
Saturday, March 15, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay.

Swag Bag from Adrienne Giordano

Telling Tales by Charlotte Stein

Desperately Seeking Suzanna by Elizabeth Michels

Riding Desire Box Set from Roni Loren

Give & Take Series by Kelli Maine

Spirited by Mary Behre

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Reclaiming the Sand by A. Meredith Walters

Let me just start off by saying that this book is fantastic. It is unlike anything I have ever read before, and I find myself struggling to put into words all the emotions that this book had me feeling. This book is heartbreaking and emotional and yet it gives you hope that people truly can overcome anything. The journey that this book takes you on is not always easy or beautiful, and yet when reach the end you can't help but look back and think that not a single thing could have or should have been done differently. This book is by far one of the best that I have ever read and it is one that will stick with me forever. I have never read A. Meredith Walters before, but now I know that I will be looking for more of her books in the future.

Ellie has always been a bully. Growing up roving from foster home to foster home left her feeling as though the only way to make it was to blend in. She has always stuck by her best friend Dania and their group of friends. They all picked on Flynn Hendrick through school and made his life miserable. Flynn has Asperger's and because of that was made fun of and called Freaky Flynn. In public Ellie always went along with her friend and treated him horribly. But in private, Ellie and Flynn had developed a sort of friendship. After an awful accident, Ellie is sent to Juvenile Detention and spends the next several years locked up then on probation while Flynn leaves town. One day years later, Flynn returns and Ellie is taken by surprise. Ellie never thought that she would see Flynn again, and she isn't happy to discover that she is still drawn to him. Ellie quickly discovers that Flynn is not the same boy that he once was and yet not a lot has changed. Ellie struggles with her guilt from the past as well as what to do about her future. As she and Flynn spend more time together, she begins to wonder what the future could possibly hold for them. Can they put their painful past behind them and move forward together?

I loved Flynn. He was such an amazing character. He always said what was on his mind, even when it wasn't appropriate and I loved knowing exactly what was on his mind. I loved that he truly saw everything when it came to Ellie and he didn't let her get away with trying to hide herself from him. He was always encouraging her and he made her a better person. It absolutely broke my heart to see him struggle so much though and it was even worse to watch him endure the torture that Ellie and her friends put him through. There is really no way to describe how much it thoroughly wrecked me to watch that. I wanted Ellie and Flynn to work out so badly and for her to change, and yet having to see him go through all that made me want him to get as far away as possible from her. He always believed the best in her though and he saw something in her that no one else did. Ellie was admittedly a hard character to connect to or like. She was a coward, always afraid to stand up to others in defense of Flynn even when she felt it was wrong. She also would join in with them and then she would be trying to be nice and friendly with him the next minute. Yet despite all that, she was troubled herself and had a lot of issues because of her childhood. It isn't an excuse for her behavior and yet it was hard to truly hate her and not pity her. I liked watching her start to turn her life around though and figure out how great Flynn was and that he was worth everything. Ellie and Flynn had a great connection when Ellie wasn't fighting it, and I really liked how she was so patient with him after she really gave him a chance.

Overall, this story was really moving and emotional. I think that this story means so much more because of how very real it is. There are so many people that go through situations like this all the time and it continues to happen without most people doing anything to stop it. This book is one that I think everyone should read. I don't know a single person who hasn't dealt with or been a bully at some point in their lives, and I think that this book really opens up the reader's eyes to what it is like to be on both sides of that abuse. I absolutely adored Flynn, and I just couldn't help but fall in love with him in this story. He was so strong and so sure of himself and Ellie. His character is inspiring and makes you want to be a better person. I can't state enough how much I highly recommend that everyone read this book. A. Meredith Walters has written a beautiful story that flowed extremely well. I loved that she gave us some of both Ellie's and Flynn's point of views. I was instantly drawn in and invested in this book from the very start and found it almost impossible to put down. I look forward to reading more from Walters in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

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Feature and Giveaway: Reckless Weekend by Eden Summers

In Vegas, a lot can happen in twenty-four hours.

What do you get when you mix a rock band as hot as Reckless Beat, women strong enough to capture several of the bad boys’ hearts, and a bet that sparks a competitive streak?

Boundaries will be pushed, alcohol will be abused, and loads of sarcasm will be shared.

Once the games are over, it’s time to make a commitment. But love in the limelight is never easy. The past is trying to catch up with the present, and the pressure may be too hard to handle.

