
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Weekly Winners

Below is a list of all of the winners from the past couple of weeks. Sorry for the delay.

Sue G.
Much Ado About Jack by Christy English

R is For Rebel by Megan Mulry

What the Groom Wants by Jade Lee

Heather B.
Where Evils Waits by Kate Brady

Must Love Dukes by Elizabeth Michels

When You Give a Duke a Diamond and If You Give a Rake a Ruby + a Pink Sapphire Necklace from Shana Galen

$10 Amazon Gift Card from Nicolette Day

No Strings Attached + Tempted by the Soldier by Nicolette Day

Cravings by Liz Everly

The Warrior's Bride + Sinfully Yours courtesy of Forever Romance

Some Like It Wild by M. Leighton

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Spirited by Mary Behre

Jules Scott is crifted (cursed and gifted) and can speak to ghosts. They seek her out, some demanding help, others offering it. She wishes it would help her find her lost sisters. After breaking into Detective Seth English’s apartment window by accident, their worlds align on a collision course. They’re also neighbors. Her current visitor is a murdered member of a jewelry thief gang. The woman pleads for help in finding her killer before he strikes again. She offers no names or locations, just dire warnings and code names of the gang. She and Jules have a few physical similarities including a unique tattoo. When she stumbles on the woman’s dumped body, she becomes embroiled in Seth’s investigation. Jules met the deceased woman by accident at a party before her death. She also knows the woman’s fiancĂ©. Maybe she knows where the stolen diamonds are too. The killer doesn’t believe in coincidence and starts to follow Jules. Seth needs to question Jules about more than the case. There is a growing attraction. Both have been damaged by the actions of their ex-spouses and tread lightly. More ghosts appear to ask Jules to help a homeless man living behind her building. His deceased wife and daughter try to comfort him. Jules conveys their messages of love, easing some of his burden. He becomes her ally in an unsuspecting way. Many of the clues in the case point to people who end up missing or dead. The killer is getting the information from the police. Seth is under suspicion because of his relationship with Jules. Is his sacrificed career worth her love?

The levels of tension and suspense are high. Events happen and the feeling that something is off is palatable. Issues of trust on every level raise the stakes too. Jules is well written. She’s complex and sweet. Her main goal is to find her sisters and ghosts keep interfering. If they didn't speak in vague terms or riddles, she could help them faster. She’s drawn to help the woman who was killed and treats her with respect. Her honest feelings towards her visions is refreshing. She acknowledges them as people passing through who need to deal with unfinished business.

Seth is a good foil for Jules. He loves her, even though he thinks she’s crazy. He tries to do his investigation by the book until he realizes people are lying to him. He chooses to protect her and believe in her. This is an old fashioned whodunit with everyone racing to find the diamonds and the killer.

This is the first of a series and I’m looking forward to reading the next book, Guarded.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Mary Behre and Giveaway

Meet Mary Behre, author of Spirited.

Mary Behre is the lone female in a house full of males and the undisputed queen of her domain. She even has the glittery tiara to prove it. She loves stories with humor, ghosts, mysteries and above all else, a good romance. When not writing, she enjoys reading, gluten-free baking, and hanging out at the beach with the most important men in her life, her family.

Her debut paranormal romance, SPIRITED (Tidewater Novel #1) was an award-winning manuscript before it sold to Berkley Sensation. The Tidewater Series is mix of humor, suspense, and a psychic love-connection. The first three stories are about three sisters separated years before in the foster care system. As they search for love, each other, and a way to live with their psychic abilities, they’re tossed into the middle of mysteries that only their unique gifts can help solve.

Mary is represented by the fabulous Nalini Akolekar of Spencerhill Associates.

Find Mary at:

Guest Post with Author Kelli Maine and Giveaway

Meet Kelli Maine, author of Take This Man.

USA Today bestselling author of TAKEN and its sequel, No Take Backs, Kelli Maine watches entirely too much reality TV, which led to her compulsion to write dramatic romance novels. Blessed with a unique ability to bond with difficult people, she's convinced she could win Big Brother. Her deathly fear of heights would keep her from completing half of the detours on The Amazing Race, and she's shocked nobody has ever penned The Survivor Diet Plan: Eat One Cup of Rice for Thirty-Nine Days and Lose Fifty Pounds! Kelli lives in northeast Ohio with her family and a crazy cat that broke into their attic and refused to leave.

