
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

Book of choice from The Book Depository

Amanda H
A Light At Winter's End by Julia London

A Home For a Soldier by Tatiana March

Lynne H
Next To Love by Ellen Feldman

Yadira A
Bergdoff Blondes by Plum Sykes

Katy Peters Swederski
Sleeping Beauty by Denise Jeffries

Wendy Dee
Linda S
Maria pronounce Mariah
Barefoot in the Sand by Roxanne St. Claire courtesy of Forever Romance

$5 Amazon Gift Card + Bookmarks courtesy of Fiferhylton

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

Feature: Familiar Ties by Naya Nikki

Max West is a widower raising Phoebe, his four-year-old daughter. Phoebe has to live with the fact that the day she was born is also the day of her mother’s death. As her fifth year without her mother approaches, Phoebe finds solace in her godmother, Amy Riley, and her daughter, Grace Crawford, another single parent family.

Amy Riley is a successful fashion designer who spends most of her days raising her four-year-old daughter, Grace, while her wayward boyfriend is travelling the world making the next best film. As the fifth year without her best friend looms she finds comfort in her ex-boyfriend, Max, and his daughter, Phoebe.These two “broken” families have a tough week to face as the dreaded day approaches.

However through their past, present and debatable future will their choices affect the outcome both parents clearly want and are simply denying? Or will Phoebe and Grace lose the only “whole” family they have ever known?

Feature: A Scoundrel's Match by Betty Petite

The dark time once resided in Kalas. Now, dawn had begun. An infamous womanizer, Richard Bradley had never wanted to tie himself in a serious relationship. Until he was caught in embarrassing circumstances by her. Marguerite Bennett learned her lesson of lover-boy from her ex. Their fates were now crossed and danger from dark time also followed them. Could true love triumph intact?

Places to Purchase:
| Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Smashwords |

Watch the book trailer here

Friday, May 11, 2012

Interview with Author Alexia Reed and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Alexia Reed. Alexia is currently on tour celebrating the release of her book Hunting The Shadows. Alexia was kind enough to let me ask her a few questions but before we get to the interview lets get to know Alexia a bit.

While in reality Alexia Reed resides in Ontario, she likes to say that she lives in her own little world. A lover of all things scientific and the paranormal, Alexia uses her books as a way to straddle the realms of fact and fiction—and always with a healthy dose of romance thrown in.

When not writing and reading, Alexia paints, and is the caretaker to two neurotic cats.

Places to find Alexia:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Guest Post with Author Rebecca Royce and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome back to the blog author Rebecca Royce. Rebecca is currently on tour for her book Darkest Wolf and has stopped by to chat. Before I give the floor to Rebecca lets learn some about her.

As a teenager, Rebecca Royce would hide in her room to read her favorite romance novels when she was supposed to be doing her homework. She hopes, these days, that her parents think it was well worth it.

Rebecca is the mother of three adorable boys and is fortunate to be married to her best friend. They live in northern New Jersey and try not to freeze too badly during the winter months.

She's in love with science fiction, fantasy, and the paranormal and tries to use all of these elements in her writing. She's been told she's a little bloodthirsty so she hopes that when you read her work you'll enjoy the action packed ride that always ends in romance. Rebecca loves to write series because she loves to see characters develop over time and it always makes her happy to see her favorite characters make guest appearances in other books.

In Rebecca Royce's world anything is possible, anything can happen, and you should suspect that it will.

Places to find Rebecca:
Site Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Google + | Email |

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Guest Post with Author Leia Shaw and Giveaway

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Leia Shaw. Leia is currently on tour promoting her books and has stopped by the blog today to chat about Alpha Males. Before I give the floor to Leia, lets learn a bit about her.

I began my writing journey while I was stranded at the airport waiting for my delayed flight. I browsed the Border’s kiosk and grew frustrated that I couldn’t find the “it factor” — the perfect combination of alpha male-ness, ass-kickery, strong females, magic, and sex.

So I spent the next four hours on an airplane writing my first book on scraps of paper and an airsick bag (which thankfully I didn't need to use).

Now I spend too much time in my head, plotting evil villains and the hot men (and women) who ruthlessly kill them. I think far too much about fae politics, dragon power games, and how fast werewolves can change forms. But writing my paranormal romance series has given me a productive place to express those dark places in my mind.

I live in New England with my husband and two kids. Though I will go to my grave denying it, my husband insists I would be thrilled if he suddenly sprouted fangs.
Places to find Leia:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: The Girl’s Guide to (Man)Hunting by Jessica Clare

Once, Miranda felt a little exposed...

Miranda Hill can't believe her eyes--her cocky ex-boyfriend, pro hockey player Dane Croft, is back in Bluebonnet, Texas, after all these years. He ditched her--and their little town--just as some rather shocking photos showed up on the Internet for everyone to see. Miranda wasn't so lucky. Stuck in Bluebonnet and left to fend for herself, she's never really shaken the scandal--or his betrayal. After nine long years, Dane's back, and she has the chance to turn the tables on him...

It's time she gets even.

Former NHL hotshot playboy Dane Croft has returned home to open a survival training school on an old ranch and reinvent himself. When his former high-school girlfriend enrolls in the program, he has no idea that Miranda's plan is to get him in a compromising position--not the one he's imagining, anyway. But soon Miranda realizes that to carry out her deviously sexy revenge, she'll have to get up close and personal with Dane all over again. Being a good girl got her nowhere for nine years; now it's time to be a little naughty. But falling in love with the man who broke her heart was never part of the plan...

