
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past week.

What a Rogue Wants by Julie Johnstone

Savage Hunter by Terry Spear

RFTC Tote Bag + Swag (Monthly Giveaway)

Book of Choice from Me

**Replacement Winners**

Truth or Date by Susan Hatler

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Twilight Hunger by Kait Ballenger

Twilight Hunter is the first full length book in Kait Ballenger's Execution Underground Series. You can read the first part of the Execution Underground Series which is a prequel novella, Shadow Hunter, in the After Dark Anthology with Gena Showalter. The Execution Underground Series is about an elite group of supernatural hunters, each with their own specialty. Twilight Hunter centers around Jace McCannon, a werewolf hunter who just so happens to be half were.

Jace McCannon is searching for a rogue werewolf who is on a killing spree. The killer mutilates and rapes his victims and the Execution Underground as well as Jace are tired of innocent women being killed. One night while trying to find the killer, Jace comes across a female were calling herself Francesca. Even though he normally hunts her kind and is disgusted by them, he can't help but be attracted to her. Little does he know that she is actually Frankie, the pack-master. As the two begin to work together in order to search for the killer, lines become blurred and secrets and lies are revealed. There are so many obstacles standing in the way of a relationship between Jace and Frankie, and yet they are both drawn together by a chemistry that neither of them can fight. But as they each learn more, can they overcome everything and be together as well as catch a killer?

I thought that Jace was sexy and a total alpha! It was easy to see how Frankie could be drawn to him. But Jace is damaged from a past and father that left him hating himself and making it hard for him to get along with others. Even though he is a member of the Execution Underground, Jace seemed be more of a loner than part of the team when we first met him. I really loved how he started to work with a few of the guys as the book progressed. His growth and character development really drew me into the story. For most of the book I loved Frankie! She was strong and confident, and I thought that she was a great leader for her pack. Always looking out for them and willing to sacrifice herself for them! I did have a few problems with her character towards the end of the book. I couldn't figure out why she acted the way she did a few times after everything that her and Jace had previously been through. Luckily though she was back to the character that I first loved by the end of the book. Jace and Frankie were great together when they weren't constantly fighting the feelings and attraction they felt. It took awhile for me to really get into their relationship and feel their connection because of the back and forth tug of war that was going on between them. But I liked them as a couple when they finally figured it out.

Overall, this book was a good read. I liked the characters and found them interesting. Sometimes the story was a little slow to develop for me, but there was a lot of action and suspense that kept me interested. I would have liked there to have been a little more romance and development to the relationship as I felt that was almost just the background of the story. But the scenes with Jace and Frankie were written well and were some of my favorite parts! I felt the ending was somewhat abrupt and could have benefited from a few more pages. However, Kait Ballenger did a great job setting up the next story in the series. Book number two, Immortal Hunter will feature David and Allsun, who both were a part of Twilight Hunter. I am excited to read their story and get to know the other members of the Execution Underground, especially Shane who we got to know a little in this book. I would recommend this series to fans of suspense and paranormal who also like romance. This series has something to offer to fans of all supernatural groups, and the suspense and action are sure to keep you reading.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Shayla Black New Cover Alert!

Have you heard of Shayla Black? If not, then now’s the perfect time to get better acquainted…

USA Today bestselling author, Shayla Black is taking over the erotica scene, with brand new repackaging for her steamy novels… and we couldn’t be more excited for her new look, taking hot and sexy to another level with these sleek new covers. If you hadn’t heard of Shayla Black before, now you have. And we are confident that she won’t be easily forgotten.

Don’t miss Shayla’s “Wicked All Night” Novella in her new WICKED AND DANGEROUS anthology with Rhyannon Byrd.

Interview with Author Dana Marton and Giveaway

Meet Dana Marton, author of Deathwatch.

Dana Marton writes fast-paced action-adventure romances that take her readers all over the globe. She is a Rita Award finalist and the winner of the Daphne du Maurier Award of Excellence. She loves writing stories of intrigue, filled with dangerous plots that try her tough-as-nails heroes and the special women they fall in love with. Her books have been published in seven languages in eleven countries around the world.

Places to find Dana:

Friday, September 6, 2013

Interview with Author Ella James and Giveaway

Meet Ella James, author of Taming Cross.