Find Kelli at:

Friday, March 7, 2014

ARC Review: Need You Tonight by Roni Loren

Roni Loren continues to impress me with every book of hers I read. This series is by far one of my favorites and these books never disappoint. Loren has a way with words, and her books are always well written and extremely hot. I couldn't wait to read this book, and it was everything I had hoped for and more. Kade and Tessa's story sucked me in from the very start and made it next to impossible for me to put down. If you aren't reading the Loving On The Edge Series yet, what are you waiting for? Trust me this is an absolute must read for erotica and romance fans.

When Tessa walks in on her husband having sex with her best friend, she decides to divorce him and head back home. After a year of getting back on her feet, she makes a list of things that she wants to do. When her and her friend Sam go to a cooking class, she meets a sexy stranger who offers her a night filled with passion and desire. But when Kade learns her full name, he gets the shock of a lifetime. Tessa is the popular girl from high school that he tutored and was in love with. Tessa having grown up in foster care had chosen a life with Doug and stability over Kade leaving him heartbroken. Now Kade has a chance at having a hot fling with her, but convincing her won't be easy. Tessa has a hard time trusting after everything she has been through, and after finding out who Kade is she knows that he is the one person that she is in danger of feeling more for. While Tessa is determined to keep things with Kade casual, he is not willing to let her get away so easily this time. Kade and Tessa start seeing each other, and Kade begins to show Tessa the lifestyle that he participates in as a Dominant. With Kade's help, Tessa begins to find herself and realize all the desires and needs that she didn't even know she had. But when the past catches up with them and threatens the relationship that is building between them, will they fall apart before they get a chance at a future together?

I loved Kade. He was sexy and sweet, while also being controlling and all alpha. I liked that he was patient with her, and he was really encouraging. He helped her to find herself and live the life that she deserved, while getting over her trust issues and her past. I really liked how deep Kade was. It was great to see him as the young boy that was so hopeful despite the cruel way that kids treated him. But I also really loved seeing how he took all that and the bad things that had happened to him, and how he overcame it all and was able to find confidence and really make something of himself. I liked Tessa and how she was really involved in the charity she started. It was nice to see her help others that were going through the same thing that she had gone through. I didn't like the way she was when she was younger, but I do understand that she didn't know any better and that she was just trying to make the best life for herself that she could. I wish that she would have stood up to her friends and Doug though when they were always being so mean and awful. But I loved watching her come into her own with Kade's help, and she really made up for everything at the end with Doug. I loved watching her stand up to him and really embrace a future with Kade. I thought that Kade and Tessa had a really great connection and loved seeing how strong it was not only as kids but later after everything that had happened. These two were so hot together, and they had unbelievable chemistry! Kade and Tessa were just one of those couples that you knew belonged together and were absolutely meant to be.

Overall, I loved this book. This series is fantastic, and is filled with sexy times and wonderful characters. I love seeing characters from past books in these stories and getting to meet characters for new books in this series. I am really interested in getting to know Colby and Gibson both better. I liked them both a lot in this story and can't wait to see them fall hard. This series just seems to be getting better and better. Each time I think that I have a favorite couple from these books, I realize that I love them all and can't possibly pick. I really thought that Wyatt and Kelsey were my favorites, but there is just something about Kade that really made me fall in love with him. This book was super hot and it was so enjoyable. I really can't say enough why you should read this book. If you are an Erotica fan and love steamy scenes with depth and emotion, then you absolutely have to read these books. I can't wait to read more from Roni Loren in the future, and I can't wait to get more of these characters in this series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase:Amazon | Kindle | B&N | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway Need You Tonight by Roni Loren

She’s making a wish list, and he wants to be on top.

From foster kid to trophy wife, Tessa McAllen is about to reinvent herself all over again—and defy every insult her cheating ex-husband ever used against her: Selfish? She’s championing a charity. Stupid? She’s getting her degree.

Boring in bed?

Kade Vandergriff can help her with that one. When they encounter each other at a singles event held at one of his restaurants, Tessa blurts out that kink is for girls who try too hard, and Kade instantly wants to show this sassy stranger how thrilling a night under his command can be...but when he learns her name, the game changes for both of them.

In high school, Tessa was the popular girl who stuttering, awkward Kade fell for. But she chose another. Now, as she eagerly learns lesson after lesson, he’s going to make sure she never forgets him again.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Feature and Giveaway: The Return of Brody McBride

The black sheep of Fallbrook is back … and he's in for the surprise of his life.

Former bad boy, now-decorated Army Ranger Brody McBride is home and on a mission: Find the woman he never should have left behind and right the wrong he did eight years ago.

When the man she loved broke her heart and skipped town, Rain Evans picked up the pieces. But along with heartbreak, Brody left her something infinitely better than she could have imagined: two beautiful daughters. One she gave birth to, and the other she rescued from the woman who helped destroy her relationship with Brody.

Brody is shocked to discover he's a father, and he's more determined than ever to win back Rain and protect his girls. Can they rekindle the love they once shared and become the family they were always meant to be? Or will a danger from their past return and ruin everything?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N | iTunes |

ARC Review: Compromising Willa by Diana Quincy

I really enjoyed the heroine and hero in Compromising Willa, although I never read anything by Diana Quincy, I was pleasantly surprised. Lady Wilhelmina Stanhope has survived a tarnished reputation. She was caught in an inn with August Manning, the Earl of Bellingham. Willa was young and believed to be in love. August set Willa up so no one would ever ask for her hand in marriage. Four years later Willa is slowly coming back into society, although she has no hope of getting married.

Some of the characteristics that I loved about Willa were her pride and her confidence. She was definitely a strong heroine. Although most heroines, at least in the books I read, keep saying that they don’t want to be married, they generally do. Willa was an exception. After she and her family suffered from the scandal created by August all she wanted was freedom. She wanted to be her own person and not someone’s wife or a prisoner to society. Another aspect of Willa that I loved was she was not easily swayed but neither August Manning, nor our hero, the Duke of Hartwell. She is suspicious of their motives and realizes that they both see her as a prize; dating from a rivalry that started when they were in school. Willa, despite trying to be trapped into marriage by both suitors, refuses to be tied down.

Hartwell was a great hero. His temper tantrums were sometimes too much but he had many redeeming qualities. First, because he was a second son he was very industrious and traveled to India. He made his own wealth and therefore didn’t suffer from the stuffiness of the upper-class. I loved how strongly he felt for Willa but his jealousy was sometimes misplaced. He tried to make Willa happy any way he could and he was a genuinely good guy.

Together, Willa and Hart were great. They had great chemistry and were both worthy opponents. My only complaints were the pacing of the story. It seemed that nothing really happened during the first half of the story and then everything happened towards the end. The “big secret” that Hart discovers came as complete surprise. The author led us to believe one thing all throughout until the end. I loved that even though they were married they still had to work through their insecurities and trust issues. Hartwell was full of surprises and he swept Willa off her feet, which she rightly deserved. It was also gratifying to see that August Manning got what he deserved. This was a great read full of interesting characters.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Thursday, March 6, 2014

ARC Review: Desperately Seeking Suzanna by Elizabeth Michels

This was a fun and cute read. I always like stories with the socially awkward or underdog girl gets the hero. Sue Green is definitely all the above. She is basically on the shelf or will be soon and her mother pointedly tells her that she will be shipped off to live with her aunt as her companion if she does not find a husband this season. Sue, although pretty, is not as gorgeous as her sister-Evangeline. She loves painting and really likes to be her own person. She feels very restricted by the rules of the ton and society. Lord Holden Ellis is a handsome and your typical has-it-all guy. He meets “Suzanne”, who is really Sue, one night when she is at a ball disguised. He can’t get her out of his mind and tries to find her again. Sue knows who Holden is but knows that she does not stand a chance with him. As Sue and Holden are thrown together they develop a sweet friendship that eventually escalates to a romantic relationship.

