
Saturday, July 27, 2013

Weekly Winners

Since I was away at RWA last week, no winners were chosen. Here is a list of winners' from last week and this week.

No Strings Attached Poster from Nicolette Day

Italian Affair by Annie Seaton

Love at High Tide by Christi Barth

Box of Scotland Goodies from Susana Ellis

On Every Street + Sins and Needles by Karina Halle

The Rogue Steals a Bride by Amelia Grey

Still Into You by Roni Loren

Barrie Mac
Protector by Nancy Northcott

Paradise Valley

If the Shoe Fits by Megan Mulry

Kai Wong
Days of Rakes and Roses by Anna Campbell

All winners have been notified via email. Thank you to everyone that stopped by and entered. =)

ARC Review: Midnight Games by Elle Kennedy

MIDNIGHT GAMES is the third installment in Elle Kennedy’s superb Killer Instincts special operations romantic suspense series, and I’ve been eagerly awaiting its release since book #2 came out in February. This series, featuring a cadre of badass former Special Forces operators now working as soldiers-for-hire under the illustrious Jim Morgan and a coven of female assassins and undercover operators headed by the fearsome Noelle, is not for the faint of heart. It deals with hard-hitting topics (human trafficking crops up frequently) and boasts the truly heinous villains and violence/deaths that are such an integral part of spec ops romances, but if you like your romantic suspense gritty, super sexy (Elle also writes erotic romance), somewhat profane, and populated by alpha men and kickass heroines, it’s hard to do much better than these books.

Though MIDNIGHT GAMES could, in principle, be read and enjoyed as a standalone, it is definitely advisable to read the previous two books (MIDNIGHT RESCUE and MIDNIGHT ALIAS) first, as plot threads and characters from the other books play a prominent role. In fact, we first meet hero Trevor Callaghan in book #1, fresh off the murder of his fianceĆ© during a home invasion whilst he was off playing mercenary and completely mired in guilt, with no will to live. Despite only being a secondary character in the first two books, he experiences an incredible amount of growth and healing in those novels; when it’s time for his story in book #3, he’s ready for a second chance at love and willing to go to any lengths to get it. Having seen him at his lowest and knowing the guilt he’s borne for two years, his flaws make him come across as alpha without being excessively autocratic or overbearing (which tends to irk me). But, boy, is the alpha sexy—watching him lose his head over Isabel and go all caveman when another man touches her is ridiculously satisfying. Especially because he’s man enough to realise—and apologise—when he’s being an overprotective ass but can’t seem to help himself. Be still, my heart!

Heroine Isabel Roma is also first introduced in book #1 and plays important roles in both the first and second books of the series. A former Mafia princess and former FBI Special Agent working in the organized crime unit (hello friction with the Family!), Isabel is now a ‘chameleon’—an undercover specialist focusing on reconnaissance and intelligence gathering—in Noelle’s assassin outfit. Totally kickass but a bleeding heart deep inside, she bears the emotional scars of the Mafia upbringing, her imprisoned father’s disdain, and the guilt of every person she has been unable to help, including her mother and brother. She’s incredibly skilled at transforming herself into any one of her many personas and hiding her true self, whom she believes is unworthy of love—but it’s that flawed, vulnerable woman that Trevor wants. Watching a woman who is so self-assured in every other aspect of her life and who could probably kill you without breaking a sweat get flustered by Trevor’s candid pursuit and learn to open up and let him in is both sweet and satisfying. I was rooting for their HEA from the moment the two of them crossed paths in book #1, and though the timing was always off with one or the other, the connection between them is palpable throughout all the books. And when they both decide to stop fighting their attraction, the sexual chemistry is truly scorching.

MIDNIGHT GAMES is a fantastic addition to the series, and definitely recommended for all Killer Instincts fans that have been wanting to see Trevor & Isabel get together from the beginning. In addition to the great primary story, we get treated to more of that superbly written camaraderie between both the men on Morgan’s team (the bromance between Aussie playboy Sullivan Port and movie star handsome Liam Macgregor is hilarious) and the women in Noelle’s assassin team, and some more insight into the animosity between Morgan and Noelle. I cannot wait to see how that develops (my guess is theirs will be the final book in the series), and what is in store for the next book. 2014 feels entirely too far away!

Romantic suspense fans who’ve enjoyed Christy Reece’s Last Chance Rescue series or Cindy Gerard’s Black Ops, Inc. series should definitely give Elle Kennedy’s books a try.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Forgotten Sins by Rebecca Zanetti

His Secrets Can Destroy Her

From the moment Josie laid eyes on sexy, mysterious Shane Dean, she was in love. Their desire ignited a passionate affair, and within weeks, Shane had slipped a ring on her finger. It seemed her every fantasy was coming true . . . until her new husband disappeared without a trace. Now, two years and one broken heart later, Josie is shocked by the hospital calls: Shane has been found . . . at a crime scene with no memory of how he got there.

Her Love Can Save Him

Shane can't remember the blue-eyed angel at his bedside—or who he even is—but he knows something isn't right. His hearing is razor sharp, his physical strength incredible, and the urge to protect Josie overwhelming. For powerful enemies are hunting him, and Josie is the key to discovering why. As Shane struggles to unravel his past, dangerous new truths come to light. Can he protect the only woman he's ever loved? And can Josie trust a man she thought she knew—one who carries such a deadly secret?

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author M.S. Brannon

Please please welcome author M.S. Brannon to RFTC. M.S. is celebrating the release of her book, Scarred Love and has stopped by to chat.

M.S. Brannon was born and raised in the Midwest. She still resides there today with her wonderful husband and son. When she is not writing or reading, M.S. Brannon spends time with her family, watching movies, and discovering new music. She writes romance because she believes love and heartache is the rawest emotion one can experience.

Places to find MS:
| Site | Facebook | Twitter

Friday, July 26, 2013

ARC Review: A Cursed Embrace by Cecy Robson

A Cursed Embrace was not a read for the faint of heart. It’s been a while since an author was able to pull me in and wrap me around the hearts of the main characters. I experienced both the highs and lows as Celia and Aric faced off against their feelings for each other, demon attacks, and various other obstacles thrown at them. I always try my best to avoid spoilers, so I’ll just warn you that if you are like me and get emotionally invested in well written’s going to be a rollercoaster.

Picking up just a few days after the previous novel, Sealed with a Curse, the Wird sisters are spending time with each other, their love interests, and trying to get back to their not so ordinary...ordinary life. After almost losing their lives fighting to help the Vampire Master Misha save his Family a brief respite is all they’re looking for. Well, except for Taran and Celia who’s Wolves of interest are leaving them in sour moods complete with stretched nerves and in Celia’s case...itchy claws. No word from Aric, Pack Alpha and Celia’s love interest, was truly eating her up and had her questioning whether there’d been anything there at all. Though the stint of silence ends ubruptly as a rather shady were-raccon ends up dead on the Sisters’ front porch.

We find that this occurrence has been linked to several murders in which Aric and his Pack were investigating. The Wolves being severely protective over the sisters decide that it is time for them to stick close and make sure those they care for are kept safe. Though, it isn’t just the Wolves who’ve decided it their responsibility to take care of the girls...but Misha and the local Vampire Family stand more than ready to take things into their own hands if the situation grows to require it. At this point in the story it became clear that there is a slight love triangle between Aric, Celia, and Misha. As far as triangles go however this one doesn’t stay staring you in the face through the entire book.

From this moment on the book picks up pace as danger and demons lash out at the gifted gals working to capture, use and abuse them for nefarious plans to wreak havoc on the world at large. With both Family and Pack at their sides they face each obstacle with strength, courage, and concern for their family and friends. I read this book in one sitting and though the ending left me with little closure, it surely had me itching to get my hands on the next installment. Also, I’m looking forward to reading the first book so that I can learn how this series began, how the characters I’ve grown to care for came together, and basically just have the opportunity to spend a little more time in the world Robson created.

If you are a fan of Urban Fantasy loaded with action, alpha males and kick butt females, and enough emotional turmoil for any romance junkie to sink their teeth into I suggest you pick up this title.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Scent of Salvation by Annie Nicholas

Love blooms across species, culture, and time.

Chronicles of Eorthe, Book 1

Stranded in another dimension, on a primitive version of Earth, Dr. Susan Barlow needs to find a way to survive. There's no electricity, no cities, and to her shock, no humans. Instead, she faces a population of werewolves, vampires and incubi. The people are vicious but she must find her place among them. And live.