I'm a Denver, Colorado author who writes teen and adult romance. I am happily married to a man who knows how to wield a red pen, and together we are raising a feisty two-year-old who will probably grow up believing everyone's parents go to war over the placement of a comma. My books have been listed on numerous Amazon bestseller lists, including the Amazon Top 100 and the Amazon Movers & Shakers List; two were listed among Amazon's Top 100 Young Adult Ebooks of 2012. To find out more about my projects and win prizes and swag, find me on Facebook at Questions or comments? Tweet me at author_ellaj or e-mail me at

Places to find Ella:

Feature and Giveaway: Spring Training by Parker Kincaide

For baseball superstar Garrett Donovan, his contract with the New York Empire baseball team meant he’d finally have the means to secure a future for his family. He should focus on that…not on the sassy, beautiful Jessa Montgomery — or what she looks like naked. Getting involved with the daughter of the Empire’s owner would be career suicide. Jessa is a distraction he can’t afford.

Her father had warned her never to get involved with his athletes, so his request that she keep an eye on his new star player came straight out of left field. The last thing Jessa needs is another spoiled, egotistical ball player to deal with. But Garrett is none of those things. His no-nonsense attitude and smooth Southern charm make her blood burn and her knees weak. Giving into temptation, she is consumed by the pleasure she finds in Garrett’s arms.

Jessa wants to protect his career. Garrett won’t let anything get in the way of their passion.

A passion that could cost him everything.

Purchase:Amazon | Barnes & Noble | All Romance |

Thursday, September 5, 2013

ARC Review: A Little Bit Scandalous by Robyn DeHart

A Little Bit Scandalous is the third book in Robyn Dehart’s Forbidden Love trilogy. It would be fine to read as a stand-alone, but characters from the previous book make brief appearances.

Caroline Jellico’s situation is a bit precarious. She became the ward of Monroe Grisham, Duke of Chanceworth, after her brother died, but has barely seen him in the seven since she first confessed her love for him. Living with his mother, she is determined to gather enough money to refurbish her family townhome and live an independent life. So Caroline puts her mathematical mind to use by disguising herself as a young man and gambling at a popular establishment. “Roe” want to play the talented boy he has heard about and is surprised to realize that the boy is Caroline. Roe has been attracted to Caroline all this time, but he feels a tremendous amount of guilt about the way her brother died. Caroline’s love for Roe conflicts with her desire to create a comfortable life for herself. The two are drawn together as a danger comes to the surface. Will they realize that they are a perfect fit for each other?

A Little Bit Scandalous was a good read. The characters (including the secondary characters) were well drawn and likable. It was nice to see a female character that knew what she wanted and took action to make it happen. The idea of her successfully disguising herself as a young man was a little bit far-fetched, but DeHart took steps to show how it could have worked. I don’t like it when the villains or the danger is too obvious or over the top. There was a place at the end where I could see trouble coming a mile away. It was disappointing. I did think this book was better than the previous one in the series (A Little Bit Sinful). I liked this book, but it wasn’t at the top of my list.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: Come Hell or High Desire by Misty Dietz

Torn between dangerous desires…

Framed for a series of brutal murders, rebel-turned-CEO Zack Goldman must go to ground. When he discovers that sexy boutique owner Sloane Swift has a shocking gift—terrifying visions that connect her to his mentor’s missing daughter—he can’t believe her refusal to help him. Nor can he believe he’s actually falling for the frustrating woman.

Their chemistry will either find its perfect equation…

Helping an accused killer ranks low on Sloane’s to-do list, no matter how hot the attraction burns between them. But putting to rest her overwhelming guilt over the missing woman’s fate proves more difficult than she ever imagined...that is, until her heart and conscience begin to align.

…or detonate everything in its path.