Although, I liked this story and found it pleasing, I had some issues. First, the whole disguised scenario, I think was not well played out. It seemed too unbelievable. I mean, Holden deduces that the only person that seems like “Suzanne” is Sue but he is still searching for her like a madman… This was a little too much… Then Sue’s cousins, who seemed very trivial to the story are always setting Sue and Holden up to meet. They send him a note and she also receives a note to meet in the library. He instantly knows it’s her, “Suzanne”, but it’s too dark to see. This scene really ruined the story for me because it was not believable. The other issue I had was Sue’s mother. She was so unkind and cruel that it bordered on abusive. She was so degrading to Sue it was sad and made me feel horrible for her. The mother just cares about a title and getting a very wealthy husband for her daughter Evangeline and really only directs her attention at Sue to criticize her. Finally, Holden has a lot of secrets. He is definitely not who he appears and it was difficult to figure out if the story was light and funny (like some of the light moments that Sue and Holden share) or if it was dark (some of the secrets that are discovered). As the story unravels there are many secrets that come to light that are serious and really life threatening. In my opinion, there was too much going on. But I did enjoy the story and I did think that Sue and Holden eventually made a good couple. I also really liked Lillian and Devon Grey, the Mad Duke of Thornwood their stories seem to intertwine with this one. I plan to read “Must Love Dukes (Tricks of the Ton #2) as I saw how Lillian and Grey have a great history and great chemistry.

Finally, after Sue and Holden confess their love and find their way to each other, many more layers to their relationship surface and I loved that Sue was able to stand up for herself and be treated like she deserved! Also, I really liked Evangeline and think there was more to her than was seen in this story. I’m hoping that the author will give her her own time to find true love and we can learn who she really is aside from who her mother is presenting her to be. As I mentioned, before this story really does have a lot of different elements to it and it keeps the reader engaged. There were many “surprises” I was not expecting.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Guest Post with Author Elizabeth Michels

Elizabeth Michels grew up on a Christmas tree farm in rural South Carolina. After tip-toeing her way through school with her focus on ballet steps and her nose in a book, she met a boy and followed him a thousand miles away from home to Kansas City, Missouri, before settling down in North Carolina. She attended Park University where she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in Interior Design. Elizabeth is a lover of happily-ever-afters; she invites you to read her stories, get lost, and enjoy. For more information, please visit

Find Elizabeth at:

Interview with Author Annie Seaton and Giveaway

Meet Annie Seaton, author of Hot Rock.

Annie Seaton lives on the beautiful east coast of Australia, where she loves sitting in her writing chair, gazing at the ocean and writing stories. She has always been fascinated by romance and has found her niche writing contemporary romance.

Her debut novel, Holiday Affair, a contemporary romance set in the South Pacific was released as part of Entangled Publishing’s Indulgence line in March. The sequel Italian Affair was published Spring 2013, followed quickly by Outback Affair,Dangerous Desire and Tangling with the CEO!

Blind Lust, is one of Annie's favorite novels. Despite the is a sweet romance about a witch and her difficult choice between two men.

Places to find Annie:

ARC Review: The Hazards of a One Night Stand by Alyssa Rose Ivy

The Hazards of a One Night Stand is the second book in the Hazards Series by Alyssa Rose Ivy. These books do not have to be read in order as they are standalones, I had no problems while reading this book even though I hadn't read the first one in the series. This is the second book that I have now read by Alyssa Rose Ivy, and I am really enjoying everything that I read by her. She is a great writer, the stories are entertaining and engaging, and the characters are likable and interesting. I really liked reading Colt and Mallory's story, and I can't wait to go back and read the first book in this series now. If you haven't read a book by Alyssa Rose Ivy and are a New Adult fan, you should definitely give her books a shot.

While home for the summer from college, Mallory ends up hooking up with her high school crush Colt. The only problem is that she is really good friends with him, he is younger than her, and he just so happens to be her ex-boyfriend's brother. Mallory is determined to get away from him as fast as possible and get back to just being friends from afar. She heads back to school early and lets her friends set her up with Tanner. But when Mallory and her friends go to a party at Tanner's frat, she finds out that Colt is attending college there and is pledging the same fraternity. Mallory goes on a few dates with Tanner and although she feels nothing for him she is reluctant to stop seeing him. But Colt is determined to prove to Mallory that they belong together and that she should give a relationship between them a chance. Once Mallory finally admits her feelings for Colt, they begin seeing each other. But can they make a relationship work when there are still a lot of obstacles in their way?