Seduction, torment, laughter, and heartbreak—one reckless weekend will test each member of the band and the women who’ve claimed their love.

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Model Position by Kitsy Clare

In Manhattan’s glitzy gallery scene love and art are perilous games. Will Sienna dare to play?

All too soon, artist Sienna Karr will graduate art school and be flung out into Manhattan’s glamorous but cutthroat gallery scene. Luckily, she’s just met Dave Hightower, heir to the hippest gallery ever. He’s asked her on a date, and offered to introduce her to the gallery owner, his intimidating aunt Lydia. Sienna’s excited! Now she’ll be able to climb the ranks and make those all-important art connections.

Trouble is, she’s falling hard for the sexy live drawing model, Erik, whose sizzling green eyes seem to pierce right into her soul. Dare she risk losing those potential art contacts for love? Erik insists that Sienna is a real talent and her painting stands out above all the others. But she worries that he whispers this come-on line to every pretty art student who flocks around him during breaks. And her friends worry, is Erik up to her pay grade? What kind of guy chooses modeling for a living? Who is he, really? Her choice may be her ruin—or not—but she must decide fast. Everything in Sienna’s super-organized life is turning to terrifying yet sweet chaos.

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ARC Review: Model Position by Kitsy Clare

Model Position by Kitsy Clare is short and sweet. I really enjoyed reading this story. The characters were likable and easy to become invested in. I thought the writing style was really great and it flowed really well. I was instantly sucked in with this story and read it in one sitting. It was exactly the break I needed from my day. I can't wait to read more from Kitsy Clare in the future.

Sienna is finishing her last few months in art school and is beginning to think about her future. She does computer art, but she has also just started painting. In one of her classes she meets Dave Hightower heir to the Hightower art gallery owned by his aunt. When he shows interest in her she agrees to go on a date with him and he says that he will introduce her to his aunt with the hope of getting her a solo art show. One day in class, a male model shows up that she instantly feels a connection to. Erik is extremely good looking, but he also is passionate about art and paints. The more time that Sienna spends with Erik, the more she feels that Dave is not right for her and that her feelings for Erik are strong. With such a connection to Erik, should Sienna take a chance on a relationship with him? Or will she choose the safe route and try to advance her career despite not having strong feelings for Dave?

I really liked Sienna. I loved that she was a bit quirky and had to have everything neat and ordered in her life. She made no apologies for it and it was just who she was. I also loved the fact that she was so honest and up front with everyone. She might not always know what she wanted or what to do, but she always said it when she figured it out. There are a lot of people who would hold back in order to help themselves advance but Sienna didn't and that was really refreshing, especially for her age. I was never really able to connect with Dave. I thought that he was shallow and pretty self-serving. He only seemed to be interested when there was something in it for him or when he had a chance at money or fame. I just didn't really see anything between him and Sienna either. I didn't think that they fit together or had any chemistry. Erik on the other hand I was instantly a fan of. He was sweet and sexy. He was not ashamed of who he was and he did what made him happy and provided for him. I liked that he was a self made man and worked to get what he wanted. He was really open as well as Sienna, and I think that is what made him so perfect for her. They just had a better fit and seemed to understand one another. I loved that they could talk about art and their passions even if they didn't feel the same way. Erik and Sienna not only had great chemistry but also had a really strong connection. They were just so real and believable.

Overall, I thought that this was a really good story. I liked the characters and thought that the secondary characters were great as well. They added a lot to the story. The main reason that I didn't give this one five stars was because of length. I felt like the story and ending was a bit rushed and I would have liked to have more. Even though I really did believe in the connection and relationship that was developing, it would have been nice to see more of them and their future. I just wasn't ready for it to be over, and it was such a short amount of time. But that was the only criticism that I had. I really enjoyed this one and it was a great quick and easy read. I highly recommend this story to fans of the New Adult genre as well as anyone looking for a short but great story. I look forward to reading more from Kitsy Clare in the future and can't wait to see what she writes next.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase:Amazon | B&N |

Friday, March 14, 2014

ARC Review: Sinfully Yours (Hellions of High Street #2) by Cara Elliott

I feel partly responsible for how the excellent this book turned out! I knew when I read “Scandously Yours (Hellions of High Street #1)”I knew that the next book would be fantastic. I was hooked on the chemistry between Anna Sloane and Devlin, the Marquis of Davenport. I found them to be fun and witty. I loved their verbal barbs back and forth. They were so likeable as individual characters and as a couple. They had such fantastic chemistry that the pages sizzled, Sinfully Yours (Hellions of High Street #2) was sinfully fantastic!

Anna or as her readers know her ( Sir Sharpe Quill) secretly writes about heroes and heroines that fall in love and have great adventures. Except for her two sisters, all of society believes that Sir Sharpe Quill is a man. Anna’s characters are fun and vivacious, Anna’s art does not imitate life. Although she writes salacious novels she has very little personal experience. Anna is very proper and charming. She is very beautiful and knows how to convince society of who they want to think she is. Fortunately for her, since she received a nice dowry from her brother-in-law she does not have to worry about marrying for convenience. Anna is seen as a proper lady and acts accordingly, or does she?

Devlin reminded me of “Devil in Winter” by Lisa Kleypass, one of my all-time favorite historical romances. Devlin is your typical scoundrel. He does and says what he pleases and has a reputation in society for of drinking, gambling and womanizing as his heart desires. He makes no apologies to anyone for anything. All of society knows that he has a title but no fortune… or does he? Devlin was a fascinating character. He was intriguing, mysterious, adventurous and very surprising, with many different layers to him. I loved him! I found myself highlighting most of his dialogue. He traded barbs with anyone that crossed his path. He was so quick witted and so scandalous I laughed out loud with most of his conversations.

In London Devlin and Anna run into each other at different times. For Anna, he has proven to be a great distraction when she and her family are invited to Scotland for a visit she is eager for the change in scenery. She is hoping that she can get through her looming deadline for her next novel. As fate would have it, Devlin is called away to the same gathering for a special “mission”. The change of setting was so inviting and fun. I loved that the author changed it up and set the rest of the story in Scotland. When in Scotland we are introduced to some new and interesting characters. One is a Scottish baron, Alec McClellan who Caro, the youngest sister, seems to have a difference in opinion with quit often (I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they will be the next hero/heroin). Aside from the new cast of characters and setting we have a murder plot on our hands! It seems that there is a threat against a German Prince that is also in attendance. The plot was a great addition to the already blossoming romance between Devlin and Anna. As they work together to uncover who is behind the plot to murder the Prince, they get to really know each other and end up pleasantly surprised.

Cara Elliott has quickly become one of my newly discovered favorite authors. She is very engaging and easy to read. Her dialogue is fun and interesting. I love the relationship that the sisters share and the way that they are ahead of their time, thanks to their fathers influence on them. All sisters are very accomplished and talented. I enjoyed this story immensely, would recommend and re-read! Can’t wait for “Passionately Yours”.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Feature and Giveaway: What Happens in Scotland + Summer is For Lovers by Jennifer McQuiston

She woke up married… And then she ran.

When recent widow Georgette Thorold wakes up in a Scottish inn with a wedding ring on her finger and lacking all memory of how she came to be there, she does what any well-bred lady with a modicum of sense and a distrust of marriage would do: she panics, clocks the wickedly handsome stranger in her bed over the head with a chamber pot, and runs.

James McKenzie, Esquire has either spent the evening protecting a very naïve, and—dare he say it—very drunk young lady from the advances of every disreputable character in the town of Moraig, or he has gone and married a pretty, scheming thief. Not that his own head is entirely clear on the matter, but when the woman in question repays his kindness with a knock on the head, the bill for her room, and the theft of his purse, an embarrassed James is determined to track her down and show her she picked the wrong solicitor to swindle.

As Georgette sets out to discover exactly what happened during her forgotten night, she uncovers a man that seems far more a hero than a rake. But when they finally meet, instead of sweeping her into his arms and kissing her senseless, he serves her with a summons, claiming she is a thief. Now the fight is on, and the only question is was it a night worth remembering? Or a mistake they would both rather forget?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Etoile by Olivia Besse

The Mannequin series is an exciting erotic romance journey that gives readers an intimate look into the not-so-glamorous sides of the fashion and modelling industries. This book contains explicit content and is not intended for younger readers!

From afar, Elodie Marais is just a typical 19-year old girl roughing it in Manhattan. She hates her job, her love life sucks and she's totally getting ripped off by her landlord. Like most of her starry-eyed peers, she'll do anything for the Triple P's—Prada, a Promotion and the elusive Perfect Boyfriend. But Elodie and her friends aren't your average new adults who are bored to tears by their uninspiring lives—they're fashion models.