As the real killer locks in on Sloane, Zack will stop at nothing to keep her safe. And as they earn each other’s trust—with danger in hot pursuit—they may just lose their hearts in the process…

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

ARC Review: Come Hell or High Desire by Misty Dietz

I have a confession to make: I don’t really enjoy paranormals. Maybe it’s the scientist in me, but the fastest way to have me running from a book is to have the magic word(s) ‘vampire’, ‘werewolf’, ‘shifter’, or some such. The only remotely parnormal-ish thing I can tolerate is a slight psychic undertone. So when I started reading Misty Dietz’s debut COME HELL OR HIGH DESIRE (henceforth CHoHD), I wasn’t sure what I’d gotten myself into. Sure, it’d been vouched for by one of my favourite romantic suspense authors, and yes, it is first and foremost a romantic suspense title… but the heroine sees dead people. Well, not really (she can ‘read’ objects and feel people’s energies), but that was about the amount of trepidation I approached this book with. I needn’t have worried: despite being a bit slow to get going and at times feeling like the middle of a series rather than a first book, CHoHD is an intense, thrilling read with a lot of twists you won’t see coming and two great characters with combustible chemistry you can’t help but root for.

I’m tired of tripping over those suave, dominant, Armani-wearing, billionaire CEOs that are all the rage in romance right now, so hero Zack Goldman was a refreshing change of pace. He’s a CEO (of his father figure’s construction company), but he’s a man’s man who spends more time on construction sites than the office, favours jeans over suits, and has a sculpted physique earned through manual labour rather than some fancy fitness centre. He has a rough past littered with betrayals that have made him hesitant to open up and trust anyone (especially women) again—but he is extremely loyal and committed to those few he does trust. But the best part about him is that he doesn’t try to make the heroine the little woman who needs a man to solve all her problems for her. He’s definitely alpha and protective, but he’s not overbearing or autocratic and helps the heroine accept and embrace her abilities and who she is. And he’s remarkably calm in the face of the WTFery thrown his way from the second he meets heroine Sloane Swift—definitely book boyfriend material. Have I mentioned the dark hair, green eyes, and taut abs? Swoon.

Sloane is the kind of spunky heroine I can genuinely root for. She has unsuccessfully grappled with her psychic “gift” and her failed attempt to follow in her mother’s footsteps working with law enforcement to solve cases all her life. Wracked by guilt over her failure to use her abilities to save a child, she’s convinced she’ll hurt anyone close to her and has closed herself off from others. Until sexy Zach strolls into her store looking for his surrogate sister (and one of her employees) who’s suddenly gone missing. She wants to help but is afraid that doing so will require trusting Zach with her secrets and that her gift will do more harm than good. Despite the physical and emotional toll her visions take on her, she has the fortitude to do the right thing and help Zach—and in so doing really comes into herself. I really enjoyed Zach and Sloane as a couple, from the intense, almost primal attraction the second they lay eyes on each other to the emotional journey they both undertake over the course of their search for the bad guy(s), and how their connection and abilities intensify as they grow closer and learn to trust each other. And the love scenes were plenty hot and beautifully written.

While the novel is well written, with sharp, witty dialogue and gripping plot with plenty of twists, I had two minor issues with the book that kept it from being a 5-star read for me. First, it was a bit slow to get going: nothing much happens in the first few chapters, other than meeting Zach and Sloane and learning that a secondary character is missing. But the pace does pick up later, and once it does it became a real page-turner I could not put down. Second, Zach’s interactions with a number of secondary characters seemed important to both him as a character and to the plot, but we were never really given insight into those relationships. There were dynamics and allusions to events that at times made me feel like I’d been dropped into the middle of a series with no knowledge of the previous books. I’m not sure if CHoHD will be/is planned as part of a series (though I certainly hope so!), but there were times when it felt like it wasn’t quite a standalone—probably just a newbie author’s growing pains.

Overall, COME HELL OR HIGH DESIRE was a thoroughly enjoyable, gripping read and a solid romantic suspense title—paranormal elements and all. I’m excited to see how Misty Dietz grows as an author and hones her already-superb romantic suspense voice, and what she delivers next. If you’re looking for a suspenseful thrill ride with a paranormal twist that will keep you going “Just one more chapter!” until you’ve read it in one sitting, I definitely recommend this book.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo |

Guest Post with Author Catherine Bybee and Giveaway

Please welcome Catherine Bybee, author of Fiance' by Friday.