An illness is killing Sorin's pack. As alpha it's his responsibility to save them, but it's a battle this warrior doesn't know how to fight. Then a blue light in the sky brings a creature he's never seen. She calls herself human, but to him she smells like hope.

Sorin offers Susan a safe haven in return for a cure, but she's not that kind of a doctor. She's a doctor of physics, not a physician. Yet as they search for a cure to save a dying people, they find something special—each other.

But even with Sorin's protection, Susan can't help but wonder how long she can survive in a world without humans…

Warning: Feral shifters, power-hungry vampires, and a sole human female suffering culture shock.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: The Summer of No Regrets by Katherine Grace Bond

This was the summer that would change my life.

No more being what everyone expected. No more doing what everyone else wanted.

So when Luke came into my life, I decided to keep him a secret. Maybe he as a dead-ringer for notorious Hollywood bad boy Trent Yves. And it was possible that everything he told me was a lie. And yes, I was probably asking for trouble. But all I saw was Luke--sweet, funny, caring--someone who would let me be the real me.

But which was the real him?player upon his return to school, she thinks it's the perfect opportunity for Mira to get to know him better - but sparks fly - in more ways than one...

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble |

Guest Post with Author Maureen O. Betita

Please give a warm welcome to Maureen O. Betita. Maureen is here to chat about her book, Lorelei's Song.

Who is Maureen O. Betita? That mysterious author, who roams the cyber seas, dashing from one adventure to another? Well, she’s a woman who lives along the California coast with her husband, dog, cat and a yard that has reverted to a jungle. Because she spends all her time writing. Well known to those who haunt Facebook – where she is known as Maureen O. Betita Author. Here you will find many lovely seaside pictures and cats. And her dog. And portraits of her many books, her many costumes and adventures.

Places to find Maureen:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Thursday, July 25, 2013

ARC Review: Archer by Debra Kayn

I really thought that I was going to love this book. The cover is super hot and the blurb sounded amazing. Plus, I am a huge fan of the best friend's little sister to lover trope! But unfortunately this book was not everything that I was expecting and there were parts that just didn't work for me. I didn't hate it, but I didn't love it either. For me this one was ok, but not a keeper.

Jane has always had a thing for her brother Garrett's friend Kage. When she was 17, she tried to kiss him but was rejected because he was 21. Only she doesn't know that their age difference was the only reason Kage turned her away. Years later she is living away from Garrett and his friends and she has found herself in a bad situation. Scott, the guy she met and thought she fell in love with in college, has turned out to be a drug dealer that abuses her constantly. She plots her escape and returns home. But Scott isn't about to let her just leave him, taking with her a lot of his money and the knowledge of his illegal business dealings. As Garrett and Kage, along with their friends try to protect Jane and ensure that Scott can never come after her again, the feelings and attraction between Kage and Jane begin to resurface, and this time neither one of them can fight it.

I liked Kage. I really respected the fact that he wanted to be a better man for Jane. Choosing a life that didn't follow his family and avoiding a life of crime while trying to be a better man. I loved how protective he was of Jane and how he was willing to sacrifice himself for her and the love he had always felt for her. Jane I had some problems with. One minute I liked and admired her and the next minute I found her to be annoying and extremely immature. I liked that she wanted to protect the guys and not get anyone hurt because of Scott, but some of the things she did were really stupid and I just couldn't get past some of them. I wanted to like her more but just wasn't able to.

I really felt like Jane and her actions were a huge part of what I didn't like about this book. I also felt like the resolution of the Scott situation could have used a little more detail. For him being such a huge threat and being so bad at the start, the way he was taken care of really seemed almost like a let down for me. It was over extremely quickly. I also didn't really understand why Jane's cat Bluff was constantly brought up or all of a sudden a huge part of a scene. It seemed as if the author would just randomly insert the cat into situations that honestly didn't make any sense. There were times that it as understandable and even added to the story and how Scott would use anything to get to Jane, but for the most part I just didn't get the fascination with the pet.

Overall this book was alright. It wasn't unforgettable by any means, but it was for the most part enjoyable. I am interested to see where Kayn takes the rest of the series and the characters. I will probably give the next book a shot to see what she does and then decide if I will continue the series after that. I think there is a lot of promise for the future of this series, and the premise for the next book Weston sounds very interesting. Weston is Tony's story, and even though I was hoping for Garrett's story next, I am interested to see more of Tony as well. If you like suspense with your romance, this might be one you would enjoy.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Susannah Scott and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to Susannah Scott. Susannah is celebrating the release of her book, Luck of the Dragon and has stopped by to chat.

SUSANNAH SCOTT lives in the Missouri Ozarks and is the lone female in a very loud household of males ranging in age from 4 to 40. While she jokes that the extreme levels of testosterone inspired her to write romance, it is really the love of creating an excellent story, and the occasional dreams of twenty-foot dragons, that wake her and send her to the laptop before the chaos of daily life ensues. Susannah loves to hear from her readers.

Places to find Susannah:
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Feature and Giveaway: Spin by Bella Love

Jane MacInnee doesn't get spun up much. Only three times in her life, and two of those involved Finn Dante, the youngest of the dangerous Dante boys who roamed the backwoods town where her family reigned supreme at the top of their swampy social pile.

But eleven years ago she broke free and started an event planner business. Now she's aimed at the stratosphere with her newest, richest client. Nothing's going to stop her from succeeding.

All she has to do is what she's best at: fake it till she makes it. Relentless determination, white-knuckled control and a perky smile. No one wants anything else from her.

Except Finn.

When their paths cross again, eleven years after their river-side, body-firing kiss, Jane is about to lose the white-knuckled control that's got her so far from the backwoods she's spent her life running from.

Finn knows he doesn't need to chase her down. He just needs to show her what she's made of. Unwind her, slow and hot. And never let up, not even when she begs him.

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

ARC Review: Dancing with Detective Danger by Lynn Crandall

I’ve been on a big dark romantic suspense reading binge lately, so I was looking forward to reading some RS-lite: a couple of guns, a pinch of danger, and a hot cop, but nary a serial killer or a whiff of human trafficking. Crimson Romance author Lynn Crandall’s debut, DANCING WITH DETECTIVE DANGER, seemed to fit the bill: a reunion romance with a touch of mystery and the inherent angst and drama of second-chance stories. While I had issues with the heroine and her motivations, it was an enjoyable enough, quick read written in an easy-to-read style that was a nice change of pace from my recent darker reads.

Heroine Sterling Aegar is a former police officer that left the force and the love of her life, Detective Ben Kirby, after the deaths of her father and brother-in-law in the line of duty for a “safer” life as a private investigator. As cops, she and Ben relished the adrenaline rush of living on the edge… but having grown up witnessing her mother’s grief as a cop’s widow and seeing the devastation of losing a husband on her sister’s life, Sterling decides she’s not willing to risk her heart like that and leaves Ben and the police department behind. That conviction that loving Ben will inevitably lead to heartbreak WHEN (not if) he dies in the line of duty and her refusal to risk it even though she is clearly still in love with him is an integral part of Sterling’s character and the source of the majority of the emotional conflict in the novel. Personally, that unwavering conviction and the way she turns off her emotions whenever Ben gets close made me unable to really connect with—or like—Sterling as a character, and I repeatedly found myself wanting to shake some sense into her. Especially since Ben is such a delightful hero, if perhaps a bit condescending about PIs not being ‘real’ investigators. In the two years since the breakup, Ben has curbed his reckless undercover cop ways and carries the guilt of his partner’s career-ending injury, which gives him his share of angst. He’s still desperately in love with Sterling and is willing to lay it all on the line and do anything to get her back, which made for an interesting dynamic since I didn’t think she was really worth the trouble! From the moment the two of them lay eyes on each other after two years when Sterling discovers a dead body on an infidelity case, the chemistry between them sizzles and makes for some delightfully passionate encounters.

The fast-moving (if at times overly ambitious) plot boasts plenty of action and twists written in a tight, approachable style that will keep you turning the pages to uncover the mystery and watch the villains get their comeuppance. The tragedy of Sterling’s sister Lacey’s loss of her cop husband Nick adds another layer of emotion and complexity and results in feel-good ‘love conquers all’ vibes that are a great counterpoint to Sterling’s fears, but I personally could have done without the Patrick Swayze & Demi Moore in ‘Ghost’ aspect of it, which I found detracted from the poignancy.