Upcoming Virtual Release Party

Do you have a passion for romance novels? Or animal rights? Want to chat with readers, authors, and animal lovers, win free stuff, and support a terrific cause?

Come join like-minded individuals to celebrate the release of LOVE BITES, a new anthology of romance novellas by five bestselling Harlequin authors. Each author is donating her proceeds to the Animal Adoption Foundation, a non-profit no-kill shelter for dogs and cats that have been abused or abandoned.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Feature and Giveaway: Sea Swept Seduction Series by Tracy Sumner

She is his greatest temptation.
He is her forbidden desire.
A battle of wills leads to love.

Spirited Savannah Conner is passionately committed to stamping out social injustice. Yet when she arrives in the seaside town of Pilot Isle, North Carolina, ready to take up a new cause, she quickly finds herself on the outs with the town constable. Zachariah Garrett is the most arrogant, infuriating, maddeningly attractive man it’s ever been her misfortune to meet. And suddenly, Savannah is fighting a whole new battle – this one against her own yearning for a man who is impossible to resist.

Ever since his wife’s death two years ago, Zachariah Garrett has dedicated his life to keeping the peace. So when he sees the pretty newcomer atop a wobbly wooden crate stirring up the crowd, he doesn’t hesitate to haul her off to jail. But Savannah Connor isn’t any ordinary law-breaker. She’s a beguiling beauty with the power to awaken emotions he thought he’s never feel again, and the tenderness to help him forget his fears…and risk his heart once more.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Review: The Girl's Guide to (Man) Hunting by Jessica Clare

First just let me say that this book is HOT! Seriously. The chemistry between Dane and Miranda is electric and I found I had to fan my face quite a few times after reading one of their love scenes. I wasn't really sure if I would like this book. I'm not too big on revenge story-lines, but I found myself pleasantly surprised. I really liked this book and I definitely can't wait to read more from this author.

Miranda and Dane dated briefly when they were in high school. While at a graduation party together they played Seven Minutes in Heaven and things got pretty hot and heavy between the two. Then the next day Dane was off to play hockey in the NHL and Miranda was left to deal with the aftermath. Not only did Dane leave without a goodbye but apparently photos were taken of the two in the closet and then posted on the internet for all the world to see. Miranda has spent the last nine years with being known as the "Boobs of Bluebonnet" as well as living with the hurt and anger at being betrayed. When Dane moves back into town and starts a survival training school with two of his buddies from high school, Miranda sees this as on opportunity to finally get the revenge she has always wanted. So she enrolls in the school with plans to destroy Dane.

Dane has returned to Bluebonnet with hopes of reinventing himself and his reputation. For the past year he's been living of the grid in Alaska with some buddies from high school and now they've decided to start a survival training school. He's shocked to see his old girlfriend Miranda has enrolled in his class. Dane has always thought of Miranda as the girl that got away and has thought of her often in the past nine years.

In order for Miranda's plan of revenge to work, she needs to seduce Dane, post compromising photos of him on the internet and then leave him high and dry just like he did with her. But all of that goes awry when Miranda starts to get closer to Dane. It seems he's not the guy she thought he was and the more time they spend together the more Miranda seems to fall for him and her plan just seems to go out the window.

I really liked this book and I really enjoyed Miranda and Dane together. When I first picked up this book I thought Dane was going to be an asshole that seems to redeem himself in the end, but that was not the case at all. Dane is an all-around good guy. He has genuine feelings for Miranda and he's actually quite sweet. Also, Dane is freaking HOT! Seriously, these two were smoking together and I just couldn't stop reading about them.

I am really looking forward to the next book in this series. I find myself fascinated by Colt and Grant and I am eager to get my hands on their books.

| Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Weekly Winners-Historical and Grand Prize

Below is a list of all of the winners from last weeks Historical author and blogger castings. 

Kieran Kramer
Jess S-Cloudy With a Chance of Marriage
Mel Bourn-If You Give a Girl a Viscount

Elise Rome
Joanne B-Seducing the Duchess
Mary Doherty-Romancing the Countess

Delilah Marvelle
Diane S-Forever and a Day
Carrie @In The Hammock Blog-Forever and a Day

Jenn LeBlanc
Maria pronounced Mariah-The Rake and The Recluse
Jeanine Miro-MacKinnon Rangers books by Pamela Clare

Vicky Dreiling
Jen B-How To Ravish a Rake
Rakisha W-How To Marry a Duke

Kim @SOS Aloha
Eli Yanti-Hawaiian Gift Pack
Lori Lee-Hawaiian Gift Pack

Grand Prize Winners
Booklover62-Giant Box of Books
Megan G-Book Bundle from Me
Annissa Casillas-Kati's Book Bundle
Nancy Gilliand-Jamie's Book Bundle

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and a HUGE thank you to all of the authors that have participated and donated books for the event. You all rock.  

Feature: My Wicked Gladiators by Lauren Hawkeye

Alba has spent her entire life pleasing others.

As an upper-class plebeian woman in Ancient Rome, that is her place in life. But when her husband Lucius, the owner of aprestigious gladiatorial school, uses her body as a bargaining tool to increase his fortunes, she is faced with doing as he demands, or finding herself on the street.

Forced to lay with masked gladiators chosen by Lucius, Alba is surprised to discover pleasure in being powerless. Only in the forbidden arms of Caius and Marcus does she find comfort, however temporary it may be.

But with Lucius’ demands looming and the threat of death for her gladiators ever-present, will Alba’s fleeting pleasures be enough? Or will Alba finally grab hold of her happily ever after, no matter the consequences?

Places to Purchase: