
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Let Me In Winner

Congratulations to

June M
On winning an eBook copy of Let Me In by Lauren Hawkeye

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to all that entered. =)

ARC Review: A Vampire For Christmas by Laurie London, Michele Hauf, Caridad Pineiro and Alexis Morgan

A Vampire For Christmas is an anthology comprised of four different novellas featuring vampires and a Christmas theme.

Enchanted By Blood-Laurie London

I still can't get over how good Laurie London's Sweetblood series is. It's definitely one of my favorites and with this novella the series just keeps getting better. Laurie just has a way of being able to cram just the right amount into her stories, whether it's a novella or a full length novel. Even with this story being a novella I didn't feel as if anything was missing or left out, and the story doesn't feel rushed at all. Laurie just has a way with making the reader feel as if her world is real and even if you've never read any of her books before you are able to pick up everything rather quickly.

I myself, really enjoyed being able to step back into this world and being able to get to know Trace and Charlotte. Their story was sweet and I loved the chemistry between them both. They had definite sparks flying all over the place and I found myself continuously turning the page to see how thing would end up for them.

Enchanted By Blood is another definite winner for Laurie London and I can't wait to get my hands on her next Sweetblood novel.


Monsters Don't Do Christmas-Michele Hauf

This was my first story that I've read from Michele Hauf and it definitely won't be my last. I really enjoyed it and the world she has created. I'm eager to get my hands on some of her others books to see if they were just as good as this story.

Daniel and Olivia were great characters and I thought that they complemented each other very well. Sometimes when reading about a new relationship in a novella, the relationship sometimes feels rushed and not at all realistic, but that was not the case with this story. The progression between Daniel and Olivia felt natural and I quickly found myself rooting for them and was eager to see how things ended up for them both.

Now the story wasn't a complete home run for me. I did have a few issues. I honestly never really understood why Olivia keeps referring to herself as a monster. I just never really understood why she thinks being a singer equates to being a monster. Is she trying to say that she's a diva? If so, she never acted like one. This left me a little confused. My other issue was the twist at the very end of the story. I just didn't think that it was needed and it just seemed out of place with the rest of the story. Besides those two issues I really enjoyed this story and I will definitely be on the lookout for more from this author.


When The Herald Angels Sing-Caridad Pineiro

Out of all the stories in this book, this was the only one I wasn't able to finish. I liked the premise behind the story, but for some reason I just couldn't get into it. I just found myself flipping through the pages not really absorbing anything.


All I Want For Christmas-Alexis Morgan

I loved this story! Alexis Morgan has definitely found a new fan in me with this story. I quickly devoured this story and it left me wanting to read more from her. I will definitely be picking up her back list and be adding her to my auto-buy list. I just loved the world she created and the fact that it's not just vampires. Her hero was certainly yummy and I loved him and the heroine together. I love that their relationship had a slow build up and that there were definite sparks from the beginning. 

Even though this was a novella, the story felt complete and flushed out. I got a real feel for all the characters and nothing felt left out and the story didn't feel rushed. It was honestly very good and I am curious to see if all of her book are based in this world. 

As a whole, I thoroughly enjoyed this anthology. I liked that it introduced me to new authors that I otherwise wouldn't have read. It's also interesting to see how each author has created their own unique spin on the vampire myth and was able to make if feel so real. I look forward to reading more from these authors and stepping back into their vampire filled worlds.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


Friday, December 9, 2011

Guest Post with Author Olivia Cunning and Giveaway

Hi everyone! Today I would like to welcome to the blog author Olivia Cunning. Olivia is the author of the super hawt series Sinners on Tour and if you haven't read it yet, stop what you're doing and go and pick up these books. They are super sexy and full of sexy musicians, and who doesn't love a sexy musician? You can check out my reviews of her first two books in the series here.

Olivia is here with some advice on what we can do to pass the time until the next Sinners on Tour releases. So listen up and take some notes. =)

Twelve Things to Do While Waiting for the Next Sinners on Tour Book

As my fans will tell you, we’ve been waiting for a release date for the third book in the Sinners on Tour series for a long time. I wrote three entire books, three novellas and several short stories while we waited for news. With the completion of each book we hoped we’d hear something. Nope. I was put on hold. And put on hold. And put on hold again. Finally, I scored some information. The next book is being released in November! Yay! Of 2012… groan… So I have a list of things that can help you wait for the naughtiest member of Sinners’ book. Rhythm guitarist, Trey Mills, gets his chance at love in Double Time (title subject to change). Hopefully, doing any or all of these twelve things will make the time go faster for me. I mean for you. Yeah. I already read the book. I know how it ends.

12. Reread (or read if you’re late to the party) the first book in the series, Backstage Pass, and count how many cherry suckers Trey consumes. You will need this information to determine if his addiction to all things cherry is decreasing or increasing in his own book.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Follow Friday #21

Feature and Follow Friday is a blog hop put together by two hosts:  Parajunkee and Alison Can Read as a way to help bloggers become aware of other blogs and bloggers. It's a great way to make new blogger friends.

Q. Keeping with the Spirit of Giving this season, what book do you think EVERYONE should read and if you could, you would buy it for all of your family and friends?

There are quite a few books that I could list that I think everyone should read.

For anyone that's a fan of Paranormal or really anyone that loves a strong, sexy Alpha male I would suggest Dark Lover by JR Ward. It's the first book in the Black Dagger Brotherhood and this is a series I don't think anyone should miss out on. It's freaking AWESOME!

Now for anyone who loves Historical romance I would suggest Because You're Mine by Lisa Kleypas. I LOVED this book. It has such a great love story that just tugs at your heart. 

Just follow these simple rules to join in on the fun:

  1. (Required) Follow the Follow My Book Blog Friday Host {Parajunkee Alison Can Read} and any one else you want to follow on the list.
  2. (Required) Follow our Featured Bloggers- Keeping Up With Roxy's Books & Anonymous Reads
  3. Put your Blog name & URL in the Linky thing on Parajunkee's blog.
  4. Grab the button up there and place it in a post, this post is for people to find a place to say hi in your comments
  5. Follow Follow Follow as many as you can, as many as you want, or just follow a few. The whole point is to make new friends and find new blogs. Also, don't just follow, comment and say hi. Another blogger might not know you are a new follower if you don't say "HI"
  6. If someone comments and says they are following you, be a dear and follow back. Spread the Love...and the followers.
Thanks for stopping by. =)

Behind the Blogger: Melanie from bookworm2bookworm

Welcome to Behind the Blogger. Behind the Blogger is a feature where I interview and get to know fellow bloggers from different blogs in the blogosphere.

This week I would like to welcome the lovely Melanie from bookworm2bookworm. Melanie is super nice and writes awesome reviews. If you haven't checked out her blog before now, you definitely should. So please give Melanie a warm welcome!

1. Why did you become a blogger?
Last year I read Judith James’ “Libertine’s Kiss” and it blew me away. Then I read some reviews that stomped me, and then I said to myself, I think I should write an Amazon review and make sure people know how good this thing REALLY is! And THEN, I went around blogosphere and figured, why not try?! And the rest is history now!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Night Reigns Winner

Congratulations to:

CYP @A Bookalicious Story
On winning a copy of Dianne Duvall's Night Reigns

Winner has been contacted via email. Thank you to everyone that participated. 

Interview with Author Anna Campbell and Giveaway

Hi everyone. Today I'm happy to welcome to the blog the lovely Anna Campbell! Anna is super funny, sweet and writes some of best historicals around. Seriously, if you haven't read one of her books you are definitely missing out! Anna was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions and I would love to share them with you all. Enjoy =)

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
I’m an Aussie and I live on Queensland’s beautiful Sunshine Coast. I write full-time these days although I’ve had a whole stack of different jobs in my time. Great training for a writer – I’ve definitely seen my share of human nature!

Did you always want to be a writer?
I’ve been madly in love with books since I was a toddler and my parents read to me – especially fairystories which really are romances, aren’t they? I wrote an essay when I was in grade three claiming I was going to be the next Enid Blyton and not long after that I started my first novel, a ripsnorter about horse-napping. So the bug definitely bit early!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

One Knight In Brooklyn Winner

Congratulations to:

On winning an eBook copy of One Knight In Brooklyn by Casea Major.

Winner has been contacted via email. Thanks to all that participated.

Interview with Author W. Lynn Chantale

Today I would like to welcome to the blog author W. Lynn Chantale. W. Lynn is currently on tour promoting the release of her books Breaking Delia's Rules and Seducing His Wife. W. Lynn was kind enough to answer some questions for me and I would love to share them with you all.

First off, can you tell us a bit about you?
Oh, you don’t want to know about me. I’m old and boring according to my 14 y/o son. Apparently playing bass guitar and writing romance novels doesn’t impress a budding rock star. I suppose I’ll have to go back to playing video games and cake decorating.

Did you always want to be a writer?
Yes, but it was not knowing HOW to become a writer.

What kind of writer are you? Panster or Plotter?
Definitely a pantser. Every time I try plotting out a novel, it ALWAYS changes and worse the characters NEVER cooperate.

Where do your ideas come from?
My ideas come from just about everywhere. Overheard conversations, what? Like you don’t eavesdrop. :-) Talking with my husband, letting my mind wander, newspaper articles, Facebook posts, Twitter feeds. Any and everything is fair game for an idea.

ARC Review: My Ruthless Prince by Gaelen Foley

I am so glad that I kept going with this series and picked up this book, because I could not put it down. Drake and Emily's story turned out to be everything I was wanting and more.

When Drake, Earl of Westwood is labeled a traitor by his fellow Order brothers Emily doesn't believe it. The Drake that she grew up with is in no way a traitor and she is determined to prove it. She sets off to bring Drake back and remind him of everything he once believed in. She knows that Drake is broken and confused, but she believes her love for him will bring him back to the man he once was.

Drake has vowed to himself he will do everything he can to take down the Promethean's, even if he has to die doing it. When he discovers Emily has followed him in an attempt to save him, he does everything in his power to keep her safe. When the Promethean's find her, Drake leads them to believe that she is his mistress. With them both staying in such close quarters it makes it difficult for them to hide the passion and desire they both feel towards one another. They always tried to abide their parents wishes to stay away from one another, but now they are finding it harder and harder to keep their hands to themselves.

When Drake is ordered by the Promethean's to offer up Emily as a sacrifice, Drake knows he will do anything in his power to get her to safety even if he has to forgo his plan of revenge. Nothing is more important to him than Emily and her safety.

I really enjoyed Drake and Emily's story. It was everything I had been waiting for and more. I was finally able to get to know Drake and the type of man we were led to believe he was in the previous books. I won't lie, if not for Drake and his story I would not have kept going with this series. I really didn't care for the previous books but there was just something about Drake and his story that pulled me in. I am so glad that I kept going and picked up his book because is was phenomenal. Drake is the type of hero all girls dream about. He's noble, heroic, and will do everything for the one he loves. Emily was a great match for Drake. She is sweet, kind and never loses faith in the man that she loves. She's also fearless and is willing to sacrifice herself just to save him.

I loved getting to know both of these characters and I really hope that we get to see more of them in the next book.

**ARC copy provided by NetGalley**


Monday, December 5, 2011

Kiss and Tell Book Tour: Stacey Kennedy

Knox, the Seeker, has waited two hundred years for his Watcher and now he’s found her. Paxtyn, however, is unwilling to join him. The more he tries to prove himself to her, the more she pushes him away.

Paxtyn has spent a lifetime keeping her secret hidden from the world, but now, she must confront these deadly visions head on. When a string of murders brings her into New Orleans, she must come to terms with her personal demons and use her gift to communicate with spirits to discover who has ended their lives.

*WARNING: Explicit sex between a sassy Watcher and a sexy Seeker, and a ceremony that will certainly raise eyebrows!

Places to purchase:

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Guest Post with Author Katie Salidas and Vampire Alyssa

Hi everyone. Today's an exciting day on the blog. Not only do I have author Katie Salidas visiting the blog again, but she also brought along Alyssa. Alyssa was kind enough to allow me to ask her a few questions which I would love to share with you all.

First off, I’d like to say thank you for having me and Alyssa here today. For those of you who don’t know Alyssa, she’s a very young vampire. She debuted in story of her transformation Immortalis Carpe Noctem and again in Hunters & Prey. She is again the main character of my latest release, Book three in the Immortalis Series Pandora’s Box.

"Alyssa, can you please step forward and tell us a little something about yourself?"

A petite woman, with a long mane of straight auburn hair, stands up from a folding chair. "Yeah, sure, no problem Kate," She says with a smile, flashing her brilliant white teeth. Her tiny fangs, poke out just a little, reminding me of what she truly is. In one graceful blur of motion, she joins me at the makeshift podium.

"Um Alyssa, its Katie, not Kate," I cautiously remind her.

Her twilight, blue-grey eyes meet mine. I quickly look away, not wanting to be mesmerized by her stare.

"Sorry," she says cheerfully. "I was just trying to give you a pet name. You know, a term of endearment." She finishes with a little snort of a laugh.

I shudder for a second. I don't want to be any vampires, pet.