New York Times & USA Today bestselling author Catherine Bybee was raised in Washington State, but after graduating high school, she moved to Southern California in hopes of becoming a movie star. After growing bored with waiting tables, she returned to school and became a registered nurse, spending most of her career in urban emergency rooms. She now writes full-time and has penned novels Wife by Wednesday, Married by Monday, and Not Quite Dating. Bybee lives with her husband and two teenage sons in Southern California.

Places to find Catherine:
Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter |

Feature and Giveaway: Curse of Passion by Melissa Bourbon-Ramirez

The ghost of la Llorona is said to haunt the riverbanks, always searching for her drowned child. She also haunts high school teacher Johanna Rios, whose own mother believed so deeply in the legend she tried to drown her daughters. And now the ghost has become real, a young woman murdered, and the safe world Jo created is falling apart.

Since returning home from his last tour of duty to become a school principal, Ray Vargas has fought his attraction for his employee, the sensual woman who’d once been the girl next door. But the Llorona Killer will not stop until he claims his final victim—Johanna—and Ray will do anything to protect the woman he’s come to love.

With a serial killer out to prove the curse is real, will Ray and Johanna’s future be drowned in the ghostly waters of the past? Or will the power of their love give them the strength to stop a killer...and heal their wounded hearts...?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

ARC Review: Ruthless by Debra Webb

Debra Webb’s excellent Faces of Evil series reads like a season of a top-notch police procedural—a twelve-book (now plus a prequel holiday novella and a concluding sequel) series dealing with the good-versus-evil struggle of a former FBI Special Agent-turned-Birmingham-Police-Deputy-Chief and a depraved serial killer antagonist set against the backdrop of one unrelated heinous crime per book. Though, like each episode in a season of a show, the suspense plot in each entry in the series is self-contained and can be read as a standalone, there is a significant amount of development of the main and secondary characters and in terms of the romance, and interplay between the heroine and the antagonist across all the novels that makes reading the series in order a much more rewarding experience. What started out as a gritty, edge-of-your-seat, straight-up thriller series has shifted toward more traditional romantic suspense without losing any of the grit, and the sixth instalment—RUTHLESS—is the best one yet. It seamlessly combines a truly atrocious crime and villain, the raised stakes with the series antagonist, and the growing platonic and romantic relationships to generate a superbly written thrill ride that will keep you riveted to the page until the end.

Part of what makes the Faces of Evil series such a great read is its superbly written characters, both primary and secondary. The heroine is a bit unusual for romantic suspense: a forty-something former profiler whose FBI career went up in flames thanks to a heinous serial killer (The Player) and who’s returned to the hometown (and man) she thought she’d permanently left behind 20 years ago to head up a new unit in the police department. I’ll admit that, not being anywhere near 40, I was initially sceptical of being able to connect with or relate to heroine Jess Harris. But Jess totally kicks ass—she puts the victims first and doesn’t care about stepping on anyone’s toes or employing unorthodox methods to close her cases, she carries a gun and can take care of herself (despite hero Dan Burnett’s burning desire to keep her safe), she’s got the balls to goad a serial killer to come after her to stop him, and she’s got a great sense of humour. I want to be like her when I grow up! In addition, she has pockets of vulnerability, body image and wealth issues, and a burning need to prove herself and stand on her own that makes her a thoroughly realistic and relatable character, regardless of age.

Hero Daniel Burnett, Birmingham’s Chief of Police, is also a delightful character. As the only son of one of Birmingham’s most influential families, he’s always been surrounded by power and wealth, but the only thing he’s ever really wanted—and which has become abundantly clear after three failed marriages—is Jess, the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. In an interesting role reversal, he’s the one that’s all home and hearth and looking for commitment whilst Jess shies away from all that, but he’s still undeniably alpha and has a protective streak a mile wide—especially when it comes to Jess and her penchant for attracting killers. He and Jess were high school & college sweethearts but parted ways when she headed off to Quantico and he returned home to Birmingham 20 years ago, so the reunited lovers/second chance trope is also in play. Dan’s decided that he’s not letting Jess go again, so he does everything in his power to get her to stay and start a relationship with him (again). Adding a layer of complexity to their relationship is the fact that, as Chief of Police, he’s now her boss and she’s trying to prove herself to her colleagues in a tight-knit department. Watching them attempt to navigate and separate their professional and personal lives is great fun, and that balancing act really comes to a head in RUTHLESS, which has a stronger focus on the romance than the previous instalments.

