book is definitely going on my all-time favorite list. It's been a few months since I read it and my heart still tingles when I think about Maddy and Billy. Just so good.

**ARC copy provided by Edelweiss**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Carla Caruso

Today I would like to welcome author Carla Caruso to RFTC. Carla is currently on tour promoting her book Cityglitter and she has stopped by to chat. Please give Carla a warm welcome.

Carla Caruso was born in Adelaide, grew up amid a boisterous extended Italian family – yet somehow managed to become a bookworm...

Carla always wanted to be a novelist, annoying the kindergarten teachers by dictating long, detailed stories to them. It just took her a while to realise her childhood dream - journalism seemed a more practical course. Her media career has included stints as a newspaper and magazine journalist, government PR and fashion stylist. These days, she works as a freelance journalist and copywriter. She began seriously writing fiction three years ago when she went freelance full-time.

The romance genre appeals as she is a sucker for rom-coms (especially if Channing Tatum is in the mix) and likes to think her Italian ancestry means she lives with passion. Hobbies include watching trashy TV shows, fashion (her mum named her after Carla Zampatti!), astrology and running. She lives in Adelaide.

Places to find Carla: 
| Site | Blog | Twitter |

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Feature and Giveaway: Fall Into You by Roni Loren

When tomboy sports reporter Charli Beaumonde loses a dream TV job because she’s not girly enough for primetime, she’s determined to land a big scoop and prove her boss made a mistake. But when she gets too close to a football scandal and finds her life threatened, Charli accepts an offer from family friend Grant Waters to hide out at his place—even if Grant predicts nothing but trouble from his buddy’s hard-headed, uncompromising, irrepressible, younger sister. There’s one more problem…

Grant’s “place” is The Ranch, a BDSM resort in Texas, and he’s used to being in charge —even if that means trying to keep Charli in line. But much to Grant’s surprise, she’s intrigued—even envious—of his trainees. They’re the epitome of what she’s never been: sexy, beguiling, and totally irresistible to a man. Still, Grant doesn’t believe for a minute that the sharp-tongued Charli has it in her to be anyone’s submissive. But Charli’s already on her knees vying for the chance to prove that even the Master can be wrong sometimes.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: She Can Series by Melinda Leight

One bad decision turned a single mom into a fugitive.

Ten months ago, Elizabeth Baker uncovered a dangerous secret about her politician husband—a secret that nearly got her killed. Now she and her children are running for their lives. When Beth is hired as the caretaker of a remote Pennsylvania estate, she dares to hope she has found a corner of the world where Congressman Richard Baker can’t find them. But when her new boss dies suddenly and his nephew inherits the estate, Beth is faced with outwitting a former homicide detective who is very smart, very suspicious—and very attractive.

Forced into retirement by an injury and grieving the loss of his uncle, Jack O’Malley is unprepared to share his new home with a strange woman and her two kids. He is even less prepared for the instantaneous attraction he feels whenever Beth enters the room. She is beautiful, intelligent, kind…and obviously terrified of someone or something. As Jack’s investigation uncovers the shocking details of Beth’s past, the rural community is shaken by the murder of a local woman Driven by instinct and desire, Jack is determined to keep Beth and her children safe, even if doing so means putting his heart—and his life —on the line.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

ARC Review: Fall Into You by Roni Loren

Fall into You was yet another book written by Roni Loren that had me forgo sleep and had me reading well into the early morning hours. I read this book in one sitting and words just can't express how much I enjoyed this book. It's hot, sexy and at times tender. The relationship between Grant and Charli is way hot and I just couldn't get enough.

The chemistry between both Grant and Charli is pretty damn explosive and I kept turning the page to see more of them together. I love that push and pull between them and I just couldn't get enough of the two.

Grant Waters owns and runs an exclusive BDSM resort in Texas and has been looking for a new sub to train for months. No one has caught his eye, that is until he comes across Charli Beaumonde. Late one night he comes upon her after she was in a car crash on the edge of his property. As soon as he gets a look at her he knows he wants her. When he finds out that she's the sister of his old Army buddy and the man responsible for saving his life he knows that she is completely off limits. When it looks like Charli's accident was more than accidental and possibly an attempt on her life, Grant promises Charli's brother that he will keep an eye on her and protect her from harm.

Charli isn't exactly happy about the idea of staying in one of Grant's cabins at the ranch. She is working on a potential big story and doesn't need the complication of Grant standing in her way. He's a big distraction for her and she finds herself deeply attracted to him. Charli has no idea that Grants runs an exclusive BDSM resort, and once she finds out she deeply intrigued and once to know more. Maybe Grant can help help gain more confidence and poise so that she can get the anchor position she so desperately wants.

What starts out as a two week training session soon turns into so much more. The more time Charli spends with Grant the more harder she is falling. Charli never thought anything would come from her "training" but she can't deny she loves it and everything Grant is doing to her. She dreads the end of their two weeks together, she wants more but knows that the demons Grant is battling are holding them both back from being together. The more time Grant spends with Charli the more he's realizing that she may just be perfect for him. Too bad he made a promise to someone in his past that he has no intention of breaking. It doesn't matter how attractive Charli is or how much he wants her, he can't have her.

The inner demons Grant deals with are so gut wrenching and your heart just breaks for him and the pain that he has bottled up inside. I love that Charli was able to break down his walls and help him fight the demons in his past.

Fall Into You is another great addition to the Loving on the Edge series and is definitely my favorite.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Interview with Author Shannyn Schroeder and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Shannyn Schroeder to RFTC. Shannyn is celebrating the recent release of her book More than This and has stopped by to answer a few questions. Please give Shannyn a warm welcome.

Shannyn Schroeder is a former English teacher, who now works as a part-time editor while raising her three kids.

Even though she wrote from high school through college (mostly poetry), she’d never considered a career as an author. Writing fell by the wayside as she focused her energy on creating lesson plans and new and fabulous ways to torment her teen students. One group in particular dubbed her “The Torture Master,” a title she carried into motherhood.

After the birth of baby number two, Shannyn resigned from teaching and fell in love with reading romance novels. She read so many books so quickly that her husband teased, “If you’re going to read so many damn books, why don’t you just write one?”

So she did.

That first book is safely buried on her hard drive, but the process set Shannyn on the path to professional author. She came to reading romance later than many, but lives for the happy ending because real life can be depressing. She writes contemporary romance because she enjoys the adventure of new love.

In her spare time, she loves to bake cookies and watches far too much TV, especially cop shows. She is recovering from her Diet Coke addiction, fears putting her foot in her mouth on social media, and has a renewed appreciation for the bad girls of the world.

Places to find Shannon:
| Site | Twitter |

Monday, January 7, 2013

Guest Post with Author Joyce Proell and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to RFTC author Joyce Proell. Joyce is currently on tour for her book Eliza and has stopped by for a little chat. Please give Joyce a warm welcome.

I laughed when my husband suggested I write a book. Me? What did I know about writing? Yet the notion held possibility, so I hatched a plan. A year later, I sent off my first completed manuscript and promptly received a score of polite rejections. Bruised but undaunted, I forged ahead, new plan in hand. Later, armed with the knowledge acquired from writing classes, seminars and the help of fellow writers, I finished my second story. Eliza is that story.

A little more info…

I grew up in Minnesota. In college, I studied psychology and earned a master’s degree in Social Work. After living in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland and Reno, my husband and I make our home only miles from where I grew up.

I worked in the field of mental health as a psychiatric social worker, administrator and later settled into private practice. Retired at a reasonably young age, I write full time.

I’m an avid reader, a foodie and cook, a crossword puzzle fanatic and a daily walker.

Places to find Joyce:
| Site | Facebook |

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Guest Post with Author Beverley Kendall and Giveaway

Today I am super happy to welcome to the blog author Beverley Kendall. Many of you know Beverley as the author of the Elusive Lords series or from the running The Season site, but did you know she has recently released a New Adult novel? When in Paris... is the first book in her Language of Love series and I'm so very happy to have Beverley here today to talk all about When in Paris.... Please give Beverley a warm welcome.

Beverley discovered her love of books while growing up in, the then, small city of Barrie, Ontario Canada. With her love of books and romance, she always wished that everyone would find their happily ever after. Add in her love of London, England set in a period when ladies strived to be genteel and dresses could barely fit through doors, and it was obvious she could write nothing but historical romances.

As the mother of one too bright and mischievous young boy, she pulls full-time duty on all fronts. When she's not working full-time, mothering, writing or reading, she's probably sleeping and dreaming of a time when she'll have time for her favorite hobbies: knitting, crocheting and sewing.

Beverley has lived on two continents, in three countries, two provinces, and four states. She stopped her nomadic existence and settled in the southeast. All things artistic feed her creative passion, but none more than writing.

Places to find Beverley: