
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Jealous and Freakn' Winner

Congratulations to:

On winning an eBook copy of Jealous and Freakn' by Eve Langlais

Winner has been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that participated. 

Guest Post with Author Lauren Hawkeye and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome author Lauren Hawkeye to the blog. Lauren is currently on tour promoting the release Let Me In, which I loved. You can see my review for Let Me In here. So please everyone give a warm welcome to Lauren.

Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2011 11:51:40 -0500

Dear Dr. Anderson,
Thank you for your quick reply to my query about marriage counselling. I do not regret to inform you that my husband Ty and I are no longer in need of your services. You probably don’t care, since we’ve never actually had a session with you, but I’m going to tell you anyway, because I am so happy. This weekend Ty and I went to a wedding. We met another couple there—Hannah and Cal—and though that we would try swinging. Though it never actually happened, the excitement sparked some serious intimacy between hubs and I, and it seemed like that was what we needed to break through our barriers. So we won’t be booking an appointment, and I hope that you’re not one of those doctors who has his staff do a million follow up calls trying to get us to book an appointment. I’m telling you now—I’ve got my husband back, and I’m never letting him go again!

Technical Difficulties

Hey Everyone. The blog is currently expecting some technical difficulties that I'm working on as fast as I can. Hopefully everything will be up and running smoothly shortly. So sorry for the inconvenience.  

Friday, December 2, 2011

Get Ready: The 12 (Historical) Days of Christmas are Almost HERE!

Happy Holidays, Book Lovers!!!
Here's hoping the weeks leading up to Christmas are as stress-free as possible. Did you dig that ugly Christmas sweater out of your closet yet? (No?) Decorate the inside and outside of your house? (You haven't done that either?) Done all your Christmas shopping? (...oh my...)

In the midst of the mayhem of long lines, wrestling with other shoppers for the last can of cranberry sauce, or bypassing it all and doing your last minute shopping online, make sure you stop by here and Not Another Romance Blog this month starting on the 12th for an exciting dual Christmas event that we're co-hosting!
 Details below:

Rita from Not Another Romance Blog and myself have teamed up this year to present the readers/lovers of historical romance with a unique and fun Christmas blog event that will seriously knock your socks off!

Kiss and Tell Book Tour: Interview with Author Melissa Mayhue

Today I would like to welcome author Melissa Mayhue to the blog. Melissa is currently participating in the Kiss and Tell Book Tour and celebrating her upcoming release of Warriors Redemption. Melissa was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions and I would love to share them with you all.

First off, can you tell us a bit about your books?
I write a paranormal time-travel series set in our world with a twist… Faeries exist. And these aren’t your basic Disney Faeries, by any stretch. In the Long Ago, Mortal and Fae coexisted in a world where each soul had a perfect match and harmony reigned. But there were those of both races who fought for power and their worlds were split. War ensued, soul pairings were ripped apart and Magic was stripped from the Mortal world.

In the first series, Daughters of the Glen, Magic has returned, but only to those mixed blood, half-mortal descendents of the Fae, none of whom can be happy until they’ve found the other half of their soul.

In the spin-off, The Warriors, the world twists again, introducing us to some of the “Others” who also inhabit the Mortal world, beginning with descendents of the ancient Norse gods.

Where do your ideas come from?
Everywhere. Sometimes it feels like they hide in the ether, especially when I'm on deadline and need to write more quickly! More often than not when I'm researching some specific point or item for a story, I'll stumble on some totally unrelated piece of information that will set new ideas racing.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Follow Friday #20

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to books? Maybe you don't like love triangles or thin plots? Tell us about it!

There are a few things that bug me when I'm reading. I really hate when I'm reading a contemporary book and the hero or heroine are constantly using the word baby, honey, or any other sappy endearment. I actually tend to stay away from contemporaries because of this. 

I'm also not the biggest fan of over the top story lines. I want to believe that what I'm reading could possibly happen. Yes, I know that I love vampires books and that they aren't real, but if the story is good then I can believe that they are real. If somehow one of the characters in the story suddenly able to live forever and it's not explained and the power was just given to them just because, I get super frustrated. 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- Lauren Gets Literal & Fic Book Reviews
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)


Congratulations to:

Deranged Pegasus
On winning the book of their choice from The Book Depository

Also, I had to chose a new winner for the Derek Hutchins Lookbook Giveaway,

Congratulations to:


Both winners have been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that participated. 

Behind the Blogger: Pam from Wicked Little Pixie

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This weeks guest is Pam, though most people know her as Spaz. Pam is currently a blogger at Wicked Lil Pixie, Heroes and Heartbreakers, and her own blog Life As a Spaz. I met Pam at this years Author's After Dark Conference and she is super nice! I'm so excited to have her on the blog. So if you all could please give Pam/Spaz a warm welcome.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness: November Wrap Up

R.A.K, otherwise known as Random Acts of Kindness is put together by the lovely ladies from Book♥Soulmates. It's a way for fellow bloggers to get together and give eachother items on their wish lists. I love participating in R.A.K. It's so much fun and rewarding to give others items from their wish list and it's exciting to see if anyone is going to give you something too.

Sent Out:
 Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter

 Stephanie @ Once Upon A Chapter

Winners of the Juliana Stone Giveaway

Congratulations to:

Pamela R 
On winning a copy of His Darkest Hunger by Juliana Stone


Diane S
On winning a copy of His Darkest Salvation by Juliana Stone

Both winners have been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that participated.

Interview with Author Dianne Duvall and Giveaway

Hi everyone, today I would like to welcome to the blog the lovely Dianne Duvall. Dianne is currently on tour promoting her newest release Night Reigns, which I totally can't wait to get my hands on! Seriously, if you haven't read Dianne's Immortal Guardian series you are missing out and you definitely need to rush out and buy Darkness Dawns. You will thank me, it's so good! Dianne was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions and I would love to share them all with you.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Thanks so much for having me here at Ramblings From This Chick, Danielle. I am an avid reader and love all things creative. I also love happy endings, so romance writing is my favorite activity, with reading a close second. When I’m not doing those, I work in the independent film industry, another great outlet for creativity, though I will admit I’m camera shy and don’t often appear onscreen.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve always enjoyed writing and creating stories. I actually wrote my first romance when I was twelve or thirteen. And I began writing poetry in high school. But it wasn’t until college, after exploring journalism and playwriting, that I realized romance writing was what I wanted to pursue as my profession.

Where do your ideas come from?
Everywhere. My imagination is constantly active, drawing inspiration from everything around me. Ideas can come from dreams, documentaries, biographies, intriguing settings, inanimate objects, strangers walking past . . . pretty much anything that catches my attention and makes me think, “What if . . .?” The last time I did the laundry at night, for example, I stood in front of the washing machine, sorting clothes, with my back to the dim garage, and wondered what would happen if I were to turn around, look up, and see a large, slimy, humanoid creature creeping across the ceiling toward me. :-) So I never know what might spark that next idea.

A la Twitter style, can you describe your book NIGHT REIGNS in 140 characters or less.
Grieving immortal Marcus Grayden is assigned a new Second . . . who proves to be immensely distracting and turns his world upside down.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Winners of the Jenna Petersen Giveaway

Congratulations to:

Eva P
Pam R
On winning a book of their choice from Jenna Petersen

Both winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that entered the giveaway =)

Interview with Author Casea Major and Giveaway

Hi everyone. Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Casea Major. Casea is currently on tour promoting the release of her book One Knight in Brooklyn and allowed me to ask her a few questions, which I would love to share with you all. So without further ado here's Casea.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Thank you for having me today, Danielle! My pen name is Casea Major. Casea is pronounced Kay SEE. I have been writing romantic fiction for about a year.

My story One Knight in Brooklyn is the 42nd story in the popular multi-author 1Night Stand series from Decadent Publishing. The 1-Night Stand series is based around Madame Eve's high-end matchmaking service. With Madame Eve anything is possible. This series has something for everyone and I am proud to be counted with the talented authors in this group.

Did you always want to be a writer?
I did always know I was good with words. I didn't realize until last year that I wanted to be a writer.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
I am a hybrid. I plot major turning points and panst to get there. LOL

Monday, November 28, 2011

Winners Galore

Congratulations to:

Maria M
On winning an e-copy of Derek Hutchins Lookbook

Loretta L
On winning a copy of One Touch of Scandal by Liz Carlyle

Helen B
On winning a copy of Lady of Seduction by Laurel McKee

Kristina P
On winning a copy of Hostile Makeover by Wendy Max

On winning a copy of The Light of Asteria by Elizabeth Isaacs

Anne R
On winning a copy of In The Laird's Bed by Joanne Rock

June M
On winning a copy of Blood of His Fathers by Michelle Chambers

Kayla M
On winning a copy of Refuge: Extinction and Retribution by Carol Lynne

On winning a copy of Phases: Volume One by Cheryl Dragon

Stephanie D
On winning a copy of Snow Day by Billy Coffey

Kay S
On winning a Bag of Swag

All winners have been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated in both giveaways! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

ARC Review: Let Me In by Lauren Hawkeye

I have adored the previous shorts in Lauren Hawkeye's Erotic Me series and Let Me In definitely does ends this series on a bang. But unlike the stories prior to this one, Let Me In is a bit more on the serious side and and packs a lot of story in a short amount of space. Let Me In, continues with the wedding theme and we are introduced to Imogen. Imogen and her husband have not had sex in over a year. Both love and care for one another but there is something lacking in the bedroom with them. When they overhear another couple at the wedding talking about finding a couple to hook up and have some fun with, Imogen finds herself turned on. Is it the prospect of sleeping with another man, or just being able to sleep with her husband again?

Let Me In was about so much more than a couple trying new things with others. It was about a husband and wife who seem to care and love one another breaking down the walls they have erected and coming together in a rather explosive way. I really enjoyed this story and I found myself pulling for Imogen and her husband. I wanted them to find a way to come together and I definitely was not disappointed.

As a whole, I have enjoyed all of the Erotic Me stories and I have definitely moved Lauren Hawkeye to my 'Must Buy' list. Her stories are very sexy and leave the reader clamoring for more.

**ARC copy provided by Bewitching Book Tours**


For Your Love Winner

Congratulations to:

On winning a eBook copy of For Your Love by Josee Renard

Winner has been contacted via email. Thanks to everyone that entered. =)

Review: The Making of a Duchess by Shana Galen

After coming off of a high with the completion Lord and Lady Spy, I was eager to jump into another Shana Galen book. I've had this book sitting around and figured it would be a great time to dig into it. I wish I could sit here and say that I loved it and it was just as good if not better than Lord and Lady Spy, but I can't. For some reason I just could not get into this book. I felt a disconnect from the characters and I just never really warmed up to them or their relationship with each other.

Julien Harcourt, Duc de Valere has worked hard over the years to repair everything that was taken from his family when they were forced to flee France. Forced to leave behind his brothers, Julien has never given up hope that they are still alive and has made several trips back to France in attempt to find them. When Julien is sent a letter from his former butler stating that he knows where Julien's younger brother Armand is, he knows he must leave immediately. Problem is, both countries are at war and if he caught he will be labeled a traitor and placed in prison.

Sarah Smith is working as a governess when she is approached by her employer and informed that she is to help him with an investigation for the crown. They have reason to believe that Julien Harcourt is a traitor and they need Sarah to find information supporting that theory. Sarah will be staying at the home of Julien Harcourt and while there she is to find any information that she can convincing the Crown that Julien is indeed a spy. Sarah is to become Serafina Artois, a daughter of former family friends. From the beginning Sarah expressing misgivings, she's just a governess, not a spy and does not believe she will be able to convince anyone otherwise.

When Sarah begins looking for evidence against Julien, she begins to believe there is more to the story than she is being told. She begins to believe that he isn't a traitor that her employer believes he is. And when Julien finally tells her of his mission to save his brother Sarah knows that she must help him in anyway that she can. Together they both embark on a journey to find Julien's brother.

The attraction between Julien and Sarah is instant. Though, they don't get along all that well at first, we see them gradually become closer and the feelings each have grow deeper. Even when Julien suspects Serafina as an impostor, he can't deny his feelings for her and wants to make her his wife.

I'm not sure if my problem with this story lays with the character of Sarah, or if it's a combination of factors. I just never really warmed up to her. Almost up until the end of the book she has valuable information that Julien can use to save his brother, yet she keeps it to herself until she is able to get her way. I felt like she was whiny and conniving. She seemed to only care for her well-being.

As for Julien, I felt that he was a good and honorable man. I thought he was selfless and would do anything for those he cares for. I just never understood his deep feeling for Sarah. Why does he care for her? I just felt like on one page he is attracted to her but can't really stand her and then all of a sudden on the next page he loves her. Why doesn't he care that she has been lying to him? Sarah just sort of walks all over him and it's okay. Maybe he just wasn't alpha enough for me? I'm not sure, but there is definitely something off for me.

I really wished I liked this book more. It had such a great beginning and then it just seemed to fizzle out once I hit the middle. Hopefully Armand story is able to save this one for me. I find that I'm interested to see how his HEA turns out.