So what's a girl to do when her life is turned upside down as two irresistible bachelors vie for her doe-eyed attention, just as she's starting to make waves in the modelling world? Will she go with charming and sensitive James, a handsome financier, or reckless and unpredictable Tyler, the stunning male model du jour?

Follow Elodie's adventures from Manhattan to Paris as she navigates the terrifying worlds that are the modeling industry and her love life, one effortlessly chic outfit at a time.

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Review: Etoile by Olivia Besse

Etoile is the first book in Olivia Besse's Mannequin Series. I had a bit of a tough time getting into this story, but once I stuck with it and got a little further, I really started to like this one. I did have a few issues with this story, but I ended up really enjoying the story despite any criticisms I had. Etoile was different than anything I have read before, and I really enjoyed Olivia Besse's writing style. Her style is a little gritty and raw feeling, and I thought it was perfect for this story. After ending this one on a cliffhanger, I am anxious to read the next two books in there series and see what happens.

Elodie Marais was abandoned as a baby and grew up in an orphanage in France. When she is fourteen she gets discovered and is offered the chance to be a model. She begins modeling at age fifteen and is taken under the wing of the woman who discovered her. Elodie enters the world of modeling and fashion and begins to learn how to advance her career using everything that she has available to her. She ends up in Manhattan at nineteen, living with a group of models and trying to land bigger and better shows and jobs. While in Manhattan Elodie meets an in demand male model named Tyler. They hit it off right away and the passion between them is explosive. She also ends up meeting James, a sweet and sensitive guy in finance. At first she thinks that James is the guy for her and that Tyler is just a cocky model looking to hook up. But the more she gets to know Tyler, she realizes that he is different than what she had first thought.

At first I wasn't sure what to think of Tyler. He comes off as this cocky narcissist, but the more you get to see of him the more he grows on you. I liked getting to see that he is completely different than what you get at first glance with him. He definitely is cocky and a bit arrogant, but he also uses a lot of that to sort of protect himself.You could tell that he was afraid to sometimes admit his feelings out loud. I thought that he did some really sweet things for Elodie and most of the time he did them when she had no clue and he wasn't looking to use them to get her. He just seemed to care about her and was trying to do nice things for her. James on the other hand I liked right off, but as the story went on he completely lost me. At first he is sweet and a bit shy. He is sensitive and seems to really like Elodie, so he takes things slowly. We are talking almost glacial when it comes to slow with this guy. But as the story goes on, we really don't get to know James. I feel like there is very little depth or development with him, and he ran extremely hot and cold. I just could never quite figure out what was going on with him, and by the end of the story I was completely over his character. Elodie was what I would imagine a model to be. She was able to adapt to situations as they called for and could mask her emotions and feelings easily. She was at times a bit shallow and was willing to do whatever it took to get to the top. I can't say that I identified with her character at all, but I really enjoyed reading about her. I thought that Elodie had a ton of chemistry with Tyler and I really liked how they were together. I thought that they were a great couple and that they had a great foundation considering they really understood each other and the business. Elodie and James just didn't seem to really work for me, despite the sweet things that he did for her.

I really loved the writing in this story though. I thought that edge and grit that Olivia Besse brought really enhanced this story, and it felt so real to me. Being an outsider looking in on this world I would have no way of knowing how accurate or real things are when it comes to fashion and modeling, but I imagine that it would be just like Besse described. I did get a bit annoyed with the constant brand name dropping that happened in this book though. I get that that would be a huge part of Elodie's world, but I honestly got a bit sick of seeing so many brands and I could care less who/what so and so was wearing. I wanted to skip whole paragraphs at times because of it, and I think the story would have been fine without as much as there was. I also felt like the plot of this book was almost nonexistent. I was more than half way through the book and still trying to figure out what was going on and where the story was headed. I did still find it interesting though and I am glad that I stuck with it. It was also a bit confusing at times because in the beginning the book sort of jumped around a bit. I think that is why I had a hard time getting into the book at the start. I really did end up liking this one though, and I am interested to see where Besse takes these characters. I can't wait to see what happens next, especially with Elodie and Tyler. If you are looking for a story that is real and raw, I would recommend checking this one out. It is not your typical love story and I think that is what makes it so great.

**Copy provided by Itching For Books**

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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Feature and Giveaway: Playing Pretend by Juliana Haygert

As the Governor’s daughter, Charlotte McClain is an expert in playing pretend. High society, the men her mother shoves in her direction and a Pre-Law major are all a part of her perfect pretense. But when she pretends to be a nobody during Spring Break, she meets someone who rocks her world.

Mason Rowell knows heartbreak and Spring Break don’t mesh well, so he allows the mysterious Charlotte to seduce him. What should have been a fling, results in something deeper. After Spring Break has long since passed, he moves to Washington to pursue his graduate degree, but what he never expected to find living among the rich and pompous, was the girl who gave him the strength to change and the desire to start anew.

When the guy Charlotte can’t forget goes from a sensual memory to temptation in the flesh, her facade is put to the test. If she surrenders to his charms, she risks ruining her mother’s perfect career and master plan. Playing pretend is what Charlotte does best, but how long can she pretend she doesn't love the man who made her proud of her true self?

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ARC Review: Playing Pretend by Juliana Haygert

Playing Pretend by Juliana Haygert is a light and quick read that left me happy and smiling. This book was really easy to get into, and I breezed right through reading this one. I found it really entertaining, and I liked the characters a lot. I liked that there were politics and some scandal thrown in, but that it was still a fun and sweet read. This was the first book I have read by Juliana Haygert, but I really liked her writing style and it definitely won't be my last.

Charlotte lives her life according to what her mother the Governor tells her to do. She decides to go with her three best friends to California for spring break and doesn't tell her mom where she is really going. While in California, Charlotte meets a hot bartender named Mason and spends the week with him. They agree not to share any personal information and just enjoy the time they have together. After Charlotte returns home, both she and Mason are unable to forget their time together. Mason decides that he needs to get out of town and away from his ex and he heads to D.C. While working a party, he runs into Charlotte and is shocked to see her. At first Charlotte tries to push him away, but they keep running into each other. Eventually Mason convinces Charlotte to give them a chance, even if it has to be a secret. They begin to see each other, and their feelings continue to grow. But what happens when their secret relationship is made public?

I really liked Mason. He was a good guy and I thought that he was really sweet. I liked how determined he was to get Charlotte to come around to being with him. He was never a jerk or demanding, and he was willing to sneak around just to be able to spend time with her. I also liked that although he got jealous, that he wasn't over the top about it. It was really refreshing to read about a hero that was just an ordinary guy who happened to fall for a high profile girl. Charlotte was fun and down to earth despite growing up the way she did. I hated that she hid so much from her mother and just let her mother decide her life for so long, but I was glad that she was finally able to truly open up to her in the end. I thought that Charlotte and Mason had a really great connection and a ton of chemistry between them. I was so glad that Mason stuck it out with her, and I thought that he handled everything really well. Mason and Charlotte were just a lot of fun to read about, and they had some great sexy moments together.

Overall, I thought that this was a really great New Adult book. This story was sexy and sweet, and I really enjoyed it. I also really liked Charlotte's friends as well as Mason's. I would love to get their stories as well. This book was really easy to get lost in, and I found myself finishing it really fast because I was enjoying it so much that I didn't want to stop reading it. I liked the fact that there was some scandal and drama, but that it never weighed the story down. This book was really a light and refreshing read, and I would recommend it to anyone that is looking for a good book to lose themselves in for a few hours. I can't wait to read more from Haygert in the future.

**ARC provided by YA Bound Book Tours**

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Feature and Giveaway: The Home Court Advantage by N. M. Silber

Gabrielle and Braden have fallen in love and face a bright future together if they can just survive all of the crazy people they encounter, like anonymous napkin droppers, UFO enthusiasts, crooked businessmen, nude drunk drivers, and a woman who tries to break into jail. When the gavel falls will the verdict be happily ever after?

Come join the fun as the sexiest couple in the Philadelphia Criminal Court System shares more witty banter and red hot lovin’ with a dash of mystery thrown in. The story that began with The Law of Attraction concludes with lots of love and laughter in The Home Court Advantage.

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Review: The Home Court Advantage by N.M. Silber

The Home Court Advantage is the second book in N.M. Silber's Lawyer's In Love series and is the continuing story of Gabrielle and Braden. This book picks up right where the Law of Attraction left off, and should only be read if you have already read the first book. I have been looking forward to reading this book since the minute that I finished the first story, and I really enjoyed getting more of Gabrielle, Braden, and their friends. These books are really funny, fast-paced, and are so entertaining that you do not want to put them down. I can't wait to read more in this series. I highly recommend that you check these books out if you haven't already.