I liked Colt a lot. He was a really sweet guy, and he was always thinking about Mallory. He was always doing little things for her that she liked and he was always there for her when she needed him. It was also really great to see how determined he was. He knew that they got along great and that they had a connection, and he was so patient in trying to convince Mallory that they were perfect for each other. I loved that he never gave up or was a jerk to her. Mallory had her moments for me. I liked her personality and I liked her friendship with the girls and their boyfriends, but the constant push and pull with Colt drove me crazy. She was hot and cold with him, and I didn't understand why she kept trying to have something with Tanner when it was clear she felt nothing for him and liked Colt. I did like that once she finally admitted her feelings though, that she went with it. She didn't waver and she was committed to him even with the many obstacles that got thrown in their way. Colt and Mallory were a great couple, and I loved how they were with each other. I also thought that they had a ton of chemistry together.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable read. I will admit that there were a few characters in this story that I didn't like at all. I hated Mallory's dad and I really didn't like Tanner. I didn't like him from the start, and I guess that is why I just couldn't understand what Mallory was doing with him. But I loved the rest of the characters, and I really liked that they all hung out together. It's rare that a group of girls and their boyfriends all like each other and can do everything together without someone feeling left out or it feeling forced. This group just worked together, and I enjoyed all the times they were together as well as when it was just Colt and Mallory. I felt like with this book there were a few things that were brought up and dropped, and I would have liked for those things to have at least been acknowledged. Colt refers to a letter that he wrote to Mallory in a care package several times, and yet it is never read by Mallory or mentioned again later in the book. There was also something that her dad did in the past that really had an effect on Mallory's life that is brought up, but I felt like it was never really dealt with. I can't say what as I don't want to spoil anything, but I really thought that Mallory should have discussed it with others besides her dad. Not that it would change her life at that point, but it was a pretty big deal at least to me. I did like this story though, and I thought that Mallory and Colt were meant to be together. I was happy with how things ended up for them and I liked watching them fall for each other. Alyssa Rose Ivy has written a great set of characters with this series, and they are definitely worth the read. I look forward to reading more from her in the future.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: Amazon | B&N |

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

ARC Review: A Promise at Bluebell Hill by Emma Cane

I thought this was cute romance but really nothing spectacular… I thought that the plot sounded very interesting and exciting but, honestly, it fell a little shot. Although Monica Shaw was really a cute and fun heroine I thought she and Secret Service agent Travis Beaumont had very little chemistry. Also, there are many characters from the previous books in the series that show up and although it was pleasant to hear about them, since I didn’t know their stories I wasn’t overly invested. Monica is thirty years old, all her friends are married, getting married or having children. Monica feels like it’s time for her to settle down and find a significant other as well. When Travis is in town she is drawn to him and immediately her interest is piqued. Travis is on an important mission, he is usually when I start a romance novel I want to see how the couple works their way to understanding and loving each other, but I had to fight to keep interested.

The hero and heroine left a little to be desired. Part of the reason was Travis, as fitting his profession, is very flat. He is not very expressive and there is very little outward emotions to him. It was interesting that Monica found this aspect of his personality intriguing. Granted Travis has a big job ahead of him and he needs to focus. He is very dedicated to his job. Apparently so dedicated that it cost him his first marriage. The reminders of his heartache keep him from allowing himself to get to emotionally involved.

Overall, this was a cute romance. I like small town romances and this was definitely a small town romance. I think that fans of the Valentine Valley series will really like this book because there are a lot of stories about other characters that I assume made an appearance in other books. What I really liked was the creative plot behind the “romance”. The president (woman president at that) is going to be in town for her son’s wedding and Valentine Valley is about to have its world turned inside out as special agents take over their small town. Overall, not incredible but cute.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Interview with Author Jessica Scott and Giveaway

USA Today bestselling author Jessica Scott is a career army officer; mother of two daughters, three cats and three dogs; wife to a career NCO and wrangler of all things stuffed and fluffy. She is a terrible cook and even worse housekeeper, but she's a pretty good shot with her assigned weapon and someone liked some of the stuff she wrote. Somehow, her children are pretty well-adjusted and her husband still loves her, despite burned water and a messy house.

She's written for the New York Times At War Blog, PBS Point of View: Regarding War Blog, and Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. She deployed to Iraq in 2009 as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn and has served as a company commander at Fort Hood, Texas.

She's pursuing a PhD in Sociology in her spare time and most recently, she's been featured as one ofEsquire Magazine's Americans of the Year for 2012.

Places to find Jessica:

Feature and Giveaway: The Valentine Valley Series by Emma Cane

Welcome to Valentine Valley, where the cowboys have many talents and love is waiting around every corner . . .

Ever since a heated late-night kiss—that absolutely should not have happened—cowboy Josh Thalberg makes former Hollywood bad girl Whitney Winslow's pulse beat faster. But when she decides to use his gorgeous leatherwork in her new upscale lingerie shop, Leather & Lace, she's determined to keep their relationship strictly professional . . . even if she wants so much more.

Josh has never met a challenge he isn't up for. Which is probably why he allowed Whitney to persuade him to take the sexy publicity photo that went viral—and now has every woman in America knocking down his door . . . every woman except the one he can't get out of his head.

But how to convince a reformed bad girl that some rules are worth breaking?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Telling Tales by Charlotte Stein

Allie has held a brightly burning torch for Wade since college. They were part of a writing group together, and everything about those days with him and their friends Kitty and Cameron fills her with longing. When their former Professor leaves them his rambling mansion in his will, it's a chance for them to reunite. But there's more than friendship bubbling beneath the surface.

As secrets are revealed and relationships rekindled, the stories get dirtier and the stakes get higher. And now Allie's realized that she isn't quite sure who she wants…fun-loving Wade, or quiet, restrained Cameron. Neither have been honest about their feelings, and now they have the chance to act on all of the tales that ignite their most primal desires.

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | B&N |

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

ARC Review: Toxic by Rachel Van Dyken

I have been intrigued by Gabe since I read Ruin. I found him really interesting and I knew there was so much more to him. But I will honestly admit that I didn't have a clue! There was so much more to his story than I ever could have expected, and I really enjoyed reading his story. Just like with Ruin, Toxic was beautiful and heartbreaking and yet full of love and growth. These books really take your emotions and make you feel as though you have been run through the wringer. I can honestly say though that these books are some of the best that I have ever read and they are absolute must reads.

Gabe has been hiding from the world and keeping his identity a secret for the last four years. Even his best friend Wes doesn't know who he really is. He feels guilt and lives with darkness after he made a mistake that cost him the future that he dreamed of. When his past begins to close in on him, he turns to the only solace that he has known his music. Its in the practice rooms at the university that he meets Saylor. At first they get off on the wrong foot, but they are both drawn to each other and are extremely attracted to one another. Gabe knows that he is in no position to get involved with anyone, especially not someone as innocent as her. But the more that they run into each other, the more their disagreements turn into want and need. The passion and feelings between them grow, but there are many secrets that stand in their way. When the truth comes out, what will happen to the connection that they have? Do Gabe and Saylor have a future together, or was Gabe's future truly stolen from him four years ago?

I really liked Gabe. I thought that although he was hiding under a fake name and tried to make others believe that he was just a college student that he was truly himself the entire time. You could tell how passionate he was about music and you could also tell how much he cared about those that were close to him. I loved how dedicated he was to those that he cared about. Saylor was also really great. I will admit that I was not a fan of her name, but I loved her character. She was such a great person. She was feisty and supportive, kind and loving. She was truly a great person, and I cannot believe how far she went for Gabe because she loved him. Most people would never be even a fraction as selfless as she was, and it really just made me love her character even more. I thought that Saylor and Gabe had such an undeniable connection and they truly were exactly what the other needed. I loved how they were able to complete each other, and Saylor really helped Gabe to heal and move forward with his life. Gabe and Saylor had so much chemistry, and even though there weren't many steamy scenes you could really feel the intensity between them.

Overall, this story was absolutely beautiful. I thought that Rachel Van Dyken did an absolutely wonderful job of making these characters seem so real and believable. They were perfectly flawed and were so easy to relate to. I was immediately invested in this story and couldn't put it down. I loved every bit of it, even the parts that had me feeling absolutely devastated. This series is seriously amazing. There aren't enough words to describe all the feelings and emotions that these books invoke, and I really can't say enough times why everyone needs to read these books. This series is full of love and heartbreak, but also hope and growth. I highly recommend that you read these books if you haven't already. Rachel Van Dyken is quickly becoming another one of my favorite authors, and I absolutely cannot wait to read more from her in the future. I am anxiously awaiting the rest of this series, and can't wait to get more of these fabulous characters.