In addition to two great leads, Ms. Webb has created a great cast of secondary characters that makes returning to this world again and again a truly worthwhile experience. From the members of Jess’s BPD team to her sister to her intriguing landlord to the women in Birmingham’s jet-set connected to Dan with whom she’s become reluctant friends, every character is extremely well developed and three-dimensional. You’ll find yourself reading the Faces of Evil books not just for the hero and heroine and the development of their relationship, but also for the deepening connections between all the other characters. That girl’s night with Jess, the associate medical examiner, and the city’s top investigative reporter? Equal parts hilarious and heartwarming. And, of course, being a suspense/thriller series, there’s the villains. Ms. Webb does an excellent job crafting a unique case in each book that showcases the depths of the evil and depravity humanity is capable of, masterfully layering in the cat-and-mouse game between Jess and The Player to up the suspense ante and tie all the books together. RUTHLESS is the best example of this so far: a chilling cold case involving the disappearance of little girls over three decades shares almost equal billing with The Player, who’s decided to up the ante in his game with Jess by abducting three women and daring her to find them before he kills one (or all). What’s great about the non-Player suspense plot is that it’s fraught with perfectly paced tension and will keep you guessing until the end. Also, in the Man in the Moon case in RUTHLESS, Ms. Webb creates a villain with some shred of humanity that is not easy to dismiss as categorically evil and inspires a wealth of emotions in us readers. My only gripe with the series is the time frame: only one month has elapsed between books 1 and 6… no one realistically solves six high-profile cases AND tangles with a notorious obsessed serial killer in that short a time! I get that the short time frame adds to the sense of urgency and imminent danger, but I don’t think having the cases more spread out would detract from that and would make the pace of the development of some relationships more realistic.

With RUTHLESS, Debra Webb proves that she’s at the top of the romantic thriller/romantic suspense game and getting better with each book. I highly recommend the Faces of Evil series to anyone who’s a fan of thrillers and/or dark romantic suspense, and I can’t wait to see what she brings to the table with the next two (three with the prequel holiday novella) entries later this year. I’m looking forward to more of The Player now that he’s fully entered the fray!

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Please welcome one of my most favorite people, the amazing Anna Campbell. Anna is celebrating the release of her newest book, A Rake's Midnight Kiss and has stopped by to chat.

Australian ANNA CAMPBELL has written seven multi award-winning historical romances for Grand Central Publishing and Avon HarperCollins. Her next full-length release is A RAKE’S MIDNIGHT KISS (Book 2 in the Sons of Sin series) which is out 27th August, 2013.

Places to find Anna:

Feature and Giveaway: Everything for Us by M. Leighton

When it comes to passion this hot, it’s all or nothing.

Olivia Townsend’s wealthy cousin Marissa had everything a girl could ask for—a great job, a privileged life, and all the friends she wanted. Or, at least, all the friends money could buy. But one case of mistaken identity has turned her privileged world upside down.

An abduction gone wrong lands her right in the lap of the sexiest, most dangerous man she’s ever met. To Marissa, he’s an enigma, but one to whom she’s irresistibly, inexplicably drawn.

With him comes a new world of freedom and passion, of dark shadows and dangerous secrets, a world where nothing is what it seems—except for the blind passion that Marissa can’t escape—or maybe even survive.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Monday, September 2, 2013

ARC Review: Personal Assets by Kelsey Browning

Personal Assets is the debut contemporary romance from Kelsey Browning. This is the first book in her Texas Nights series, and I thought it was a really great start for her. This book was fun, entertaining and absolutely hot! It's not very often that you find a book that can have you laughing out loud one minute and then fanning yourself the next, but Browning definitely accomplished that with this one. I loved Allie and Cameron, but I also thought that the secondary characters were fabulous as well. I am really looking forward to reading the rest in this series.