Gabrielle and Braden are together and in love. They have their dog Bruno, and are looking forward to a future together. They still haven't figured out who sent the mysterious notes to Gabrielle though or why someone wants them to split up. Having kept secrets from Braden before, Gabrielle and Braden have come to the understanding that they will tell each other everything. As they begin to search for the person who sent the notes, Gabrielle feels as though she is being watched. With the help of their friends, Gabrielle and Braden set out to figure get to the bottom of who is behind everything. In between their crazy adventures in trying to figure everything out, they continue to prosecute and defend the crazy and hilarious criminals of Philadelphia.

I loved Gabrielle and Braden in the first book and I love them even more after reading this one. I love how committed to each other they are and that they never had drama or angst as far as their feelings went. They were in love and it was clear to everyone. I liked that when they had issues they talked about them and handled them together. I also think its great how they love each other for who they are, flaws and all. They are pretty much just the most perfect couple ever. They are hilarious and witty, and hot as hell together. I love their banter so much and I was really glad to see that continue in this book. I was worried that it might fall a bit flat, but it was everything that I had loved originally only new and more of it. These two are impossible not to love, and I think I would read anything written about them ever.

Overall, I thought that this was a really great follow up to the Law of Attraction. I think this one was a little less steamy than the first one, and although there was a bit of heat I had wished for some more. I also thought that while this one was entertaining and funny, that it wasn't quite as good as the first book. I still really loved this book don't get me wrong, but the first book was just so fantastic that it was extremely hard to top. I really loved getting more of the gang though, and I think that they have the perfect chemistry as a group. I love the camaraderie between them and I can't wait to get more of all of them. I am so excited to read Lily and Adam's story next. I love a good enemies to lovers story and you can just tell that all that arguing is going to lead to some crazy good passion. I can't wait to watch things explode between the two of them! If you aren't reading these books, you are seriously missing out. N.M. Silber is definitely one of the best authors I have read, and I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**Review copy provided by Literati Author Services**

Purchase: Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Three Weeks with Lady X by Eloisa James

The next fabulous romance by New York Times bestselling author Eloisa James.

Having made a fortune, Thorn Dautry, the powerful bastard son of a duke, decides that he needs a wife. But to marry a lady, Thorn must acquire a gleaming, civilized façade, the specialty of Lady Xenobia India.

Exquisite, headstrong, and independent, India vows to make Thorn marriageable in just three weeks. But neither Thorn nor India anticipate the forbidden passion that explodes between them.

Thorn will stop at nothing to make India his. Failure is not an option. But there is only one thing that will make India his . . . the one thing Thorn can't afford to lose . . . his fierce and lawless heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Jules Barnard and Giveaway

Meet Jules Barnard, author of Deep Blue.

Jules is originally from the San Francisco Bay Area. She attended UC Davis, whose college landscape often finds its way into her New Adult novels. She has a Master’s degree and spent many an hour running statistical analysis, until she realized her favorite part of the job was writing reports. She decided to cut out the math and add in some hot guys, and so began her career as a novelist.

Jules is a Northern California native living on the coast with her husband and two children. She has no impulse control around cupcakes and credits herself with the ability to read while running on the treadmill or burning dinner.

Find Jules at:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

ARC Review: Sweet Southern Betrayal by Robin Covington

Sweet Southern Betrayal by Robin Covington is the third book in The Boys Are Back In Town Series. This book can be read as a standalone but has interconnecting characters. I haven't read the rest of this series, but I really liked this one and had no problems without having read the previous installments. Robin Covington definitely did not disappoint with this story, and she is becoming a favorite of mine to read. Her stories are well written, have real and likable characters and are really enjoyable books. I can't wait to go back and read the first two books in this series and also read more from Covington in the future. If you are looking for a great Contemporary author, you definitely need to check Robin Covington out.