**ARC provided by Inkslinger PR**

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Four Years Later by Monica Murphy

New Adult bestselling author Monica Murphy winds up her sensational series with this sexy story of two college kids with nothing in common but a bunch of baggage and a burning attraction.

Over. That about sums up everything in my life. Suspended from my college football team and forced to cut back my hours at The District bar because of my crappy grades, I can’t keep turning to my sister, Fable, and her pro-football playing husband, Drew, to bail me out. I just can’t seem to find my own way. Weed and sex are irresistible temptations—and it’s messed up that I secretly hand over money to our junkie mom. A tutor is the last thing I want right now—until I get a look at her.

Chelsea is not my type at all. She’s smart and totally shy. I’m pretty sure she’s even a virgin. But when she gives me the once over with those piercing blue eyes, I’m really over. But in a different way. I won’t deny her ass is killer, but it’s her brain and the way she seems to crave love—like no one’s ever given her any—that make me want her more than any girl I’ve ever met. But what would someone as seemingly together as her ever see in a screwed up guy like me?

Purchase: | Amazon | B&N |

Feature and Giveaway: Toxic by Rachel Van Dyken

Everyone has a secret...

Gabe Hyde is on borrowed time. He's been hiding his identity for over four years-hidden from the world that used to adore him--obsess over him--driven to the edge of insanity by one poor choice.

But that one choice, altered the course of his life forever.

Pretending isn't all it's cracked up to be, especially when pretending means hiding your real self from the people that care about you the most. But if anyone ever discovered the truth it wouldn't just be his life at risk--but hers.

Saylor doesn't hate men.
Just Gabe.
Only Gabe.

He's a reckless, happy-go-lucky, silver spoon fed pain in her ass. Everything about him makes her more and more confused. Unfortunately they both donate time at the same Group Home. If she wasn't afraid of flunking, she'd be long gone. She hates that she's attracted to him almost as much as he hates that he's attracted to her--and she can tell, especially since their first encounter ended up making her knees so weak she couldn't form coherent sentences for weeks afterwards. But the closer she gets to him, the more confused she becomes. He isn't who he says he is, and he's hiding something big.

What happen when two worlds collide? Two worlds that never should have met in the first place? Some secrets are too big to be hidden forever--the only question? Will his destroy everyone he loves? Or finally bring about the redemption he's been craving for the past four years?

Everyone has a secret...What's yours?

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ARC Review: Reaper’s Vow by Sarah McCarty

Cole Cameron is searching for his abducted cousin Addy. As a child, she was kidnapped by Indians and Cole saved her. Now, Isaiah, a legendary Reaper, has her. On the trail he is attacked by a pack of wolves. Isaiah steps forward to save him and brings him to his camp and Addy. She’s been made a Reaper and is in love with Isaiah. Cole won’t accept this and wants her to go back home with him. She encourages him to stay and see she is happy. Miranda is assigned to him. He’s given her home and decides to stay for a while. Miranda has a daughter, Wendy. She’s an outspoken child and delights Cole. Clark, another Reaper, has put in a claim for Miranda, even though he already has a wife and child. Cole steps in and takes Miranda back to her home. He decides to marry her and take her back with him. She won’t leave her Reaper family, but must because Wendy is part human and she loves Cole. Clark puts Wendy in danger and Cole saves her, but almost loses his life. Miranda decides to strike a blow for women’s rights against the Reaper council and Clark. Literally. Family and duty are important to Miranda and Cole, but will love trump them both?

The best character is Wendy, Miranda’s daughter. She assesses every move and shares her opinion with everyone. Miranda has to leave to keep Wendy safe, but Wendy is ready to battle anyone. Other children make fun of her and she fights back. She misses her father and would like a new one. She decides Cole suits her and pushes her mother to see him. Wendy helps Miranda and Cole bridge their differences. She’s a true spitfire.

Cole has a cowboy vibe. He lives by his own code and doesn’t take no for an answer. He wants Miranda and won’t leave until she agrees to join him. She’s torn between the Reapers and her love for Cole. He does everything to persuade her, especially taking care of Wendy. Miranda proves her Reaper mettle and takes care of Clark once and for all. She gains the respect of the men and adoration of the women.

I enjoyed this story. It takes place in post-Civil War America. Cole is perfect as a loner who takes care of himself and his own. Wendy is an independent minded woman in the making and drags Miranda into the same mode.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

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