Cameron returns to his home town after buying a garage so that he can start his dream business of restoring cars. He is also looking to settle down and find a girl that he can spend his life with. He never expects that they town princess could be the one he is looking for. Allie Shelby might have grown up the town princess, but she is nothing like Cameron remembers. Now a sex therapist, Allie uses her education to help the women of their small town achieve happiness. She decides that in order to really help her clients she needs a little more hands on experience, and Cameron is the perfect choice for her no-strings relationship. As the two begin to see each other, it is impossible for either of them to keep things strictly physical even though neither one wants to admit this to the other. But when her business runs into trouble, Cameron offers to help her and explains how he feels. Tired of letting men run her life, Allie goes out of her way to show Cameron that not only is she not the princess he thinks she is, but that she is a grown woman and is capable of taking care of herself.

Cameron is hot and has that whole bad boy thing going on, all the while being sweet and caring. He sacrificed so much for his mom and brother after his dad left when he should have been enjoying being a kid. He was impossible not to love! Allie at first glance seems to be the princess Cameron describes her as, but underneath she is anything but. I really enjoyed getting to see Cameron discover that she was different than he though. Allie was sweet and loyal and determined. I thought it was really great to see that she went out of her way for her friends, even if the decisions she made were not the best. Cameron and Allie couldn't have been more different, but they definitely proved why opposites attract and they were beyond perfect for each other. The chemistry and sex between them was smoking hot and I loved those scenes, but I also loved the witty banter they shared!

Overall, this was an amazing debut for Kelsey Browning and her Texas Nights Series. Cameron and Allie were so believable and real and I couldn't put this one down. I am really excited to see where she takes this series, and I really want to read Jamie's (Cameron's brother) story! He really grabbed my attention and I can't wait to see where he ends up. This book is one you definitely won't want to miss, especially if you are a contemporary romance fan.

**ARC provided by Author**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Interview with Author Kelsey Browning and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to the lovely Kelsey Browning. Kelsey is celebrating the debut release of her book, Personal Assets and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

Kelsey Browning writes sass kickin' love stories full of hot heroes, saucy heroines and spicy romance. Originally from a Texas town smaller than the ones she writes about, Kelsey has also lived in the Middle East and Los Angeles, proving she's either adventurous or downright nuts. These days, she hangs out in northeast Georgia with Tech Guy, Smarty Boy, Bad Dog and Pharaoh, a Canine Companions for Independence puppy. She's currently at work on the next book in her Texas Nights series and The Granny Series. Give her a shout at or drop by For info on her upcoming releases, subscribe to her Sass Kickin' News.

Places to find Kelsey:

Surprise Release!

Who doesn't love surprises? The people behind Brazen Books sure do - and they just couldn't wait a whole month before putting out another book for their readers. Surprise!

Their newest book combines steamy island romance and high personal stakes. What a combination!

Competitors by day, lovers by night…

Allegra Wilks has had the worst month of her personal and professional life. To save her company, she must go on her would-be honeymoon and land the luxury eco-island resort’s lucrative advertising account. But when a lingerie mishap leads her into the arms of a wickedly distracting Australian, Allegra’s tempted to skip the trip and explore the most sensual kiss she’s ever experienced. Too bad their chance encounter at the airport is just that.

Having recently lost his company to his former best friend’s shady business tactics, Jett Halcott is headed to a South Pacific resort to secure an advertising account that will resurrect his reputation and career. Realizing the tantalizing Allegra Wilks is on his flight, Jett envisions a week filled with business and pleasure. But Jett doesn’t know Allegra’s fighting for the same account, or that there’s more at stake than his heart.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Sunday, September 1, 2013

ARC Review: To Catch A Princess by Caridad Pineiro

To Catch a Princess is the second book in Caridad Pineiro's Contemporary Romance series that centers around a group of royals. I didn't know that this was in a series when I first decided I wanted to read this book, but this book was easily read as a stand alone. The first book in the series is the story of Prince Alexander who is Tatiana's Brother. Even though having read the first book, The Prince's Gamble would have probably given be some more insight into these characters, I never felt as though I was missing anything from the story or that I didn't understand anything. To Catch a Princess is a story filled with a little romance, a little suspense, some mystery and some steamy scenes between Tatiana and Peter. I enjoyed reading this story and will look for more from Caridad Pineiro in the future.

Princess Tatiana is tired of her parents and brother trying to tell her what to do and arrange her life for her. She knows that they have arranged a marriage to a Prince, but she refuses to let them pick her husband for her insisting that she wants to find a husband who she is in love with and loves her in return. Tatiana has no idea that her betrothed happens to be family friend Detective Peter, who is undercover in America having left his life as Prince and the spotlight that comes with it. As Tatiana arranges a charity event filled with jewels from the rich and royal, it becomes clear that a famous jewel thief has set his sights on some of the jewels to be used during her event. Peter uses the event to ensure that Tatiana is safe and goes about trying to prevent the thief from accomplishing his goal. But as Tatiana and Peter spend more time together, their friendship begins to grow into something more. Will Tatiana be able to get past the deception of Peter and her brother Alexander, or will she be unable to forgive Peter for the lies that he has been telling for years for reasons that he hasn't yet revealed to her?

For me this story was a little slow to build and I found myself having a tough time really getting into the book. It wasn't until about half way through the book that I was drawn into the story. Once we reached the halfway point though, things started to pick up. Although I like both Tatiana and Peter, I thought that Tatiana was a little immature. She was portrayed as someone who was strong and able to take care of herself while having a good head on her shoulders from having the responsibility of being royal. Yet Peter told her that he would tell her why he had made the decisions he did when the timing was right and she was constantly thinking that he was untrustworthy because she hadn't been told right off. I know that they had been friends before, but I just felt like with her being a royal she should have understood more about where Peter was coming from and given him the time that he asked for. Peter was sweet and charming, and suffered from a tough childhood. I really admired that his character was able to give up the life and all the perks of being a royal in order to go after a dream of his own. The fact that he put himself in danger for his job in order to protect others really spoke a lot about his character. I think that Peter was a great balance for Tatiana and I found myself hoping for her to realize that sometimes being in a relationship means learning to trust your partner, even when you don't know all the details. In the end, I wasn't disappointed and Tatiana and Peter ended up being a great couple.

Overall, I enjoyed this story. It took me awhile to get into the book, but i'm glad that I stuck it out and kept reading. Peter and Tatiana really grew on me and I enjoyed seeing them progress from friends to lovers as they fell in love. The suspense and mystery in this book are a little predictable, but the characters were great and fun to read about. For me this story was more entertaining than realistic with the princes, princesses, jewels and thieves. But it was a nice escape from the real world and I had a good time reading it. If you like a romance with suspense, mystery and royalty you should give this book a shot. I think that most romantic suspense fans will enjoy Peter and Tatiana's story.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: The Protected by Shiloh Walker


Agent Vaughnne MacMeans would do anything to avoid setting foot in Orlando again. But her new assignment, keeping tabs on a psychic kid who may or may not be in danger, is forcing her right back to the city where her sister was murdered. And the Special Agent in Charge isn’t taking no for an answer.


Protecting the boy Alex is a priority for Gus. Gus may not understand the boy’s “gift” but he just knows that some people would kill for it. When a beautiful stranger moves in next door, his impulse is to take the kid and run. But Gus has learned never to flee without a plan, and besides…she doesn’t exactly look like an assassin.


When some dangerous people from Gus’s past catch up to him and Alex, it’s too late to run. His cute neighbor is the last person he thought he could turn to, but Vaughnne isn’t just cute. She’s fearless. And she’s the only chance Gus and Alex have left.

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Feature and Giveaway: The Knight's Temptress by Amanda Scott

When Lady Lachina "Lina" MacFarlan of Tùr Meiloach and her new sister-in-law, Elizabeth, are captured by seditious villains who have seized the royal burgh, harbor, and castle of Dumbarton, the two young women unknowingly throw a hitch into the plans of Sir Ian Colquhoun, the daredevil knight of the realm who is on his own secret mission to recapture Dumbarton for the King of Scots.

Instead of securing Dumbaton, Ian must first rescue the women and return them to Tur Meiloach. Their journey will be perilous—especially because Ian has long admired the lovely Lady Lachina, and for the first time she seems to show signs of returning his attentions. But for Ian duty must come before desire. The fate of the King of Scots and Lina's own father rests in his hands. He cannot afford to be tempted by anything—even the promise of Lina's love.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Monthly Giveaway - September

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