Teague has always lived his life according to "The Plan". He is a Harvard Law grad about to make partner at his firm, and is on his way to a political career that he hopes lands him in the oval office. But when he winds up in Vegas and ends up involved with a showgirl, his life seems to be headed off track. Despite the attraction, Teague heads home assuming that he will never see Risa again. She shows up on his doorstep not long after looking to escape from the mobster that she owes money as well as to inform Teague that they are married. With Teague's life spiraling out of control, he rushes to fix the problems that he is suddenly faced with including his new wife Risa. Risa is filled with guilt and knows that the mobster she double crossed will likely try to kill her, but she can't help but want to protect the stranger who happens to now be her husband. The more time that they spend together, Teague and Risa realize that they share more than just intense passion and both begin to hope for a chance to be together. But with secrets and guilt between them and Teague's political aspirations can they possibly have a future together?

I really liked Risa and Teague. They were great together and had amazing chemistry. They were super sexy and you could really see the intense passion between them. I loved watching as they got to know each other better, and they were the perfect balance for the other. I felt like the connection and relationship between them real and believable despite the short time that they knew each other. It isn't often that it works and usually comes off as rushed, but that wasn't the case with Risa and Teague. Teague was a really great guy, smart and sexy but a little bit buttoned up being a lawyer with political goals. But Risa really brought out the other sides to him and allowed him to open up a bit more. Risa was strong and determined, a true survivor. She definitely made some mistakes and didn't think things through or handle them correctly. But I loved how she went after what she wanted and was proof that you can overcome anything if you really work hard and put your mind to it.

Overall, I really liked Teague and Risa's story. I thought that they were great together and really seemed to fit well. They were a case of opposites attract, and they not only made it work but they really were better because of their differences. I really liked all the secondary characters as well, and I can't wait to go back and get the previous stories as well as read more in the future. I loved the camaraderie and friendship that all the guys had, and how they looked out for each other. They were a lot of fun to read about. This book was a quick and enjoyable read. If you are looking for an entertaining contemporary, I recommend that you give this one a shot. Robin Covington is worth the read, and Teage and Risa are a great couple that are easy to become invested in and root for. I can't wait to read more from Robin Covington in the future.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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Guest Post with Author Terry Spear and Giveaway

USA Today bestselling author Terry Spear has written over fifty paranormal romance novels and medieval Highland historical romances. In 2008 Heart of the Wolf was named a Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year. A retired officer of the U.S. Army Reserves, Terry also creates award-winning teddy bears that have found homes all over the world. She lives in Crawford, Texas. For more information, please visit, follow her on Twitter, @TerrySpear, and like her on Facebook,

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Feature and Giveaway: Masters of Seduction by Lara Adrian, Donna Grant, Laura Wright and Alexandra Ivy

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Review: Kindling the Moon by Jenn Bennett

Arcadia ‘Cady’ Bell, aka Selene Duval and Mother of Ahriman, is a bartender and magician who wears a halo. As do the demons who frequent her bar. Her parents, Enola and Alexander Duval, are accused of being notorious murderers. They faked their deaths and are in hiding. Cady changed her name and has tried to have a normal life. Also she has tried to prove her parents’ innocence. The Luxe, a rival group of occultists, is searching for her and her parents. She seeks the help of her friend, Fr. Carrow. He explains only one man can help her combat the forces stacked up against her. Lon Butler is a former priest, famous photographer, and a halo wearing, horn spouting demon. He has an extensive collection of books on the occult, some stolen from the Vatican. She meets him and Jupe, his thirteen year old son. Over the years, she has devised spells and wears her power on symbols embedded in her arms. Mix them with a little saliva or blood, she can become temporarily invisible. The Luxe sends Riley Cooper, the leader’s daughter, after Cady. Instead, Lon and Cady capture her and start to unravel the mystery of a glass talon and Nivella the White. Being a moon child, Cady can summon her Heka powers. Until now, she didn’t realize her own strength. Lon introduces her to the underbelly of the magic world. In combatting them, she shows her true self. Lon brings out the best and the lust in her. Her parents are discovered and Cady rushes to help them. “Sometimes you wish your parents would just stay dead,” Cady says. No one from her past is who they seem. It may cost her life, but she’s ready to fulfill her destiny.

This is the beginning of an excellent series. Lon and Cady make an unlikely and charming couple. She has the power and he has the knowledge about how to use it. Jupe adds much to the story and, after he’s attacked, brings the couple closer together. He’s also a demon. Watching his character grow will add tension to the budding relationship. Lon, as his father, is strict. Cady, as his potential stepmother, not so much. There is a refreshing use of supernatural power because Cady draws from the good and the bad. Looking forward to the rest of the Arcadia Bell books.

**Copy provided by Publisher**

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