Overall, DANCING WITH DETECTIVE DANGER has all the elements of a good light romantic suspense story: an interesting mystery with plenty of twists, the right length to balance sufficient story and character development with a quick pace that allows it to be read in one sitting, a loveable hero, and enough heat to keep things interesting. My inability to truly connect with the heroine detracted from my enjoyment of the novel, but Lynn Crandall is an author I will be keeping my eye on.

**ARC provided by Tasty Book Tours**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Elise Sax and Giveaway

Please welcome author Elise Sax to RFTC. With the upcoming release of her book, Matchpoint, Elise has stopped by to chat.

Elise Sax worked as a journalist for fifteen years, mostly in Paris, France. She took a detour from journalism and became a private investigator before trying her hand at writing fiction. She lives in Southern California with her two sons. An Affair to Dismember, the first in the Matchmaker mystery series, is her first novel.

Places to find Elise:
| Site | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Feature and Giveaway: Dancing with Detective Danger by Lynn Crandall

Uncovering secrets and exposing truth are all in a day’s work for private investigator Sterling Aegar. But when her latest case threatens to reveal her own buried feelings for an old love, Sterling runs for cover.

A body in the bathtub and pleas from a jilted wife to find her wayward husband mean a welcome break from the usual humdrum cases Sterling and her sister, Lacey, are called to investigate. But when Sterling’s old flame, Detective Ben Kirby, walks into the murder scene, she feels her world spin out of control. Danger from thugs and murderers poses no greater threat than the peril she’d suffer if she lets daredevil Ben get too close.

Seeing Sterling for the first time in two years is for Ben like drinking in a healing tonic. He could never forget the way it felt to run his hands over her delicious curves or the way she touched his soul. She remains the one person who can make the emptiness in his gut go away. Finding the murderer is his job, but protecting Sterling from seriously dangerous people is his mission.

As the case unfolds, Sterling and Ben not only solve the murder and locate the missing husband, they confront secrets that set them each free from a painful past.

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | iTunes |

Feature and Giveaway: Archer by Debra Kayn

She's on the run . . .

Jane Beaumont currently has in her possession: a cat, a hundred grand in cash, and a pistol. She's on her way home to Bay City, Oregon-and away from the nightmare of her violent ex-boyfriend. She'll lay low at Beaumont Body Shop, a car detailer that runs a private investigation agency in the back. The only wrench in her plan is Kage Archer: sexy, strong, and intent on protecting Jane at all costs. She's wanted Kage forever, but putting him in harm's way is not a risk she's willing to take.

He's not going anywhere

Kage is no stranger to the dark side of life, but he's always walked on the right side of the law. Yet when Jane expressed her interest in him years ago, he pushed her away for her own good. Now, after learning of all she's endured, Kage can't leave her side-or hide his need for her. When a frightening situation turns dire, can Kage convince Jane that the safest place to be is in his arms?

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble |

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

ARC Review: Guardian by Nancy Northcott

I was drawn into this story from page one. Our heroine, FBI agent Mel Wray looking over the crime scene where the victim had been one of her close friends. I’ve always been a fan of crime scene investigation shows and Northcott’s writing clearly displayed Mel’s character as the strong, independent, and courageous woman many of us love to read about as well as infused her character with roiling emotions and insecurities that most of us can easily connect with. While feeling the pain of Mel’s loss you can instantly recognize the telltale signs of a woman who will stop at nothing to do her job and take care of herself and her own.

Faced with the guilt of allowing her job to make her late to visit her friend, only to find upon arrival that she had been brutally murdered, Mel settles into the small town of Wayfarer outside the Okefenokee swamp. The local authorities agree to allow her to work the case with them as they are grasping at straws and feel that any help is better than nothing at all. What Mel wasn’t expecting however was that their on-call consultant happened to be Stefan Harper. Her college boyfriend and once upon a time love of her life. They’d parted ways with her suspecting him of being unfaithful, hiding a sizeable portion of his life from her, and they’d never spoken again. Just upon hearing his voice for the first time in years sent both her mind and body into overdrive, digging up deeply buried wounds and insecurities.

Dr. Stefan Harper is a Mage, a renowned healer and researcher working for the Southeastern Shire of the Mage society, and a consultant to the local police department. Living a double life as the Mage community keeps strict laws enforcing the keeping of secrets about their kind. Fighting against demons and ghouls to protect not only the human populace but the world in general being a full time job tends to take it’s toll, but it’s a calling that Stefan and those of his kind must answer. Generally carrying pride for his duties only cost him once in his mind, when he had to keep from telling the woman he loved what he was from fear of her possible lack of acceptance. Leaving her and his heart crushed all those years ago. Then, after being called in on a seemingly ghoul-related murder he finds himself face to face with the woman who’d never let go of his heart.

Mel and Stefan’s story comes together in a highly enjoyable cocktail of action, emotional turmoil, self growth, romance, and a love both find themselves willing to fight for. There is just the right amount of romantic tension threaded throughout their journey and this makes the case of argument that something you truly desire is worth fighting for. The action scenes were well written and both the crime fighting realism and magical supplements blended well giving you the opportunity to see it play out clearly in your mind. The supporting characters were a wonderful addition as they helped to aid Mel and Stefan in their development and growth throughout, as well as helped to fully flesh out the entire story.

This was the second full length novel in Northcott’s Protector’s series, third general installment. Book one being Renegade, followed by the novella Protector. Both of which I plan on purchasing so that I can read more about this world of danger, myth, and magic. If you are a fan of PNR and looking for a title that gives you the entire package I suggest you check this one out.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Feature and Giveaway: Meet Me at the Cupcake Cafe by Jenny Colgan

Baking is in Issy Randall’s blood. Growing up above her grandfather’s bakery taught Issy that a delicious pastry could make any day better. So when she’s laid off from her desk job—by the man she thought was her boyfriend, no less—Issy knows now is the time to start her own little cafĆ©.

Armed with her grandfather’s tried and true recipes, as well as her own new dishes, Issy’s new dream job should be a piece-of-cake, right? But managing a cafĆ©, delivering products on time and trying to have a new love life aren’t exactly going as Issy planned. And when her ex comes back into the picture, perhaps with his own motives, Issy’s search for the perfect pastry and a groundbreaking idea to save her cafĆ© are much more than she bargained for…

Purchase: | Amazon | Kindle | Barnes & Noble | The Book Depository |

Guest Post with Author Jennifer Seasons

Please give a warm welcome to author Jennifer Seasons who has stopped by to chat about her newest release, Playing the Field.

Jennifer Seasons is a Colorado transplant. She lives with her husband and four children along the Front Range, where she enjoys breathtaking views of the mighty Rocky Mountains every day. A dog and two cats keep them company. When she's not writing, she loves spending time with her family outdoors, exploring her beautiful adopted home state.

Places to find Jennifer:

Monday, July 22, 2013

ARC Review: The Secret of Mia Danvers by Robyn DeHart

I recently read an article that said many new authors think the important thing is to write beautiful, lyrical prose. But, according to the article, what really makes a book work for the readers is not the beautiful writing, but the story. I have to agree. Of course, we would all want both, but a good story can trump good writing in most cases. What Robyn DeHart creates in The Secrets of Mia Danvers is a really good story. The writing was fine, certainly adequate, but what pulled me in was the intriguing story. The book is the first in her new Dangerous Liaisons series. Be warned - you will need to read the entire series before the overarching mystery is solved. This book is both a great setup for the ones to follow and an excellent story in itself.

Strangely, I don't read murder mysteries, but I do like true crime books. This has a little of both. The story opens in 1880 as Mia Danvers, blind since an accident, “witnesses” a girl being murdered by none other than Jack the Ripper. Mia has been abandoned by her mother and sisters after the accident and left to live with a companion in a cottage on the London estate of Alex Foster, Eighth Duke of Carrington. When Mia visits the duke to tell her story he becomes embroiled in the mystery as well as his younger brother. More murders follow as Mia and Alex discover a growing attraction for each other. One problem - Alex on the verge of marrying the girl his family intends.

This is a lot of action and intrigue in The Secrets of Mia Danvers. DeHart took on a big job in including an authentic historical character, but she does an admirable job. An interesting cast of secondary characters add depth to the story. As I mentioned earlier only part of the mystery is solved in this book. DeHart is holding her cards close to the vest, revealing just enough information to build the suspense. Readers will definitely want to grab the rest of this series when it is published. I enjoyed this late Victorian murder/romance very much and will be waiting anxiously for the next book in the series.

**ARC provided by Publisher**

Purchase: | Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes |

Guest Post with Author Jillian Stone and Giveaway

Please give a warm welcome to the super awesome Jillian Stone. Jillian is celebrating the release of her newest book, The Miss Education of Dr. Exeter a and has stopped by along with Dr. Exeter to answer a few questions.

Jillian's first book in The Gentlemen of Scotland Yard series, An Affair with Mr. Kennedy, won the 2010 Golden Heart for Romantic Suspense. The latest novel, fourth in the series for Pocket Books is A Private Duel with Agent Gunn. Next release in series: Kiss Me Senseless, Detective Rhys, Fall 2013.

Places to find Jillian:

Interview with Author Susan Hatler and Giveaway

Please give a big welcome to author Susan Hatler. Susan is celebrating the release of her newest book, Save the Date and has stopped by to answer a few questions.

Susan Hatler is an international bestselling author who writes humorous and emotional contemporary romance and young adult novels. A natural optimist, she believes life is amazing, people are fascinating, and imagination is endless. She loves spending time with her characters and hopes you do, too.

Places to find Susan:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

ARC Review: The Coincidence of Callie & Kayden by Jessica Sorensen

I'm not even sure if I can put into words how much I truly loved this book. From start to finish I loved this books and I found it so hard to put down. It was able to grab and pull me in from the first page. Let me say that this wasn't an easy book to read. It deals with some pretty horrific stuff but I love that Callie and Kayden are able to come together to heal from their wounds and the pain and suffering of their past.

Callie and Kayden have known each other for years or rather they know of each other. Callie is a loner and sticks to herself (with good reason), while Kayden is the star quarterback and knows everyone. Neither is what you would call friends with the other but when Callie comes across Kayden being attacked and tries to stop it it opens Kaydens' eyes. Kayden has always just dealt with his pain and suffering in silence but when Callie steps in to save him it awakens something in him. But before he can thank her Callie runs off.

Callie has spent the last six years in hell. After an attack on her twelfth birthday she has closed herself off from everything and everyone. Now away at college, Callie is slowly learning to open up  with others. When she encounters Kayden on campus the two begin a rocky friendship. It's not easy but slowly but surely Callie is beginning to let Kayden in.

Eventually the two are able to let some of their walls down and let the other in and together they try to heal from the wounds of their past. It's not an easy path for either of them and it's full of more stops than goes but eventually they do let the other in. Both begin to trust the other and they realize that there is more brewing between them than a friendship.

What I like is that their relationship isn't rushed and they don't immediately jumped into something with the other. Both try to fight off their feelings and yet the more they fight the attraction the more they realize that they need the other. Don't get me wrong, their story definitely isn't over and the book does end pretty abruptly. You are left wanting more and if you are like me, anxious to see how the author is going to tie up their story in the next book.

Believe me, this isn't a fluff read and at times you might find it hard to continue but believe me it is so worth it. I can't wait to read more from this author and see the conclusion of Callie and Kayden's story.

**ARC provided by NetGalley**

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Feature and Giveaway: Trust Me by Anna Wells

Lawyer Alaina Simmons never imagined that she would be defending her deceased father against accusations of terrorism when she agreed to protect his legacy, a group of documents he’d placed in an archival repository. FBI Lawyer Donovan Prentice insists that her father and the organization he worked for were terrorists and that crucial evidence is in the documents Alaina has sworn to protect. Now she is forced to combat the FBI and her compelling attraction to Donovan Prentice while unaware that she is also Donovan’s suspect.

Special Agent Donovan Prentice is working undercover posing as a lawyer in an attempt to gain access to the evidence he needs to convict a group of terrorists as well as determine if Alaina Simmons is working with them. Things become complicated as Donovan becomes more intent on getting his suspect in bed than putting her in jail.

When the bullets start to fly and the lies begin to unravel Alaina and Donovan begin to explore their intensely sexual relationship, but the couple will have to learn to trust each other both in and out of bed before the terrorists’ game of intrigue can end.

Warning: This book contains steamy sex scenes and amusing banter.

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